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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009
    Beverly - It started in the middle of April. I was midway through rads. I told both radiologists about it, but they had never heard of it. That's the problem... no one has. Guess I will schedule an appt with a neurologist, even though my PCD told me to cancel the one I had. I just want to see someone who will look at me and understand! Frown
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    So it didn't start until weeks after chemo. That would make me think it wasn't the chemo. Mine was certainly going on during and after chemo.

    Hang in there Jules. 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    Hugs Juli.......

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    Thanks, Genia.

    I saw my pulmonologist today. He said my lungs sound perfect, but had no clue about the stinging. His guess was that it is neuropathy related to the chemo, and a neurologist rather than a dermatologist might know. I will make an appt tomorrow.

    hugs Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2009

    {{{{{{hugs Juli}}}}}}...I have to make another neuro appt...numb toe and fingertips remain 3 months after last Taxol...My Onc had her baby...a boy...and is back in the office...after one month. 

    bvack later 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    I figured out my mistake by trial and error.  They weren't even with it the way I thought it went, so I changed it and they looked more even.  I had to throw away another 11 shirts (well to donate, anyway).  I went to Wal-Mart and picked up my new bi-focals tonight (thank you, chemo).  I found a couple high-necked, wide strapped tank tops and a couple button-up shirts to wear.  I guess life is all about change now. 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    Jane....what shape is your foobie?

    Mine is kinda shaped like a tri-angle.  It has a nipple in the funky looking!

    Hugs Miss Mina!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    jane- the double shirt thing is what i go with most often. It's just a matter of finding ones that don't have heavy darts. Hang in there they are out there SOMEWHERE

    Juli- hang in there hon and tell that neuro all of us are gonna come GET HIM/HER if they don't help you figure it out...

    HUGS to you MINA!!!

    gotta go run to bed babies are quiet and i am going to take advantage of it.

    Night ladies.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2009

    Hi Ladies!!!

    Sorry to have missed so daughter was here for two weeks from Tennessee. I never touched my computer the whole time.  We drove to Sacramento to pick her up (2.5 hrs) did tons of yard work for a week, had a great party the weekend after memorial day, then drove to the coast (3.5 hrs) then back to Sacramento to drop her off and again the next week for a dr appt.  In between all this,I am back to my full work schedule!!!!  Just typing all this makes me tired!!  I finally feel rested after two really crazy weeks. 

    My hair is growing so fast....even in places I would rather it not !!  LOL!!!  I sure wish I could get rid of this feels so creepy!!  I have 5 people around me with cancer....all have cases that can't be treated.....sooooo sad.  I went to the Relay for Life and did the survivor lap, with both my girls cheering me on.  I cried soooo hard !!!  It's a new stage, to be a survivor !! It was crazy to see all the people who have won this fight.  It really made me feel stronger.  Happy Monday to all


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Well done Trude, you are a star, how fantastic it must have been and how touching.

    Juli, hope you next dr appoint goes well, there is an answer to this stinging.

    Have a good day girls. Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Jules, I second Chris, Don't give up! You will find the answer to this stinging. It sounds to me like the neuropathy I had during chemo. When I'd stop the L-glutamin, I'd get the pinchy/bee stings on fingers, hands arms. (Never on feet!)

    Trude, I know! Hair on head out of control (on another thread, someone said "Mop" and that about sums it up!) and plucking facial hair again like mad! Can't complain though. Rather be plucking and have to shave legs, etc., and have hair! 


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Jules, this was mentioned on another thread, used to treat neuropathy in diabetics. Some ladies on these boards are taking it... 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    My foob is triangle shaped, too.  It is supposed to go into the bra pointy side up, but for some reason I thought the pointy side was supposed to go towards my underarm.  Looks much better pointy side up.  I had to toss another top this morning. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Miss Jane, like your new pic! whichever way the point faces! LOL....

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    I am taking the no news is good news approach to my tests last week. They told me the info on the tumor markers would be back by late Monday. i am assuming ( i know!) that since i have not heard anything tha all is well.

    We got pics back today from the church directory we took during my chemo...can we say OMG i din't realize how totally crappy i looked. the olny thing hose pics are good for is birdcage liners...The pics of the girls ar good but NOBODY will be getting the others.

    our server came in today at work and they are seting it up. i will be glad when we are back up to speed.

    i popped in for a tad on the chat rooms but feel kind of out of place...i noticed noone is ever in the staying connected room...maybe we could all meet there sometime...let me know what ya'll think.could be a blast if we all set up a time ahead of time to "meet up" for a little while.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    Tomorrow is "test day."  I am having a thyroid ultrasound, echocardiogram, pulmonary function test and dexa. That about shoots the day for me!  DD and I went to a cancer survivor event tonight.  We sat with this great older couple.  The woman had a great attitude.  We had a great time. 

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2009

     Hi everyone, Now I'm starting to feel pain in my  R boob and it's getting really dark the radiation is working. 

    Jane, Good luck today!

    luv y'all...


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    Jane.....good luck with all your tests sweetie.  I'm sure you are gone by now.....but I hope it all comes back great!!!

    Mina....keep your creams and lotions on there.  I've found that a cold washcloth just draped on my chest makes it feel HEAVENLY!!!!!

    hugs and love

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Julie, I thought of you as there was this story on the news about a Mom who kept searching (internet) for why her child had neuro-muscular issues (he was in wheelchair). She found out what it was and the kid is now walking! Don't give up. Thinking of you!

    Jane, report back on your tests! Hope all goes well.

    Hang in there Genia and Mina! Genia, still healing up ok? It will get better and better in the non-zapped area. 

    A lady at church who was dx'd with BC yrs ago found out she has a reoccurance. I have not heard if it's local or distant. . I am praying for her. Jackie is her name. I hear she is quite low. Pls lift her up if you are the praying type. 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    Thanks Beverly and Mina - I have an appt with a neurologist on the 26th...the earliest they could get me in. But if they get a cancellation, they will move me up.

    I have a mammo on the non-BC side tomorrow. I think I have a cyst cause something hurts, so hopefully it's nothing.

    Gentle hugs to Genia and Menia. Good luck Jane. Lisa, any tumor makers yet? I just got mine, but don't know what to compare them to.

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Jules, typically they compare tumor markers to previous in the same person. Looking for something unusual, like a spike.

    Mine went up after chemo was over, as the tumor was breaking down, and hence bits of junk floating around in my blood. Blech! Anyway. 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    Went for my tests and was surprised that the techs actually gave me a little info.  Thyroid US showed my thyroid looked like swiss cheese, but he didn't see any nodules.  Dexa shows that the osteopenia I had in my hips is better than it was, but now I have osteopenia in my back.  I didn't do very good on my pulmonary function test, but the tech said it may be only temporary due to inflammation caused by the radiation.  The guy who did the echocardiogram didn't have much to say.  He said the cardiologist would read it and send the report to my doctor.

    The worst part of the whole thing was giving my history to each tech.  As soon as I told them my cancer was stage 3, they would give me this look of pity.  A couple of them even went to far as to say how great it was that  there are tests that can detect this early. (Yeah, but you have to have them, right?)  Oh, well...

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    no news yet on the tumor markers. I am still assuming no news is good news but i guess i could call and ask. I know how the gyno works- they send you out a letter telling you things are normal and call you if there is a problem. If my onco did tumor markers before i didn't know it. I guess he did while i was going through chemo...

    have a great evening.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2009

    Genia, I would never have thought of that remedy...I wuv you...cold cloth going on this afternoon when I return.

    Jane, Glad you got some information but I'm sorry so many people don't know to keep some of their opinions and facial expressions to themselves. I met a tourist a while back who looked totally freaked out and opened her mouth as if she wanted to scream when she saw me fanning my bald head. I knew she was a tourist because no one here pays me the slightest bit of attention. arrrgh. She stared at me for over a minute so I pointed to my head and said "Chemo head" :lol:lol:lol then she looked away.

    bettysgirl,  sorry about the no news about markers...I didn't get an announcement just a your markers are down in the middle of our treatment talk.  I did ask about my ray measurements...not that I know what they mean... and was told I get 185 of I forget what. 

    Juli, good luck with you Neurologist:) and I pray that your non tumor breast is not a problem.

    {{{{{to you}}}}}.

     I will ask God  to help Jackie, to  lift her spirits. How is Callie and our 10 year old Hallie?

    I went to October 08 thread...I had such a sketchy chemo history I tried to post there but eventually decided to stick with my original start date and I'm glad I did. The October thread  hasn't been posted  since March I think...Thank God I made a good decision....I say all that to say Thank God you're here.  I have 8 more ray days. YEAH!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Betty's I didn't get my turmor markers until I asked. I'd ask.

    Mina and Jane, sorry about the looks. Screw them! You go on fighting girls! We love you, bald and all! You know it!  Glad you joined us Miss Mina! I started my chemo in Aug, but didn't see a thread for Aug, so God must have wanted me in with you Sept chemo ladies. :)

    I have appts in July to see my Primary Care Dr, ONC, and Rads Onc. I am going to put together a power point of all the things I am doing differently, to make sure nothing is contra-indicated medically. I have changed so many things. I feel good though, I think it is all the exercise. It helps with sleep too! 

    Love love love, Spring.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    I'm glad you are all on the September thread with me, too.  I think we are a pretty close group.

    I got a statement from the hospital I had my rads at - $40,532.55 - can you believe it?  I owe a $30 co-pay.  I am SO glad I have insurance.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    I'm glad to be here in this group too.  I'm in the May rads group....but this is my home.  You ALL are so very special to me.

    Wow Jane.....I figure we are all well worth a half million by now!!!  lol........wish I had it in cash instead of cancer treatments.   What I mean is..........wish we had NEVER had to have cancer in the first place.  Then again........I wouldn't have met all of you.....and you have blessed my life so much!!!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2009

    I'm here! I'm here!....

    I miss you girls...I'm so glad that I'm back to work, but I miss all of the posting that we've done while everyone was in active treatment at the same time! 

    I wasn't able to do the interview for the womens imaging center because I had to make a trip to the ER. I had had a D&C last Friday, had no spotting for a week, and then on Wednesday, I started a period. I thought that was odd, because I had just had everything scraped out less than a week prior, and felt that I would be good to go for at least a couple of weeks. Not so. After laying there for three hours, I had a liter of fluid pushed into me fast to help if I had been dehydrated, which I wasn't...and had my BP checked six times. The NP came in and said that it's normal to have a period following a D&C anywhere from 1-3 weeks afterward.  I told him that it would have been nice to know that before I left the hospital. Oy.

    Anyway.. I have three wedding appointments today, a wedding to put together, and a I have to get my big patootie moving!

    Love you all so much!


    PS...Hang in there, girls!!! We're almost to our anniversary!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Jane, LAWS!!! 40K for rads. I never added it all up, but this journey is expensive. Yes, glad to have insurance. for sure!!!

    Robin, sheesh!! I can't believe you missed the interviews!!! Pooh!!!! Glad you are okay though. 

    Mina, you're almost done, yes??? 

    Genia, how many more to go, and how is your skin? I assume the boost area is not happy, but how are the other areas, are you a nice pinkish/tan yet? 

    Can you believe it, soon the last of us will be done with RADS!!! 

    Does anybody have their one year anniversary coming up soon? Mine is July 10...  I am thinking this summer for most of us....

    Oh I think I mentioned a friend at church, Jackie, had a reoccurance. It was regional/local only! in her lymph on the same side and breast on the other. So they are going at it aggressively to fight for a cure. Thank God. I had been thinking of her so much, and worried it was a distant reoccurrance. Anyway, just wanted to share. 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    robin- three weddings and a funeral hmmmm sounds familiar LOL Glad you are having fun doing the flowers but am bummed you missed the interview.

    Spring- i was diagnosed on June 20th of last year so my anniversary is coming up soon. We are leaving for vacation on the 19th.

    I think all of us should be coming up on our anniversaries soon.

    Mina- hang in there with those cool rags

    Genia- U will be done soon

    Have a great weekend ladies