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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Genia, eeeee, good luck on the vein diving. Hopefully you'll get a good nurse. Have you noticed that some of them are just so much better than others at getting an IV in?

    I love the idea of Pool Scripts! If not, Scripts to send us all to Singapore to Chris' pool!!! :)

    Better sign off. Husband wants to take a long walk tomorrow morning at 6AM!!! 

    I don't know Jane, I think you've earned that $100 bathing suit if you want it girl! 


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Genia, I'm feeling a lot better from rads now.  I'm not sure if having the expander in made a difference in my case, but it feels like it just aggravated the situation.  Maybe you will do better since you didn't have the expander (boulder).

    Also, that I would mention something I read on another thread.  Walmart has an insert for bathing suits.  It comes in different sizes.  I did see it at walmart when I was there last week.  It was very inexpensive and may be a good alternative.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    The vein diving went well today....just one stick.  I almost hugged

    Got 7 more regular rads and 10 boosts left.  Are the boosts harder than the regular ones?

    Colleen....glad you are feeling better.  I saw those inserts at Wamart too.  Summer will be in full swing when I'm done with my radiation.  Hope I heal up so I can get in my pool.  I enjoyed that thing so much last year.  I'ts an above ground one......was very inexpensive.....and it has been worth every penny.  I got it when I was still working.

    Does anyone know if I could possibly work partime and still get my disability and SSI?  I know I can't go back to full time right now.  Just folding clothes with my right arm I know I can't do my job the way I should until I heal up more.  Even then....if I work full time, I make too much money and  I lose my insurance....and I've got to have that prob for the rest of my life.

    I was just thinking today how lucky I am to have all of you for friends.  The cards you have sent me....the phone calls......and OTHER acts of kindness and love that I won't go into on here.....but they know who they are.  You girls have made this so much more DOABLE.....and I love you so!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Genia, your note makes my heart smile. You are starting to sound like a woman who has done chemo, and surgery, and see's the light at the end of the RADs tunnel!!

    About working PT and SSI, I think there are programs.  See this link  They might reduce your current benefit though, be sure to find out!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Thanks Bev.....I see a little tiny crack of light.  But it's enough for me right now.  More than I ever thought I would live to see, in the beginning when they diagnosed me with IBC.

    One day at a time.....that's what I'm tryin to do.  Just having those scans come back clear has made a world of difference in my attitude and moods.  I still feel bad lots of the time....but I know it will get better at some point.  Nothing lasts forever!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Morning Ladies,

    Genia, I am sure we are all so glad to be able to make a difference, it helps us to know we are helping others. We are all in this together and will stay that way.

    I have had a rash on my face for the last two days, no idea why, my cold has gone.  I took clarityne yesterday and today I feel much better. I am off with the flower club to some organic bollywood garden?? sounds like fun though.

    Bev don't overdo the walking, sounds like your husband is on amission.

    Have a good days girls, Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Hey there , Chris,  I'm coming right over for a swim!

    bettysgirl, You  have two BEAUTIFUL babies.

    I have Fibromyalgia and when it was really awful  in the beginning, my rheumy wrote a script for therapeutic  pool  and warm packs. So  check your doc for a script... it may be possible.

    Juli, {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} No more stinging pain get a consult from a neurologist.


    I haven't been over to e-mail except  to schedule  couseling appointments. I will  do that later ,possibly Saturday. TY  you so much for writing me:) I did make it over to FB and  had  fun baking cakes for everyone:)

    I've had to act up in Radiation yesterday and complain to anyone who would listen. I was jerked about so badly  was nearly in tears .  Why is a woman who is near term for delivery able to adjust my fat arse with no pain, and another older crabby lady unable to move me without jerking me and complaining in my ear.

    I had my wonderful pregnant lady today; she is nurturing careful and friendly.  If crabby comes in again I may ask for another person.  I think she looks at me and just is tired I am no little thing. She's works hard...scans are scheduled every 15 minutes all day long and she may be ill and not know it. I know how she feels inside my head but my joints are so messy and I have to tell folks. I will not let them hurt me especially when a tech who is to deliver July 4, 2009 has no problem.

     I do feel so much better  physically since I had surgery. I didn't have to sit down to fold my laundry tonight.My  building  has a laundromat  on the first floor and just the journey would get me. last year this time. I should have known something  else was wrong with me, but I had been in fatigue land so long I couldn't tell...thank God I had surgery. I am so grateful to feel like a person again.

     10 rads down 18 to go!:)::)



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Genia - My son gets SSD.  He is allowed to work.  There is a limit to the amount of money he can make before it reduces his benefit.  So far, he has never worked long enough to make enough money.  I would check with SSD to see what that amount is for you. 

    Anybody else on Femara?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    I spend hours on the internet trying to find a cause/cure for the stinging pain, and all I find is lots of people with the same problem, and no solutions, except to stay cool. Very discouraging... so whoever has the coolest weather in the summer, watch out, I'll be camping out on your doorstep soon. Laughing

    Mina - I had an appt with a neurologist and my PCD told me to cancel it. Maybe after I see him next week, he will tell me to re-schedule.

    Jane - you starting Femara? I have a bottle of Tamoxifen, but haven't started it yet.I'm already up to 11 pills/supplements in the morning. Seems like every week, I add another.

    Genia - I think we girls who had rads have to stay out of the sun for awhile, but I can't remember for how long...chemo brain. Maybe you or Mina could ask at your next rad tx.

    My "s" key on my keyboard is driving me crazy...I have to press real hard for it to work. Yell Can it be fixed?

    hugs Kiss

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    i could be wrong but i think that you always have to be careful with the radiated skin and the sun. I think it is more likely to burn now than before..but yeah we need someone to ask and maybe we can remember.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday and a SUPER weekend.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Jules, I thought it was your heart medicine that was causing the stinging, and you were switching? Did that not help?

    Mina, you seeing the light at the end of the RADs tunnel yet, girlie??? :))) It's a-coming!!! I can't tell you and GEnia, when I finished RADS it was absolutely the most joyous period of my life. I was absolutely stupidly happy for about 6 weeks afterwards. I think being done with treatment after 8 months, I don't know. Enjoy it. It is a marker of all you accomplished!! You are here and standing ladies, and the cancer is DEAD!!!

    Chris, rash? Hmmm. No new food or supplements? Laundry detergent? cream? soap? bug bite? How odd.... Let us know if you crack the code. 

    Lisa, same on the rads/sun advice. I was told to be forever careful, thanks for radiating my collar bone! ugh. whatever. Still alive and kicking, I say!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    like spring i was giddy once rads were done- mina you and Genia will be there soon.

    Chris- any new meds that could be reacting with sun? I have several meds that sun will case a rash.

    Hang in there girls the weekend is coming!!!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    I'll let you know how the sun works out.  I'm leaving tomorrow for Virginia.  My boys live in Virginia Beach and I am renting a cabin on the North Landing River to stay in until Wednesday.  On Thursday, DH and I will go on up to Carlisle, PA for the Ford Carlisle car show and swap meet.  I did break down and pack some sun screen.  It's killing me not to be able to sun bathe.  I'm planning on laying out on the beach and going horseback riding while I'm down there.  I'll protect myself as best I can, but it's a vacation!  Maybe I'll get some rest and not be so tired when I get back.  I'll be checking in.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    jane- i hope you have a great time. That area is so nice and i know you will enjoy the car how.Just remember to get some rest WHILE you are having fun. Take care

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Have fun Jane......make sure to have some YOU time too!!!

    love ya...and be careful traveling

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Enjoy Jane! I have fond memories of that area. We used to drive up to Williamsburg and do Bush Gardens roller coasters!!! I am a roller coaster nut. My favorite one is Appolo's Chariot. Love that thing!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Jane - sounds like a great vacation. Have fun!

    Beverly- I did change heart meds and my PCD thought it would take up to 2 weeks to get out of my system...but I still have the problem. So back to square 1.

    My son fixed my "s" key. I love him! LOL

    I started on Effexor (generic) today. I resisted all through chemo, but I am desperate.

     hugs! Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    I started Femara about a month ago.  The SEs are a pain (literally), but I'll deal with them.

    We made it down safely.  I think they ought to put a nursing home in the middle of a campground.  It's so peaceful there.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Jane....lucky you getting to go camping.  Last time I went it was a  Hottest day of the year....and two boys who were bored silly and didn't wanna be there.  I love to go camping....haven't been since we took them and that's been two summers ago.

    I am a hurting puppy.....have a raw place on my neck at the very bottom.  The rest of my chest just itches....but hurts if I scratch it.  I'm trying to just keep my cream on there and leave it alone but it's drivin me nuts.  I see my Dr. she will prob give me something for it......hope so anyway.

    Hope everyone is do worry me sister!!!   

    love you all

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    aw genia- i remember all too well!! They will probably give you something like a 2% hydrocortisone or something. The thing that seemed to ease it for me was the Domoboro soak that i bought at Walgreens at their suggestion. I also still stand by using Goldbond Ultimate healing with aloe as soon as you are done. Healed me up quickly.

    HUGS to you

    Jane- I hope you are having a blast!!!

    HUMID here today...chemo curls are curling. glad the AC is working!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Jules, noooooooooooooooooo!!!!! I thought when you discovered that med it would be over. Dang! Are you still on L-Glutamin? That was the only thing that helped me, but I understand yours may be something else.

    Jane, ENJOY!!!!

    Hey Genia, sorry about the skin. Sheesh!  Let us know what Dr. thinks this is tomorrow. I wonder if your system is still pumping out toxins from chemo, oh wait, you getting Herceptin?So still not done. I wonder if that is it?

    Lisa, I also have chemo curls!!! I've never had curly hair, trying to embrace it, there is little else to do! I wonder if they will last??

    Here is a recipe I typed up for another thread, thought I would share!

    Banana Bread with dates and nuts. Sugar free, (can be Fat free!)

    • 2 1/2 cup flour (I use organic, wheat, etc)
    • 1 cup Agave nectar
    • 1 egg
    • 3 1/2 Teaspoons of baking powder
    • 1 tea salt
    • 3 tablespoons veg. or olive oil, or melted butter, or applesauce (I use applesauce for fat free!)
    • 2 cups mashed bananas

    Optional: 1 cup dates, 1 cup Walnuts, 1 cup granola,etc. (I often use all three).

    350 oven. grease 3 loaf pans (9x5x3). Mix ingredients, pour into pans. Bake for 60-70 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 10 min, then wrap to keep moist. Can freeze!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    I saw the Dr. today and she sent me home and gave me some patches to use on the burn....and told me to come back Weds. I have to have a reg. one on Weds...but that will be all this week. I will still have 5 regular treatments and 10 boosts. It hurts....I know that much! She's gonna go ahead and do whatever they do to get me ready for my boosts....on Thursday.....then when I finish all of them I'll have to get my 4 regular treatments that are left.

    Hope everyone is doin good......thanks for the recipe Bev.

    love you all

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Genia, so sorry you are hurting, it will be over soon, hang in there, slather the aloevera on as often as you can.

    My rash went away over the weekend,  I think it was just the end of my cold that went from throat, to sneezing to coughing and finally to RASH.  I am feeling great again now and how wonderful it is to feel good. I must admit I felt like I was having chemo again when ill, obviously a trigger now, must nip it in the bud or better still, take care of myself and not get ill.

    I am on a healing course this week, 5 mornings and it's great, all about how we live our lives and where we can improve after a major illness or death in the family or some kind of trauma.  There are 12 of us and a lovely group of ladies there are.

    Juli you take care and watch those meds.

    My hair is unbelievable curly now, and definatley looks permed, but I love it, it's there and it's hair!

    Have a good day girls.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    Beverly - I am still taking L-Glutamine every day, along with B-12, B-6, Biotin, Calcium, Vit D, Glucosamine/Chondroitin, Vit K, Omega 3 krill oil, and a multi-vitamin. My meds are Evista, Effexor, Digoxin, Prilosec, Clarinex, and Advair.

    Anything else I should be taking? Undecided

    Chris - Glad your rash is gone.

    Genia - Ouch! Hope you heal fast!

    Jane - You having a good time?

    Lisa - I'm lovin' my curls. Never had them before too.

    Hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Jeeze Jules, I sure hope the stinging goes away.

    Chris, my hair is so curly now also! Like a perm or afro! It is unreal, so much hair. GREAT to have hair though! :)

    Genia, sooon this will be over. Soon soon soon. I hope your skin and burns heal very quickly. Heal baby Heal. Hang in there. Home stretch! 

    Banana bread recipe, I also add Cinnomon, Nutmeg, Allspice, Ground clove, etc. Forgot to mention! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    my new theory...

    I am thinking it's an overdose of B-12. Some websites say you can't OD, but some say it causes prickling, burning, tingling. The box says 1 dose is 33,330% of the recommended daily value. That's a huge dose! I started taking it around the same time as the Coreg, so I suspected the Coreg instead. Unfortunately, it also said it can take months to get it out of your system.

    At least there is hope Laughing

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, hope it's not the Vitamins if it takes a month to get out of your body, but have you seen an expert on how many and what combinations to take or have you done your own research?

    Will try and take new photo at the weekend and post soon, so you can all see the curly curly hair, I actually love it most of the time.

    Take care girls,

    Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    Chris - I see my PCD on Friday, so I will talk to him then. In the meantime, I won't take anymore B-12, just in case.

    Genia - How is the burn doin'?

    hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    I still have it Juli.  It is very raw.....right above my collar bone on my neck.  I go today to get the markings or whatever they do for my if she thinks the burn looks ok I have to get a regular tx!  I called them and told them I was still burned.....they said if they didn't do a treatment they could still do the measuring and marking for my boosts.  Sure enjoyed having Monday and Tues.  Actually I only had yesterday completely off because Monday I still went....they just sent me home.

    Hope everyone is doin good today......Juli I hope soon your stinging and prickling will stop sweet lady!

    love you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Genia I was really really red in that collar bone spot too. And by that time it was like all over my boob! I got a "hole" in my armpit. It's not pleasant at the end, but soon it will be over. I healed up so fast, I think you will too.

    Chris, I cannot wait to see the curls! I have the curliest hair too! I am trying to get used to it, and doing different things. I never had curls. Very different! 

    Juli, Vitamin B, interesting! Glad you stopped it. B Vit's are good, they apparently help us metabolize Estrogen, but that dosage sounded like a whopper!  33 thousand percent?? Yowza!

    DH and I took a long walk this AM, 4.25 miles and ended at 8AM and it was already HOT!!! Or at least we were hot! Feels good to get the exercise out of the way early though...
