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Chemo in Sept 08



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Brandon mum, I hope you are feeling better, it won't be long now until you can relax and have no pain at all.

    Juli, it is a good job you are keeping your own eyes on your treatment, what a nightmare it has been for you. Hopefully from today things will be better.

    Jane, I will be thinking of you on 8th June, really for all you test, after that there won't be anything left for them to test.  I am sure all will be well.  Excellent planning with you relay for life, keep us posted. Try to rest more, your body is telling you too!

    Bettysgirl, please take your meds everyday, you are opening up your risks slightly every time you miss your tamox, you must take it. Hope things continue to improve for you, have a lovely dinner with your family.

    I go into the water with the dragon boat tomorrow, I am very excited as I haven't even seen one! I just hope I can do it. I have overdone it a little and have had a sore throat for a few days, but feel fine, I have been resting and having fun.

    Genia, you take care.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies.  Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Hi all,

    Mina, I want to see Terminator too, but we'll be in DC this weekend - moving my older daughter into an appartment (it's like a student/university appt) for her summer internship. We will be exploring, I hope it will be fun!

    Chris the dragon boats look awesome! Like something out of an ancient movie! You go girl! 

    Jane, you are like the energizer bunny, if you need to rest, then you need to rest. Glad you did!!

    I have a feeling I also may not get scans, I am going to ask. 

    Someone here (it's on the last page, or I'd go back to see, but afraid I'll lose all this I typed) said they hate PET scans. I've never had one. I've had CAT scans. Why do you hate PET scans??


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    Hey chicas!

    After reading the posts over the last coupld of days, I figured I'd better put something down, or Genia will be coming after me! (Love you, girl!) 

    I won't be getting any scans whatsoever until August. My onc and rads onc want to wait for the three month mark after finishing rads to have any sort of scan done.My first will be my bilateral mammogram. PETs and CT's are also in there somewhere...but I'll just do them as I have to. Port flush every month (which will come out in November/December after I've had two sets of clear scans).

    I'm also scheduling a D&C because of the  two periods in two weeks thing...I have a new GYN and he's a sweetheart. We opted to not do an in office uterine biopsy and instead, schedule me for an outpatient procedure. He's not sure he can get through my cervix due to a cone biopsy that was done close to 7 years ago...too much scar tissue, and possibly not enough left of my cervix. If he can't get in there, the surgery will stop and then I'll have a reason to have a hysterectomy later in the summer. Also, my uterus has dropped and the top of it's tipped backward, sort of like a wilted flower...he's not sure that he can get past the bend without puncturing the wall. We'll see...

    Everyone enjoy your holiday weekend! Get outside!! 



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    I went today for my 6 week check with my rad onc.  All seems well.  She said the "tanning" will fade over time.  I got fitted for my prosthesis today and I feel less self-conscious with it on.  For what it cost, I could have gotten 1/2 a boob job!  Then dd and I went to Kohls and I bought 2 tops and a skirt.  Hopefully, we'll have a nice, quiet weekend.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Spring, It may have been me that said they hated PET scans. Other than the worry over what they will say, since my mastectomy, it really hurts to keep my arm over my head for the length of time it takes to do the scan. Last time, it started hurting, and the rad tech had said if I need anything, then just let her know, she can hear me.  So I called out to her that I really needed to move my arm.  No answer.  It kept hurting and I kept calling her.  I was in tears and couldn't take it anymore, so I moved my arm back.  When the scan was done she came in and started yelling at me for moving.  Why didn't I call her.  I said I did over and over and you didn't come.  She didn't say anything more about that, but she went on to say that since I had moved they may have to do part of the test over, blah, blah, From my perspective, if we had to, we had to.  I couldn't have stayed another minute with my arm up, and she hadn't come in to try something else.  Anyway, she flew out of the room.  In a few minutes another nurse came in, and asked if I had only moved at the end, and I said yes, and she said they had looked at it and it was fine.  The other nurse didn't even come in to say she was sorry at going off or anything.  I can see how elderly are abused, because she had stopped thinking of me as a person, and had started thinking of me as just another scan she had to get done and I was just slowing her down. 

    So there's my story on hating PET scans.  When my onc said another PET, I said no that the last one had been torture, and he said to tell them at the beginning that I couldn't keep my arm up like that.  He said it just has to be the same.  (they do a CT and a PET and then overlay).  So I agreed to give it one more try, but we will see.

    I'm still very tight and it is hard to reach up since my rads, so now I have even less range of motion.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    maybe my memory has faded, because i don't remember positioning issues with my PET it was just so miserably cold in there that i could not stop shivering. They ended up giving me three blankets because they said the movement of the shivering was NOT going to allow the scan to work...Other than the cold i was fine. I don't remember having my arm up for that.

    The lake was nice tonight and it was the first time i have seen big bro since my dx and surgery. They both say they like the short hair. Anyway the girls had a good time and we had fun catching up.

    Have a great Saturday

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    I'm in Cambria for the long weekend (near Hearst Castle). Hope everyone is relaxing!

    hugs Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Howdy mates,


    I like reading   about you  getting  up and out. U go girl! I spent the afternoon meandering  in the West Village window shopping.

    Spring... have fun in DC with your daughter. 


      Thank God for your PMD. I am happy you have a good one looking after your heart. I had a Muga scan  and a Pet scan and Bone scan, and. and. and my  first mammogram post chemo I forget the date early May... Smile  I need a Bone Density  but my HMO didn't order it--saving money, therefore, my ONC will order it  after Radiation therapy. Good luck on your Relay for life...working two jobs and all you have a right to be wiped. I miss Kohls and  JC Penney. This Summer  we'll have a JC Penney near Macy's 34th Street... I hope. I miss their good prices.  .

    Chris...sounds like you can't wait. Your happiness comes through the screen when you  talk about  the dragon race.

    Juli. I can't believe you're in Cambria. I love it there. I have  close friends living further up the highway. I can't remember the name of the town:lol.

    Brandonsmom, what's with Radiology sometimes?  With my second treatment I got another blanket and a knee rest. They told me they do 30 Radiation treatments a day...too many in my opinion, but  what can they do.  At least I can get there by bus, on a good day, in less than 45 minutes.

     I had to ask because they seem hurried each time I see them. I pray they get most of my measurements as close to accurate as they can each time. I try to check my location in the scan mirrors and laser markings on the wall... Of course I can't tell which drives me nuts.

    bettysgirl...sounds like  your're having fun.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Brandon mum, sounds like you had a horrible time with your PET scan, I think if anyone us have a range of motion problem, these scan will hurt, how dare they speak to you like that, it's a good job I wasn't there to sort them out, they got away lightly!  I am sure next time will be better.

    We had our frist dragon boating session yesterday and it was great, 40 breast cancer survivors in two boats cheering and shouting our mantra, what fun. I am sitting on a side of the boat where my right lower arm is doing all the work and my affected side just pivots, which of course if good exercise for lymphadema.

    Jane, glad to hear you are happy with you new boob.

    Spring I would love some help with my web site, my brother is putting it together for me, but I am not 100% sure about the layout as I want my wheel of life graphic in the middle, perhaps we can talk on email, so as not to bore the others. Of course girls you can all look at it when it's ready. Hope the move with your daughter goes well.

    I have overdone it and have a nasty cold, so I am staying in today and resting and as it is half term this week, my boys are not at school.  I am giving an awareness talk on Tuesday with the breast cancer foundation, I always enjoy them.

    Juli, have a great weekend.

    Bar, sounds like things are going well for you, well done with all those scans and mamos behind you.

    bettysgirl, I am so glad you had a lovely time with your brother, it's alway good to see family or friends who haven't been around for a while.

    Robin, good luck with the D & C, when I had mind, I was put out and didn't feel a thing, I only had a tiny tiny bit of bleeding afterwards and no pain at all, hope it goes well for you.

    Genia, hope all is well with you.

    Here is a postive thought for the day "I have so many wonderful adventure before me, and I look forward to them with potitive anticipation", yay, go girls.  Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Chris- sound like the boating is a good time for all.

    Juli- Have a great time!!

    Jane- glad you got your prosthesis- you'll have to let me know if I ought to try it.

    I hope eveybody has a great Memorial Day and know that I think of you all every day. I wish we all lived closer together.

    Calli goes back to Atlanta Tuesday for three weeks of continuous chemo. Hopefully she will be able to come home on the weekends some. Her brother is getting married in June and they are working part of this tx around that upcoming date. Keep her in your prayers.

    I also am keeping up with little Hannah through her website. It is amazing that she has rallied a whole world of people to her side to encourge her through this BC battle. check out her webpage if you get a chance. She is one amazing 10 yr old!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Thanks! Lisa & Chris - I had a very relaxing weekend...

    We had a memorial service for my dad today (He lived in Cambria). He passed away 5 years ago, but my stepmom didn't have a service then. My whole family came... my 4 boys (2 with their g/fs), my sister and her 2 kids, my mom & stepdad, my brother (from Vegas with his g/f from Florida). It was really nice. I will head home in the morning, +/- 4 hr drive, depending on traffic.

    Mina - San Simeon? I can't think of any other towns north of Cambria, except for way north, like Monterey or Carmel. I love Cambria too!

    Chris - Get well soon!

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend!

    Prayers for Calli and Hannah.

    hugs Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone,

    Always praying for Calli, Hannah and all of us.

    Juli, San Simeon...I wish. I did visit  SS  once when I lived in CA and loved it.

    My friends live  in a small town, north  and in from the coast,  on Highway 70. They fled LA 23 years ago and love it there.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Hi all....

    Just checkin in.  Enjoying the day with my sister.....gonna cook out later.  I'm feeling pretty good today...still have the stupid rib pain that I don't know what it is!  Guess it's nothing...but it still hurts.

    love you all....

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Genia- I hope you and sis have a great day together.

    To all of you who have had members who have served or did serve our country in service- THANK YOU.

    Genia- I have read in a lot of places that chostochondritis is not too uncommon with these surgeries and treatments. I had it several years ago. It is an inflamation of the connective tissues on the rib cage and is quite pesky. Treatment is anti-inflammatories and a lot of time.

    Take care everyone


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Lisa....that's almost what it feels like it could be.  I know it's nothing bad or it would have shown up on the PET scan....but it sure does hurt.  It's on the rib right under the breast that was there.....

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Just checking in to give you a thought for the day

    "I acknowledge myself for all the good I have created in my life"

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Yikes about the PET scan. I have a feeling I will not be allowed or recommended scans. I will find out. It seems some ONCs don't scan until there is a reason. It just seems a bit counter intuitive to me!!!

    Chris, just shoot me the URL when you have one for your Web site! Were the dragon boats pretty? That's what I remember....

    DC was fabulous, my little baby is like a grown up woman at almost 20! Living right near the US Capitol building for the summer internship. Pinch me!!!! 

    It does not hurt me to put arms up, but I also have sore areas, assuming this is from SNB, Mx, and then rads on that side. I am thinking it may need time to just heal up. Sounds like there are a few of us in this boat!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    have changed pic to show you the little bruisers...hope you like.

    Spring- I kind of like the idea of not having to undego scans if not necessary. You always have to wait for the results, you panic, ect...I know the jury is out on the tumor marker tests but you know i have worked hard at trying to get over this stuff and I think a scan would just bring it back to the forefront again. I don't know maybe the thought process will change one day but for now I think i'm glad he does not scan first.

    Genia- Hope you are feeling better and that pain is easing.

    Mina- hope you got the e-mail

    Jane- Hope you are having a good day.

    Juli- glad the weekend was a good one.

    Wink and Tanzie- Hope you are doing okay.

    Have a great Wedneday tomorrow (BOY did I have to THINK about that one!!)


    Take care ladies

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Lisa, your gand babes are adorable!!! What a handful, I can imagine! I hear you on the scans. Maybe I can put all this behind me better with no scans. I don't know.

    Where are Winkie and Tanzie?


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Lisa - Love of the pics of the little cuties!

    Yesterday, I went to get my port flushed. I asked all the nurses there if they had heard of the "stinging pain" from heat. They all said no. One of my oncs was there and asked me if he had given me an anti-depressant for the hot flashes, Lexapro. Anyone tried that? I said, "What about the hot weather?" He said, "Stay in the pool!" How's that for good medical help. Undecided

     hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Hi Jules, I was on lexipro ( or generic of it ) before and it helped with crying jags but I don't remember it helping with anything else. Near end of chemo and rads I weaned myself off of it. Trying to detox my body!

    Stay in the pool. Yikes! Bring your computer pool side!!!! lol.


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Is my onc going to buy me a house with a pool? LOL

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    If that works for your Juli, tell your ONC we all want a house with a pool! We'll get in line!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    I've heard that for Stage 2 and below, most onc's don't do routine scans, unless there is a symptom.  For Stage 3 (that's me!), the do routine scans.  Also, while I'm on Herceptin, I will get the MUGA every 3 months.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Does BrandonMom = Colleen?? (still trying to get my ladies straight!)

    I had not heard about Stage II vs III. Interesitng. Muga makes total sense as Herceptin can mess with your heart's pump rate. I had Mugas while on AC....

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    glad you like the babies-

    Juli- I wonder if we can try to all get pools approved for THEARPUTIC reasons???? See is doc will write us a script!!! LOL I love the staying in the pool idea but what the heck to wear...that kind of finishes the discussion for me.

    I gotta get my port flushed when i go back!! Thanks for reminding me.

    Things are kind of dicey round here. DH is having rough days at work and isn't talking to anybody since his & my blow up/shakedown last week. Long days + stress+babies+?? ??? (you know ladies) all lead to a miserable man.

    Have a great evening ladies...CHRIS- dip in the pool for us!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Beverly.....BrandonMom is Colleen.  Took me a little bit to get Colleen and Lisa

    I had my appt with my Onco yesterday.  I'll be getting an Echo in June of my heart.  I have my 3rd Herceptin tomorrow.  Yippie....they get to go VEIN diving!!!  grrrrr 

    My skin is getting so sore from my RADS.  Feels very tight too.....crossing my fingers that I won't burn bad.

    Lisa....sorry things are stressful at your house.  I sure know how that feels.  My daughter isn't staying here anymore.  It's just best that way.  We drive each other crazy.  I know that sounds horrible.....but I can't help it.  I love her more than life....and would give my life for her.....but we just can NOT get along when she lives here.  We do fine we she doesn't.  I think she has one of those personalities that always got on my last nerve.   The kind that knows everything about everything....and won't listen to a word ANYONE says.  They diagnosed her with Oppositional Defiant Disorder when she was about 12.  And it ain't gettin any better either.  She's supposed to be on meds for manic depression too, but she won't take them.  She will for a while....then she stops.  Can't help someone who won't help themselves!!!

    Hope everyone is doin good.  

    love you all

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Genia - your Kara sounds like my John.  We finally got his dr to give him a shot of Haldol once a month which helps with the compliance issues.

    Love the pic of the sweet little girls.

    I got my mast prosthesis, but there is no way I'm spending almost $100 on a special swimsuit.  I'll have to figure somethine else out.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    genia- i swear I think we are kindred spirits. Not to make light of the situation at all but that sounds so like my daughter. She hasn't listened to anyone since she was young...and everything is always someone else's fault. I think she is beginning to learn a little BUT i could still be proven wrong.

    Jane- I hear ya on the bathing suit thing..who wants to fork out that kind of money. I almost wonder if I could swim in shorts, a sports bra and t-shirt or something. Anywau I doubt swimming will be in my future this year. We are planning a trip to PA in June. I should be excited but cannot get up for it this time. Maybe as it gets closer I will.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Bettysgirls, the babies are beautiful, but I am sure that doesn't stop them being a handful. Hope things improve at home, when things are down the only place to go it up...

    If you don't get your scripts for your new pools, everyone can come over here and get in with me!

    Genia, glad your daughter is not living at home, it must have been very hard work bringing her up when she wouldn't take her meds. At some point she will realise they help her and take them.

    "Today live showers me with more blessings than I can even imagine"

    Singapore Chris x