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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2009

    Well, I'm convinced I did the right thing with the mast.  I got my path report yesterday and it said "grossly suggestive of DCIS." and a little further down section "A13-15 central ? DCIS."  The funny thing is that the DCIS isn't mentioned in the final diagnosis section.  What's up with that?  I had an apt with the surgeon yesterday.  She removed my drain and looked at the path report.  She's going to have them send it out to the Mayo clinic for review.  We live in a very rural area so I don't have a lot of faith in the pathologists here anyway.  Other than that, I'm glad to have the drain out.  I still am having some pain in my side, but I'm sure it will get better over time.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Wow Jane, good job you had the mast, hope the pain goes away really fast.

    News of Bev,

    Hi everyone -- Beverly went into surgery at 1pm today and was done by 5:30 tonight. They weren't able to get a network connection at the hospital, so they asked me to send word to everyone. I talked to Beverly -- she's doing great and is up and walking around already! She said she feels great! They check out of the hospital Weds and will be back online. Yay! So glad this is behind them now!

    So glad it is all over for you Spring, now lots of rest and good food to help you recover.

    Take Care Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    All is good here! Surgery is done, I AM DONE!!! DONE!!! No more surgery!!! Just need a bit of a tattoo to extend areola to be rounder, but that is IT!!

    Being discharged from hospital today, and back to hotel. We fly home on Saturday.

    Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers! You ladies rock.

    Chris, I love your new hair !!! :)


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Hi Spring, so glad that it is over for you, thank goodness you can relax now and recover your life fully without any future surgery.  I am soo happy for you.  Love Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Hurtin' today ladies. Ouch! Trying to keep ahead of it with the pain meds. The first few days after are rough.... we fly home Saturday... Just hoping there is no snow! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2009

    Gosh, I can't believe I haven't logged on here since Sunday. Busy typing day & night. I got a break this morning, gearing up for the influx this weekend.

    Spring - glad to hear all went well and soon you will be home recovering.

    Jane - Yikes! Good grief! How does cancer survive the chemo, rads, and AI's? We can barely survive it! So glad you had the mast!

    Chris - when are you leaving Singapore?

    Mina - Can't remember what I was going to say because your post is on the last page! LOL Big hugs to you, just because you deserve it!

    maybe I need a nap. I've been staying up too late typing. Undecided

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Juli, how is the stinging stuff going? Did they ever figure that out, or has it abated?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2009

    Spring - no, I just don't sting as often now that the weather is cooler. Some days I think that maybe it's gone, but it was a warm day on Thanksgiving and I was stinging in the car on my way to my sister's house. Just crossing my fingers that it will be gone before next summer.

     I just found out BetteLou68 from my April rads group passed away. BC sux.

    BTW... who was the brilliant person that said, "Everything will be fine in 2009"? She should be strung up by her toes! Oops, that was me. No more slogans is my New Year's resolution! lol

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Spring, thinking of you, the pain must be awful, keep up the pain meds.

    Jane, how are you doing?

    Juli, take a break, you must't work too hard.  Very sorry to hear about Bette Lou, so sad.  I pray that we will all be the lucky ones.  It does shake you up when you hear about someone passing away.

    Genia, Mina, hope you are alright.

    Lisa, how are you? thanks for you thoughts, it is pretty full on with the move. I am trying to pace myself.

    I will be having my left eye operated on, tuesday 15th December at 7.30am. My sight has got a bit worse and the cateract that I knew about is also a bit worse. I have decided to get it done here when the medical is fantastic and I know the system and the same surgeon did my other eye two years ago. Not looking forward to it, but it is a pretty straightforward procedure, I will have my fingers crossed and I will need you girls to pray for me too.

    We leave Singapore on 31st January so still have some time yet. We heard yesterday that my son had a place a school, so that is a weight off my mind. There is soooo much to do with paperwork and closing down of things. I will tackle most of it tomorrow.

    Today I went to my monthly meditation class, it was really good, so many lovely people and great energy.

    Hope all is well with you lovely ladies. Healing vibes coming to all that need them.

    Take Care girls, Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2009

    spring- hope the pain lets up for you b-fore you fly out.

    Doctor's appt was uneventful- i guess if bloodwork is off he will let me know-

    Told me that yes, the nerve damage on the underside of the arm is permanent...would not comment on the deportation hints...UGH

    blood pressure was sky high...didn't tell him harland lost my check order, had to close account, reorder new debit cards...ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course it's nobody's fault!!!!!!!!!

    Chris- I know the cataract surgery will go well. I know that moving is a job- I wish you well in your search for just the right new home...

    Julie- It's okay we have all been guilty of coming up with a yearly slogan that didn't pan out...

    how bout 2010- I don't want it again!!!!!!!!!!

    I put it on FB but Calli is DONE with chemo!!! Now on to healing and the holidays for her.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Chris, I hope you'll be all better by Christmas, heck, I hope we all will be !  Sounds like you have a lot to do, moving from one country to another...

    Lisa, reordering cards is such a pain! Glad to hear about Cali...

    we fly out tomorrow, that is, if we don't get snowed in....Either in New Orleans or Atlanta... 

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Lisa, I really like the your 2010 I don't want it again :)  So glad to hear that poor Callie has finished her treatment, lets hope she really enjoys the new year and gets stronger by the day.

    Spring, good luck with the travelling, it's not easy after surgery, just take it easy and you will be home again soon. Hope the snow stays away.

    Take care girls. Singapore Chris x 

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2009

    girls i really need a shoulder to cry on today---I don't know how much more of this grandparenting thing i can take. The girls are soooo bad...Their mom does not give them attention so when we are home we cannot function to do anything because they are so starved for someone to pet them...they are girls and do not entertain themselves, toys are a waste and i am about at my wits end. We have talked to both of our adult kids till we are blue in the face and still no help with dishes, cleaning...we are a BIG motel and I am ready to cut the light off!!!! I feel like i have been a doormat for so many years....Some days I ask myself if this was what i got better for...I am tired and weary and my nerves are shot...add to it that i DEPLORE this time of year with all the pressures to put up a tree and decorate and pretend to enjoy it. My little cracker box house is already too full and it takes moving half the stuff to storage to be able to fit the just isn't worth the trouble. Hubby puts up the tree, strings the lights then says ok- you take it from here..last year i told him it looked fine the way it was...(he wasn't amused) He has no trouble being a doormat and equates it with christian charity or love...I just see it as being passive and trying to please everybody...He of course loves being a grandparent because his time with the kids is limited at best. He works long hours so they are up about a hour to two once he gets home..saturdays he goes outside and works and they are not in his hair too bad if they go out with him..Sundays are days with his parents and he and his dad camp out in the back room watching football while me and grandma watch the kids...of course he loves it...he gets to do what he wants when he wants...I on the other hand might as well be a full time mom again but this time with 4 children instead of 2....

    Sorry to rant but i am weary and so tired of being a mom and grandma...i have been a mom since i was 19---STUPID has just come home to roost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2009

    Lisa ......what would happen to the kids if you just refused to watch them? 

    Basically the same thing happened with my daughter.  Remember, she is a drug addict.  She would dump her kids on me and take off and come back strung out.  I felt so sorry for the kids that I didn't say or do anything.  But it finally got to me.  And I ended up in a suicide crisis unit for 3 days.  It was a horrible time in my life.  One year later I was diagnosed with cancer.  My little grandaughter ended up with a Pastor and his family.  She is still there....and thriving every day.  My grandson is in the custody of his dad.  My daughter moved back in with them and is now part of my grandson's life.  She's doing much better far as the drugs go.  I watch my grandchildren now on MY terms.....and I love the time I spend with them.  But there is NO doubt in my mind if I had continued watching them like I was doing........I would be in your shoes.  Thank God things have worked out like they have.  There's no way I could have done it during my treatments and through all the cancer mess.  I hope and pray it all resolves don't deserve to be treated this way.  And neither do those little angels......

    hugsssss and prayers

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2009

    Beverly.....I'm so glad you are doing better and no more surgery.  Girl you deserve a break that commercial?

    Hey Chris.....I took time out from Mafia Wars to poke my head in here.......lolol.  That game has me hooked so bad!

    Love you guys.....

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2009

    ((((big,tight hugs)))) for Lisa...hang in there, lady...lean on Jesus and your pals here... we love you!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Hi all, I am better. off the narcotics so the BMs are back to normal. Walked a mile today, It's great to be home. Traveling was almost 12 hours door to door, but we made all the flights and the weather cooperated, even though there was snow all around us, it didn't hit the airports we were at! yay! 

    Still have 4 drains, but one is ready to go. This recovery will be a lot easier than the last surgery in Sept. I am hoping to be better by Christmas!!! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2009

    Spring - Sounds like things are moving along and I hope you are better by Christmas!

    Lisa - Thanks for the slogan. I love it! And I hope we both get deported soon. I am going to beg on Wednesday when I go in for Reclast.

    I had to sit through an appraisal seminar all day. Yell I'm trying to get my CE hours in while things are slow. I think I need 35 more hours.

    Hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Lisa, I am so sad to hear that you are overloaded. You have told us what you don't like which is a good thing to do, but can you tell us/me personal message me if you like, exactly how you would like things to be, every details, from the minute you wake up until the minute you go to sleep, and at the weekends. In an ideal world, if everything was fantastic. I appreciate that it may never all happen but we can, I am sure make some of it happen. When was the last time you enjoyed the this time of year?

    Spring, I am sure you are feeling better now that you are home, just relax and take it easy, ready for Christmas.

    Juli don't work too hard, what are CE hours?

    Genia, I will have a look at mafia wars at some point, but the name alone sounds awful.

    Remember everyone, when you are stressed, make sure you do a lot of deep breathing, Lisa do lots and lots and lots.

    Take care, Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2009

    Chris - CE stands for Continuing Education. I need 56 hours of classes to renew my license every 4 years, so it works out to 14 hours per year, which is usually 2 classes (7 hours each). I like to get them over with as soon as possible so I don't have to worry about it. Last year I took a class when I was going through chemo and the teacher said I looked like "Lynette" from Desperate Housewives when she was in cancer treatment. Too bad I didn't have that teacher this time.

    When I take a deep breath, I wheeze. Frown Maybe it's the cold weather (50 degrees is freezing to me! lol)

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, I feel like I should know this, but what licence are you renewing?  All I know is that you work very hard, spend a lot of time on the computer writing reports, and that they should give you a raise.Kiss

    Lisa, hope you are feeling better.

    Love Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited December 2009

    Morning to ya,

    Thinking  of everyone as usual. Chris, It's good to have your surgery  in a hospital with doctors you're comfortable with. I hope all goes well and you have an excellent recovery.

    Spring, I'm keeping up with your drains and your recovery time ...Glad you've completed the surgeries.

    All the new mammogram  recs are not reassuring, though the news reported last night that  Breast Cancer rates have dropped, however,  do I believe the stats. I'm becoming paranoid.

    All my neighbors are up, about to take their dogs downstairs  for a walk.I'm thinking of getting a cat...I haven't had a pet for a while...longest time ever...and I can't do dog walks on slick sidewalks ...not yet.

    I love  you all and miss our  talks but I can message you on FB  or here. My phone number is 9175475601 if you need anything at all. If I can help I will.

    Praying for a way to get you a bit of rest when you are taking care of your grandchildren.

    Thinking of all of you and hoping you are getting on better.

    love you all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Call to GENIA!!!

    How are you feeling girl??? 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2009

    I'm doin ok....much better on the Aromasin. 

    My daughter and grandson ended up on my doorstep Sunday.  Yes Lisa I thought of you.....bless your heart!  She drives me so crazy!!!  Her attitude is just awful....but so much joy in being with my grandson.  She is back home now....and when she left it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders.  I WISH so much I could have a good relationship with her....but I don't see it happening.  She's vendictive and controlling and I wanna just knock her head off.  You ALL know I'm not a violent person....but she brings out that side of me.  She knows I won't turn her away.....because of Kaden.  He didn't ask for any of this!

    Love you all......

    Spring I'm glad you are doing better.....beautiful picture of you!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Genia, so glad to hear you're doing better on the Aromasin!!! Glad to hear!

    At least you had some quality time with Kaden. Stay strong!!! Your DD sounds like a pill!!! ugh!  

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited December 2009

    Girls I must  chat a minute,

    My son's temper goes stratospheric since he was a baby. He's PDD, is social now, working at a candy shop which he loves, and has an older.. gf ...I think he needs an older women...anyway when he get angry he boils over and hits  things. Practically lifetime Counseling has helped but all meds---and he's had them all  make him either much worse or he gains weight and is sluggish and sleepy for hours .

    The other day I got in the way of him  hitting the refrigerator and almost got clocked. He's so sorry sorry sorry...and I'm thinking forget trying to make him not hit anything...I can't believe he's still got this much temper. Anger management hashelped  but I wish he could  lose the temper...I really can't  deal with this...I think about Breast Cancer getting better and STRESS... and  I think we're gong to make it...  all of us....God willing...

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited December 2009

    Genia. I just love your  beautiful  grandbaby...and I'm happy to hear Aromasin is working for ya.

    love you all,


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2009

    Chris - I am a real estate appraiser, but I stopped doing inspections when I started chemo. I type up the reports for another appraiser. It saves her a lot of time, so you could say it's teamwork. But because of recent changes to the way appraisals are ordered, we have to split the fees with management companies. AND the lenders require more info... so it's less pay for more work. So no raise for me.  :(

    Genia - Sounds like your DD needs a rude awakening, but I don't know how, sorry.

    Mina - I put your phone # in my cell phone. Mine is on FB. Any doctor appts coming up?

    I wish I didn't know Reclast had side effects because now I'm fixated on when they will appear. lol

    Explain to me how my tumor marker results conveniently disappeared today, so my onc didn't have to discuss getting my port out? :(

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Spring, love the photo, you look great!  Hope the pain is more managable now.

    Mina, it must be very hard for your son, to know that he still feels angry after trying lots of different things. How about getting him a badminton racket and some very light shuttle cocks, he can then hit them as hard as he likes against something soft and hopefully won't hurt himself or the fridge. Tell him he is not allowed to damage the racket :)

    Genia, it seems to me that life is just unfair, how could such a lovely person as yourself have a daughter to does not respect you. Sometimes there just aren't any answers. Like you said, just focus on the good things, like enjoying the company of your grandson. You can't change you daughter, but you can change your reaction to her. Do whatever you think will make you feel better.

    Juli, now I know what you do, it sounds like a great job. Will you go back to doing surveys? I really admire you girls who have kept working throughout your chemo, I now that a lot of you didn't have any choice, but well done anyway! When would you like to have your port out? Have you been asked to wait 2 years?

    Lisa, hope you are doing alright and that today seems like a better day. One thing I remember doing with my children when they were small was to get a giant roll of paper or giant sheets and stick it to the floor, the children could then draw on it for hours and keep out of trouble, you could always draw a few things for them to colour in too. It could be a project, each day they have to do a little bit for some kind of treat (that your husband could supply) like an extra story at bedtime etc. I am sure you have tried everything, but you have to keep at it. Wishing you peace of mind and energy.

    Two of my fingernails have been hurting a tiny bit this last few days, so I am praying they are not going to lift again. Even thought they are looking pretty good now, I still have big ridges growing horizontially.  I don't really care, but goodness doesn't it take a long time to get back to normal.

    Robin, hope all is going well for you.

    Take Care Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Mina, I do not like the sounds of this! You protect yourself and make sure he knows the IT IS NOT OKAY. And you TELL HIM YOU CANNOT TAKE THE STRESS!!! After these diagnoses, we need to stand up for ourselves. I have done this several times at home.

    Chris, I am still dealing with toe nails! I am putting Tymol on them in morning and before bed (this is the active ingredient in Vicks Vapo Rub) and they seem to be getting better. There were damaged from chemo and then were susceptible to fungus! blech.

    JULES, make a special appt - get that sucker OUT!!!! You need this behind you. I was so happy to have mine out, I hated it so much. It was the best part of the bilateral mastectomy! :)