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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Hi ladies,

    Hope everyone is doing well tonite :)

    Welcome PPaul and Karen! Vondie, hope you are still doing better. Iowagirl - how'd it go? Tanzie, I'm registerd for the Feel Good class sometime in October, I think. Rseaw - glad things went well, hope you are doing good.

    Hair-watch - everything still seems to be firmly in place (Day 12).

    Have a great evening,


  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    Ellzig, just like Susan I got anti nausea drugs in my IV right before the chemo drugs and then scripts to fill after.  Took them as ordered and didn't have any problems.

    Tanzie, I went to a Look Good, Feel Better class shortly after surgery.  They don't give samples, these are full size products.  The only thing is the shades of lipstick, eye shadow, etc. might not be what you would choose.  It was kind of fun, and the bag full of stuff is really nice.  They also had a guy there at ours who showed some creative ways to do scarves.  


  • priane
    priane Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Hi gals! It's day 18 and my buzz cut is looking hideous because of the bald spots here and there from the intermittent hair loss that is occuring. I am starting to feel anxious about the hair loss issue. My daughter is still not handling it well either. She just turned 13 on the 24th and definitely wants me to wear a wig when her friends come over. I have using ball caps at work but my scalp is very sensitive right now, so it hurts to take the cap on and off. Does that happen to anyone of you? This has been a good week for me so far aside from the baldness that is occurring..

    Hope all is well with everyone. Welcome to everyone that is new to the group. Good luck to anyone starting Monday. Have a great weekend!

  • priane
    priane Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Tanzie.. Thanks again for updating the list!! I know u put a lot of time into doing that.. You're amazing!

    I am taking the "look good" class next week. I've heard wonderful things about the class, so I am excited about it!

  • priane
    priane Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Tanzie.. Thanks again for updating the list!! I know u put a lot of time into doing that.. You're amazing!

    I am taking the "look good" class next week. I've heard wonderful things about the class, so I am excited about it!

  • Bethwvu
    Bethwvu Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2008

    Tanzie and fellow September chemo inductees...:)

    Please add me to the list.......I started chemo today......was so scared...hardly slept all week....Since I had my yearly mammogram on July 28...and found out on the 30th that there was an has been one wave after I am sitting on the beach...and the waves are coming in so fast that I can't catch my breath......I have been looking forward to the time that I could take one next a time.....and today, I think I have finally arrived......Chemo day #1...a very scary day for me......but I survived it......and so far am doing just fine...

    I arrived at the oncologist's office 15 minutes before chemo was to start.........and as I arrived, the power went I sat in the darkened waiting room for awhile...and finally was told to go home as noone knew when the power would come back home...and then I realized that I really did want to have my treatment that get on the path to when the power came on in a couple of hours...I went back...not with crying, as earlier in the day when I cried most of the way to the center. but with a determined face to get the show on the road.....

    All went well...and my nurse, Lisa, was so understanding...of my fears...and was so good at answering my questions.....I had herceptin...taxotere...and carboplatin (+++positive)......was there about 5 hours.....had anti nausea meds in the bag after herceptin.....and took a zofran when I got home for possible nausea...Lisa suggested I take every 6 hours the first two days...also drinking 4-6 bottles of water a day...and me a no water drinker!......have tingling in my hands...also a bit in my feet tonight...and am somewhat afraid to go to bed...but I am fine.....and already feel a survivor!......

    I will have TCH every 3 weeks for 6X...Herceptin every week for 6 months.....radiation and hormone therapy after specifics yet.......I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy 13 years ago.....but it has been resolved...Muga showed 57.8 am able to take that miracle drug for the Her2+...

    I am still scared...I think that is part of this unknown road we are all on.......but WE CAN do this.....I am thinking of you all as I write this.....God Bless and watch over each and every one of us...!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Girls,

    I also went to the looking good feeling better class here in Singapore and really loved it, the goodies were definately worth having, but like hopefully lady said the colours aren't always our choice, but never mind.  I enjoyed the scarf tying and meeting some other people with cancer, at the moment all my best friends have cancer and hanging out with them makes us all feel "normal".

    Tanzie I have changed my photo to some flowers I arranged, they are for YOU, sorry you can't actually have them, but a picture is the next best thing. As everyone has said, you are doing a great job with all the updates. Thanks so much!  Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Tanzie, I have arranged these flowers are for you to say 

    "Thank You" for all you updates of the list.

    Basket of Sunshine for Tanzie

    Best Wishes Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008


    I have arranged these flowers for you Tanzie for keeping the list updated, sorry I can't actually give them to you.

    Take Care, Singapore Chris 

    Basket of sunshine

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2008

    Hey Ladies........I'm right here with ya.  I started my TOXIC DUMP on Sept 24th.   I got my Neulasta shot on the 25th.......felt like CRAP yesterday!!!!   Hopefully today will be better.  Sure hope so........

    Nice to meet you all.......wish it wasn't under these circumstances tho!


    Edited to add that I am on the TCH regimen........every 3 weeks!  Will be on Herceptin for a year.......

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2008

    Good Morning all.  Woke up around 3 am and am now giving up on pretending to sleep...I don't want to take an ambien at 5 am - so will see how the day goes.  I'm in waiting mode for the SE - the neulasta sheet said only 26% get bone pain and the majority handle it with over the counter meds...fingers crossed.  It seems like I haven't had much luck hitting the odds lately...or maybe I should head to Vegas since I'm beating the odds...Hope everyone has a great day today - or a better day...Singapore Chris, the flowers smell great - nice way to start the morning. Genia, I'm a day behind you on this, gotta love the journey....ok, you don't have to love the journey, but it probably helps.  I had major aches the first night, then felt fine on day 2...seems to typically go down hill from here, but maybe one more good day.

    How do you find out about the Looking Good, Feeling Better classes? 

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    Adding Karenp62, Bethwvu and Genia!    Welcome ladies!

    (Beth  your post said 9 hours ago when I read it.   I'm not sure what part of the world you are in, so if the 27th is the wrong date and I need to move it up or down one, please let me know?) 

    Sept ChemoGals!

    Sept 01 -   FloridaMom     TAC (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 02 -   Jacuelyn32    TC or TAC

    Sept 02 -   kmg1015    TC x6

    Sept 03 -   2z54    (Port and SNB Aug. 28)

    Sept 03 -   horselover     A/C x4 every two weeks  T x4 every two weeks  (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 03 -   6cooks      T x9 weekly / A/C x8 every two weeks

    Sept 04 -   SingaporeChris    FAC

    Sept 04 -   Emily2008    A/C x4

    Sept 04 -   paweed      TC

    Sept 04 -   rickster      TC

    Sept 04 -   Rehula       A/C x4

    Sept 05 -   yuyueno    TC x6 every three weeks (Port placed Sept. 29)

    Sept 05 -   BrandonMom     A/C every four weeks / T every other week x4

    Sept 05 -   iowagirl       TC

    Sept 07 -   Karenp62       TC

    Sept 08 -   woorus     6 tx every three weeks

    Sept 08 -   Lili46    TC x4

    Sept 08 -   praine     TAC

    Sept 09 -   Tanzie    A/C x4 two weeks between (Picc Line inserted same day)

    Sept 09 -   cjh   

    Sept 09 -   HeatherL      FEC x3 / TC x3

    Sept 09 -   lyn117      EC & F(5FU)

    Sept 10 -   theprettiestmess     FAC & T

    Sept 10 -   bar62        A/C

    Sept 11 -   klfh        TCH   tx x6  three weeks apart 

    Sept 11 -   TheMissingWink      (Port placed 9/08)

    Sept 11 -   oldlady     TC x4 every three weeks -- final treatment something else

    Sept 15 -   Sue508    TC x4 three weeks between

    Sept 15 -   floridaeyes 

    Sept 15 -   jc135    TCH every three weeks  /   H weekly  

    Sept 15 -   hopefulLady       TC x4  three weeks apart 

    Sept 15 -   softballangel       Blind Trial 

    Sept 17 -   Priz47     A/C (Port placed 8 / 28)

    Sept 17 -   peeps1111      TC x4 every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   kimy      TCH  every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   bettysgirl      FEC x3

    Sept 19 -   Juli50     A/C x4  every three weeks  T twelve weeks

    Sept 19 -   susan13      CAF  over nine weeks (port placed 9/16)

    Sept 22 -   bunnyrabbit     TC cocktail of choice

    Sept 24 -   LisaF       A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 24 -   Genia        TCH

    Sept 25 -   Vondi       A/C x4

    Sept 26 -   rseaw22     T/C x4

    Sept 26 -   ango74       TCH x6 /  H

    Sept 26 -   ppaul54      Gemcitibine

    Sept 27 -   Bethwvu      TCH x6 every three weeks

    Sept 29 -   PEnTE (Pattie)     A/C every 3 weeks

    Sept 29 -   tammyintexas     A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks / Rads x33

    Sept 29 -   ladyleen4          TC x4 three weeks apart

    Sept 29 -   Springtime       T

    Sept 29 -   Jane_M    A/C x4 every two weeks /  T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 30 -   Ellizig       A/C x4  /  T x4

    Sept ?? -   CanItBeTrueNH  

    You girls please let me know if I need to add, or if I've forgotten anything!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    Awww, you girls!   Thanks so much, and the flowers are beautiful!    If my counting is correct, there are 53 of us.    Wow that seems like a lot.     It's sad, but so encouraging to know that I am not alone.   This forum has been a God-send.   

     So--- let me thank you ladies for being here and sharing.   It helps so much to know that I am not alone- and that there are others out there with their 'game face' on, slogging through treatment.   Much love to each and every one of you!

    There is no set date for the LGFBetter classes here in my area.   You have to register and then they hold them if there is enough interest. :/    

     Take care!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Singapore Chris - The flowers are gorgeous!  What is your weather like right now?  My son is in the Navy and they stopped in Singapore last year; he absolutely loved it - said that everything was so clean.  He sent me a picture of himself holding a HUGE python!  What is the forum about that you gave?  The sores on my legs have resolved on their own; but I will ask my onc about it next week.

    Tanz - yes, thank you for keeping up with all 53 of us - I agree, it does seem like a lot.  I hope that you are able to go to one of the LGFBetter classes; I was sick from Chemo when I went to mine, but I love makeup and expecially free very nice makeup, so it did cheer me up.  The women that ran the class showed us a neat way to make a head covering from an old tee shirt

    Ruth - I sent you a private message.  You could probably ask someone at your oncologist's office, or goole to find the American Cancer Society chapter in your area; they are the ones that sponser the classes.  Our chapter has a support group that meets once a month, so I'm planning to go to the Oct meeting.

    Yuyu - so glad to hear from you!  I buzzed my hair yesterday and it was shocking to see how much of my hair had turned white - I didn't color it for the last couple of months (figured what's the use).

    Priane - yes, my scalp is sore also.  I'm at work today and wearing my wig for the first time; I hope that it doesn't look like I have a rodent on my head! It does feel weird and a little tight; I also hope that I don't end up with a headache by the end of the day; I brought a hat with me just in case.

    My white count is finally on the upswing!  The absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is up to 1.0 YAY; I was told that I would not be able to have another TX if it was less than 1.5 - so hopefully it will be up another 0.5 by next Thursday.

    Hmmm bad movie list - the last bad movie that I saw was The Assasination of Jesse James with Brad Pitt - it was soooo slow!

    Good movie list - Must Love Dogs, The Illusionist, Juno - I want to see Ghosts when it comes out; chemo brain, can't think of any others right now

    Hugs to all Wink


  • wproch
    wproch Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2008
    Hi everyone.  I'm new to this sight and found it to be a great thing.  Thanks.  I start my third round of chemo on Monday AC and I'm finding that I'm getting more anxious with every round.  I'm actually scared.  I have had everything from severe mouth sores, infection, you name it I've had it.  I find that I'm thinking more about death than getting through it.  Is this a normal thing?
  • Emily2008
    Emily2008 Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2008

    I got a scrip for emend and a steroid to be taken for two days after my chemo.  They gave me Emend through the IV and it worked like a charm.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2008


    I started losing hair  last night, 16 days post treatment. I thought I would because  my scalp has been tender and sore since Last weekend.  

     I'm in a dismal place  in a rainy city.

    Hope I get my next Oncologist October 7th and get this done.

  • kmg1015
    kmg1015 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2008


    Hi!  I am also in South Dakota, specifically Sioux Falls.  Now that is a small world, there just aren't that many of us in the state!  Where are you?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008


    Hang in there! You can do it! Talk to your onc nurses. I find they are a great support system for me.

    hugs, Juli

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Priz - I'm so very sorry to hear about your mother - my thoughts are with you both.

    You can get Emend IV?

    Yuyu - how did your 2nd TX go?  I've heard some have an easier time and some worse; please let us know - thinking about you too!

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    KMG, I am in Sioux Falls also.  Where do you get your treatments??   Small world.


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008


    I am in Simi Valley. What part of Los Angeles are you in?

    How was tx 2?


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Priane, your pic looks great! I hope your daughter adjusts to your new look. I was asking my son (11) the other day what he thought about me losing my hair. He didn't seem too concerned. My husband says he is gonna shave his when I lose mine. His is cut really short anyway, but I'm not sure if the kids want two bald parents LOL. Like Emily mentioned, my kids might need therapy too!

    About the sensitive scalp - I thought that happened before the hair loss. Hope yours feels better soon. Day 13 here for me - nothing falling out yet. I think I'm obsessed just waiting for it to begin.

    Welcome Beth and Genia - hope you both are feeling good today!

    Singapore Chris - what beautiful flowers for Tanzie! Aren't you sweet! :) She definitely deserves them!

    Rseaw - the Look Good classes are through the American Cancer Society. You should be able to check with your local chapter and find out about classes. Hope you can go to a class too Tanzie. I have no idea how to tie scarves and such, so I hope my class will help! Oh, I just saw Donna answered about the classes. Donna, glad your legs are doing better.

    Welcome wproch!

    Okay, I think I'm caught up. I have a couple of questions. I can't keep up with who has already had their second treatment. If you've had treatment #2, how did the infusion compare to the first? Did it take about the same amount of time? And how do your se's this time compare with the first time? My 2nd treatment is a week from Monday, so I am curious.

    Have a great football Saturday everyone,


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    I am starting to get nervous about my first chemo on Monday.  I started crying today looking at a catalog that had poems and such in it for family members who had lost loved ones.  I found a Look Good class near me on Oct. 27.  I am hoping to be well enough to go.  Wink - my son is in the Navy, too.  He's not been to Singapore, though.  He started as a corpsman and is now a surgical tech stationed in Portsmouth, VA.  Of course, if you talk to him you'd think he was a doctor - "how much drainage do you have?  What color is it?"  He's been in for 5 years.  Last November he re-uped for 4 more, so he's in until at least 2011.  It has been good for him, though. 

    Thanks to every one of you for sharing your journey with me.  I have a lot of friends and support, but it's not the same as interacting with someone who is going through the same thing.

  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2008

    wpoch, so sorry to hear you are having so many side effects.  I don't know if it is "'normal" to think of death when things get hard, but nothing is normal anymore in my little cancer world here...PLease let someone on your medical team know your thoughts as it sounds like your side effects need to be managed more effectively.  One of the side effects of the AC combo and related anti nausea drugs for a few can be a biochemically induced depression which can trick us into believing we should just give up.  Please let us know how you are doing.

    Jane  I know the feeling the weekend I went boating down the MIssissippi, something I never dreamed I would be able to do while on chemo and have so much fun.  The colors are the best I have ever seen..."chemo" eyes are good for something. It will be OK.

  • kimmysue
    kimmysue Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2008


    When I read you post my heart went out to you. I can't imagine what you must be going through. Many docs have told me that sadly depression is part of this lovely cancer. You are not alone in this as it is very common.  Please ask them for anti-depressant it will really help from what I hear. My neighbors husband is normally a very happy person until he had cancer and they put him on them and  it really helped. Sometimes we just need a Little extra help to get through very tough times. I will pray for you tonite and know than someone cares about you even thought they don't know you.

    God bless and please talk to you doc about this asap.


  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2008

    I got a card about the Look Good, Feel Better from the breast liason in a packet she gave me at my first chemo.  You can also google it and it will tell you of classes in your area.  I wasn't able to fit in my schedule as it is a 70 miles drive each way so they gave me a private class just by calling ahead.  They makeup and creams are free and top brands, well worth it.  They also have great tips about keeping everying clean.  Using disposable wands w/mascara, spatualas with creams, etc.  Not spreading germs and contaminating our makeup, etc. 

    Hope this helps.  Treatment went okay yesterday.  Had Neulasta a shot today.  Slept all afternoon but hoping to bounce back tomorrow.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008

    The Ellen (Degeneres) Show is having a Breast Cancer Survivor Show to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I am going to be in the audience!!! The show is airing on Wednesday (taping is on Tuesday). I am very excited and am glad I am feeling up to it!

  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2008

    WooHoo, you go girl!  Will watch for you.

  • Emily2008
    Emily2008 Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2008

    Jane, thank your son from me for his service to our country.  You must be very proud of him!  Don't worry too much about your chemo tomorrow.  Go in there with your warrior face on and it'll be over before you know it.  I was so nervous and asked a ton of questions.  The nurses were so helpful and patient with dh and me and I was really at ease.  I took books, ipod and snacks.  I even napped a bit.  Then came home a got into bed.  Be good to yourself and take it easy.  Eliminate anything that you can from your schedule and make yourself priority number one!

    I took a lint roller to my stubbly head and I'm losing stubble like crazy!  I'm okay with it, though, and am making the most of my scarves and dangling earrings.  I think I either look like a sexy gypsy queen or a trangendered pirate, LOL!

    Had my second chemo on Thurs, and am feeling much more fatigued.  Head feels heavy and harder to concentrate, too.  Fortunately, no nausea and the metallic taste isn't nearly as bad as after txt #, so I'm happy about that!