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Chemo in Sept 08



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Wproch, as cjh suggested, you must ask for help if you feel you can't cope. We are all going through a terrible phase in our lives and some days are better than others and we all have different levels of support, but regardless, now is a time for you to ask for anything you need. We are all here for you and know how the bad days feel whether they are physical or emotional. 

    If you find you are thinking about death more often than not, you should ask to see a councellor or share your feelings with a close friend. It may be a difficult time for you now, but you will be alright, we are all there for you. Take Care.

    It is my birthday today and I have had a fantastic day, lots of lovely presents, two flower deliveries, my family around me and afternoon tea in my favourite hotel. I didn't even remember I had cancer today let alone anyone else. Even if I say so myself, I looked lovely, hair or no hair, what a great day!

    Chemo no 2 on Tuesday, but one day at a time.  I still need my husband with me to make me feel strong, even though he doesn't do anything, having him there really helps.

    The weather in Singapore is great as always around 30 degrees C around 85 F. Cool

    Good luck to those having treatment this week.

    Singapore Chris

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    wproch,   just got caught up on the thread and saw your post.   It sounds as if your having a really bad time of it.   I'm so sorry you are having to go through this.  {{{{HUGS}}}} I'll add you to the list next time I update, if that's okay with you?

    Emily,  I've been lint rollering my stubble too.   The ole dome looks pretty pitiful!   At least it's a nice round shape.  :P   Also, you made me laugh out loud with your trangendered pirate comment!   LOL   I felt like that yesterday with my scarf and big hoops.

    Wink,   I wore my wig out for the first time yesterday.   I was so self-conscious!   I am doing the main 'unveiling' today at church though..... and I'm slightly freaked out by it.   Yesterday, I was among strangers.   Today, I'll be in amongst friends and those that know me---- and they will all know I'm wearing a wig.   I don't know how I'll handle the scrutiny.   I'm tempted just to chicken out and wear a scarf.  BTW:  Whoohoo on the upswinging white count!

    Sue, 2nd tx hasn't really been any worse than the first.   It just seemed to hit me faster, if that makes any sense?

    bar62  {{{{{HUGS}}}} to you, just because.

    iowagirl,  How's the neulasta treating you?

    praine,  my scalp is sore too--- and feels like sandpaper against my pillow.  I'm finding I can't keep my hands off it.  I'm constantly touching what little bit of hair (stubble) I have left.

    Schris!   A very happy belated birthday to you, chica!   So glad to hear that you had a wonderful time.  :)   It's wonderful to be reminded that the good things can sweep us up and away, even in the midst of trouble.

    Juli,  I love the Ellen show.  She cracks me up.   I'll have to remember to look for you. :)

    cjh,  boating down the MS sounds lovely.   We've had some really nice temps here now that fall is finally starting to come around.   Great football weather.

    Jane, you CAN do this.  I really feel for ya, because I know how anxious I was before my first tx.  Hang in there, hon.     Also great big thank you to both your son and Wink's.   I really admire those who serve.    I think the men and women in our armed forces are way under appreciated!

    I think that's it, girls.

    Have a great one!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    Julie - how cool.  I have never been able to figure out my ti-vo.  Is there any way you (or anyone else on the forum) could record this show for me?  I'll pm my address to you and send you $ to ship it to me.

    Emily - I am VERY proud of my son.  I don't know where he came from or who raised him.  I know I am nuts, actually I've known that for a long time.  At any rate, my plan for tomorrow is to work for 2 hours before my chemo, have the chemo and then work about 4 more hours.  I figure days 2 and 3 eill be the worst and I can rest then.  I'm going to start drinking lots of water today and keep it up for the next couple of days.  

    Thanks for the good wishes.  I need them.

  • peeps1111
    peeps1111 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2008

    Singapore Chris:

    Happy birthday!  Glad you are having such a great day!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008

    Sorry Jane, I have no way of taping either. Frown But I posted a closer-up pic of me, so y'all can (hopefully) spot me. Laughing

    Good Luck to all having tx this week!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2008


    I also am doing chemo first ACx4 then Tax x8....but I did get a port.  Since I am such a baby about needles.  It is so much better.  First chemo was 9-25.....and I seem to be fine, just tired and food just doesn't sound good.  Shopped yesterday for high protien stuff that sounded good and some juices and applesauce.  We'll see how it goes..  So far the worst part is, diet pepsi just doesn't taste good.....bummer.  I have 2 cm lump in one breast other hot spots showing.


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2008


     Correction for you on my chemo.  It is AC every other week x 4 / T every other week x4. 

  • wproch
    wproch Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2008

    Thanks to everyone for their support.  I think with all the mouth sores, and infections I had it was getting me down but you guys really help.  Thanks again.  Tanzie I would be greatly to be on our list.  Thanks again everyone

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2008

    Brandon Mom,

    I am the same as you. AC every other week x4, Taxol every other week X4.

    I just finished the AC. Tomorrow is my first T. I hear it will be easier. I HOPE SO!!! 

    :-)  Springtime.

  • Ellzig
    Ellzig Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2008

    Springtime - just noticed your note on the bottom of your post - I LOVE IT!!! Psalm 91:4-16. That just made me feel good.

    I start the AC on Tues the 30th - and want to just say I'm drinking more water than I ever have in my life! I'm hoping this will cut down on any SE's. So far in this journey I've felt very positive. There is so much that is done now, and even tho chemo is a drag we will get through this - it's not forever! I will miss my hair, tho'...

    What is the "Look Good Feel Good" class? Who has it? I'd love to learn how to put on makeup especially for the unique no eyebrow/no eye lash look...Laughing


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    Springtime - I love the verse.  I think I'm going to copy it down and hang it on my fridge.  We're on the same regimen as well - yours is ending, mine begins tomorrow.  I'm starting to float myself.  My husband couldn't understand why I needed a whole case of water, but if water keeps the SEs away, I'll drink a tanker full. 

    Ellzig - The Look Good Feel Better classes are offered by The American Cancer society.  Just check with your closest ACS chapter or go to  You can put your town or zip code in and they will tell you where the nearest chapter is.  I am hoping to feel well enough to go to one near me the end of October.  Also, the place where I got my wig gave me this little kit that came with stencils for the eyebrows, powder (kind of like an eyeshadow or blush) that goes on with a brush and then it has a wand like a mascara wand to put on over it that glues it in place.  If I am graceful enough to be able to put it on, I'll let you know how it works.

    Is there anybody else here who feels guilty about the burden they are putting on their family?  I had to have 8 tubes of fluid drained from what used to be my breast on Thursday because my BS says I am using my arm too much.  My husband has been reminding me since then when he sees me using it, but I feel useless letting him do the dishes, carry in and put away the groceries, help me with showering and washing my hair.  I know I should be saying "It's about time." but I feel like a loser and a burden.  And this is just the beginning.  

    And everyone in church was telling me today that they can't get over how good I look for having had surgery a little less than 3 weeks ago.  What am I supposed to look like?  It's only temporary; I doubt I'll look this good in a couple weeks.

    Ok, enough whining.  I'm going to copy Springtime's verse now.

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    Adding wproch and trudecox.   Welcome ladies!

    Updating tx and dates for Brandonmom and Bethwvu. :) 

    Sept ChemoGals!

    Sept 01 -   FloridaMom     TAC (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 02 -   Jacuelyn32    TC or TAC

    Sept 02 -   kmg1015    TC x6

    Sept 03 -   2z54    (Port and SNB Aug. 28)

    Sept 03 -   horselover     A/C x4 every two weeks  T x4 every two weeks  (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 03 -   6cooks      T x9 weekly / A/C x8 every two weeks

    Sept 04 -   SingaporeChris    FAC

    Sept 04 -   Emily2008    A/C x4

    Sept 04 -   paweed      TC

    Sept 04 -   rickster      TC

    Sept 04 -   Rehula       A/C x4

    Sept 05 -   yuyueno    TC x6 every three weeks (Port placed Sept. 29)

    Sept 05 -   BrandonMom     A/C x4 every other week / T x4 every other week

    Sept 05 -   iowagirl       TC

    Sept 07 -   Karenp62       TC

    Sept 08 -   woorus     6 tx every three weeks

    Sept 08 -   Lili46    TC x4

    Sept 08 -   praine     TAC

    Sept 09 -   Tanzie    A/C x4 two weeks between (Picc Line inserted same day)

    Sept 09 -   cjh   

    Sept 09 -   HeatherL      FEC x3 / TC x3

    Sept 09 -   lyn117      EC & F(5FU)

    Sept 10 -   theprettiestmess     FAC & T

    Sept 10 -   bar62        A/C

    Sept 11 -   klfh        TCH   tx x6  three weeks apart 

    Sept 11 -   TheMissingWink      (Port placed 9/08)

    Sept 11 -   oldlady     TC x4 every three weeks -- final treatment something else

    Sept 15 -   Sue508    TC x4 three weeks between

    Sept 15 -   floridaeyes 

    Sept 15 -   jc135    TCH every three weeks  /   H weekly  

    Sept 15 -   hopefulLady       TC x4  three weeks apart 

    Sept 15 -   softballangel       Blind Trial 

    Sept 17 -   Priz47     A/C (Port placed 8 / 28)

    Sept 17 -   peeps1111      TC x4 every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   kimy      TCH  every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   bettysgirl      FEC x3

    Sept 19 -   Juli50     A/C x4  every three weeks  T twelve weeks

    Sept 19 -   susan13      CAF  over nine weeks (port placed 9/16)

    Sept 22 -   bunnyrabbit     TC cocktail of choice

    Sept 24 -   LisaF       A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 24 -   Genia        TCH

    Sept 25 -   Vondi       A/C x4

    Sept 25 -   trudecox       A/C x4  /  T x8

    Sept 26 -   rseaw22     T/C x4

    Sept 26 -   ango74       TCH x6 /  H

    Sept 26 -   ppaul54      Gemcitibine

    Sept 26 -   Bethwvu      TCH x6 every three weeks

    Sept 29 -   PEnTE (Pattie)     A/C every 3 weeks

    Sept 29 -   tammyintexas     A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks / Rads x33

    Sept 29 -   ladyleen4          TC x4 three weeks apart

    Sept 29 -   Springtime       T

    Sept 29 -   Jane_M    A/C x4 every two weeks /  T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 30 -   Ellizig       A/C x4  /  T x4

    Sept ?? -   CanItBeTrueNH  

    You girls please let me know if I need to add, or if I've forgotten anything!

  • Seven11
    Seven11 Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2010
    My husband shaved of my hair today.  It wasn't coming on in handfuls, but it was headed in that direction.  This is the first down day I've had in awhile.  Frown
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2008


    Can I be added to the list? I didn't start in Sept but will have my first Taxol tomorrow (had 4 ACs already!)

    Ellzig and Jane_M, Glad you like the verse on my closing! I just came across it again this past week, and was AMAZED. Wwhen I replaced the He/Him with She/Her I just burst into tears! 


    Springtime  Cool

  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2008

    Hi, just wanted to let you all know that my second TC on the 26th seems to have gone smoothly.  We cut it to 80 percent and yesterday I had my Neulasta shot and slept most of the day.  I think it was because I was so nervous about the second chemo, I didn't sleep much the nights before. However, today, I planted flowers, cleaned carpets, walked twice and biked a bit.  And I did laundry and put fresh sheets on my bed.  Feeling great.  Hope everyone else is doing well.

     Take care.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    Iowa -

    I am SOOO glad this one went better.  I have been thinking about you and praying it would be ok.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2008

    Does tingling of the scalp translate to itching??? My scalp has been itching alot today. Just wondering. I was taking a walk this evening, enjoying the warm weather. I realized that the physical healing of 2 surgeries was easier than this emotional healing. I have hit the angry stage. I get mad when people tell me "at least you have perky breasts". Yea, it was worth getting cancer, having my boobs chopped off and now puting toxic chemicals in my body to get perky breasts! And at least you caught it early. Doesn't matter, I still have CANCER! Sorry to vent, but I just am mad and don't get the well-meaning people!

    Big week, we have 6 people getting chemo! Good luck to all of you, you are in my thoughts and prayers! We are hereif you need us. Hope the SE are not bad and remember this is DOABLE!

    God bless!


  • Tamm36
    Tamm36 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2008


    I am new to this board and have been reading all the posts and would like to join in if I could.  I was diagnosed w BC on 9/4, had a port placed on 9/16 & started chemo on 9/18.  My treatment will consist of AC 4x's & then Taxol for 12 weeks.  I am scared!!  I am married & have 5 kids ranging in ages from 13yrs to 4yrs.  The first chemo went well but I am really nervous about the second and wether the side effects increase as treatment continues or wether they stay the same?  Also I am really really nervous about the hair.  I wish it would just come out already because the waiting is killing me.  Tongue out

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008
    Welcome Tamm36! We are having the same treatments, but you are 1 day ahead of me. I'm nervous about the hair too, so I have an appt to get it buzzed on Friday. yikes! Undecided I am a single mom of 4 boys, ages 15 yrs - 25 yrs. They are planning to get buzzed too... very sweet of them!
  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2008

    Welcome Tamm36!

    My first treatment of AC was also on the 18th (rescheduled from the 9th) I go back next Thursday for the second and am also wondering if I will "skate" through as easily as I did this round. I will then go to weekly Taxol x12. Are you taking the neulesta  booster shot?

     I am in total denial about my hair falling out soon...I won't believe it till I see it, then I will deal with it. (I do have a wig, a cute DFL hat and a scarf ready though)

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Jane M, try not  to feel guilty for letting your husband help you.  Often there is nothing anyone can do and they feel helpless, I am sure it is helping him to cope, as there are lots of things he can do to show you how much he loves you!   You won't always feel bad, you will probably have more good days than bad. I find that there are lots of things we can do to make ourselves feel better, like dressing up a little more than usual when we got out, or using a little more make up to change the emphasis from our hair really helps.  I always have a co-ordinating scarf tied around my hat and have had so many compliments, and it makes me feel good.

    I have been looking at peoples eyelashes and actually some people have very thin and short ones that can hardly be seen, try not to compare yourselves with the movie star type and know in your heart that whatever hair we lose will come back.

    Klfh, we all have some days that are worse than others, and I feel for you.  I am loosing my newly grown hair, it started coming out again on day 28, I thought I was going to keep it, but no.  This morning I counted 100 hairs on my pillow. Felt sad for a short while, but I know I can get through this and with the support of all of you guys it is so much easiler. At least it hung on for my birthday! Thanks girlsKiss Singapore Chris x

  • Tamm36
    Tamm36 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2008


    Thank you for the welcome. Kudos to you on buzzing your hair!!  I was thinking of just going ahead and doing that but then I lose my courage and think I'll fight it till the last hair hits the floor.  Embarassed  What an awesome way for your boys to show support!!  They obviously love mom a whole lot!!  Are you planning are wearing a wig?  How was the A/C for you?


    Thank you for the welcome.  My second treatment is this Thursday and I am hoping it goes as smoothly as the first.  I did get the neulesta booster on the Fri following the A/C.  I was told I could take an Advil ONLY for the day of the shot and the day after.  I had minimum aching in my joints and lower back.  Did you have any side effects?  I don't have a wig yet, not sure if I can wear one.  I do have hats and scarves though.  The other side effect that really bothered me was feeling fuzzy and medicine head like.  I finally feel clear and now have to return on Thurs but at least it will be the half way point w the A/C.  Have you heard if the Taxol is similar in side effects as the A/C?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008


    I have wigs, scarves and hats ready and waiting. Not sure what I will want to wear, so I stocked up on all of them. AC wasn't too bad - just queasy for a few days and the metal taste was quite annoying. I think it was the anti-nausea meds that made me so fuzzy-headed. But I was back at work on Monday (tx was on Friday). I didn't get a neulasta shot. Onc said I was "young" and didn't need it. I wanted to kiss him...maybe he doesn't know I am 50 yrs old! LOL

    I have heard the SE's are different with Taxol - not as much nausea, but insomnia and nail discoloration.

    Good Luck and hugs to all having tx this week!

  • tammyintexas
    tammyintexas Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2008

    Hi everyone,  well I have an hour and half before my first treatment, getting really nervous.  i noticed alot of you already bought wigs,  i guess im slow on that.  i have bought some hats and a scarf.  I am really scared on what to expect and that my family will be on their own for a week.  I am one of those people that worked, volunteered at school, and ran my household.  this will be new letting eveyone else take care of me. 

    I will go back tomorrow for my shot, and we will see how it goes. 

    good luck to everyone starting and i hope we all have mild side affects.

    God Bless


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Good luck to the gals starting today!  ((((((((((()))))))))))

    Hair-watch - Day 15 - hair still attached!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2008

    Yes good luck to those that are starting this week. 

    It IS doable.....and this is coming from someone who even today has  I called my Dr. yesterday and he said as long as it isn't over 6 times per day......I'm ok.   Well yesterday it was 5.......but I've already been 2 times this morning........wish I had some imodium........but wouldn't ya know that's the ONE thing I forgot to pick up.......and hubby has the car today!!!  lol

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2008


    My onc yeled at me when I told her I didn't take Immodium! She said after the third time, just take it! (Still haven't) To me, I'd rather deal with diarrhea then vomiting!

    Still have an itchy scalp and today is Day 12....Wait and see


  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    Susan, I have been thinking of you the past couple of days.  I know we are both on day 15, hair is still attached here also, but I am going crazy waiting for it to start!  It actually itched more a week ago.  

    Priz47, why would you have to deal with either diarrhea or vomiting?   I had diarrhea and took immodium after a few days.  Never vomited.  That's what the anti nausea medication is for.


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Genia & Priz,

    Do you have any Pepto-Bismol?  I took the recommended dose (two tbs I think) and a 25 mg Benedryl; it stopped the diarrhea and cramping.  I will take it sooner after my next tx. What a crappy comment regarding "perky breasts"; some people have no edit function! 


    I know what you mean about wearing your wig for the first time; I felt that everyone was staring at me.  I wore it to work again on Sunday, but my scalp is so tender that I switched it out for a hat (thank goodness I brought one with me).  I have an appointment on Wednesday to have the wig thinned out and cut (my husband said it was way to full).  So until then I will wear a scarf/hat.  I did get some of the human hair sideburns from TLC online store, I'm going to give them a try today.  I also ordered one of those gel bands that are supposed to make for a more comfortable wig experience.  I'll let everyone know how it works out and if it's worth the cost ($28).


    Happy be-lated birthdaySmile. I'm sorry that you are having to go through losing your hair again; I'm sure that it's doubly hard after having some re-growth.  It's one of the hardest adjustments for me because I always thought of my hair as my crowing glory; now I just feel exposed and vulnerable. 


    I'm so relieved to hear that your second tx went well; I sure was thinking about you!  I have my second tx of Taxotere/Cytoxin this Thursday.  I'm hoping that the SEs will be less this time.  It's amazing how everyone is so different - it seems that some of us do better with the second tx, and some do worse.  I'll just have to wait and see.  I have stocked up on ginger ale, white bread, and eggs - those seemed to be the only foods that weren't offensive to me.


    Glad to hear that your follicles have not given up a grip.  Day 15 - that's great!  I still have my eyebrows, eyelashes (thinning a bit), underarm hair, and south-of-the-border hair..oh yea, leg hair too. The hair on my head is only about 1/4 inch long and it's shedding quite a bit - I roll it with the lint roller several times a day.  I decided to use moisturizer on my scalp since I wasn't using a conditioner in the shower (use Burt's Bees Baby Bee shampoo and body wash - it's certainly a lot easier taking a shower these days), it was kind of messy as the little tiny hair kept sticking to my hands and face.

    Texas Tammy,

    Here's hoping for a successful treatment with little or no side effects.  I'm a triple negative too - what are you getting?  I'm getting T/C x 4 every three weeks.  I'm also taking Emend for nausea. I will be enrolled in a study after my treatment is completed in November.  The study uses bisphoshonates (sp?) like Boniva to strengthen bones - only the dose is a lot higher and given everyday.  It's supposed to prevent  bone metastasis; sounded good to me! 


    50 is young!  I'm 50 too.  I also stocked up on wigs, falls, halos, sideburns, eyelashes, scarves, and hats.  The only thing I didn't get was fake eyebrows (they have them on; they were $39 and I was afraid that I wouldn't like them.

    Hope everyone one is doing well and has a good week.  Wish me luck with my second tx on Thursday.

    Love & Hugs

    Donna Wink 

    PS Has anyone read the Sweet Potato Queens books?  They are a hoot!  I'm reading the Sweet Potato Queens' Guide to Raising Children for Fun & Profit.  The first book (SPQs Guide to Love) had a chapter titled "Men that need killin"; thought about this when Priz wrote about the "perky breasts" comments - just change the title to "People that need Killin" LOL 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2008

    I took some bendryl today.......and it has REALLY helped!!!  I went the two times this morning.......and that has been IT...........I figured it couldn't hurt........and I didn't have anything else here to take until my husband got home. 

    Not sure it if was the benedryl or coincedence.......but something worked!