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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2008

    I have my first Taxol on Monday 29th. Is anyone here already finished with AC and onto Taxol?

    I would like to know how you compare the two (AC vs T) in terms of your reaction afterwards, strength, nausea, blood counts, energy level, etc.

    My ONC said 95% do better on the Taxol than AC; that is: find it easier. She said, " Less pukey, but more achy". That is sounding pretty good to me about now...

    Would like to hear from you all! T vs. AC??


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Susan - Day 14 for me.  No I didn't buzz my hair, just thought I'd gradually get there by cutting it short first.  When it starts to look patchy I'll buzz it.Cry 

    No vaccinations during chemo.  Our immune system is suppressed and we would not develop antibodies to the vaccine.  Also, if the vaccine was made from a partially live virus, there would be a chance that we could develop the very bug that we were being vaccinated against (I'm not sure that they make partially live virus vaccines anymore - not up on my virology). I'm going to double check to make sure. It is a good idea to encourage everyone in your household to be vaccinated.


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Well, I stand corrected (I think).  Receiving the flu shot during the course of chemo appears to be quite controversial.  I guess the best thing to do would be to ask your doctor.  Our employee health nurse said "no vaccines" for me, so I assumed that she knew what she was talking about. I will ask my onc next week when I see him if I should get the flu vaccine. 

    I found some information here on that said that patients receiving chemo should wait until their white count is at it's highest (usually the day before tx) and that it should be ok to get the flu and pheumo vaccine. 

  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2008

    Hi Susan,

    Yes, I think I will get my kids a flu shot.   I'll check in with the nurses when I got back today about us personally getting one.  I'll let you know, but I bet others have an opinion!

  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2008

    Hi wink,

    I just put in my previous post before I saw your rely.  I also asked about a shingles vaccine, as I heard on a site that shingles can be a nasty side effect.  I was told no, as it is a live vaccine.  However this nurse did tell me to talk to my doctor about the flu shot.  Of course I forgot to yesterday....  

  • ppaul54
    ppaul54 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2008

    Hi all - I'm new to this forum, too, and am starting chemo tomorrow. I had a mastectomy in March 2002 and was on Tamoxifen for nearly 5 years when my bc came back last year. I did 6 months of Taxotere/Avastin and then Aromasin for about 7 months before it came back again. I did radiation for a month for a tumor in my brachial plexus (underarm, basically) and was on Xeloda for about 3 months. My tumor marker went down to 34 and the doc gave me a month off from the Xeloda in early Sept. But my lung continues to fill with fluid and the pulmonary doc says it's a direct result from not being on chemo, and he's draining it twice a week, so back I go. This time, because I didn't tolerate the Xeloda very well, I'm doing Gemcitibine. Has anyone else had this drug? What side effects did you have? I don't seem to have some of the normal side effects. I never had the joint or bone pain I've read about with Aromasin and Xeloda just made me nauseous and bloated. The ONLY good thing about this whole odeal is I've lost about 130 pounds, but I can't really recommend the diet!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    Thanks for all the good vibes sent my WBC was 2.1 so no shot for me HOORAY!! He said the WBC's should be recovered fine by the next treatment in 2 wks soooo I am a happy camper tonight!!!

    Hope everyone did good today and has a good evening!

  • kimy
    kimy Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2008


    I asked my Oncology Nurse about the flu shot last week. She said that my doctor will mostly likely recommend that I get the shot - at an appropriate time in my treatment cycle.

    I'll be curious to learn if doctors differ in opinion about this.


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    Welcome to the list:   iowagirl, rseaw22, ango74, vondi, Ellzig, Springtime, ppaul54!

    Updating  klfh, 6cooks and Jane_M's tx and dates. :)

    Sept ChemoGals!

    Sept 01 -   FloridaMom     TAC (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 02 -   Jacuelyn32    TC or TAC

    Sept 02 -   kmg1015    TC x6

    Sept 03 -   2z54    (Port and SNB Aug. 28)

    Sept 03 -   horselover     A/C x4 every two weeks  T x4 every two weeks  (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 03 -   6cooks      T x9 weekly / A/C x8 every two weeks

    Sept 04 -   SingaporeChris    FAC

    Sept 04 -   Emily2008    A/C x4

    Sept 04 -   paweed      TC

    Sept 04 -   rickster      TC

    Sept 04 -   Rehula       A/C x4

    Sept 05 -   yuyueno    TC x6 every three weeks (Port placed Sept. 29)

    Sept 05 -   BrandonMom     A/C every four weeks / T every other week x4

    Sept 05 -   iowagirl       TC

    Sept 08 -   woorus     6 tx every three weeks

    Sept 08 -   Lili46    TC x4

    Sept 08 -   praine     TAC

    Sept 09 -   Tanzie    A/C x4 two weeks between (Picc Line inserted same day)

    Sept 09 -   cjh   

    Sept 09 -   HeatherL      FEC x3 / TC x3

    Sept 09 -   lyn117      EC & F(5FU)

    Sept 10 -   theprettiestmess     FAC & T

    Sept 10 -   bar62        A/C

    Sept 11 -   klfh        TCH   tx x6  three weeks apart 

    Sept 11 -   TheMissingWink      (Port placed 9/08)

    Sept 11 -   oldlady     TC x4 every three weeks -- final treatment something else

    Sept 15 -   Sue508    TC x4 three weeks between

    Sept 15 -   floridaeyes 

    Sept 15 -   jc135    TCH every three weeks  /   H weekly  

    Sept 15 -   hopefulLady       TC x4  three weeks apart 

    Sept 15 -   softballangel       Blind Trial 

    Sept 17 -   Priz47     A/C (Port placed 8 / 28)

    Sept 17 -   peeps1111      TC x4 every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   kimy      TCH  every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   bettysgirl      FEC x3

    Sept 19 -   Juli50     A/C x4  every three weeks  T twelve weeks

    Sept 19 -   susan13      CAF  over nine weeks (port placed 9/16)

    Sept 22 -   bunnyrabbit     TC cocktail of choice

    Sept 24 -   LisaF       A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 25 -   Vondi       A/C x4

    Sept 26 -   rseaw22     T/C x4

    Sept 26 -   ango74       TCH x6 /  H

    Sept 26 -   ppaul54      Gemcitibine

    Sept 29 -   PEnTE (Pattie)     A/C every 3 weeks

    Sept 29 -   tammyintexas     A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks / Rads x33

    Sept 29 -   ladyleen4          TC x4 three weeks apart

    Sept 29 -   Springtime       T

    Sept 29 -   Jane_M    A/C x4 every two weeks /  T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 30 -   Ellizig       A/C x4  /  T x4

    Sept ?? -   HopefulLady  (Port placed 9/11)

    Sept ?? -   CanItBeTrueNH  

    You girls please let me know if I need to add, or if I've forgotten anything!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    Well girls,   I'm going for the buzz this afternoon.  *sigh*   My hair is coming out by the handfuls, and it was fine to start with.    I went yesterday with my sis-in-law to have my wig thinned and cut.   It looks really good on the foam head---  not so sure that it looks as good on mine. lol   Still every one says it looks great.  Perhaps with time I'll get over the feeling that I have a small mammal perched on top of my skull.

    Tuesday went really well  2 tx down and 2 more to go!   Whoo!    

    So glad that most of ya'll seem to be doing well.  I'm doing okay myself...   I had been told that chemo was 'doable', and it is.  but it certainly isn't any fun!  I've found that naps help. ;)

     Hopeful Lady?  Have I missed your tx date and type?   If so, please let me know so I can update ya.

    Much love,


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008

    Oh! Btw,   LOVE the new pics Chris and Winkster!  :)

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    Welcome all newbies. Sorry you have to be here. This list grows daily. I have been deliberating about buzzing my head for the past 4 days(hair started falling out at exactly day 14) and finally just did it. My husband was following me around with the vacuum all week as my hair came out by the handful. It was actually liberating to shave it. I 'm not leaving a trail of hair wherever I go now. I still don't have a wig. I have tried 3 and sent them back. I have 2 more ordered but have a feeling that I'm just not a wig girl. My daughter went out and bought me 3 cute scarves and I have several hats so I think that that's the way I'm going to go. We'll see when the other 2 get here. 

    Gearing up for treatment #2 on Monday. Good luck to all those starting today and tomorrow.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2008

    I just buzzed my hair too, have to say, it was a great feeling!  Day 20 for me, and it was beginning to look way too thin.  I'm definitely amazed by how much hair you really have on your head!  I wore a wig today and HATED it.  It felt so uncomfortable.  I may try the wig/hat routine.  We'll see.  My coworkers were absolutely wonderful, though!

    Starting to feel more human now (A/C last Friday).  Planning a cupcake party tomorrow to celebrate the completion of my second A/C (halfway done with AC).

    Really interested in anyone that has had Taxol.  How were the side-effects?  Better/worse than AC?  I know everyone's mileage varies, but I'm really really hoping the Taxol will be a bit easier on the stomach.


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Woorus, thanks for your kind words, now we have chatted we must meet up.

    Susan, I lost my hair around day 18 on TC, but always kept a very sparce covering. I also have eyebrows and eyelashes growing, so I really hope I don't loose them again.

    Donna, Haven't had any boils, but we all react in different ways, see the dr and get them sorted, sounds really painful.

    I found TC much worse than AC + F, but that could be because my AC is split over two weeks. with TC I had constipation for 4 days, complete exhaustion for 3 days, followed by diarrhoea for a week. Over the 6 doses my nails started to turn brown and now I am loosing one and a few others look partly white and dead. I have put a lovely bright colour on them to make them and me feel better, they don't hurt at all.  It is a small price to pay for life! and they will grow back beautifully again soonKiss. On AC + F I have felt pretty good, not so tired, slight diarrhoea, but have had v low white blood count, hope I it doesn't happen again next week when I have dose two.

    I have just ran a Vision Boad workshop for a couple of chemo friends, if anyone wants to do one or know more about it, let me know. 

    Hope all went well vondie!

    Good luck to everyone whatever phase you are in and hang in there with the hair thing, remember it is only a short phase in our lives and will pass. We can do this girls, stay strong.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008


    Just got up from resting, feeling tired, urine is red, vomitting even though I had a anti-nausea medication in my drip, have a headache and generally feeling lousy. I just hope worse is not to come. Thanks

    Love you all

  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2008

    Tomorrow's my big day.  TX #2.  Then every 3 weeks 2 more times.

    We are going for 80% strength and keeping our fingers crossed.  Hopefully no problems this time. 

    Thanks all for the tea tree oil tips.  It's helping the nails a lot.  Good luck to all in the next few days.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2008

    Vondie I hope you feel better tomorrow. Good luck tomorrow iowagirl. ppaul54 good luck tomorrow.

    I want my next chemo, though I don't look forward to the SE. My  ex-Oncologist dripped my red chemo  in via IVPB; I wonder if he gave me a strong enough dose. Obviously, I lost confidence in him because of his behavior, plus I still have half my hair. I have mixed race hair; most of my frizzy hair has fallen out. I'm left with soft silky  grey and black curls, and a very tight slightly painful scalp.

     I may have to start over when I see my next Oncologist in October 7th so I guess I'll be a Sept/Oct chemo person.

    Question: I have to ask my doc about the Taxol and brown toes and blackened foot bottoms. My last Oncologist had told me he would see if I could take it.  I have Diabetes  and take Metformin. If anyone on this forum has Diabetes, took Taxol IV, and survived, feet intact with good circulation; Please let me know.

     Back tomorrow. Love to everyone here



  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    Tanzie, you have my tx type and dates.  I started on the 15th.

    Vondie, along with the anti nausea medication in the drip, they sent me home with 3 different prescriptions for pills to hep prevent nausea.   I think you need to take something to keep you from vomiting.   Maybe you could call tomorrow and ask.


  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2008

    Good luck Iowa girl. I will be in Rochester tomorrow too, checking on wigs...what a smalll chemo world.

    Vondie, Sorry to hear you are having a rough evening.  Let the docs know.  With the nine plus different meds they have available for nausea, hopefully they can find a combo that works for you. Are you drinking enough fluids, can you with the nausea? I flushed the "red devil" out of my urine in two hours with massive amounts of water.  That stuff was not coming home with me! Getting it into the cells and through the system and out as fast as possible was my chemo chant...

    Colleen, the thread on Trial E5103 has great details on the differing side effects of AC versus T.  We all start on ACx 4 then go to T for the clinical trial.  Nail loss and insomnia seem to be the primary issues with T along with fatigue.

  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2008

    Tanzie, thanks for all of your hard work in keeping the list up to date.  You are great!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2008


    You're right hopefullady!   I just forgot to take you off the bottom of the list when I added your date in!  Chemo Brain.  :/   Sorry.   I'll fix it next time.

    Tried buzzing my hair myself this morning.   And I ended up looking like one of those spikey caterpillars with all these little tufts of whispy hair sticking out all over the place. lol   SIL had to come rescue me and finish things properly..    I can't stop touching it.

    Goodluck iowagirl!

    Vondie, how are you feeling now?

    Winkster?   Have you had a chance to ask your onco about your legs?

    Brandonmom,   a cupcake party sounds fun.   You decorating? or just eating? :)

    Has anyone here done, or are thinking about doing the 'Look Good Feel Better' class?   I think that's what it is called.   I've read you get lots of free samples, ect?   Is it worth it?

    Take care  ya'll!


  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2008

    Hi, Everyone.  I have not been here for a few days, and wow, a lot is going on and I can't keep up with everyone's posts!

    Singapore Chris, I love your new pic!  Cotton caps sound really good.  I myself take off my wig as soon as I get home!  It gets really hot and itchy when you're wearing it all day.  Boy, it was 103 degree here where I live, and I couldn't wait to go home and take it off!  I too scare my neighbors with my head since I often forget I am bald!  BTW, my hair is 85% gone, they fell out in matter of a few days!  Hair loss started exactly on Day 14, and today is Day 22 majority of hair is gone, wow!

    Wink, Thank you for checking in with me re: my 2nd TCH chemo.  I am actually going in this morning.  I am not thrilled about it, but I gotta do what I gotta do!  I will update you on how it went.

  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2008


    I went to "Look Good Feel Better" class a few weeks ago.  It was great because I got a bag full of good cosmetics items,  I mean, good ones like Estee Lauder, Aveda, Mac, etc.  The class itelf was not that much informative, but it was still fun putting on make-ups with other ladies and exchange tips and info.  And, it's all free!

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Hi all

    Feeling a lot better thanks, I got some meds to help and I am doing OK for now, I am now drinking lots of water and the red is gone, feeling a little squeesy in the stomach but no vomitting, I am trying to eat some crackers, feeling a lot better. From now on I will always get extra anti-nausea meds.

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2008

    The morning after...yeah.  The tx took about 3 hours - and no issues at all.  I took ambien the night before so I had a solid block of rest which I think helped with my nerves.  I had read somewhere to push water and get excercise as much as possible to help - so had my nalgene full constantly.  After the tx my DH took me wig shopping - we have a terrific little boutique for mast patients run by a survivor.  She made it so easy to deal with everything.  I got a good synthetic, cotton hat, and a bandana.  My hairdresser pushed me to get a real hair wig - but with fatigue being a major issue, the ease of just put on and go plus the concern of not liking it anyway - synthetic seemed right for me. I figured on the better hats I wanted to see how they fit/looked without hair.   Last night was rough - achy all over, and I couldn't imagine how I could deal with this getting worse for 8 days - but this morning I feel back to just "weird".  I suspect I did too much and my body can't handle it. 

    I get my Neulasta shot this afternoon - not very excited about that one. :)  We're going to take the dogs with us and get a walk at a gorgeous park.  (lots of benches and shortcuts back to the car if needed.)  The only goal for the weekend is to try to get to the local farmers market - otherwise, it is water, excercise, rest, and wait for SE - hoping for few.

     My onc told me to get a flu shot - I never have in the past, but looks like I will this time. 

    Has anyone posted a list of movies to avoid....Bucket List and Land of Women were my two dumb ones...oops. 

  • Ellzig
    Ellzig Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2008

    Hi Everyone - ok, I'm confused. Which has been the norm since all of this started....

    I had scripts from the onc. for Emend, and dexamethasone (steroid). He also gave me scripts for Zofran and Compazine (ani-nausea). The nurse in the onc office said don't take anything until I come in. Won't it be too late then? I thought I was supposed to take some of these lovelies (Emend) before I started... My question is - do they put it in your IV at first?



  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2008

    My script for Emend said to take the first pill 1 hour prior to the start of chemo. Which I did and no nausea or vomiting, just queasy for 2 days.The IV drugs are different ones. I wholy am pro-drugs when it comes to antinausea! I am Day 9 and the diarrhea has started again! Not sure if chemo related or stress related. After next chemo, I wait a week then go to see my mom to say "goodbye" she has ovarian cancer and not expected to have much time left. Anyways, more diarrhea??!! WTH??? I am going to some Breast Cancer Forum this afternoon at the local hospital. Let's see what they say. I too want to go to a Look Good, feel Good, but am waiting to my hair falls out. Figure I'll need it more then. The waiting for the hair, is driving me crazy. I take a shower and I do not seem to be losing any more when I comb it, so who knows?


  • Ellzig
    Ellzig Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2008


    I'm with you regarding pro-drugs. Early and often if it cuts down the SE's. Sorry about your mom, it could certainly be adding to your physical stress of chemo. You're in my thoughts and prayers.


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Ellzig - I didn't take any prescrips prior to chemo (actually they didn't give me any scripts).  I got an antinausea drug in my iv prior to chemo drip, then some antinausea scripts to fill on my way home.


  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2008

    I had my first chemo on September 7th and my second one today. Taxotere and Cytoxan. The side effects from my first treatment weren't bad. I worked everyday. I had a sore mouth for 3 or 4 days and was tired but not overly so. And of course my hair began to fall out day 13. My white blood cells did fall below where they should have been so the onc put me on antibiotics for 5 days the second week. Hang in there ladies...We can do this.