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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    Hey ladies! hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. This may be long winded but i do have a little energy tonight. Let me first thank you for your prayers and encouragements. It has indeed been a long week since the first taxotere. They think the counts are high, i got a little dehydrated, thrush ect...PCP says taxotere probably did kick off the heel spur pain which has been a constant throbbing and aching deep in the heel and also very painful to walk on. He gave me pain meds that have helped. As far as onco goes i spent two days in the office on fluids, roids and meds for thrush. I cannot taste anything. I just was not prepared to be in consant bone pain from the neulasta or taxotere whichever it was and being in pain for 4 days did a major mind job. Now i cruised through the FEC was able to work and function. I knew nail pain, ect could come from taxotere but I have debilitaing fatigue with this. Maybe i am still dehydrated a tad. I do feel a little better toady. However i cannot work like this. I am sleeping most of the day, walking is a chore and i feel as though i have lead weights tied to me. They say maybe i am not metbolizing the taxotere,,,anyway i have been unable to do anything with the babies, unable to do much of anything. Maybe this is what taxotere is going to do to me. Maybe i felt so good on FEC that my body is saying rest already!! I am not sure but all i know is i went from feeling like i was living with cancer to dying with cancer in one treatment. I am not up yet but i am slowing inching out of sleep to a few hours of function at a time. It is small progress but it is progress.

    God bless you all dear friends.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Bettsygirl, what you are describing was what I felt like on taxotere and cyclophosminde.  I had one hit every 3 weeks and it wiped me out,  I felt tired for the first few days, then when day 4 hit, it was fit for nothing, except draging myself to the bathroom and back to my chair, I slept most of the time and even after sleeping all night, I felt exhausted in the morning. I felt a little better each day and after day 9 I was almost back to normal. So then I had 10 good days before my next hit, Each round did get a little better as I somehow got used to it.  Anyone who is doing the weekly hit shouldn't feel so bad as your dose will be split, so don't panic. The good news is, it feels wonderful when it is all over and that will come round much faster than you know! Hang in there!

    I am off to the beach for an end of year party with my 12 year old, shame I can't have a drink! 

    Take care everyone, Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Hi all....I just got up a little bit ago.  So far....not so bad.  I have been taking Ativan for nausea for the last two days.......and I'm tellin ya it is working wonders for me.  Don't have that queasy feeling like I did on the Zofran.  I also remembered to take my Claritin this time too.  So the pain from the NeuBlasta shot hasn't kicked in yet.  This evening is when I will notice the effects of the shot.......if there is gonna be any.  Hoping not!!!

    I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my sister and her family yesterday.  First time I have had Thanksgiving with all of them in years.  And none of them would let me do anything to help......was very nice.

    Lisa....hang in there sweetie.....only way to go now is up!!!  You will make it through is hard to comprehend that right now........but you will sweetie!!!   Just keep telling yourself with every are one step closer to being finished.

    Chris......have fun at the party sweetie.......

    Big hugs to all.......and I'll be here when I can!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Hi All,

    We are flying out early Sat AM to New Orleans for my Bi-lat and immed. Reconstruction on Tuesday Dec 2nd! I am getting nervous, but will be so glad to be on the other side of this surgery...

    Hang in there Bettysgirl! I hope you get some good days as Chris describes...

    Genia, This was the first year I didn't do Thanksgiving in ages. I helped on the day, but didn't have to do all that prep work for days prior.Nice for a change, huh??

    Will try to check in - we are bringing our computer with us!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Spring......if I don't get a chance to talk to you before you leave.......I wish you the best sweetie.  And hope that you have all good results with your surgery!!!  I will be thinking of you........

    I'm doing the decadron taper this I will see if it does better for me.  I feel kinda tired today.......but it's not really bad yet.  The shot always kicks in this evening and does me in for the hoping it doesn't this time.  

    Hope you all are having a decent day today..........Genia

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    spring- I will be thinking of you and I wish you all the best in your surgery and recovery. HUGS!!!

    i have accomplished nothing today to speak of other than  little walking and the biggie is that it's 5 and i've been awake since 7:30 this am! WHEW what an accomplishment!! I actually feel proud to be able to be awake!!

    Have a good evening ladies!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2008

    Hey ladies,

    I hope that Thanksgiving has been a great one for all of you.   I tell ya, this dx has really made me stop and count my blessings, so this holiday has been extra special for us.

    I know I haven't been posting, but I have been reading, keeping up, and participating in the group hugs via mental vibes!

    Glad to hear that you're up and kicking a little higher, bettysgirl!

    Genia--  hope this round goes down smooth and easy for you!

    Chris--  have a great time with your son. :)

    Springtime-- I'll be going under the knife Monday morning too.  I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery with your surgery.

    Much love!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Springtime and Tanzie, you must be feeling really nervous, but I am sure all will be well with the surgery, it is amazing how quickly the body recovers,.  One thing that worried me and my youngest son was the site of the drain bottle and the fluid, I took a silk bag into the hospital with me, with drawstrings to put it in, it looked great and I felt like a little bit of luxury was with me.  If you are going to do something, why not do it in style.  It is strange when there are so many more important things to worry about I get stuck on some daft thing!  Anyway girls, good luck and god bless you.  Be sure to post so we know how you are getting on!

    One funny thing, when I was at the beach last night, people were putting on their mosquito repellant and I said "I pity the mosquito that bites me, as IT will probably die, due to the chemo drugs", they all roared with laughter!

    Bye for now, Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Good luck with your surgery Lei........I'll be thinking of you sweetie!

    Chris the mosquito comment made me laugh!   There could be some glowing mosquitoes out there somewhere!  lolol

    I'm feeling pretty decent so far.  I think the decadron taper is really helping me.  Usually by this time between the NeuBlasta shot and the SE's from the chemo........I'm out of commission by now.  But this time I'm feeling ok.  Been takin my Claritan and the maybe that's the difference.  Sure hope so!!!

    Have a great day ya' and hugs to all!

  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2008

    Hi all,

    I haven't been writing in much, but I love reading your posts when I can.  Thanks for the updates.

    Genia, when do you take the Claritan?  Right before or after your NeuBlasta shot?  I'm done with A/C and did OK with it, but I've had one Taxol that was so painful for my bones and joints.  Felt like I was 100 years old.  I'm not sure if it was the Taxol or the shot, but I'm willing to try anything.  And, everyone told me Taxol was easy!!!  

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2008

    Springtime and Lei - praying that everything goes smoothly with the surgeries, that you heal quickly and feeling better soon!

    Bettysgirl and Genia - sending :::::feel better soon:::::: vibes.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Spring and Lei,

    Best of luck, hope all goes well.  ((((HUGS and KISSES)))).  Let us know how you're doing when you can.  My first Taxol went pretty well.  Not to much SE.  I was a little tired on day 3 but other than that all seems ok.  Hopefully it will continue like this.  Happy weekend to all, My hubby is laying tile in my kitchen and entry way.  I am helping when I can, but doing a darn good job of supervising !!! LOL!!!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Lisa....I took my Claritan the day before.....the day off....and now I'm on my second day after.  I'm not sure how long you are supposed to take it......and it own't hurt anything so I'm just continuing with it for a few days.  Last time I forgot it.....until it was too late.  My bones hurt soooo bad!

    I got the Claritin 24 hour pills.  It seems to be helping a lot.

    Hope this helps......and the ativan for the nausea.......OMG it's working so much better than the zofran did!!!  I'm actually able to eat this time around.......just hope it stays this way!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    spring and lei- i KNOW your surgeries will go well and i am sending you hugs for a speedy recovery.

    I hope everybody has a good weekend and these SE's leave for the rest of us.

    Thanks for being there girls. Some days are tough and you all are a great help!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2008

    Hello pretty ladies...I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and continues to have a long, lazy weekend...I've completed FAC, and I've done two of my twelve Taxol treatments. I still get two leukine shots on Fri and Sat, and now on Monday, I go for a PET scan because I'm having severe bone pain in my pelvis, left hip joint and femur down to my knee. I've read the stuff on bone mets and side effects of Taxol, and now I'm starting to wig's not enough that I've been dealing with cancer, chemo, atrial fib, upcoming heart surgery, port problems, and now the possibility of bone mets?

    Help me.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited November 2008

    Morning everyone,Smile

     I forgot to say I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I did a little too much  but I enjoyed my family. I  ate a bit even with metal mouth and ended up feeling good spritually though physically not so good. It's been one week and one day since my last AC treatment and I should be feeliing much better this week.

    Spring and Lei. I am thinking of you both  and sending you warm hugs.

    My mom died Thanksgiving Eve 4 years ago. This morning I felt like cleaning out a few of her things. While nosing around in her closets,  I found a  beautiful scarf, tied it on, decided to snap a pic and post it.  She knew I needed a pick-me-up...I just know  she  made me get up and  clean out some of her things. She was always a neat-nik.

    TY mom.

     hugs to all,

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008 sorry sweetie.  I hope and pray the bone pain is nothing to be concerned about!   I know it has to worry you sick.  Please let us know what you find out......

    bar I am one who believes my mother has communicated to me many times since her death.  I truly believe it is possible.  Your mother wanted you to find that scarf.....and feel her theory anyway.


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Spring and Lei - wishing you both a speedy recovery so you can enjoy the holidays.

    Bettysgirl (Lisa) - Are you feeling better? (((hugs)))

    Genia - How often do you take an Ativan?

    Chris - maybe there will be 1 less mosquito with breast cancer thanks to you! Wink

    LisaF & Trude - Are you having weekly Taxol or every 3 weeks?

    Robin - Hope it's the just the effects of the Taxol causing all that bone pain. (((hugs)))

    Bar - What a beautiful scarf! It looks wonderful on you!

    ((((hugs)))) to anyone else who needs one today!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Juli.....I take them every 4 hours.   He wrote on the RX as needed.  They do make me sleepy......but I have had NO nausea this time around at all!!!!  I still have my appettite.  Yaaay!

    Just hopin it continues.......would be great!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Hi all you beautiful women!!!

    We are safely in New Orleans. Tomorrow (Sunday) is a "play" day - we're going to explore the French Quarter. Monday (12/1) is a day of Doctor appointments and "markings", and Tuesday (12/2) we get picked up at 4:30 to go to hospital for early morning surgery. I am still sort of nervous, but I just want this behind me.  The surgery should last 5-6 hours. I just want to wake up and know it is OVER and I have it behind me. 

    Hang in there Lei! Let us know how you do when you are up to posting again! We will do this! Imagine how good we'll feel to have gone over the surgery "hump"!!! 

    Robin: :((((  That totally sux! But I am going to think the best for now for you. I hope you are okay. This journey is like a roller coaster for many of us. You have a lot going on....

    Bar, cool about Mom and the scarf! Love it! I totally think your Mom wanted you to have it. There is a spiritual side to everything...

    Genia - you sound so good, girl!!! ! Glad things are better with all the right drugs!!!

    Julie - another scaff if your pic! I need to post a real pic... You are always updating!

    Chris, good idea about the slik bag for tubes/drains! I even have one at home. I do worry about what to do with those things, but I guess I'll figure it out...Love that Mosquito comment! ha!!!

    OH, last night, the night before we were flying out at 6AM, our youngest daughter wrecked a car! Well 2 cars! She is a new driver and had too many kids in the car, and didn't YIELD, hit another car, which ended up rolling over a few times! Nobody was hurt but both cars are wrecked... I think God wanted me to have a distraction or something!!!    Laughing   She is so toast. Her Dad is removing her from the insurance until she can pay for another car, or repairs, and the raised insurance costs!  Surprised

    Life ....  goes  ....   on !!!!!        Cancer or not!!! 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Yes Spring you need a REAL picture girl......put that beautiful lady out there for us to see!!!  lol

    Again I hope things go well for you and no incidences.....smooth sailing for you!!!

    I will be praying......and thinking about ya

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    I updated my pic!!! See, in real life I look just like the cartoon! ha!  That is my *real* hair. Gee, I miss it ....with only peach fuzz at this point!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Awwwww.......what a pretty lady you are Spring!!!!  Thanks.....I love it!!

    I don't have PEACH fuzz........I have a brillo pad that I keep shaving off cause it HURTS!!!  It feels just like if I stuck my head to a piece of would stay there......OUCH!!!  I'd love to have peach fuzz.  Sure hope this is no indication how my real hair is gonna be......or I'll BE BRILLO WOMAN!!!!!!  lol

    Oh what a visual that is.......ewwwwwwwww  lol

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    I love the picture Spring, you look wonderful and will do again soon, we all will do!

    Robin, It is amazing how our mind can play tricks on us and then we imagine all sorts of things. I am sure it is the chemo causing the bone pain, a friend of mind here also had the same thing. She went for tests and they didn't find anything!  I am sure it will be the same for you.

    My philosophy is not to worry about anything until it is a fact, as we can't fight our imaginations, so try not to worry.  When you have all the facts you can deal with whatever is there, and that hopefully will be nothing. As you have said you have enough on your mind you really don't need anything else!  We all hope you will be fine and that the pain goes away soon and was just a nasty reaction to the drugs!  Take care and keep us posted!

    Genia, there is no way a person as sweet as you could ever be likened to a Brillo anything!

    Bar, you look great and nice to hear the story about your mum!

    Good luck for the surgery girls.

    Singapore Chris

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    springi love the picture too!

    Juli- i am feeling better physically. Emotionally the hormones i guess are working on me or the fatigue,,just struggling a little. Had planned for months to be there for a dear friend's sons wedding and couldn't go. Yesterday was another bad day with some pain and lots of neuropathy in my feet. Anyway Dh drove me to town and we waitid until they cm out and i at least  got to see the B&G in the duds..Poor thing the bride had a virus and was sick for the wedding. I guess it was good i wasn't there b-cause i would have been exposed but it is so frustrating as this is the second wedding that i had looked so forward to that ended up being put in the hold bin because of BC. I have been a bucket of the weepies the past two days so i think it's probably hormones.

    Bar- what a great gift!! I am so glad that you found that scarf when you needed a pick me up. My mom used to wear scarves alot too. My sis and i were talking the other day about that and the fact that the whole scrf drawer she had smelled like her hairspray. It's funny the smells you remember.

    Have a great Sunday ladies. I am here sitting early, the house is quiet...(WHEW) and it's raining outside again. Kind of peaceful since this house is rarely ever quiet. Time for a mommy moment.

    Take care!

  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2008


    Thanks for the Claritan tip.  I'll give it a try!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    I went bowling yesterday at my nephew's birthday party. It was wierd doing something normal.

    I also put up and decorated the tree and the mantel, and all the holiday cards are ready to be mailed. Nice to have energy for a change.

    And nice to have a "not a 24/7 cancer" moment. Smile

    Sending lots of energy vibes to all who need it! Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Look at Juli's hat!!!! You GO, Santa Girl! You are just the cutest thing! You have a whole repetoire of head coverings! :)

    Genia with brillo pad hair. LOL. I agree with Chris, you have the most gentle spirit!

    We had a great day walking all around the French Quarter in New Orleans. Tomorrow meet with surgeons (Breast/mastectomy surgeon and Plastic Surgeons) and get "marked up". <<gulp>> IT IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!   I am feeling sort of surreal!  


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Bettysgirl, so sorry you missed two wedding, that's really sad, and would have me weeping for days too. You will feel better soon, take care!

    Thinking of you Spring and wish you all the best. 

    Juli, I love your christmas look, santa would be proud of you!

    I have my 14th and FINAL chemo tomorrow!, I am taking in my "End of chemo Cake", and gifts for all the staff.  I have also written a poem for my oncol, and another one for the staff with a verse for each of them.  Shoud be fun!

    Take care,  Singapore Chris

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Ok ladies, I need some help.  Had my first Taxol on Wed...last week...over the weekend, I started getting shooting pains in my ovary area....and now in my kidneys.  Anyone else with funny pains like this.  My onc office is so bad I don't want to call if it's nothing.  They got pissy with me last time.  Thanks for any info.

    Oh, also soon does the neuropathy set in, any ideas.
