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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Juli.....BIG hugs sweet lady!!!  Hope ya feel better really soon.

    Jane....looks like my last chemo will be Jan 20th or the 21st.  I just don't care at this point.  I just want it over and done.  My birthday is the 16th.  At least this way I won't feel like crap for my

    I don't know about the Rads.  He hasn't mentioned it....I think it depends on whether or not I have to have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.  They told me before with the le. I did....but the mast. I didn't.  So I guess I won't know until my surgery.  

    Do any of you just wanna take off and keep driving.......I just wanna run away so bad!!!  Just go hide under a rock somewhere.  I don't think the dread of the first 4 treatments were nearly as bad as these last two.  

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    I haven't heard about cutting back on the rads.  I'll see what my onc says.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Yes, I have felt like just "running away" a few times, but I think this is mostly b/c I have a teenage daughter really actin glike a teenager, and at times I just felt like I could not take one more thing!!!


    I didn't run away though. Dag nabit! 

    About the 3 week rads, I read that article and it seems like they give you a bit higher dose each time during the three weeker than the six weeker... (so you end up with about the same amount of cooking in the end). This reminds me of 4Taxol every other week vs. 12 weekly. I think its the same idea. the same "end" amount, but different schedules and dosages??

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    running away has been on my mind!!! LOL I have not been in the best of moods today and am tired of DH asking me if i am moving aorund enough.or do i want to eat, you need to eat...i am queasy tonight. I DO have thrush and i am just sick of this being sick and tired. It seems like this crap will never end! I dread the next tx and i haven't even gotten over this one. The FEC was easy compared to this and i just can't get to feeling good before they kick my butt again. I have been staying away from folks to avoid the bugs going around but i am tired of the isolation, the lonliness and the desperation that comes with this damned disease. In a way i wish i had just not found it and let it go.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Bettysgirl, the isolation does stink. I am with you. I sort of feel like a hermit creature! Now I'm done with chemo but just post surgery, so don't want to get this nasty stomach flu that's going around.

    OK so if we run away, maybe we should all do it together. But let's make sure we go where they have Cabana boys!!! (lol). 

    How many more Tx's do you have? We should start a count down for you.... 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    BG.....I get the same thing from my husband!!!  You're gonna get blood need to try to much have you had to drink today.......I'm callin the Dr. if  you aren't feelin better later.......just goes on and on.  I know he cares....and that's why he does it.....but still.  Then he's been a grouch.....found out he's been doin some reading online about BC.....and the percentage of recurrence.  And instead of talking to me about it......he just gets mad. 

    I swear we need to raise young boys to be better talkers.....instead of bottling everything up inside until they explode!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    My DH seemed annoyed at me once we got home from surgery and I was not running around the house doing everything like normal, I mean, I was one hurtin pup, and still am! He's a great guy, but one night I asked him to heat me up some soup, and you'd think I asked him to re-roof the house!!  :O

    Gotta love 'em though....

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Oh Spring I LOVE that idea........oh.......the beach.......and the Cabana boys........and all of you!!!!  What a DREAM that would be.  We could sip our Margarita's......and pretend we never had cancer!!!


    Heck I ain't had a Margarita in so long I'd prob pass out just drinkin  You all wouldn't let those Cabana boys take advantage of me.......would ya???  lolol......that made me crack up!  Nice to laugh.....sure haven't wanted to today.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    LOL!!! I haven't had a drink since June. I think i could smell a Margarita and get tipsy at this point.

    OK we'd need a pact that somebody would be the Designated Cabana Boy Watcher (DCBW). This would be to make sure they don't take advantage of Genia or others who get tipsy just lookinjg at the mixed drinks with umbrella's in them! lol.

    So, is it safe to think that someday we won't be thinking about this cancer stuff all the time? Sheesh. it's just mentally exhausting.... Back to thinking about the beach location!!! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008 that made me laugh till my stomach hurt.  DCBW.......heck I might like gettin taken advantage

    Yes it's such a nice lay on that beach with the sun in our eyes......and no mention of cancer.  Except my flat chest from havin a mast.....that could be a reminder....but heck enough Margarita's and I wouldn't care about that either!!!!!!  lol

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    It's funny how dh's are.  I just found out from my dd that dh thinks it's great that I have you gals as a support system.  He told her he didn't care what got me out of bed every day, he was just glad I was getting out of bed.  Wish he'd tell me that instead of her.  And Genia - he's especially grateful for you.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008


    I am soooo glad you are doing better!!!  I've been out of touch for a few days, so much has happened.  I agree, we all need a beach vacation with a cabana boy.  My onc told me I could have a glass of wine every couple of weeks I have had a couple of sips, but not the same as a real cocktail !!!  I can't wait to be done.

    I have lost 15 lbs since septemeber.  I really was good when I started with AC, I just didn't feel like eating, so I ate chicken and beans.....real healthy stuff....hence the weight loss.  On top of that all sugar stuff just doesn't taste so good. I still can't eat chocolate or cookies!!!  Oh, well 5-10 more pounds wouldn't hurt.  This is probably the only good thing about all this.

    NOW I really want a margarita, look what you all have done !!!!  It just seems like we need a party


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Aww...Jane....that made me cry!!!  Cause there are days like today......I'm wonderin why I am still alive!!!!  Cause I know in my heart death wouldn't be near like the torment of living like this every single day. 

    It has to end......surely to God it has to.  I don't know what I would do without you ALL.  

    And Jane I got the card you sent me today.....well poopie I can't see the eyes full of tears......and he was sittin here today when I opened it.  He said.....boy you all are pretty tight on that board aren't you.  I said.....well imagine gettin your balls cut off........then finding a bulletin board full of men that had their balls cut off too.  I think you all would be pretty tight too!!!!  Nothing else was said.....he knows that if I didn't have you all and the good Lord......I would have fallen apart by now

    Thanks for the card was beautiful!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Alright, whoever gets the DCBW (designated cabana boy watcher) duty when Genia gets a bit tipsy, well, you heard her, just look the OTHER WAY!! lol.

    Trude, lost 15 pounds? I hate you. lol. not really. just JEALOUS!! (I feel so fat today, sheesh).

    Jane, glad you keep getting out of bed!!! Where would be be without our Janie-poo?????  Kiss

    I think I am having a hot flash and losing my marbles... I really do need a cool drink. Maybe I can put one of those umbrella thingies in my OJ with L-Glutamin tonight! lol.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Yea....Trude gets the weight loss award so far!!! 

    I think I'm gettin fatter by the day........well except for last week when food was the enemy!!!  It sure ain't this week tho......lolol......still have gas so bad!!!  At least it's movin now......TMI.......sorry

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    spring- i have one tx left that will be on Jan 2nd- Happy new year!!

    I'm all in for a whole pitcher of margaritas after this is over. It would be nice to get VERY tipsy and just celebrate being done with this poisining! The cabana boys would be the icing on the cake.

    I know the DH's mean well but some days he needs to be walking in these shoes to see how bad i feel. I've said before they have no clue...let someone cut their boys off, hang four feet drains from them, then send THEM home from the hospital in 23 hrs!!!! I think they would break down before the car hit the pavement! Aw heck, they would break before that. If THEY had a man-o-gram....can you imagine the weeping???

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Well, I have to admit, the pitcher of margaritas......WOW !!!!!  I want that !!!!  My onc told me when I started chemo,I would gain wait.  I was mortified.....after all this you tell me I have to gain weight too!!!!   I just determined that was the one thing I could control.   So I just ate healthy foods, no to tough since all the junk tastes like crap !!!

    I looked at the calender today, and my last taxol will be first of Febuary....I was afraid to look all seems so overwhelming.  I just want to be done.  I want to be at the beach....At least I am past the half way point for chemo....but then surgery to go ....I agree, I just want to run.  People keep saying, be glad your alive, but sometimes they just don't get the torture we are living thru.....ugh......Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts.


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Well with all this frigid cold and snow (and itsnot even winter YET) I am ready for the beach, cabana boys and margaritas! They thought of margaritas makes me nausous and it was my favorite drink! Does anyone get nauseous driving,for no apparant reason??? I do and I have never been carsick or anything before all this started.

    I think the holidays are getting us down. Everyone is excited abt Christmas and expects us to be. Sorry but my bottom is sore, I am nauseaous and nothing tastes good. If people keep telling me how I am supposed to feel, I will SCREAM! Yes, I am done with chemo and I am happy. DH thinks that I am now 100% back to normal, yet I cannot remember simple things! He keeps telling people that I am fine and we no longer have to deal with 'this'. We don't?!?! I still have a drug trial to do, plus mamoograms and MRI's every 6months, but I don't have to deal with this????

    Bring back the beach......Who cares how we look in our bathing suits!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Count me in on the beach scene! I didn't get much sleep with all the shooting pains last night. I do get a break from this pain before the next tx on Friday, right? Or no sleep for the next 11 weeks? Undecided

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Juli - are you taking the L-Glutamin? are the shooting pains the "achy in my bones/muscles" pains or like sharp "nerve" pinches and stings?  My achy pains traveled!!! Do you feel that? (The stranges dang thing...)

    Just so you all know, I had a friend with terrible Peripheral Neuropathy (pinchy stingy feeling in feet and or hands), she didn't start L-Glutamin until rads (after chemo and surgery) and she's now getting relief with the L-Glutamin. Just saying! The medical professionals say there is no proof it works, but it works for me. So who cares what the medical professionals say! (not harmful either).

    The beach. Wow, with a pitcher and girl friends. Priz and Trude, feel the way you feel, screw all these people - they have no clue - I mean, we had no clue either, right, before it happened to US. And once you have BC, are you ever really "done with this?"  It doesn't seem so to me!!!  

    Trude, I know Feb 1 seems far away, I think of things in smaller "date bites". Like I remember thinking, when "Heros" comes on TV again mid September (or whenever it was) I'll be done with AC. Every time I saw a date, I would think, when that happens, I'll be *here*. I also thought, when Christmas gets here, I'll be done with surgery and feeling better. (I hope that is true!!!)

    Today DH wants me to try and take a walk. I am waiting until the Vidodin kicks in to do this. It is a cold, gray day here in NC, but I will give it a go. I get I will feel better after I at least try.... I will report back!


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Pitchers...?? What's the deal with pitchers of margaritas? 

    Don't they make KEGS full o' margaritas?

    I want one with a hose attached to it....or a reaaaaaaaaaaly big straw. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    LOL!! Kegs full of Margaritas!!! With Hoses!!! LOL LOL LOL. I can just imagine all these tipsy women laid out all around the Keg with hoses coming out.....

    What a picture!!! 

    In real life, I once had a Margarita at a Mex. restaraunt that was as big as a fish bowl. I had to turn over the rental car keys to the person I was traveling with. Who knew a "large" margarita was like a half gallon???

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    OK... Cabana boys... would they be hotter wearing tight little briefs or sexy board shorts slung low so that you can allllllllllllmost see......

    stop that. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Prettiest - -You go girl!!!

    Surprised   Kiss    Wink

    I vote for the board trunks. 

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    They wouldn't even have to speak english...

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    I vote for board shorts!

    As long as they understand what we want...our needs.....


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Did I hear WANTS......NEEDS????

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Wow, you guys are really desperate!!!!  I come home from work and you girls are thinking about is margaritas and cabana boys !!!!  What a life!!!  Thanks Spring.  I am trying to think smaller bites....but some days it is just harder than others. 

    L-Glutamin does work.  I am on taxol peripheral neuropathy... only a few shooting pains in my ovaries and kidneys.  I am soooo grateful.  I had a patient in our office to day who had symptoms of a stroke, went to the er....they found brain cancer.....but here is the kicker, it was breast cancer with metastises to the brain.  I felt sooooo sorry for her.  She had brain surgery and now has to have chemo.  Some times it takes seeing the bad to make us thankful for where we are.  I know I feel so blessed that I found it, the chemo is working and that I can actually function thru all this. 

    Happy thoughts.....HUGS to all


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008


    I forgot to tell you, I haven't taken anything since starting Taxol ( on #4)....I have taken an ativan to sleep a few times....but no nausea stuff, no benadryl, no steroids....only what I get in the IV

    I am sooooo happy about this.  I had way more energy when I started, but I am now slowing down a little...but not as much as the AC.  Good Luck, Hope you have no SE's !!!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Trude, that was my experience too, Taxol so much more "I have a life now" than AC.

    Now, back to the beach and cabana boys -- (who was it who thought up these cabana dudes in the first place?)

    Yes Genia, cabana boys and wants and NEEDS...  Apparently English speaking is not a requirement according to Prettiest!  Board shrots are winning over the "little briefs" as Priz describes!!!! Surprised

    I think we are going to need to change the rating of this particular board to R from PG... 
