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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Hi ladies....

    Just got home from the Dr.  My food poisoning I had last week seems to have taken a toll on this old body.  He said that.....along with the chemo....wasn't good!  I knew that already.  So he gave me medicine to take and told me if I wasn't feeling much better in a few days to come back.  

    I also had thrush.......which I knew I I have medicine for that too.  

    My chemo may be put off for a week if I can't get over this by next week.  

    All my blood work was good.......but I still had a low grade fever.   I wasn't even tho I can't stand to eat.....I'm still drinking what I can tolerate.  Today....that's

    Just wanted to let you all ya!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Genia- Glad you are on medication and hope it kicks in soon!

    Cold here with snow. No school today. I tried to shovel (DH is OOT) driveway and only did a small part. I did get the deck clear.

    Isn't it interesting that some of us had surgery first and others had chemo first?? I have always wondered how they make that decision. 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    D...I had to have chemo first because my tumor didn't have clear margins.  Meaning....there was no healthy tissue surrounding the tumor.  Having the chemo first made the chances better for them to get all the cancer when they did surgery.  Plus the type cancer I had was very they didn't wanna take a chance.   At least that was the way it was explained to me......

    I'm sittin here trying to eat soup......and it is NOT appealing to me in any way.  As much as I love to eat.....I didn't think there would ever be a time when I hated the thoughts of food like I do now.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    BrandonMom,  ---  MOTRIN. GOOD. I need HELP today. I am supposed to be packing to fly out, and I've not been able to do much. ACHY and SORE!!! I am going to fish around in my purse for motrin!  There is another lady here in the hotel with the same surgical practice, and they told her today she could take motrin, I am taking this as a SIGN!!

    I have just wanted to avoid Vicodin = Constipation for me!!!

    Prettiestmess - I want to wait until my bubs are less bruised looking, ha! And drains out! Blech. I look very "medical" at the moment!

    Jane - 4 leggers too! Double Saint! My 2 drains, still draining. But now I can shove them in my pockets, so not too bad. (Just need pants with big pockets! ha!)

    TAMMY!!!! - OMG you poor kid. You have smyptoms of Periphal Neuropathy! For this, I take L-Glutamin. During Taxol-Chemo, I took a tablespoon (10mg) 3x a day, mixed into juice. After chemo I stopped and I got terrible pinching / stinging in my hands, fingers and wrists, up my arms even! I would say OUCH out loud, VERY ANNOYING!!!  So now I am back to a tablespoon (10mg) 2x a day, and it keeps the symptoms GONE for me. Totally. I plan to continue it through Radiation. (assumeing i have that).  I checked with my Dr, and they said there is no "proof" this works, but it is also not "contra indicated" (aka it can't hurt).  IT WORKS FOR ME. See if your Dr. will let you try it. What do you have to lose? You can get L-Glutamin at a health food store. It is an amino acid. Even my surgeons said I could keep taking it, and they took me off a TON of other things.

    We fly home tomorrow. Sometime between now and then I NEED TO PACK. Send me good packing vibes!!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Tammy - I ordered some L-Glutamine powder from this website. I checked prices all over and they seemed the best. Let me know if you find it cheaper...

    I started taking B-12. I heard B-6 also works to for neuropathy.

    Advil or Motrin is ok for pain from Taxol, Tylenol only when on AC.

    Spring - Good Luck and have a safe trip home ...pack, pack, pack. Laughing

    Genia - Hugs to help you get better quick! Kiss

    Taxol starting on Friday... getting nervous. Yell

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi girls,

    Genia, glad you have some medication, I'm sure it will make you feel better.  Keep on eating and you will be fine.

    Spring, sending packing vibes. p...... p....... p....... have a good flight back

    Juli, good luck for Friday, you will feel better once you have started, the waiting is always the worst time.

    I have had a great day, I had 6 of my chemo friends over for an English Christmas lunch, including Worus from this site.  We had such a wonderful time, played some games, I showed them how to make mince pies and took loads of photos. It is so good to be with other chemo girls, we all feel so comfortable with each other.  So nice to be normal! I wish I could share them all with you guys. Of course we did talk side effects, chemo, radiations etc. what medical experts we have all become. 

    I am off to the UK for Christmas on Saturday morning, so will only be posting now and then until I get back on the 29th December. Can't wait to see my family and see England again!

    Take care everyone!  Singapore Chris xxx

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    BrandonMom- Woman! Motrin is the THING!!! I believe I can survive this with Motrin. I met a woman in the hotel lobby who had surgery at same place 2 days after me... (jbr from this site also) and they told her she could take motrin --  so I found so me in my purse and have been better since then!

    Update: Flew home today, had to connect flights through Atlanta, but I did the "wheelchair" thing so it all worked out and I preserved my strength (or ouchiness - I just have so much movement in me before I get sore). 

    IT IS GOOD TO BE HOME!!  While we were away, our daughters decorated the house for the holidays!   What a surprise! And a friend from my circle at church did some grocery shopping so we have juice, milk, cookies, sandwiches and pastry. Chocolates arrived in the mail for my husband, as a thank you from a girlfriend of mine for taking such good care of me. :)   Our dog and cat are so glad to see me, they are all snuggled up here on the couch with me!

    There is no place like home. There is no place like home. There is no place like home. There is no place like home. There is no place like home.

    Dorothy (err, I mean Springtime). he he he

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Chris, have a great trip back to England!!! Check in when you can!! Your holiday lunch sounds fantastic!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Golly, I am so unorganized, three in a row.

    Genia, Glad you saw the doc, got the meds, and are now on the mend... I hope on the mend. REST REST REST. No doggie poo duty for you...

    Priz47 - I had chemo first prior to surgery too. Mine was big when finally discovered (could not be seen by mammo or ultrasound, very dense tissue). So the idea is generally (a) can they shrink it enough with chemo so that you can only have a lumpectomy vs. mastectomy? (I know 2 women personally who this has worked well for) and (b) if it is large they can guage if the chemo is "shrinking" it.  I dunno. My ONC said she wanted to do it first so I did. However, It always sort of creeped me out knowing it was still there. But IT's GONE NOW. 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    I think I'm starting a new thread.  It's gonna be called the I FEEL LIKE CRAP thread. lol

    I can NOT get better.....I'm callin my Dr. again tomorrow.  I don't know what is wrong...but something is.  I just gagged down 3 peanut butter and crackers.  I'm soooo bloated and gased up I think I could launch myself into orbit.....seriously.  I'm having stomach pains......really bad ones.   I'm beginning to think I have either a stomach infection or a bowel infection.......cause this pain and pressure is coming from someplace. 

    I have been in bed most of the day......and should prob go to the ER.....except I'm afraid that I'll end up catching something to go along with THIS.....whatever it is.  

    Spring glad you are feeling better and are home....

    Chris....good luck on your trip.....and have fun.

    Hope the rest are doing good.....hugs to all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Gosh Genia. Follow your instincts. You know something is not right. Tomorrow is only Thursday, not the weekend. Just make SURE you get SEEN. You have officially had the worst time!!!!!  LOL on the "I feel like Crap" thread. You'd probably get a record number of posts....

    Dear God, HEAL GENIA PLEASE. Love, me.

  • Roya
    Roya Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2008

     I cut and pasted this from an ad for 'gel headbands.'  If you look up 'Gel Headband' online then several sites will come up.   I heard tht it is great for those of us who have gone thru Chemo and might have some isuues such as tenderness, itching, etc.


     Comfy Grip Headband

    Get a grip on your wig with the world's most unique concept - The Comfy Grip is essential if you have experienced hair loss and are concerned about slippage or friction caused by your wig.

    The Comfy Grip is a band filled with a highly specialized therapeutic gel. It is designed to provide optimal comfort and security of your wig.

    Special Features of the Comfy Grip:

    • Prevents pressure sores.
    • Dissipates body heat.
    • Reduces skin shear.
    • Conforms to help cushion pressure points.
    • Will not absorb body fluids or oils.
    • Self healing, will not leak if punctured.
    • Distributes the weight of your wig and prevents slippage.
    • Velcro® adjustment fits 18.5" to 24" circumference.
  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Spring and Priz,

    I also did chemo first.....I was creeped out that it was still there at first, but then my onc was so excited when she could see such fast shrinking.  Most people doing chemo after surgery have no idea how well the chemo is working.  I was glad she explained this and it did make me feel better.  My surgeon also recommended a "ghostectomy"  where they take out all the tissue they believe was originally the tumor, just to keep any strays from hanging around. 

    Genia  ---- You POOR your onc.  They have answering services and will patch you thru.  It is important that you are feeling worse.  CALL.  Prayers all over are going up for you !!!  We all want you better soon !!! 

    Taxol #3 tomorrow.....this does get old fast !!!  Looking forward to #12


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    I hope this doesn't get moved, because even though I believe in our Lord, that doesn't mean that everyone else does... I have this posted in a lot of places in my home,  and thought that you might want it in's not copyrighted or anything, so I believe it's free for the taking...

    Genia..I'm praying all the time for you...and also for Spring's healing...heck... I pray for everyone all mean so much.

    Jehovah Rapha - The Lord That Heals Me! 

    I come before you and praise you this day and every day, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Lord. It was You that carefully designed every system, organ and gland in my body, and gave each one their tasks. I ask that you remind each one of the task it is given, and help them all to perform them perfectly.

    Father God, you have said that I have the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and thatwhatever I bind on earth is bound and whatever I loose on earth is loosed! So, with that power, this day, in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that my body is Your temple and I choose to glorify You with it. I bind any sickness or disease that has been trying to attack my body. I command it to flee in the name of Jesus so that I can present a healthy body to my Lord as a living sacrifice unto Him.

    Lord, you have said that, through Jesus Christ, I am redeemed from the curse of the law. So, I receive that redemption right now in Jesus name. No weapon of sickness or disease formed against me shall prosper any longer!

    In Your Word, you have promised that You will restore me to health and heal my wounds. Because I serve You, You said You would bless my food and take sickness away from me. Because I listen closely to every Word that You speak, and I keep them in my heart, You promised that they would be life and health to my whole body.

    I choose to believe those promises Father. Help me to believe them more than I believe the doctors that I visit or the symptoms I feel. Help me to stand on Your holy Word today and everyday.

    Right now, today, I confess that Jesus Himself bore my pains and carried my sicknesses. He was pierced for my transgressions and crushed for my iniquities. The punishment for my well-being fell on Him, and by His stripes I am healed and made whole!

    Anything that was out of balance in my body, through Jesus' sacrifice, is now put back into balance. Anything trying to work death in my body is itself withering and dying, because You Father have promised that I will live and not die!

    Thank You, Father, that my light breaks forth as the morning and that my health springs forth speedily!

    In Jesus Holy Name I Pray - Amen

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Priz,  I forgot, my surgeon.....who is a brilliant researcher......explained to me that with faster growing tumors, the chemo works really well first.  The time when the cancer cells are most suseptible to the chemo is as they are the fast growing ones are really responsive to chemo.  She also said its a toss up, when you look at survival in 20 years, it appears to be about the same.....but her gut tells her in the faster growing ones, chemo first works the best. 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    thank you prettiest..that is a lovely post and it gave me strenght tonight. I go for the secod taxotere tomorrow and i am beginning to dread it cuz i don't want a repeat of three weeks ago. Please be praying for me tomorrow that the lowered dose will be okay.

    Genia- HUGS!!!  and CALL THE DOCTOR TOMORROW!!!! They should be able to find out what's going on..

    Spring- I am sooo glad you are home where the healing is the best. Glad you had a safe trip and are settled down at home for the holidays!

    Have a great evening.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008
    Thinking I need to go to Ohio and make Genia all better... I wish! Laughing
  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Juli -  I think we all need to go and take care of Genia.  She needs huggs and kisses and some TLC.  We love you Genia and are praying for your healing. 

    Too bad you are sooooo far away !!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    You all are SOOO offer to come take care of me.  Bless your hearts......

    I'm feeling a lot better today......prayers must be working girls......and tons of rest I've been doin too!

    I'm still wondering if I am gonna be strong enough for chemo next week....guess I will see what the Dr. says....wish I could prove I got food poisoned......they need to pay me for the pain and suffering!!!  lol

    love you all.....genia

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Genia- glad you are feeling better!

    I am tired of people telling me who good I look when I feel like crap! The fatigue is unbelievable or maybe its cuz I went Christmas shopping, wrapped presents and HAD to shovel car out to get son to school. My DH does not get that I CANNOT shovel the whole *&%# driveway by myself!! I might look OK but I want people to ask me how I FEEL! OK maybe its the holidays and my mom dying, etc, but I sure do not have any Christmas spirit! Maybe I need a Santa hat like Julie! I was actually thinking of wearing one to DH Christmas party on Sat!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Hi Ladies, I am hurting today... A freind said she 4 ibuprofen pills = perscription dose, so I am trying that. Another friend said I should take the Vicodin and do supositories for the constipation!

    Yikes. No good choices...

    Genia, Glad you are a bit better. I think I need a page out of your book, rest rest rest....

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Spring....ask if you can take the Mira Lax.....maybe that would help with the constipation!!! 

    God knows I can't offer any advice......other than REST REST least ya don't feel pain when you sleep.  IF you sleep.....

    My prayers are with you girl.....lotsa hugs....

    And priz.....what are you doin shoveling SNOW for pete's sake????  Don't make me come out there.......I'll send Juli and Trude....they are closer than me!  :)

    I think I have some MAJOR stomach/intestinal/liver/pancreas? problems.  I thought I was feelin better then BAAAM it hit again.  I get so much fullness in the upper part of my stomach I can hardly breathe!  Something isn't right........and YES I'll call my Dr. tomorrow......promise!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Trude & I will have to split up... one to CO and one to OH! But first I have to see if I survive my 1st Taxol tx tomorrow. My onc nurse assures me I will. Undecided

    Jane - You cracked me up! Thanks for chef hats. I'm sure my family will get a big kick out of seeing me in them! Ho Ho Ho!

    Big hugs to all who need them. Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Juli - Taxol definitely is different than the AC.  I am getting the DD, not weekly, but the only way I can explain the SEs I've been having is "weird."  It feels like someone throws a lit match into my belly and then it goes right out - just real quick.  My eyebrows keep "spasing." My fingers, and cheeks and eyelids are red.  My urine is red.  I just plain feel weird.

    You look much better in the chef hats than I did!  I knew you would!

    I don't know if it's the season or just how long it's been, or what, but I've been really low myself lately, too.  It seems like a lot of people on the threads are as well.  Maybe it's the full moon. Maybe it's the decadron.  Whatever it is, I hope it goes away real soon.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Jane - I'm nervous about taking 20 mg Decadron every Thursday night/Friday morning + during the tx. Seems to me I won't be sleeping much.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    well ladies i made it through the second infusion of taxotere with no reations...we will see over the weekend if the change in dosage and the change to neupogen will help this time. I already have a script in hand for meds for the thrush as i told them my mouth was already hurting before i left. I have had a few twinges in the heel spur this evening but haven't had to take th vicodan yet..I still miss tasting food so I could see how one could get food poisining cause you couldn't taste whether anything was bad or not.

    Take care girls hope everybody has a RESTFUL weekend and moves on the way up towards feeling better

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008 look ADORABLE....that's all I can say!!!  You got cuteness written all over   I'm sure you will do just fine.......they will watch you.......try not to get too spazzed out or it will make it worse.  Trust me I know this.  And it's gettin worse with every treatment.......ugh!!!

    Hi Jane....good to see you girlfriend!    Hope your WEIRDNESS goes away soon sweetie.....maybe next time it won't be like this time!

    I'm about ready to start singing "All I want for Christmas is a BURP OR FART" to the tune guessed it........All I Want For Christmas!  

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Genia - I got your wish!  I had a great fart today!  It doesn't take much to please me anymore, I guess.

    When I went for my "nasty" shot yesterday, the onc nurse said she was going to ask the onc about lowering the decadron because the last two times I have been so depressed afterwards.  We'll see what happens with the next one.  I keep telling myself that this will be over soon, but I just keep feeling like this is never going to end.  Am I ever going to feel "normal" again?  Am I going to spend the rest of my life waiting for the other shoe to drop?  Will I have to plan the rest of my life around cancer?  Is this what my life has come to?  I don't want that.  I want to go back to August and start over...but that's not going to happen.  I guess I'm not being a very good positive influence here, am I?  

    I have found one thing that helps, though...Butterscotch pudding.  Just right for the taste, texture and consistency.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Wow, it seems like a few of you are feeling low and sore, so sorry to hear it.  Maybe it is the weather or time of year, they do say Christmas is one of the most stressful times.

    If there are going to be any rescue parties, count me in! I am flying tomorrow, perhaps I should stay on the plane and come right over! Who do I visit first?

    Spring, try not to move! I found even with a lumpectomy that a week or two after the surgery the "holes" filled with fluid and got really heavy and hurt, can't imagine how you are feeling, but make sure you get plenty of rest.  How is sleeping? can you only sleep on your back at the moment? keep posting, we need to know you are doing alright. Laughing

    Genia, what is going on?? you had better get back to the Dr and get some investigating done, sounds like there is something amiss with you.  Describe your symptoms in great detail to the Dr and make sure you are satisfied with whatever he plans to do, but make sure he does something or tell him you will seek a second opinion, there is definatley something wrong. You really shouldn't need to suffer so much for so long, it't not right!!!!! Yell.  Sorry, I just got cross that they are not fixing you.

    Jane, sorry you are feeling down too, I know it feels like this nasty period will never end, but it will. It's a little bit like childbirth, at the time you think it was the worst pain ever, then as soon as it is over, you can't remember it!  We are made that way for a reason. make sure you tell your dr about how depressed you are feeling they may be able to change the medication, don't wait for them to sugget it, ask for it. Tell them they need to find a new plan, because this one is not working! You won't have to plan the rest of your life around cancer it will be gone very soon. I heard from a freind today living in Holland who had BC one year ago, she has just got a fantastic new job and is so proud of herself, she said she can't believe where she was one year ago.  It's were you are now!  All will be well, mark my words...

    Juli, keep entertaining us with your hat changes, you should get the entertainment prize!

    I fly tomorrow morning, I went for a blood test today to make sure my wbc was good, but it is not. It is 1.5, not really good enough.  In the past the mere mention of a low count could reduce me to tears instantly, but I held out today with just a slight welling up.  My oncol is not worried and says I will be fine, it is just my usual nadair, I had another booster today and am having one more tomorrow before we drive to the airporit, thank god I only live 5 mins away. I feel great, so I am not going to worry and will do my usual, "strong and healthy" saying tomyself as I fall asleep.  I know I will be fine and I know it's easy for me as I have finished my chemo.  I do feel for you girls who are still in the middle of chemo, it's not easy, but you must keep sending your subconscious positive messages.  "I am strong, I am well, I will recover, etc. try not to say anything bad to yourself, if you can't do it, ask for help as you may be clinically depressed and need some drugs.

    Take care girls.  Singapore Chris xxx

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Oh Girlfriends,

    I had to crack up about Genia's "All I want for Christmas is a Burp or Fart" and Jane delivering on the Fart part! LOL.

    Genia, tell us what happens when you get back from the Dr. It sounds like something is bubbling up in you!! 

    Me and my pain: I have decided to "deal" with the consitpation with Mirilax, Stool Softeners and Ducolax suppositories (took one last night, and Capowie!). So I am now mixing Vidodin with double dose Ibuprofin and and much happier and less sore today. I just hope I can wean off all the "poop making and softening" meds once I'm off the pain stuff!

    For the second verse of Genia's rendiditon: All I want for Christmas is some nice soft Poos!!! 

    I had Taxol every 2 weeks, and days 3-5 I would get tired and then ACHY would start, but still nothing compared to AC. All you Taxol girls, let us know how you are doing. Betty, sounds like you are doing okay, as Julie!

    JULIE!!! You are as CUTE as a BUTTON!!!

    Chris, Fly and be fine. Being with family will be good for your inner spirit. Stay away from coughing people, etc.  I agree that having chemo behind you does make you feel stronger and more "yourself". You will be fine!! 

    JANE - YOU WILL FEEL NORMAL AGAIN. (I should listen to myself, last night I was wondering, will my body ever be the same again? cancer, chemo, surgery, rads, more surgery, blech!).

    Julie, I used to take Atavan to help with the sleeplessness. Do you have some? If no, get a script. I still use to help sleep, it helps nausea too, it just helps everything, ha.

    Feeling Better on Pills (and hoping for poos), Spring...