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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Spring!! If you hold your boobs with a pillow so they don't jiggle around, wouldja jump around on that luxury bed for the rest of us gals? 

    Genia!!'m seriously disappointed we're not cousins or something like that...well...I take that back: WE'RE ALL SISTERS!!! 

    We're supposed to be getting 14 inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon, whiteout conditions, and I have to make a 30 mile trip for one little shot tomorrow morning...ugh. If it's baaaaaaad... I'm gonna call up and see if I can get my shot at the hospital (which is 2 minutes away) instead...

    Bundle up, beauties!! 

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi girls,

    Spring, the exact same thing happened to me, which is why I had to have more chemo after my op, just in case there was anything left floating around, as I didn't have a mast.  I also start rads on Jan 5th followed by tamoxafin etc. for what seems like the rest of our lives, never mind at least we are alive.  I have just made some sticky toffee puddings with peanut sauce, so that will make me feel better, hope you girls are having something tasty to eat too.

    Genia, I must have missed the post where you got food poisioning, so careful what you eat!

    Jane M, thanks so much for your lovely card, it arrive here in Singapore today!

    Have a good weekend everyone.  Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    I'm still alive.....and thanks for the well wishes!!!   I'm seriously thinkin of crawlin in a hole......would anyone like to join me there.  No one would bother us......I PROMISE!!!

    Yea Robin too bad you aren't my counsin.  I could always use another one..... are just the sweetest.   Sometimes I sure don't feel like a beautiful soul......especially when I'm bitchin and

    I swear I'm to the point I HATE FOOD!!!   Wish I didn't have to eat another bite.......EVER.  But if I don't......I have my hubby on my back tellin me I have to eat SOMETHING.  Right does not appeal to me......and I have sores in my mouth which makes everything taste like why bother!!!  I feel like I'm eating food laced with sandpaper........YUMMMMMIE!!!!!!

    I have the swishy mouth crap.......that isn't working by the I don't know what else to do besides that!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day......and stay healthy and strong!!!

    love ya all.......Genia

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    I'm eatin sandpaper with ya genia!! Who ever thought even chocolate could taste like crap!!! I haven't eaten anything in two weeks that i could say i enjoyed, it's like the tastebuds have gone on vacation.

    I'm glad i don't live where there is snow...I haven't had hot flashes and i am soooo painfully cold natured that snow would have me in hibernation for sure!!

    DH wants to go Christmas shopping today so I guess i will drag out for a little while then come home and crash tonight. I have more energy than i did but no stamina. I did a little shopping Thursday while i had to go to the doctor but was wiped out that evening.

    Spring- soak up that luxury bed! I'm glad you have a comfy place to recoup!!

    Have a great day ladies!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Hi beauties!

    Today I walked with family for 5 hours around the French Quarter. I can't believe I feel this good after having my boobs removed (LOL). I got pretty uncomfortable and needed half of a narcotic pill, but made it "home". Post surgical check on Monday, I am hoping all or most of these tubes/drains GO, they are such a DRAG, I feel like I am pregnant again with this appendage around my middle!!! (Nobody has YET asked me when I am expecting, thank GOD!!)

    Genia, are you recovered yet from Long John Silver Fish??? ONLY 2 MORE CHEMOs TO GO FOR YOU!!! Can you believe it? 

    Bless you all.... you are in my heart!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Nope Spring......I'm still sick.  I should have gone to the ER today.....but I didn't.  Kept thinking I would feel better.  But I'm not......and now it's too late to go over there and sit half the night.  So I will go tomorrow if I'm not on the mend. 

    Have ANY of you.......had any swelling in the vein that the port tubing goes through.  I don't know if I layed on it wrong last night or what happened......but is very sore and swollen.  The vein itself I mean.  The port doesn't look any different......

    I'm just a mess........and feel like CRAP!!!   I swear if I were a horse......someone would shoot me!!!!   lol

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Glad you felt like doing all that walking girl........that is amazing!!!! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Genia - you get the "Roseanne Rosannadanna" award this week. Although I suspect you are too young to know who that is! Is your tongue white? (Just checking to see if you have thrush, too.)

    I feel your pain and Lisa's too... I had horrible mouth issues from chemo #2 to #3. So glad I can taste again, at least till my next tx on the 12th!

     Spring - The French Quarter... wish I could see too! When do you go back to NC?

    Chris - Sticky toffee pudding with peanut sauce.. wow! sounds yummy!

    Hugs to all who need one! Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi girls,

    Well done Spring, you are kicking some butt there, keep up the good work and hope your post check goes well tomorrow! 

    Just as a matter of interest, are you girls who have had a mast, single or double offered any councelling?  It is a pretty traumatic event having some of your body removed!  How are you all coping?

    Genia, you are a poor thing, I wish there was something we could do for you.  I can still remember when nothing tasted good, it's a horrible feeling, especially when you know that certain food REALLY do taste good and no matter what you say, you family can't quite understand. It will pass and all those little taste buds are ready and waiting to pounce back, the minute your dr stops feeding them weed killer!  Make sure you do go and see someone tomorrow, you shouldn't leave it any longer than you have, and tell them about your vein.  My arm has been very sore, and it is due to the AC, the Adrimycine does damage the veins, my whole lower arm was swollen and hurt to touch, but like everything it goes away in a week or two. The good news is that our veins will all make a complete recovery. Not sure what is happening with yours, but get it checked! Just remember, 7th Jan is just around the corner!

    Here's hoping that you do feel MUCH better as each moment passes, it's not fair and you don't deserve to feel like Crap!  None of us do!

    Take care girls and keep on posting we are all here for each other!  Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Thanks ladies...

    Would someone like to buy a slightly USED husband???  lol.....

    Cause mine's killin me.  I think if he tells me one more time my butt needs to go to the ER I'm gonna scream.  I've GONE to the ER.....I know all about Dr. Doogie Howser and his know it all attitude and I don't wanna go back.  I can guarantee he will be the one I get too......been twice......had him both times!   I think he sees my name and jumps on it.....

    Then last dog decided he was gonna poop in the hallway after I went to bed.  He does SOO well and is so housebroken......can't believe he came from a shelter........but where I haven't felt good.......I haven't taken him outside as much as I was.  And he is the type dog that has to make an appointment to crap.  It takes him FOREVER.......and he has to sniff every blade of grass in the yard before he will go.  My husband went so mad he decided to sleep on the couch.  I could hear him down here ranting and raving for prob 15 mins over the dog who by the way was sleeping with! 

    He COULD take him out......but he doesn't much.  And when he's out and right back in.  Keep in mind the appt for the crap that my dog does.  

    I'm just very frustrated today.  I don't feel good......I'm tired of being sick.....and I should prob move to the bitch and moan thread again.   But since I love you girls so get to listen to

    And now......I'm thinkin........I'll wait til tomorrow and just go in my Dr's office and see HIM instead of going to the ER.  

    Doesn't look like I'm gonna get very much time until the next toxic dump to bounce back from this one.  And I SWEAR if one more person tells me they heard this chemo gets easier as you go along.......I may just smack em!!!   You may hear about me on the    Angry breast cancer patient attacks innocent shopper in Walmart!  That would be the headline.....lolol

    Have a great day ya'll......cause I know I will.......lolol

    Juli......I do remember her.  Wasn't she on Saturday Night Live???   And yes my mouth is is the roof of my mouth.  The swishy crap is supposed to be taking care of that.....but it's not!  Didn't they give you Diflucan for that???

    hugs and love.......genia

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    WOW.....I wrote a

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Genia - yes, Diflucan got rid of it by the next day!!! Beg for some tomorrow, if you have to!

    and yes, she was on Saturday Night Live...she was so funny!

    Don't apologize... we love reading your books! Kiss

    Chris - "weed killer" on our tastes buds - LMAO, how appropriate!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Genia- Even though not postig much, I am reading. Your vein needs to be looked ar tomorrow! Don't let it wait in case it is infected! I am sorry you feel like crap! I know all abt the food not tasting right. My husband seems to think that I have lost my tastebuds and make things too hot! He forgot when we lived in Albuquerque and everything was hot! I am tired of feeling achy and tired all the time! Going tomorrow to se GYN abt hysterectomy and ovary removal. I might cancel since they won't scheduleme/


  • Cristina66
    Cristina66 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2008

    My first chemo was Sept 18.  In between them (every 3 weeks) I was having to do there to get herceptent.  After my 4th chemo I was told to do, again the muga test and an ultrasound.  I am meeting with my surgeon Monday to try to schedule surgery but with the holidays he thinks it won't happen until early January.  My onco suggested double mastectomy, I am doing the implants but I am scare about surgery.  Has any of you done surgery and how you did?TKs

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Genia OMG. Tell us what is now going on with you. That vein thing does not sound good to me. What a time you are having. I agree with Chris that you get the "Rosan Rosannadanna" award. Dog pooping, good grief!!!!! 

    Post surgical update: Went to see the PS today for the post surgical check. It is now almost a week since surgery. He said everything was healing "perfectly" and I got rid of two of the four "drain/tube" thinkgs! Yay! Now I only look half "pooched out" in the middle.

    OK - I was up and attem for 5 hours on Sat and that evening I got muscle spasms in my chest! (like chest cramps?). So I overdid it. I rested yesterday with these dumb muscle relaxer pills that just made me dopey/sleepy the whole day. Today is better. Back to Tylenol and half-Vicodin pills. :)

    Cristina66 - I just had a bilateral Mx (3 weeks post ending chemo) with immediate reconstruction with implants and AlloDerm (skipped the expander thing). I was walking around the halls the first day and have done really well. The worst part for me was waiting for the dang surgery to be over with already. I feel better now that it's behind me. You will too. 


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2008

    Springtime, I had my mast Nov 26th.  Try taking Advil instead of Tylenol. I found it helped for the muscle much better. 

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Genia-- HUGS chicka!  I hate that you are feeling down and out.  It is bad enough that you are sick... but to hear ya have fuzzy mouth too?!   That's just too much dagnabit!  You definitely need to get your hiney in to see the doc!

    Chris--   I wasn't offered anything of the sort by my doc (counciling) although they do have support group lit all in the waiting room.  To be honest, this site has been my crutch, and I count myself so blessed to have found it!

    bettysgirl--  How'd the Christmas shopping go?

    Spring--  You go girl!  I am so glad to see you are doing great.   Isn't it such a wonderful thing to be rid of some of those drains?!   I had to have mine for over 4 weeks.  Thankfully, I didn't have to have any with my exchange surgery. :)   Are you still down in NO?  Or have you headed home already?

    priz--   How did your doc's appointment go?  Did you keep it?   I've wondered about the hyst/oomp for myself...  but my doc hasn't mentioned it at all and seems to be just fine with me taking all these anti-hormones for the next forevers...

    Much love!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    My hiney is goin to the Dr. tomorrow.  Just can't do this anymore.  I keep thinking/hoping that I will feel better every day......but nope.....not happening.  My next round of chemo is next Weds.  At this rate....I'm not gonna have one day of feeling good before my next round.  

    I still can't stand to eat......only eating because I have to.  Don't want anything.  Grape soda is about the only thing I can stand to drink.  I just betcha this gosh darn port is causing SOMETHING.  It's been responsible for every other time I felt like crap.  I can't WAIT til it is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Plus my bout with food poisoning probably isn't helping either...... glad you are doing so well sweetie!!!  Does my heart good to see some of you all doing so well now!  God knows we deserve it......that's for sure

    Just wanted to check in.......hugs and love!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008


    You NEED to be seen by your doctor! Please don't keep putting it off! We are worried abt you!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Had my first Taxol today.  Didn't go too bad, yet.  I did all the pre-med things and I got all sorts of stuff before they started the Taxol.  While the nurse was getting everything ready, I told her my inhaler was in my purse in case she needed it.  She said, "you have asthma?  Did we know that?"  I assume it's in my chart, but that's neither here nor there.  She asked if I would mind getting it out just in case.  It wasn't necessary, thankfully.

    I have noticed these quick burning? feelings in my tummy.  It's only happened twice so far, but it's just a weird feeling like someone dropped a lit match in my belly and as soon as it hits bottom, it goes out.  It's low in my belly, just above my belly button.  It's nothing really bothersome.

    Tomorrow I go see the lymphadema therapist, then my dd and I are going to do a little stocking stuffer shopping and then my dh and I have appointments with our lawyer to do a little will updating.  It doesn't really have anything to do with me being sick, it's stuff that needed to be done anyway, like the fact that we no longer have any minor children who need guardians.  My dd invited a friend of hers to go with us.  

    Most people take in stray animals.  I take in stray children.  The first was when I was 25 (I was married at 18).  My children's babysitter had a rough home life.  She talked to me about it somewhat and at one time said she was going to run away.  She was 15 - I asked her where she thought she would go?  She said she'd sleep on the park bench.  I told her that if things ever got that bad at her house, she should come to me.  Well, her father beat her with a frying pan on a night she was supposed to baby sit for me.  She never went back to live with that man.  Her biological mother died 2 days later from peritnonitis from a ruptured appendix because the father didn't want to spend the money on an ER bill for a stomach ache.  First we became Kelly's legal guardians so we had the authority to get her medical treatment and take her in and out of school.  When Kelly turned 18, we asked her if she would like to be legally adopted for her birthday.  The lawyer very soberly asked us if we were sure we knew what we were doing.  By legally adopting Kelly, she was legally entitled as an heir along with our biological children.  We told the lawyer that the adoption was just a formality.  In our hearts, Kelly was already one of our children.  Kelly calls us mom and dad and, when I was diagnosed, told my other daughter that she couldn't bear the thought of losing me because I was the best mother she had and she really had something to compare it to.

    Subsequently, I've taken in a son's girlfriend (now DIL) whose mother made her quit school to help support the family, hid the fact that her father had been sending her checks and cards for holidays and birthdays and who couldn't afford to buy her dd a gift for her 21st birthday, but could afford to buy herself a computer.   I'm sure ds and dil-to-be were less than thrilled they had to have separate rooms, but she thought it was better than what she had at home.

    I've had a couple of short-term friends for a few days or a week or so.

    The girl who is coming with us tomorrow is another one of my strays.  She had already graduated HS and dropped out of college when she came to live with us.  Her mom threw her out (and then a week later ran off with another man), but Aubree didn't want to go back with her dad at that point.  She needed a mom.  She stayed with us about 8 months and then moved in with her boyfriend and they have a little girl named Kellie.  I feel sorry for her, too, because her boyfriend isolates her.  She has no access to a vehicle and can only go where he takes her or if someone else picks her up and takes her somewhere.  

    Sorry for the long rant....can you tell they gave me decadron today?

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    Tanzie- the shopping was good. I took a break while DH went into Wally world then we went to eat (couldn't taste it all...and DANG blue cheese dressing is now NASTY)- but we had a good time being together by ourselves for a while and I rested Sunday. It was an overall good trip.

    Genia- My heart breaks for ya!!! I am hoping things look up for you soon.

    I'm glad you surgery girls are doing well and recouping.

    Jane- I wish decaadron gave me that much energy...I know i had lots of of trouble with the taxotere but it never kicked in..I still slept.

    I go Thursday for the second taxotere and tx # 5 of 6. I need all of you to send me good vibes that this taxotere does not go south. They are going to lower the dose this time. As the days get closer i dread it more..I am just sooo ready to be done with this. I am also hoping for a better time of things to be able to feel good for Christmas.

    Taxotere aside my hair seems like it is trying to grow. Who knows the remaining 2 txs may take care of that but the stubble is longer than it as and ..MUCH more white than the hair that left!!!

    Have a great evening girls..You are great friends to have around.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Do they allow us to take Motrin soon after surgery? Cause I agree it would be better... (I have to read my pre surgical thing) I thought they said not to take it as it would cause bleeding or something? I KNOW it would work better than Tylenol (stuff doesn't even help me with headaches, let along surgery!)


    Yes about getting rid of drains! I want to sing, "Another drain bites the dust" (ala Queen). We are still in New Orleans, we leave Wednesday am

    Genia,  :O  :O  :O   :O    you arejust having the worst time. God Help Genia PLEASE!!!

    Let us know what is going on with the dang port. Mine is now OUT and I am SO GLAD - the thing drove me bats and it wan't even ever infected. But I hated it! Almost worth a mastectomy to get rid of that thing, I tell you! LOL. JK.  Anyhow, hiney to doctor sounds like a must.

    Saint Jane - Because you MUST be a SAINT!!! Glory! What stories. Thank God you were there for those kids! I can't even imagine what would have happened to them if it wasn't for your good spirit. It sounds like you are appreciated too! Good!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    D....I'm goin tomorrow at 2:15.  I'm sure he will figure out what is goin on.  I hope it's not this port.....cause remember he wanted me to have it taken out and another one put in......I chose not to! 

    Jane......bless your kind heart for taking in so many kids.   I don't know what is wrong with people that bring kids into this world and then don't take care of them.  My dad always said......they should be taken out and shot!!!  I tend to agree with him.  I admire those that give their kids up for adoption if they can't take care of least they try to give them a better life. my soap box...... 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    The funny thing is, I don't feel saintly.  I can't imagine not doing what I've done.  It seems natural. BTW, I also love 4-legged friends, too.

    Spring - I know how you feel about the drains.  After my mast I had the first ones for about 2 weeks, but now, 3 months later (tomorrow), I am still draining.  It's just that now it is coming from open holes instead of rubber hoses.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Hi girls,

    I have been gone for a few days,  I went to Eureka to see my surgeon.  She was soooo happy with my MRI.  She was excited that the chemo was working soooo well.  I feel bad for all of you who after all the nasty chemo find out it hasn't done the best job.  I was lucky and got the good match for chemo and cancer.  I will have my surgery in late Jan or early Feb.  Not sure if it will be a mast. or lumpectomy....the jury is still out.  The surgery will be 3 hours from home and the Dr is the best. 

    Genia - get to the Doctor !!!!   Wow, I feel so sorry for you.  You have really had a hard time.  I have been lucky ....but it's not over yet. I keep waiting for the ball to drop and the bad SE's to hit.

    Juli and Jane....hope the taxol ends up easy for far 2 down 10 to go and it hasn't been too bad. Just cramping and kidney pain. 

    All you healing from surgery.....hope it goes smooth, no infections and very little pain.  Such a scarry time.  My surgeon called it an amputation (mast)...and that explains the emotional grief we go thru after surgery.  Keep your heads up this summer we should all be healed.


  • tammyintexas
    tammyintexas Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2008

    Hello everyone,

    I havent been on for quite sometime, ive been having a rough time of it. 

    I wanted to know that without this forum to read I think i would have given up. 

    update on me.  I have had 4 dd act and Last week I had my first dd taxol.  its been miserable.  i was so looking forward to having a better time of it.  The taxol is easier I suppose but the pains, burning and stinging in my fingers and feet are miserable and the doc wont give me anything other thann darvocet for the pain.   can i please ask if anyone is having any of these symptoms.

    i am flushing horrible in my chest, neck and face.  then it goes into cold sweats.  it happens at least once an hour and is driving me insane.  the constant hot then cold is well ANOYING  lol but i can handle it.  no fevers just the hot and cold sweats.   my skin is very thin and if i scratch i bleed.  i feel like im always asking the doctors about something and im tired of asking all the time.  they dont say alot until you mention it.  ohhhhhhhhh i had the most horrible thrush this week,  food was horrible and felt like i was breathing fire. 

    any input would be greatly appreciated.

    thank you,


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Oh Jane! You're an ANGEL!! Innocent( for the record,  I'm just like you when I'm on the decadron..the last one lasted me two days before I could get some sleep! Laughing  

    Bettysgirl...I give you SO much credit for braving the shopping crowds! I live in such a sick community, that I give some serious thought to wearing a surgical mask when I shop for groceries! Oh, how I wish there was a place where I could just order my food online and have it shipped to me, then THEY can haul it up three flights of stairs and put it AWAY!! Maybe Santa will bring me that for Christmas!!

    Spring, babycakes...I'm so happy that you're doing so well after surgery! Where's my boob pic? Laughing 

    Darlin' Genia...I've got your name humming through every prayer circle and group I can get my busy hands on...can ya feel it yet?   I have a question for the SAME ER doc on call every freakin' time you go? So far, I've seen three different ER docs...and one that I'd REALLY like to see outside of the ER on a more personal basis...hubba hubba! Maybe I'll come getcha and bring you to MY ER...then you can get a fantastic (are they really?) experience...

    Trude...HOO-RAH!!  Isn't it a blessing to have a wonderful surgeon and oncologist?! I know I'm blessed!

    Tammy... I have pins & needles in my entire left arm, some shooting pains in the tops of my feet that travel to my toes, my fingers look darker (sooty gray), and once in a while, I'll get shooting pains in the ovary/kidney area... I am allowed to take 600mg of ibuprofen two days past my Taxol treatment (Fri & Sat)....that takes care of the pain, but not the tingliness...

    Is anyone being checked for low potassium/magnesium levels? I have, and I'm on supplements. They really seem to help with any pain that I have that ibuprofen won't touch.

    Love you all!


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2008


    My surgeon and plastic surgeon both agreed Advil was fine post surgery, just not pre-surgery.  You can ask yours to be extra sure.  I specifically asked for something more than Tylenol, but less than what I was taking.  They even said I could take both Tylenol and Advil if I wanted since they worked differently.

     I know what you mean, though. I haven't taken anything other than Tylenol since my biopsy "just in case".


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2008


    I should have said "hadn't" taken anything other than Tylenol, because I did take it after getting both of the surgeon's ok.  I was really hesitant, which is why I got both of the surgeon's to agree before I would take it.


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    I'm the same way as you, Colleen...I won't take anything unless I get the "ok" from my oncologist...Lord knows, we don't need to be taking anything that would negate chemo! 

    I hope everyone's having a good day... we're snowed in with a little over a foot of snow, and it's still coming down. Schools are closed, and our parking lot has yet to be plowed. My little car looks like it's been frosted!
