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Chemo in Sept 08



  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    I do NOT want to be awake when mine is removed! I had enough problems when they put it in (collapsed lung). I am going to ask my onc on the 30th when mine can come out. I am ready to move on, but not sure how. I will learn abt the drug trial tomorrow. I have been reading other forums where people have said no to any drugs (tamoxifen, etc) and wonder what is best for me.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    HUH???? NO that standard procedure Robin.  Oh dear....that hurts just thinkin about it!

    Donna.....slow down woman....

    I swear I am NOT in the Christmas spirit.  I just don't feel like Christmas this year.....told my hubby today I can't wait til it's over.   If I did what I honestly FELT like doin.....I would just go to bed and stay there.   Baaa HUMBUG......sorry girls!

    love ya all

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    I had my second dose dense (6 hour) chemo today.  My hemoglobin and hematocrit were critical low so, after calling my insurance company for approval, they gave me a shot of Aranesp.  Is anybody else familiar with this?  The anemia might account for some of the fatigue I have been feeling.

    My onc nurse made it official - she told me that they are giving me kryptonite and my ability to fly is gone - no more leaping off the back steps at work (lol).  The leg looks terrible, but onc said I didn't need an ulstrasound.  He's not terribly worried about a clot.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008


    I was offered the shot at my last tx d/t low hemoglobin/hematocrit. Insurance approved, but I declined. I wasn't feeling all that well and when my onc told me risk of stroke was a SE, I chose not to. My dad had a stroke in his 50's, so i wasn't willing to tempt fate.

    Sorry you can't fly anymore. It's not as great as everyone says!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Hi Jane.....I've never heard of that drug.  Lots of drugs I've never heard of until now tho....hope it makes you feel lots better tho. 

    Hugssss sweetie

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    They never told me there were any SEs and I never thought to ask.  I don't have high bp, so I hope stroke is not an issue.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    That wa my concern... I have high blood pressure and did not want to take chances. Hope it gave you energy. I am still looking for some!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    My onc mentioned giving me Aranesp when I was on AC, but I assume my insurance wouldn't cover it because I never got it.

    Jane - another 6 hour chemo ...geez that is long. Frown Do you sleep through any of it?

    I will have had my port for 15 months before I get it out. Maybe I'll just keep it. lol.

    Wonder how many Taxol txs I have to have before my numbness/tingling in my feet won't be all in my head? Undecided

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008
    Juli...I got to gigglin' when you mentioned sleeping during chemo...I get a bag of Benadryl in my pre-meds...I will attempt to stay awake for about ten minutes...then I'm out like a light. I know I've snored once or twice, but I just hope to GOD that I haven't farted while I'm asleep...taxol makes me so gassy!...Frown
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Jane, 6 hour chemo? good GRIEF!! Is Aranesp a red blood cell/anemia booster? Sounds ike. There is some controversy with that (if it's what I am thinking of) and I decided to bank blood rather than take the shot, in case I needed it (I ended up not needing the blood/shot, I never got that enemic in the end, chemo ended JUST in time). if it is what I am thinking of, I believe the FDA said it is no longer approved for "curable" cancers? (I assume that would be stages 1-3?). I will see if I can find the write up on it. (Isn't it always something?)

    Found it - here it is---  (This is not the most recent, I believe since this was written, the FDA took more action - that is what I heard from my ONC anyway...) 

    Prettiest and all - you do NOT have to stay awake for port removal (I've heard there is a lot of tugging and pulling, gag me with a SPOON!). I had a freind who INSISTED on being "under" for it's removal, and while her surgeon was not pleased (probably a waste of his time) she got what she wanted. 

    I went to ONC today. I have to do 6+ weeks of Rads and have my appt in early Jan. (They said the 3 week kind would not be good since I have an implant in there, and it's harder "cosmetically"). Probably ok if you just have lumpectomy or no reconstruction you are worreid about messing up. We also discussed either putting my in "chemical menopause" (with shots) or an oopherectomy (ooph) where they lapriscopically take just your ovaries out and then they know you are no longer producting the hormones and you and go on an AI vs. Tamoxifen. My ONC thought this would be better as she consideres me HIGH RISK (ahhhh!) because the tumor was big and there was "vasular invasion" - I take this to mean that the cancer had invaded vescles so it could be in my BLOOD???? (no lymph nodes, but THIS!!!)

    So I say, OK, will do the OOPH and then I come home and read all these risks.

    It is the case of a bad decision or another bad decision. 

    Is anybody but me sick of choosing between ChemoA or ChemoB, or mastectomy with Recon 1 or mastectomy with recon 2, or Have your ovaries out and have side effects or done and get more cancer?????

    I want to SCREAM!!!   Yell   Yell   Yell    There I feel better....

    I used to get a "high" feeling from the Benadryl. It was the only "drunk" I got so I sort of liked it. LOL.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Springtime-Sorry you have to do rads and possibly more surgery. It was also recommended to me to have my ovaries out, but my onc wants me in chemical menopause first, as it will be less severe than just yanking the ovaries out. I wish they would just tell us what we are supposed to do and not give me so many dang choices!

    I have had a few 'warm' moments. They were not bad and very doable, so far.

    Got letter today that insurance denied Oncotype and I owe $3800 by the 1st.Merry Christmas to me!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Ahhhhck!!! Resubmit the Ocotype and have your ONC write a letter??? I would try again. that is a lot of DOUGH!!

    My Onc was not so hot on OOPH when I first broached the subject with her a while back, (siting bone loss, risk of heart issues, etc.) but now that there was 3.5cm left after chemo, and the "vascular invasion" I think she is thinking it may be safer to "really know" I am "for sure" in menopause and go straight for the AI. She said somethign like, if we give you those shots we won't really know for sure if you are really in menopause. She feels I am high risk now, so I guess, I don't know. THIS WHOLE THING SUX!!!!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008


    Thanks for the link. I am Stage 3 with a high risk of recurrence, so maybe that's why they went that route.  I'll look at the link it in a minute.  Between the anemia and the Benadryl, I "rested my eyes" a little during chemo today, but they had 4 chairs going in one room, so I didn't really doze at all. And, of course, that's combined with the I having fun yet?

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2008

    Springtime, I'm also wrestling with the ovary removal versus chemical menopause.

    All, you are convincing me, that my decision to not get a port is a good thing!  I agreed to get a PICC for the weekly taxol/herceptin, and then after that to just do IV's.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    When do you have to decide on the OOPherectomy vs chemical Menopause? I have to do rads from Early Jan through sometime in Feb. Then there would be a month. So I have some time. I read about all these risks of removing ovaries for women under 45. I am 50, but I dunno. I wish this was a no-brainer. I have to do more research! 

    It is making me crazy. I thought when I was done with chemo and surgery, I'd just have rads, and hormones, and this is turning out to be more than I thought. Whine whine, moan moan!!!


  • lexislove
    lexislove Member Posts: 277
    edited December 2008

    I am too am wrestling with the idea of removing the ovaries. I'm only 31 but have finished with children. My onc is against it because of the risks, ie. boneloss, risk of heart disease ect. He says he only recommends it if I am terrified of them. I honestly have a greater fear of ovarian cancer than a recurrence, I don't know why. He says if my quality of life is affective then remove them. I feel my stress is too much. My second opinion onc says why not?

     I am in chemical menopause now, I have been taking Lupron injections since June and am tolerating it well. I have mild hot flashes, but I have mood swings and insomnia..arggg. The brain won't shut. I'm seriously considering the ooph and switching to the AI's now that those studies have come out regarding AI's being more superior than Tamoxifen. I'm just so sick of doctors and hospitals. I feel I need a break! I will wait a little longer before a final decision since the ooph is obviously, not reversible.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Thanks for your thoughts. You are much younger than me. There were a few things I was just reading, about the risks of ooph for women under 45. (One was increased risk of dimentia!!!) Another was longevity overall. On the other hand. quality of life and no risk of ovarian cancer is another thing to be considered. It is another hard decision.... I was just reading what you said though on the other post, about trying the "shots" for 6 months. Hmmmmm. 

    Links: (longevity risk mentioned here) (the dimentia thing!)


  • lexislove
    lexislove Member Posts: 277
    edited December 2008
    Thanks for those links! I also brought up the idea with my onc to continue with the shots for longer than the 3 years that they recommend. There have been no real studies out to show the effectivness after the three years. He said I could if I wanted. I had an idea about doing the shots till I was 40 or so. But the shots cost $1200.00 each 4 x a year! Thats about $5000.00. I'm in Canada by the way, and the medical is only paying for it for the three years. Frown
  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2008


    It seems like Breast Cancer is the thing that keeps giving.  Sure, I had to have a mastectomy, now there's the lymphedema risk, and I can't use one arm for bp and IV's anymore.  Who knew! (before being diagnosed).

    Also, I talked to my gyn, and although the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced, it isn't entirely removed.  I forget now why, but you may want to talk with your gyn.

    I wonder why the symptoms for surgically removing the ovaries, isn't the same (or even less) than shutting them down chemically?  I'd think there would be more side-effects from the med to shut them down, as it seem no drug just does the one thing that you want it to.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Well, In the billing I have done, they do use anesthesia to remove the port, they also make you stay overnight to be sure there is no bleeding. I can imagine it being done with a local !!!! 

    Taxol#5 today....very tired and my white and red counts are getting close to the too low mark.  Not sure what they will do, probably another neulasta shot !!!!  YUCK.

    I need a nap !!!   Huggs to all


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2008

    Trude - thanks for the port information.  I'm not looking forward to another surgery, but it will be nice to have it removed.

    PrettyMess - lol - why is farting so funny Embarassed?  How about drooling? 

    Jane - you have certainly had more than your share of "fun" - hope the fun calms down a bit for you!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    I was born on May 1 and diagnosed on July 10. You were born on May 14 and diagnosed on July 25th. I am thinking we have some sort of "two week" alternate reality going on... LOL...  

    Trude, it is good to have you hear for a reality check!!! (Someone from medical billing!!!) Hooo RAH.

    BrandonMom - I had a blood draw and IVs in my other arm, it wasn't the arm I used before but am having some luck. Not as easy, but Gash Darn It!! I do not miss that bleeping PORT!!! LOL. About the ovaries. I was looking online last night and there was info saying that if you go into menopause and keep your ovaries, your estrogen goes down, but not as low as if you have them out totally. There is something about your body needing that lower amount of estrogen, like your body is designed so that your ovaries are emitting the correct amount, when you need it, for your entire life. 

    I am thinking about maybe having the shots, or even discussing Tamoxifen again if I am preimenopausal. There is something about just removing them, I don't konw, I need to think more about this. I have time. If anyone else here has thoughts on OOPH, vs. Shots, and all this NEXT MESS!!!!! let me know!!!!!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    I am thinking about just having mine removed.  I already had a hysterectomy a while ago, but they kept the ovaries in for the hormones.  I have had a cyst on one ovary for a while now and I think I just want to have them taken out to be on the safe side.  I actually saw my OB/GYN at the hospital today while I was visiting my niece who had a baby girl this morning.  I am a great-aunt X2.  I actually think I was a great aunt before my nieces had their babies, but that's beside the point.  This last Taxol on Monday completely wiped me out.  Either that or the critical low Hct/Hgb.  I looked up the Aranesp last night and I think if I knew the side effects before they gave it to me, I might have had some questions.  I think I'll ask again before they give it to me again in 2 weeks.  It's 10 after 9 and I'm heading to bed.

    I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow.  I have to go to McDonald's and pick up coffee for my niece, get my nasty neulasta shot, bring my niece her coffee, pick up my lymphedema sleeve, and be back home ready to be picked up at 10:00 for my flight to Virginia.  My flight leave Hartford at 1:35 PM, stops off in Maryland at 2:45 PM, leaves Maryland at 3:45 PM and arrives at Norfolk at 4:35 PM.  I have already called Southwest Airlines tonight to arrange for a wheelchair because, with my wonderful leg injury and anemia, I'm afraid I may not be able to run through airports trying to make a flight.  Fortunately, my husband drove down yesterday and brought our suitcases and gifts so all we have to bring tomorrow is our carry-ons, so that should make things go smoother.  I am bringing my laptop with me because I'll need my life-line to this group while I'm away.  At this point in time, I'd have a tough time going 6 days without contact with this group.  I love you all.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Wink! Were you caught drooling? Oh. My. Goodness. Wink  All I know, is that when I went into the chemo gallery, there was only myself and one other woman. When I woke up, there was a full house! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Prettiest, LOL "Chemo Gallery"????? LOL!!!! Well, I suppose we are really all works or art sitting there getting our chemo!!!

    I am drooling like mad..... see?:   Tongue out

    ha ha!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Hi ladies....

    I had a wonderful day today.....but I am WIPED out.  My family had our Christmas today because my kids all are gonna be other places for Christmas.  I had such a good time having them all here.  It's 9:25 and my grandaughter is still here because we had an ice storm.  Her dad is on his way to get her.  Hope the roads are ok.  

    I was a lot more chipper today just because I had them all here.  Kept my mind busy.....

    Jane...hope you have a safe flight sweetie.

    Love you all.....

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Night Night sweet Genia...

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Hey ladies,

    I've been here, reading, but just having scraped up the gumption to write anything since I went back for my check up appointment with my PS after my exchange surgery.  Everything is fine with the new 'sisters' but it seems that the mole/place/growth I had removed from my face strictly for 'cosmetic' reasons came back from pathology as cancer.  Nothing deadly like melanoma, but still CANCER.  Trust me girls.  Not the word I was ready to hear that day.  I thought I was DONE, yanno?

    I am sick to death of cancer... and lucky me I have had the good luck to have two different types in two different areas of my body this year..  Breasts and face. :/

    So, last friday I had surgery to remove the rest of it.... and ended up with a nice sized skin graft right between my eyes.  Not to mention lots of facial swelling, ect.  I told him to just go ahead and put me a bolt on either side of my neck.  I know in the big scheme of things, it's little, but I'm just so TIRED.  And it's my FACE, not something I can cover with clothing.  Maybe I should be over on the bitch and moan thread?

    CABANA BOI--  STAT!!  I need some relief please!  

    I go in the morning to have the bolster (aka: The huge piece of neon yellow popcorn looking graft guard) removed from betwixt my eyes. I will be soo glad to be rid of it!

    Jane-- good luck travelling!

    Genia-- I am so glad to hear that you had a great time with your family. :))

    Spring-- I have an appointment with my onco friday and have thought about asking him about having my ovaries removed... I am 38 though, so I'm not sure he would be for it after looking at all the links and seeing the SEs.  I'm already on the shots and AIs... I was just thinking it might be nice to do away with the stomach injections......

    prettiest--  That is exactly the reason I never let myself get to comfortable!  O_O  My first treatment I had first seats to a little ole man that snored, burped, coughed and emmited other bodily noises in his sleep.   Nope, not me, I said! lol

    Brandonmom-- I totally had a love/hate relationship with my PICC line.  I look at the three little scars on my arm and am so glad its gone... until I have to have blood drawn...

    Priz-- oncotype has never been mentioned to me.. but I've always been curious as to what mine is.  After seeing your bill though.. it might be better if I just live with the mystery...

    trude-- I know you are feeling worn thin and are tired, but I'm hoping that your count goes up and the neulasta/blasta shot won't be needed!!

    I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas!  Take care of yourselves one and all...

    Much love,


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Cripes! I HEAR YOU WOMAN!!!! I will find a Cabana boy for you and post at the bottom here! I was scheduled to go for a colonoscopy, when all this BC stuff broke loose. I was told my the ONC to wait until after Rads end. So it will be like 6-8 months late with all the BC delay. BUT I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!  I also do not want to hear the "C" word from another part of my body. I did get brave and go for an "all over my skin" check from a dermatologist half way through chemo, and when she said, "You're fine. Come back in a year."    I THOUGHT I WON THE LOTTERY!!!!  I had a smile from cheek to cheek....

    Alright, this Bond dude does NOT look like a cabana boy, but he'll have to do for now. LOL


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Hey.. I'll take Bond in a pinch.. LOL  somehow though, I suspect that he might not take orders all that well.  Still, he does seem to know his way around a bar. ;)