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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Yes Spring....that is what it is called. Bordauex Butt Paste....and my hubby about rolled out of the bathroom when he saw it laying on the shelf!!!  It saved my butt too......ain't nothin gonna penetrate that paste!!!  lol

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Is this Bordauex Butt Paste available at regular old drug stores??

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Wow, I too need the house cleaning and laundry SE !!!  The anger issues are soooo hard, wish there was a way to get past it.  I guess its like have to go thru all the steps.

     I want some butt paste too !!!  I am so tired of my butt hurting.  It adds insult to injury, no hair, food tastes yuck, no alchohol, no sleep....aches and pains everywhere.....and add on top of it all butt pain !!!!  

    I cant wait to be done.....just 6 more weeks.....I am soooo looking forward to it. I like Genia am having a harder time the closer I get to being done !!!  Why!!!  Well, it will all be in the past soon. 

    Remember God is good, we are each blessed in his special way accordding to his wisdom.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    I think we need to ask for ENDURANCE.... we've been through so much, but there is more to go. I am hoping I can keep a good attitude....

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    I am FINALLY home.  I am exhausted and swollen and achy.

    We may not be able to hold ourselves up, but we can hold each other up.  If you can't believe you can get through this, then believe that I believe you can get through this.  

    Right now, I'm just happy that I'll be sleeping (hopefully) in my own bed on my own sheets and my own pillow tonight.

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008


    The it's actually a bone density scan.  Arimidex can cause bone loss. Now isn't that special?

    LOL on the Boudreaux B Paste. :)  Right after I started chemo and before I lost my hair-- I sent a friend a picture of me with my new short pre-hairloss haircut. Not only did I manage to capture myself and my new haircut in the photo-- I also got a great shot of the HUGE tube of Butt Paste sitting on the dresser behind my head.  Don't think I didn't hear about it. :P


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Welcome home, Jane! Did you have a good time?

    Since I sang to Lisa... I have to sing to Trude too... Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Trude! Happy Birthday to You! And MANY MORE!

    I'm going out to dinner with my b/f, mom and step-dad on New Year's Eve. My New Year's resolution...appreciate every pain-free minute!

    Lei - LMAO!

    hugs! Kiss

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Much ***HUGS***  Jane!

    So glad you are back and home!!  Hope your rest is 'restful' tonight!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Good morning......

    What do you get when you cross a bald, fat, lady with a fan blowing on her and 28 degree temperatures outside???  A POPSICLE!!!  lol    OMG....I'm frozen.....and I'm up for the day at 5 in the morning......sitting in front of my heater!  Crazy me.....what was I thinking?  Didn't have hot flashes last night tho.....lolol

    Glad you are home safely Jane.....was thinkin about you last night.

    ENDURANCE.......not a word I am familiar with   I told my husband last night I wish I would go in there today and he would tell me I could go home.......I was finished.  lol......not gonna happen but a nice thought anyway!

    I'm just looking so forward to this today.....grrrrr.....missed that benedryl HIGH!!!   I don't know what it is about the Benedryl the last two has knocked me for a LOOP.  And I hate that feeling.  It's like I am ready to pass out any minute.......and I fight it.......that's just me tho!

    Hope you all have a wonderful feel good day........I'll be thinkin bout you all

    love and hugsssss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Are you home yet? How did it go? did the doc tell you that you were done and could go home? lol. i was hoping someone would tell me I didn't need rads, but THAT didn't happen EIther!!!!

    Jane, hang in there woman! How was sleeping in your own beddie?

    Lei, you are one step ahead of me with the Bordauex Butt Paste already purchased and in use!!! I have to find the stuff. It's just like being in a world of hurt when even your butt is sore! I mean REALLY, is nothing sacred with this disease??? NOOOOOOOO.

    Here are some good things....I think my eyebrows have stopped falling out. this is a good thing. I think my hair is starting to grow "pigment" again, this must be a good thing. I have discovered that blue eye shadow makes it less obvious that I have no eye lashes. And I am able to walk 2.6 miles nearly every day (50 minutes) up and down hills with DH. so my body has not given up yet! 

    Endurance. And yes, we can make it. We will not give up. Jane, you are right, when we are down, we need to hold each other up.

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    LOL...nope Spring he didn't tell me that.  I had to go through with the toxic dump. 

    I will REFUSE to take more Benedryl by IV.  The last 3 times it has made me feel like I was gonna go belly up any minute.  I asked the nurse today if I could just take the pills instead and she said  yes......that she would talk to the Dr. and ok it first but it shouldn't be a problem at all.  Same dosage.....I just can't handle it through my veins.  I've taken Benedryl on and off for years and NEVER had a problem with it.  But when she gets about half of it in my chest starts hurting and I feel like my body is made of jello.  Can't hold my head's WORSE than any case of being drunk I've ever had in my life. 

    So Genia ain't goin there NO MORE.  It's bad enough to have the chemo drugs.......but when the Benedryl makes ya feel worse than the chemo drugs........something is wrong!!!

    Ok........done bitching.......anyway.......I'm home.   lol

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Oh yea....while under the influence....I told the lady next to me if we weren't hooked up to all the IV's.....I would come over and give her a hug.  It just SPEWED outta my mouth before I knew I had said it.......sooooo funny.  She said......well you can give me one when you are finished!!! 

    Heck I would have never said that if I had been in the right frame of mind........I might have thought she needed one but I wouldn't have blurted it out like that.....lmbo!!!!  I would have just gotten up when I was all done........wished her luck.....and given her the hug!  \

    I'll bet half the patients there heard me tell her that.........lolol

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    And NO I did NOT drive home by myself......I would have ended up at Jane's or someone else's house!!!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited December 2008

    Hi  there everyone,

    Thanks so much for all the warm thoughts. I need them especially since this accident hurts much more than my BC surgery did...arrgh.

    And Wink, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, having lived through that time helped my chemo brain remember most of what I'd forgotten. I think Frank Langella will be nominated for an Oscar...he plays an outstanding Nixon.  My appetite is still not that good, except for desserts. :lol 

    I never knew how important hair was to my daily comfort. I can't wait for it to grow back.... 

    Juli, I look cute in anything you wear.

    Genia, what a precious grandaughter you have...getting teary again.

    Welcome home Jane. 

    fimgers numb arrr 

    back again 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Didn't sleep quite as well as I would have liked - I had diarrhea.  Today I was in the ER because I now have cellulitis in my right leg where I fell at work.  Will it ever end?  They gave me a Rx for antibiotic, but now I have a fever so I am hoping the antibiotics kick in by morning because I don't want to end up back in the hospital like I was in October.  I'm going to call in to work tomorrow so I can keep my leg elevated.

    Genia - glad you made it through - only one more to go!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Genia, You can give us a hug anytime! And send me your IV Benadryl - it was the only "drunk" feeling I've had in months! ha ha lol. I also like your new picture...  Anyway, it is good you figured out you can just take the pill form of Benadryl!!! One less thing to drive you bats!

    Bar-M, Are you feeling any better? Now it seems we also have to avoid the movies, or someone sitting in FRONT of us at the movies! I wanted to see that Benjamin Button flick, but your story gives me pause.... Plus the fact that I don't want to be around someone hacking or coughing and get some bug.... tis the season after all!!

    Jane, can't we trade diarrhea for constipation, just for a few days? Laws. And what in the world is cellulitis? You are becoming a walking medical journal!!! You have our total support about calling into work!!! 

    Spring. (Beverly)

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    jane- i'm sorry you are having a time with that leg. I know it has to be painful. I am sending good healing vibes your way and you too bar62

    Genia- so sorry the benadryl wiped you out...You needed a cabana boy to drive you home..if you'd hug the chemo buddies just think of what you would have said and/or done with a cabana boy around....WHEW!! LOL Might be a good thing he was MIA

    Spring- Endurance is what we all need to stay this course. Some days i feel like this stuff will never end and i wonder where the strength to keep on keeping on comes from.

    Have a great evening girls!


    my taste buds have been better this week but things are not back to normal..I miss SALT i cannot taste salt and chocolate is still icky!!! It is soooo not fair!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Endurance for Chocolate!!! Hang in there! 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Thanks Mina.....hope you feel much better soon sweetie!!!

    Jane Jane Jane.......what AM I gonna do with you???? poor thing.  I think you may have passed me up on the "If it's gonna happen it will happen to us" least for now anyway.  The only major thing that happened to me today was that stupid Benedryl.  You take care of will be there when you get well!!!

    And Spring you are more than welcome to have my bendryl........I'll tell em to send it to you!!!  God I hate that stuff........

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Oh Lisa....thoughts of a Cabana man!!!!  Don't want a boy....too much trouble!  lolol

    Yes he could have driven me home and had his way with me........cause I was too out of it to care!!!   Heck....maybe they are giving me the date rape drug and I think it's benedryl.......hahahaha

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    GENIA  LOL!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Good morning beautiful ladies......I'm taking advantage of feeling good......cause I know it ain't gonna last many more hours.  I get my NeuBlasta shot today........grrrrrr......hate that sucker.  I am armed with my Clairtan......just took it.  

    I'm gettin SOME encouragement this time just knowing I only have one more and I'm finished.  At least I can start to see the light now.........boy it's a LONG tunnel!!!  :)

    Love and hugssssss to you all........have a great day!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi girls,

    I am back in Singapore after a wonderful trip to the UK.  Despite my low wbc I was fine, but did catch a cold after two days, it was a bit of a worry not knowing if my body was able to fight it off, but it did and I was good again in 3 days. We had a really busy time in London for 10 days, shopping and entertaining lots of friends we hadn't seen for a while. So many people went out of their way to visit us as they all knew we have had a tough year. It was great to see everyone. We then moved to the countryside to spend Christmas in a wonderful hotel with all of our family. It really was so good to be together again.  My oldest son was with us the whole time, which was lovely. Saying goodbye was not so good as you can imagine, but life goes on..... Now that is something to be thankful for.  We drank a lot of champagne and a lot of toasting to "good health", means something more than it used to.

    I wanted to post several hours ago, but had to read every message since I left more than 2 weeks ago. I won't comment on anything as although I have finished my chemo, my brain just couldn't keep up, but rest assured that I have folllowed all the trial and tribulations that have gone on.   The Cabana boy has been called into use a lot and I am worried about the number of margarita's you girls have been drinking, or dreaming of! Smile

    It's great to be back, I have missed you girls.  Glad you are feeling good Genia.

    Singapore Chris

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Spring - Cellulitis is an infection of the skin.  The area swells and gets red, hot and swollen.  If left untreated, it can cause a systemic infection.  I slept in the recliner (again) last night and it looks a little better this morning.  I called in today and plan on staying in the chair all day.  I'd like to sweep and put away my Christmas village but I know if I do, the leg won't get any better.  That's one of my problems; I try to push myself and then I pay for it later.  

    I wish I had a cabana boy to wait on me.  I can't even get dh to get me a bowl of cereal.  Hopefully dd will be up soon and make some cinnamin rolls or something.  DH did do the dishes last night and put in a load of laundry so I guess I can't complain too much.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Welcome back Chris! So glad you had a good time! We missed you too!

    Jane - good for you...stay in that recliner. I'm sending cabana boy over to wait hand and foot on you. Wink

    Genia - Good luck with the NeuBlasta today. Do you only get 1 shot per tx?

    Beverly - I got my Butt Paste at Target, but luckily haven't had cause to use it. Smile

    Mina. Lisa & Tanzie - Good to hear from y'all!

    This blasted year is almost over! Crossing fingers for a better 2009!

    hugs! Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Genia, JUST ONE MORE!! YOU GO GIRL!!!  It will soon be over. The long tunnel will be a thing of the past!

    Julie - it is true, you look adorable in whatever cap you have on!!! OK Butt Paste, next time I am out.

    <<You ladies wouldn't believe what I have to do to poop, I won't get into it, but may have discovered a method that is less painful!!! (PM me if you too have this issue! We won't gross out everyone here ! LOL)>>

    Chris! WELCOME BACK!!! Sounds like you had a great holiday! My husband has family in England and we visited last November when I had a business trup there. So I can imagine you in London and the countryside! :-)  We missed you on the boards. Your Christmas card should be coming! Our overseas ones got out a little late!

    Jane Murphy of Murphy's law - DO NOT sweep and put away the Christmas Villiage today! I looked up Cellulitis on google. Yikes Woman! Like BC and chemo is not enough,and all your other run ins. Just REST. We do need to chip in and send Jane a Cabana Boy pronto!!! This will be a cereal delivering cabana guy!!!

    I found this dude, but he looks neither Cabana-ish, or like he is DELIVERING your cereal, it looks like he is EATING your cereal for you!!! Not what we had in mind!

    cereal guy

    OK, here is a cabana SUPER HERO Cereal man for you Jane! We will get spidey to deliver your cereal!!!

    spidey cereal for jane

    Love to all! 

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Back from the NASTY shot......I begged them to just give me half the shot........but they wouldn't.  I hate that sucker with a passion.......but love the fact it keeps my white cells up.  Not sure I am one who TRULY needs the shot......but they are afraid not to.......especially this time of year!  So like the good girl I am........I follow orders.......lolol 

    Juli.....I only have to have the one shot per tx.....but my God it's enough to last from now til the next one.  Makes me feel horrible........worse than the chemo ever made me feel!  Now if I can do away with my date rape shot (benedryl) and this NeuNasty shot........I'll have it made!!!!

    Jane....just have your hubby fly you down here and I'll get your ceral and take care of you!!!  Might take me a while.......but I'd give it as whirl!!!!

    Good to see you back Chris.......I have missed you!

    hugsssss....took my drugs so I'll prob be goin down for a nap soon

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Hi! Just got back from onc. My tumor markers DOUBLED in a month and she is concerned. Drew some more today and ordered a PET scan. Couldn't get fit in until 1/16, so I wait......She did tell me to get rid of stress and not to worry so much abt my Dad. No thinking of work until after that is done. Plus my estrodiol (sp) level was 31. It needed to be less than 31 to participate in SOFT trial, so I need that redrawn also. Not a good day.....bummed.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Priz, are you currently in chemo? I heard that the tumor markers would be elevated during/end of chemo as the tumor is dying and the cells of dead cancer (or whatever) are floating around in your blood. Could also be elevated after RADs for the same reason. Mine went up from just being diagnosed (like 12 something) to 28 something at end of chemo. I found out on the board not to worry about this. She is doing it again at the end of the month of Jan, but I will be in rads. I guess I will not be surprised if it is still up there.

    On a lighter note, I got the Bordaux's Butt Paste and smeared it on the offending article. I hope this stuff works! I have purchased every butt thng in the Super-Walmart! They are going to start thinking I am a bizarro woman...


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    Priz- sp sorry you are bummed today. I am sending you calming vibes and HUGS!!

    Genia- sorry about the nasty shot..I changed to Neupogen 7 shots vs 1 Neulasta but no bone pain.


    Spring- i wouldn't care if the whole store thought i was crazy. Tell them to have chemo diarreah and not use something!!!! I also use A&D

    Chris- Glad to hear from ya! So happy that you had a good visit even if the goodbyes were hard.

    I can't believe 2009 is creeping up on us... and I do pray that 2009 brings much better days to all of us. I don't know what I would do without you girls to lighten my day and to encourage me when i am down. Please don't disppear when chemo ends. I know I will check in with ya'll once i finish soon. Then on to rads...maybe some of us will be in a rads group together.. We will be going out of town tomorrow night but I hope to post before the New year....if NOT Happy 2009 to all of you.