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Chemo in Sept 08



  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    I'm in a panic girls! My good breast, which had a reduction in JULY, now has a 'pimple' on the incision immediately under the nipple and hurts like h%ll! Of course tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so who knows who will be in the office. I figure call PS first, then onc? I am totally freaked out! The 'pimple' has no 'head' but has a large area of white in the middle. My boob has hurt for a few days, but stupid me never looked closely!!! I have been more worried abt the fat necrosis on my foob! Any suggetions?


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Priz - Someone should be in the office...I'm having Taxol #3 on Christmas Eve. Undecided

    Spring - I got your card today. Beautiful family you have!

    Lei - I have a "lightning bolt" scar on my forehead/scalp from where I had 2 skin cancers removed. Of course I have no hair now to hide it. I've had another skin cancer removed off the top of my head too. I need to have my scalp examined before my hair grows back, but I figure I have PLENTY of time for that. Yell

    Jane - So glad you get to use a wheelchair. Hope you have a great time!

    No one has mentioned ovaries to me, so I guess I'm keeping mine.

    There are 6 chairs in my "chemo gallery". Last week it was all ladies. The main topic was how much wine was alllowed during treatment. One nurse said she couldn't go through chemo because she could never give up her wine!

    Hugs to all! Kiss

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Juli...Does your lightning bolt scar mean that you're descendent from Harry Potter? 

    I have permission to skip this weeks Taxol, which would be #6 for me, because if the weather holds, I'm heading downstate to spend the weekend with my family, and I won't be around for my leuukine shots on Friday or Saturday...I'm grateful for the break, I tell ya. Seven more to go! 

    Priz...I'm with Juli... I think most offices will be open at least until noon today...I hope that it's just nothing decorating your new boob!

    At my chemo center, I think there's about twenty chairs in the gallery... it's shaped like a horseshoe, with the nurses area in the middle. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Tanzi, Yes, for sure, you deserve a Martini, shaken, not stirred... (or whatever it is)!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    Maybe it's nothing but a pimple? A big honkin pimple that was under your skin and has now errupted? Thank back!!! Those suckers hurt like H&^%!!

    Julie, lightening bolt scar. I am thinking Harry Potter and Herman Munster. Coolio!!! LOL

    Tanzi is off with the Bond dude and a Martini...

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2008

    Just FYI, when I spoke to my GYN about removing versus chemical shutting down my ovaries, her thought was to find out when menopause typically occurs in my family (talk to my mom, sister, etc).  If I was close to menopause anyway, then chemically shutting down until then would be reasonable.  If not, then surgical may be a better option.  She said you can only chemically shut them down for I think 3 years, so if you were further than 3 years out from menopause, and didn't want to have any more children, she recommended the surgery for removal.  Just one GYN's advice, but thought I'd share what I was told.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    That is actually really helpful. I will be 51 May 1st, and my Mom was 52. Maybe the chemical thing would work best for me then. I am thinking I'd rather do that... She did aske me how old my Mom was... But didn't elaborate. She mentioned with the shot shutdown, we would not really know too well if it was working, but with surgical, we know for sure. I think she was happy to be on the safe side if I would opt to get them out. But I am rethinking now. 

    I am going to have another conversation about it given all the research I've done. I am very close, and it seems in the long run that it is best to keep them. I will find out from her if there is a real risk in that. I mean, we can always try the shots and opt to have them out later if it does not seem to be working....


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Yes, I was immediatley cool with my 4 boys with my "Harry Potter" scar. I just think of it as another battle scar in life. I just didn't think I would be collecting so many by 50! Undecided

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Got my nasty shot this morning.  They lowered the decadron this time, so at least I don't feel like crying all the time, but I'm wiped out.  Between Taxol #2 (DD) on Monday and my blasted leg and my critical low hct/hgb, I don't know which way is up. 

    I am at the airport waiting for my flight which leaves in about 1/2 an hour.  So far no delays.  19 year old dd didn't think the walk to gate 6 warranted a wheelchair, so we walked.  I honestly don't think people who do not have cancer realize what we mean by "tired" or "exhausted."

    Genia - glade you got to see the grand-baby.  Have fun at your sister's tomorrow.

    Talk to you all later.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    I forgot to tell you all what my granddaughter said.  She is such a riot......she was sitting in my lap.....and she pulled off my toboggan......and she said "I like your hair mamaw".....lolol........I said Kayleigh I don't have any hair.  Then she wanted to know I told her that it fell out cause I had been sick.  She wanted to know if I was better now......and I told her I would be ok.  So then she offered me some of HER hair......bless her little heart. 

    My kids and grandkids are what keeps me going.  Them and my husband telling me I have to stick around cause no one else would put up with

    Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas........and you feel decent!

    love you all

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Har!  Bond dude and a martini?  I wish.  lol  How about at the PS's getting the bolster off my face.  I was handed a mirror, but refused to look in it after seeing my hubby's face and hearing his suggestion of a big bandaid. Undecided  Doc said that it would look really rough for a week or so... *sigh*

    On a sweeter note.  After finishing up a bit of Christmas shopping DH and I  slipped into a little sushi place and were looking over the menus when guess who came up-- My PS.  Anyway, long story short, he suprised us by paying for our meal.   He was long gone when we were told. Kiss He's just such a darned sweetie!

    Got your card today Spring-- Loved being able to see your wonderful family!

    Juli-  I already have a scar on my forehead as well.  The result of a game of 'horsey' gone bad when I was about 5.

    Prettiest-- Sweet Niblets!  Let's hear it for a break from tx! Enjoy the heck out of it!

    priz-- Worrisome news!  Please let us know what you've found out, if anything!  I know that my PS was open until 12 today, so hopefully you got hold of someone?

    Jane--  Hang in there, hon! *hug*  I guess by now your inflight.  Close your eyes and try to get some rest!

    Take care and much love!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Ok Tanzi, you can tell your DH about the Martini but no the Bond dude! Does sound like your PS is a nice one!

    Genia, Awe about the grand daughter!!

    Jane  you have my total and complete understanding!!! I have a 19 year old daughter as well!!! 'nough said!!! 

    Julie, 4 boys. Holy Cow, and you need THIS??? Lordy! Like you didn't have enough going on!!! I have 2 daughters, a husband, cat, dog, house and a job at IBM. I can barely hold it together. I think "4 boys" would do me in! you must be one of those dynamo people!

    Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! Kiss  {{{{{{{ HUGS}}}}}}}


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Genia! *hugs*  You must have been typing away at the same time I was! lol 

    Your grand baby sounds precious! :)

    Hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you!


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Question-- have any of you girls tried that chat rooms here?  I haven't because use Firefox and the chatrooms are compatable with Explorer.   Just curious--


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    I really want to check out the chat rooms, but I can't get my FireFox or IE to let me in. I get an error type message. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008


    do you get this???

    "You may be trying to connection through an HTTP proxy server. The Chat applet cannot connect to the Chat server through an HTTP proxy server because it doesn't communicate using HTTP. Try switching the connection to a SOCKS proxy server or try using a network address translating (NAT) router for your firewall, if either of those options are available for you. The Chat Rooms work fine through a firewall using SOCKS or NAT. Your network administrator may be able to help you change your settings." 

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Hrrm... I got them to work once, with Explorer.  But no one was in them.  :/

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Wait, I just got it to come up for me with FireFox.. but again, no one is there.

    I have never gotten the message you just posted, Spring.  I just flat wouldn't work, period.

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    I take that back, chica.  There are a couple of ladies there, and they are 'awake'.

    Try again?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    I've been in there......but every single time I would go back there would be different people and I would have to tell my "breast" story over and over again.  I just got tired of

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    lol-- just finished telling mine. :P

    It would be nice though to have a sept 08 chat room. :)   Too bad it isn't as easy to set something like that up here as it is with other chat programs..

    Lei-- who is fixing to be off for Christmas Eve services..

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Back from chemo... just me and 2 old men sleeping through theirs. LOL. Good thing my mom goes with me to keep me company.

    My 4 boys are easy now. They are 15, 21, 23 and 25 yrs. Only the oldest is not living with me. They take good care of me! Smile

    Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays! Hugs, Juli

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited December 2008

    Hi everyone,  Merry Christmas.

    I've been off nursing the knee/hip injury I sustained unknowingly, the day--12/14-- I went to see Frost/Nixon.

    What I thought was muscle response to no more Decadron, was my hip's angry response to the movie chair in front of me falling backwards onto my knee---don't ask how it happened-- and me not feeling it at all until Thursday night, 12/18 @ 7:30PM, when I couldn't get off the toilet without screaming. I called the paramedics, my son and ended up in St Luke's ER until 0200. 

    Personally, I am offended by this turn of events. Having Breast Cancer is enough..we should NOT have a new health problem added, period. The lady, whose chair fell back and hit my knee had just finished her chemo...yes... we two baldies had SO much fun with each other.

     I should have known that my 63 year of body would get pissed off. The ER doc calls this a front loading injury The chair hit my knee---my son says I did scream when it hit me... and jammed my thigh back into my joint..I kept walking on it until it rebelled  Thursday evening and made me quit walking. For some reason they wanted me to check into the hospital to have a MRI...I said NO! Now the front of my leg is numb and I think I have to stay off crutch walking is OK but I'm not strong enough in my upper body enough to support my painful,numb leg and keep it off the floor. Arrgh.

    Spring, thanks for telling me about your friend...NO tumor left is fantastic news. My chemo has been so erratic, what with all my cwazy Oncologists. I take  all positive news in the best way and pray pray pray. TY again.

    Genia, My doc went nutso when he hadn't received an insurance payment after 4 weeks... unbelievable.

    Thanks to everyone here, I received a box of beautiful knit caps yesterday from Heavenly Hats. I cried with happiness...My sleep hat is pink and soft plus they sent me a beautiful soft blue knit hat with a large brim. I'm a REAL happy camper. Thanks again.

    Wink, your cruise sounds like heaven...have loads of fun.

    Jordianna, I wonder if my Oncologist will give me 4 Taxols. My neuropathy and my blackened nail beds make me think she might say no, though my last Onc said I needed 4 DD treatments no matter how my fingers looked or how much they hurt. I'll see how it goes with each treatment and keep L-Glutamine close by. Congratulations on being finished with Chemo:)

    Juli, you look gorgeous in your Santa hat!

    Jane, you and I should join hands and do the ole soft shoe when we are finished with this madness...hope you are getting on OK.

    Priz, sending all my hugs to you. I miss my mom so much this time of the year and my grandmother; she raised me too.

    Trudecox, Thanks for the 411 about medicare advantage vs  medicare and a supplemental insurance. I wish I had met you before I freaked last August and joined that awful insurance. I can't wait for Jan 1, 2009. Speaking of inheritance: the second thing my ex-oncologist wanted to know after asking my name, was... If I had any assets. Scary eh? I've never been asked that before ever. Of course I told him the truth...NO...and he was not very nice to me again...ever.

    BrandonMom...a big hug to you.

    Glad you're finished with chemo bettysgirl:) YEAH!

    love and hugs to all. forgive any name mix-ups and spelling errors. I was looking forward to a movie tomorrow but I have to keep pressure off my hip for a while...




  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Mina - You poor thing! A very big hug to you! Kiss 

    New rule for Chemo Sept 08 girls... No more getting hurt! Do we need to move into padded cells around here??? Or maybe we need a cabana boy to accompany each one of us at all times. Wink

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    mina-- Chica, I am so sorry to hear about your knee!  I have foot problems at times myself that makes it hard to get around, so I know how terrible it is when your movers and shakers refuse to move without letting you know about it in a very vindictive way!

    Juli--  The cabana boi rule sounds pretty darned sweet!

    Hugs and Christmas wishes to you all!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Hi ladies,

    Been so busy with dd and all the company, no time to be online.  I love this site.  It is so good to find others in the same boat.  I think the reason we get hurt is the dam chemo.  I have been so dizzy the last 5 days.....Mon called onc and dumb nurse and doc told me to stop my blood pressure blood pressure was 120/75....totally normal....why would I stop??  Then was supposed to have dr appt and chemo on Wed (xmas eve).....dumb scheduler called me Mon night to have me do dr appt Tues and chemo Wed.....3 days in a row at that place !!!!   Saw onc on Tues.....he said the dizziness is SE for Taxol....I am on #5 of 12....can we do anthing or do I have to live with it.....he told me nothing we could do.  So I guess I will just pass out and hurt myself....What a dork......on the way out I went to chemo room to talk to my favorite nurse, told her I'd be back tomorrow, she asked why was I here today, explained....she asked me to stay, they were less busy now then xmas I stayed.....What a mess.  These people are idiots.  I can't wait to be done with them !!!!  

    Mina, if you need any more help let me know....but you are on the right track now !!!

    Genia, so glad you had so much fun,sounds like it really helped your spirits.  I hope you feel better. 

    Merry Christmas to all.....huggs and kisses


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2008

    Merry Christmas all you lovely ladies!Laughing

    I'm at work - but only until 1530. 

    Genia - Don't you just love being a grandmother? My oldest daughter is here with my 11 month old granddaughter Beth; she is so much fun - I call it "baby therapy".  Yesterday I walked into the living room with out my wig - she didn't know who I was and would not come to me; put on my wig - she was my best friend..LOL!  We had a Christmas Eve party in Asheville with more new relatives, second cousins, etc...My brother was there; he's a big burly guy, has mostly white hair/goatee, and had on a red shirt....sent Beth into a screaming fit (she is terrified of Santa).  I felt so bad for him because he really loves children.  It's funny, she was fine with him at Thanksgiving...Santa has scarred her - hopefully not for life!

    Juli - forget about the padded rooms - unless they come equipped with Cabana boys Innocent

    Mina - so sorry about the injury (bty, how was the movie).  Adventures in aging.....add cancer to the mix and you've got an extreme adventure!  I'm a triple negative too - we are suppose to have a great response to chemo - a smidgeon of good news.

    Priz - hopefully you've just got yourself a nice painful cyst (we used to call them "undergrounders").  Let us know what you find out and what the rest of us should be on the look out for.

    Lei -  I LOVE sushi!!!!  It can get pretty pricey in no time - nice ps, nice ps!  Maybe you could try a wig with some sexy bangs that cover the scar - I use my bangs to cover my barren brow line.

    Jane - hope that you had a nice trip - am I remembering right - you have a son in the Navy at Virginia Beach?  I've got my sailor son with me until tomorrow morning.  He will be leaving the bonds of servitude the first part of Jan and is moving to Coeur d'Alene, Id Cry, too far away for his mama's liking - damn - I hate it when you have to let your kids grow up to be independent, responsible adults!

    Beverly - we're just a couple of ole Taurus(es) aren't we?  Too bull-headed to let this beat us! 

    Prettiest - no, I've not drooled in the gallery - but did one time on a cross country flight - was pretty embarrassing to wake up with a snort and a wet shoulder - really grossed out the little kid setting next to me!

    To all of those wondering what station you're at on the menopause express - there are 3 lab tests that can give you a good indication reqarding your location - FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone) & an estrogen level.



  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    santa has come the babies are loving elmo and grandma and grandpa are ready for a nap. The grandbabies are therapy and keep you going on the bad days.

    I hope everybody has a great time today with family, friends or whatever you are doing.

    Hugs to all


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Christmas morning wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Only a little bit of crying.  DH bought me a camera and sons and dil got me a GPS.  My husband said I don't go anywhere so I don't need it, but I can get lost in my own back yard anymore.

    Hope you all have a happy day.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2008

    Jane - glad that your morning went well.  I love my GPS and use it all the time - doesn't matter that I know where I'm going, I just like listening to the Aussie Guy give me directions (also enjoy it when I take a shortcut and make it recalculate)...hehe, hehe, don't know why I find such preverse enjoyment in that!  You do have to be careful though, if I take the route home that it wants me to - I would end up turning on a road that is actually someone's driveway Embarassed.

    Well don't I feel like a dummy!  I ordered a wheeled walker (the one with the seat, basket, handbrakes, etc..) for my 90 year old dad who lives in FL; sent it to his old address - he hasn't lived there for at least 4 years!  Chemobrain strikes again!