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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Jordianna
    Jordianna Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2008

    Hi all,

    It is comforting to find out that I'm not the only one who wakes up during the night (3:30 seems to be my time) overheated.  It then takes me a while to get back to sleep because I can't shut my head off sometimes. 

    Sometimes I wish I had my "old life" back, but I know that is no more.  I try to look ahead and stay positive as much as I can.  Sometimes it is hard, but I refocus as quickly as I can.  I wish that none of us had to be tested this way.  Life just isn't fair!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Sorry things went so bad for you today D.......I will be praying that everything is fine!!!  I just wanted to tell you that........and that you are very dear to hang in there girl.  We are all here for you....


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    I've spent most of the day sitting in my recliner with my leg up.  DD swept the floors.  The village is still up and it'll stay there until I feel like taking it dwn.  About the only thing I accomplished today was filling my new chillow to set for 4 hours.  I hope I can get it "activated" before I go to bed tonight so I don't have to keep flipping my pillow looking for a cool spot. I took a warm shower and let the warm water run on my leg for a while.  I don't know if it helped, but it didn't hurt and at least it's clean. DD is bringing home rice pudding from the restaurant she works at for me. 

    I have to be at OT tomorrow at 7:30 AM, so I might as well go to work tomorrow.  It's supposed to snow and dh is on vacation so he will probably drive me, otherwise I will take his 4WD truck.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    I finished chemo on 12/3. My tumor marker was 40 in November and was 65.9 today. My onc thinks that jump is more than normal for post-chemo.I won't get new results til Friday d/t holidayFrown I also was wanting to start the SOFT trial, knowing that the info would benefit those to come to our 'club'. My onc did say to avoid stress. Wonder how that happens. I got my script for Tamoxifen today. I told her I did NOT want to hear abt all the SE's, but you have to sign a paper that they were explained to you. Oh well! Rice pudding sounds good! I have maintained my 10# weight loss throughout all of chemo.

    Happy New Year to y'all! May 2009 be kinder to all of us!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi Girls,

    priz, so sorry to hear that you have had unsetteling news. What we need is GOOD news and we don't want maybes, we want to know for certain that all is WELL. All this waiting around for someone to decide which direction our lives will take is the most stressful thing going! Stay strong and believe that all will be good. We are here for you and know you are going to be absolutely fine, cancer free and will have a wonderful life, VERY SOON! Enjoy your rice pudding!

    I am on a diet as I put some weight on in the UK and must lose it, as I have been told that Tamoxafine can increase your appetite! not what I wanted to hear.

    Take care girls, Singapore Chris

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Morning chicas!

    I hope today is a good one, stress free and restful for those that need it.

    Jane, priz and Bar, you ladies are in my thoughts today. {{hugs}}

    Wanna hear a chemo brain story?  I hauled DH to town the day after Christmas for an onco appointment only to find the entire cancer center locked up tight.  I called Monday morning to see what happened... and it was me. Tongue out  I completely had the right date and time.... just the wrong month!  My appointment is in Jan!   I want my brain back!!

    I am down 10 lbs from when I finished chemo.   I guess I lost some steriod weight?  Now I just need to continue the downhill trend!

    Much love,


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Hi all! Don't you hate when the cancer clinic calls and asks if anyone is with you??? My 2nd set of tumor markers are just as high. The nurse sounded as if she dreaded telling me that. Will do PET scan and look at my lymph nodes. I only had the SNB and one removed, which was negative. I have decided to try to forget it all for one week, so I probably won't post after tonight. I re-enrolled in school for my Master's and will start online classes on 1/2/09. It seems weird to write 09! I started my Tamoxifen last night and pray I do not gain weight. i know I will have to be careful. Who is partying tonight? We are going to friend's house and they always have delicious food!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Denise - Prayers for you and hugs g/f and have fun tonight.

    My New Year's mantra -

    Everything Will Be Fine in '09!

    Happy New Year to All!

    hugs, Juli Kiss

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008


    Love the mantra! I think we should all try it!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    OK - the Beaurdaux's Butt Paste is working a little I think. I keep using it as part of my "butt arsinal". ha. You'd think I had rectal cancer!  Now mine is due to chemo contipation not the other way! ((You can't win with this stuff!!!))

    Denise, That would totally un-nerve me - cancer center calls and asks if someone is with me??? Holy freakin' cow! You know, a lot of ONC's don't believe in those tumor markers. And they say it's a trend. 

    Let's all adopt Julie's mantra - Everything will be FINE in two-thousand NINE!! (It even rhymes!  Our Julie is cute AND smart!)

    I went to the Eye Doctor today and they took a "picture" of my retina, and I was so thrilled to hear, totally normal, no tumors here! *YAY*!! Prior, I would take news like that for granted, HA!!! no more!

    Genia, how are you today dear? Still feeling pretty good???

    Tanzie, we should start keeping a log of our chemo-brain stories!!! I forget things, and then remember later that I knew that. I HATE IT!!! But, I am trying to cut myself a break. My husband and I now figure between the two of us, we have one working brain. It takes the two of us to keep things straight! We are forever correcting each other, but with love and humor. At this point it is like a joke!!! He'll say, you're just doing that so I don't feel so bad, and I'm like NO I AM NOT!!!  LOL....

    Chris and all, I gained 10 lbs since I started this. 5 from chemo and 5 from being in New Orleans for surgery! I lost about 5 so far from all the walking and being careful. Of course, I am not yet on the hormone things!!! That will be after Rads. Chris, are you pre or post menopausal, and are you taking Tamoxifen? I was pre menopausal prior to chemo, but my ONC is sounding like she wants me to get those shots that put you in menopause vs. and take an AI vs. Tamoxifen....  Just wondering.

    FYI, if any of you are doing radiation in 2009, there is a Jan 2009 Rads group I am a part of on these boards!!! let me know...

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOU WONDERFUL LOVES!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    Springtime (Beverly)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Feeling pretty NeuBlasta shot yucky today!!! 

    I think I'm gonna go to bed.......and just say to HECK with it all!!!   I hate that shot with a passion........

    Just wanted to bop on and wish you ALLLL a Happy New Year........cancer free I hope!

    love and hugs to you all.......

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Beverly - I will have to wait awhile to join a rads group...probably March rads for me. But I hope you will have lots of insightful information for me so I will be armed with what I need before I start. Wink

    That's why I love this place! I eavesdropped on the May chemo girls so I could learn from their experience before I started mine. Smile

    Feel better Genia! Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    OK, will do, Jules!

    Genia, WE LOVE YOU!!! Happy New Year, Sweet Soul!!!

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2008

    Mina - I'm sorry that you are in pain; but at least you enjoyed the movie!  I too can not wait until I have hair again - right now I have fuzz - it's growing and definitely there, but I wouldn't call it hair.....and it's white!  Does it take a while for the pigment cells to kick back in? 

    Beverly - hope I'm not too late - but there is one "beware" to Boudreaux Butt Paste - it stains your panties - I used a panty liner whenever I slathered it on (and gloves too - was hard to wash off my hands).  It did however protect my "pink" parts.

    Lei - LOL - you got busted with "Possession of Boudreaux Butt Paste" - I love it!

    Jane & Chris - so glad that you lovely ladies are back.  I'm glad that you were able to be with family during the holidays, but it sure does cause the heart to ache when you have to leave them.  I cried great big alligator tears when my son left Cry the day after Christmas.  Jane, is that antibiotic kicking in yet?  Be gentle with yourself.

    Genia - how are you feeling today?  Hope that the nasty shot is not too nasty.  Just think - only 1 more to go!  YAY Laughing

    Denise - what is the SOFT trial?  I'm so sorry that you are bummed - I want to know how they can expect us not to be stressed!  Good Grief!  This has probably been one of the most stressful events in our lives! Yell Maybe we could all get webcams and do a yoga class together - and drink a lot of wine (or margaritas) and have our Cabana Men (who also happen to be massage therapists) give us a nice long rub down....I'm thinking that my stress level would be about a minus 2 on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 of course being the highest).

    Lisa & Juli - I know that 2008 was probably not a stellar year for most of us - I did however find my birthfamily this year - that has been a joy for me that even bc can't diminish.  My wish for all of us is to find that light that outshines bc in 2009.

    Happy New Year Sisters!


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2009

    I had my PICC line in and my first Taxol/Herceptin. So far, all is good!

    Tanzie, you are in good company!  I drove all the way to Hopkins, beause I thought it was Monday - turns out it was Tuesday!  Oh well, better early than late!

    Juli, may join you in March for rads. If so, late March.  Maybe early April depending on how the Taxol/Herceptin goes.

    Happy New Year's to all!  May 2009 be the year they find a cure for cancer! 

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2009

    Happy New Year ya'll!

    This year sure has been a doozy!  Cancer has taken a lot of things from me, some of them permanently (my breasts ) and some of them temporarily.  (taste, hair, the list goes on...)  Yeah, it's taken a lot, but it's also brought me here and allowed me to meet you ladies.   Knowing you, and going through this with you has been such a blessing.  A spark of goodness in a time when so many things were bad.   Thanks gals.

    Take care of yourselves!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Wow, so much has happened.  My dd left for Tn yesterday, I cried all the way to work!!!  I really miss her more now that I can't just hop on a plane to see her.  She gave me a beautiful pair of platinum hoop earings, with diamonds all around.  Her girl friend works in a high end jewelry store.  She brought $60,000.00 worth of jewelry with her for christmas.  Mostly rings.  We took turns wearing each of them and felt like princesses all the time.  It was so funny to see us fight over the bling every morning!!!!  I kept telling her, it would be a shame, but she may just have to go to jail when she gets home, as I just might keep it in Ca ......LOL!!!!

    On a bad note, I had chemo #6 today, Taxol.  At the end of treatment I felt kind of funny and both feet have numb toes now.  I'm not sure why this happened so suddenly......neither do the Dr's.  They finally let me go, told me to call if it got worse.  This is the pits !!!!  I guess I have to count my blessing......very little SE's up till now.  Will try my L glutimen tomorrow.  Any other ideas???

    I agree with all of you .....every thing will be fine in 2009 !!!!!  Love it. 

    I wonder how long the hot flashes will last.  I have been on hormones since I was 42, am now 52. It seems odd to have them back after 10 years.  Oh, well  ....just one more thing to chalk up to the bc experience.  When we look back on this it will seem like such a short part of our lives... but right now it seems like forever

    Love you all.....Happy New Year 


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Happy New Year Ladies!

    Thanks so much for the cards girls and Spring it is good to see what your family look like, two beautiful daughters and a very nice looking husband. It is odd to see a picture of a lovely family, who from the outside look completely normal, but to know that behind the scenes things are different.  It makes me wonder how many people I pass in the street who are also struggeling with the same kinds of things.

    I was premenopausal before cancer, but my periods stopped after the second chemo, my oncol seems to think that I am close to menopause as I am 47 and is hoping my periods won't come back. So for now I have started on tamoxafine, but then come off while I am having my rads.  If my periods come back I have opted for the injections vs ovary removal, as it shouldn't be too long before I go into menopause anyway. So far no problems with the tamoxafine, expect a few hot flashes and a little discharge, which I will discuss with my oncol next week. He wil no doubt refere me to a gyney.

    Tanz, I hope you are feeling better and that your injury is healing, you poor thing, just when you were feeling good again.

    I love Juli's mantra, I will spread it around Singapore, All will be fine in 2009 !

    Had champagne last night for NYE, but feel a little tired to day, probably like the rest of the world.

    Happy New Year Girls. Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Spring, I forgot to say, yes I would like to join the Jan rads groups, which one are you in?

    Bye for now, Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Well I was LOADS of fun last night.......slept in the New Year.  My hubby woke me up to give me a kiss........have I said lately I HATE CHEMO???   Just checking.......cause if not.......I needed to say that!  lol

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today........mine will prob be spent back in bed again.  Yuck......

    Love to you glad I have you all in my life!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Bumping so it won't get buried again.....  :)

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Genia, hope you are feeling better and looking forward to your new life this year! How long have you got to go now, is it only one more round of chemo?  that is only weeks away. What happens after that, do you know? I remember saying when I only had one more round to go, that even though the end is in sight, it still seems so far away. A bit like the last few steps of a race or very long walk, you can see the end, but are not sure if you can make it.  I just want to say, that YOU WILL !  Try to believe it and look forward. Don't feel sad that you are always sleeping, obviously all the sleeping you are doing, is good for your body and is really needed, it is making you better and stronger by the day.

    Take care, Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Good morning Chris.....

    Yes I only have one more.......and soooo happy about that.  I think I could stand on my head for one more.  Other than surgery.....I have no idea what will be happening to me.   I guess it will depend on whether or not they have to do a mastectomy instead of a lumpectomy as to what they will do about the  RADs..  And at this point I don't know which I am getting since my tumor has shurnk so small.  I've heard they like to take the original tissue that was involved in the cancer....if that's the case it will be a mast. 

    Seems so disheartening to have the tumor go down soooo much and STILL have to have my breast removed.  But I guess they know best.......I'll listen to them.

    Hope everyone had a good New Years Day.  I pretty much slept most of they day away.....but I THINK I'm feeling better this time around.......shhhhhh.....not gonna say that too loud!!!   I'm taking my Ativan for nausea....and he gave me  prevacid for my stomach too.  I think that combination is workiing really well for me!  Crossing my fingers........and toes.......and anything else I can cross.   lol

    hugsssss and love to you all

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    Toady was the majic day girls! CHEMO IS DONE!!!!! No reactions to the taxotere's at all and better results after the dosage lowering. I get the neupogen shots again this time but I am SOOO Happy to be able to say I AM DONE!!!! (and not because i quit!!) The light at the end of the tunnel is closing in as i am hoping rads will be okay!!!

    Thanks for your support dear friends!!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    YAAAAAY Lisa........doin the happy dance girl!!!!  Good for you..........

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Lisa - WOOOOHOOOO!!! Way to go!

    Just got home from Taxol #4... 8 more to go. I found out that my Herceptin will not be weekly anymore when I am done with Taxol. It will be every 3 weeks. Yay! I did not want to go to the onc's every Friday for a year!

    Genia - How ya feelin' g/f?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    I'm really feeling decent this time around. 

    I'm wondering if having that time off didn't give my body some much needed recoup time.  I've been a little tired and just a little bit of nausea....but I take my meds and it passes.  Now if I can skate through without the thrush this time I've got it licked!!!  Hot flashes are about to do me in BIGTIME.......having them day AND night now!!!!  grrrrrr

    Thanks Juli....for checkin on ya girl!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009
    Genia - good to hear! As for hot flashes... I've had them day and night the whole time. grrrr too! And  I gained another 2 lbs in 10 days! double grrrr! Yell
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    I think I've gained about 12  pounds since this all started.  And God  only knows how.  Cause I sure don't eat that much.  But about a week before my next treatment.........I get my appetite back and that's all she wrote.  I guess I make up for the not eating.  lol

    I'm going on one MAJOR diet when this is all over with......and start walking and get this body back in shape  Can you believe I used to work at a fitness center........lmao!!!  That cracks me up every time I think about it.  Three sets of aerobics a teaching them how to use the machines we had.  I was a lean mean fightin machine.......lolol

    All I could do now is WADDLE over to a machine then I would prob have a heart attack trying to use the stupid thing.........

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Genia - LMAO! I've been tap dancing for the last 6 years...I'm sure it would kill me now! lol