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Chemo in Sept 08



  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Well it took me awhile to get caught up with you guys! Hope everyone is feeling well or as well as can be expected. I was supposed to start work this wekend, but onc says to wait till PET is done since 2 separate tumor marker tests came back in the 60's. I have decided to try to not worry and maybe clean my house. I should see if that cleaner service is out here!


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2009

    Denise - are you talking about the CA 27-29?  There is so much debate on the value of the results.  I just had one and it was 47.  My onc said that we were not going to worry about it and would repeat it in 3 months.  When is your PET scan scheduled?

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Yes, the CA 27-29. My numbers were consistent since dx, mainly 35-40. Three weeks after chemo, 65. Week after that still 62. So PET is scheduled for 1/16. I have heard infection and inflammation can make it elevate. I am not sure why, since this should just be for tumors.... I know alot of onc do not do them at all. Back to the wait and see attitude.


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    had my visit with the onco today- counts are low and have been lower since the taxotere started but he said they were not too low..that explains how i got the cold so quick. He still thinks the pea sized lump we are feeling is scar tissue. I go next Wed for the consult with the radiologist so will know next week when rads will start. Had lost 9 pounds since tx due to the food issues. Wish it would stay off but it susually comes right back once the buds recover. He told me that everybody says taxotere makes stuff taste like cardboard..I told him I might as well be eating the shrubs in my front yard LOL He got a laugh out of that one.

    LAST neupogen shot tomorrow!!! YEAH!! At least no bone pain and the shots are almost all done.

    Priz- thinking of you and I know waiting for the PET is hard. We will be praying for nothing but wonderful results.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Colleen, great post,some very wise words and lots of things that could also work for lots of us. Most of life is about trying to find different ways of coping with things and although the same thing doesn't always work for everyone, it sure is good to get some new ideas. You and your son have been through so much and I am sorry for that. :(

    I too find a lot of people tell me I am strong and I find it comforting to know they think that. I don't think they know what else to say, but they want us to know that they are on our side. I agree that it is difficult when they say it at the times when we are not feeling strong, as it could make us think that we are weak and we can't afford to be weak, we must be strong.

    Trude I think you and anyone who is working through this difficult time are amazing. You are right that we do what has to be done, but things don't always get shared out very well.

    I have had 3 doses of radiation and am doing fine. So far so good.  The first time was a little scary, with that nasy machine clanking around above me getting ready to fired it rays down at what seemed like random positions. The first time, all I could think of was "if I move it will get me in the heart", I would say it is pretty important to have some kind of scene or story to play over and over to yourself while you are laying there. Funny how the mind works, I must admit each time gets easier and the ladies are wonderful and the whole thing only takes about 10 minutes. Actual zapping time is down to about 3 minutes. So anyone going on to rad, don't stress out to much, as compared to chemo, it has got to be a walk in the park.

     I must say that the minute the chemo is out of my body (3 weeks) I feel absolutely great and really do feel back to normal, our bodies are amazing machines. I read that it could takes up to a year or two for us to get back to normal, for me, this is rubbish. I feel wonderful and everyone esle will do too.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend with lots of energy and very few side effects.

    Singapore Chris

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Hi again,

    Been busy and freaking out about next Taxol.  But had it yesterday and all seems fine.  Just feel a little more run down.  It must be cumulative.  Other than that and a few numb toes on and off again, oh, my nails are killing me.  Both toes and fingers!!!  It's even hard to wash dishes !!! Oh, well poor dh will have to do them !!!  lol.  Hope every one else is doing as well as they can.  Never a really good day, but most days are just fine.  Can't wait to be done.....5 more!!!

    I'm gonna have a happy dance and a shot of jack daniels when I am done !!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    BLAH BLAH BLAH.........feeling like crap.   Back to hating food again.......but at least this time I didn't get food poisoning.  I will be SOOOOO happy when I have my last round of chemo.  It will be 3 days after my birthday and that will be the best birthday present I ever got.  To be finished.........

    Sorry....I need to be over at the bitch and moan thread.......just one of those days.  

    On a lighter should see my "hair".  It's hilarious......I look like a baby bird!!!!  Every time I look in the mirror I laugh.  And my husband is trying to make me feel better and tells me how thick it's getting..........he lies so bad!!!!!  lolol

    I'm SO ready for a vacation.  Some tropical....warm....island!!!   Far away from cancer........and SNOW!!!!  

    hugssss to you ya

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Tell me how to sleep through hot flashes! It was an awful night! Tamoxifen is the culprit and i do not know how I will make it 5 years! I have heard abt the 'chillow'. Anyone use it? I am willingly to try anything for a few hours of sleep!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Denise....I have no idea sweetie.  I sleep with a fan blowing on me when it gets really bad.  I have them really bad now....don't know what I will do if it gets worse on the tamoxifen. 

    We could move to Antarctica.......lolol

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    My DH is always cold so I bought him fleece sheets for the bed for Christmas. So we have fleece sheets, a down comforter AND a blanket!!! I get chilled first, then the hot flasshes start and I take off all the blankets. This goes on 20 times a night! I hope it slows down eventually. i have only been on the Tamoxifen since the 30th and started only taking half of it at first.

    Maybe i should sleep outside in the playhouse!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I love my chillow.  Well worth the $25.  Dealing with combined Taxol/Neupogen pain.  Just got to grin and bear it.  I have to have more bloodwork on Monday because my Hgb and Hct are so low.  Only one more Taxol to go.  Whoopee! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Jane - only 1 more Taxol for you! I am so jealous! I had #5 today...7 more to go. Undecided

    I told the onc today that I am having a vision issue in my right eye. 3 times in the past week, I had a "long skinny braided-looking thing, bright and shiny", blocking my vision. He said it's not related to chemo. yeah, right! Yell

    Happy Friday! Weekend is here! Hugs to all! Kiss

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Jane - you are so lucky....I have 5 more...same as juli

    Priz - Genia  I had so much trouble sleeping thru the hot flashes.  I finally gave up and take 1/2 xanex and an ambien.  It seems to knock me out so I don't wake up at all.  Thank God.  I was so tired from lack of sleep

    Juli - my eyes are bothering me to.  No braided thing....just blurry and watery.  Driving me crazy if I sit at the computer too long


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I've been having problems with my eyes, too.  At least my onc told me it was related to the chemo and should get better within a couple of months after I'm done.  Juli & Trude - don't forget, I may have only one more, but I've been getting the dose dense, so I get more at one time.  I hope your se's are less severe, at least. 

    I'm kind of miserable and achy tonight.  My dh was commenting on my new "cap" I got today and asked how many I needed.  I told him I only needed them until I got hair back.  Then, I said, I would donate them unless he wanted me to save them for the next time.  We both agree that, hopefully, there won't be a next time.  Knowing me, I'll probably keep them somewhere for future use.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    im having problems with my eyes also. Lots more floaters and blurry vision..I will get it checked out after chemo.

    I am curious...i am extremly cold natured and am having problems keeping regulated and am hot more now than usual but not miserable. For those of you that have bad flashes were you hot or cold natured before??? just curious if it makes a difference. I havent had a peiod since tx #2 so we will see now that it is over if they stay away but i also know that when we get to tamoxifen it will be a sure thing.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Bettysgirl.....I am very cold natured.  I may be older than you, I started with hot flashes at 42....then got on estrogen, after fighting for 2 years.  No dr would believe me....I was too young.  I do have a strong family history.  I have not had a period for years...and no more hot flashes. But after I started the Taxol.....the hot flashes came back in full force.  Mostly at night....bummer as it is hard to sleep.  I have started the ambien and xanax and that has kept me asleep all night.  I just wonder what will happen after the chemo.  Will I go back to normal with no periods and no hot flashes????  I am it has been 10 yrs !!!! UGH!!!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    my mother was 38 she had me at 35 and was going through meno and terrible twos..God love her. Doctors would not belive her either. said her problems were from post partum...Maybe my warm spells are just a warm up for the real thing.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    I heard that Taxol causes blurry vision, but not the weird "braided blocker" I get. I was always cold-natured before chemo, so it's strange to be hot so much. I had my last period in the month before chemo started, so I guess it was my last, since I will be on Tamoxifen too.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2009

    The vision topic is funny, because for me, it has been the opposite.  When I was on AC, I was really struggling visionwise and my eyes were a mess.  At the moment, they are better than they have been since this began.  It could be that because of taking time off for surgery, they had time to get back to normal, and since i just had my second taxol, the taxol hasn't had time to mess them up again.

    I find I don't deal with any temperature changes well.  I know the docs are quick to chalk it up to chemopause, but I've spoken to a couple guys that had chemo, including my son, and they too have the extreme hot/colds time.  I remember my son used to always grab the covers saying he was freezing and then a few minutes later was kicking them all off.  Now I find I'm doing exactly the same thing!  No fevers, just trouble regulating how I feel temp wise.  If I eat cold pasta salad out of the refrigerator, by the time I'm finished, I'm shivering cold.  That never happened before chemo.  I've discovered I love hoodies, especially the velour sweatsuits.  When I'm cold, I just pull up my hood, a few minutes later, I can just throw it off.   Even though its winter, I can't wear my  normal winter wear of sweaters and turtlenecks, because I would just overheat. 

    I actually have a cute pixie amount of hair due to the surgery break.  Makes me a little sad that the taxol is going to take it all away again...sigh...

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2009

    Juli - I've been having vision issues too - just in my left eye.  Is the braided blocker like a big floater?

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2009

    I wonder where Spring is?

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2009

    I haven't lost my new hair, eyebrows or lashes when I started Taxol. I have six more to go.

    Heart surgery's done, they couldn't find anything. The way I see it, is that I was healed by The Father...I have to take it easy for a couple of days so that the puncture sites in my femoral arteries can heal properly. No bending, no laundry, someone else has to help me put my sox on, and I have to recline. Sounds tough, eh? Ha!

    My PET scan will be done after radiation, and if everything is in the clear, my port and my nether girlie goodies will be removed...

    I think that everyone looks just beautiful...

    I'm tired, so I'm gonna told to...


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Hi All!

    I have been taking a computer break again, but did read Colleen's coping strategies. Thanks Colleen! (BrandonMom!) That was helpful. It reminded me of a pastor I once had who was advising people on dealing with grief after the loss of a loved one. He recommended a 15 minute time each day, where you would get out old pictures, etc., and cry, but set the alarm. Then get on with your day. And compartmentalize your grief and not try to ignore it or squash it. He said it would eek out anyway, so may as well schedule time for it. You seem to have come up with the identical strategy all on your own. Smart Woman! I think you are so right about the statistics being old, and they include all sorts of people, those who don't do what the Dr. says, those with less medical care, etc. Early on, I heard God telling me, Not to worry about "the numbers" that he was bigger than "the numbers". So I am hanging on to this!!

    My eyes got "goopy" after about half way through AC. It cleared up though before my Taxol ended. They seem fine now... 

    I went for the radiation "planning" this past week. I go again on Tuesday for the next "planning" session and then will get by start and end dates, and the time I go each day. I will be working half days as I had 17 days of vacation left over from last year. Luckily, my manager is allowing me to take them now.

    I feel sort of beat up though. Like chemo and bilateral with reconstruction, then radiation, then oraries either out or Lupron shots, then hormone supressing therapy, then maybe more surgery if the implant fails due to radiation. UGH!!! I am just SICK of it! WhinewhineMoanmoan...

    I am about 2 months post my last dose dense treatment, and my blood counts are all finally in the "normal" range now! Yipee! I wonder if RADs hits on your white counts? I was told besides skin issues, you can develop fatigue. However, I hear you Chris! It can't be like chemo!! What a BEAR that was!

    Hang in there ladies. Many of you are nearing the chemo finishing line!!!

    finishing line

    Love you ladies!

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Oh I forgot to say, my eyebrows and lashes are growing back in! It doesn't last that long, the time you are without them...

  • pottergal
    pottergal Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2009

    i had my last FEC on tuesday.  will see the radiologist on 1/22 and my port will come out 1/27.  everything has gone smoothly and the SE have not been bad till yesterday.  mouth feels like a large dry cotton ball. i have had very little to eat as everything tastes horrible and actually nothing feels good in my mouth. i have in the past two days eaten homemade applesauce, soft boiled egg and frozen yogurt.  i also have waves of nausea.  wow, nothing like this previously so i am stumped-i need some suggestions for comfort and nutritious food.

    thanks in advance for some good ideas

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Count me in on the eye problems.  I am now wearing glasses......can't see anything up close without them.  Just thinking that it will prob not get any better for me because this started before the chemo.  But it has gotten worse since I've been on it. happy they didn't find anything going on with your heart!  I know that has to be a huge relief!!!

    Beverly.....glad your counts are up to par!!!   Very good that your boss is working with you on your Rads...... sounds like you may have thrush.  Do you have any white patches in your mouth???

    Hope everyone else is doing good.  I'm still battling the YUCKS.  So tired all the time and sleeping a lot.  I see my Dr. on Monday....just wondering if my counts are low.  I have ZERO energy!!!

    hugs and love to you all.......genia

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Genia - I hope your counts are ok - I know how much you love the Neublasta!  I'm jealous your hair is growing back.  I don't even have stubble and now the eyelashes are gone - mostly.  I think I have maybe a total of 7 combined on the bottom and about 15 on the top.  Eyebrows are thinning and not evenly.  I'll look just beautiful for the family photos at my in-laws anniversary party next Saturday.  I'll have to put that Look Good, Feel Better makeup to good use that day.  I'll have to get up extra early just to get ready.  I've already had to add 10 minutes to the time it takes me to get ready for work to put that lymphadema sleeve on everyday.  I did finally figure out that the gauntlet isn't as uncomfortable when I put it on rightside up instead of upside down!  Who'dve thunk it?

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    pottergal- i wish i had some ideas for you cause i have been in the same boat since i finished last week. It is trial and error- i did eat some strawberry jello- some diced peaches but anythiing bread related is nasty as is anything chicken. It is frustrating to be hungry and not be able to find anything to tolerate. I told my onco thursday when i saw him i might as well be eating the shrubs... I am now 9 days since my lst tx and the buds are coming back a little. Today i ate some bbq chicken and it was ok and for the first time today in a long time i tasted SALT!!! It has been so long i wondered if salt really exsisted. HANG IN THERE the buds do recover a little more each day.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    genia- you're getting close to the finish line and the chemo fatigue is cumalative. It could be a count thing. (mine were low this wk) but the onco told me that by the last one to expect the fatigue to be pretty strong..I posted somewhere this wk it's like this tx knew it was the last and kicked back pretty hard, on the counts, the thrush, everything seemed to be worse this time. Nine days later i am beginning to feel better but there are still times when i feel like i have been treading water for hours and i have had a lot of light you i have hair regrowth, the taxotere seems to not have effected it and it has been growing now for about 3-4 wks..i look like an ostrich!!! I got my hairdresser to order a special shampoo made for thinning/hair loss that is supposed to help it as it grows in. I'll have to let ya'll know how it works when i get it. My sister told me about it because of her hair thinning after gastric bypass. The name of the shampoo is Nioxin

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Donna - yes, a long braided floater. The nurse suggested it was an occular migraine without the headache...uh, ok.

    I've been typing up appraisal reports, almost every night for a month. Typed 2 today! 1 more tomorrow. I've been working 2 jobs and doing Taxol,so maybe my eyes have had it! LOL

    Hugs to all! Kiss