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Chemo in Sept 08



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi girls, 

    Truecox, you have that jack Daniel and I hope you feel better soon. I found that my nails only hurt for a few days, and then no pain at all for the rest of the treatment. I know how you feel, it's awful, but it will end.

    Genia, I have posted you a birthday card, it has a long journey from Singapore, but I hope it brings you some warmth and sunshine with it.

    Priz, 20 hot flashes a night, that is terrible, have you told your oncol, maybe the dose it too high for you.  No doubt they will level out as time goes by, hopefully in weeks, not months. Mine are mild at the moment, I have stopped tamoxafin while I have my radiation.

    Jane only one more to go, fantastic news! Jane, there won't be a next time, you have to believe it. When you have finished your treatment, you will go on to have a wonderful healthy happy life. Hang in there! What treatment are you having for your lymphedema and how is your arm?

    Juli, maybe the long skinny braided thingy is an image of your hair to come in the future in a plait, 5 down, 7 to go you are almost half way! After that you are on the home stretch! Sorry you have to work so hard, try to rest and how about the old fashioned remedy, slices of cucumber on your eyes to relax them.

    Robin, very please to hear that you heart is fine, that's great news!

    Spring, great news about your blood count, I know it made me feel wonderful knowing I was back to normal. Eye brows and lashes coming back, fantastic!

    Pottergirl, I know it might be strange, but I found that a bowl of porridge oats with honey was lovely, nutritious and filled me up and is good for constipation, if necessary. Good luck.

    All is well with me, I feel great, have my taste buds back and strange as it sounds, am forgetting just how bad the chemo was, hard to believe, but it must be like forgetting childbirth etc. I am 3 days into rads and so far so good. Still waiting for me hair to grow though. Am now going everywhere without my hat anyway.

    Take care, everyone. Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Juli....never heard of such a thing.  Bless your heart....hope it stops doin that soon!!!

    Lisa....I've heard of that shampoo.  In all honesty I probably shouldn't have let it start growing back out.  But I had so much stubble I thought it would be thicker than it is.  Now I don't wanna shave it back off because it IS hair.......lolol.......and I look like an ostrich too!!!  

    How ANY woman can come out of this with any self esteem left I have NO idea.......cause I know mine has gone completely out the door!!!  Then I try to tell myself that regardless of everything.......I'm still alive!!!  That seems to zap me out of it.......but boy is it hard!

    I look in the mirror......and I see Uncle Fester......swollen face and all with bird feather hair.  I've gained weight.....which makes me feel even worse about myself.  

    Guess I'd better be careful or I'm gonna end up over on the bitch and moan

    hugssssss to all and have a great day you

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Sorry Chris....didn't see your post.  It was on the next page.

    Thank you for the Birthday Card in advance.  This is one birthday I am looking forward to.  Don't think I'll ever complain about getting older again.  Just glad to be breathing air at this point!!!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009


    Occular migraine is a ggod suggestion from the nurse. Some people actually lose vision when having a migraine, all without a headache. My son has severe migraines and we have been on many medications, gone to many MD's.....

    Hopefully will go away soon!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Hi you feelin hun???  Been thinkin of you.....hugssssss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Spring - I have OT twice a week for the lymphadema and I have a sleeve that goes from my shoulder to my wrist and a gauntlet that goes from my wrist to my knuckles.  I've been taking Tylenol 3 for the pain this weekend.  I hate taking narcotics, but I can only suffer so much.  I am anxiously awaiting beginning rads because I am hoping the pain will be over then.  However, I do hear that the AIs that I will be taking cause achiness, too.  I guess I'll just have to deal with whatever comes. 

    Someone told me the other day not to get old.  I looked her right in the eye and told her that I was working very hard TO get old.  I don't think she knew what to say.  It may suck to get old, but it sure beats the alternative.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009


    Do you only have lymphadema in one arm? I have been worried abt truncal lymphadema. My stomache swells up when I have walked alot or been active all day. Tonight in the tub I had one side of my stomache look huge compared to the other. It went away when I lay flat.

     I think I am just paranoid. I am trying not to worry abt the PET scan but it keeps creeping up. And I feel isolated from my DH. He is done with my cancer and wants me to move on. Everyday he asks when i am going back to work....Sorry I am just tired.Tired of always thinking about cancer. When does that stop? Where I can go a whole day without thinking people are staring bcs I am bald, wondering how many appointments I have this week????


  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    Pottergal,  mashed potatoes and jello.


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Girls,

    I wish you were all over your treatments too, hang in there, just take one day at a time. Intersting discussion about getting old, you are right, now it is something good, if it was ever bad.

    Take care everyone.  Singapore Chris

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009


    AMEN SISTER!!! We are all working on getting OLD!! What a blessing, to get old.I also have the Lymph sleeve and wore it after surgery...  I have to get back to PT, will do that once the Rads sessions are all scheduled...

    Chris, I go for the second radiation planning session tomorrow, and get "tattoos" - did that hurt for you?

    Genia, Julie and Wink, how you be girls? And Priz???

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009
    Spring - Taxol #5 kicked my butt...oweeeee, I hurt everywhere. I only worked 1 1/2 hours this morning. Hoping that Aleve will help. Plus I came down with a cold yesterday. Not a happy camper Frown
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    ah Julie, hang in there girl!!! #5 out of 12, right? You are half way there almost?? I think you will be DONE by the end of Feb??? That's when my rads will end I think....

    The COLD is just adding insult to injury. And your body is probably pooped out anyhow. 

    I agree with Chris though. I am not myself 100%, but I stopped chemo 11/10/08, had bilat mastectomy with recon, (so had off work for 6 weeks, and that was not a lot of fun, at least the first 3-4 weeks, I'll tell you!) and now will start Rads, hopefully this week. I am walking over 2.5 miles a day and feel pretty darn good. I think it is AMAZING how we bounce back! Thank you God, for these wonderful bodies!

    I am hoping RADS does not poop me out too much. Sheesh. It's like it does not end...

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I only have lymphadema in the left arm - the mast/node removal side

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Does anyone know how many calories you burn shoveling snow?? I shoveled for 2 1/2 hrs today and am exhausted. Hopefully I will sleep through the hot flashes!! It is so weird, how every night is different. Last night I just stayed hot all night and only kept a sheet on me. My DH had the sheet, down comforter and 2 blankets!

    Juli- hope you are feeling better with your cold.

    My nails keep breaking and splitting. Anyone else have this?

    And my vision was definitley aggected by chemo. I have glasses to wear when I drive and now seem to need them all the time! I heard Tamoxifen can cause blurry vision too!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Denise - 2 1/2 hours? Yikes! Take it easy!

    I took an Aleve for the Taxol pain and it helped ALOT. It's ok to take Aleve,right? Better be... cause Tylenol doesn't help.

    Trude, How ya doin' after Taxol #7?

    Jane - Feeling any better? When is your last Taxol?

    Genia, you ok?

    Spring - yes, hopefully, you and I will be celebrating my end of chemo and your end of rads the end of February. Smile

    Hugs to all Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    1:12 AM  and I am awake.  I hope my last Taxol is better than this one because this one is kicking my butt.  I have to go tomorrow am for bloodwork.  I hope my counts are up so I don't have to have a transfusion.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Spring, I didn't have tattos, I just got marked with a marker pen, which does come off a bit, but gets topped up everyday when I have my rads. so far so good.

    I am running a vision board workshop tomorrow for 5 people and am really looking forward to it,so good to be back at work (for myself).

    Good luck to you all.

    Singapore Chris

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Chris, What is a vision board workshop? Tell us how it goes...

    Jane, hang in there woman....let us know about your counts?

    Denise, I don't know about calories, but people have heart attacks from shoveling snow! I think it is way huge aerobic and muscle exercise! Did you sleep through the night????\

    I have my second radiation planning thing, and get the tattoos. I am going to ask about the "sharpie" option. I mean, what the hay, they can only say NO!!!

    Later you Beauties!

    Wink and Genia - you ladies okay?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Hi all....

    I'm still alive.....not kickin very high but alive!!! 

    I had a Dr's appt today.....and after Sunday nights sleepless night because of bone pain so severe I could hardly stand to be touched......which when it went away the next day left me with pain in my right lung and chest area that was pretty bad......he sent me for a lung scan.  Scared the bajeebees out of me.  But nothing showed up......sooooo he came to the conclusion it is the Neulasta shot doin it's number on me. 

    GOOD NEWS tho......I don't have to take it with my last round of chemo on Monday.  

    My red blood count was low.....but he said considering I've had 5 rounds of chemo that was to be expected and we would check it again before the chemo on Monday.  Heck no wonder all I want to do is sleep.......I am just so done with all this.   Ohhhh but my white count was just GREAT!!!  Wonder why???  lolol

    Jane I couldn't let you out do me on the oddities of chemo.......just kidding!!!

    love you all......hugs

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    It seems likely that I will need a transfusion tomorrow.  My counts were still low today and some of the problems I have been attributing to the Taxol are more likely related to the anemia.  My legs get weak.  I get short of breath. I am having dizzy spells.  I generally feel like crap.  My onc wasn't there today and the nurse wants to talk to him rather than let the PA who was there today make the decision.  We'll see.  Right about now, I'd do just about anything if it would make me feel better.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Genia and jane- you two need to stop competing about who feels worse! I feel bad for both of you and hope you get some relief soon! I opted out of a transfusion and am glad as my counts crept up SLOWLY. I hate all the bone pain and wish there was something to relieve it. i have been trying warm baths at night-slightly helpful. Sending you both HUGS!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    I think Jane's transfusion may have put her in first place......bless your heart Jane!!!  

    I wish so much we could ALL take a vacation together when all this BS is over.......can you tell I've about had it with it all????  For everyone on this board that I love and care for..........tears flowing.......sorry.......happening a lot lately.......even ON my Prozac!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    I feel better today, pain wise, the Aleve really helped, but my nose is running like a faucet. Do you other Taxol girls get blood every time you blow your nose? yuck, I think it is gross. Yell It's been this way since I started the Taxol. But with this cold, I am blowing it all the time.

    Feel better Genia and Jane! Hugs!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I don't know if it's from the Taxol, but yes, I get blood when I blow my nose - yuck!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Yep Juli.....I blow blood too.  Clots sometimes......TMI.......sorry.  Drives me nuts.  Can't remember who told me this.......but they said it was because you have no nose hair anymore and it gets irritated.  I think maybe it was Jane.....but who could have been "Barney" for all I know.....I have no brain left anymore.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Thanks Juli.......I'm tryin!!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Jane, I hope that your blood count goes up real quick, so you don't have to have the transfusion. I must admit a blood transfusion always sounded scarey to me before BC, but I have seen several people having them in my clinic and it just looks like chemo, but with a different colour bag.

    Juli, I hope your cold gets better soon, blowing your nose with nose hairs, is not ideal. The good news is that the minute the chemo finishes all those little hairs will grow back really fast.

    Priz, sorry to hear about the bone pain, hope it eases off soon.

    Genia, You are almost there, hang on, only one more chemo to go and then you will definately start to feel better, you are so close, but I know you feel so far away from the finish line. What is the time difference between where you are and Singapore. All I know is that we will be ahead of you. Do any of you girls have skype? We could have a chat and see each other on the screen. The best thing is, it doesn't cost anything, it's free!

    Spring.  My Vision board workshop went well thanks. I had 5 ladies with a giant coloured board in front of them and the idea is that they just sit and think about what they want in their lives and then cut out anything that appeals to them from magazines, whether they know why or not and stick it on the board.  You could also include a photo of your self that you love. If any one is interested i will send you some notes. I also ran it for free to my chemo friends and they loved it and put all sort of funny stuff on theirs, like pics of eyelashes and eyebrows, hair, lovely painted nails and sexy stuff, that they all wanted back in their lives.

    Take care dear friends!  Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009 are 13 hours ahead of me.....9,553 miles.  lolol........a world away!!!!  It's 6:18 am here and 7:18 pm there.  Oh yea.....and 84 degrees.....I'm ready to come visit!!!   HEY....we could all just go visit Chris after  She could supply the Cabana Boys....hahaha!!!!   The temperature here is supposed to be below zero a couple of nights this week..........brrrrrrr

    With Skype can you have more than one video conversation going at the same time???

    Thanks for the words of encouragement......having a very hard time mentally right now!

    Juli glad you are feeling better too sweetie.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Hi all you lovely ladies,

    Miss Jane, don't be scared of the transfuson. My friend had one and felt BETTER immediately. The blood supply is so much safer now, and this is a better option than we previously had, some "red cell booster" which has been correlated to other CANCERS and other stuff (I think heart!) WHen I started, by transfusion friend told me to bank some blood, and I did, but never needed it. I was NO WAY going to get that controversial shot. My daughters and husband and I all have A+ blood (what else would you expect from me, ha!) so I thought better to get their blood than that scary shot.

    Genia, I agree, if Jane gets that transfusioin she wins! Though you would be a very close second. I know you are fed up. Maybe, if you can, try to do things the FEED YOUR SPIRIT. If nothing comes to mind, then sleep. You are worn out, several of you are! I think healing is a Mind/Body/Spirit thing and we have to feed them all. 

    Chris, I like that vision workshop idea! I think we may have done something similar (but different) once on a woman's church retreat. It was drawing though. I remember drawing what looked like gobeldy-goop until I tuned it UP-SIDE down! And there was something! Amazing. 

    Julie and all, I did not have the bloody nose thing, at least that I can remember, but I finished in early November, so maybe avoided the arctic cold and the "bug" season while on taxol? I am hoping over time I can forget all this, or develop a form of amnesia (like after child birth?) LOL.

    Denise/Priz, how do you feel after all that snow shoveling? Did you sleep through the night? :)

    I am now working half time in the mornings, so better get to it. I have my first "radiation zapping" and hoping so that my brandy-new implant does not fail from this, which there is a good liklihood it might. I am all marked up, I am trying to do an attitude adjustment on myself. I really wish I did not have to do this, but the tumor was large and I had vascular invasion, so it is hightly recommended. It makes me feel sick, but I have to lay there and think of my blessings today at 4:15 as Chris does! I just have to get my head straight about this. Ah, just one more thing, it's like it never ends. (I am trying to stay away from the Bitch and Moan thread!)

    Love you girls!

    Spring (Beverly)  Kiss

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2009


    The bloody nose thing is just what I was going to ask my doctor about today!  I've had 2 of the 12 taxol/herceptins so far, so after today, I'll be 25% done.  Ah, progress feels good.  I'll let you know what they say.
