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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009 can be SOOOO entertaining sometimes.  Just when you think you've got the bull by the horns.......he turns around and kicks the S**T outta ya!!!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    You've got that right, Genia!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    My b/f just brought home a massage pad for me that vibrates from my back down to my toes. It heats up too. What a nice surprise! Laughing

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Oh wow Juli.......I'm comin there in a few days!!!  lolol

    Heya Miss's my bud???

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Genia - Wish ya could! It would be fun to meet! Smile

    My onc suggested Vitamin E for nueropathy. Anyone else heard of that? Undecided

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Juli - I thought your onc didn't believe you had neuropathy.

    I'm gearing up for my next to last chemo on Monday.  I hope this stupid cellulitis in my leg doesn't make them postpone anything.  I don't know why it would, but when I had the cellulitis in the chest back in October, my chemo was put on hold.  But that was (and still is) an open wound and more serious than my stupid leg.  It's been over 2 weeks since I fell and it looks worse now than it did then.  I'm jumping on Juli's wagon - "everything will be fine in 2009"

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Jane - maybe he is beginning to believe me since I mention it every time I see him! LOL . Hope you get better fast!!! Gotta get that chemo over with! Yell

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Genia, sounds like you are hanging on in there! I had two lumps both were smallish, one was 1.7cm and the other 2.? I was keep to have only a lumpectomy and my oncol said it would be alright.  The chemo worked really well for me, to the point that we couldn't find the lumps and only shadows appeard on the scan, so I was dissapointed to find that there were still cancer cells in the center of where the lumps were.  They got them both out with clear margins, they took the lumps or where they used to be, plus 4cm, which is a pretty big picce of flesh, they showed me the phots, NOT NICE!.  Fortunately I have plenty so there was more than enough.  Apart from a couple of very nice scars my left breast doesn't look that different from my right. When they did my surgery they did find 10 lymph nodes still infected and took out 28 in total.  I suppose what I am saying is that you can ask your oncol if you do want to keep your breast, although I appreciate that a lot of people don't want to. Sorry I am jabbering on here.

    Genia and Juli could start an exercise class for us, with some tap and weight training, we could do it virtually, a bit like copying that baby doing it's thing! I haven't heard anything about vit E, but I would take anything that coul help.

    Jane m, hope your leg gets better and that they don't delay your chemo, hang on in there girl.

    Bye for  now.  Singapore Chris

  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2009

    Hi Chris

    Doctor removing lump plus 4 cm = more than my boob!!! you've seen how "flat as a runway" i am!

    Talk soon.

    Happy New Year to everyone here and I am praying for all to have a wonderful year.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Chris....I'm fairly certain he will take the whole breast.  The original tumor was HUGE.....and the only reason they did chemo first was because there weren't any clear margins. 

    I am thinking of going to another surgeon to just get a second opinion before my surgery.  The one I am going to now REFUSES to remove both breasts.  And if I have to have one removed I want the other one gone too.  I don't want the nightmare of worrying about every single lump "being" something.  And it's MY body.......not sure what the insurance will do about that one.....but it doesn't hurt to see.  So many that have been told their other breasts was healthy have found that once they have it removed there is evidence of disease in that breast too. 

    I'm goin to discuss it with my Onco when I go to him on the 12th.  There is a surgeon in my hometown that everyone seems to love.  I will try to go see him with my reports and see what he says about it all.  I think I would feel better.  Plus I'm not too thrilled with how my port has been, and the other surgeon just acting like it's nothing.  I still have a small hole in my skin.......and at times it still seeps.  THAT just doesn't sound healthy or right to me.......nor does it to my Onco.  

    So I will see.......

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Hi Ladies!

    I had another computer break! But I really was thinking of you all. 

    Genia, I had a bi-lateral Mx after thinking and agonizing over it for all through chemo basically! I am glad I did it though, as I wanted to have some symetry but MORE, I didn't want to worry any more. There is enough to worry about as there is!!! You go for another Breast surgeon, if that is what you want. Though, i wonder you can't get a lumpectomy if it shrunk so much... But maybe safer in the end anyhow? 

    Julie, I think I need your body massage doo-dad pad!!! 

    Sam - LOL about teeny boobs, whatever! My breast surgeon thought the tinier the better, less likey to get cancer he thought! (like it's a numbers game? the more you have? Never heard that before, I had a breast reduction and still got cancer!) Nice to "e-meet" you !!!  :)

    Genia, and all who remember being physically active: we are now walking 2.6 miles a day, even up hills! And My last Chemo was Nov 11th, and I had big surgery on Dec 2. So your body WILL BOUNCE BACK! Thank you God! We heal! It is like a miracle! 

    Chris, I am in the Group called  "January 2009 Rads Group" and the ladies are really nice, Not like this group (cause we are now like sisters!) but really nice. Try this link:

    Julie, haven't heard of Vit E for Neuropathy (glad he finally believes you!!!) I am down to 1 TBSP of L-Glutamin for about a week and no symptoms. I am gong to stay here now through rads unless I get symptoms again. The stuff is amazing!

    LISA - YOU BE DONE WOMAN!!! Whhhoooooooeeeeeoooooo!!! You GO GIRL!!!

    JANE - One more to go!!! Hang in there! Remember what Julie said: Everything will be FINE in 2009!!!!

    Jordie, you are right, it is hard and it doesn't seem fair. However, try not to feel defeated. I have been trying to take what ever anger I have and channel it towards being DETERMINED. I think Satan wants us to give up and feel defeated, so fight back! I am trying to do everything I can to be healthy. I think if we have anger energy, we need to use it for the good of our health. This is what I have decided to try anyway!!! But you are right, we also need to stay positive and move forward. 

    Priz/Denise, are you okay??? Hang in there girl.

    Lei, I think I am down 5lbs since the surgery where I gained 5. I also gained 5 during chemo. Got to GET THIS OFF. Fat is not good when you are ER PR positive!  Something about your fat producing the hormones! aaahhhhhck!!!

    Wink and all who recommended Bourdaux's Butt Paste, the stuff is working! No more sore on the outside tissue! (The inside is another story!) No stains yet! OH Wink - My App Daughter was SO ULTRA IMPRESSED that I knew a lady whose Grand-daddy donated some land for App! She was like, "MOM!!! It is not just Winkler Hall! Winkler is everywhere in Boone!" Her eyes were as big as saucers! Winkie, you are famous in our house!!! LOL LOL!!! 

    BrandonMom! Cure for Cancer in 2009! You go girl!!! This could be the year. Can you imagine what that would be like? Wow. I think they are getting closer too...

    Trude, did the numbness go away yet? Try L-Glutamin, it could not hurt (ask first though, but it's just an amino acid).

    Excuse me while I have a wicked Hot Flash. What is this going to be like in the SUMMER I WONDER!! Good GRIEF!!!

    Springtime (Beverly)

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Beverly - I did some "googling" and found a site that suggested vitamins B-12 and E for I went out and bought some "E". I've been taking the L-Glutamine every day too and my feet are not getting any worse. Smile

    I'm off to a "girls night out" party, but I'm so not a party animal, I should be back home by 10 pm. LOL

    Oh yeah... Loving this Taxol waaaaay more than AC! Laughing

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Julie, I knew you would like the taxol better than AC, can you imagine going out for a "girls night out" on AC! ha! I couldn't. That stuff was a bear!

    Julie says: "Everything will be FINE in two-thousand NINE!!!"  

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    At 5 this morning my hot flashes finally won and I got up.  I battle those suckers all night long.......grrrrrr.  I wake up burning up......kick off the cover, sling my toboggan off (lose the toboggan in bed)........then FREEZE.  All night I do I just said to HECK WITH I'm up! 

    I'm tired of my built in furnace that I'm sure needs a repair.  It is not functioning right.  And I'm SOOO looking forward to Tamoxifen's hot flashes too.  As I am typing this out....I had another one.  My hat went flying and I am sweating to beat the band!!!  GRRRRR......I hate this!!!

    Anyway......GOOD MORNING LADIES..... :)

    Hope you all have a blessed, healthy, wonderful day today!!!  I'll be dealing with the hot flashes and diarrhea issues if you need me!   :)

    love you all.........

  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2009

    Dear Beverly

    You are amazing being able to write and respond to everyone in a personal and meaningful way. Chemo seems to have zapped away my energy and brain cells - i find it so hard to keep focused with taxol...and i keep needing to nap...

    take care!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi girls,

    Sam, I will call you this week, I get marked for my rads tomorrow, so will report back. Hope all is well with you, I want to hear all about your cruise.

    Genia, you are right, it is your body and you should do exactly what you want with it. seeking a second opinion can only be a good thing.  Let us know what happens.

    The boys are back to school tomorrow, so must get organised.

    Spring, what energy and clarity, I agreed with Sam, it is sometimes are go keep focused if you don't read the posts every day.

    Juli and Donna, not sure if I have thanked you for your lovely cards, I will be doing Chinese New Year Ones at the end of the month, so I should probably post them soon.

    Take care everyone.

    Singapore Chris

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Chris - Since I can't remember sh** anymore, I'm sure you did thank me!  LOL. As to the Chinese New Year, what animal is it the year of?

    Genia - Speaking of can't remember...Do you take an Ativan at night? They seem to help me sleep through my hot flashes.

    My 21 yr old gets back tomorrow after spending a week in Idaho. Hope he survived the cold! Undecided

    Back to work tomorrow after 5 days off. Yell

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Juli.....I take my ativan at night.  Nothing seems to make me sleep through them.......they are BAD!!!  I average waking up 10 times per night with them.  I manage to go back to sleep....but still have to deal with them until I get tired of fighting them and just get this morning.

    I just ate the most DELICIOUS piece of Chocolate Cake....lolol.  The first thing I've eaten since my last round of chemo that was GOOD!!!  Yummie.....scarfed it right down.  Nuttin wrong with my chocolate taste buds......thank you Lord!!!  I'm sure it would have been much better for me if it had been a carrot or something.........but dang was it good!  lol

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009
    Genia - sorry to hear the Ativan doesn't help. But the chocolate cake sounds real YUMMY! Tongue out
  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Genia - I feel your pain.  I can't sleep either.  The darn hot flashes are driving me crazy.  I get them during the day ....but no so bad....Night is another story.  The only way I can sleep all night is to take 1/2 zanex and an ambien.  Ativan doesn't work for me either. I tried calling the Dr on Friday, but again never got a call back. I am so jealous about the chocolate chocolate buds are just not right.  BUMMER!!!! 

    Spring - Did you have implants after surgery?  I am still trying to decide what to do.  My surgeon is not a fan of bilateral....she said it doesn't increase your odds.  I just am not sure I believe it.  I sure don't want to go thru this again. 

    I now officially have no hair anywhere!!!  Even eyelashes and eyebrows finally gone.  I wish for HAIR!!!!  I only have 6 more Taxols.  This last one was really weird.  My toes got numb....and it hasn't completely cleared up....even with the L Glutamine....but at least its not my hands.  I have just not felt right since I had this last treatment.  Not sure if I got different doses or different meds but I sure don't feel like my self. 

    Juli50 - I agree about the taxol over AC.  Wow !!! the only bummer is 12 weeks...but I am half way thru.  Hope our toes get better....but no worse is still a good thing


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2009

    Hey Juli,

     I just had Taxol/Herceptin on Weds (first one).  I'm definitely having random pain in my legs and hands.  I wonder if my onc will say it is too soon for that?  Other than that, much, much better than the AC. Just hate that I have so many to go.  I thought I was going to only have 4 taxols, and now I have 11 more to go. Oh well,  Spring is looking good!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Brandonmom - Yes, I would like to hear if your onc says it is too soon. Then we can hallucinate together. Wink

    I actually almost...wore a wig today. LOL. We were meeting my step-brothers and their families at a restaurant for lunch today and I tried on my wigs when I was getting ready to go. My b/f hadn't seen me in them, so he took a couple pics of me, then I threw a hat on instead. Just couldn't do it. LOL Laughing

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2009

    Hi Ladies!!

    Sam and Chris and all - Don't be fooled by me. I had two browser windows up at the same time! I fear my brain is shot. And I wonder if it will ever recover! :O  Yesterday, I was trying to think of the word for the wholistic therapy where they stick you with very fine needles. I knew I knew this but the word would not come. Accupunture, of course. But it was so upsetting! I had to go do email for a while and then it popped into my brain. I swear this is some form of brain damage from chemotherapy! ahhhck!

    Trude, I had a bilateral, my breast tissue was impossible to manage. I had ultrasounds and mammograms that saw NOTHING and I had a huge tumor. I just didn't want to live in fear any more, and I was thinking they would match better? Anyway, it was a torturous decision, back and forth, but I don't have any regrets. I had "one-step" implants with alloderm. No expanders. I was trying for natural tissue (DIEP) but I don't have enough fat and the Dr. thought do this first and let the implant deal with the radiation and save my belly fat. So now I am wondering if my implant will survive the radiation!!! 

    Chris, I have my rads consultation and "planning session" on Tuesday, the day after you. We will have to compare notes! I guess we are the only two in this chemo list going on to Rads in Jan!!! 

    Genia, I could TASTE the chocolate cake!!! 

    I had mexican food last night, eas EXCELLENT but I ate too many jalapenos and BOY I needed the Butt Paste today!!! LOL LOL LOL. That stuff is a BUTT SAVER!!!!

    xoxoxoxxo to all of you gorgeous ladies!!!!

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Genia - I hope you didn't get that chocolate cake at Long John Silvers! lol.

    For those with night sweats - I just found this thing called a "chillow".  It goes under your pillow and absorbs heat from your head and disperses it.  The chillow is not cold of itself, but it takes the heat out of you.  It doesn't just do the head.  Before I put it in my pillow, I used it on my leg where the cellulitis is and it cooled the skin without harming it like ice would.  

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Nope Jane.....hubby made the more LONG JOHN SILVERS for me!!!   I can just think of it and get sick........yuck!

    Hot flashes are drivin me nutso.  I'm laying in my bed on my cover.......and a fan blowing on me right now.  I'll be freezing in a little bit........I go through this all night long!!!  Those hot flashes are just purely EVIL I'm tellin

    How's your leg feelin Miss Jane???

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I'm feeling it (unfortunately).  In addition to my regular job working for the State of New York, I also work part-time as a bookkeeper for a local restaurant.  I went in to do payroll today, which only takes a few hours, and the owner was there wanting all sorts of end of year reports.  I didn't even start payroll until I had been there 3 hours.  At least I'll have 6 hours to keep it elevated during chemo tomorrow.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    OK, now I'm the one who can't sleep.  I took Ativan and Benadryl (the Benadryl is pre-med for the Taxol tomorrow), so you'd think I could sleep.  Of course, the Ativan and Benadryl could be deactivated by the Decadron I have to take also as a pre-med for the Taxol.  Oh, well.  I'll either fall asleep or I won't.  Eventually, maybe I'll get tired enough to doze off.  Then I'll prob sleep through chemo tomorrow.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Spring, don't use all the Butt Paste at once!

    I had my marking today and although I was a bit nervous as I wasn't sure what was going to happen, I shouldn't have been as the whole thing was really easy.  I thought I was going to have an IV thing in my hand like I did last time I had a CT scan, but I didn't get it :) as this was only a simulation. The whole thing only took 15 mins from when I entered the room.  A very nice lady asked me to unveil my top half and lined me up on a very comfortable bench with a head and arm support, which was attached to the CT doughnut scanning machine. The radiologist then came in did some marking, the nice lady finished me off and then I went into the machine for less than 3 mins and all was over.  My markings are really small like a pill of dots together and are also covered with paster tape, so they don't come off until Wendesday when I start the radiation. I have a few visable, but it really is no big deal.

    I also went for a HAIR CUT, but don't get excited, I had such awful, uneven, patchy bits of hair, I had to do something. I marched in to the salon like a queen, took off my hat and told them I had been on strong medication, but my hair is now growing back and I wanted to plan my new hair style. The guy took a lot of time, washed my hair, masssaged my head (got to be good for regrowth!), then gave me a proper haircut all over.  I was amazed as there really isn't much there.  I had a nice experience and came out looking like a boy who had been to the barbers.

    It is hard to be strong all of the time, but today it was easy! 

    Good luck to all of you and keep your leg up Jane, butts anywhere you like Spring,  and chins up everyone else.

    Singapore Chris

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Has anybody else noticed bumps on their palms.  I don't know what else to describe them.  I have one on my right middle finger and one on my left ring finger.  They kind of feel like a callous, but not exactly.  They aren't fluid filled.  I'll have to show them to onc when I go for my chemo in a little while.  I don't suppose anyone has noticed that the wierd things always happen to me? lol (or Genia)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009't think anyone has noticed Jane.  That made me laugh......we are the ones that when they talk about RARE side effects of drugs.......they have our pictures right next to the writing!!!

    I have weird bumps too.  Mine look like a blister with no fluid in them.  Just skin.....and I sit and peel them off.  I just say I am a snake and I'm shedding my outter layer. hair is growing tho.  I look like a little bird that is just growing it's feathers.  Kinda funny looking......but it's hair!!!  


    I think not.........  :(