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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    yep genia- my surgery was on a Wednesday and Friday was my crash and burn day.

    HUGS to you. Hang in there. it DOES get better.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Juli - I know how badly you probably want to just get this over with, but I have asthma and I'm having more problems with my breathing with the rads.  My PCP noticed it when I saw her last week, too.  I'm having the fatigue, too.  It's worse come Friday and I have all I can do to drive myself the hour out and hour back.  By Monday, I'm good to go, though.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009
    Howdy peeps, Finished with all the tests...glad you're finished. Taxol sucks...I HAVE to use a cane all the time now or I fall anytime or anyplace. I either walk like a drunk definitely going to the pokie or a cue lil old lady who makes everone's eyeslook sad.I HATE there.  My Short term memory gone. must carry post-its unless I forget them at home.After my neuro spoke to my Oncologists this AM, he was happy to schedule me for a FU...but then after I kept looking for a pen to write it down...he said."you're not going to remember this." so he went to the reception desk and wrote it out on a pos-it. He and I laughed our cans off about my memory since the Taxol.


    Genia ...glad your surgery is over...YEAH..I'm allergic to tegaderm and latex...who knew.?... that sucks too:) I like Henna; it's gentle,blends and washes out well too.

    Juli, your lung function is awfully low so please do as the doc can also ask for a pumonary specialists. I had one when I was pregnant and he saved my son's life. Bless all my good friends.

    Spring..You hair color stayed YEAH!!!

    Priz, another one of our darlings hit's the magic growup age of 18.... hmmmmmm.

    good news..

    My new cane automaticlly causes young people to give me their train seat; I take it no questions asked.:)

    I have troubling breathing if I walk more than 2 1/2 blocks with this silly cane, so I stop every two blocks and allow some  people look at me like death warmed over.


    Sharing gossip of no consequence to us at all. Mrs Bernie Madoff tried to sneak out the house to by groceries 2 nights ago, HAH!!! ..The paps got wind of her escapade, found out when she was entering the store and took pics of her for every daily tabloid we have here in the city; she looked like a bag lady.; Poor baby....hehe

    I can't remember keyboard placement anymore, yet another project to add to my list.

    love to everyone,

    you're all on my mind and in my heart


    TY for ssssssspellcheck:)t.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Mina you crack me up woman!! There you are with your cane and still full of spunk! I hope Mrs. Madoff doesn't run into you or you may bean her with your cane! LOL.

    One more Taxol to go Mina? One more baby, one more. I know you hate it, but imagine this. The Taxol is knocking the cancer on it's butt, and you are still standing. Just barely!!! but standing you are! You will recover. The cancer will be dead. This is my vision for you girl!!!

    Genia, feeling any better yet? If still low mood, get lots of rest rest rest. It is your body saying, enough already, let me be. I think around this time the really good hospital drugs ware off and I remember a crash and burn. (This is what I thought anyway, not sure if it is true, but "felt right" to me).

    Off to enjoy Saturday! OH NEWS: (well slight) For the last two nights I only slept like 8 instead of 9+ hours and sort of got up without feeling like body still needed more rest. I am wondering if this is the start of being stronger? We'll see. It is hopeful anyway. I SLEEEEEEP when my body needs it. 

    Spring... (You're in my heart, you're in my soul.... lovely, gorgeous, wonderful women...)

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Hi Girls,

    It is always great to hear how everyone is doing. Mina, you hang in there girl, like Spring says, only one more to go, I remember thinking, so close but so far, You really are almost there, hold tight to your cane and you will make it through.

    Bettysgirls and Jane, hope you are feeling good. Genia how are you doing?

    I am doing really well, back to normal strength, but had a nasty fright last night.  I went to bed at midnight as we had been out with friends, all was well, then went to the toilet at 2am and found I had filled it full of blood!  very scary. Didn't know quite what to think. Went back to bed and found more blood in the bed. Nothing hurt, I felt fine, so I tried to stay calm and went back to sleep.  I was very glad to have had a scope for bladder and bowl earlier on, so knew I was clear there. I think it is my period coming back after being gone for one year, when I started chemo. I did feel very weepy last week and thought It felt like premenstral tension. Today nothing, all blood gone!, how odd. Will report it to my oncol, but just remember girls to carry around some protection just in case it happens while we are out.

    It is Mothers Day in England, so the family are taking me out to afternoon tea today.

    Take care everyone. Singapore Chris

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    Mina- I sure admire your spirit and attitude. Thank you for your posts and ONLY ONE MORE!!! habge in there.

    Chris- That had to have been a scary thing! I guess there is no telling when the "little red fairy" decides to visit us huh?? I have been feeling crampy a lot with the taxotere. I plan on asking the onco about it this week but it is kind of like light period cramps and i hurt in the same places. By the way Happy Mother's Day!

    Spring- Glad to hear you are feeling better. I am getting there. I am fighting some BAD mood swings from the tamoxifen. ( i get irritated rather than weepy) so other than that physically I feel pretty good now that things are over.

    Genia- I hope you are resting well

    Juli- Hange in there and do whatever the docs tell you.

    Jane- I know the drive gets tiring to go to rads. I was the same way. By Friday that two hour drive was wearing thin. I hope the skin is holding out for you and that you are breezing rads!

    Have a great Sunday ladies. We have a full day in store. I am hoping that daughter is off today as we have had the girls all weekend and I cannot get much done. I have to say I love those girls but with the tamox, all i need to do and work, i NEED her to be off today!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    Wow - lots happening here.

    If y'all have to make a long trip for treatment, appntmts, etc..listening to an audible book really can cut a trip short (at least it does for me).  You can check out audio CDs at the library, or if you have as iPod/Zune/Mp3 player, you can download books from

    Jane - how many more rads do you have to go?  Like Mina, I suffer from CRS (can't remember sh#t) - did I thank you for the St Patrick's Day card?  Thank you, thank you, thank you GF!  Cards make you feel so special - I love it!

    Juli- I'm so glad that I did not have to call your neighbor - thank you for having your dear,sweet son post messages on FB; we were (and still are) worried about you!  Did you have asthma previously?  I hope that your pulmonologist nixes the rads - sounds like your body is asking for a rest.

    Happy Mother's Day Chris!  Hope you have a lovely afternoon tea!  What a scary episode you went through last night; hope that you don't have any (or at least many) more like them.  I checked my FSH ~2 weeks ago - it was 48, so chemo pushed me into menopause (FSH was 9 a year ago).  I had a hysterectomy when I was 40, thanks goodness I don't have to worry about wayward periods!

    Priz & Chris - Happy B-days to the 18 year olds!  They've reached a milestone and are now the "age of majority" - kind of sad that our babies grow up so quick Cry.

    Genia- I'm so very glad that all went well with your surgery!  The steri strips are just superficial and they keep pressure off of the internal sutures (that dissolve on their own); have the steri strips removed if they are burning your skin - your surgeon should be able to find a substitute for them.  Also, have it noted in all of your medical charts that you have an adhesive/latex sensitivity. For the drains, I had a camisole that had pockets to hold them.  Do you have the kind that you have to strip to drain?  That's the kind I had - what a pain! 

    Mina- LOL; love your sense of humor GF!  Did you ever see the movie Memento?  Your post-it notes reminded me of the movie - some poor guy lost his short term memory and had to take Polaroids of everyone he met, write their names and his impression of them on the back; he had post-its all over his room, and even went so far as to have the really imprtant stuff tattooed on his bod - he looked like a walking newspaper!  I hope that you don't have to resort to this time of memory jog!  Maybe you could trade your cane in for a set of hiking poles - then everyone would be looking at you with the old envious eye instead of the sad eyes Cool.

    Happy Spring Springy!  I'm so very envious of your 8 & 9 hrs sleep!  Between my husband and my dogs (all snore - dogs bark at all the nocturnal wildlife) - I've been totally sleep stupid (or should I say "lack of sleep" stupid)!  Are you a big Rod Stewart fan - "your in my heart, your in my soul' you'll be my ?????when I grow old"?  With all of your working out - you be singing "if you like my body, and you think I'm sexy, come on Baby let me know"  (I'll have to wait until after recon to even think about singing that one!).

    Bettys - are you totally done with rads?  Sounds like you and your dh need some time to yourselves.  I'm always amazed at how much energy you need to take care of little ones!  We've had some cold mornings here in Otto, but the afternoons have been glorious!  How's the weather in your neck of Georgia?

    Hope you're all having a restful, recuperative, relaxing weekend!

    Love ya!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    oh - hair update.  It's starting to curl and sticks out all over the place, but I don't care - it's hair and it's growing YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Chris, Happy Mum's Day!!!!  (My husband is British and we call his Mum, well MUM!!) And my mother "Mom". keeps them straight! Both Fathers are "Daddy" though!!! Wow about that blood. !!!! You are once cool cookie to just go back to sleep! LOL. Maybe it was your peroid having one last Hurrah??? Find out though, I wonder if a side effect of the Tamoxifen??

    Betty's, eeeek about the mood thing. A woman just through cancer treatments and in a Tamox bad mood, grrrrrrrrrr, WATCH OUT WORLD!!! LOL. I have images of you with Mina's cane beaning people, at least in your mind!!! LOL. 

    Winkie!!! I was pushed my chemo into menopause too. I had regular Periods before chemo, now my FSH is 57.6!!LH 22.2 and Estradoil <15 (L). Does that sound like menopause to you? My ONC's office said in a note" Post menopausal levels". (Have not had periods, have had hot flashes and vaginal dryness!! eeek!)

    • YOU CRACK ME UP with the "If you like my body, and you think I'm sexy". LOL LOL LOL. Some how that one had not entered my mind! LOL.  When is recon for you? Any plans? Or just a-waiting until the mood strikes?

    Wink and all, my hair is also starting to "stick out" but as Winker said, IT's HAIR!! I Don't Care!  (Think Jimmy crack corn and I don't care...) It is hair, and I don't care,.... etc!! LOL.

    Genia and Jules, thinking of you girls. Hope the rest of you sexy girls are doing well!


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    Spring - I have an appointment with a PS in Asheville on the 8th of May; it's just a consultation.  One of our pathologist's sister had reconstruction (with same PS) and says that he is wonderful.  I was told that her surgery to place the expanders was worse than the mastectomy because they are placed under the muscle Surprised - yikes!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Yeah, the expanders are placed under the muscles I've heard. But if he just fills a little at a time, I hope it won't be so bad. I've heard there stories where women are filled a LOT initially during the surgery and that is hard. Ask a lot of questions! You didn't have radiation so implants should work just fine!!! Are you uni or bilateral Winkie? I can't remember...

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    I bitched and moaned about having no eyebrows a couple of weeks ago, but they've started growing back all mis-shapened, so I actually had them waxed yesterday.  My husband thought I was nuts, but they look much better after I had them cleaned up.

    My sister-in-law sent me an e-mail today that had music and nature pictures with quotes on it.  One of the quotes said, "Courage is not a lack of fear, but the ability to act while facing fear." I like that quote and I think it fits every one of us here.

    I've done 20 rads and have 13 to go.  I will be done the Wednesday before Easter so I'm looking at it as a sign of renewal, regeneration and rebirth.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    ok - guess who! Lovin' my hair even though it has a mind of its own!

    Donna - yes, I've had asthma all my life. Wish I knew what my lung function was before all this started. The scans showed Bronchiectasis, which is damage from previous lung infections.

    Happy Mother's Day to Chris!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Hey ladies....I have a question.

    Did any of you who had drains end up with them getting clogged up.  Mine did last night.......and my hubby and managed to get the little clots through and unclog it.  Now is swelling under my armpit and I can't see anything clogging it up.  

    And did you take showers with your drain in......?   I've just been washing off.....cause I can't remember what he said.......

  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2009


    My PS is also in Asheville. His name is Dr. Conway and he is wonderful. I had my expanders placed Jan. 6th and my exchange is scheduled for April 27th. The expander placement is no where near as painful as the mx. I have found that I have more discomfort at night. The more the expanders are filled the less discomfort you have.


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009

    Genia - My surgeons let me take showers with drains 3 days after surgery, but I was also sent home on antibiotics. Not sure if those go hand in hand.  My drains didn't get clogged.  I just stripped them twice a day.  Sometimes there would be a little stuff still in them, but I didn't worry about it.   I've been thinking about everything that happened to you, and my conclusion is that your immune systems is really pissed off and is picking a fight with anything.  Not a bad thing when you are fighting cancer!

     Mina, you may be the last one finishing chemo.  I agree Taxol is no fun. I had my last taxol on Wednesday.  The side effects have set in pretty good, but the good news is knowing that it's uphill from here.

    Tomorrow I'm off to the rad onc to talk about rads.  Let me know if you know if any good questiosn to ask. I plan to ask about recommended creams, etc, if the expander causes issues (I've heard the metal in the implant can cause problems), and if blood tests are needed while getting rads (I'll leave my PICC line in, if so).

    Good night everyone!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    Hi Karen - I was referred to Dr Conway by Dr Messino (Cancer Care WNC).  Did you have the expanders placed under the muscle?  Does Dr Conway have a surgical suite or did you have it done at Mission (outpatient?)?

    Spring - I had a bi-lateral mastectomy. 

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    Juli - I know what you mean about independent hair - mine is really hi-pity-hoy.  The left side (where my bangs will eventually be) curls up; the right side curls down; I have curly-fries on top.  It's thick and I'm just thrilled that it's there!  

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Hi girls,

    I went to see the gyny today and had all sorts of nasty smears, scans etc. They say the bleeding isn't from a period, they don't know where it came from, as it went away really fast too, a bit like a balloon popping. They have recommended I go in for a D & C, to scrape away the lining of the womb and send it for testing.  They are assuming that all will be well, but like to be on the safe side.  I can't belive for one moment that Tamoxafine has given me uterus cancer or whatever it is, after only two months on it.

    My oncol says it is a good idea to get it checked out, so I am going in under general anethesia tomorrow at 7.30am.  It should only take half an hour and I will get the results on Wednesday.I had better be well again very soon, as I am going on a little holiday with just my husband on Friday to Thailand.

    Genia, I tried to shower with the drains in, but it wasn't easy.

    Take Care, Singapore Chris

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    chris- I will be thining about you! WHY CAN"T ANYTHING BE SIMPLE ANYMORE??????

    Spring- you gave me a good laugh. Now when i get PO'd I have a visual of me with mina's cane whacking sway!!LOL (May need that visaul today!!

    Donna- rads are done and I never really had fatigue issues too bad. The kids do take a TON of energy and Saturady they were just hellions. I make a difference that Pa-Pa has raised them alt and they are a tad on the spoiled side. Both are very smart (too smart) and toys don't hold their attention....they want to be entertained. (it's a girl thing)  Anyway we made it through the weekend.

    8 hours of sleep?????? What's that??????


    Have a great day ladies

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Chris, Gee, let us know how you are. I had a friend here who had strange bleeding issues with Tamox, early on as you are, apparently it is a rare side effect or something? She ended up having an MRI to rule out anything bad, but could not stay on Tamoxafin. She then had Lupron shots to get her into menopause and I believe the plan was to get her on an AI.

    Jane, you cracked me up about your unruly eye brows! And Wink with her unruly hair! Just imagine the two of you combined into one unruly woman! OOOO, I know, Add in Betty's mood. And Mina's cane! Genia's blocked drains!! Juli's lungs! Chris' mystery blood! Now we have Monster woman!!! LOL!!! Ladies, feel free to add in any of your better qualities!!! LOL.

    Genia, I showered with the drains (as Chris says, not easy) and I would strip them multiple times a day and there was a period where blobs were coming out. Then the blobs stopped and the "stuff" changed color from red to more yellowish. Then it started decreasing in output. If you think you may have an infection (sore, warm?) I'd have it checked out. Better safe than sorry with that sort of thing...

    Wink, I like your new pic! Sounds like you and Karen may have the same doc?? That would be cool...

    BrandonMom,I had not blood tests during rads, just after by the onc. Rads are every day but nothing like chemo. In and out really fast, and you don't feel horrible. My skin was red and angry at the end, but healed up *really* fast. 

    "If you want my body, and you think I'm sexy... C'mon darlin let me know...." LOL LOL LOL. This  is Wink's suggestion to me as a sign off... 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Chris....that would be very worriesome.  Hopefully they can figure out where the blood came from. 

    I go back to the Surgeon today for my checkup.  He should have the pathology report by now. drains are doing exactly as you describled.  Now I'm to the pale yellow draining and there isn't much of it.  He's supposed to take them out today.  I will be a happy camper......

    hugs and love 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Has anyone heard from Trude?  Maybe she has been on here and I've missed her somewhere......

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009

    Genia - I used a lanyard to hold my drains around my neck while I showered - remember soap-on-a-rope? Kind of similar.  Worked well for me.

    My hair definitely has a mind of its own.  I picked up some trial size samples of different hair conditioners this weekend.  Let's see how that goes.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    I'm back from my Drs appt.  Got my drains out......that hurt like the dickens too! 

    My Surgeon said there were live cells in 5 of 7 nodes and throughout my breast.  He got it all.....but I don't know what this means until I go see my oncologist.  He made the appt for the 31st.  

    I know I have to have radiation.....he told me that.  Just not sure about more chemo.  

    I have this strange feeling that I will be stage IV's just that gut feeling......the same gut feeling that told me I had cancer to begin with.  Even before I was diagnosed.  I was very positive until he told me that there were still cancer cells there.  After 6 rounds of chemo....there were sitll live cells.  

    Sorry if I sound depressed and disappointed.....but I am!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    GOD BLESS IT, GENIA!!! Stop that!! You are NOT gonna be a stage IV!!! Maybe you just need a different TYPE of chemo to beat the sh1t outta this monster!!

    I'm gonna call you later...give you a talkin' to... because I love you.


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009


    Chemo frequently does not wipe out all the cancer cells in the tumor or nodes.  It can put a hurtin to it and it can reduce it, but if chemo totally wiped out tumors, then why would they do surgery at all???  What chemo did do was systemically treat your cancer.  So if there were any stray cells that had wandered off, it would have wiped out those, but it is understandable that the big colonies (where your tumor was) were not eliminated. These are spots that showed up on your scans, so you know where they are and have them taken out surgically.  Your surgeon has told you that there was a good margin as well, or they wouldn't have said they got it all.

    Bottom line, don't feel defeated that the first wave of treatment (chemo) didn't wipe out the enemy in its entirety.  It only really needed to wipe out any floaters, because the surgeon cut away the big guys (nodes and tumor).  

    We all worry that it will come back.  We know what that means and it is scary.  As time goes along, you will worry about that less.  I say that because that's the way it was with my son. The first years were very scary.  Everything that happened, it was cancer coming back.  Now, 10 years later, we hardly even thought about his cancer :)

    Big hug! 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    I honestly don't know what I would do without all of you to give me a reality check.  Thanks for not letting me have a pity party........

    I think I just thought he would tell me it was all clear and the chemo had kicked it's butt.  So when he told me there were still cancer cells there.....I felt like I was startin all over again.  Very disheartening.  But it could be so much worse.....and I know that!

    Love you all

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Juli - love the hair!  I'm working on mine...willing it to grow.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    Genia - Big hug to you sweetie! Wish I could give it to ya in person!

    Jane - Thanks! I love to feel the waves on the back of my head!

    Donna - too funny about the curly-fries!

    Chris - thinking about you... hope to hear from you soon.

    Good news - my chest xray was good and I started radiation today. My appts are at 1:15 pm so I will be radiating my lunch hour away for the next 7 weeks.

    Hugs to all! Kiss