Join us on the mountain

spar2 Posts: 3,631

I believe in angels and I believe in my God.

Go to fullsize image

 beautiful-scenery-desktop-of-jap-1.jpg Moutain And Lake Scenery With Boats. image by Brittanyyy_

Angels can be anywhere, join us on the mountain lakes of the world.

Sisters are like angels,

they lift us up

to our own feet

when our own wings

have trouble remembering

how to fly"

Hoping you will join me here where there is nothing to do but offer love, friendship, support and fun to each other. This journey is a tough one ... let's hold each other up, laugh when we can, cry when we need to, find hope, courage, strength and love with the help of one another. Fun and laughter is important .. it's good for the soul and it's Great medicine! Looking forward to seeing good friends and meeting new ones!

We want a site where people get along well, care about each other, are not afraid to share their feelings.


  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    never give upa best friendTurtles on the lake

    Hope everyone is having a good day.  I am working on a stained glass picture for a friend.  Then we have the weiner roast tonight and working all weekend.  What all is going on in your lives today.  Lots of love and hugs to all.

  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    Together We Can. :  )

    Your weekend sounds like so much fun Spar!  Enjoy each minute.


  • lewisfamily503
    lewisfamily503 Posts: 101
    edited October 2008

    Ha Ha!  I TOTALLY missed the point of this post when I read the topic, "Join us on the mountain."  I live in Oregon and I thought perhaps you were thinking about skiing or hiking up at Mt. Hood!!  What a beautiful pictures and a wonderful, thoughtful post.  I guess I am just too literal sometimes,,,(probably comes from working with K -5th graders at my job as a teacher!!!!)


  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    Hi Anne.  Welcome !  Mt. Hood is a remarkable beautiful mountain to be sure. 

    Timberline Lodge is also beautiful.

    I love where you live! 


  • lewisfamily503
    lewisfamily503 Posts: 101
    edited October 2008

    Hi Sahalie!!  Mt Hood is so gorgeous.  We are experiencing the coldest fall weather of the season here in Oregon, and Mt. Hood was forecasted to get about 5 inches of snow this weekend.  I can't WAIT for ski season to begin!!!  Wahoo!  Plus, I was doing the mastectomy thing last ski season so I totally missed out last season.  I am really stoked to get up there this year!


  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    I didn't ski last year either.  The altitude got to me for the first time.  My mastectomy was in 2006.  I will be out of the country this season in the opposite types of weather.

    Mt. Hood was brutal last year to climbers.  But it is so beautiful. 

    I am completing my "to do" list today.  We have less than 18 days before we're off and running.

    I took care of the newspaper and mail today. 


  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    Spar.  I can't wait to see your stained glass picture.  Will you share a photo I hope.

    Anne.  We have gone from scorcher weather here to freezing today with high winds.

    Julz.  Big wishes for a great day and fun weekend!

    Janny.  Mountains are really fun to varrrooooom up trails. 

    Celia.  Can you imagine the artsy finds one can search for on a mountain.  So many possibilites.

    Is picture visible*

  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    Welcome, Anne, I already admire you because you are a teacher, that is one of the most important jobs in the world.  I can't even imagine snow in October but then I am from Oklahoma.  Got to visit your great state one year and it is beautiful, the beaches were wild and beautiful.Anne enjoy your skiing and come back and hang with us as much as you can.

    Sahalie, I am still making halloween crafts from the ideas you gave me, thank you so much.  You are a crafty person too.  Am in the process of making another stained glass suncatcher for a friend whom I heard say last Wed that no one every makes or gives her anything, my husband is making her homemade salsa.  So we are both going to give her something.  Enjoy your trip and hang around long as you can.  Do you catch yourself smiling to yourself or jumping up and down.  I know I would if I were going on the adventure you are embarking on.

    skiingBLUE SKY DAY UTAHAt The Top

    I can just see ya go!

  • julz4
    julz4 Posts: 1,373
    edited October 2008

    I love the mountains, it's so much fun to watch the leaves change into brilliant yellows, oranges, reds & golds!

    Have a wonderful weekend Spar!

    Yes we sure can :) Sahalie, enjoying seeing my grandson. 

    Anne anything is possible. Share things you like to do. If that is skiing or hiking, that sounds like fun.

  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    You all living back east get to see all those beautiful change of colors and a rainbow of leaves falling to carpet your lawns and all over the mountains.

    Flying over all of it is breath taking.  It's a canopy of kaleidescope colors.

    Everything is still almost all green yet.  The farm is turning a little green thank goodness.

    We are in high fire danger warnings today thru the weekend due to how dry it is here and the winds happening this weekend.

    Spar.  Yesseree.  I am jumping.  As soon as I lock the doors behind me and step into the guzzler with my family and we are headed to the airport I am on adventure mode immediately.

    I'm already thinking about destinations for next year. 

    Check these out!  How fun to find and make pretty.

    Celia needs to see these.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2008


  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2008


  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    Beautiful Celia.  Oregon. Washington. California.  We all have some amazing mountains.

    How many of my posts are the pictures a red X.  Let me know & I'll fix them.  Thank You.

  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    Celia, how cool is a mr and mrs. mountains. When I finish the halloween stuff, am going to try that wire stuff, hanging old keys, and sea glass, shells all kinds of finds.  If you see any more crafts to try, let me know.

    Sahalie, I can't see the pictures either, just the red x in the corner.  I needed to see it too. It is a craft and I will lost my mind (what little i have left) if I don't get to see it. 

    Jackie.jpg Kayaking in Lake Tahoe image by 1viewer

    Kayaking on lake tahoe

    Enjoy the life. hugs and love sherry

  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    Julz, what a beautiful pictures full of gorgous color.  Enjoy that grandbaby and give him an extra squeeze for me.  When we get moved and unpack the shed I do have some lovely pictures I can post of our visit to Oregan and Colorado and Lake Tahoe (love the color and beauty of that place)

  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    Can you see them now !  Maybe.  Hopefully. 

  • julz4
    julz4 Posts: 1,373
    edited October 2008

    This is in PA where I went on my honeymoon. It's in the Pocono Mountains at Bushkill Falls. Truly Majestic.

     That was Bridesmaid Falls & this is the Bridal Vail...

    In order to see all this beauty you walk along these trails that join this wooden railed pathways all around the falls. It was so much fun to see.

       Celia I love the Views you have, So awe enspiring!

    Sahalie we are a few weeks away from peak color. But you are right it is something to See! I like All of the Seasons. There is something about a crisp Fall day playing in the leaves...

    I must go my mountain People, My Grandson just arrived at my house. I hope to get some good pictures! Love & Laters to you all!

  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    See you all a bit later.  Time for else things to complete my "to do" list today.

    Take a rest on the mountain high grassy knoll.  I left some white and red there for you and some green wine glasses.  Also*  Cheeses and a selection of assorted crackers to put the cheese on.

    Enjoy.  Salute*

    (I'll tackle the photos later if they are still insisting on being a red x.)

  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    UH OH JUlz.  Your first and second pictures are also red x's.

    Must be the altitude.  Gets me lately.

  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    Julz your top 2 pictures didn't come through but play with that grandbaby and don't fix yet.  The bottom 2 are beautiful pictures.

    Sahalie, hope you get that to do list completed, I am going to get in the shower and get on my list right now.  Slept in and have been on the computer alot today.  But such fun. Enjoying the sesame seed crackers with cheddar cheese and red sweet wine.  Thanks.

    Antique Green CrystalTheir winesCheese and crackers

    thank you for all the treats.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Posts: 1,042
    edited October 2008

    Hello mountaineers!  I'll be back a little later, as I'm working on dinner right now.  A delicious lentil stew.  Yummy!  Just the thing after a fall hike in the mountains.

  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    blackberries.jpg blackberries image by scrozzled

    Oh look guys I found some blackberries to pick. Yum.  Hiking in the mountains you never know what you will find.

  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2008

    arrow heads

    I found some arrowheads, am looking for a field of flowers to lay down in and smell the fragrance

    rainbow field

    found it.  I will be laying here resting after all the hiking in this cool wonderful weather.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Posts: 1,042
    edited October 2008

    Hahahahahaha!  Too funny. JulZ!  I went to the Poconos on my honeymoon also!  Split Rock Lodge!

    They're not big mountains, but they sure are pretty in the fall.  We were supposed to go to a friend's cabin in Towanda this weekend, but no time.  We try to get to the Poconos at least once a year.  And the Endless Mountains, where we camp every Labor Day Weekend.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Posts: 1,042
    edited October 2008

    This is the Delaware Water Gap, where DH and I have gone many times on our bike.  It is beautiful!

    We wind along the Delaware River between PA and NJ.  It is a gorgeous ride.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2008


  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2008


  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    I am loving this FRESH mountain AiR.

    Wow.  Those berries are gorgeous.  So plump and ready to be enjoyed. 

    It's so nice to hike the trails with friends and hear all the wonderful stories and see pictures like

    Janny's above of that glorious winding road she bikes on with dh.  Beautiful !

    The Delaware River*  also beautiful.  Thanks Janny for such nice visuals.

    You guys sure live in some very beautiful country.  The colors are eye poppers.

    Arrowheads.  What a very special find and that field of flowers!  Amazing.

    Wouldn't you like to get a running head start and roll down that hill in the middle of all those

    wild flowers. 

    Celia.  I'm glad you can see the pictures.  The main one is the hearts in the antique bowl and

    the rocks found in the mountains.

    Spar I really like your new avatar.  I think I'll change mine too.  I did get my list completed.

    Sure enough there is smoke hovering over the hills near by but haven't heard where the fire is.

    We also had another (very small) quake over by Oakland.  

    Anne.  I'd love to hear more about your ski season.  I love Oregon and have family up there.

    I travel up there at least three or four times each year. 

    I particularly like the Willamette Valley area but also love playing in Portland.

    Yep.  Mountain Air. 

    Come on over for a cup of cocoa.  some berry cobbler from the berries Spar found for us and

    put your grandbabies in your laps while sitting and rocking in front of the big rock fire place

    to keep warm. 

    Edited to add another log on the fire.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2008


  • sahalie
    sahalie Posts: 1,145
    edited October 2008

    Circle and straight line

    Celia.  I just edited the invisible one with this.  I hope you can see it.  It's neat.

    Can you see this one?