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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    P.S. April and VJ- I have to catch up on my reading. Great tips, although I've seen some of them before, I have to sit down, focus and plan. Thank you again, I think this will help me sort out what is really stopping me aside from the obvious.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Shawntez, glad to hear you made some new friends .... these are the people you want to be friends with .... I loved them so much!  Don't stress about the obvious ... obviously you know what it is but with everything upside down, take time for yourself as no one else will!  You are number one!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Glad you had okay experience this time in the MRI Shawtez. Yes, let's still have a party!!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Happy Sunday , just cheking in to say Helloo .. Have a great day to all :) 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    As you all know I have tattoo's so I wanted to share my new addition... 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning! Had a mini melt down yesterday (long story) and smoked a cigarette Yell (actually a half of a cigarette) after going an entire week and a day! It tasted like crap and made me dizzy but the worrisome part is the fact that I relapsed after going an entire week plus! I thought for sure I had nailed it this time. I am back on the wagon today and vaping my brains out but there must be a lesson to be learned in here somewhere...just so disappointed in myselfEmbarassed

    I know the relapse rate for quitters is very high, but sheesh..just when you think you have a handle on the evil cigs, they rear their ugly head and say "Smoke me and you will feel better instantly" which is not at all true by the way. I felt worse!

    Tomorrow I go to the Smoking Cessation program at Yale for the first time. Maybe the counselor can shed some light on why I caved. I went in to my car and found the pack that my DH had left there (he hasn't quit yet) with one lone cigarette in it. He had used my car earlier cause his brakes were grinding. I know he did not leave that pack there on purpose, but I blasted the poor guy and he felt horrible. I said "If it wasn't there, I would not have smoked it" and he just looked at me with these sad eyes and I told him it wasn't really his fault. I am just weak when it comes to cigs.

    Anyway, back to day one today and I am hoping that this did not mess me up cause this morning, I really WANT to smoke another one even though it tasted awful and made me dizzy!

    This is such an emotional rollercoaster but I feel better for confessing my sins Innocent

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Oh lisamarie, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Oh April, I keep falling off the wagon constant.. I feel worse than anyone . My depression does not help me in anyway . I got back on the thing .. UGH ... I really gotta get my life on track here .. so big Hugs to you .. you are doing better than you think .. you are strong ....xoxoxo

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    April485, so the smoke tasted awful?  Isn't it amazing that we think that it will taste great, and relieve all of the  crap that we are going through.  Sad, isn't it when it tastes like an ashtray.  Don't even stress about 1/2 a smoke .... you are still on the wagon.  A pack or two I could understand but not 1/2.  Poor dh .... the smoker's devil made you blame him.  He's trying too and yet we lash out at the ones we love.  I do it all the time to my dh.  Not that I want to but he is there.  Look forward to hearing about your program at Yale.

    Lisamarie, love your tat!  It must be hard on the thing but don't give up.  Your life will be on track - probably is and you don't even realize it.

    Ladies, had an amazing dinner last night and I cooked some of it.  I cooked a bone-in ham and did all of the glazing .... it was magnificent.  One more thing that I can add to my sorely cooking skills!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Good morning! Good to see you Lisa's and of course Ms. Judi!

    I love the tat Lisa. I got bit by a chihuaha (heck if I know how to spell) and I want to do a cover up tat on the scar. It's on side of calf. Not sure what I want yet. Good luck on Match. I know people who have had success. My oldest son met his girlfriend there and they are very good together.

    Lisa don't beat yourself up. It has truly made a difference for me having toughed out those times this time. In the past I would have said F it and bought a pack. Wild how gross they really taste and the dizziness. Wow. It's poison really.

    Good job on the ham dinner Judi. I too am no chef boyardi so I relate to how it feels when it's a success!

    Been taking care of my sick lil Annie this weekend and I have a sore throat. Oh no. I'm on a difficult assignment for work right now and hate to get sick! Pray for me!!


  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2013

    Hello All!  Happy Sunday! 

    Does anyone have the website info for where to order the tank and the accessories?  I can't seem to locate the websites that Day posted a while back and I am ready to order.  I know I've said that a million times, but I really am planning to order tomorrow if I can get all the info.  (Finally have a day off from work!)  I believe what Day posted was the all natural stuff... If anyone knows, can you please post or PM me and tell me what I need to order? 

    I am going nuts, I have to schedule my surgery. Doctor is aware of the smoking and said that although nicotine is bad (and we all know it is....), the tar is equally as bad or worse and if all else fails he would rather me smoking ANYTHING but a cigarette.  So I'm trying to at least do whatever I can do to eliminate all the other horrible chemicals.  Obviously, zero nicotine is the goal.  If I can't get the tank info then I'll go back to the mall and purchase a new green smoke e-cig kit.  They really don't work well for me though and I'm such a nervous wreck!  If neither of these work then I will try the patch.  I wish I never smoked that first cigarette.... I wish I could do it all over.  I am still beating myself up, every single day....I really hate that I allow these things to control my life and my mood and my health and my bank account...   Sorry to be a downer!  :-(

    Hope everyone is enjoying spring!  Waiting for NY to actually get that memo - we have more snow in the forecast for tonite.  Ahhhhhh!!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited March 2013


    I looked back and also can't find the info about the tank Day posted. It may have been in one of the deleted posts. I think April is using the tank and may be able to share some info with you!

    No need to apologise or think you are being a 'downer'... In fact, I smiled when I read your post and here's why... It sounds like you are reaching the same point that I did right before I quit. Rather than thinking of the cigarettes as your friend, you are starting to get really mad at all the things they take from you and prevent you from doing!

    The way I look at it it's like being in a really bad relationship for a very long time.. It's familiar so it's not as scarey as change, when it's good it's really good so you can gloss over those really crappy times and you think you are just going to about die if the relationship ends BUT... Once it does end and you get back on your feet, you look back and think 'What did I EVER see in that SOB? And how could I have stayed with him for THAT long?'

    With distance comes clarity.... Post when you need to! I think you're getting there!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited March 2013


    So happy to see a post from you! Miss your posts but understand the having to take a break... I'm still here but not as much as I was. Did you see Jan popped in a couple pages back? That was so nice too!

    You were a mentor for many of us that year and, I agree with Karen, couldn't have done it without the support of those who had already quit and the ladies who were with me in the trenches! Not sure if I ever formally said it, but thank you for being there for me!

    Love the idea of the 'passing of the torch'... A pay-it-forward kind of thing.... Love it!


    Seems like we're becoming a 'Sisterhood of the Chocolate Martini'..... lol!!! I'm still holding out on having my first one at lunch with you all! DH and I went out to a March Madness party that he and his co-workers throw at a local bar on the first Thursday and Friday of the NCAA tournament and I was tempted but refrained... Although I didn't refrain from ALL beverages... Just that one!

    They go both days from noon till the games are over (around 1 am or so).... I can't do that marathon so head down about 6 or so... DS picks us up after the games so no worries on the driving. They have been doing this for years and it's loads of fun as alot of people pop in and out... Some we haven't seen in years!

    But holy crap am I tired... Not as young as I used to!

    Hope you all have a good week!!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Rebecca, sorry to hear about your little one's illness, and your sore throat.  Have some tea with honey and lots of OJ.  I have a shot of tequila every day so don't get sick.  This time, I had the sore throat and it took a while.  I finally gave up and bought some of those Fisherman's lozenges.  Did the trick.  Thanks for the congrats on the ham - it really was easy - just apple cider vinger and brown sugar but had to glaze every 15 minutes.  It was wonderful.

    P.S.  You and Lisamarie look way to young to have older kids.  What's your moistuizer's name .... man you both look good!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much Judi! In person, I look so very worn out. :-/. Feel that way too. I forgot about the tequila shot! I'm about to partake in a shot of Nyquil though! I have to be up at 5 am.

    Good luck Lisa65. I'm so glad April bought the etank ciggy thing. Hope she can get info to you. I must say, patch and ecig took edge off but it was still tough in the beginning. Gotta reprogram in a way I suppose. Now sometimes I get an interesting uncomfortable twinge from time to time but I'm not even sure if it's a craving. So...that's pretty darn good I would say. Knock on wood!!

    Wishing everyone the best. Hope you are ok Shawntez. Haven't heard from you this weekend.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited March 2013

    Judi:  Is tequilla the only answer?  Will gin do?  Or bourbon?  What a great preventative action !!  April:  The only times I "slipped" in the first 4 years was in the car.  I agree - just wasn't the same.  Dangerous trigger.  I'm sure your DH understands your anger.  Lisa:  The tatoo is fun.  You go girl.  So, if there are no guys in the immediate future, at least you have friends here.  Lean on us !!!

    Went to a B-day party today for a 7 years old w/rabbits, ducks & pony riding.  My friend, the 60 year old grandma, hasn't smoked since January 1st and is trying desperately to keep it up.  Her husband can't understand why she doesn't just sit out with him and have a few beers while HE SMOKES.  I took her flowers & told him to back off.  It's SO hard.  Just for today ladies!!!

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Lisamarie, love the tat! I was so into Hello Kitty as a kid; I had a little purse full of Hello Kitty stuff..lipgloss, compact, comb, etc.

    Beckers, I went to work yesterday and it kicked my behind. I was cold the entire 6 hours that I worked. I had on a hooded sweatshirt and my supervisor told me near the end of my shift that an assistant store manager asked that I remove the hood because it wasn't a good look. I removed it and told her that his pants hanging off his behind wasn't a good look either and the next time I see his underwear I was going to snap the waistband. I woke up feeling dizzy so I called out sick today. Felt a little better this afternoon and had dinner with my in-laws. Great end to a sucky weekend.

    SNOW!!!!! I am so sick of this winter crap!!!

    Clinic all day tomorrow. Should get my results from ct scan, mri and treatment schedule for chemo. I pray that the cancer has not spead beyond my lymph nodes. Anxious to start chemo and put an end to smoking. I am still smoking, but no longer enjoy it, this is good. I can't even smoke a whole cigar anymore, I take a few puffs and put it down. Yuk! Tastes like crap and my mouth tastes like crap.

    Hope you are all doing well.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited March 2013


    Waiting for test results is just the worst!! Hoping for the best possible test results and sending you calming thoughts while you wait! You are in my thoughts and prayers...

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Thank you, Seaside. Chocolate martinis!!!Cool Shake shake shakeLaughing

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Good to hear from you Shawntez!! Tomorrow is a big day. We will still have that pocket party and come with you for results! Will you be able to be off from work for a time?? I honestly mentally could not do it. I ended up being out almost a year. I don't know if working through it all is best or not. Pull his underwear up over his head and then snap the elastic. (Good thing we all don't hang out together...may end up being quite the force to be reckoned with!!!)

    Keep us posted tomorrow.

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    All clear! Have vertigo, no signs of cancer elsewhere and start chemo on Wednesday. No more smoking after Wednesday for certain.

    Love you all. Hugs and kisses

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2013

    Dear Shawntez, the best of news!!!!!  Hope chemo treats you gently.  Also great on the cigarette front, you can start your count on Wed., be sure to mark it on your calender, believe it or not, as the days go by to weeks and months - you will forget.  Karen

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Congrats Shawntez !!!!!!! will be here for you everyday ... Hugs 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited March 2013

    Oh thank goodness, Shawntez!!! That is such great news!! So glad the agony of waiting on results is over! Now on to treatment.... Praying that it is gentle on you....

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Shawntez, yippe, yippe, yippe!  I had the biggest smile on my face after I read your post.  Congrats!  All of us will be with you!

    MinusTwo, whatever works for you.  After I got my diagnosis, I joined my dh in this daily ritual.  I don't know why it works, but it does.  Both of us don't get sick .... makes me happy.  Now, if I could just find something to keep me awake more hours .... I'm tired all of the time!  Love the birthday party story .... all smokers want to us to stay together .... I too was one of those .... keep me company.  Your friend is lucky to have you as a friend!

    Hi to everyone else!  Going to bed after my tea.

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Thank you, ladies! You helped make today a lot easier to get through. Chemo is supposed to be pretty aggressive and I expect to feel pretty horrible. Doing my last bit of smoking tomorrow and then strictly 0mg of nicotine from Wednesday on. Will read my book, VJ, while taking treatment. 

    I have some running around to do tomorrow in prepartion of feeling icky the rest of the week so may not be around til tomorrow evening.

    Lisamarie, you have a great big heart and are stronger than you think.

    Great idea, Karen.

    Beckers, I officially start medical leave March 31st. Love the idea of pulling it over his head first, his head is actually bigger than his bottom.

    Ladies, you are the best! Great pocket party, I'm pooped, hangoverLaughing

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Judi! I'll be joining you for tea after Wednesday

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Woooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo Shawtez!!!!!! I am doing the happy dance for you!!! When your hangover is better we will open the martini bar and celebrate!!!

    Hope everyone is well. I have stuffy nose, sore throat, and woke up at 5 am so I may make it an early night.

    Cheers to a smoke free day!! :-)

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    (((Shawntez))) So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

    Lisa 65 - Here is a link where you can read reviews, get a discount etc on all of the e-tanks. It even gives a conversion for the strength you want. I somehow got rid of the link that Day listed which had a lot of information. I would rather you make your own decision on what tank to buy based on what you read. Meanwhile I will keep trying to find the link Day posted. I know I bookmarked it! Dang, whenever you need

    This site was pretty good for information!

    EDIT Forgot! The one I use does not contain propolyne glycol which can be bad for you. Here is my brand!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    So, I met with the "smoking cessation" nurse at Yale. It is a pretty interesting program and I think it is going to help me a lot. They prescribed Wellbutrin as they feel the two pronged approach is best - meds and nicotine replacement. They are not crazy about vaping (as they feel it continues the smoking behavior by mimicking the act of smoking) but they will work with it. They prefer a patch, inhaler or gum/lozenges instead, but I told them that it is working pretty well so far so they will try to get me to switch over later. I explained the patch was too easy for me to rip off and smoke so she understood where I was coming from since I tried that approach and failed big time.

    I don't know if it was the appt coming up to actually really quit cigs or what, but I smoked twice yesterday. Another half of a cigarette and a whole one. I felt lousy about it, but not going to beat myself up since I have been a smoker for over 40 years! Hard to break that habit when I am stressed.

    I joined a clinical trial for rads. Will be having concentrated external beam rads, 2 x a day for 1 week! I am thrilled by this! Here is the trial link. I will only go for ONE WEEK! That cuts some of the stress out of my life for sure. Also, my heart/lungs will not be in the field of the rays! This BC stuff is a lot of work my friends. Have a fabulous day! I have to work on "quit date" for the program. I am thinking April Fools Day will be my official date even though I have already done well and sort of kind of quit.