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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Minus Two, you're in my prayers and will continue to be.  ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Shawntez, you are a warrior. Remember that when you look in the mirror! xoxo

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2013

    I love you guys! Thank you, Karen, April, and MinusTwo

    MinusTwo, I will pray for you, once you get the port you will be forced to rest up. Take advantage of whatever your body lets you know it wants, sleep, lounging, etc. As for the chemo, seems to be and individual experience, everyone's is slightly different. For me, the first 3 days were like "holy crap!", then the next 3 were like "damn!", then the next week was better, and this is my third week and I eat like a pig and have no nausea. It took 10 days for my hair to start falling out. 

    Pocket Party Tuesday!!!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    I so admire you Shawntez.  What a trooper .... if half the women battling this flippin disease (including myself) had your stamina and mindset, there would be no self pity.

    MinusTwo, you are brave and I consider you to be right up there with Shawntez.  Hugs to both of you!  Will be thinking of you two ladies - pocket party it is!  I will have a glass of wine and will raise it up to toast you both!  Clink, clink!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Pocket party!!! Clink clink! Keep the chins up you two.

    Hope everyone had a good smoke free as possible weekend. I did. Slept in til 10 am this morning!! Woohoo! I was tired.

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2013

    MinusTwo, have a good day, you are in my thoughts and prayers. The port is not so bad, just a little awkward at first. The only pain I really experienced was from sneezing and laughing, after a few days it gets better. 

    Have you all in my thoughts and prayers as usual. Have a great day.

    Hugs and kisses to all.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    Hope day was o.k. for you MinusTwo!  You are in my thoughts!

    Shawntez, how are you feeling?

    Miss Lisamarie, where are you .... you o.k.?

    Rebecca, starting to warm up here today - it was 11 C (don't know what that is in F) but I didn't need a ski jacket!   Ha, ha!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    How was our pocket party? I don't remember so must a partied hard! Hope everyone is doing well. Judi, warm weather!! Yay! I don't know my conversions but no jacket is a good sign. I had a Greek yogurt for breakfast and a salad with chicken for lunch with an iced tea for lunch. you think I could keep from losing my mind and eating everything that's not nailed down tonight?? I do t have much faith. Like dr. Jekyl comes out at night! Ugh!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2013


    Thinking of you! Hoping port placement went well and that chemo is gentle on you....

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Hello ladies!

    MinusTwo and Shawntez, you are our brave warriors. Thinking of you both!

    I am on countdown. Beginning my rads this coming Monday. Smoking on and off...gah, I hate this stuff!

    Beckers, sheesh, I don't remember the party either..Wink

    Just happy my daughter is safe since she lives and works in Boston. Two of her colleagues ran the race but finished before the bombs. That was a chain smoke couple of hours until I was sure all were safe....oh well.

    I have wasted about a gazillion patches since I started this..keep ripping them off and smoking. Vaping is not working as well as it was in the beginning. I know it is all in my mind!

    Off to work!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Boston!  What a tragedy.  April, it must of been so hard for you and glad to hear all were safe!

    Shawntez and MinusTwo, thinking of both of you.

    April485, you will be fine with the rads.  I don't know how many you are getting - I had the minimum which is 16 in Canada.  Words of advice - moisturize, mosturize, moisturize, and did I forget, moisturize.  I don't know what they recommended for you but whatever it is, keeping moisturizing.  I applied my moisturizer 2 1/2 hours before as they don't want any 2 hours prior, and then after the treatment, I mositurized all day.  Heed the words of your RO!  You will be fine!

    Rebecca, tomorrow will be 22 C .... that is about 76 F .... this is very warm for us .... loving it and doing a happy dance.  Wish I could play hookey tomorrow but have a meeting in the afternoon which will probably go until 5 p.m. because people don't know when to stop talking .... I'm starting to dislike work!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Hi Judi, I will start tomorrow morning at 7:30. I will have 10 treatments over 5 days, 2 x each day, 6 hours apart.

     I want a cigarette (have not had one  since Friday night at 7:30 and the patch and wellbutrin is not cutting it this morning!!!) cause I am nervous about tomorrow. As you all know, I have been trying to quit smoking since I was diagnosed with mixed results. Some days I rip the patch off and smoke 5 in a row, other days, I make it through with one or two and using the e cig. My smoking cessation counselor now has me on the patch, wellbutrin and gum! I am a 40+ year smoker although not a huge one recently (about 10-12 cigs a day as of January when I was diagnosed) as I had cut down on my own the last few years.

    Talk me down off the wall ladies. Quitting smoking is the hardest thing I have ever done and the morning is the toughest for me with my coffee. I would go out in to the garage with my little electric heater and my lap top and smoke and have my coffee. Afternoon is a little easier and night is easiest since I usually don't smoke after dinner except one maintenance cig to get through the entire night...weird, I know.

    TODAY, I am having a hard time though...

    You would think after all this time that I would be DONE with cigs. I was diagnosed Jan 30th and have been trying to quit cigs since end of Feb, early March. I have had several smoke free days...the thing is, they are rarely in a row Tongue Out

    I feel like such a freeking LOSER! HELP! I don't want to start my rads tomorrow as a smoker.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    PS Day two or three is almost always where I get balled up and end up cheating! Why is that????

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited April 2013

    That's most likely when your withdrawal and cravings hits you the hardest.  Beyond the standard ways of keeping yourself busy or chewing things to keep your mouth busy, I wish there was more I could say.  Even with Chantix I had to do a lot of gum chewing once I ultimately stopped.

    No matter what, keep trying!  It will work at some point!!! 

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2013

    April: You're not a loser, just going through a whole lot of insanity at a really bad time. Try cursing the cigarette out. Wish I could help you, but I am in the same boat, still stealing a puff when I can snatch something up out of the ashtray. It tastes even worse now with chemo in my system. Two puffs are all I can handle until I can taste the poison I am trying to inhale into my body. Makes a whole lot of sense doesn't it?

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    My e cig is not working for me anymore. Don't know why that is. Seems like I can't draw in enough to get any satisfaction. The tank was working before. I don't know what I did wrong but it is not really working anymore.

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2013

    April, you try changing the cartridge on ecig? Sometimes a fresh charge and a new cartridge or even a different flavor do the trick for me.

    I feel your pain so to speak. You can do this! You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.

     If you cave in now, where does that leave you tomorrow? Just asking.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    April, relax!  All this stress about quitting is contributing to wanting to smoke and feeling like a "loser"  Or should I say a "freaking loser".  STOP!  FIRST AND FOREMOST, YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!  Maybe right now is not the time for you to quit.  Honestly, sit back and rethink everything.  Maybe when you are in the right mindset, you will be successful to honestly quit.  Truthfully, there are days when I still want a smoke and I've been smokefree for 2 years and 4 months.  I see smokers outside and love the smell.  But when they are inside a store with me, I'm not a fan.  Honestly, you will be fine with the rads.  I had 2 "45 second" shots.  My dh couldn't believe it.  He didn't even get a change to read the first paragraph of the magazine story.  What is the time for each of your shots - the hardest part is the 6 hrs. between.  What does one do with themselves.  Really, please rethink everything .... you need to be stress free.  I remember when I went for my first rad and I was shaking.  I couldn't believe how quickly it was over.  There is no pain.  But remember, follow the RO's advice and moisturize.

    Shawntez, glad to hear you are doing o.k.

    Ladies, Galsal is right.  It is probably when the cravings and withdrawals hit. Been there.

    I've signed up for golf lessons ... relearn this game.  Maybe I'll get it right this time!

    Have a great day ... weather is warming up here after our snow flurries for 2 days.  Can't believe it!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Thanks ladies! Judi, I will be going to work in between my rads sessions. We have an office 10 mins from Yale and they said I can work out of that office for the week. Works great. It allows me to get a lot of work done cause I won't have to see clients plus I am close by when I go for round 2. I go at 7:30am and 1:30pm. I will go home after the 1:30 zap.

    I made it through today so far...thank goodness. Made DH go and get me some Nicorette too. My smoking counselor said I can use both the patch and the gum without any issues unless I have a reaction. So, doing both is working along with the wellbutrin which I have been taking for 8 days today. It helped me to cut way down and now I am feeling that it is time to go to two pills a day as she wanted me to do on the 4th day but I was nervous about taking two of them. Now I took my 2nd one tonight at 5 and hope I can sleep tonight since it is a HUGE day for me tomorrow. We shall see...

    Shawntez, I cleaned the tank just like the literature told me to. I just think cause I smoked so many real cigs on Friday when I was worried about my daughter being a couple of miles from the terrorist in Boston when he was still on the loose, that it doesn't feel like it draws anymore. I had been using mostly the e-cig for weeks now and it was working. Thanks for the advice though. How are you doing by the way?

    I am making myself nuts. If I smoke a cigarette this week, I will be upset with myself. I promised that my total 100% Quit day was yesterday so I want to keep my me and to her!

    Have a great night ladies and thanks.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    April485, will be with you tomorrow and the rest of the week!  Pocket party!  Watch out for the tiredness that comes along with the radiation.  It's good that you will go home after your last treatment each day so you can rest.  Mine started about a week afterwards so I don't know if you will experience it earlier because of your schedule.  Remember, rest when you have to.  By the way, did I mention how proud I am of you.  You have been through so much that I think you have handle the whole smoking thing fabulously!  I couldn't imagine the terror a mother had when the two terrorists were out there.  In your mindset you are there to quit but so much crap has happened that it's hard to keep your goal.  But you have committed to it.  I remember when I finished my two surgerys and thought about going back to smoking.  The only person who didn't rattle me about smoking was my RO.  She asked me how long I had quit for and I proudly told her "almost 2 months".  Her response was "that's a good thing".  In my mindset and goal was that I didn't want to disappoint her.  I hear that same commitment in your words.  Keep going!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    April485, just checking in to see how today went.  Was thinking of you all day.  I am so interesting to know what it is like to have 2 treatments in one day.  When you are up to it, please let me know.  Thinking of you!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone! Day one of Rads done. 2/10 trmts DONE! Today is 3 and 4 and then Wed morning, I will be half way there. Seems surreal. I had some nausea with the first trmt, but I did not eat breakfast cause I was worried about - nausea! LOL...circular thinking. Today I am eating a couple of string cheese as I think protein is a smart move. Anyway, today it feels like I have a tiny mild sunburn on the boob...kind of scary that this is after only 2 trmts but each one is 3.85 Centigrays x2 per day which is almost 9 per day so it is like someone having done many more trmts in the conventional 1.8 or whatever per day they all get.

    Ok, heading off to rads. I have a 50 minute ride and it is at 7:30 so off I go! Still no cigs..very proud. Vaping is working again. YAY...that and a patch and I am ok (using the lighter patch and only vaping on and off a few times a day so no worries my counselor said)

    See you layta! xo 

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    Yay, April485.  I so proud of you on both counts ... smoking and rads.  Remember, moisture and moisture, etc. You can't do it enough.  I would imagine you would get the burn a little faster then most, as your treatment is more intense.  Twice a day but you will be through so much faster.  I'm jealous you got to do this.  I didn't eat beforehand and I never even thought of nausea.  Just go to show you that we are all so different.

    Where is everyone?

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited April 2013

    Way to go about the cigs!  Sorry about the burn though.  Mother got burned from her rads but is extremely fair.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited April 2013

    April - WAY TO GO.  I hope to have your courage when I start rads in the winter.  Shantez - glad to hear the smokes taste terrible & you're handling chemo.  Judi - what would we do w/o your support.  Reading a fiction book about a man who quit at 50 and promised himself he would start again if he made it to 80.  There's an interesting incentive. 

    I'm still dealing w/the SEs from my first 8 hour/4 drug chemo session & the next day Neulasta shot.  Luckily no nausea, but the other end is sure working overtime.  And the bone pain, even with Clairitin, is NOT fun.  Thanks for all your well wishes.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited April 2013

    Boy can I relate April. I havent smoked as long as you have but have still smoked about 25 years. Rarely a full pack but still smoked just the same. Quit several times; once with the patch for about 3 months. Gained 10 lbs the first month. Realized I would gain some but then went back to my old habit when the first crisis hit and have had one crisis after another since. Def a crutch; not a good one but still the first thing I would reach for when I was anxious and scared. Deaths in the family and incidents with our youngest son who is 23 now that would fill a book. Constant state of apprehension and fear. Decided after dx to try to quit again but so far have only managed to cut in half what I used to smoke. The gum made me sick so I am trying the patch. Did try Chantix once but afraid to now with the SEs. Also took wellbutron at one time which takes the edge off but I read where you arent supposed to mix Wellbutron with Tamoxifen. I am right there with you with the coffee, radio, newspaper in the garage and a cig of course. I have stepped up exercise, dont take them with me ever when I go out, no smoking in the cars and never smoked in the house anyway. My problem is keeping busy and staying in the house when I get the urge. So much on our plates right now but I dont want to be smoking when the weather gets being outside and our neighborhood has a community pool. Have a BIG appt with the BS May 10. Last one with him on the affected breast and then back to the routine b4 BC so needless to say my nerves are shot. A week after that I have an appt with my ONC. So I am glad someone else is struggling like me. I think we just never give up trying. Diane

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Day 4 of NO CIGS! Not going to rest on my laurels cause I know this is the hardest day for me usually..either day 3 or 4 is when I screw up. Not this time!

    Shawntez, I went to a stronger cartomizer cause I was using the lowest nicotine dose with my patch but the counselor said that I could go up to a stronger nicotine vape so I had my DH go buy it in the local smoke shop and they actually had it! I usually buy online. Anyway, it is working! No nicotine gum, just a few hits on the e-cig a day (10 maybe all total) and the 21 mcg patch.

    I am determined as hell this time. NO MORE!

    Thanks to all for your support...Judi, huge hugs to you xoxo

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    Welcome Diane!  April, again I'm going to tell you how proud I am of you!  Both of you are struggling to be free of the smoke devil and are doing great.  Remember, we have all been there .... in fact, I'm really prouder of you then myself because you are going through this the way most people quit.  For me, I just did it.  I tried to quit via laser and lasted 3 weeks but in all truth, probably 2 1/2 weeks of that time, I was thinking of having a smoke and how I could do this without anyone noticing.  April, almost through the rads .... keep going and moisturize.  Have you noticed how many times I've said to mositurize .... don't want burnt boobies!

    MinusTwo ... thinking of you always even during the bad times.  It sure isn't fun but it's something we all have to go through.  Remember, it will be over sooner then you know it.  I remember when finally all the crap was going through me and I was bundled up .... when I had to go I thought it was worse then having a baby and I never had one.  I didn't know how I was going to get through this but eventually it worked it's way out.  So, at least you are not dealing with this crap (no pun intended).

    Beckers, where are you?  Lisamarie, where are you?  Thinking of you and getting worried!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    galsal,minustwo, diane and judi! I am through 8/10 of my rads sessions. A bit weary from twice a day and the amount they are zapping me with, but that coupled with quitting smoking is making me tired my smoking counselor said. Since smoking is an addiction, withdrawl makes you tired. So, can't really tell what is what. Today is day 5 without any cigarettes and I have to say, today was the hardest day so far. I thought it would be yesterday as it usually is, but today, I want to smoke really bad. But, I WON"T!Innocent 

    Diane, I know you can do it. My life has been filled with stress lately and we still need to stop this madness. Do it with me, okay? xo

    Minustwo, hoping you are doing better today. I heard that neulasta is tough. Hugs!

    This time, after 46 years (Am 58 and was 12 when I started and by the time I was 13, was an everyday smoker even if it was only 1 or 2 a day) I am DONE! I am tired of being a slave to them.Tongue Out I am tired of PAYING for them.Money Mouth I am tired of standing outside with the other smokers in rain, in a blizzard and in the hot sun. I am just tired of smoking. But, if I make it to 80, all bets are off Wink (loved that idea) and I will smoke one cigarette to celebrate.

    Anyway, tomorrow afternoon, I get to ring the gong and say "Bye bye" to my rad techs, and Tiffany the front desk woman who I just love to pieces. She bakes for the patients! She made us all chocolate chip cookie bars yesterday. Today she brought in banana bread. What a great lady. Gonna get them all some chocolates tomorrow.

    Ok, outa her for now. Will keep you posted! xo

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited April 2013

    Love it April485.  Love the fact that you get to ring the bell .... I didn't have that at my hospital, and all the sweets you get .... love banana bread.  I didn't know that quitting smoking makes you tired .... ask your counsellor "if you stay off smokes, then are you always tired".  Just asking.  I'm always tired.  Anyways, I love your mantra about quitting .... we can say yes to all of it.  I'm 58 this year so I'm in with you.  If we are both still around when we are 80, I'm lighting up.  My friend's mom who is now 82, has 1 smoke in the morning and 1 in the evening. I so admire her for so many reasons and this is one of them .... I could never do it.  Plus, she looks 60 - I can only hope for this!

    Minustwo, hope all is good today!