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Exchange City



  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2009


    I am new to this post and have a few basic questions I hope that someone may be able to help me with.  I have been doing real well with not having pity parties for myself, but today, when I pulled out the summer clothes and reeled at the sight of my mishapen, unmatched breasts in all their glory, I just wanted to curl up into a little ball and weep.  Can any of you help with ideas for types of shirts to wear (and where to buy them) that don't accentuate the fact that one breast is a full three inches higher than the other, shaped like a box, hard as a rock, and could give someone a concussion if I turned fast enough; while the one with the implant sags like it could carry an entire box of pencils under it!!??  My medi-port is exposed on the other side; I am not carrying a lot of weight so it looks like I have a flying saucer perched under my skin;  I am waiting for my hair to fall out and just want something to wear that doesn't expose me any more than I am already feeling exposed!!!!!!!.........When I try on bigger clothes it looks like I am swimming in them.....Maybe I need to stick with  loose turtlenecks (not unheard of here in Buffalo in April)!!!??    Also, how far out from chemo did you wait for your exchanges?  My chemo ends at the end of July and I hope to have the exchange done in the beginning of August.  MS was done 3/3.  Do you think I am crazy???    Tammy

  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2009

    Surgery went well. The new girls are soooo soft. Thanks ladies for your thoughts and prayers.


  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2009

    After reading all these posts I wanted to put my arms around so many of you ladies and give you a great big hug - so here it goes. One great cyber hug to all of you. You are all so wonderful and you all have been through so much w/ so much grace. (((())))!!!!

    wbuggie - I also had different size TE's. My PS did an extra 30 cc in the tigher side a month before my exchange and then exchanged to same size implants. Seemed to have worked so far!


    Peg - I bet your father has been there all along, just quietly supporting you. I am so glad you gave him the chance to openly be there for you!!

    Skipprcis - I can totally relate to a jerk for a boss. Fortunately I am now self employed and don't have to deal w/ my ex-boss anymore. Best wishes my dear!


    Jax - Oh this has to be the time that it all works out for you. You have been such a trooper!!!!

    Yvonne - Snow?????? OMG. I can't believe it. I live in upstate NY and we had 80 degrees over the weekend. LOL.

    Tammy - I can't help too much since my TE stage was in the winter. But I am sure you will receive some responses here. You have a funny way of stating the sad obvious fact ... for such a soul wrenching post I was smiling when I read it. Hugs going your way!!

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Tammy if I understand you right are you saying you still have one side that is natural but with a implant and the other side with a TE that isn't all the way filled up.  If that's so I will post some pix what I wore to try and look even.

    I didn't have chemo so can't help you there.  I just know you want to wait to have your exchange 4 weeks to 4 months after your last fill.

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited April 2009

    Well ladies, the reading of the daily posts was most cathartic today.  Thanks for reminding me that I am "normal" when I feel close to tears for what seems no apparent reason.  I read and held on to everyone of the posts, they are important!  You think you are venting, when in fact you are connecting with me, and reassuring me that I am not a space cadet. . . .YET. 

    Nobody else will get the feeling of wanting their old boob back but us, the loss is deeply personal, the breast I lost was the one that I fed my babies with, identified my feminity with and now it is gone.  I can't unring that bell.  

    So KMMD I do get the emotions and you made me feel so much better about my feelings.

    Judy, Sandy,Jean, Whippetmom, Yvonne,JAX, Peg, Jaimieh, who made me laugh with the pointing to the ground reference to nipple placement.   Karen, keeping you in best thoughts, you are such an inspiration.  Welcome to you Tammy, the fellowship of this group is such a blessing to me, hopefully  you will find some comfort here.  Jan


  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2009

    Sandy.......thanks for letting me know about the gal on the pic forum with healing issues........really helped to see how far she came in a month........I tried to offer some support.......but I wish I had some more suggestions.

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2009

    Karen......happy for your softness.

    Tammy......first of all welcome........and I will say that I have found the popular styles this year have been a big help in camouflaging the boobage......the babydoll style tops with the gathers above the breast area seem to really hide a multitude of flaws......I bought lots off of ebay.......just search babydoll tops......also old navy had a bunch a while back......but haven't been online there in a while......hmmm....I think they have free shipping right now.

    Cheers and hugs


  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009
    I guess it's time for me to get on board here.  I have my overfill today and will have my exchange on May 21.  My surgeon chose Natrelle (allegren) 468's. saline.  I am overfilled to 660cc's right now.....I suppose he'll fill them to 620 cc's.  I can not wait!!!  Anyone else have this type of implant?
  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    I found these at Target and K-Mart both and the great thing is they cost less than $6.00.

      The ones that came from Target were in a pink box.  The name brand is Lingerie Solutions.

      They come in size A/B or B/C.  The ones I found at K-Mart came in a black box but was made my the same co. 

     Before I picked these up I took out all the liners out of my swim suits and used those to help some also.

    I even used the liners with the poofy thing so no one would see the line 3/4 of the way up my bra.

    Most swim suits have an opening for a liner.  I did have one that didn't and I just cut a small hole

    between the material so I could put my puffy thing in.  Well here are what they look like:

    Attachment: outside_of_ab_6651.jpg
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  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009
    Attachment: liners_used_w_poofy_9923.jpg
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    Attachment: put_puffy_inside_ss_8398.jpg
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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Tammy - Welcome to EC!  I remember that my friend went on the Land's End website to order blouses the summer she was in the midst of reconstruction.  There is a "Virtual Model" you can use to get the right fit and exchanges/returns are very easy.  You can also return any Land's End item to your nearest Sears store.  Land's End shirts [most of them] have a looser fit and you could order one size up perhaps for comfort. 

    Sandy - What about something to wear under regular clothing for Tammy?  Is there a bra you wore which worked while you had the expander and before the implant/lift?  Tammy....I would think you could try on sports bras and see if you could find one which would hold both breasts and make them look somewhat symmetrical. 

    Others will have some ideas and suggestions also....


    I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Jeremiah 1:5
    Dx 10/15/2008, IDC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 2, 0/1 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • smmr
    smmr Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2009

    Tammy - I do feel for you going through this process in the summer.  I was thankful for big bulky sweaters!!  However, the cold was awful for the muscle spasms, so I guess each season has it's drawbacks!!  Welcome to this site, it's an amazing place to find support.  The first few weeks I was on, I kept saying....Oh my gosh, that's me!!  I had thought I was the only one going through all the crazy physical pains that go along with TE!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Oops!  had to delete the above post because a link I posted put the screen formatting all out of whack, Sealed.

    TAMMY:  My girlfriend bought some button-down shirts from [enter "blouses" in the search box] when she went through a summer in the middle of breast reconstruction.  They have a "Virtual Model" you can use to get a good fit.  Their fit is a bit looser and they are well-made.  Returns are easy by mail or you can return LE merchandise to any Sears. 

    SANDY:  Did you use any particular bra with your expanders and before your lift?  I wonder if a sports bra would work for Tammy- an oversize sports bra....

    Well, Tammy, you will get some other thoughts as well....but welcome to EC!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Oh crappola, it is STILL out of whack.  Sorry you guys.  My fault.  It will self-correct when we get to Page 93....

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Alo123 I looked at the charts and the 468 is the full height implant

    the fill volumes of 620-650cc are 14.5 width, 15.0 hight, and 5.9 projection.

    Do you know is your TE as wide as your implant or do you have a rib cage of at least 32 inches

    I'm just guessing for that wide of a implant that you maybe don't have a real small rib cage if you do I would question going so wide.

    I just took another look at your pix you don't look very wide to me.

    I hope useing that wide word doesn't sound rude

    sometimes I'm not very good with words

    Do you know what style of TE you have in now? 

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Tammy and Deb

    I usually always wore a sports bra

    I probably even did that 24/7 for the 1st 2 or 3 months

    I started out with the poofy thing on my TE/cancer side and than when that side got bigger than my natural left breast I had to wear it on that side to look even.

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited April 2009

    Tammy, my PS wouldn't do the exchange surgery until at least 4 weeks after chemo.  I really don't know the reasoning.  My exchange surgery is scheduled exactly 5 weeks from my last chemo.  Different surgeons might have different time frames.  Check with yours.

  • traci126
    traci126 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2009

    Jan, I had BM. I had a core biopsy done that came back ADH and ALH so I chose a PBM due to a history of chest radiation as a child and a mother and grandmother with BC. After surgery my path report came back saying multifocal DCIS.  I was pretty shocked. Before the core biopsy I had a mammogram, ultrasound and breast MRI all just recommending a biopsy of 2 spots on one side.

    Deborah, Thanks for the PS question help.  After reading so many posts here I can't wait to find out more details about my TEs.  The olny thing I know about them is that they hold 450cc.  Oh yeah, and they're hard :)

    Sounds like for one reason or another this has been a pretty emotional weekend.  Knowing that we're all having such feelings is very reassuring that I'm not alone.  I'm hoping the exchange will help but I'm not convinced I'll be ready to give up my pity parties for a while longer.

    Smiles and loving thoughts to all of the wonderful women on here.  Your support for others is awsome!


  • traceyz
    traceyz Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2009

    Okay so I have to share this story. I went to buy some bras..YAAY! Well I put on a 34 D and the sales associate takes a look and says "that doesnt really looks like it fits well."  So I said well I dont think I can fit into a C cup and she replies " oh no sweetie I was thinkin more like a DOUBLE D!!!!!! Can you believe it lil ole me with a double D!!! She went onto say that it would have to be special ordered because the 32/34 part is rare for a DD!! It had to just be that style of bra!Embarassed These style 45- 600cc Natrelles couldnt possibly be the culprit....could they, hehehe!!

    Love ya ladies!


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2009

    Tammy~ ((Bighugs))  It sounds like you got some great advise for clothes.  My PS told me I had to be 30 out from Chemo. to get my blood counts back up so I could heal.  I know it stinks I don't have my exchange until June 17 and I am counting down the days.  I also have the port but I wear either a necklace, big earings or something to disract the attention from it.  If someone asks I tell them it is a port where I get medicine and they shut up quickly.  Halter tops that tie around my neck also hide it.  I guess I have embrassed my port because it has saved my veins from looking horrible and the pain of the IV each time.  The hair issues (bighug) get easier with time in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong I am on hair watch all the time and I still have 1 chemo to go.  If you ever want to talk PM me.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2009

    Tracey~ Are you back to running yet ??  I am curious if you find running any harder with your new girls.  I think I am going to be about the same size as you are but I am taller.  I can't wait to get  back to running. 

  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009

    I am a small girl 5ft 1 but I have a broad rib bra size was a 36 around...I am petite on the bottom and broad in the back.  He measured me today...I can't find the card that came with my TE....darm!!!!  I know they were allergen just don't remember what style. 

    What can you tell me about projection....what exactly does that mean?  

  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2009

    Thank you all for your warm welcomes and great tips!  I was so excited to check my post this morning - hoping that someone, somewherere, would heed my plight and offer some guidance.  You did, and then some.  I guess I have to look at all of you as beacons in the night - a reassurance that eventually this temporary ugliness will actually work out to my advantage - after all,  I always wanted more than mother nature had intended!  The one blessing is that I was able to nurse my four babies like a crazy woman. Now, I wonder if  those high-prducing ducts were why I took to breastfeeding so well and, unfortunately, why I ended up with BC!  Either way, I will continue to check here - cause you gals are makin' me laugh, even when I wanted to cry!  Thank you thank you thank you.....Tammy

  • MooreTennis
    MooreTennis Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Thanks to all of you for sharing your feelings. I am 4 weeks post-op for bi-lateral Mx with TE. Shortly after relocating to Missouri for my job (my children and I moved, my husband remains in Alabama to sell our home and find a job here) I was diagnosed with bc. I was not scheduled to have a mammo for another year (when I turned 40) but my employer had a health fair and offered the mammos through St. Luke's mobile mammorgraphy unit. I decided what the heck, why not get one - it's here at work, it will only take a few minutes. I am so thankful I did otherwise, the bc would have been so much harder to treat - no chemo or rads for me. However, having to deal with the cancer as a 'single' mom, without my husband here to talk to face-to-face and without friends close by has been the most challenging endeavor of my life. I try not to get too down because I have my life and there are many women who are not so fortunate.

    I haven't posted often, but I wanted all of you who do post to know that your experiences and words or encouragement have really made a difference. THANK YOU!

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited April 2009

    I think I figured something out.  I had all these previous surgeries: abdomen, oophrectomy, hysterecomy, gall bladder, etc. and was NEVER scared but the BiMX scared me to death- I was afraid of it.  It was a smaller surgery in that no guts were being manipulated.  I had needed blood transfusions in the past and there was no worry about those. And the risk of dying- near zero for me. So what was it?

    I could SEE the results!  It was the first time that I could actually SEE the results of my surgery, not just a scar. When I realized that, I faced it and it was better.  NOW I realize that the exchange is not only a surgery you can see, but it is FINAL.  We are going to look at our bodies the way they will be, forever.  Or so we think.  Although I know intellectually that you can go back if you are not satisfied, it is the finality of it that is so scary. Our breasts are really gone and these new things are in their place. We will never be the same.

     Now that I've recognized the culprit, I can deal with it.  I hope this helped someone else who doesn't understand why they are so scared of the exchange or the  MX.   

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Judy - Well said!  My sentiments EXACTLY!!!

    Moore Tennis - Welcome to Exchange City.  One of our sisters on these forums -, Estepp [Laura] - is also from KC, MO.  Your move to Missouri and diagnosis of bc was just so untimely....going this alone in a new city.  My heart goes out to you.  But stick around here and find some solace and encouragement. 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Alo123 - What is your ribcage measurement - the circumference measured around your ribs underneath your breast?  Your bra band size is 36, but your ribcage measurement might be less.  Projection is the forward distance your breast protrudes out from the chest wall.  Projection is also what you see from the side view of your breast profile.  Implants can be either low, moderate, moderately full, full or extra full profile.  

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited April 2009

    First.... We have had the grandkids the last few days as DS and D-i-l are out of town on a competition my son is doing for work.... sooo I have had NO TIME to post with these most precious 2 and 1 yr olds.. I HAVE to get there pictures here for you to see... :)

    I just want to send a HUGE HUGE(((((((((( GROUP HUG))))))))))) I hate that so many of your hearts are heavy... so sorry.... Jax... ((((( you are tougher than me sister))))) God Bless you!

    Deborah.. you said my "crappola" word... LOL.. I think we are all rubbing off on one another!

    Three words Tracey... " Fall Over Yet?"   roflol... DD... that is wild!

    Moore... Deb is right.. I am from KC hon... if you wanna chat... PM me... Ok? I will get back to you soon...... Do you need a Hairdresser....LOL.... I am here sister... PM ANYTIME!!!

    Ladies... all my love and hugs... I prayer for us daily...

    off to change a dirty diaper... eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ( no joke)


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Tracey - Could you post those bazoombas on the picture's forum?  We need more Style 45's up there!

    Laura - are busy indeed.  Speaking of crappola, you are up to your elbows in it with two babes in diapers at one time! 

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2009

    Oh my little tracey the Ta Ta Tinys are all together in this....I've got DD as it drops and fluffs, the darn thing got bigger.  Or I got evenf fatter, but yup, I'm in one too.  and with the lat flap, I can't wear a tight bra, so am wearing a bra extender on a giant grandma bra. 

    I did find Playtex Secrets (what is secret about this size?) do a fine job of hauling up the old saggy aggy girl and aligning her in my clavicle with the newbie.  Have fun, (or hubby sure will), mine follows me around these days.

    I found the greatest thing girls, it's called a "dimmer."  For those of you unifoobed out there, I had a high beam on my original girl and I needed her to match  Barbie.  The dimmer is great!

    Hey Sandy, are those pads, to wear inside the bra to put your new nip in?  If so, what a genius you are!

    love you all ta tas.
