Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hello Tarry1, sorry you are going through this.  Some meds take time to work in your system.  Did you read the med info that came with them to see if it mentions any delay in effectiveness?  I think many come to these threads as a coping mechanism because they know we all understand.  Families and friends can be supportive but only those who have been there know the feeling. 

    Please continue to come and read, post, ask questions.  The support you receive from these wonderful sisters will help you through.

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Thank you pj12345 and StillVerticle, for your replies.  I was a little skeptical to take the medicine that my doctor prescribed, but today I actually relaxed for a little while and while right now I feel okay, I'm still kind of lackluster.  I still can't concentrate on the smallest thing and I can't focus to read or even  watch my favorite programs.  Thursday I have an appointment for a Reiki session, I had one last Friday and it relaxed me for  a while, so I think that having that type of massage therapy works for me, I also have a visualization & relaxation session scheduled for Friday, which is great, but in the meantime I have to wait and that's so hard for me,tommorow I will try to touch base with a peer/support rep.  See with me I need to have someone around me all the time, which is impossible I know, and I don't want to push people away.

    That's why I'm glad I found this forum, so I can talk to someone who understands.

    Thanks again so much.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Hi Tarry.  Sorry you need to be here but glad you found us.  Hopefully, your PCP and oncology team can come up with some meds that may help you.  It is a tough time and chemo is cumulative so does get progressively harder the closer you get to the's last longer etc.  Talk to your Dr.'s and get some help with this. 

    Isabella --- you did have a difficult upbringing --- you learned to take charge and keep life together for yourself and siblings.  I think you were brave and strong even when you didn't feel like it.  I know it must have been so hard  at times.  It just reminds me of one of my favorite sayings -- " It's amazing what you can do when you have no choice ".  Often we put aside our own distress and upset hoping to take the sting away from those younger with less understanding.  We carry the load for those less able.  There are blessings for you dear lady.

    Darolyn, go out to a pet store or Wal-Mart and buy those puppy pads.  They are treated with something that "encourages" puppies to do their business there.  It will take a bit, but puppy will soon only leave puddles on the papers --- the papers though do nothing for the little piles of other material. 

    I'm pooped ( can I say that ) with the Humane Society dinner that seemed to have gone quite well despite being Super Bowl Sunday.  I'm going to go find my recliner.  Know that you are all in my thoughts.....even if I did not mention your name.  Your still in my heart.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    YIPEE-GOD IS GOOD-YEAH DREW AND THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN IN!!!!! Tarry, there is a syndrom called "chemo brain"and it is real. You need to get on the ACSSite and try to study it. Your brain has left your body for about the next three weeks and the symptomsyou are describing are 'chemo brain' as well as anxiety. easy does it,one day at a time! xxoo, SV

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    Tarry1 - I agree with the others who are saying that it's no surprise that you are feeling a bit lacklustre (love that word) and have trouble concentrating. It's all just part of what is going on. If you use it well, you can get out of all kinds of stuff and have a ready made excuse for any lapse.

    All through chemo I joked with my friends (that was on days when I felt well enough to go out) that I was "terribly ill". They quickly learned that meant that I could do many of the things that I like to do - and absolutely none of the things that I don't. So (sorry to you dog lovers) there was no way I was going to dogsit for my vacationing friend, but I was able to have relatives visit and play bridge (badly quite often). The lawn was longer this summer than ever before and this winter, on the rare occasions when it has snowed here, the driveway has waited for the sun to do the work.

    It's not that great a side effect, and I'd rather not have that fuzzy head, but use it!

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Hi Tarry1, welcome to our little peace at the end of the world. It's awesome here, no pressure, just great ladies with lots of experience and the same need to reach out and share.

    My dh was rather put out with me when I quit watching TV too, he taped all the shows that we used to watch while I would stay outside til very late, sketching, reading or writing, I quit watching almost all the one hour shows that we used to watch, just can't concentrate for long. I don't like that fuzzy-brain feeling, I combate it with a notebook I take everywhere, I jot down anything that sounds like something I might need to remember or tend to, otherwise, forgetaboutit, it just won't get done until I hear or see another reminder. Like running to the grocery and forgetting my cloth bags and the coupons I clipped specifically for the trip. ARRGH! My therapist thinks it's great cause I can look back two weeks in my notes and recall what went on.

    The driveway, aww let it go, it will still be there. Sounds like you have a great sense of humor. You'll like it here. I went for Reikei too, think my vibes freaked out the gal doing the reading.

    Isabella, dang girl, you had it rough. SV too, ran away from home? I don't think I would have had the guts. Mom and Dad were partiers for sure, but they mostly kept home solid. Dad ran the liquor store that his father started after prohibition... see, granddad was a rum-runner during that time, had his clients, packed his trunk with sand bags for the ride to the port, unloaded the sand and loaded up with liquor and high tailed it back to Savannah. He was a popular guy, and an alcoholic who binged for weeks at a time. As a little girl I remember times not being able to go visit that grandmother because he was 'sick'. Died at 62, liver disease. My Dad never really drank that much, he pretended to by always having a bottle or cup in his hands while all his friends got sh!t-faced. Kinda funny, really, they all thought he was this huge drinker just because he sold the stuff. To the day he died, I don't think they ever knew!

    NO WAY will this child be raised around this man with this disease. Not while there's a breath in me!! My DD is smart, she's enrolled and finishing her degree, planning to take it through her Masters and make a decent living for herself and her child. She has every intention of 'showing him what he is missing'. And he's already missed so much. I didn't hear from him today, he bothered her online last night, he's not supposed to be doing that. Says he's going to join the army. THAT would be an eye-opener for him.

    DH was a hoot today with the baby. She flirted with him and laughed at him and he ate it up. Hours later, he said he still had a smile for her.

    YAY, the Saint's WON !  That was an awesome game. And I was surprised with The Who's performance, they got better as they went. I loved Tommy and Who Are You? way back when.  The Saint's have the cutest quarterback, glad he won MVP.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone.  I have been away for a couple of days and you ladies have been busy.  I am coping with almost 2 feet of snow and not happy about it.

    Isabella ... I am sorry your parents took away your childhood.  I know what it feels like as I am also the oldest child and my parents did the same thing.  My Mom died over 20 years ago (just 7 months after my stepfather.  They still impact my life.  Boy, do I ever understand ... not feeling safe in your own home, on edge never knowing what would set him off and what he would do.

    Tarry ... welcome to the club no one wants to join ... I have had panic attacks.  Once I went to the emergency room thinking I was having an asthema attack - no, it was an anxiety attack.  Another time I couldn't hold it together.  My arms and legs felt like jelly and disconnected to my body.  I had a nightmare that seemed so real to me it was frightening.  At other times I feel just paralyzed.  Of course depression runs rampard in our family so that doesn't help.  I was in therapy at the time and my shrink prescribed xanex to "break" the cycle.  When I told my sister she exclaimed  you cannot be on xanex .. its highly addictive.  I thanked her and told her I was anxious about my anti-anxiety meds!

    SV-Melissa ... you continue to amaze me.  You are an incredibly strong woman.

    Dar ... how cute.  You must post pictures - I bet he is so adorable!

    To all my sisters, Jackie, Patoo, Pam, Melissa, Connie - I know I am leaving out people which is NOT intentional - you are amazing women.  I don't even know how to express how special each of  you are.  I just love all of you so much.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Kathleen, I was just sitting here reading all the recent posts and thinking the same thing - you are ALL an AMAZING group of women.  I simply cannot imagine what it was like for you that grew up in such dysfunction.  My jaw is dropped just taking in what you have all witnessed and lived.   Even more mind-boggling to me is that we on this thread are just a few but look how many have had similar experiences.  That's a large percentage of folks, worldwide.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Dar, i did not get your address off of the Board to send you goodies. OK with two heads maybe we can figure out how to PM. xxoo, SV

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Just click on the user's name and in the upper right of the page will be a link to send a personal message.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh and it is OK Patoo, if you do not want to be in my special friends club-that I am going to send wonderful goodies from the sea too-it's ok, I can go totally friendless without a Patoo in my garden-so you don't have to send your address if you don't want-just trying to get the PODS unified with special POD BOXES (wait that doesn't sound right) of remembrances as we recover and grow old (well, older, like fossilize) together!! I will just go out on the beach and eat worms (in the freezing cold)! Its OK. And for the other PODS, the offer is open for "seaglas, fulgurite, sharks teeth and coal from ship wrecks" that I toiled decades looking for and would love to send to you all" HMMM don't mean to point anyone out, but Isabella, Jackie, Alyson,Spar2,Lefty,CaroleH, Kathleen, Chris (where have you been lately!!!!). and anyone of the POD roster that I may have left out. No, truly, I am kidding, trust is so very important and when and if you want a 'present from the sea' like seaglass, let me know. The people I have not mentioned have already sent enthusiastic responses, but its Ok. I am feeling ornery today only because I seemed to have crashed since Saturday and ANOTHER TRIP TO THE ER, and I cannot talk without boo-hooing (i mean major meltdown). I am looking at my blood counts and my thyroid-TSH- is in the toilet and this (depression and extreme fatigue) always happens to me when my thyroid goes south. XXOOOOO, to all. I have to go to doc this aft to check thyroid & up my dose-and other systems fried by chemo. I feel awful for teasing all of you, but well,it is cheering ME up! I will be on the Board bugging you PODS later!! Love to all, SV

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    I have been busy loaning my snow shovel to those digging their cars out from the 20 inches of snow we got.   Met a few very nice folks, from England, gal in the Army from Tennessee, man from Indiana.   Then they say another 6-8 inches Wednesday or maybe more.   No place to put it and the litle bit that melted will turn to ice tonight.   

    I thought I had escaped nasty winter storms when I moved from Pittsburgh, but guess what ... NOT.   At least I do not have to go out.   The mailman got thru today, so I guess the roads are ok-ish.    

    SV, I am downsizing even more than when I sold the house and thank you for the offer of sea glass, etc.   I am sending my sister some collectibles I know she has admired and wants.   My son will get a bunch also.   I have a shark tooth my dad got when he was in WWII.  And a gold nugget from the California gold rush days - gr gr or maybe gr gr gr grandad did not get rich when he went West...    

    I think many of us came from what we can call  disfunctional families.   I am the oldest, so I was the guinea pig when it came to discipline and rules.  Hugs for all,   Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Little Miss Melissa!  (SV)  What are you DOING girl?  I can't believe you are still having fun, playing in this sand-box with us, AND trying to battle all of those side effects!   Were you THIS much fun BEFORE the chemo?  Wink  And this is all very serious, still!  But just go out on the beach, buckets in hand, & load yourself up with special "treasures" to keep adding to your collection!  It must do you soooo much good to play out on the sand, with nature!  And if you weren't so damn sick, it would even be BETTER!!! 

    Patoo & know, this "child abuse" is more common than any of us want to admit.....Growing up  with these kinds of Parents, one being an alcoholic, the OTHER one to always start the fights, just makes  us little kids "pull into ourselves."  We couldn't really make friends...couldn't have any one over...always afraid of the screaming & yelling, and FIGHTING, & trying to run away into the closet to hide from them!    And yes, the Police, the neighbors & family trying to help....Dad sitting with a shot-gun across his lap, telling me he was going to kill himself.... God, the awful memories.....It's a WONDER any of us, even made it as half-way decent grown-ups!   We didn't even realize it was sooooo bad, until we grew up & got away from it!   I just remember I only wanted 3 things in my life....I wanted my own Husband, my own home, & my own babies....and I would always tell them I loved them!  Maybe growing up with such chaos made me appreciate my own family even more.....and hold onto them, even when the drinking started in my own house....But we get through it....hopefully stronger & smarter....

    AND Hi Tarry!  Welcome "home"....  See, you can un-load anything here, & all we'll do is listen, send you  soft hugs, & try & support you every way we can!   You don't have to tell us your life story, but if you WANT you, you can!  Wink  I don't know anything about chemo....but these gals here have "been there, done that"...and can answer any questions you have!   Just to get over having cancer is such an accomplishment for us....sometimes I forget that's why we are on this "forum!"  Ha!  So we meet here as friends.....mighty, mighty,  Pod friends.  Did you  HEAR us talking about CHICKENS?  Don't ask, it might get us started again.....

    Love you gals!  xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    Hi - I'm brand new to this.  I am 67 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in October.  I had a lumpectomy.  I thought I would just have radiation but since I have the HER2 I needed to have chemo.  I have just not felt well.  I had 5 not good days after chemo and then 2 1/2 good days.  I had my bloodwork done a week after and my white blood cells were described as "dangerously low".  I got a shot of Neulasta and then 24 hours of diarrhea and three days of low grade fevers.  I notified my doctor who prescribed an antibiotic.  I read the possible side effects and decided to wait a little.  The next morning I woke up with an abcess on my neck.  I took the antibiotic fast.  That night my heart was racing 104 beats a minute and my normal is 62.  I couldn't sleep.  Well this is two days later and I feel so much better.  I had energy this morning.  Is this how chemo is?

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    Welcome to the new gals.   Depending on the kind of chemo, it can cause heart irregularities.   Are you on A/C?   the A or Adriamycin can be hard on the heart.   Herceptin, given for Her2 positive, also can cause heart problems.   Did you have a MUGA scan of your heart before chemo?    

    I was 62 when diagnosed, just turned 64.  Did chemo, lumpectomy, herceptin for a year.  Ask questions, we love to talk about all sorts of things.  I am in Virginia, widowed, live in an apartment after 36 yrs in a house in Pittsburgh.    And I am a first time grandma as of last Thursday.   

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    Sorry you have to be here Bomom. I am five months out of chemo and find I can hardly remember it.

    Yes, it sounds like what is happening to you is what chemo can do. Mine was every three weeks. I pretty much slept for the first week after chemo, wasn't all that useful in the second week,  prepared in the third week for the following week and on like that til six rounds were done. A lot of people seem to get low blood and many have mentioned the Neulasta shots. I managed to avoid that by good luck more than anything else.

    There will be days when you feel not bad at all - enjoy them - but don't try to do too much or you will feel the effects the next day. Treat yourself really really well, more so than you ever have. Lots of people will offer to help but you will have to be specific. Tell them you'd like your driveway shovelled, or your lawn mowed, or dinner brought to your home the day of chemo or some lovely books to read (and return or your house turns into a library)  or whatever suits your fancy. I'm guessing you don't have small children to manage these days, but if you have a dog that needs walked or a cat whose litter needs changed, the animal lovers could do that for you. One of my friends sent me a cute card every other week or so. This week I got to tell her how much that meant.

    And keep in touch here - whatever you are going through, someone else has been there or near there too.

    Oh - and I am on Herceptin now - it is nothing, nothing at all, like being on chemo. Much much much easier.

    All the best

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    I had Taxotere, Cytoxin and Herceptin.  I did have a MUGA before I began.  Between the MUGA and actual beginning of chemo I had a chemo port installed and my left lung got nicked and collapsed.  I ended up in the hospital with a chest tube for three days. That put chemo off for three weeks

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    thanks leftyAKAnancy and lassie 11.  I am going to have three more chemo's like the first and then herceptin every three weeks for a year.  It sounds really good that the herceptin by itself isn't bad.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2010

    Red Alert....does anyone anywhere know of a shortage of Arimidex.??

    I went to the lovely old town of York today, for a spot of shopping, and picked up the local paper. What did I see ?? Front page headlines 'Shortage of lifesaving cancer drug'

    There was a half page picture of a woman shaking a box of Arimidex at the camera. Apparently we have a shortage over here....the pharmacists are shipping them in from other districts, and are having trouble sourcing them...Astra Zeneca have a help hotline, but are not answering, mine are due for picking up next week....aaarrrggghhh.

    Any shortages reported on your side of the pond....why do these things happen ??

    Welcome Bomom, you are having it rough now, but it DOES get better....come summer and you'll be feeling a lot better.

    MelissaSV so sorry you're having trouble again ((((Hugs)))) Thinking of you.

    Melissa...the firemans nurse....Where Are You!    Got that computer fixed up?


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    PATOO  thank you so much for telling me how to PM.  I hope SV got the message.  We have been so occupied with our new puppy That for a short time I could forget I had cancer.  I had my MX on Monday and I think I either have a hematoma or lymphedema.  But being a week out I am having too much pain.  See my Dr. in the am.

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone, I just want to say thanks for all the support and Bomom, I am glad that you had some energy today. I'm going through chemo right now and it''s not been easy for me, but for the past two days I have been okay.

    I hope that you have a good day tommorow as well.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    Wow Bomom - getting a collapsed lung from having the port put in place is sure not how things are supposed to happen!  I had a PICC line which was a blinkin nuisance, got it out the last day of chemo and have the excellent nurses find a vein for the herceptin. So far (more than half way through herceptin) my veins have co-operated. Thank you veins.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited February 2010

    Oh my you ladies have been busy- I will try to connect with some conversations. American Dysfunction was the name of my family of origin- fried chicken on one wall and ketchup on the other. By the time I was 5 I remember thinking " I live with 2 crazy people and the police are stupid" Because they took Dad and not ME- Couldn't they see I wanted to go?????- but 4 out of 5 of have great lives and the fifth one has the life she wants too.  There was life after the "Gerry and Joe Show" Can you imagine how sad and frustrated and unhappy these two people were? So sad. Isabella we too are sisters- and I had FINALLY let it go- yes it affected me for years, but they were just two people in a whirlpool that did not know how to get out.

    I did not have chemo-  and I don't know about a shortage of meds either. Gosh wouldn't that be the pits? Dar I am glad you are seeing the doc in the morning- my BMX did not give me much p[ain at all- in fact only the drains bothered me. Maybe you have a seroma? And congrats on your new puppy.How refreshing and what a happy distraction! Good for you.

    Bomom so sad that you have had such a bad time of it- you have at least found a good Home Thread as we genuinely care for one another.You can never tell which one of us or how many of us have lots in common with you and you will find friends here waiting for you. Some will even do your worrying for you, and that is a wonderful thing! Me, I am on antidepressants and intend to stay on them= between being a Adult Child of an Alcoholic (increases the chances of depression) watching my mom die of stomach ca 7 years after BC and losing my eldest sister 11 months to the day before my mother died. Oh yeah,then I got BC too. What luck- but there have been some good things. like I am happier because I do not sweat the small stuff any more, I am happy in the moment , and I never knew what that even meant before, I have a lesser chance  the BC coming back then the general public has, I value ME more and my DH too!

    Welcome Tarry- we are a good pod to be in and have fun gabbing- the firefighters are in line just now and I am furiously filing medical records because I am getting' out of Las Vegas soon!

    Love ya all- Jackie whats the quote of the Day? You know I look for them!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Just stopping by to say hello. 

    Isabelle, I just called in my reorder today and it would usually be here in 2-3 days so we'll see.

    SV, I've been to the OuterBanks (well only once several years ago).  I'm sure in my mom's stuff I can find artifacts but I'm not a keeper so it would not do any good for me to send my address.  Actually, we were thinking of doing our family 'week at the beach' there this summer (about 12 of us) but I think we are doing a cruise instead.  Anyway I think you posted sometime back that there is a high incidence of BC in the Outer Banks so I just may want to keep my sisters and nieces more inland instead.  Undecided

    Tired.  Enjoy the rest of your evening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Hey Isabella, I have not heard of a shortage of Arimidex in the USA, but I may be out of the loop on this one. I just keep thinking about your childhood (touches my heart) and am just so sad for you. You grew into a beautiful woman. And yes, my childhood was much the same. I wonder the relationship between child abuse and cancer! I would sit in the kitchen with a loaded deer rifle when my parent's violent drinking antics got to close. Awake every single night with their rantings and having to go to school the next day "all perky" and get A's. The beatings of me were focus for my Dad's neverending rage as a young man. A crazy uncle (pedophile) who moved in when I was 5 years old and had free access to me. Praise God he died an awful death as a heroin addict. I was in 18 schools by the time I was 16 (met Daniel who is still my oldest friend) and then I (we) simply took off. Hitch-hiked to San Fran (Haite-Asbury) and just hung out in flop houses with all of the other hippies. Dan and I headed to Park City in the early 70's and I met my husband (soulmate) kindest most loving man ever made with a wonderful family-but he was killed in an avalanche when we were about 29 years old.

    I just cry for the lost children I am finding inside our group of PODS-but look at us now!!! Yeh, we have cancer, but don't we just shine! It took every tear to mold us into the beautiful women we are. Proud to be a POD! (Ohh bumper stickers). Patoo, so OK and good girl, you set boundaries!! I am so proud of you! and yes, cancer is pandemic on the OBX. Enuf of me-OK, it sounds like the rest of the PODS took a detour along the "Donner Party" route. Good Grief, I had no idea that everyone had so much snow and are still digging out. Nancy, you have a gold nugget from the gold rush! Wow! And J, the Lord made you perfect despite your parents! That light of yours always shines! Bomom,I am so sorry about your Chemo and I can relate. Chemo sucks I have had the worst chemo experience (I was overdosed x4 or my body reacted that way) but I think you are beating me. I am so sorry. PLZ stay in daily touch with your ONC, especially with the infections and other problems. And a collapsed lung-you poor thing! No matter what the doc says, Chemo is awful-period! I thought it normal to suffer and be scared. The women here have taught me that I am entitled to the best of care at all times. And that I am entitled to positive support and care from my treatment team! Lefty, are you in VA-close to the Outer Banks?.Lassie, what great advice on chemo recovery. I wish my ONC would have told me that! And Nancy, how is grandma life and how is the mini-POD doing? Patoo, thnx for getting Dar on the PM. Dar, I am worried that you are having so much pain and so hope the diagnosis is wrong! Get rest tonight! Glad you see DR. in the AM. Let us know what is up. I know it is hard. Anything to numb the pain at all? Just worried about you. Need to rest-saw my PCP this eve and the diagnosis (because I am a woman) is that 'it is all in my head.' Like I know the difference between my head flipping out and my body truly not working-post chemo. I just sat there seething as he was giving me and my Dad his diagnosis.And thinking, if I was a man, you would not be talking to me like this or trying to send me to a shrink to get more freaking drugs!!

    If anyone watched the super bowel, did you all see the Denny's commercials about the chickens? CHICKENS who were freaked about having to lay more eggs for Denny's new breakfast.  Reminded me of our chicken rant. I could not believe it! Good Grief, Enuf, Sweet Dreams all, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Welcome new ladies. Isn't it nice to be "new" somewhere? I remember what people write, but not always who wrote it because EVERYBODY in here offers so much of themselves that it's just too awesome to leave for long.

    sorry for the sucky chemo, Bomom. Hang in there. It makes you a superwoman!

    Isabella - That sounds like rampant rumors, I sure hope that's not the case for real.

    Congrats on the birth of Olivia, Nancy. I hope they give you lots of Granma time. I can't get enough of mine and can hardly believe she's 11 months old already! Girls are so much fun. All that PINK.

    Tonight, My DearSon is nursing his best friend, dog Softy either back to health if she makes it, or well, not. It's terribly tragic. He loves that dog. Found her as a pup about 10-11 years ago or she found him. either way, it's a love affair of the Pet kind. I'm so sad for him to have to make those kinds of decisions while he is away from home. He called me twice just boo-hooing over her condition. He's such a mans man, but such a sweetheart inside. I know she's in good hands.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OHH CONNIE, I am so sorry to read about Softy. ERRG, just the worst when loved pets are hurting or ill. Is this a pup that you also know? Too many losses! ((((HUGS)))) SV

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Welcome tarry and bomom, this is a wonderful place to be when you need support and information.  bomom, that is awful about nicking your lung while having a port placed, you have had quite a time of it.   I was also raised in a dysfuncional family, my dad was an alcoholic, him and mom fought physically alot, mom was a flirt with other men, my brother was on drugs by age 12 and died in his 40's of alcoholism.  I feel like we were abused because we were whipped with a switch and it left lots of whelps.  I still remember the terror when I was told I would get a whipping.  My mom use to slap me in the face a lot.  There were good times too though. Mom and Dad divorced after 45 years of marriage.  Dad died several years ago but mom is still alive and kicking and still a flirt. LOL  Have had an awful weekend, my grandson ended up in the hospital of an overdose and had to keep restraints on him.  My son is wore out after all that and trying to talk with counsolers trying to find him some help.  All I know right now is they are home tonight and my son said he was just too tired to talk tonight so we will talk tomorrow.  I have been praying a lot  this weekend.  I would love to have anything from the ocean and I collect sea glass.  I have a passion for it.  I have a clear glass bowl that I put it in and it is in my kitchen window so I can be reminded of all the fun times on the beach.  I too want to try that wacky cake it sounds wonderful.  DAR, my puppies are such a joy, they can sure take your mind off of your problems for awhile, we ran out of the pads, but they do work very well.  They have a crate in one of the batthrooms which we keep the door open to it and they go in it and sleep together at night.  When we only had one puppy it cried all night so I had to let her sleep with me and she would sleep all night on my shoulder.  I love you ladies and hope you have a good week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Here are three great quotes:

    None of us is as smart as all of us.  ~Ken Blanchard

    It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit.  ~Author Unknown

    Team means Together Everyone Achieves More!  ~Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Good evening friends -- not staying long as I had a long day....about 12 hours as my friend needed some help -- nothing really hard -- just time consuming and I am bushed. 

    Bomom...hope I am not too tired but with chemo you have a couple of days after that are just ok --- even though you begin to feel yourself slip a bit --- just feeling a bit weird.  Then the next four or five days while the chemo is "doing it's job" you can feel pretty miserable.  Then suddenly you feel yourself getting better rather quickly as the chemo stops killing cells so rapidly.  That is when I usually got hungry and of all things --- craved tuna fish on toast --  oh good from chemo poison to mercury poisoning -- well, it was a good way to start me laughing.  I lost lots of weight during this time.  Hang in there -- they do have good meds for side effects, but the shots can be hard --- ask the nurses at your treatment center. 

    I need to go get in my recliner.  It's snowing good outside -- several inches by morning they say.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Love, peace, and hugs,  Jackie