Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    DEAR PODS! wow, what a wonderful group of women! I actually did three things today for the first time. Went to the vet; made it to walmart and bought myself $15.00 box of Valentine's chocolates and ate them all and made it to my women's bible study group tonight. Errgh-felt more irritable in the group than ever-it all just felt so very shallow-but just me and just tired. Spar, so sorry about GS but that is the disease and I feel so bad for your son. Jo, wow if I go, I want to go like your aunt-still my prayers with you. Extremely tired and have to get up very early to meet with shrink to get a new gander at my psych meds. I have been stable on them decade but fear chemo has 'done something' as I am very emotional-like losing it the past two days-my poor Dad! ERRGH, feel awful but I cannot control moods-finding I need to 'turn off my brain' several times a day and let it rest or I get overwhelmed-even by the TV noise. So I have to turn that off too. Bottom line, I just do not want to get up early!!!! And got to make it thru day to meet with SW from ACS at 3:30. So much I want to write to each POD but it will need to wait. Love you all, sweet dreams, SV

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Morning PODS.  Well office is closed today because of the weather.  Good thing because no way was I even attempting to drive in this. 

    SV - looking forward to your report on the psych and SW today.  Need to get you back on track. 

    Spar2, I will get plenty of exercise today.  Already have about 8 inches of snow and it's expected to continue snowing all day into tomorrow morning.  But I have been exercising 6 days a week since the end of December.  Nothing strenuous.  If I don't get to the gym I will walk on the treadmill for 30-45 mins or follow a DVD for a power walk 1 or 2 or 3 miles depening on how motivated I am.  At the gym I will do the stationary bike for 30 mins and run in the pool for 30-60 mins.  There is no stress on your joints if you workout in the pool.  Also working on increasing my endurance on the torture machine, the elliptical.  I'm up from 2 mins to 10!  You can follow us on the "Let's Post our daily exercise" thread. 

    Well need to get my morning cup of java then may make first pass at the driveway.

    Stay warm everyone.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Alyson ... your family sounds awesome.  I wouldn't mind a few more reminisces of a good childhood from you

    Bomom ....Pam said it right .. we ALL understand.  This is such awesome place to come ... its all warm and fuzzy.  As you read the posts it is like someone else is putting exactly the right words in your head.  I had some complications too.  The first time I had a meltdown was the second time was in the hospital because of those complications.

    SV-Melissa ... I don't think its chemo because I didn't have chemo and have the same symptoms!  Hang in there.  You are quite the gem and a woman after my own heart - ate the box of chocolates. I love it!

    Sherry ... boy do you not need this now.  I hope your grandson is okay and will pray for an epiphany for him so that he may get a wake up call.

    Jackie ... it does feel good to unload.  And that that doesn't kill us will make us stronger.

    Chris ... in my life the light at the end of the tunnel is another train!

    To everyone, have a lovely Wednesday!  Love you all!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    kmccraw....that was soooooo funny...about the train, Ha!  I'm just sitting here, all cozy, with my cup of coffee, & hoping my Husband doesn't get up yet, Ha!  I'm with my friends!  I can't start the day yet!!!!   I think it is amazing that so many of us had the same kind of child-hood.. But I can't believe what an excellent bunch of women we turned out to be!  We found "our own" way...and THAT'S why we are the pods, the mighty mighty pods!  Yowsers! 

    Jo.. I'm sorry for you about your Aunt....Yes, she did it "Her" way, & there are sooooo many women that will do it the same way...I know of a couple, here, that just don't want to think of doing anything else about their cancer....and one is even younger than I!  Actually, when I told my Husband I had cancer, he really didn't want me to go through the whole thing about the surgey & radiation!  He thought "Women live with that..."  crap!  But Me, being the alpha female in this pod, thought, Is he f*****g nuts?   So I had the biopsys, the tests, lumpectemy, radiation, & now I'm on Tamoxifen.  And I don't think he really wants to hear any more about this whole episode of mine!  As far as he is concerned, this cancer stuff is done!  Pisses me off when I just would like to talk to him a little about it, or someone, but that's what I have you gals for....Wink  So I just don't bring the subject up.... So there are those of us who will fight this cancer with tooth & nail, & go down screaming, but others just want a peaceful life, and will do it their way.

    Isabella.....I know....yes, the beatings....they whipped us into shape, right?  And then when we got spankings, the dog started barking, & HE got beat too!  And when I cried because my Brother got beat, I got a spanking too!   They BOTH did it....I can say it now....but I grew up not being close to my Mom...not to mention my Dad.  They moved to California when I met George, Thank you God... And I stayed here, so we could save enough money to get married, & have my OWN little family....That must have been the best gift they ever gave me!  So now 54 years later, we must be in "heaven"....ha! 

    How is the baby Nancy?  What a pretty name..."Olivia"....Being a Grandmother is almost as sweet as being a "Mom"!   You will love them with every ounce of your heart & soul....They just wiggle their way into your heart, & stay there forever....for years & eternity!  They are our "gift".....from our kids.

    Kmcraw....isn't it mind boggling to know that we have come this far?  You were such a LITTLE girl......DAMN!  My heart sends you a warm hug....that was awful. 

    Bomom.....I KNOW you were afraid to tell..... because no-one would believe us anyway...we were just little kids....THEY were the adults, supposed to take care of us & never hurt us!  We couldn't tell....not no-one!  Not even when we got older...because they made us ashamed. 

    And too!  At least I had my brother....he was my rock, & still is....He would never hurt me, except for a few times we really got into it when we got mad at each other...Ha! But we were both stuck in that 'sinking ship" we held onto each other.  I'm sorry your Brother DID  that....that was just plain damn mean!  He remembers...he is probably sorry & ashamed of what he did to you.. just KNEW something was wrong with that guy, and thank God you didn't get hurt!  You could have so easily!  And even though he didn't actually catch you, that left such a horrifying impression on you, that in your little heart.....he did.  He made you have all of these now, maybe, you & I, and all the rest of us, can look back on this now, & understand that we lived through it, and are the strong women we are!  It's like we did it OUR way, with no help from our family! 

    Melissa...SV....And yet another damn side effect!  Little Sweetheart, someday you can look back on this TERRIBLE time in your life, & pat your back, & think "Damn, I almost didn't make it!".....But look at you.....You will be my mentor.....If I can do things with that sense of humor like YOU did, I know, I could conquer anything!   You make me proud!   A WHOLE BOX OF CHOCOLATES????????  GOOD GRIEF GERTIE....GOOD FOR YOU!  Who SAID "you can't do that"....Ha!  YOU showed that box of chocolates!  Now go kick some ass!

    Catbird....I'm probably the only one taking Tamoxifen here, but it would stand to reason that the drug companies would try & make noise, thinking their drug might be going generic this year... It's only after their "patent" runs out, right?  That a drug will go generic?  Those big drug companies are just another big corporate giant that runs us!  And takes our money! 

    Hi Little Suzie.....I love your Pictures.....they just make us smile, don't they.....and YOUR picture of you, is so pretty!   Is that you, or some movie star?...Ha! 

    Okay dearest ones.....I love you all, & so far I haven't "clicked" something wrong & lost this whole day is off to a great start!  Wink  Love you! xoxoxo Jeannette

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    Hi Friends,

    Today I go for bloodwork to see if my white blood cells got higher.  If they did I can go to stores and exercise class again.

    Still Verticle- my sister suffered for years from severe depression.  Now she is on good meds but says no physical pain she suffered was ever as bad as the depression.  My daughter has bipolar disorder and has had about 6 really good and productive years once they found the correct meds for her.  Recently she hurt her back and went on Prednisone for several days and was up, up, up there which was followed by irritibility and down, down.  Thank God that like you she was aware there was a problem and contacted her psychiatrist.  He said Prednisone is a bad drug for her.  Chemo is such poison I am sure it can throw off your meds.  I hope you get some relief and contentment.

    Tarry1-What stage of chemo are you in?  I go for my second next Wed. (I guess if my blood is OK today).  A most wonderful tip that a BC survivor gave me was to have watermelon on hand for those first few days after chemo.  It soothes that burning throat and has a high water content and for some reason is tolerated by the stomach.  It was great for me when I woke up at 3AM and felt like my whole body was on fire.

    Darolyn did you find out if you have to go for chemo?

    reeltchr I know it is scary waiting for a procedure.  I hope all goes well.

    motherof7 hope it is scar tissue

    thankspj12345  and Jo-5 sorry in the loss of your aunt.  She sounds like a wonderful person.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Good morning everyone --  what a fantastic day it should be.  For now the snow has ended and I don't see much for wind outside.  It was bitter -- to the bone -- cold while it was blowing yesterday.  Lots to do day to volunteer at the animal ( House of Hope -- no kill ) shelter and I always look forward to seeing all my furry friends that live there.  Will go out to breakfast with Dh who does not go to work till 3 today and to Wal-Mart ( why don't they send me my stock certificates ) for more dry cat food.  I am there so often -- and then I have the usual
    Wednesday stuff.  I need to pick up my check and go to the bank.....on and on.

    I hope all of you will have a good day whatever you do.  I always love the mornings -- they are always my fresh next chance to get it right -- to do something wonderful and to try and make a little difference somewhere for someone or something.  I'll be checking in later to see how everyone is doing. 

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited February 2010


    You aunt sounds like such a dear lady, I would love to have the faith she had. I will certainlly pray for her family. I know they will all miss her. Praise the Lord she was still giving testimonies for the Lord up until she died. I know you will miss her, so I'll say a special prayer for you too.


    Thanks for caring. Yes, I think the waiting part is terrible, I just have to put my trust and faith in Jesus.


    Yes, I raised seven children. They were all great! I have six living now. I lost a 37 year old daughter to brain cancer. Nothing compares to losing your child.

    Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Good morning mighty PODS.  Wishing everyone a good day.  Patoo, I am impressed with you and I will join you soon as possible on the exercise.  Momof 7, wow, I admire you being able to raise 7 kids, what a heartbreak you must have went through with your daughter.  Here is to hoping white counts are up, moods are good and everyone has a blessed day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited February 2010

    Jo, condolences on the loss of your aunt.  Patoo, I'm proud of you for your discipline in following an exercise program!  Alyson, I really enjoyed your post about your childhood.  It's so interesting to get glimpses into the lives and backgrounds of women from all over the world.  I admire those of you who endured mistreatment in childhood and turned out to be whole, strong personalities. Spar, I'm waiting for that day when you can begin moving about freely with no cast.  Healing vibes to all those who need them.  Hope everyone stays warm and safe!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Spar, thanks.  How is the healing going with the thingy, forget what you called it.

    Thaniks Carolehalston.  It's the thread that really kept me going but after awhile it becomes a part of your day. 

    Hope everyone is keeping warm and dry.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    WOW at the snow. That's considerably north of here, but the wind came today and blew our temps down into the 30's. That's COLD for here.

    Today was frustrating. I was very tired but had an appt with Phys. Therapy to be issued and learn how to use a lumbar traction device. Guy said that my ins won't pay for it. But they will pay for chiropractic??  How dare the ins. companies determine what we need?

    Then I went to get a cell phone upgrade for me and DD. She met me there and we had lunch with the baby. Then I had a Neuro spine appt for an EMG - TORTURE!!! OMG, The tech hooked up electrodes to my legs and shot increasing amounts of electricity, sting, STANG, STUNG. and WHAMMO for good measure. I felt like I was being cut open. Screamed, Cried. AWFUL. Then it was over and the doc came in. He injected needles in various places on my lower legs and then my lumbar spine. That hurt too, but it wasn't so SHOCKING. I'm exhausted. And I've run out of my favorite chocolate frozen yogurt. damn.

    Think I'll take myself to the grocery and get some.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh Connie sweetheart, I am SO sorry you had to go thru such a horrid day! You get yourself a batch of chocolate frozen yogurt. Hey I ate over a pound of Valentine's candy yesterday. You go girl. Gees, I have slept all afternoon. Talk about cold In GEORGIA, we are fairly frozen on the Outer Banks. The winds are clocking a steady 45-50 with gusts to 60 or more. The wind has pushed the soundwater out of its banks and over the road in many places. So we are like trapped! Anyway, need to read posts to see how everyone's day went. Any good news on tests??? nancy, How big is Olivia much does she weigh? and for Patoo, how could anyone forget a "bone stimulator." Ok Spar, report on the crunched leg! Hey carole and jackie and melissa, kathleen, lassie, pam, dar,  alyson, bomom-any better dear? and M-7, jo, isabella  (((((WARM HUGS))))) for now SV Lordy, I hope I got everyone!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2010

    You're so right Patoo, this thread does become part of your day. I would never be one for support groups, just not a 'joiner', but this is something else. I don't think I have missed a day being here for around 5 years. I'm always getting 'are you on that computer AGAIN', as I nip on and off when I think I am in the house alone....and then get caught !! When I have finished here on an evening I go up to bed, and get straight on my lap top !! What DID we do before computers.

    I was always anti computer for years, thought they were a way of wasting time ! Well, I suppose they are....but I learn just soooo much about things...things I'd never think about looking at a few years ago. I try and go to bed having learnt at least one new fact each day. Keeping that fact in my head is just something else at this age, though !!!! Things tend to go straight thru nowadays.

    Pam...the cost of my Arimidex is $406 per month, not as you thought $150, as in Canada. I still have about 10 days supply left, and can't make up my mind whether or not to take one every other day, to eke them out, or just take them as normal, and pray ! What a way to have to worry, knowing we need them everyday, and NOT knowing if we will get them. Like you, I really rely on Arimidex. Whether or not it is as good as they say I don't know, but I just believe !!!!!! We don't pay a penny for our drugs in UK, and the minute they tell me I can't have them I will pay for them myself.  there is a great big rumbling from our politicians that there will HAVE to be BIG cut backs very soon, in the drugs department. The standard for Arimidex was 5 years, I've had they may tell me 'no more' My Onc agreed , after 5 years, it would be a good idea to take them for the 'forseeable future', at 6 years she said ' we'll see for a bit longer', I come up to see her end of March, and if she's been told to cut back I bet I will have to pay.

    Have been cleaning out cupboards in my kitchen today, lots went out in the bin. I have a lot more room now. I always like to keep a stock in, always have done. ( Apparently this goes back to my childhood, never having had anything I have to have full cupboards, and feel I will always be OK )  never want to go back to those days. We kids used to share a plate, and drink out of jamjars after a 'good fight night' !)

    Tomorrow we are going to a farm sale. Someone is selling up a whole lot of game bird rearing equipment. There are 35 wooden huts, 8x6, and I want 2 for my Rottweiler boys. They have a heated kennel, but seem to prefer to sit out watching the world go by in the rain and snow. Their coats just seem to turn rain ,its me that feels the cold just watching them getting drifted over in a bad snowstorm ! They have a centrally heated kennel, a great big plastic bed, a big piece of old carpet, and when it gets bad I throw them an old blanket as well (which they usually pull out onto the mud !) they have the run of the farm on a night, in case of prowlers, but their kennel is always open and warm for them to go get back into....they just don't go in it. I aim to get 2 huts, one for the back of the house, one for the front, then at least they'll have 2 extra 'dens' to get into while they're on their rounds.

    Just wondering how Softie is tonight......


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    My miracle puppy(went on the potty pad)is no longer a miracle.  He missed the pad , but is so so cute I just love him to death.  I wish I could send his picture I know everyone would just love him too.  I think I will have to go on the drug arimidex but am getting quit worried.  Does it really cost $400 for one month?  I have insurance, but have a big co pay.  I think this retired R.N. will have to go back to work just to pay for my cancer drugs.  Am also having a pity party for me I thought about buying a box of chocolates and eating them (Not that I havent done it before) but came home and ate ice cream.  Love to all I feel you are all my family as I am an only child.  Dar

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OMG, I just realized that I am sitting here typing with my underwear on my head-oh man-that is soooo not right. It is so freaking cold the wind is cutting through everything and I was curled up under my quilts and just grabbed something off the top of the clothes pile as my head got cold. Thought it my cotton hat, so wrong. I am managing to grow some peach fuzz, but the color of my hair-errgh-I look like a 'party colored' spaniel or a troll doll with fuzz puffing out the top. So I began wondering about the bottom as I have not seen it in a while due to my tummy pouching out and my lack of glasses because I am so vain-oh that ship sailed long ago-and inability to see much of anything. SO, I got me a mirror and went 'mining' down south. OK, you chemo gals, anybody bare as a baby's butt down there (cept it is not my butt). Good Grief, I look like prepubescent again! Other mischief, anyone have the inside of their mouth turn black? ERRGH!

    And DAR, ohhh, this is just the first of the 'puppy missing the pad.' He is testing to see if he is the pack leader and can pee on anything he owns! OMG, the cost of Arimidex??? Is it more in the USA? Isabella, too funny that you have two Rotts who will not come in out of the cold. Sounds like your DH. The UK Rotts must be tough mutts. Gees, I'd move into the heated huts you have fixed up for them. Just give me a bankie and a cup o' tea. OK, I took my underpants off my head and put a wig on-now I have a headache. And this is a Rachel Welch wig. Back to the past, Isabella, we had three plates and 'jelly' jars to drink out of too. But anything made of glass did not last long at the kitchen table. ME 'Ma and Pa' seemed to think that things looked much better on the wall. And don't you dare go off (cut back on) your meds without your doc knowing. I am beginning to realize that maybe we had it tougher than our parents-all of these years I felt sorry for my parents who did nothing but bitch about the Depression-right! OK the wig has to come off! Going back under the covers (((warm hugs))) SV

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Good evening Ladies,

    Bomom, I have only 2 more sessions of chemo to go, then radiation, but tomorrow I have to go for a blood transfusion turns out I'm anemic(spelling).  I went to see a psychologist today and she gave me some good information, now I just have to practice what she taught me and maybe the panic attacks will subside and hopefully stop altogether.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    ERRRGH Terry, I just wrote you a long note and it went into the ozone. Anyway, did your psychologist refer you to a psychiatrist? I do not know if you were interested in getting meds to take the edge off of the anxiety for now. Also, it sounds like you are really anemic! That will  tweek your emotions. Due to lack of RBC, you are not getting enuf oxygen to the brain. This causes panic, especially at night when asleep and breathing rates fall. I get panicky from anemia because I am so dead tired I cannot function and that is terrifying for me (I have no control). I so hope you psychologist's suggestions work but again, did you or are you interested in meeting with a psych-they are the only ones who can prescribe meds. Just a thought. I had to stay up for "Ghost Hunter's International" and now off to bed. Meeting with SW for ACS moved to tomorrow and then meeting with UNC Chapel Hill Docs on Friday morning. I am really nervous about that. My current ONC (I feel) pretty much gave me no hope because I cannot get off Prempro yet and he claims the treatment window is closing for me. So scared about that. Sweet dreams my dear PODS! SV

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    SV- yup - your hair loss is typical. The strangest place I noticed was nose hairs. And who knew how much work your nose hairs do keeping things from dripping all the time?!  Eyelashes and eyebrows go too. I was most disappointed to find that the first to return, quickest growing hair was on my legs. Not that I shave in the winter, but who needs it?

    Speaking of winter, I am sorry that all of you who are not used to snow got our snow this year. We usually have impressive snow banks by this time of year and this year - hardly anything. It's still chilly but not much snow. We kind of miss it - but this was a good year for me not to have to shovel the darned stuff.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Oh mighty pods - Good morning.  The world has turned upside down!  Canada hardly has snow and our south is getting snowed on.  We rarely have snow like we've have up to 2 feet of snow and then a few days later get another 8-10?  That's crazy for us.

    SV ... you had me laughing out loud imagining you sitting at your computer with underware on your head.

    Bomom ... While hospitalized for both the bmx and a month later for infection of the TE I was given a couple of pints of blood - they said I was anemic!  I have never been anemic in my life!

    Jeanette ... thanks but it appears I wasn't the only one who suffered through a bad childhood.

    Jackie ... there you go again being like me!  I, too, loved the mornings (it seems I have all my energy then) and think the same way ... another day to get things right.

    Isabella ... don't you wish sometimes that you could talk to the dogs and explain things  ... for instance, the blanket stays warmer and drier if you don't parade it around the yard!

    The cost of medications is alarming!  I don't know about your gals but I am pretty much fed up with insurance and government paper pushers dictating my treatment for anything.  If you don't mind, I would like someone who ACTUALLY went to medical school.

    Thank God we have this website and through it so many truly wonderful and dear friends.  I have never told that molestation story to anyone before.  I know I can trust the pods and feel safe sharing with  you.

    I thank each and every pod for being here.  Love you (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Dream ... you are out of the hospital?  Are you okay?

    Connie ... sounds like a hideous day.  Hope all is better (except lunch with DD).

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    Latest on Olivia:  I did not know her exact weight when born - 3 pounds 3 ounces.   She is back to her birth weight a week after birth, as they say all babies lose a bit, then bounce back.  She is eating good, eliminating properly, and on schedule, according to the doctors.  All tests are very good.  They can't say "excellent" since she is a preemie.    

    They took over the blanket I got at Christmas time when I knew it was a girl.  Pink, of course, with some embroidered flowers.   And I found a preemie clothes website and ordered 4 outfits.   It will be an excuse to "visit" and take the new parents out for lunch or linner (early dinner).  Not that I need an excuse, but I do not want to get in the way of their bonding and being with the baby as much as they can.  

    Since I was stuck in the apartment due to the nasty storm, I cleared out my closet and have 2 bags to go to the women's shelter.   They often flee an abusive situation with only the clothes on their backs, so a good place to donate clothes.   And I have way more than I need or use.    

    When I moved here (Virginia) from Pittsburgh, they had the 100 year flood 2 weeks later.  Now we have had the 100 year snow storm - record snow fall since they started keeping track.   Enough already... does this mean I will live to be 100?   Just teasing, but I have hopes as my Mom will be 97 in April and a BC survivor of almost 50 years.  

    I have a call into Blue Cross for my new insurance cards.  My other insurance was discontinued and I qualify for a conversion policy under HIPAA, got an ID # over the phone, but no ID card or bill yet.   So, at the moment, I have no medical insurance.   The good part is I take no prescription meds.  

    Anyone else bored to tears with this weather?   My life is not all that exciting, but having no choice but to stay indoors is a "pita"...    Good morning, HI,Hugs, and Blessings,   Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Isabella...Yes, me too, Ha!  I like to get on this computer, coffee in hand before my DH gets up. He used to HATE when I took time away from my "chores" to do something as silly as THIS!!!!  And besides it takes away "their attention" time...Ha!  And who knows, we might be meeting someone handsome, & dark, & who will whisk us away on their black steed, & take us to never-never-land.....Well, it was a thought!

    And I so love you my friends.....Now I have someone to talk to, that isn't looking at me like "can't you just forget all this cancer stuff?"  And we DON'T just talk about cancer here....but I ain't gonna tell what we talk about...Wink  Tain't none of their business!

    And I don't know if I have hair anywhere or not!  Ha!  I DID shave it....all off...just because it all was attached to my legs, mostly, so I just kept on going!  I still shave, just out of habit, but scared to shave under my arms...I think that whole surgery thing scared the be-joozies out of any hair that dared to show up!

    Okay, now I gotta look for that "chocolate frozen yogurt" THAT sounds good!  I love Chocolate Tapioca pudding, but you have to add your own Tapioca to make it that way...They quit MAKING it that way!  But I showed THEM!  Wink

    And little soon as I send you your "box"  you will have something to wear on your head....Ha, ha!  Were they thongs? or Mom panties....thongs just don't look good on our heads....and don't keep you warm!    And Mom panties hang down over your eyes...

    Okay sweetest ladies....I love you....kiss little Olivia for us! xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Good morning PODS! And yes, J these were my Walmart big mamma panties on my head. The 'thong' days are far behind me. I love this Board and you ladies so much, I am typing quick because I have to take a shower to get to a meeting!! But the PODS come first every morning and the last thing at night!! And lassie, now you have me looking in places that have not seen the lightof day in eons-NOSE HAIRS??? OMG-MY NOSEHAIRS ARE GONE TOO! I keep wondering why I need a snot rag to drink my morning coffee!  Meeting with SW of the ACS this AM so I need to jump in the shower. Love all and have a blessed day! Anybody get reports back on procedures-biopsies and what are they? Everybody OK? More later ;)))))) SV
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Hey, Top of the Mornin' to ya. I consider the 'top' to be 10-12, not 6-7. Except on St. Patrick's Day when we get started at the crack of dawn. I put all my Christmas clothes away and got out the Green. We (sis and me) have to have stuff for anyway the weather could go. Parade day is almost always on the 17th, and it has been 30 degrees and raining, and it has been 78 and sunny. Generally, we start out all layered up, then peel off layers during the day. We have a GOOD TIME. Nice to have that to look forward to.

     SV - WISHING for a really good SW/ACS/new onc team visit today. Please don't go with your panties on your head. That cracked me up. I hope they give you a knitted hat AT LEAST. I hope they give you a big goodie bag with all kinds of stuff you need in it. 

    I sure hope everybody has heat. This is some Winter. They say it hasn't been this cold here since the 60's and I remember my dad coming home late and turning a sprinkler on so it 'rained' on the roof and in the morning, we were the only house that had huge icicles hanging on the eves. ALL the kids came to our house that day.

    DearSon kinda blew me off last night. Asking that I call him today. He's 3 hours later, I get impatient waiting to hear what's going on with Softy. 

    Chevyboy, my boy is in Ft. Collins, not far from you. He said ya'll don't have tomato pie and wants me to go to his favorite home-cooking restaurant and buy him one and send it, so the other guys will believe that we really eat that here and that it's GOOD. 

    I'm going to take it easy today. babysitting while DD is at school. We'll share lunch and I'm not obligated to do or go anywhere else. yay. 

    I DID go fetch that choc fz yogurt last night. I got the moose tracks variety too and it was good.

    Peace, ~Connie

  • BMW2
    BMW2 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    Hi:  This is my first post.  I was diagnosed in 2000 at the age of 53 with 4x2x2cm invasive carcinoma with a small amount of ductal carcinoma in situ and 2/5 positive lymph nodes.  I had the whole round of stuff (neoadjuvant chemo, bilateral mastectomy, chemo again and then radiation) Tamoxifen for 2 years then Arimidex for 6 years.  I also had bilateral reconstruction in 2002. I was doing great for almost nine years and feeling almost like myselft again and then the cancer returned in April 2009 in the same left reconstructed breast (no mets).  I had another left breast mastectomy, chemo and a special new type of radiation therapy.  I am now 63 years old and on daily Tamoxifen and Herceptin every 3 weeks until May 2010.  Has anyone ever had the cancer come back?  This has been devastating.  We were 10 days away from moving to a cute little beach town in NC.  Almost lost our house to the buyers because they wanted us to move out and they were going to take us to court.  We had to pay them money just to keep our house.  I just can't seem to get over this. Anyhow, that's my story.  I realize I'm lucky it was caught and had not gone anywhere else.  My husband keeps reminding me of this.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Welcome BMW2,  I don't understand why you didn't still go ahead to your little beach town, you can fight cancer anywhere.  My onc wouldn't let me do arimidex any more than 5 years and have been off of it nearly a year, it is kind of scary. How did you find the cancer in the reconstructed breast, was there a lump you felt?  I am always scared I won't know if anything is wrong on the reconstructed side.  So sorry your going through this again.  sending you gentle hugs.

    Connie, tomatoe pie??? is it sweet?  can't believe I have never heard of it but tomatoes are a favorite so bet it is good.  Hoping softy is better.

    SV, girl you crack me up, I am going to have to send you more stuff for your head

    lefty, did you make the baby some baby hats?  Would you like me to make some to send to you?

    Still using the bone stimulator, will get another xray on the 18th to see how it is working, there is no more pain in the broken site but have hurt my good knee and having been using heat packs on it.  It is swollen and tight and painful.

    Isabella, I have the same problem with wanting my cabinets stocked with food all the time to make sure we don't run out, since DH has been doing the grocery shopping (since oct)  the food bill has went way down and the shelves look nearly empty.  I try not to even think about it because it makes me panic.  when I can buy groceries again I will stock up.  my house has never been this dirty before either.

    DH was messing with the fireplace this morning and some rolled out on the carpet which melted bunches of holes in it, now I will have to purchase an area rug for the living room.  bahumbug. 

    Kathleen, you are right the cost of medicine is alarming and I have enough to get through March and then I am not going to use my insurance for medicine anymore, I am changing over to walmart's $4.oo scripts.  The only thing I will have to change is taking 2 pills am and pm instead of time released meds.  My diabetic and hypertension meds are on the $4 list.  $10.00 for 90 days.  Can't beat that.

    I love all you pods and wish you all a good day.  big giant hugs to everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited February 2010

    Welcome, BMW2.  Boy, is your story scary for me!  I had BMX and recon last July.  Sure hope things work out for you and you have many more healthy years ahead. 

    Healing vibes to those in recovery and treatment. 

    We may get a couple of inches of snow here in south Louisiana if the conditions are just right.  Otherwise rain and some sleet.  Sure is a cold February this year. 

    Hugs to all.

  • BMW2
    BMW2 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for kind thoughts to Carolhalston and spar2.

    I was coming out of the shower and my husband noticed a red puckering at the site of the surgical scar from my reconstruction.  I had a DIEP/Tram flap reconstruction done at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.  My ONC/Rad ONC/Surgeon all thought it was skin changes from radiation.  Not one of them thought it was a return of the cancer.  All I can say is just be very vigliant.

     We did not move because I had to have surgery and treatment immediately.  We didn't know if it had spread.  The doctors thought it had grown rapidly. We thought that was the best decision at the time.

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    BMW2 - You have been through the works.  I'm so sorry about the reoccurrence.  I will be on herceptin every 3 weeks for the rest of this year after my regular chemo.  It is a strong med and I hope it kills every **%%### cancer cell anywhere in your body.

    Tarry - I hope your transfusion goes well and you feel stronger.  I've got 3 big chemo sessions left every three weeks.  Next one on Wednesday.  Good news!  My white blood cells are back up.

    Connie - sorry for the painful visit.

    Boy it sure is cold and windy!  Hurry up spring

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    SOFTY-dog UPDATE;  SHES DOING GOOD!! She's up, eating a careful diet and drinking and smiling. DearSon was so happy when he called me today. Even reported on her poop!!! That's my boy. The vet has been in contact with him every day, as well as the nice young single female gal that works for the vet and happened to graduate college the same year as Son.!!! I'm so relieved that his dog made it. That gives me a little place of peace in my heart. Laughing
