Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    SV, I am in northern Virginia, across from DC.  Never been to OBX.   My son sent a video of Olivia and them bonding with her, out of the incubator.   I watched it over and over and am still amazed.  Tears of joy kept running down my face.   Once she is home, which will be in about a month, I hope to spend many Grandma hours with her.   

    Hugs for all, speedy healing, restful sleep, and Blessings, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Geez, Good Morning Girls!  I have tears in my eyes from reading all the posts!  Some so beautiful, others just sad.....I am just almost speechless.  From new baby Olivia, to the sick "best friend"...and yet another awful story with Bomom and her crappy problems with CHEMO!'s hard to believe that Bomom found us so soon after, or during your trouble!  YOU guys can help her, man I am at a loss.....I never had chemo, so I am at a loss as how to help....Other than Bomom, we are always here...TARRY, you too...If you need someone to just talk to, or cry with, that's us......

    After reading how similar some of us womens' lives are, I think we actually ARE Sisters!  Wink

    Nancy, Spar & never cease to amaze me....your knowledge, insight are so welcome here!  Connie, & Melissa1518,  & SV....isn't it ironic how much we all have in common?  And to be here together?  I'm proud!    It's funny how all those awful things that have happened to us, we kept under wraps for soooooooo long, but talking here, kind of lifts it off our souls!    AND some of us that aren't going through those horrendous treatments, sometimes we forget we even had cancer!  Cool  At least for a little while!  Love you girls! xoxox Jeannette

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    It is  a great tribute to so many of you women who were able to stop the cycle of abuse and drugs.It is a hard pattern to break out of and you all deserve a gold star in your crown for making the break!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Oh Lefty, I saw your post about your (our) new mini POD and just cried!! Wow, what an experience and what a fighter she must be! And video of them bonding with Olivia out of the incubator-gees, I am crying again. And Spar, I am so sorry about your grandson and the OD. I SO hope he can and will get help! What a worry and stressor. GOOD MORNING PODS! I have to apologize as I have been really manic lately. I DO need to see my psychiatrist as my brain has changed since chemo. I need a "brain-o-meter" to let you all know where I am on any given day!!! Jackie, too funny-tuna-(not really) as we cannot even trust the food we eat. I fear all of the junk dumped into our food has truly poisened us! Bomom, just so stunned that they would nick your lungs while putting in a port!!! I should not be after the cr*p I have gone thru with only one chemo. Jeanette, I just love you! Connie, how is Softy? Need to get out and try to negotiate Walmart to get Dog Food! I have to print of posts so I can read, take notes and try to remember what is going on (Chemo Brain) More Later xxxoooo, SV
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    I second that soundly Pam.....and Jeanette, being a huge animal lover I adore the picture and what it says.  I think so very many of you are a testament that things can change and we can rise above so much that goes on in life.  I also think as well that it is an extremely large part of why we are here -- we have souls that were meant to shine.  I do think sometimes though in the midst of our difficult times we may not realize that we can and will break free and end the negative cycle --  too, we forget that we don't have to make a stunning difference that the whole world sees --- it is recognized that you have made the little spot where you stand safe and a welcome port.  You ladies will be blessed.  It never was about the falling down which seems constantly happening -- whether it is bad family situations, bad work situations, bad marriages etc --  it is how to you get up.  It is which road you choose in life, the high road or the other one. 

    I have so many thoughts about this, but I won't bore you all with them -- they are of a spiritual nature....I will just leave a poem.

    Warm hugs and blessings, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Can't is the Worst Word that's Written or Spoken

    Here's another great poem by Edgar Guest, called "CAN'T":

    Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
    Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
    On it is many a strong spirit broken,
    And with it many a good purpose dies.
    It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
    And robs us of courage we need through the day;
    It rings in our ears like a timely sent warning
    And laughs when we falter and fall by the way.
    Can't is the father of feeble endeavor,
    The parent of terror and halfhearted work;
    It weakens the efforts of artisans clever,
    And makes of the toiler an indolent shirk.
    It poisons the soul of the man with a vision,
    It stifles in infancy many a plan;
    It greets honest toiling with open derision
    And mocks at the hopes and the dreams of a man.Can't is a word none should speak without blushing;
    To utter it should be a symbol of shame;
    Ambition and courage it daily is crushing;
    It blights a man's purpose and shortens his aim.
    Despise it with all of your hatred of error;
    Refuse it the lodgement it seeks in your brain;
    Arm against it as a creature of terror,
    And all that you dream of you someday shall gain.Can't is the word that is foe to ambition
    An enemy ambushed to shatter your will;
    Its prey is forever the man with a mission
    And bows but to courage and patience and skill.
    Hate it, with hatred that's deep and undying,
    For once it is welcomed 'twill break any man;
    Whatever the goal you are seeking, keep trying
    And answer this demon by saying: "I can."
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited February 2010

    Happy to read that the Saints had some supporters outside of Louisiana!  It was an incredible game.  I have to agree with my mother, though, who said she thought too much was being made over a football game.  The Saints Mania here in the greater New Orleans area has been intense ever since the Saints managed to pull out a victory over the Vikings, who actually should have won the game.  DH and I went to a Superbowl party here in the neighborhood with too much food.  We had a great time.  Now I'm ready to move on but the celebrating continues.  There's a big parade in New Orleans tonight.  It will probably be telecast on a local station.

    SV, your collection of sea glass and other gifts of the sea sounds very interesting.  I hope you figure out how to post some pictures (I haven't been able to figure it out!).  That's a wonderful part of the country where you live.  I've visited the outer banks once and loved our time there.

    Guess I should get some kind of exercise routine in before the morning's over.  Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Good Morning Friends,

    Spar - OMG I'm so sorry about gson. I had a bad weekend too, with family. It sure does test the heartstrings. I'm praying for your grandson and his family.

    Jackie - did you awake to yet another winter wonderland? How do your canopy trees deal with all that ice? Seems like they would freeze and all the limbs would fall.

    It's been a cold one here too, even my aloe froze.. not all of it and it's extremely hardy. I grow AloeVera all over my yard. It's so hardy that I only have pots of it in the back because it grows like mad. Blooms too, when the blooms come for spring, I'll figure out how to post pics of it. If anyone has RADS burns, I'll send you some. 

    Oh wow, Now, Ya'll are so incredible and sweet, I'm welling up with tears of gratitude, sorrow and overflowing with love. This is is such a wonderful, welcoming, warm get-a-way place to come. It's like an all girls get together and ongoing sleep-over. 

    I havent heard from Colorado yet today. (DearSon and Softydog). Oh, yes, I love Softy, she's my grand-dog. And I know the love, comfort and support and fun she has provided Son ever since his 2nd year in college and living on his own. She is fiercely in love with Son, has attended all family functions and holidays and has even slept over with me when he was out of town. She's just a mutt, short, stocky, brindle coat with a white collar and a big smile. We talked last night, she'd been pumped with fluids and meds, walking around, ate a little and kept it down. MAYBE, she had a bad allergic reaction, swollen eyes, ear, rash. I'm pretty sure she made the night, but the next couple days will tell. She's 11, so, it could go either way. He's hovering, nursing, hoping. It's a very different climate north of Denver than coastal Savannah, they've only been there since November, I would imagine there are lots of allergens she never encountered before. Pets are awesome. 

    Peace, ~Connie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    Speaking of aloe....

    I had a nice pot by a door to a little walled patio where our Netherland dwarf rabbit lived. My aloe began to shrink and I could not figure out what was happening. Finally I caught "Cuddles"... he would break off a spike and then suck it down like a child with a strand of spaghetti! Once he discovered it the plant only lasted  a couple days!

    My aloe here is still alive but my big ficus tree is totally dead. And the tropical things like mandevilla, bouganvilla and hibiscus look terrible. Don't know if they will come back or not. And you all are sending us more cold weather tomorrow! Must be global warming :-)  Actually I did see a program that explained why global warming could, for a while, cause more cold and snow. Mother Nature is inscrutable.

    Stay warm


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    Thanks everyone for your overwhelming support.  Went to the Dr. this morning and she said everything looked ok.  Took out my drains and I think they were my problem.  She did mention that dreaded word CHEMO.  I have such a fear about that.  I will see my ONC on Monday.  My first fear was a MX faced that now I hope I dont have to face CHEMO.  Just give me the ;pills and I will be fine.  I am sp proud of (Ralphy) the new puppy.  He pottied on the pads twice now.  I would send pictures but just found out how to PM.  Love to all Dar

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010


    thank you for your info

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010


    Today is another good day and I was able to eat dinner last night.  I guess we just have to cherish the good days.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    I love the poem. And Melissa (not me-other M) I did not know whether to laugh or cry at your rendition of childhood and the "stupid cops" not taking you instead of your parents. God, how did we ever survive childhood??!! Dar, a puppy that pees where it is supposed too? Now that is a miracle! PJ, I love the Aloe Vera story. Mine came when I was young and thin (like a size zero-with huge boobs) and a Park Ranger at Lake Powell who used to swab my body in Aloe Vera juice-OH, shame on you girls for thinking nasty things!!! I happened to have gotten terribly sunburned while bathing nee-ked! He was doing his duty as a public servant and it seemed such a shame to waste all of that government training! Spar, prayers for GS and Connie prayers for SoftyDog. Innocent SV We need photos of Olivia!
  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies

    Haven't been on here for a little while, so I would like to say welcome to all the new ladies, and I want all you other ladies to know that i have been praying that the Lord would bless you all.

    I have to go Thursday morning to do a biopsy, they were not happy with my last mamogram. Always something to worry about. My surgeon says he thinks it's just scar tissue where he did the lumpectomy.

    my husband and i have been working on our camper, it's old, but it's paid for. We have put in new wood floors and found a couple of bad spots we had to repair. Then last Thursday my hubby got hit with a limb out of a tree, it skint up his arm and got his back, so he was down for a few days. When the old devil gets started he doesn't know when to quit.

    Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say hello.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited February 2010

    Well speaking for me- the falling part was definitely THERE as a kid- and yes so was the getting up, which we always did and it is that action which made my sisters and I (and DH) who we are. If I didn't have all that dysfunction to cope with I may not be the strong woman I am today. I have forgiven them because I really believe they couldn't help it- just to stuck in the cycle. And DH & I lived across the street from one another and it was going on at his house too! We are supposed to be together and this POD was planned as well- God works in misterious ways doesn't HE?

    How is Softy- I can't bare to think about losing a dear sweet dog- just kills us- we thought we would follow a chocolate lab "Buster" right in to his grave -we loved him so much and we sobbed for a whole week!

    I have a strange back injury- started in rt hip but is causing spasms into right medial anterior thigh- so from rt back hip to front right inside thigh- the flexril help but put me to sleep. I took the day off and am in between the doses of flexril.

    Rest easy POD- the Sun is shining off of our backs as we dive deep for more energy. Love ya all.1518

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Hi Girls!!!!!  Geez, I go clean the house, make Saffron Rissoto, iron, go for a walk, & I almost miss a million posts!   And Jackie, your words, & poem are so profound! 

    Melissa1518...  You know, My Husband and I both grew up in the same kind of households!  Our Dad's were always drunk, our Mom's just tried to raise kids the best way they knew how.. I think it was in the stars, for my Husband & I to meet when we were 18....See, we thought our families were just "normal"....because that's all we knew!  And I didn't get .....I don't know, I don't want to say "molested"..because I was just 7, and he wasn't in my family, he was just staying there, being stationed in Denver during WW2...But my folks let the bastard stay there...and there I was.. afraid to say anything, because he told me he would get mad...& Mom wouldn't believe me,  so I just squeezed my eyes shut - he came near me...I was terrified, of everything. And I actually blocked it all out of my mind for YEARS...but it HIT me one time, about 15 years ago...walking out of my bedroom, & I REMEMBERED him, & what he wanted me to do....I told my Mom, at that time, & she was just embarrassed.  She wouldn't have believed me when I was little!   Sometimes, don't you just want to cry, for the little girls we were?  For all the things that hurt us & we couldn't say anything to anyone?    So no-wonder we hold on to our first love, that we believe we will NEVER be happy...that all we want is our own family, and we will never hurt them!  Geez, how far we have come!!!!!!!!  Things I would never say to anyone else, I say to my friends here....I guess it's all about trust...and so many of you have come from the same hurt.

    And how is Softy? hurts as much for our beloved pets, when they are sick!

    And Motherof7 .....Let us know gal....I HATE that waiting!  These are hugs for you....

    ((((((((((((((((((((motherof7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))   xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Motherof7, jeeze gal? seven kids, really? that's a lifes work right there. I just finished a holiday go-round with scar tissue from the lumpectomy creating a cyst of dead fatty tissue (Necrotic) and had to biopsy too, a punch biopsy, stinging thing required a stitch. It was all just oily fluid that the doc drew off and the biopsy came back B9... We will all raise a prayer that yours will be-9 too.

     I just sent a text to get a Softy update. DearSon would be mortified if he knew we were all talking about him. ISN'T THAT FUN? Oh, text back (I love texting)....  "She's doing good, eating and drinking water. It's slow. Gotta wait and see. vet office lady called this morning and said the doc would call back later". ... so it's not over by a long shot.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2010 sorry about the g/son, hope he's OK, how old ?? I am usually run ragged with my g/sons 22 and 18, always up to mischief, but ,so far, all car related.....I dread the day DD rings and says drugs. We have had a few runins with alcohol with younger g/son. He is a clever little devil, and will fight at the slightest provocation.So his drinking, and fighting caused a lot of problems most of last year, but, since he passed his driving test he has stopped drinking. He came here twice, after major fallouts with DD, but was soon home again....thank goodness, he eats me out of house and home when he is here.

    Oldest g/son got a years driving ban last June, so he has had to quieten down, or get locked up. He was racing another car, the other driver stopped, came over to g/sons car, as if to remonstrate with him, and stupid g/son just drove at him, knocked him flying, smashed the drivers door clean off, and drove away. ( Wrong thing to do ! ) The police soon picked him up, he was in the cells for 24hours, and the best place for him ! We were convinced he was going to be put 'inside', but he got a years ban, and 200 hours community payback, and a very hefty fine. (He did ask me for a 'loan' for his fine, but I refused, didn't want to make it easier for him! ) He actually seems to have quietened down a bit, but when he gets his licence back I don't know how he will be. is Olivia, I do hope she puts on weight soon, and can come home. We have lots of shops stocking 'prem' baby clothes here. Get the knitting needles out girl. A g/daughter is pure joy,I have 3 and am always buying for them. is Softy ? she sounds a lovely dog. Sending out VERY BIG vibes for her.

    I asked , last night  had anyone heard of any shortage of Arimidex, as we're experiencing problems. Not me personally, yet, but mine is due in about 10 days. Its hit our national press here, apparently there are 16 cancer drugs caught up in this 'scandal' for want of a better word.I had no idea this was going on, but someone who was interviewed said she's been having great difficulty obtaining her monthly supply since last JULY. The tablets are being rationed at some pharmacists, Something to do with the manufacturers holding out for a better price. Someone, no doubt, after making a fast buck....unbelievable that they'd hold cancer patients to ransom. Astra Zeneca STILL not answering calls from the pharmacies trying to get supplies....they say the line is permanently engaged. Always something.

    It is nice, if thats the right word, to know that others went thru what I went thru at home as a youngster. Although I never knew anyone else with problems. I know I was the only one NEVER to be able to ask any of my friends to call for me, for fear that they would see how I was living.

    I also got beatings many, many times, with a long clothes brush, or my mothers hand on my head and face. It has affected me very deeply. I can never forgive my mother for what she did to me. As soon as I was diagnosed with bc I decided that was it with her....she had ruined the first nearly 18 years of my life, and I am damned sure I will not let her into one more day of my remaining life. I have ignored her for nearly 7 years now, and will NEVER go see her again.... just never. DH cannot understand the way I feel towards her, and I am sure he sees it as a 'get out' for not visiting her, he has said as much, but he would feel like I do if he'd been there. Three brothers say they don't go see her, but they do at Christmas, and her birthday., I don't even send a card now.

    When I was a few months into my diagnosis I was having a really hard time accepting it all. I saw 2 psychologists, and one of them took me right back to my childhood, and I made a real fool of myself. The heavens opened, I was totally suprised, and embarassed , but she said I was so conditioned by the rules that I'd had to make myself live by, and hiding away what had been going on, that I was never going to accept that a cancer diagnosis was happening to me, because my extremely strong will just could not accept it, and let the realisation that it actually HAD happened take over. I knew I had a strong will, no, a VERY strong will, but didn't know why, and why it was so bad. I will never let anyone win me at all I have to be in complete control tho' am NOT a control freak. I must be a b**ch to live with !   THAT must be why DH tells me 'You ALWAYS have to be right !!'   and I do !!!! because I am... he he


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    Olivia continues to do well.  Sheri (dil) went home last night, but DS drover her back today to feed and bond more with Olivia.   The snow could keep them apart for a day or 2.   I can't post pictures, but this baby girl has a good bit of hair, some blond streaks mixed with darker brown.   

    If I could knit, that would be a good thing, but alas, brachial plexopathy won't allow it and I never learned how to.   They took over the pink velour blanket I had gotten when I first heard it was a girl.

    I am hunkered down for another attack of the white stuff.  We will see if it amounts to 10 inches, as they predict.  Ugh, enough.  Hugs for all, I do not dare mention names for I will forget someone.   You are all very special to me.   Nancy   

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Isabella ... you are just precious.  My mother used to tell me I would argue with God on Judgment Day!.

    Connie ... please keep us informed about Softy ... and thank you for raising such a fine young man as your son obviously is ... my theory is a man that doesn't like animals isn't worth knowing.

    Jo ... my condolences on the loss of your aunt.  She sounds like a woman I would have enjoyed knowing, bless her little heart.

    Sherry ... sorry about your grandson.  Hope things get better.

    Jeannette ... I am so sorry that happened to you.  Talk about growing up with trust issues.  I was molested - the man lifted me up on a bench and put his hands down my pants ... his two sisters were right there and I was all of 3 years old.  Another example of my family being inappropriate.  Who the hell lets a 3-year old run around on her own!  At 3 I didn't even know what was going on so how could I say anything.

    Jackie - I loved your poem, too!

    I think this can apply to many if not all of us:

    The objective of all dedicated employees is to thoroughly analyze all situations, anticipate all problems prior to their occurrence, have answers for these problems, and move swiftly to solve these problems when called upon. However, when you are up to your ass in alligators, it is difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp! 

    I had a poster framed in my office for many years with this on it.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010


    I hope the Arimidex shortage does not affect you. I would be panic stricken if I ran out. I put  so much faith in the drug. Cynic that I am... I suspect the shortage has something to do with the impending patent expiration of the drug. The price here went up 10%+ in January and it seems like AZ is trying to suck every dime out of us before we can have access to a generic. Retail price here is $400.00 for 30 pills. The same product is about $150.00 in Canada so I suspect your cost is more in line with that. Naturally it is better to sell it in the US for more money. :-(  I hope they do not apply for and get another patent extension! And I hope you get your RX filled.

    Hugs to everyone!


  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    SmileDear All who have welcomed me and responded to my tale of woe,

    Thank you for the support.  This cancer was the biggest surprise of my life.  Initially I think I kind of just cruised through biopsy and lumpectomy.  Or shall we say major denial.  It wasn't until things started to go wrong and I felt like I had no control that I started to be afraid.  I take Zoloft so that helps a lot. It is that middle of the night or early early morning panic when I am not sure what is going on in my body or if I should call the doctor or not that's hard.  I'm glad I'm here in this thread.  I am becoming reluctant to tell family and friends the truth when they ask how I'm doing.  I don't really think they want to hear chapter and verse.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    Dear Bomom,

    We ALL understand! We get so much comfort and support from the great women here. It's true, it gets to the point that family and friends just can't understand how much cancer is on our minds. We get it here! And someone is here all hours day or night. What a blessing this site has been for me.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    I'm constantly amazed by your stories and survival.

    I was a pretty sheltered kid, looking back. There were 3 of us within 6 years. We had my Nanny (everyone called her that since childhood when her younger sis couldn't say AnnieRooney, it came out Nanny and stuck. odd. but it was the 1880's.)  Mom = Not a 'care-giver" kind of person. Now, 80. She took her mother in when old and ill, wasn't very nice to her, resented having to care for her. Then Dad took ill, Parkinson's, later Alzheimers, and he did require considerable care. mom gave up everything else in her life, even us, to devote herself to caring for Dad. Only, it's not as nice as it sounds. She developed a way of talking around him, pissing him off. And she, deep-down hated giving the care. She was quite vocal about it, and Dad could hear it and it upset everybody, but she did it her way. Now, she is bitter and alone. Actually, oldest DD lives with mom, it's really ideal, but they both complain. I know one fact... I will NOT be living with mother.

    My older brother took some advantages of me. He was really mean and tortured me, like blocking me in a room until I peed myself. Or holding me down while he spit in my face, hitting, never standing up for me. I paid him back in aces when I was 16. He claims to not remember. Whatever. He's a grown, twice divorced man who lives in another city and when we do talk it's strained. Too bad. He could have been fun if he could have loosened up.


    Softy is hanging in there. Thanks for all the warm vibes for her and my boy. They are a loooong way from home. He's gone to study Electro-Magnetic Engineering.  (yeah, beats me!).

    DD is hanging in there too. I reckon I raised up some strong young 'uns. 2 out of 3 ain't bad. They take care of their business and make good decisions. Oldest DD is facing DUI charges and probable loss of her driving permit, but she's still working full-time, when a LOT of people are unemployed.

    I can't wait to see the beach glass from OBX... how exciting!


  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Good evening ladies - Trying to catch up. There have been some tough times. It is difficult to go back in time and re-live those dreadful moments. I feel so badly for those of you who had suffered but you all got up and that's what made each of you so strong.

    I have been getting a little anxious about my upcoming exchange surgery (tissue expanders for implants) in early Mar. Been doing research and getting feedback. Going to make and appt w/my PS as I have questions and have to get answers before the deed is done. Whew! The wheels are turning.

    Hope things take a turn and we all start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. All  these hurdles and obstacles - we will get past them b/c we are strong and we have each other.

    Hugs to all the sisters of the PODS


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2010

    Hi all

    Wrote a long involved post last night and then the computer hiccuped and I lost it. As it was well after 11 I said enough and went to bed as it had been a long day. 

    I taught for many years so I am well aware of the home conditions some children have to survive. I was so fortunate to have had  what some would say was an idyllic childhood. As children we roamed a large area around our home, played at the beach, explored where we wanted and made it home for tea. At my mother's 90 th birthday we told her of some of our escapades which quite surprised her.I am the youngest ( of four) by 9 years two brothers and a sister so things were easier by the time I came along.  We were very poor but had loving and stable parents who wanted us to have the benefits of an education that they had missed out on. My grandfather was an alcoholic and my father had a really tough childhood but by the time I knew Grandad he was a benign, reformed old man who made a great fuss of us.

    Yes there was the dirty old man next door who did try things but I found there was safety in numbers. I remember my father calling the welfare services about a neighbouring family because of neglect and abuse, that was a really sad situation. Recently at a school reunion I chatted to a school friend and her sisters and mother who talked about my mother and how she was always so kind and would pass on clothes and extra food. I am not sure how cause even I remember my mother scraping around to find enough money to buy meat and we sure didn't have any extra clothes. Those parcels from my aunt in the US were great and it meant that I had different dresses to anyone else. We made our own clothes and knitted, grew vegetables, preserved things. Anyway we were lucky as we had three meals a day and a happy safe home and one were there was very little drink at all, some whisky for special occassions and medical purposes and some beer for after things like potato picking. The community supported each other. I was very blessed, it was such a different life to how things are today and so different to many of my fellow PODs.

    My Dh used to get quite embarrassed when I talked about my childhood because he came from a privileged background. I will never forget the first time I visited his mother's place and was offered a sherry before dinner. I could hit my SiL sometimes when she goes on about how they didn't have much as children - their father rode the show circuit and played polo!!!! Yes I know he died young.

    I am wittering on. I do hope all you ladies who are having treatment are doing OK. (((((Tarry, Bomon, Dar, Motherof7))))))) and any others. SV hope things are coming right, sending a special hugs. (((((Connie and Spar)))))) you need and deserve blessings and strength. To Isabella, Jo and all the others I love your stories.

    I must get some house work done now - it sure needs it.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    JO - so sorry about your loss. Condolences to the family.   Spar - chin up, g/son pulled through.  Will pray this is a wake-up call for him. 

    Hey everyone - read all your posts but I'm in pain (good pain from exercising) and need to get myself some rest.  Have a great night you awesome, strong PODS.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone....just thought I'd chime in and sort of get it out of the way.  I had a mixture of a childhood --- much was idyllic -- but unfortunately the other part was not so great.  I had wonderful highs....but others parts I probably have yet to come to terms with totally.  All my immediate family is gone....was just Dad and Mom, sister and myself.  I was the youngest.  Sister was mean and pretty much without a conscience. 

    I try to see most of these events as odd ( many times anyway ) building blocks which did help form the who and why of me now.  Though their were some problems with mom and dad....I still deeply miss and adore them and feel that the good far outweighed the bad where they were concerned.  I had to deal with some dirty old men ( that was a somewhat ugly time ) but I managed to side-step most of it. As a young teen, a guy followed me in a car.....then way in front of me turned off on a side road and when I walked by he was doing something by his car door --- and for some reason that haunts me more than anything....strange.  I ran home ( probably 25 or more blocks ) and hid for the longest time afraid he would " look " for me.  Obviously he didn't need too at that point in time.  I think though that I hated this ( this young man I did not even know ) as I felt something had been taken away from me and looked on him as a fiend. 

    Anyway....I mention this only as I had my share of "childhood events" and it colors who I am now.  I do think for many we do get stronger and I doubt some of us might have without the underpinning of these **horrors**.  

    Jo....I am sorry about your loss ---  but rejoice that your Aunt has gone home to her Creator, free of any burdens or sorrow.  She sounds like she was quite a lady and I'm sure she made this old earth a better place.  Blessings, love and peace to you and her family.  Prayers for healing of the loss soon.

    I'm not going to call names, but know you are all  cherished and held dear.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010


    I'm so glad that you were able to eat today, I have had days like that as well where I just didn't want any food at all, but when I found my appetite, I ate everything I could. I also "cruised" the same way you did and when things started to go wrong, that's when I started to come apart, but like I said the support here is great and I also found other sources that I am taking advantage of.  Good luck with the chemo and just take it easy(that's what I'm telling myself).

    IllinoisLady, that's a great poem, " I can and I will".

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Good evening you mighty pods.  Grandson is home but refuses all help, so don't know what we are gonna do right now except I guess wait for the next crisis.  My son is wore out and at his wits end.  I have been praying and turning it over to God.  Sure hope softy pulls through.  glad Olivia is doing well.  We are some mighty strong women here and I just think you all are so very special.  JO, sorry about your aunt but I know she is probably singing Gods praises right now. Patoo, what is this about exercise, are you for real?  when did this happen?  When this cast is off and I am healed I am going to exercise with you.  Loved the can't poem.  I got this email today

    All women are angels and when our wings get clipped, we fly on our broomstick, we are flexible