Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Good EVE, PODS, oh seems lots of new names to add to our POD. Too zoned to say hi to all-so hi to all! And Tarry, I get SO angry that we get this horrible disease and they (whever they is) give us 3 visits to a psychologist!!! AS a former mental health care professional I simply loose it when I hear of things like that. Women-rationed-in support so desperately needed (but i am an avid advocate of mental health wellness and care to get there). AND, so sorry as I got my "T's" mixed up, i think. The T, I am allegic to is the chemo T in the CT/combo.  OHH the tomato pie looks absolutely mouthwatering-I WANT SOME! DBF (semi boy friend) hysterical tonight! He is a nut like me and he calls from Harris teeter in Cortolla to bring me dinner. They were just closing, so he is screaming at the manager, "my girlfirend has cancer and she hasn't eaten and you have to stay open to make her a sandwich!...."you all will get brownie points in heaven....she has to have gatorade, a sandwich and chips or she will die." SO I am listenting to both conversations as he is yelling on his cell phone-damn if they didn't reopen the store andmakeme a sandwich. OMG, he is standing at the reopened deli counter calling out my specific instruction on sandwich making to the manager." Got Roast BEEF on Rye with all the goodies! NOW, that is a true friend of the heart-kind! Just felt so ill when I got home and very tired of feeling like this. David just sat and hugged me while I ate. I slept all evening and just got up for the olympics-all adds andno real show going on.And I just am not into it anyway. ISABELLA, i am so sorry about your aunt-growing old is a b*tch let alone to have to live in 'care facility' that does nto care.  The most difficult issue and the least addresed is violence by male patients-often simply ignored by staff. NOT OK!! I did my first rotation in an Alzheimer's facility (awful-not the patients, but many of the staff)! C-ANOTHERME, welcome! Bonnie, so sorry about your Dad. My MOM just passed and and I spent last year doing hospice care for her-it is just SO DIFFICULT. My prayers are with you and your family. And Jeannette, did you say that your DH got drunk and went bonkers??!! I would have left him in the snow except that we are all so GD old now! I am so sorry, dearest-remember it is the drink screaming at you. Hard to do I know! Hi mandy, glad to have you back on the board with us!! Hey Jo and Jackie!! And Carole-AM, oh sweetheart, it will get better. I am back to journaling a lot to dump all of the crap in my head some place-with chemo, I cannot seem to process much and have been so very ill for a month now! I am on antidep, anti anxiety and pain meds, anti nausea, Good Grief. I need to get backin to therapy with my psychologist. Just too tired, sick and no $$$$. Cancer is an expensive disease! C-AM, use this board to dump all you can-we are here for U and since we are the WISE PODS, there is not much that can upset the apple cart. Need to close, love all and I cannot keep track of all procedures this week so please post how everyone is doing! ((((BIG POD HUGS)))) SV
  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Melissa I am more than happy to share the hearts with you

    Can't wait to make that tomatoe pie, looks wonderful

    Lisa, absolutely love the daisey heart, what a perfect picture.

    Patoo and JO, I promise I have not "done" anything, I just tried to get in the wheelchair to go to the bathroom and my foot caught on the carpet but my body had already swiveled and now my knee is I guess sprained but heat helps.  It is tight and swollen and sore.  I go to the dr. Monday to see if the bone stimulator is working and will get my knee checked out.

    Isabella, I have worked as charge nurse in nursing homes and of course all the stories are gonna match.  I wrote people up for abuse and cussing me out in front of people, for abusing their breaks but it is next to impossible to get someone fired.  To me, at 91 years old, don't even have them take her blood pressure or draw her blood, just let her live in peace.  Let her eat what she wants and have them bath her and wash her hair but really why does it matter if they take vitals.  If it were me, I would just want to live in  peace and everyone leave me alone.  My mom was in the nursing home for awhile and no one even brushed her teeth for her and all her teeth fell out.  She has since gotten well and moved back home and gotten dentures now.  It is appalling how our old folks are treated.  Makes me truly sick.

    It snowed here all day yesterday and today it all melted off.  My grandson, the 12 year old is here this weekend.  He is always a joy and helps out so much.

    SV am excited to get a surprise in the mail, you should have seen my face when melissa sent me sticky buns in the mail and my dh, he loved them.  A few seconds in the microwave and they were so moist and tender and yummy.

    I love this mighty POD team, we are the best.  love you all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Finally back and it's almost 9:30.  I don't know just how long I will actually be coherent.  Carol.  It is difficult I know.  I think if I were you I'd ask next time you have a blood draw.....ask if a test for Vitamin D levels could be done.  They are starting to do this much more readily and have found that so many people are low....and you can have so many symptoms...tired, forgetful etc. etc. 

    Isabella.....I am so sorry about your Aunt.  I second Mandy and would hire some people to pop in at differing times -- at least you would have some idea then.....and it is possible that the staff would be more inclined to watch the p's and q's a lot better.  This is awfully short and sweet, but I'm really about done in for the day. 

    I will see you all tomorrow.

    Warm hugs to all, Jackie

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    C-Anotherme - Welcome and you have stopped at the right place. Need support - you got it! This s the best place to rant and rave, whine or whatever you need to do at the moment. We all know how to listen and will share our thoughts and hearts with you.

    SV - Well, girl, you have done it again. Sucking up the chemicals in the other room....oh, geeeeez!Laughing Glad to hear that you really liked the CH Onc. Sounds like he listened. I pray that you get this all worked out and you feel comfortable in whatever path you choose to take so that you will get well.

    ((((((Hugs to everyone!))))))   Sleep tight. Chris

  • anotherme
    anotherme Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    illinois lady and Jnd -5

    Thank you for your kind words.  I had chemo from April 08 to Aug 08 then double radical mastectomy then back on chemo and herceptin until February 09 plus 35 radiation treatments.  I talked to my doctors and they tell me at "my age" it is normal to be tired all the time and to feel upset sometimes.  So no anti depressents are necessary. 

    It seems that I have a tremendous gratitude to god that I am still here and am grateful, don't get me wrong.  I just feel like I am lost and can't get going again, so hard to explain.  I have gone from being a woman who worked 60 hours a week raised five kids to this recluse that has no energy.  I have even resorted to watching bridal shows lol.  I can't find prostesis that is comfortable becaue my surgery m ade my chest so tight you see the bones and it hurts with the prosthesis even though light weight and even a bra hurts.  I have gained a lot of weight from the steroids and with no activity my stomach is big.  Enough I have rambled.  Thanks sweet ladies for listening as I don't sleep becaue of pain and docs say that will pass and just take tylenol.  God wants me here for a reason and when I am ready he will show me what I need to know.  Just frustrated and sad and looking for a little joy.  Thanks for listening.

     Ever so gratful

    The crazy lady


  • anotherme
    anotherme Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    illinois lady

    Oh my gosh you read my mind tired, forgetful, can't focus, no energy, lack of desire to even move.  I will check on the vitamin D Thing.



  • anotherme
    anotherme Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    Thank you reelchr

    Your encuragement is awesome.  I don't feel so alone and that I believe will make a difference.


  • anotherme
    anotherme Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    That is absolutly horrible Isabell and I agree with the other ladies, send in the spies.  Maybe talk to some other folks family members and see if they have had any incidents.  My Dad had alzheimers and I had to get pretty nasty with staff when we had to put him in n ursing home because he would wander off and get out no matter what we did.  I had to get with the social servicxes director and threaten legal action becaue they were not keeping his hygiene right and he got sores, lost 20 pounds in 8 days.

     What happened to warm personal regard for another human being. 

    My prays are with you love, this is not easy.


  • palaminoridesagain
    palaminoridesagain Member Posts: 36
    edited February 2010

    Just passing by as I don't get to come to the computer very often.  Usually it is on the week-ends when I have time. 

    Isabella I was intrigued by your story.  Especially since I have worked in a psychiatric ECF and work for a SNF now evaluating new patients.  From what you describe your aunt appears to be in an abusive situation and that is illegal.  The law requires that home to file an abuse investigation and report thier findings.  While this is occuring those who are being investigated regarding hurting her must be removed.

    If I were you I would do two things.  Ask for an abuse investigation - they have to show you the written results and file a complaint with the state that monitors that home.  They will also come in and do an investigation.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

     Good morning anotherme! Hope you are doing better today!  I'm 72, & thank God, I haven't had any problems with my health until this cancer stuff...but I think I'm over that now!  And isn't it funny how you would THINK the family would want to be protective of you & want to know how you are feeling all the time?  We WANT them to take care of US....but they don't seem to want to admit that anything is wrong with you....They want it "over with"....I don't talk to my Husband about it, unless he asks....they just are selfish like that.  But I have all of these "friends" now, right I get up & talk to them every morning, Ha! 

    Yes, Isabella.....Palaminoridesaga in is absolutely right!  I had to report one of the nursing homes my Grandmother lived in!  She place just smelled every time I went in...& I went every other day!  I moved her from one of the WORST places, after I went on Christmas, & she was lying in her bed, the rail up, & having convulsions....I just laid on top of her, & had my Husband go yelling for a nurse!  I just sobbed, & tried to calm her down....They said they had "no idea"...but I could HEAR her moaning out in the hall!!!   I checked around....I called the STATE....I moved both her & my Mother-in-law to another "smaller" home!  I told THEM when I moved the ladies in, that they were both abused at the last place....I wanted them to know, that I knew about it! 

    I know if you report them, it might make it harder on all of you, but they CANNOT abuse her like that!  You have no proof, but you KNOW they did that! 

     My Grandmother got worse at the "new" place... Alzheimers or course, but then couldn't walk, or sit for very long, & she didn't want to eat in their dining room....I cooked her good food, & took it to her, & tried to feed her myself...Finally, I just looked at her one day, and thought, why are we trying to force her to eat?  The nurse had tried to feed her, food falling out of her mouth, & I told her "I don't want you to force her to eat anymore!"  It just broke my heart...I walked over to the Director & told her "She can't eat...she can't even sit up...can't you just leave her alone in her bed?"  They said the "law" says they have to try to feed them...I said, but "she just wants to go to bed!"...The next day, she was in bed.....she didn't know anything really, but I would talk to her, put  those leg-warmers on her, & she "knew" I was there.....They didn't force her up anymore...& I was grateful for that.  I knew she didn't have long, & they helped me, let her rest in peace!  

    That abuse is just appalling!  And it is up to you to do something about it....I couldn't move my Grandmother in with us either...and then my Dad.....after Mom died, he got so bad, that he just kept falling....the neighbor of his watched over him....I was in Denver & they were in San Francisco...He came back to his home, & when I saw him,  he begged me NOT to put him in a nursing home.....I promised him I wouldn't!  Before I left, I arranged 24 hour nursing care in his home....& he loved it....He loved the girls! Wink  But this just drained their bank account, & I didn't care......I knew I would have to ask the State for help, if it went on for very long. But he kept falling....then the Hospital...We just couldn't make him better....

    And yes, Melissa, SV....It doesn't happen very often, & I'd like to put his n*** in a vise when it happens, but you know you can't talk to a drunk.....& it doesn't do any good to scream...I was raised around all of I know it doesn't help!  And it's ALWAYS gone the next morning!  I ignore him that night, & forget I even have a husband .....I can barely look at him for awhile, & he KNOWS I am then I am just hurt....I was mad that he did it, but when I look at him, when he reads the paper, or when his hair sticks up, my heart just melts....& then it hurts.... beause we've been together 52 years....I know he is sorry, but I won't beg him to say it.  It "wears off"....& he bought me a "Valentines Present"..... a little 5 cup coffee maker that I wanted...and we shared a sandwich....I know..... it isn't much, but I love him so deeply, that I can just go on with it......

    Okay girls....thanks again for being means so much to me.......  Melissa, did you get that link about that other gal going through chemo also?  Her story reminded me of you.

    Love you all.....xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    Carol - I know what you mean about having trouble with a prosthesis. I have two solutions. The first one starts with having a clever daughter -or anyone else who is a good knitter. The pattern is at  You can fill these as little or as much as you want and they are quite comfortable.

    My second discovery is a prosthesis made for swimming - it is concave facing the chest - nothing touches you! The real purpose is so that water can flow around when you are swimming but if you have a sore chest (or in my case, a seroma that is kind of slow going away) it feels quite comfortable. I don't know how long this will last if it is meant for swimming - doesn't matter as I'll get another one if necessary.  Feeling like we look like people is important for wanting to go out and about.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Here's what I have learned about breast cancer:

    1.  No one wants to hear about it.  They may ask you how you're doing but they only want to hear "fine."

    2.  If you have been the "rock" of the family don't expect anyone to step in and take your place.

    They were painful lessons, but I get it now.  This is the only place and the only people who really do care how you're doing and will let your talk about your illness.

    We, in this country, treat our older people like disposible garbage.  It just breaks my heart.  I did endure my grandmother being in a nursing home and we had to move her to too!

    Isabella ... a 91 year old woman got out to the garden in February?  Sounds suspicious to me.

    Carol ... I watch those darn bridal shows too.  I also find myself watching "cake" shows - I don't even cook.

    Not only can you rant and rave here, get encouragement, have company but you learn something new everyday.  Together there is nothing we can't do.  Love to all and welcome newbies

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies - I have been off for a couple of days just enjoying feeling sort of normal.  I am bald at this point but I knew that would happen.  I am so happy to be able to eat and to go out again now that my white blood cells are up.  I am dreading my 2nd chemo next Wed but we have to do what we have to do.

    Still Verticle - I am glad you had a compassionate oncologist.  Was it Dr. Muss by any chance?  I started out with him before I moved out to the mountains and he was a good person.  All of the info they gave you is very confusing.  You probably need a few days to process it.  What happened when you tried to get off the Prempro before? 

    Spar - so sorry about your knee.  Just a twist the wrong way when you are older and these darn bodies don't react like they used to.

    Anotherme - wow you have really been through a lot.  I like the suggestion about Vit D.  I also think your doctor should prescribe an antidepressant.  You have been through a lot and there is certainly a change in how your body looks so it is normal to grieve that (depression) and if your family is not supporting you in your illness that is depressing.  Depression can make you tired too.  I love my Zoloft.  It has gotten me through this scary time.

    Tarry where are you?  Are you in another round of chemo?

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    I'm back again.  I should have read back further.

    Tarry- I saw your post about the transfusion and hip hurting.  I hope your hip feels better soon.  I also hope your med gets rid of the anxiety for you.

    StillVert - I am so sorry that you have felt so ill for a month.  I didn't realize since I am such a newcomer.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    GOOD MORNING PODS!!  Yup I am up at the crack of NOON again. And Chris, you will be so happy to know that the "THUNDER DOWN UNDER" happened again last night. Tried as I might, I was prepared this time for any potential event of the "O" variety after the last fiasco. But fear that, while it was earth shattering, I slept though much of it. Still I awoke with a smile on my face. I don't know-Maybe it was the reality of the young ONC from Chapel Hill yesterday fiddling about with an old lady's boobs (that be me) that got all of the ruckus started. Anyway, it was a gud'un and for you ladies that aren't still having them-TISK, TISK! And I am managing this all alone in my sleep. I wonder that if you die, it isn't simply one big "O." Maybe I am just warming up the rockets for the great event!! I would practice more, but all of my batteries are either in my "Tens Unit" for my achy back; in the TV remote and/or the flashlight needed to trace the damage done to unseen parts of my body by the chemo.  But don't be too jealous, the night before I dreamed I was having a heart attack and being the skilled nurse that I used to be, I called a code on myself! Jeanette, if I was there I'd whack you DH at the knees! How dare he, even if it is just a few times a year. Lock him in the dogshed and let him wake up there! I have chased my old man out of the house with a rifle (loaded) before and I am talking about my DD who is 83 now (and behaving himself). AND YES, I did get the link you sent. I posted a reply there as I could not believe another poor gal had fallen victim to the worst effects of T/C combo. God, my house is in the worst mess it has ever been in and I can barely do one load of laundry. Does this ever end!!! And ok, now I am really confused-are there now three Melissa's-Melissa1518 and 1519 and ME or just what is going on? To trifle with my chemo brain more, someone may have done a cruel thing by changing their avatars (never in my lifetime did I ever foresee having to use the word avatar!) And new names on the board, palaminogal; anothermechris-just so you know, everything you are feeling is normal. YOUR ONC IS LYING TO YOU WHEN HE/SHE SAYS OH CHEMO IS A BREEZE, MANY WOMEN GET IT ON THURSDAY AND ARE BACK AT WORK ON MONDAY! They just don't tell you which year that Monday falls in-like 20012 or 13? I am going back to trying to vacumm the rug-truly, it feels as if I am slooging it down with a Q-Tip. Noone can possibly work this slowly and it really pisses me off. This is my life, in the hospital for fluids x3 a week and trying to wash a few dishes; do a load of laundry; pet the dogs; may get to food shopping; then CRASH and have to drink gallons of water. Spar, both of my legs are in my heavy knee braces (I need total knee replacements) and the pain is godawful. Much due to cold and it is snowing. And to be fair, I was getting some exercise while I slept last night. How many calories does an orgasim burn? Innocent SV

  • BMW2
    BMW2 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    Hi and good morning to all of you:  We were planning to move from Ohio to Ocean Isle Beach, NC when the recurrence happened.    Duck, NC is a lovely place also.  My husband who is my rock still thinks we can sell our house and move.  I'm hoping we still can because I'm not happy here and emotional happiness means a lot when you are trying to fight breast cancer.  

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010


    Seize the moment. If you want to move to NC, DO IT! Life goes on and you need to hold on to your plans and dreams. Wishing you the best.


  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone,

    I'm still hanging in there. Thanks,Chevyboy,it's taking a little while for the hip to mend this time, but it'll get there eventually.  One good thing, it looks like the attacks have lessened, that's a good thing.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh Tarry, Ocean Isle is too far from me. There are some great buys in Duck right now!! BUt live your dream Today my dear, tomorrow is full of fear and yesterday, guilt. Glad the attacks are lessening. AND, for those who cannot take accounts of my big "O",s put your hands over your eyes and yell "La, La, La!" Just kidding, I really love the attention. Very down day actually today as i am just so over cancer and feeling so very weak and unenthusiastic about life. I want my precancer life back immediately! I just did not sign up for this. I did get out for some shopping and got the house spiffed a bit-and now off to eat carrot cake! Where is everyone else today? Hugs, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    It's Okay Melissa, SV....You will be alright, & have some better days....don't get down...not now....You have come sooooooo far....At LEAST you have something else to think about....Wink   I'm watching Nascar Nationwide...sort of....I was trying to trim our little Aspen tree out back in my garden, & I was showing my DH where to saw, & I slid right down that snow bank I was standing on, & fell on my chest!!!!  Damn, I was stunned!  Good thing I have a lot of padding there...but it WAS on a snow bank....and so far, nothing black & blue, Ha!  

    And yes Pam!  If you guys want to move, then move!  It means so much to be happy....I know we can't be all of the time, but I think the weather would have a lot to do with my decision!  I'm just so tired of Winter already...It's supposed to snow again tomorrow, here in Denver....

    But you gals down South, & on the Eastern Seaboard have REALLY caught it this year!  So unusual! 

    I hope your knee gets better soon Spar....Wish I could help you with that.....Just sorry some of you are still fighting to get well!  ((((((((((hugs to my pods!))))))))))))))  xoxoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • DaylilyFan
    DaylilyFan Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2010

    Ladies:  You have no idea how much I appreciate your sense of humor!

    SV:  Going off HRT is no fun, especially cold turkey.  I think yoga helped me, but I was also lucky that my symptoms were moderate (didn't turn lobster red or have to wring out the sheets in the morning) and only a couple of years later I was fine (LOL).  A friend said acupuncture did the trick for her!

    Hang in there, everyone, I'm so glad my DH doesn't drink to excess every day...Funny the things we learn to be thankful for! 

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    Dear All - I I went to dinner tonight with my bald head.  I had gotten a nice pull on hat with a braid you can put around it from the ACS.  It was fine.  I was nervous earlier today.  This will take some getting used to.  It all fell out over a three day period.

  • BMW2
    BMW2 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    You ladies seem so caring.  It's been a blessing finding this site.  No one understands what it is like to go thru this.  I hate when women say "I know how you feel."  No one knows unless you experience it first hand.  You never have a day where you don't think about it.  It's always there.  My poor husband is probably so sick of listening to me.  Oh well, I rattled on enough.  Thanks for reading and getting back to me.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Hey Bomom and all, I have tried to get off Prempro for 20 years and likely is the reason I have BC. Many have heard my story but the menopause-symptoms seem to run in my family. I had these profound symptoms the moment menopause began when I was 40. I get five minutes out of every hour where I can breathe; the rest 24/7 is red lobster, wringing wet; emotional collapse; crawling on the floor; cannot wear clothes due to sweats and hot flashes; must sleep on towels; cannot drive because I fog the wondows instantly; makeup runs off before i can even try to get it on; hair (when I had it) was literally dripping wet all of the time,  AND it never ends. This is every minute of every hour of every day. They tried to get me off of it prior to surgery but went too quickly, so everyont thinks. This went on for three weeks until they put me in the hospital and put me back on Prempro before my surgery. I simply see no alternative and no end for me. So, I am feeling pretty down. SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Happy Weekend Everyone, We actually saw snow last night. Only for about 2 hours, and it was so late and so dark, I could only see it in the streetlights. didn't hang around at all. sure is pretty - when the snow is falling, so quiet. Unusual for me.

    New ladies Welcome. WAY TO GO ON THE BIG O, SV, you always make me smile. And NOPE, husbands, dear others just don't get it. That's why we have the PODS. Being a member of the POD means never having to say "I'm sorry" for any of the ways you feel or for expressing them herein..

    CB- That SUCKS to fall down, face first, even if its in the snow. I HATE to fall, it always goes in slow motion as if you could stop it from happening. Betcha you'll be sore tomorrow.

    Tarry-Yay for no panic attacks!

    From Ohio to Ocean Isle? That's a decent move. It would be fun to live on a beach again, the island community is typically terrific, save for a few politicians. WHY did you stay in Ohio? For the snow? I'm just kidding.

    It's been a good Saturday. I found some porch chairs on craigslist and went and picked them up for my back porch. got 3 for $50. Good and sturdy. a little shabby, but oh well. I love my back porch, it's my little get-a-way space. In the spring the hummingbirds will come back through and visit my feeder. They are so cool.  


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Bomom - good for you venturing out.  We have to learn how to love ourselves regardless of what life sends us.  You are still a beautiful person - your hair does not define you. 

    Welcome BMW2 - you are correct, these are a great group of ladies who have been and are still where you are at and that is why you will find understanding and support.  People who have not travelled this road do not know and are really clueless, but so were we before dx.  Ttry and be forgiving for some ot the insensitivity you may encounter.  This is also new to your DH and many times our loved ones need time to learn their new roles..  Come here when you want to rant, cry, babble, whatever - like you have found, that is the beauty of these boards.

    Hello to all my 'seasoned' friends.  Happy Valentine's Day to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010's me.  Wow !!!  Another long day and it is Saturday mind you.  I think I really will sleep in tomorrow....for at least 15 minutes.  I should not complain and just be glad that I can do so much more than I thought I ever would.  I did struggle a lot for over a year and a half and could only get some bare necessities done.  Things got so bad here...I could not have anyone over as it just was not clean enough.  Now, I am catching up but still don't  quite get there.  It's ok though...I have the rest of my life.

    Done in again so I'm going to go get into my jammies.  Hope you all had a wonderful day.  See you soon.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Wow, am I a ditz or what?  Thought I signed up for email notifications on this thread and never got notified and just figured I had put a hex on the thread and killed it...but NO, I found you all again, thank God!

    I saw my surgeon yesterday to get her ideas on a good onc (mine was forced to retire..a long story) she discussed the ones available giving me the scoop on a choice of 3. She thought about turning me over to my PMD until she remembered I am still on arimidex, so gotta do the onc thing again, yet, still??  Have to see the gyno so he can check the ?cyst? on my ovary and get a cat scan in May to check out the growth on my adrenal never ends does it?

    Something good happened today, will be getting a new vehicle this upcoming, something to look forward to. I'll keep my old one and "sell" it for 2 bucks to my cousin who wrecked hers long ago.  She lives in Illinois so getting around on the bus or walking gets a bit cold for her.

    My DH has surgery for a torn rotator cuff this upcoming Thursday, I hate having to be his wet-nurse because anything I do just doesn't get it.  Maybe it'll be easier this time around.

    What does the term "POD" stand for on this thread? 

    Thank you all for the warm welcome, now  that I have signed up for notifications I hope to join you more often. Laughing

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Good morning girls!  It's snowing here...(again)  About 6 inches already!  The only one that loves it around here is snow dog Lacee!  Wink

    Oh mighty pods, I think we are getting "down" today.....I wish I could cheer you up!  And maybe it IS better that we can't talk it over with our family when we want to...not to mention the DH!  It's so much easier here!  My Daughters don't even bring up the "c" word unless something makes them think of it.  I think it's because WE ARE THE MOM'S!  And we are the "care-takers" not only of the kids but the DH too!  And SUZIE....good luck with scrambling to take care of said DH after his surgery.  My Husband is going in for a "replacement" of his pace-maker in November...It has been almost 8 years since he had "heart block"...and they last about that long when they "pace" all the I'm kind of afraid of that one....It's just that HE is afraid, & is dreading it already...So we, the family have to re-assure him a lot....

    Melissa...SV....You are really having it tough.....I know it is so easy to get discouraged, with ANYthing in life!  But you know, hon, we GOT it......and we can't do anything now, except work through this....& for some of us, it IS the worst time of our lives!   You especially have been knocked head over heels....And the Prempro has been your lifesaver, until now, it sounds like!  Can you trust your new team to believe what they tell you?   Sure, it maybe DID have something to do with you getting did the birth control pills I took for all those years....but ain't nothin' we can do about it now......I think we ALL can look back, & think, Yep, I'll bet that caused it....But we've gone through the DX, then the biopsys, and then the surgery, Rads, some with chemo, & some with the Hormone blockers....And we're all still here....right on this page!   We'll BE here for you dear Melissa....maybe we can help you after all!   Just go get another box of chocolates!   And then finish them off with a chocolate favorite! My "booklet" just came ...."2010 Official Travel Guide...The Outer Banks of North Carolina, AMERICA'S BEACH"  I sent away for it, after reading where you live!  Such a beautiful piece of the country you live in!  Honey....just go & enjoy today.....and maybe take those dogs for a run, if it isn't freakin' snowing thee!  Maybe tomorrow will be better....and if not, just come look for us, we'll be here waiting for you....xoxoxox

    But who is it that is getting a new car!  Suzie14!!!  How exciting!  Good for you!  what color, kind, & does it have a rumble seat?  Ha!  (just kidding!)   I guess I'll go rustle up some trouble....Wink  snot hard to do, ha!    I started thinking about "what DOES cause breast cancer?" & I found this I got it pretty much figured out that it isn't the "does"'s what "doesn't' cause breast cancer?   So Melissa, you have an awful tough choice I guess....we can help you.. and just take it day by day...maybe you will find an answer.....just don't give up.....Never give up!  You have fought so many battles in your life...& we look to YOU for support & encouragement!  We love you! xoxoxoxo Jeannette

    ACS :: What Are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Good morning Pods!  Hope everyone is having a better day.

    JO ... good morning girlfriend.  I know the Lord never gives you more than you can handle but I think, on occasion, He gives more credit than is actually there.

    Spar ... how is your twisted knee?  It always amazes me that it take a few seconds to hurt yourself and weeks to get better!

    Melissa SV ... is prempro a hormone replacement therapy that when you try to get off it the symptoms of menopause return?

    Suzi ... I am jealous .. my poor "baby" is 15 years old.  I want a new car too!

    Jackie ... please get some rest.  We need you here Sweetie!

    Patoo ... good advice for all of us.

    We still have about 2 feet of snow and, in some areas, higher snow drifts.  I, quite frankly, am sick of it.