Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    I’ve read all of the posts. I think anyway. The melancholy feeling I think hits everyone now and again. And I believe it’s normal as long as we don’t dwell on it too long. I’m not immune at 63 (64 on 6/26) to think “the best is yet to come” because most likely it isn’t. I periodically think to myself that my mom passed at 82; that would give me less than 20 years, and what do I want to do with it. It seems unfair now that I have time and money to travel, that I better do it soon or I may be physically unable to do it later. Youth is wasted on the young. Our travel companion for this Ireland trip is 73 and he’s pointed out that we walk too fast or that he needs to sit down and rest more; pointing out we need to enjoy it while we can. I’ll repeat, youth is wasted on the young.

    I hope these pictures brighten your day. We’re in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland. Crazy sunny and warm - my face is sunburnt. Tomorrow is Giants Causeway. We leave here Friday to head back south. I’ll try to post some more pictures within the week. I took SO many pictures I’d never be able to show them all.

    All be well with procedures, current pains, and sadness over loss or near loss.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Cindy, Thanks for sharing. That field of greens would take all day to paint. There are so many different shades in that one photo. Beautiful.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, gorgeous pictures and YES, you definitely brightened my day…and night, as it is almost 11 PM. The photos look just as I pictured Ireland to look! You are so right to travel NOW!

    Age really is just a number. I know my physical numbers of years on earth will soon hit 70, but honestly, mentally I feel like I did in my mid-fifties! Physically, somedays I feel 100, but thankfully most of my discomfort doesn't stop me from doing things, albeit not as quickly as I did in my 50's. My biggest issue, like many of you, is getting quality sleep.

    Next week I have my BS appointment which I hope goes well. I am concerned that my cancer may have metastasized, but I have a feeling my doctor will tell me to have it checked again in 6 months. Seems like that is the standard answer I always get.

    Friday night is my DGD's dance recital. I am really looking forward to that. I love kids, always have, and I can't wait to watch her dance!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2023

    Cindy, your pix are taking me back to Ireland all over again. Did you take the tour at the Guinness Storehouses?

    Mary, even though your nephew (?) has soured on R.C., go right ahead and pray for him anyway. What he doesn't know won't hurt him (nor you). I'm Jewish, as many of you here know—but I will take any prayers in any faith system that others are willing to give on my behalf. Heck, once when I won a difficult case back in Seattle for a lovely Mormon couple, they informed me that they felt paying my fee alone was not sufficient gratitude, so they had me LDS-baptized in absentia by proxy. Another time, when I took the curve on an exit ramp too fast on a rainy day and my wheels jumped the curb, I was towed back onto the roadway by a couple of good Samaritans with a truck & chain. I said a "schehechyanu" prayer of thanksgiving…but added, "G-d, if Your kid had anything to do with this, thank him for me too."

    The festival went well until Sunday afternoon, when the wind kicked up as it continued to drizzle. By the time my last workshop began, I was shivering despite wearing four layers—and both my and my (brave) students' fingers were frozen stiff. So I gave them printouts of the piece I was teaching, and my e-mail address in case they had any questions.

    Was rejoicing in the fact that I had no medical appts. coming up till mid-July (my ocular onc had to postpone from last week as he's presenting at a couple of conferences). Had my facial this morning, and decided to hit Bloomingdale's to pick up a couple of things en route home. Stopped first at the Nespresso boutique for a new variety of capsules (meh, it turns out). Then I started over to the cosmetics dept., walking quickly but not paying attention to my gait—when my rubber sole stuck to the hard smooth floor, and down I went. Just like June 2018, deja vu: shoe malfunction led to "FOOSH" (Fall On Outstretched Hand). Thought for sure I'd sprained my wrist or broken my hand. Nope—instead, when I landed on my R hand, the Murano glass charms on my faux-Pandora medical ID bracelet ripped the skin on my palm, which was what hurt most at first. (Ironic that all the energy and pain-free knees that put a spring in my step turned out to be my undoing).

    EMS came, hauled me up into a chair, and took me to the ER at Northwestern Memorial—triaged pretty quickly, but took 4 more hours sitting in the lobby before being seen, X-rayed, and my wounds cleaned & dressed. (Bob says that these days that's not bad). No sutures needed, and my wrist & hand were only badly bruised. BUT turns out I fractured my R radial head (just below elbow). So here I am in a sling, trying to typing as best I can. I can drive w/o the sling, as tolerated. Bob prescribed chocolates & sangria. I will have to make an orthopedist appt. to discuss further treatment—likely physical therapy.

    I just found out a colleague had to have his eye removed due to an ocular melanoma (choroidal, abutting the retina) discovered too late to treat with radiation (brachytherapy or proton) alone. More and more people are, alas, joining the ranks of us "OMies."

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Oh Sandy, I am so sorry, but very entertained, to read about your fall! Ouch!!!! You have a wonderful way of writing! I will be saying a prayer for you too! I hope you feel better soon. Happy to hear the festival went well. As for your colleague having an eye removed, is that person getting a "fake" eye? I didn't realize until my nephew had his eye removed for the same reason, that there are very few people who make "eyes." I forget their official title, but they aren't doctors. I guess they make them and a surgeon puts them in? My nephew had an appointment to see one in VA, but is getting a second opinion from another in Broomall, PA. I found out that his only choices were removing the eye or having months of radiation that would still result in loss of his eyesight and might not have been successful.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319

    Sandy, ouch on the fall. Glad you didn't suffer even more serious injury.

    The photos make me anticipate the trip to Ireland in September.

    My carpet cleaning job yesterday was very successful. I'm surprised at how good the carpet in the rv looks.

    Today is women's golf league. I will drive our bright yellow golf cart to nearby Eagle View golf course. It's a small pretty hilly golf course. When dh and I first began playing it, we walked with push carts, but no longer. Even though I don't play well, I enjoy the course and being outdoors.

    Happy Thursday to all.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    Sandy, my mother's side of the family is Protestant. Mom was a convert. Yes, there is a back-story to my cousin's religious issues. Mixed marriages can sometimes be a mess. I clearly don't recommend them. I am glad that you and Bob have compromised. Such a sweet gesture from that couple in Seattle. Glad you only had minor injuries from that fall.

    MM, I have a feeling that your years will be many.

    My book club friends told me that they can't do that; there should be an easy solution. I called my ortho's nurse, she talked with the social worker, and we rescheduled to the 27th. That way people will be in their offices if they decide to have me staying in a nursing home for a week.

    Beautiful pictures, cindy!! If I went to Ireland, I would spend some extra time around Waterford, where my great grandmother came from.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Cindy, love the pictures.

    Sandy, ouch

    MM, in the days of old, jewelers made fake eyes. I am into vintage jewelry and have several Victorian boxes that have Jeweler & optician, printed on them. I have an empty box that an eye would fit perfectly in.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Some of the most important people in my life would be shocked
    to learn that they were role models.  They weren't celebrities,
    or even particularly accomplished.  But they had some quality
    that I admired, that made me want to be like them.

    Donn Moomaw

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    MCB: Feel like I missed the message you are referring to from book club friends. Are you moving your surgery to the 27th? I had surgery on a Thursday and would never recommend being hospitalized over the weekend. Staffing is the issue even though my surgeon assured me same number of nurses would be available. It was clearly an untruth and I had to deal with getting the minimum and unhappy staff. If you are moving surgery to the 27th, that would be a good move as far as staff availability and physician availability.

    Sandi: Sorry that your feet betrayed you again. Hope the ortho visit helps with a plan as to what is next to promote healing. I am sure it is uncomfortable and if you are right handed, as I am, not sure how you are faring. Had to laugh about the bonus given to you by the LDS. Did the Murano beads survive? Did you hear from Bloomingdale's? Many of these upscale stores have put in super glossy travertine or marble floors that are so slippery and then rubber soles can be an issue as well. They used to sell these rough attachable soles you could put on the soles for slippery shoes. They had grip and I used them on quite a few shoes, especially heels.

    Did get my hair trimmed yesterday and lucked out with getting same stylist that trimmed it last time. Nice that she remembered me so I did get her name and days of availability for future trims. Since summer of 2021 I have been rocking a pony tail, my Covid hair. It no longer takes a curl due to AI's, I do not want to load it down with product since it is baby fine and I let it go gray though there is still a good bit of brown mixed in. I used to spend a fortune getting it frosted when I was working and getting a haircut every 6-8 weeks. Now I go when they send me a discount card or when I realize it is too long. Hairdresser likes my color and I just consider it meh.

    DH very kindly washed my car, vacuumed the interior and scrubbed the floor mats. Was driving to the dentist when car suddenly dropped from 27 mph to 3 mph. I was on the curve on our street and this is a blind curve where drivers exceed the 25 mph speed limit by up to 60 mph plus. A guy from a street around the curve spotted me and came to my aid. He initially though I had struck a deer because of how I stopped and I told him I was unsure of why the car wouldn't go. I managed to get the car to his road and stepped out of the car. I told him that the gas pedal was not responding to my foot and I was unsure of cause. We looked for the pedal and it was not to be seen. Here when DH replaced floor mats he placed it over the gas pedal and not under. So removal and replacement of the mat fixed the problem. They snap into position so the guy did assist with getting it back into the proper position. I was so glad he was there to help and that it was not an engine issue.

    Lovely day today and I need to address bagging of clothing to be donated to Purple Heart. Want to bag clothes for DD as well. Then I will start on stage 2 of this closet which is the brand new sandals some of which I can no longer wear. If my knees don't gripe I will try to finish this closet today. Looking forward to seeing Ortho tomorrow for round 2 of Orthovisc.

    Cindy: Lovely photos and it makes me want to go back for a visit. If you get to Wicklow, go to the Powers Court Estates. It is a shell of a former Palladian house with extensive beautiful gardens. It is well worth several hours to tour, have a cuppa and just relax.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Well Sandy, here comes my prayer for you to have a smooth path to needed healing from that fall. You are so right — when we feel the best it seems we start to enjoy the freedom and lose track of some of the caution that helps us avoid mishaps.

    My dad's brother was blind. He was kicked in the head by a horse (only info I ever had on how he became blind) and so much later when he became old enough to marry did so. Aunt Jeanie was blind as well but she had been so since birth — the wrong drops were put in her eyes as a newborn. They both had glass eyes but I never thought about it then. They took them out at night to sleep and put them back in the morning. Being a kid at the time I was impressed the first couple of times and then it became a ho-hum event. Never questioned where they got them.

    I too love those pictures. I never expected to go to Ireland this June, so thank you so much Cindy. I have never been able to travel so I am grateful for your sharing . Such great pictures I am there. I am very taken with the sunset and the shore. Spiritually I am very moved with bodies of water and while I don't recall the tribe — there are some I think that still get up and take in the sunrise and as well watch the sunset from the shore giving daily essence to their spiritual life. I am enjoying all the pictures though.

    Will be a quiet day here. Hopefully I will do some catch-up since it is a day off from caring for the doggies. Some time tomorrow the ladies ( Jo and daughter who lives at home yet will return to SLU) so I will see after the little dogs again then. It doesn't affect what I do here at home too badly since I have things that musty get done no matter what, but my list that I work on all the time does get a bit of ignoring for a while. Sort of the story of my life.

    Hope you all have a really good day and pleasant weather and great healing where needed.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Love the photos Cindy. Glad that you’re enjoying your trip.

    Mavericksmom - are you having pain / symptoms that make you feel your cancer has metastasized? Can you ask your BS to request a PET scan or testing for you to help alleviate your concerns?

    Glad the festival and workshop was successful despite the cold weather Sandy. Sorry to hear about your fall. I’m glad to hear you didn’t break anything or require any stitches.

    Carole - enjoy your golf outing today. Are you getting much smoke where you live?

    Mary - glad you have post surgery arrangements in case you’re not able to be in your home.

    My DH and I are not the same religion. It’s never been an issue for us, but was for my family at first. I came from a religious family.

    We’re having a beautiful sunny day here. Have a healthy day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Here is a photo of "Bad" kitty Misty perched on top of the parakeet cage. I keep towels behind and to the side of the cage to contain seeds they spit all over and she thinks it makes a nice bed. Can't convince her this is not her perch.

    She is a good 4 feet off floor and leaps from kitchen table to cage top with ease. Look at her ear whisps and the length of her whiskers.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Have seen Baltimore oriole twice in the last 2 days and this is a first. Normally we do get an eastern Towhee at the feeder but this one seems interested in hummingbird feeder. They supposedly like nectar but this feeder is too small for it. Wish I could get a photo since it is lovely.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    Your first paragraph, betrayal. Exactly. There are two retired nurses in my book club, as well as others who know the ways of local medical services. Because pain triggers high blood pressure which causes hearing loss, and I cannot afford further hearing loss, tight control of pain is important for me. I have abused a NSAID in the past and have a scar in my stomach as a result. They won't know how much pain I will have until the spinal wears off. Thus…..

    Betrayal, that must have been scary.

    I need to get my hair cut before surgery.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2023

    My friend is getting fitted for a glass eye by an “Ocular prosthetist.” In the meantime he has an acrylic one, but it’s not custom-fitted and the iris is not the same shade of blue—so he’s just rocking an eye patch and talking like a pirate, The tumor was too big and too far advanced for brachytherapy (I only had to wear the radioactive plaque for 5 days); had he opted for proton therapy he’d have had to drive out to DuPage County (where the state’s only proton center is located) daily Mon-Fri for 6 weeks—a brutal commute even with a car, which he doesn’t own and can’t afford a hotel for that long. My dear friend MaryJane—a brittle T2 diabetic & chain smoker with severe osteoporosis & COPD, who broke her hip (inoperably) at 69 and died before she could make it to 71—lost her eye in a riding accident when her horse kicked her face, and she wore a prosthesis for all 30 years I knew her.

    I have a follow up Tues. with an ortho at NWM who specializes in “orthopedic trauma.” Had I been willing to see a sports medicine PA, I could have gotten in Mon. But my HK will be off for Juneteenth, so I need to hold down the fort regarding cat care. Considering replacing the conventional clay litter Heidi prefers for urination—which sets up into hard pasty boulders that stick to the bottom of the box and require some hand/arm gymnastics to scrape up—with the scoopable clumping stuff she prefers for pooping, much easier to scoop the clumps using my left hand. We’re putting the Litter Genie in a rolling crate cart tomorrow so I don’t have to lift & carry it to the boxes over the 3-day weekend.

    Rubber soles and polished marble tile floors are indeed a dangerous combo: the soles act like suction cups. Carpeting would have allowed me to carelessly drag that foot w/o catching on the floor and bringing me to an abrupt halt. (L foot sticking caused the forward fall w/impact to my R side). Gonna retire my Pandora bracelet for awhile and just wear the medical ID pendant, unfashionable though it may be. Don’t need more palm abrasions.

    Today will be a challenge: shower, wash & style hair and try to don a bra for dressing up for tonight’s hospital dinner down at a country club in Beverly. Will cab it to Union Health, so Bob can drive us. Will not try to stick too hard to the diet—gonna be a challenge to cut my steak. May try to see if my NShore hand/arm surgeon can get me in tomorrow (he observes Juneteenth too). He treated me the last time I broke my R elbow (want to confirm I can start ROM exercises ASAP to minimize swelling & stiffness); back then I’d also broken my L hand and tore wrist cartilage—necessitating a splint—so at least this time I have one good hand, albeit the non-dominant one. I linked my new NWM portal to my existing NShore one, so perhaps he can view yesterday’s images w/o exposing me to more radiation.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Whispers has now become Misty to me. For some reason the cat on the birdcage picture did it. Just seeing Princess Misty on her grande perch made her name just come to life. And she is such a pretty girl with her ear adornment. Most of my felines here are very taken if they can find some material to perch/lay on for bedding/napping. I often thought it was due to our not having carpet, but really, I think it just makes them feel cozy.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Sandy, sorry to hear about your fall. We did not make it to the Guinness storehouse. We’re traveling with a “birder” who even has the app on his phone to tell the different calls. Although we’ve all drank some Guinness no tour happened. I’m partial to Smithwicks, which has been so creamy I’ll be spoiled. So any idea of walking mikes while we’re here and losing weight is a joke. Beers & dessert is the norm.

    Mary it’s sounds like you are right on top of what’s happening with your surgery.

    I didn’t think I hit that many photos to add. We’ll see if it works. Today was Giants Causeway which was breathtaking and we probably put 5 miles of walking in. The shot of the backs of my 2 traveling companions is where we ate our lunch. I’d like that view every day for lunch! The shot of trees is called Dark Hedges, and is basically trees lining a short road. And yes, that’s a bride & groom getting wedding photos taken. Another tid bit, it’s in the Game of Thrones- the call it the Kingsroad. We don’t follow Game of Thrones. It was nice but we wouldn’t recommend it over the breathtaking hikes we’ve done. We leave Ballycastle tomorrow to head to Newcastle.
    Everyone take care, I won’t be back until I get wifi again.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Amazing photos Cindy. So glad you’re enjoying your vacation.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited June 2023

    There is all that soul soothing water once more. Hard pressed if I had to pick just one. Such gorgeous pictures. So far it sounds like a thoroughly stimulating adventure. May it continue to be wonderful.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319

    Love the photos, Cindy.

    I was either awake or dozing during the early morning hours, dealing with cramps in my thighs and aches and pains and somber thoughts. I thought about taking some tylenol for relief but didn't know exactly where to find a bottle and didn't want to disturb dh. I learned this morning that he had some problems during the night with the hose of his cpap.

    But here we are this morning, drinking coffee and watching morning news. Last night is in the past and I will probably sleep better tonight. Today I will either go to the gym or take a two mile walk. I don't get as much exercise during the summer as I do the other months of the year, and it's my own fault.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Joy of life seems to me to arise from a sense of being where one belongs. . . of being foursquare with the life we have chosen. All the discontented people I know are trying sedulously to be something that they are not, to do something they cannot do.   -David Grayson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Sorry you had a restless night Carole, but the sound is so familiar. We do tend to choose least resistance often if it seems that we might disturb the rest of the household. I think some medications can cause some cramps, but most people are taking what is necessary.

    You are moving forward today and that is definitely mind over matter. Getting attitude in order is definitely putting the best foot forward.

    Looks nice out already today. If like yesterday it will feel more warmish due to no breezes. Seems to be things are being back to normal. Earlier I was annoyed with our having so much more wind than I could recall from past yrs. and what do you know — here I am wishing for a little gentle wind. It is how it works. Sigh.

    Got a couple of bills to pay and a deposit at the bank. We will also resume care for the puppies as well. So, busy the next couple of days, but nothing out of the ordinary much.

    Hope you all have a great Friday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Carole, I am right there with you as far as your exercise is concerned!

    Cindy, gorgeous photos and very much enjoyed! I agree, having that view every day for lunch would never get old!

    DH and I bought an adjustable bed for him yesterday. We requested delivery for next Friday, as that is when the room will be ready for furniture. Moving his bedroom downstairs is going better, both physically moving of things, which means rearranging much of the house, and mentally, adjusting to changes like sharing a bathroom again.

    Tonight is DGD's dance recital. The weather report says storms today, but my area is low risk and it seems most likely in the afternoon hours. Started out sunny this morning, now cloudy and looking like rain.

    Cardplayer, to answer your questions, yes, I do have intermittent pain, in my right hip, left scapula, breast bones, and intermittent pains in my abdomen. I also have some small breast lumps that concern me. All can be explained by benign conditions, but I can't shake the feeling that I have cancer in my body.

    I am probably just paranoid, which, after having new breast cancers three times, the last two times only 3 years apart, the last time less than a year ago, is probably normal. The pains are worse at night, which I am told is common when metastasis goes to the bones. I can't help but wonder if that due to the actual pain being worse, or that pain in general always seems worse at night due to fatigue and no distractions? If I had to predict if I have cancer now, I would say no, not likely. But, I will feel MUCH better after my visit with my breast surgeon on Thursday. I have no way to know what the pain is from, or if the breast lumps are something to be concerned about. Most of the lumps I believe, are fat necrosis. I have that in my other reconstructed breast. Only one of the lumps concerns me because it feels different. It is hard to adjust to having fake breasts.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Today is DH's birthday and I got him a surprise cake. Hope he likes it. It came from the bakery where my friend bought last night's desserts. Hope the cake is as good as they were. I also picked up a Jewish apple cake because it looked so good.

    Went to a dinner last night at a former nursing school classmate. She had invited 8 of us and it was like a mini reunion. She had all sorts of veggies and dips, cheeses with crackers and other nibbles. Made me a very nice drink that I will have to ask her about since I had never had it before and it was nice. We talked about old memories, current lives, and old nursing instructors we either loved or hated. Lots of laughs. 5 are widows, one never married and 2 of us are still married. Desserts were from a local bakery that I had never visited and the peanut butter/chocolate, Key lime, and lemon bars were delicious. One made a cinnamon streusel cake that was delicious.

    Two were going to Arlington Cemetery today for the interment of a former classmate who died in October 2021. She had served in Viet Nam and stayed in the Army retiring as a Lieutenant Commander. Don't know why there was a delay in burial but I believe she was cremated.

    The Baltimore Oriole has figured out how to get nectar from the hummingbird feeder. It was just at the feeder and is so shy I have not been able to get a photo but it is beautiful. My plan was to wash and refill it today but the weather is horrible. Thunderstorms that produce gully washer downpours, lightning and tornado threats.

    Had knees injected and he drained an effusion from right knee first; left knee had nothing. Initially he thought it was nothing in right knee but then he found a loculated area so he got a little over a teaspoon out. Doesn't sound like much but it hurts like hell when it is in your joint.

    Photos from Ireland are spectacular and take me back down memory lane. Keep sending them so I can live vicariously.

    Hope everyone who has aches, pains, medical issues finds some comfort and that they resolve quickly. The rain has stopped for the moment, we really needed it and I am to relax for the rest of the day even though I have so much to do around here. I'll give my knees a respite and start tomorrow. Hope you all have a good day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Cindy - the Ireland pictures are lovely and bring back great memories of our trip there last September

    Maverick - thinking of you and hoping the doctor visit goes well

    Betrayal - what a lovely reunion with your classmates. The desserts sound divine.

    Illinoislady - you are certainly a good friend to help out with the puppies.

    Carole - hoping you sleep better tonight

    Mary - best of luck with your surgery

    Sandy - holy cow! You are one busy lady. I love coming into the city but with the Kennedy Expwy under construction, I’ll be limiting travel on that road for the next 3 years. My son lives in the city so we’ll plan on extra driving time to see him

    As for me, I’m a long time lurker who just retired this week. I had planned to work one more year as I really enjoyed my job. However, there has been massive personnel turnover at the company and the situation with my new boss was not great. So I decided to retire now. I feel a bit adrift as work as long been a source of identity for me. I’ll be learning to focus on other pursuits. I rejoined the gym where I had let my membership lapse during Covid and have started attending yoga classes there. I’ll continue my daily walks and 2x weekly bicycle rides and will likely look into volunteer opportunities. I’m sure it will be an adventure. Any tips for a successful retirement are welcome !

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Love the comic Illinois. I don’t clean the cat box, unless DH is unable to do so.

    Sorry you had a rough nights rest Carole. I hope tonight is a better night for you.

    Mavericksmom - sounds like you’re getting DH bedroom setup nicely. Enjoy DGD recital this evening. I can understand your fear of recurrence. Although I’ve just had the one BC, the fear that the cancer will return is often on my mind. I think that’s why I do REIKI and support groups so that I can reduce my stress. Being in tune with your body is good so that when something doesn’t feel right, you can address it quickly. I hope your appointment next week goes well.

    Betrayal - hope your knee feels better. Nice to see old classmates and talk about old times. As for the delay of the interment of your former classmate at Arlington Cemetery, that’s not unusual. Both my in-laws are interned at Arlington and we waited each service. From what we were told, unless you’re really high rank, there’s usually a wait.

    We had quite a storm earlier this morning. We really need the rain, so I didn’t mind. It cleared up around 11, so we were able to take a short walk. My back it still bothering me, so I’ve sent a note to my PCP. I’ve been stretching and alternating between ice and heat with no improvement. This use to happen to me when I worked. I would get epidural injections to help with the pain. Definitely don’t want to go that route again.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Harley — good to see you here. Congratulations on retirement. Wish I had some good words of wisdom on how to manage being retired, especially when it is earlier than intended. I have not handled retirement well at all being forced into it by health matters.

    Can't say I'm always successful, but I have a small list of things I MUST do everyday w/o fail. One of them is coming here to leave a quote. Those few things have help me manage a second small list of things one could do at any time and so I work on them as I feel I can. I have surprisingly managed a lot this way while giving myself freedom for other health issues, tests and anything else that can sometimes be a time-taker.

    Do have to be honest and say I'm sometimes bothered when I get a bit lazy and don't do more, but overall my long list keeps me busy w/o the need for a hard timetable.

    Hope it all comes together for you. Hope you keep coming too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Cardplayer, we're an interfaith couple too (almost 52 years now). My family always said we were "Reform," but we were more like secular/cultural. (We never set foot in a synagogue except for weddings, bar mitzvahs & funerals). But all through my first 3 years of college, my parents would guilt-trip me whenever I dated someone not Jewish—but then they met Bob. Until the day my mom passed, she referred to him as her son, not son-in-law. Bob's parents (also interfaith—my FIL converted from Anglican to RC and then became Zen Buddhist) had no objection, so long as our wedding would be performed by clergy. My mom's one non-negotiable demand was that we not marry inside a church, as she feared my aunts would boycott the wedding. We found a Reform rabbi to perform the ceremony (back in '71, that wasn't easy), and our college's Newman Club priest gave the invocation blessing the reception.

    Harley, always good to see a fellow Chicagoan (even suburbanite) here. Awhile back in late-2016 we were going to have a Chicago-area meetup but there were too many schedule conflicts, as most of the women were still working. If you think the Kennedy is awful right now, Lake Shore Drive is even worse. They're resurfacing it; and outside of rush hour, stretches of it are down to one lane (out of four). And in and approaching the Loop, rolling closures are happening to prepare it and downtown streets for the stupid NASCAR race July 1 & 2. Yup—3-4 weeks of lane closures for 2 days of (highly inadvisable) racing—with sharp corners. Massive accidents waiting to happen. Too much speeding and violence as it is. Cheapest ticket is $300—so few locals can afford to attend even in the unlikely event they're stock-car fans.

    Our previous mayor signed the contract, vastly underestimating the speed and magnitude of how tourism would return post-pandemic. (Downtown hotel occupancy during the Taylor Swift concert was 98%; and the two most recent Lollapaloozas filled hotels as well). She had said "a world-class city should host a world-class race." Sorry, but NASCAR is to world-class racing as Applebee's is to world-class dining. Formula One is world-class—and Las Vegas is going to have a Formula One race along the Strip and parallel roads (straightaways longer than the LSD/Loop course). This race will benefit well-off tourists at the expense of Chicagoans—just like those music festivals (other than Lolla) that charge an arm & a leg for admission and take over (and wreck) neighborhood parks each summer, leaving them unusable for weeks afterward for people who live in the area (few of whom are either fans of those festivals' music or can afford a ticket). Well-off Gen-Zers & younger millennials from the 'burbs & out-of-state get to trash the parks while neighborhood kids have to shoot hoops in the alleys and cool off in fire-hydrant sprays.

    Cabbed it down to Bob's office yesterday—the taxi was a HC-accessible van (fortunately, it had a ramp so I didn't have to haul myself up into it by the grab-handles). While stuck in traffic on Lower Wacker, the "check engine" warning kept coming on. Fortunately, I reached Union Health before the cab broke down. Lots of traffic headed down to Beverly via surface streets, but we still arrived in time. Going home, we took the Dan Ryan to the Kennedy to Western Ave., as radio traffic reports called Lake Shore Drive a "parking lot." We had a little bit of traffic in Hubbard's Cave (the long underpass through River North), but that's par for the course even sans construction.

    Slept in, and didn't feel like driving to the Skokie Hosp. walk-in ortho clinic. Chances are my hand surgeon wouldn't be there and I'd be stuck with the same newly-minted sports-medicine doc they stuck me with back when I had the groin pain last August. Besides, I have a specialist appt. at NWM Tues.; my elbow pain has lessened (though the palm abrasions are healing very slowly, my rotator cuff is kind of sore, and the ulnar-nerve entrapment from the hematoma caused by falling on the pinky-side of my palm still is causing numbness in my pinky & ring finger). Can still grip a guitar pick and have full wrist ROM for strumming, but probably not drape my arm over my guitar—at least not painlessly. For fingerpicking, I use only my thumb & index anyway, so that'd still work.

    Last time I broke my R radial head back in 2018, I also already had a busted L scaphoid and torn wrist cartilage—L hand was in a brace, R in a sling. I was also at least 20 lbs. heavier—but 5 years younger, so there's that.

    Gordy & Leslie came over today with Bob's Father's Day present and flowers for me. I was able to cobble together a rotisserie chicken stir-fry for dinner (over basmati rice for Bob and shirataki noodles for me). Gonna be a quiet weekend, as it's Bob's hospital weekend. Father's Day dinner will have to be ultra-late.