Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited June 2023

    My HK & I had a conversation—she definitely wants to stay for a couple more years. It's not just the money but a purpose as well. All her friends are here and she's a pillar of her church. She also has a mortgage to pay off, Though her sister lives in Knoxville, another is in Baton Rouge and her DS and DDIL live down in Hoover, AL (affluent suburb of Birmingham); so it's not like "the South" is one metro area (though I'll concede they' re nearer each other than to Chicago). And she wants to help me declutter enough to get the necessary repairs & maintenance done should we need to downsize.

    Wise advice, Jackie, about making no major life decisions for the next year. In our tradition, we forbid even the signing of contracts during the first 30 days of bereavement, and making major life changes like selling a house, moving away, switching careers, etc., for a full year—the reasoning being that grief hijacks other emotions, and impairs judgment. But in our faith, grief must take center stage, so if there's a conflict, it must prevail over the business end of things.

    Bob thinks he may have overeaten (large greasy Italian lunch after a Mickey D's breakfast, and then almost all the savory leftovers from the repast in one sitting), He also admits it might have been foodborne illness from the steam table at the hospital cafeteria. (The #1 cause of foodborne illness outside the home is sick food workers; #2 is improper storage temp). It's happened before.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    They are beautiful!! I was thinking of the third one, and will stay with that decision. If it is too much, I can wear the top and pants with other items.

    Sandy, glad your HK made the right decision. Two emotional wrenches too close together would be too much. AA also recommends waiting a year before making any serious decisions.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Posts: 367

    Mavericksmom- your words care words of wisdom,

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Posts: 367

    Meant to write"are" not "care". But the caring about Sandy and HK are there for all of us. Wonderful if DHK stays and if downsizing begins, because, young as you are, Sandy, downsizing, at some point, becomes necessary. I remember it taking close to two years to clean out crawl spaces, attic, basement, closets, etc. And you and DHK are so bonded in sincere friendship and mutual help for each other that her staying would be "devoutly to be wished."

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Keywestfan, thank you for your kind words!

    Betrayal, do you have any suggestions for rabbit resistent flowers? We seem to have three rabbits every year, who show up in our yard and invade our flower gardens. (probably not the same rabbits every year)

    They attacked the garden in the front of our house, killed the lilies, last year. One likes to push the mulch away and lay in the garden and "dust" itself. I had the most beautiful orange lily plant in the garden surrounding my patio. Last year there were over 50 gorgeous blooms. This year the plant was attacked by the rabbits, down to two small stalks with about 5 buds each, in spite of all the "rabbit repellent" my DH put on them! Yesterday it was down to one stalk in the A,M. and when I looked out in the afternoon, the last remaining stalk with buds was gone and the culprit was happily nibbling away at them!

    I know Betrayal is in my same planting zone, but any recommendations would be appreciated!

    Sandy, so great that you and your DH were able to have conversation about the future! As for her mortgage, we still have a mortgage on our house and I am in NO hurry to pay it off as we refinanced many times and we have such a low rate that it works for us. Now is not a great time to sell as interest rates are high, making the market hard especially for first time buyers. Of course I laugh because when we bought our house in 1980, interest rates were over 16%! Thus the reason we refinanced many times!

    Mary, the saris are gorgeous!!! I love them all but I too am partial to blue! You are so very talented!

    Jackie, welcome Millie! How awesome to get a new dog! How does your dog like the newcomer? So great to rescue her! Good luck at her vet appointment! I always called my dogs "love on four legs!"

    Carole, awesome about the bowl! Sounds like you have a very artistic husband!

    I should have taken notes as I know there were others I wanted to comment on. Since I didn't, I just want to say I love reading about what everyone is doing, even if I don't comment, I am touched by each and every post!

    Sunny again today. DH and I are heading out to see our eye doctor for check up and new glasses for DH. Maybe me too? Later, coffee with my sister. Her DS is doing so well, she sent me pictures of him with and without his eye bandage. He looks really good!

    Life makes no promises!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    There is in this world no such force as the force of a person determined to rise.  The human soul cannot be permanently chained.

    W.E.B. Du Bois

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    It is a pretty morning here. I hope it isn't too muggy today. Yesterday didn't seem bad but we did have the excitement of having a newcomer to the family. We have an appt. today at 2:30 for her to see the Vet. Sure hoping it turns out well. I'm not super fond of this Vet. He is good enough though and close so I want to establish a record with him for her.

    He does not do the testing the other Vet considers routine. Dr. Britt (woman vet) freely admits that much of animal doctoring is good guessing, but she likes to make sure and cancel out as many guesses as she can so as to make the best educated guess she can. It seems to actually cost us more to go with the Vet we will see today. So, I go to the one Vet because should something go seriously wrong — I'm almost within walking distance of the first Vet — but often feel much surer of treating with the second who is 10 miles away.

    Millie had a good night. Dh slept in the living room with her overnight. Took her out once in the middle of the night for a potty run. We are using a harness collar for her right now as she is quite small. Daughter thinks 7 lbs. or so. Also, it is far too soon that she goes out w/o some restraint. She has eaten well and seems happy enough if a mite confused about the sudden change in her environment and people.

    Don't know if I mentioned, but the homeless people that had her was the daughter who said her mother wasn't taking care of the dog — so she took her. Of course, I'm a bit curious but will never know — but having the feeling how bad does it have to be for a homeless person to say you are not good for this animal and take them on. Perhaps we will end up being glad that this lady herself felt she couldn't live up to good care for Millie either and was willing to part with her. While I am glad, unless you are a great judge of people just letting anyone professing ANY interest in your dog, he or she, isn't in my book a great guarantee that the animal will end up necessarily better off.

    By the way, Minnie seems to like her well enough although Millie had been attached before as had Minnie by other dogs. Millie has been fairly tolerant of the cats so it seems just a matter of all getting use to each other.

    I will report later on what the Vet has to say — though because I know how he does things I can't say I'm expecting all that much.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Popping in briefly to commiserate on life changes and the stress that goes with it. I give props to all of you going through it and not spiraling into anxiety, as I have. Watching someone you love go through horrible things is so tough…you want to be strong but I agree, we are so intertwined and our circle seems to get a ripple effect with the slightest change; aging is nothing but constant change. Ergo, lots of stress and acceptance in the future.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Love the sari colors Mary.

    Congratulations on the new pup Illinois. I hope the vet visit goes well and that she adjusts nicely into your home.

    Mavericksmom - we get lots of rabbits and deer in our area. DH stopped planting hosta and other plants that rabbit and deer seem to like eat.

    Had a podiatrist appointment this morning for some heel pain that I’ve been experiencing. X-rays showed all is good, so she suggested arch support. The local shoe store has inserts in my size 5.5, so I’ll stop by there tomorrow morning. She said I could continue to walk on a daily basis, but to add stretching and ice, as needed.

    I hope everyone is feeling well and has a stress free day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited June 2023

    Bob is semi-retiring June 30—he will be closing his Hickory Hills office (he also currently rents space from the interventionalist who covers for him & vice versa) and working Union Health 3 days a week, 8 hrs, a day, for the same income (which he currently turns over to his practice); but he will have to cover his own malpractice and Medicare Part B insurance, which his practice (a 'service corp') currently pays, as well as no longer be reimbursed for car expenses. But he will no longer have the overhead of a payroll and bldg. maintenance. That could be why he is taking every consult that comes his way.

    We had an unusual late adolescence: as Brooklyn, the college we attended and where we met was part of CUNY, there were no dorms—so we lived at home with our respective families and commuted 5 days/week (my commute was an hour, his over two since he lived in eastern Queens and had to take the train through Manhattan to get to campus. He never lived away from home until the summer before we got engaged, when he took a study trip to London & Paris and the group lived in the dorms at U. of London & a Paris hotel—and didn't have any housekeeping to do. He's been attended to by women all his life: his mom, me, nurses & secretaries, and our HK. Gordy took note of this a year after starting to date Leslie, and decided that before they'd move in together he needed to live alone for a year to gain the necessary life skills in order to avoid inflicting his inexpertise—his words—on her. In that year, he learned how to do everything domestic except drive (he grew up with sensory-integration deficit, and is still traumatized by the summer of private driver-ed we had him take; he refused to take the road test or even renew his learner's permit. He is a public transit expert, having mastered the Chicago, NYC, Paris, NOLA, and DC systems).

    Heidi has been a good girl, although she's been a "baller" (hair, that is) for the past couple of days. She seemed distressed by the fact that I washed and deodorized her main litterbox before refilling it last night, so it no longer has any of her scent in it. But she still grudgingly uses it. We'd wondered why she paws at the storage tub next to it after she excretes—scent-marking? Nope—her vision is poor enough that she thinks she's covering up her "business" by doing that. She will poop in the small box containing scoopable clumping litter, but will pee only in the main big box with the traditional clay litter—which pee sinks to the bottom and sets up into gooey messy stinky "boulders." But she is a tad less finicky than before about her food (due to her poor vision I need to lean over the dish, turning it and scraping the food to the front where she can see it). And she takes her transdermal anti-thyroid meds like a champ, because she knows it comes with an ear-rub session.

    Went to the first neighborhood farmers' market of the season (3-7pm Mondays)—just in time to replenish our supply of fresh fruits, veggies, artisanal bread and pastry (for Bob), and for the first time, beans from dueling artisanal coffee-roasting vendors (one of whom has a family "finca" in Guatemala). Got the first local strawberries of the season. Alas, my fave WI cheesemonger has decided to skip our market this year in favor of the early morning ones elsewhere—doubtless due to the brutal afternoon rush hour traffic due to construction northbound. (We have no alternate routes in Chicago this summer: every N-S highway and even arterial surface street is under construction simultaneously). The downstate butcher also is skipping the market this year. Two local (MI) farmstands, the baker, the coffee vendors, the olive oil guy (also has a family orchard in Greece), artisanal chocolatier, two tamale stands, two honey/jam vendors, a CBD-product stand, "natural" body-care stuff vendor, handcrafted costume jewelry, the juice lady, the hot-sauce stand and a Hawaiian shave-ice truck. Plus the usual booths for a local Waldorf school, yoga studio, neighborhood association and chiropractic/wellness clinic.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    MM: Do not know of any rabbit proof or deer proof bushes or plants. They will eat what they want when they are hungry. I use coyote urine on my hostas to prevent them from becoming a salad bar but it has to be applied after ever rain storm. It does stink though and you need to wear gloves to keep it off your hands. I use chicken wire around or over bushes to keep deer off and that works. We had to enclose several beds in chicken wire to protect the elderberry and hibiscus that they love to munch. I use tomato cages around other plants that they decided this year to eat. We had a bunny many years ago that would leap up into my cast iron planters to eat even marigolds.

    Chisandy: Nice that Bob will be semi-retired.

    I also have a DH who never had to do much for himself because his mother doted on him and it can be painful at times because he refuses to learn new life skills. The man can't cook, never knows where things are located in the kitchen even though they have been in the same spot for over 30 years and now that he is retired it is even worse because he only does what he wants. Maddening to say the least because I am also retired but don't have the same privileges. We have a lawn service and he does do some yard work but I don't let him near my plants because he cannot discriminate a plant from a weed and it has cost me over the years. So with a lot of direction, I do get him to assist me with some projects.

    MCB: Please show us the finished project made with the sari material. It should be beautiful.

    Illinoislady: Glad that Millie and Minnie are making tentative moves to be friends. Hope all goes well at the vet today. We have pet insurance so the cost to see the vet is not such a sticker shock. It is a monthly charge and covers care and immunizations for a year. After 3 visits for shots, etc. it has paid for itself. If you have a local SPCA they offer low cost vet care, too.

    Misty coughed up 3 large hair balls today so it is back to combing her because her grooming is too intense in removing hair. Of course, it is always after they have eaten so it is a real mess.

    It is sunny, in the 80's and there is a nice breeze blowing so comfortable. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited June 2023

    Sandy I'm so impressed. Your son Gordy insisting on a yr. of solitary apt. life so as to learn how to manage life alone and not be a huge drag on his possible and future wife. My imagination runs wild at the near and dear amt. of freedom possible from the strain of having to mother your live-in. If more men did that I think life could be much better for all.

    I do know the other side of that is usually, and at first, being able to be together tends often to lessen the pain because you love to 'pamper' each other. The distress is actually a good deal later when a woman has the house to take care of, groceries, a couple of kids, a full-time job, and sometimes bill paying. Having to pick up dirty socks at that point is total drudgery and no more pampering in the picture what-so-ever.

    Vet report on Millie is not good, but we knew she likely had issues — we just needed to know what they all were. Her teeth are not in very good shape at all. She has a third-grade heart murmur and she has a cancerous tumor right under her ribs. She is approx. 12 yrs. old and weighs ten pounds.

    We got rabies and booster shots for her and will watch her for poss. dental distress and tumor growth. Beyond that we hope to give her a comfortable life with not having to do much and certainly not wander the country at large. She will have doggie beds and soft people to lay around on all she wants in air-conditioned comfort. Her skin was somewhat dry, but her hair was in good shape and wonder of wonder she had no fleas.

    We think Millie is going to be a great addition to our household. A bit older, and a bit more un-well than I was hoping for, but I think she did have needs that would definitely not be met by being homeless. Makes me believe as ever, that things happen for reasons that are beneficial to someone, and I would be loathed to turn such a sweet little character away. She has a limited time at her age, and we are okay with being chosen. to stand by until it is time for her to go up on the Rainbow Bridge.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    Jackie, it is so generous of you that you are willing to take on an unwell dog. Vet expenses are so high!!

    Sandy, driving in Chicago would be enough to give me the jitters for the rest of the day. I am with Gordy all the way in choosing public transportation. I used to live on the edge of the KC area, but only rarely ventured far from the expressways. Nowadays I would fight like crazy if someone told me I had to move to a large city and be dependent on my own vehicle. So many people in heavily urban areas choose to not have cars for that very reason.

    I just got back from 2 1/2 hours of education on my knee replacement, plus there was to be a long and involved interview over the phone a week before. I put my foot down. That would have been a mess with my hearing loss. A nurse came down and went through that with me.

    Tippy needs to go for a walk.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,346

    I am feeling better. I woke up feeling great, the best since I have since DH died. I had energy and got my ebay shipping done, went grocery shopping. Emptied the cat pot. Went on 2 walks. Now I am pooped out. My niece and I are heading to Cedar Key for the weekend. I am looking forward to that.

    MC - love the fabrics

    Jackie - Good for you adopting an older dog. I am hoping to get an older cat in the near future. I keep looking.

    MM - something ate my lily down to the ground. I have seen a rabbit in the yard.

    Sandy - sounds little you did a lot for your HK.

    Betrayal - The cat on the bird cage makes me think "I thought I saw a puddy tat"

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited June 2023

    Jackie, I salute you for taking in an aging and ailing dog, to give her the best possible life in the time she has remaining. I'm not emotionally ready to guide another furbaby towards the Rainbow Bridge so soon after losing Happy. I dread what's ahead for Heidi—though her faculties (sensory & cognitive) are dwindling, she still enjoys her life and I hope she continues to do so.

    Mary, can't wait to see what you do with the sari fabric!

    Petite, glad you are feeling better. Enjoy Cedar Key.

    Garden-wise, so far so good—though I'm fighting a losing battle in keeping the parsley & oregano from bolting, and hoping the mint doesn't annihilate everything in its path. (Apparently, the rabbits have no taste for mint, and did not do their job in keeping the parsley trimmed so it wouldn't go to seed. They're fired). We are officially in a moderate drought—with the only rain predicted to be south & west of here (on the days I have to drive to the radio station, as well as the upcoming festival). Unfortunately, the poison ivy is back. We have a landscaper, but I hope his employees know to discard it separately and not throw it into the compost bin. Disappointed to find that they ripped out a patch of ground cover that had bloomed into a lovely purple—it was a weed, but quite pretty and kept the bees happy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Wow, so much happening with the oldies crowd. Best of luck to everyone, whatever the issues or changes.

    We were able to turn off the a/c last night and sleep with the bedroom window open and the ceiling hatch in the living area open and the exhaust fan running. Yay for no rumble of the a/c.

    We went to nearby Clancy's restaurant with two neighbors last night for Meatloaf Monday. DH was happy and I had a tasty walleye sandwich.

    We have rabbits at home in Louisiana but they must have enough to eat that they don't eat the plants in the flowerbeds. During the winter a deer did nip off pansies growing in pots on the patio.

    Jackie, I have said before that you remind me of my sister Linda who has unlimited sympathy for animals. She recently took on a litter of puppies that had been abandoned by the mother. Two of the litter of four have died but two little females are thriving.

    Glad you're feeling better, Petite.

    Happy Tuesday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, mint is good at keeping mice away too! We planted some around the house for that reason. Rabbits didn't bother it so maybe they don't like it either? Maybe I need to plant mint in my flower beds? My DD is always texting my DH with pictures asking if it is poison ivy. All I remember is "leaves of three, let it be." I wouldn't recognize it otherwise.

    Carole, woohoo for no A/C! I wish my DH and I had friends to go out with. Most all of his friends have passed away or live far away. I have a lot of friends, but none that we can pair up with for dinner. When we were younger we showed dogs and were members of several dog clubs. We had a lot of great friends through those clubs. When our kids got old enough to play sports and other activities, we let go of our dog show days and little by little lost contact with our friends. Many of them have passed away. Friends are right up there with family on my "most important in life" list!

    Today is cooler and over cast. Phone says sun is out. Obviously my phone is missing all the cloud cover! haha

    DH and I had a great time last night with our DD and grandchildren! Usually our DGS sticks with my DH and our DGD sticks with me, some one-on-one grandparent/grandchild bonding. Last night our DGS and I played checkers and it was so much fun! He really made me laugh! He was so stinking cute! He's 9 going on 20! I was happy that they switched up on who they wanted to spend time with. My DH was entertained by our DGD who is 7 and loves to draw, color and create all forms of art. She loved my DH's undivided attention! Their last day of school is Friday.

    illinois, you are an angel rescuing that poor dog! What breed are your dogs? I know they are small. I keep looking at our SPCA website hoping someone adopts the chihuahua. I really wish they would because I know now is not a good time for us to take on a dog, yet I can't stop thinking about that particular dog.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    More often than not, when we hear the word “courage,” we think of heroic acts in times of crisis. But in our everyday lives, we shouldn’t overlook the courageousness of simply being there. Lives are changed when we faithfully provide for our families, care for the elderly, or lend an ear to a troubled friend. Persistence in making this world a better place to live—for ourselves and others—is definitely a form of courage.    - unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I guess I was possibly born a rescuer since I've been at it since I was a little kid. I did have to go a long-time during courtship and several moves and marital break-up, but then, right back at it.

    Minnie is part Minn Penn, but likely some sort of terrier in the other part. We loved her for her size. Millie looks so very much like her, but is actually much smaller. I would almost wonder if she has some Chihuahua along with ????terrier. Minnie is at least 25#'s now and Millie weighed in at 10#'s yesterday.

    She has been now taken out w/o a lead but have to stay out with her. She seems not ready to come in when we are ( we give her plenty of time) but I think that may be in part because she was homeless and it is the more familiar style to her. I'm sure she will get more in tune with I hope the joy of a/c and cozy little beds.

    Nothing special planned for the day. Just mainly what is in front of us mostly. I have not formerly been released to use my arm as I would like, but it has been the projected 6 weeks now, so I think I can slowly start to do a lot of the things I've avoided — slowly and carefully until I'm given a stronger green light. Discharge paperwork specified 6 weeks and that likely was already a little longer than needed so I'm sure with care I can begin being a bit more physical. That will help to allow me to be a bit busier than I was being.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    I long for the time when I will be more active. This sitting and trying to sleep is getting old. The only time I can forget and feel free is on my EGT (electric granny trike).

    Yesterday Tippy and I went through an area where the street had just been resurfaced. By the time I discovered that he had picked up a bunch of tarry rocks on his paws and elbows and other parts, he had been chewing it off for a while. I found them everywhere. I read about the problem and gave him a bath. Tried to use cooking oil to soften it enough to get more off, but he was resistant to that. About the only way I could help him was with the grooming brush after the bath. He has cleaned off his forepaws, but his hindpaws still have some, because he couldn't get at them as easily. He doesn't limp, however. He vomited, and all I could see was a hairball, so he apparently didn't swallow any. He has his yearly Dr. appt this afternoon.

    I need to go out and do some minor repair to EGT. Today is much cooler. It rained last night. I turned off the AC at 9:00 PM.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Sandy, glad you and your HK had the talk. Always best to get it out in the open. One of my management classes had something to the effect of: if you have to swallow the frog, it’s best to do it immediately.

    Jackie such a hood hearted person you are. That little dog Millie is in good hands.

    I loved hearing a large hand turned bowl was sold. So someone now has a prize possession.

    Mary the sari fabrics are beautiful. You always make great choices on his to use them.

    Petite also good to hear you’re feeling better. Enjoy the key trip.

    We’re headed to the airport shortly. I’m not sure what my access will be, I’m turning off data and only using WIFI. We couldn’t justify using AT&T international at $15 a day for 2 phones. We hope to buy a SIM card for my partners phone, so through it we’ll be able to download maps, restaurants, etc…. If I’m lucky, I’ll send a photo or 2. See you in 2 weeks, or wifi sooner!

    PS- smoke is coming down from Canada into our home area and even here in CT. Makes it look gloomy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I so agree Mary. It is hard to be mainly in-active when you are not use to it. Not only does your body not feel good for it, but it is mentally hard on you.

    Glad Tippy has an apt. today. Maybe his Dr. can make some suggestions for any left-over tar removal. Hope his check-up goes well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    cindy: I hope you have a marvelous time in Ireland.

    Illinoislady: All of our pets with the exception of 2 have been rescue. Our first liver Dalmatian was $25 with no papers and the third was purchased from a veterinarian but the other 3 have all been rescues. Finding liver Dalmatians is a challenge though since they are not as abundant as the black and whites. Regan is the 5th and most likely our last if she lives as long as her predecessors. Kimber made 15 years plus and Lita 14 years. I think Millie is lucky to have found a new caring home where she can live her last days out of the elements and fed well.

    We have had long lived cats as well with 2 making it to almost 20 years, missing by a month. Both of them were strays and one had hyperthyroidism in her last year and the other was diabetic for his last 3 years.

    Knees were bad yesterday so I spent time on Ancestry chasing family members with some luck. Today I managed to mulch the other flower bed on the opposite side of the driveway. So the 2 large ones down front are done. The mulch from last year still looks good around the gazebo and the new bed I created last year by the stream. We used a bucket to water this newly mulched bed and hope we do get rain this afternoon. Everything is so dry and the grass is browning. I have been watering the mulched beds, the patio flowers and my window boxes. It has been over a month since we have had a good rain and the weather guys are saying we are several inches from normal.

    MCB: I hear you about wanting to be more active. My darn knees are cramping my ability to be as active as I was. I am hoping your surgery will give you the freedom you want and less pain.

    MM: I would try mint as a deterrent for the rabbits. I would plant it in pots that you imbed to control its spread.

    Tawny still is playing keep away with Misty. She hisses at her but Misty is not afraid of her. So we may just end up with 3 cats cohabiting with one cat per floor. Tawny likes the basement, Misty will get the first floor and Leo likes the second floor.

    Have leftovers for dinner so I plan on resting now with ice on my knees. Looked at purchasing an icer for my knees but they are too expensive so I may just use the knee elastic braces (that didn't help) to hold the ice packs in place.

    House phone is ringing and Regan howls when it rings. It is funny when she does this because it is almost like a yodel. Not sure if it hurts her ears or if she was subjected to ringing phones on a regular basis at her former home. We screen calls via our answering machine (yes, I will never give this up) so we are not bothered by spam calls.

    Hot and sunny with a nice breeze. Little overcast due to smoke from fires but I really don't smell them. Hope everyone ahs a good day.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Illinois - sorry to hear that Millie is older and sicker than you expected. Nice that you’ll be giving her a good home to enjoy her final years.

    Petite - glad that you’re feeling better. Enjoy your trip to Cedar Key.

    Cindy - have a wonderful trip to Ireland.

    Mary - hope the vet was able to get the tar off Tippy’s paws. Glad the training for your knee replacement is completed. Any next steps before surgery?

    Betrayal / Mavericksmom - my DH covers some of our pots with chicken wire, mostly to keep squirrels from digging them. For the plants, unless he covers the entire plant with chicken wire, the rabbit or deer can get into it. We have some evergreens they don’t seem to bother though, which is surprising.

    We had a hazy day from the fires but not as much smoke smell. Probably due to a nice breeze today. So not AC running for now. I had a sound bath this morning and then went to the shoe store to purchase inserts for my shoes. Since I had a prescription from my doctor they didn’t charge tax. Wish insurance covered the cost. I purchased one pair for now; doctor said to only wear them an hour or two a day to start with, increasing over time.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905
    edited June 2023

    She said to try peanut butter. He might not fight that as bad. Otherwise, for now he is in no pain from it, and just let it wear off. They almost had to put down a cat a few years ago, but did it with anesthesia, and it worked out OK.

    With the medical history, pre-surgical instructions, and knee replacement details, all that remain are the pre-surgical physical on Thursday and the PT and OT evaluations and instructions on Friday. Glad I have a break tonight and tomorrow night. Stressful stuff like that precipitate bad dreams.

    I am having a difficult time finding orthotics covered by insurance. I have supination on my right foot (which is because of my bad knee, I guess). I have mid-foot arthritis on my left foot. I don't want to buy the wrong kind for my problems. And Amazon does not give any guidance, other than pronation and plantar fasciitis. I finally turned the problem over to Hanger Clinic. Called I think four different pharmacies, and those that provide durable medical equipment for foot needs do so only for diabetics.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Mary: I have mid-foot arthritis in left foot secondary to a fall. The podiatrist I saw suggested I use Powerstep Pinnacle orthotics with a neutral arch support. She also suggested surgery but recovery is 12 weeks of non-weight bearing and that is not happening since crutches are out of question as is the thing they use where you kneel. Knees would not permit that.

    They are an online company but I wait for their sales because they are pricey. I prefer the full foot ones for dress shoes (not heels) and love the ones for sneakers. You have to be able to remove the inner liner of the shoes/sneakers for the best fit. I do transfer them between shoes to save on cost. They are more comfortable and more supportive than the Dr. Scholl's or other OTC brands that I have tried in the past. Was misdiagnosed with plantar fasciitis when it was really this OA of the foot.

    Never had insurance that would pay for these even prior to Medicare. Hope you can find something that helps soon.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905
    edited June 2023

    Maybe I do need to go to Hanger. The needs for my right and my left foot are different. Can't do anything about it until my knee heals. My left knee is in good shape, so the knee scooter would be fine. I want to get out walking, and my unused feet will need some help to get going. Powerstep is the brand my podiatrist recommends.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    wallycat, I forgot to say that I am sorry you are still experiencing anxiety. Just remember, you have a lot of support here, so hope to hear from you more often!

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    Talk went well today. Jackie, I am always grateful for your words of wisdom.

    I know I have been one of the very lucky women who married a feminist. After he finished his Air Force obligation, Ken instisted that as a general surgeon, he would follow anywhere I could get a college teaching job and he did. He followed me to DC 12 years later and with both us with high pressure careers, we split the housework. Planned menus and shopped together over the weekend and whoever got home first cooked and the other cleaned up. He also started doing the laundry when we were in DC. Since we have "retired", he has been the main cook and bottle washer. He is more of a recluse than I and it has really allowed to be much more active in local charities than I might have been.

    About those "fine" things that we all thought we needed, it's too bad they will end up in some thrift shop. We had hoped that one of my sister's grandkids would feel sentimental enough to take Mom's china but as I said, probably won't happen. My SIL has never gotten rid of anything and I really feel for Ken's nephew having do deal with her stuff (and his grandmother and great aunt's stuff which SIL also saved)

    I still use my good china and silver occasionally and the Spode Christmas stuff but again, I know no one will want them. You all need to keep talking about your "downsizing" as I'm not getting very far with it and one day I will be sorry.

    It is really hard to manage the changes that come with aging but we must. I'm glad that we can help each other. Mary, I absolutely applaud your decision to move closer to family after your recovery.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    We are getting some of the smoke from Canada, too. Yesterday DH said he could smell smoke outside but I didn't smell it.

    Jackie, I smiled at your comment about doing whatever was in front of you. Haven't heard that expression before. Glad you took in little Millie and will provide a comfortable life for her. My sister sent me a picture of the two remaining little puppies and they are so cute. She swears she won't keep them but we will see. She and her dh have a large collection of rescued dogs and cats.

    Mary, I hope your surgery will allow you to become mobile and resume walking.

    Cindy, I'll be interested in your trip to Ireland since we'll be going to Ireland and Scotland in Sept. Hope you have a great time.

    I finished weeding the playground yesterday. The weather was pleasant so I didn't get wet with perspiration. The weeds are fine and pulling them by hand doesn't work well. I use an old-fashioned yard rake with teeth and rake through the gravel with the rake turned upside down to dislodge the roots of the weeds. I filled four large grocery bags. The job is never ending since the weeds are full of seeds. This morning my back reminded me of some physical labor yesterday.

    DH removed the seats of the see-saw and stripped off the tattered canvas and foam. We've decided not to recover them but have wooden seats. We're down to two little girls in the resort who would use the see-saw and swings. In past years there have been more small children.

    DH will play men's league golf today, driving the golf cart to the small course. I plan to go to town to the gym.

    Wishing everyone a comfortable Wednesday.