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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I am late again. Mainly I have been getting up later and so if anything impinges early, like today, then I end up having to wait to get on my computer. I did enjoy having a lot of entries to read although sorry that some harsh and bothersome issues came up for some of you.

    Claire, I was thinking of you and those phone calls. Also knee pain and bad ankles. We all do have some sort of upsets that try and plague, but hopefully we will all continue to at some point get the best of them.

    Glad you are home too Carole — even though you are going again soon. Won't be nearly as long but sounds like it will be quite interesting, and I hope very enjoyable.

    Cardplayer — I hear you about the indoor kitties. We have sneezes all over our lower windows, so it feels constant to keep up with but really isn't too hard. Our worst thing is a couple of our cats are quite flamboyant in covering up their wastes. We have to keep a kid sized broom and small dustpan close and whenever one of us notices — go sweep up the litter in the floor and dump it back in the box.

    Nice to hear appreciation for the quotes. I may have mentioned before and if I did, apologies, but I get about 300 emails a day to go through and a lot of them are quotes though I don't get near as many as I use to. The one I put in everyday is the one that seems to say what easily registers to me. A lot of times it feels almost tailor made for things discussed or things I needed to hear that helped me, so I always hope it helps someone else as well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Claire, sorry about the medical PTSD. Before my bc dx, I was something of a hypochondriac. When I got my dx, Bob remarked that some of his best and most compliant patients are hypochondriacs dx'ed with cancer or heart disease—because they are grateful that doctors finally take them seriously.

    Got an unpleasant surprise today: Gordy just called to say Leslie tested COVID+, probably caught at the high school where she teaches in person 3x/wk. He's negative (he caught it in July at a resort near the WA-BC border, but she didn't), so they're isolating from each other and he's not coming over tomorrow for his weekly visit. They'd planned to go see Aerosmith—but the band cancelled its tour when lead singer Steven Tyler suffered a vocal cord hemorrhage and has been placed on complete vocal rest for at least a month. Gordy works remotely (has done so ever since the shutdown began), so he can still "go to the office" (their dining room table).

    I scheduled my new COVID and flu shots for late Monday afternoon—the earliest appts. Chicago's CVS stores have available, as that's when they expect their supply to arrive. Glad it's after this weekend, because who wants to attend temple feeling lousy? (In the past, I've "Zoomed" several High Holy Days services, though I always go to erev Rosh Hashonah, Kol Nidre, and the afternoon memorial/concluding Yom Kippur services). I will use both arms, as NorthShore's LE specialist (a nationwide authority) says I can very occasionally get a shot in my R arm. Meanwhile, Bob's sinusitis is improving and he continues to be afebrile (hasn't had a fever since our New Year's COVID cases), but he still has a cough. We're still sleeping in separate bedrooms till after my COVID shot, and getting takeout rather than dining in restaurants for now (will even get Rosh Hashonah dinner to go). Personally, I think he should get tested for RSV, since he didn't get that shot (Walgreen's claimed his Part D supplement doesn't cover it, though mine did). I will go to temple, masked. (Our rabbi emeritus has CML, so wears a mask even at services).

    My back hurts today, after spending an hour repeatedly bending over last night cleaning up a spilled and broken bottle of wine. (Bob broke it, so I had him console me by bringing me dessert— a slice of pecan pie, which he hates but I love).

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Carole, somehow I totally missed your post. So glad you & DH got home safely! I am impressed with your DH, being two years older than my DH, and still plays golf! My DB played ice hockey well into his early 70's. He was also an avid runner.

    Sandy, so sorry to hear about Leslie. I want to schedule my DH and I to get Covid Vaccines next week or the week after. Most likely the week after since next week we have a very busy week! We will get our flu vaccines in October. Oh, and I am in 100% agreement with the way Bob consoled you after breaking the wine bottle. You have good taste in both men and pie! Now you have me craving pecan pie! LOL

    Betrayal, so glad they caught Calvalcante! I honestly didn't think they would. I was secretly hoping they would kill him. I apologize if that sounds offensive to anyone, but he murdered his ex-girlfriend by stabbing her over 30 times in front of her two young children! She wasn't the first person he killed. Life really isn't fair! I am glad no one was hurt capturing him.

    Claire, I am sorry you are going through so much lately! You are such a wonderful person. I really hope things start looking better for you!

    I watched my DGK's last night while my DD and DSIL went to "back to school night." I had a blast with them, we played Clue and a UNC version of the Jenga game. The time flew by. I also got my "puppy fix" with their rescue dog, who reminds me of Clifford the Big Red Dog! He is almost 100 pounds, of fluff and puppy kisses. Such a sweet dog! Love on four legs! I did have a difficult time driving home. My progressive lenses do weird things when car headlights hit them. If I take them off, I can see the road better but can't read the speedometer. I drove home with my glasses way down on the bottom of my nose! I was sure they would fall off, but it was the only way I could see. I ordered some night vision glasses on Amazon tonight that can be slipped right over prescription glasses. Not sure how much they will help.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Claire -I’m sorry you are having so many health concerns. It does seem like as we get older that one test or scan can lead to many others and down a rabbit hole. Yet ignoring the doctors concerns doesn’t seem wise. At least your providers are taking the issues seriously. I also have PTSD from my BC diagnosis but it centers around not being taking seriously. I guess I don’t do a good job of explaining my concerns but during the BC dx and treatment, my doctors were not on the same page and I received conflicting information which caused more stress. At this time, I’ve pretty much stepped back from seeing doctors as it just seems to upset me more. I will, of course, get the flu and Covid vaccines later this fall.

    Carole - glad you are safely home.

    To all the Pennsylvania folks - glad to hear the fugitive was finally caught. I hope he stays securely behind bars and we never hear his name again.

    Illinoislady - the quotes you post are lovely and meaningful. I can’t imagine going through 300 emails per day. It brings back memories of my years working in the semiconductor industry and receiving hundreds of emails per day round the clock. I felt like I was on a nonstop hamster wheel trying to read and respond.

    Not much new with me. The weather is turning cooler so I’m taking advantage of being outdoors. There will be plenty of time for the gym over the winter. We bought mums today for our planters by the front door and on our rear patio.

    Have a good week 😀

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Harley, mums really do make it feel like fall is here! I love them! I hope to buy some soon, but next week is extremely busy with medical appointments for my DH and I, so maybe the following week we will go to a local garden center and buy them for our planters. I love mums and carnations because they are not only beautiful, but they last a long time.

    Just made Covid vaccine appointments for DH and I on 9/25 at Walgreens. I tried CVS and couldn't get the site to work. Story of my life with CVS. For some reason, I can easily make appointments for RSV and flu vaccines at CVS, but when it comes to Covid, no way! No big deal as it is 50/50 distance wise to either CVS or Walgreens. I had all but my first Covid vaccine at Walgreens. The Walgreens we go to gives the Mederna vaccine. Since I was forced to get the J&J vaccine first time around, I no longer care which vaccine I get.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. I want to get my flu shot and new COVID shot before I go on vacation. Covid cases have been increasing again. I know 2 positive people. I think I will get the flu one today, since I will probably have to wait for the COVID one. I have not heard from the cancer center on the results of my x-ray. I called and left a message, but still no response. Strange, they are usually so good.

    I am not going back to grief counseling. I will continue with the support group and the social group. November will be difficult as DH's birthday is the 14, Thanksgiving and out anniversary. The December will be the pits, with anniversaries of death of DM, Miss Felix, and DH. The counselor said I can come back when I need to.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Petite, Good idea to plan ahead when you know the month will be tough. I think it's good self care to set up counseling when you know it's going to be difficult.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Illinois - wow - 300 emails a day. I don’t think I got than many when I worked. Got maybe 100+ a day, but never 300. These days, I get maybe 10-15 a day and most I delete right away. I also enjoy the quotes and am appreciative that you take the time to post them.

    Sorry to hear that Leslie has come down with Covid Sandy. That’s too bad that Aerosmith concert was delayed; hopefully they’ll be able to see it when it’s rescheduled. We saw Aerosmith in Las Vegas in 2019 when they did a residency at Park MGM. They gave a good show. Pecan pie sounds like a good treatment for a sore back. Shana Tova Tikateivu.

    Mavericksmom - glad you had fun watching you DGK. Sounds that they’re old enough to enjoy board games. What fun! I saw a video about how Calvalcante escaped from the prison. He crabbed walked up a wall and over barbed wire. They had an escape a month or two before, but caught that person quickly.

    Harley - I think going through BC diagnosis and treatment gives some women PTSD. At one point during my treatment, I asked to speak to the oncology psychologist for support. She pointed me to some resources that were helpful for me and helped me to get over that hump.

    Glad to hear you’re continuing with your support and social groups Petite. It’s good to have something and someone to lean on when you need them. I haven’t heard of any Covid cases among my friends and nothing from the hospital system. Hope you hear from your doctor soon.

    My 50th high school reunion is next weekend. I’m not going since we’ll be in SC for BIL 70th birthday. I haven’t been to any of my high school reunion. There were 1300 in my high school graduation class. And I moved away from Indy after college, so I’ve lost touch with most of my high school friends. Still would have been interesting to have attended. I think they have about about 300 people attending.

    We have a beautiful day here today. It was in the low 50s to start and now in the low 70s. It was so clear, we could see the mountains as we were taking our walk this morning.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy your afternoon.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I use the Merlin app on my phone. Really easy, just hold my phone up in the air and it gives me a list of what birds it hears singing.

    For several years I've been having annual ultrasounds of my kidneys. I have a mass in each kidney, right is larger, called angiomyelipoma, which means a mass of blood vessels, muscle and fat. Last year my right one measured 2.0 x 2.5 cm, this year it measured 3.0 x 3.5 cm. If it gets over 4 cm the doctor said we need to do something as they can rupture and bleed if they get too big. He still thinks it's OK to wait until next Sep for my next ultrasound.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Your mental attitude is something you can control outright and you must use self-discipline until you create a Positive Mental Attitude-- your mental attitude attracts to you everything that makes you what you are.

    Napoleon Hill

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Oh the talk of Fall with those mums. I immediately think of little ones coming to your door for candy or the last weenie roast of the yr. my cousin would have with the hay bales for us to sit on and the extra bales with pots of mums. I do miss those roasts. We have lost so many family members we don't do it anymore, but he memories are still a joy.

    Not sure why, but I'm more nervous about covid lately for sure and I don't know why. Maybe because I've managed to avoid it. Today I had my hair appt. and the gal I see (I like her so much and her grandma is one of my good friends) talked about her sinus issues and sore, scratchy throat. I felt a bit of a panicked feeling. Beth never wore a mask at work and did not insist any of her customers do so either. I found it strange since she had had cancer the yr. before. Sadly, her cancer returned, and she is likely on a regimen for it. Anyway, I calmed myself, but I will be watching. I have a lot of sinus issues which started our conversation.

    Got up late this morning so I'm late here today.

    As to the PTSD feeling in cancer txs. I never got that far along, but a couple of times I really questioned if I was going to make it. It seemed like things were allowed to happen to me that shouldn't have and a time or two I had a rather strong sensation that I should just give up. After an overnight stay in the hospital, I was found to have a bad case of esophageal thrush — not visible in my mouth that was causing me to feel so bad. It was a little easier to forgive the cancer nurses after that. But I did feel tortured for awhile. So, I have total sympathy for all of you. It is difficult anytime you have to willingly take a poison so you can help be cured. Most of you likely would relate to having felt pretty well till a while after the txs. started.

    Hope you have all had a really good day. Hope too that I can get back on at an earlier time tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Yup—COVID is ramping up here too (though the "Eris" subvariant is dominant, and "Pirola" hasn't yet outcompeted it). Bob admitted tonight that "It's going around" Union Health. His cough is improving—and ever since he home-tested negative last Sunday he refuses to re-test. (He knows my distrust of negative home tests but doesn't care). When I called him on it and told him to re-test so he could start Paxlovid, he replied that his symptoms started too long ago (last Fri.) for it to work. He also doesn't have fever, a sore or scratchy throat so he won't test for strep (if positive for that, he should start abx STAT). And his O2 sats are fine and he's not short of breath, so he won't test for RSV either (granted, there's no antiviral for that yet). Sigh. Only hope I don't catch COVID before I can get my shots on Monday.

    Not going to temple tomorrow night—my back locked up this morning; though it's a bit better, I won't drive under the influence of Baclofen or CBD. Even if I could, I'm not old or disabled enough to be allowed to use the temple parking lot; and the shuttles from the Greek Orthodox church's lot are yellow school buses with really steep steps. I'd need three hands—one each to hold the rail, my cane and carry my prayerbook. Pretty sure it'd be a super-spreader (amazingly, masks are "optional," even though non-governmental entities can require masks & even proof of vax). So it'll have to be the temple's live YouTube feed.

    I was the only one masked inside the nail salon where I got my mani today. The owner (who does my manis & pedis) told me in a whisper that her two techs—Bulgarians who came here after the USSR broke up—are full-on MAGA. Guess it's a trait of those who'd lived under Communist rule.

    I will make Rosh Hashonah dinner (Bob will bring home a Costco chicken) tomorrow night. I have all the trad ingredients except a round challah (WF doesn't carry them—my back was too sore for me to shop in person—but they did have round challah rolls, so those'll have to do).

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, I too hope I don't get Covid before I get my booster. I am going to walk outside for exercise for a bit and skip the gym. My appointment isn't until the 25th due to a heavy week of medical visits, both mine and my DH's.

    Petite, we will all be here for support any time you need it.

    illinois, I love your quotes, but would have to say the last one made me pause. I get what Napoleon Hill was saying, but it doesn't take into account things like PSTD. That is my problem, when something triggers my past trauma, I can't control my mental attitude! No worries about posting it. I just wish it was that easy! It didn't upset me, just made me sigh. I do try hard to keep a positive mindset.

    Puffin, the kidney masses are concerning. I think it is so hard to have the same "wait and see" attitude that doctors have. I guess it is easier to tell a patient it's ok to wait a year, than actually BE the patient. Is there anything you can do to slow the growth? Always something! I am glad that you are living life to the fullest and not dwelling on "what ifs."

    Beautiful sunny, cool fall day! Today I want to do some weeding and get outside. This is my kind of weather! I hope everyone has a great day, and I wish everyone who celebrates, a wonderful Rosh Hashanah.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Sandy - Shana Tov. May 5784 be a year filled with good health and happiness. I know I'm praying for better health than this past year. Hope your back feels better sooner than later.

    Got my labs from earlier this week - some numbers are way out of range - waiting to see what nephrologist says on Wednesday. My Creatinine and EGFR and always up and down a bit, but more or less stable. My ratio is sky high - and not sure what that means. My Calcium continues to rise a little each month (not good). Going to send a copy of the labs to my Hematologist and Endocrinologist.

    All my baking is done - finished it Sunday and Monday night. I have several small sweet round challah and challah rolls and I made a new recipe, Apple challah. Saving it for lunch tomorrow as my son will be joining us for a late lunch after synagogue. So today I need to cook the turkey breasts, gefilte fish and all the sides. My husband smoked turkey necks and wings for tonight and I will grill a small turkey breast. Menu includes gefilte fish, sweet potatoes, delicata squash, spicy carrots (trying new recipe) turkey breast and smoked turkey necks and wings. For dessert I have my grandmother's nut cake and a wonderful honey cake. Tomorrow lunch we have gefilte fish, brisket, potato kugel, green beans and spaghetti squash. Sunday lunch after synagogue salmon, rice, salad. Tomorrow night a light dinner - potato leek soup and challah. Of course challah and apples dipped in challah tonight and tomorrow lunch.

    I will be offline starting dinner time tonight through Sunday night for Rosh Hashana.

    For everyone that celebrates, Shana Tova.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Wow, Karen, the food sounds bountiful for your Jewish holiday. We knew one Jewish couple through the years and they weren't observant.

    Petite, hugs for you as you face difficult times with grief.

    I have a hair appointment at 11 am today and, boy, is it ever needed. Almost an emergency. I skipped my last hair cut in MN so my hair is long. The color is faded out. Hope my hair stylist doesn't pass out at the sight of me. LOL.

    Our summer grass mowers are here, Lila and Tony. They're an elderly couple. She rides the lawn mower and he does weed trimming. I'm fairly certain they don't need the income but they have a lawn mowing business and we use them during the summer. We'll continue with their service until we're back home from the trip. Then dh will mow.

    Last night dh ordered folding umbrellas and water bottles for our trip. Trafalgar no long supplies plastic bottles of water. A good thing, in my opinion. I mostly drink refilled bottles of water from the refrigerator. He also ordered pill boxes for himself. I have to see about getting my own.

    Hope everyone has a good Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    The development of loving kindness is a demanding practice that requires time.  However, see if you can cultivate some part of loving kindness toward yourself, other people in your life, and the natural world around you every day.  As we keep practicing, we begin to see beyond what is best for ourselves, or for other people, toward what is good for all life that is affected by our actions.  Loving kindness for all life on the earth is the ultimate result of the deepest understanding of the unity of life.

    Claire Thompson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    MM, I don't mind your feelings about the quotes — we all have personal feelings to address that come with additives not always covered. I do know it takes time and effort to begin to have any positive feelings sometimes. It doesn't just happen. Every new moment in time has some sort of potential and we don't always know for sure if we are even going to feel anything close to how we felt about it yesterday. All a part of being human.

    I'm feeling fine this morning after yesterday's panic over hairdresser Beth's scratchy throat. I'm still concerned, but today's weather is much like yesterday's and so my sinuses aren't attacking me quite so much. In fact, overall I actually feel better than I did yesterday. hmmm. Wait and see.

    Carole, I really do understand. I was looking really ragged until I got my hair done yesterday. I don't need dye, at least not yet. I still seem to be taking apparently after my Dad's side of the family since Mom's side got gray I think at pretty much the expected time. My mom in her very late 50's. I am 78 and my dad at 83 was not yet really gray. I figure at some point though I'll likely stop getting perms for the body and start with some dye for the same reason — body. As is, since I'm not good with hair at all (I haven't been clever with my hands with much of anything save for being a fast typist) I get the perm and curls because it tends to give me a casual look without having to do complicated maneuvers to look presentable. Also it tends to hide the fact that my hair is thin and fine.

    Karen, the food does sound really good. The fish I'm not sure, but the rest sounds delightful.

    I agree about the kidney masses Puffin. I do THINK about the fact I only have one kidney now. I think older age does put us in the category of some medical un-certainties. I also think for the most part age tends to slow a lot of things down so that we have a bit more time to work with things. Hoping this is the case with you.

    Thank you Claire.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. Glad to get here earlier today.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Shana Tova Karen and Sandy. May you both have good health and a sweet New Year.

    Puffin - Glad you’re keeping up with your doctor on your kidney masses.

    By the time I was 36, my hair was 50% white. I started coloring it. When I retired I stopped, so it’s all white, with some gray. Right now I’m in need of a cut, but I’m not sure of the style. My hair texture has changed since I’ve completed chemo and it’s much thinner.

    Saw the endodontist earlier today. He took another X-ray of my mouth and thought it looked fine. No swelling. He’s referred me to a Orofacial Pain specialist. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, she’s about 70 miles away.

    We had another beautiful day. Low 50s to start off and now 70 and breezy. I hope everyone has a nice afternoon.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    My old lady brain in malfunctioning today. I read all your recent posts, someone mentioned Calcium and I ran off to take mine and forgot what all I wanted to comment on.

    Karen, I think it was you that mentioned the 50th reunion, we never had one due to COVID. The last one DH and I went to was the 30th. DH and I went to the same high school and same class.

    Puffin, hoping the best for you with the kidney issue.

    I have a nice mental picture of bales and mums, but forgot who mentioned that.

    I think I am ready for a short senior nap.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    All the foods for celebrating the Jewish holiday sound great to me. I might not eat all of them, but I could surely fill a plate. May those celebrating have a good new year.

    Gray hair, ugh, I think mine would be white as snow if I let it go. No pepper, all salt.

    Yesterday we ran around shopping for basics. We had a savings coupon and a 10% off credit card offer. Paper products, foil, laundry products - things that can sit here while we’re gone and be fine.

    Later I went to my grand nieces soccer game. They had a football game right after it because of the Jewish holiday starting Friday. So by the time I was home last night I would have swore it was Friday. Threw me for a loop.

    Today was some running but more yard work. I cut down the black eyed Susan’s; watered 3 large pots of mums - purchased thru a fund raiser for soccer team; scrubbed the bird baths; I trimmed the fence picket “fish”; on the new fence panels I hung up 2 seed holders, a metal garden scroll and an enamel sign “le jardin de la maison” - all previously on old fence panels. I was going to wait until we came back in May but those wild roses are already growing back.

    Weather has turned fall like. I still had shorts on working in the yard, but also had a sweatshirt on. I fell asleep on the couch during the national news, 20 minutes, wrapped in my robe over my clothes. When I woke up I didn’t want to move I felt so comfortable.

    Tomorrow we plan to replace the garage door bottom seal. Next day is pool closing day. Summer was here and gone in the blink of an eye.

    Sandy I hope your back feels better. Petite, I hope your nap was restorative. Cardplayer, good news from endodontist. Carole, you’re back home but leaving again soon on vacation. Good idea to keep the lawn care while you’re gone. I know I’m missing some.

    Best wishes and fingers crossed on medical issues. I’ll know Monday what thoracic surgeon wants to do re: nodules in my lungs; and what my neck MRI reveals when I see orthopedic late afternoon.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I have my hair appointment on Tuesday. I go every 6 weeks. I always tell my hairdresser that I would cancel a doctor appointment before I would cancel my hair appointment, and it's true! I would look so much older if I didn't have my hair colored. It wouldn't be a pretty gray or white, but salt and pepper with the pepper looking faded and more black than my natural brown color. I have my hair dyed my natural color, a medium brown. During Covid I had to use those products for "skunk stripes." I couldn't wait to go back to the salon, which they opened but with limited people in at one time. Because of my replaced shoulders I can't reach to dye my own hair. I can't even blow dry my hair using a dryer and a brush, I need two hands to use either one. I did buy a combination dryer and brush which I use occasionally but need both arms to use that too. I normally just let my hair air dry.

    Cindy, you really accomplished a lot. When do you head south? My DS and BIL don't go back to Naples until after Thanksgiving, then come back sometime in March.

    Another gorgeous day! It was 57 when I went grocery shopping early this morning. Other customers had on jackets, I was fine in my long sleeve shirt. Love this cool weather! I bought one of those cinnamon brooms today. I get one every year, it makes the house smell so good and really makes me feel as if fall is really here. I want to get my fall decorations out today. This truly is my favorite time of the year!

    PSU game is on tv today at noon. I want to get outside, maybe get some weeding done, take a walk in the neighborhood, or both so I won't feel guilty sitting and watching the game! Hope everyone has a great weekend, and Happy New Year to those who celebrate! By the way, those foods sounded so good to me. Enjoy!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    There is a vitality, a life force, an energy that is translated through you; and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. Martha Graham

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Delightful entries today. It has sure been cool at night. I'm needing to get out my blanket for my bed. The deer are coming to the yard (as they do often, but more so this time of yr.) to graze on the acorns. I so enjoy seeing them. It is one of the HUGE benefits of living at the edge of the woods and lake. Sure glad our kids came to live with us. Their work schedule is preventing from helping much at the moment, but it is a temporary issue and of little actual concern.

    I think the mulching is going to be really great this yr. with the addition of the zero-turn mower. A true God-sent for us. Our yard tractors (2 actually) are older and have to be worked on all the time. Did have some work to do on the Gravely, but that is good because then the guys will know what it takes to keep it up.

    I really do like so many of the sights, and smells of Fall. I do miss the feeling of being hidden by all the tree foliage after the trees become bare and turn into yard sentinels. We often feel a bit isolated here when we are covered in foliage, and it is a joy. We truly feel it as A SANTUARY where we can shut out many of the stresses and upsets of living so losing the leaves for a few months does make us feel a bit more vulnerable.

    Nothing special planned today. It's a bit overcast. I haven't followed the weather so not sure what we will have. Strange summer with such heat, though it did start a bit late. Nice to be cooler and less humidity.

    I use a dryer brush too MM, for about the same reason. My left arm (after the severe break close to the shoulder a couple yrs. ago) isn't flexible enough for me to hold in place for more than a second or two so isn't a lot of use on hair. I do as let my hair air dry a lot, but do like using the brush/dryer, especially right after a perm. It can dry a little too curly at first.

    I hope you all have a good Saturday to enjoy.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    All the talk about hair motivated me to make an appointment for a cut next week. I decided to try a new place. I don’t use a blow dryer and hate to style my hair. I need a simple no fuss style. I have horrible memories of getting my hair styled in an awful updo when I was 13 for DB1 wedding. I thought I looked ridiculous. Since that time, no blow dryers and no makeup.

    Woke up to upper 40s this morning, so I went back under the covers and slept in. A nice lazy day. Took a walk when it got to be in the mid60s and now watching football and relaxing. Hope everyone is feeling good today and has a great afternoon.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I can't be bothered with my hair and am still looking for a short straight style that's easy to do. It is really thin on the sides which limits my choices. I'll be 83 next month and it's only about half gray. Just now getting enough gray to make the brown look mousy. Hopefully it will be all gray soon. When it looks bad I think about a perm, never mind that I've hated every perm I ever had. I colored it once years ago, but it didn't look different enough to keep it up.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    +1 on the usefulness of a hairdryer brush. I am inept when it comes to hair and makeup and any attempt to use a round brush in one hand while holding a hairdryer in the other hand is a waste of time and effort. I keep my hair collar length and have been dying my hair since my 30’s. My dad went gray in his 20’s while my mom started dying her hair in her 40’s. Oddly, my brother didn’t start graying until his 60’s. My husband is 67 and finally starting to get some gray which is only noticeable depending on lighting.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    If I let my hair air dry it turns into one big fuzzy mess. I use one of 2 products on it - Paul Mitchell skinny serum or It’s a 10 blow dry serum. And I use that brush styling dryer too; as well as a very large curling iron. Between age, white hair dyed medium brown and I think the cancer drugs, my hair texture has changed over past 4 years

    Add to this my long time stylist retired; tried another that I never was satisfied with the cut; found one stylist I loved in FL - she moved back to Korea at covid; found one I like in NY but sometimes it feels hit or miss. Same in FL, sometimes I like his work better than others. I know the back and forth NY/FL doesn’t help, they don’t see me that often. I’ll cut my own bangs between visits.

    We cut out the old seal on the bottom of the garage and installed the new one. Knock on wood, I did measure it correctly! I ran out to buy a blow up “pillow” to close the pool tomorrow (floats in pool w winter cover over it), and as I was leaving I was thinking “what if” the garage seal doesn’t fit. Ugh, second guessing myself.

    I also sat out on the deck stairs cleaning off sap. The Trex we finally used was under our pine trees, with many hard white spots from sap. I was told a product called Awesome at the $1 Store (now $1.25) could remove it. Elbow grease, a putty knife, a scrub brush, and paper towels - they look so much better! Hated to have to do it , but loved the result.

    Tomorrow we close the pool. I hate this part. I think it’s more “in my head” stress than actual. In fact, we’ve been able to close it pretty easily the last 2 years. We’ll see. Enjoy your Sunday!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I wear my hair in a chin-length bob, with feathery bangs. I generally let it air-dry, would rather treat it naturally. I have used Jhirmack purple shampoo and rinse for several years, nothing else. I have a blower-brush with some spray, and will have to use it today. I might be getting it cut soon.

    My hair went from none, to frightfully curly, to bone-straight, and now at five years the original curl pattern is re-emerging. Ends on right side curl out, on left side curl in— ugh!!

    It appears that I need to go to the gym daily in order to sleep well. So long as I take care of pain management (lidocaine, arnica, or diclofenac) at bedtime. And so long as I keep ankle activity down as far as I can while still getting enough exercise to sleep well. I think I am gaining weight, but really don't want to find out.

    I have a new set of reviewers for my project of 15 years.

    Running up a long list of things to do, as well. And I want to reduce my gabapentin consumption (I do not use the word dosage). Worried about cognitive stuff, and gabapentin is a frequent offender. On the other hand, maybe it is because of my frequently visiting a very difficult 95 year old lady here. Another needs visits, too. Reading Michener's "Recessional" will do that, too.

    Still monitoring the thread. It is quiet because of the absence of our Jewish friends. I have talked to the local computer guy about an overhaul to my laptop, but really hesitate to surrender it for two days. Perhaps I ought to go silent for real for a bit. I have moved it back to the desk now, but have positioned the TV so that it is a matter of either-or.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I bought a dryer brush but do not love it. I do well with a dryer and round brush. So far my hair is still abundant but I have problem areas on the crowns (cowlicks) that I have to pay attention to. I'll probably stick with color since I can afford the expense and I don't like the idea of going silver. I guess it's a mental denial of aging. Also, the majority of people my age who are friends and/or acquaintances continue to color their hair.

    My sister who is 64 went natural and her hair is lovely. She goes to the same stylist that I do and gets a good cut, which makes a lot of difference. She is thrifty and didn't want to pay for color or go to the trouble of the salon visits.

    We now have folding umbrellas and water bottles for the Ireland/Scotland trip. Trafalgar does not sell or supply water is disposable bottles. Apparently there are places to refill the water bottles. I also ordered an inexpensive clear plastic rain scarf. I finally got around to reading the travel itinerary and am feeling interest. We depart on Thursday. Nothing will make me look forward to airports and flying, but both are necessary.

    When I pulled my large suitcase out of the closet, I discovered evidence of a mouse. DH thinks the evidence has been there for a while since our tree that produced the acorns was taken down a couple of years ago. I'll put a mouse nut snack on a paper towel in the closet just to be sure we don't a mouse living in there.

    All the talk of cool fall weather makes me envious. It's a little less humid here this weekend but summer is still in full control. I am grateful for the a/c.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    PT is providing some relief from knee pain and I am actually now able to extend my legs after months of not being able. It is sometimes painful but bearable and walking without a pronounced limp is worth it. I still use the Voltaren gel and will see pain management tomorrow about what to take for knee pain. Tylenol arthritis was a waste but will be used for other pain.

    Yesterday was lovely so I was able to work on mulching the beds on the hill in the backyard. DSIL came out to assist and we got the one bed done rather quickly. I removed any new weeds, he carried mulch to where I wanted the bags and I then dumped and spread them. I do have good upper body strength and can lift the bags up to dump them. Using gravity to our advantage I showed him it was better to start at the top of the hill and dump the bag to run downhill. I am particular because I do have plants in these beds that I do not want to cover so we worked around them and filled in as needed. I planted a few hyacinth bulbs I had from Easter so they will be an added note next spring. I was tired after that bed which took over 25 bags of mulch and my DD and DSIL decided to do the second bed where I had transplanted the ferns. Sent DH to Home Depot for more mulch and they ended up using 13 (1.5 cu ft) bags to fill in this bed. I weeded around the slate walkway to my "secret" garden and installed the sign I just had made for it. It was such a pleasant day to then just relax on the patio.

    Today I will go to Costco with DS and DDIL and then we will have dinner at their house. DH, DD and DSIL will join us so it leaves them free to do whatever and just come later to eat dinner. Dinner will most likely be one of Costco's chicken pot pies and a pie or cake for dessert. I am hoping they have pumpkin pie because theirs is so delicious.

    To those of you observing the Jewish holiday enjoy the time with family and friends.

    Cindyny, you have done so much work at your NY home this summer. It must look wonderful with the new fence, etc.

    Carole, enjoy your trip to Ireland and I think Scotland as well? Anyhow it seem you are prepared for rain though the Irish refer to it as "mist".

    Cardplayer, your GD's party sounded wonderful and we always found that a box of diapers was their favorite toy since they could push it all over the place. The real toys either instilled fear (a misthought purple with orange haired rocking horse from the GM) or no interest.

    MM, glad you are enjoying your gym excursions. You will be happy with the results of your efforts both physically and mentally.

    As far as hair, I used to spend a fortune on upkeep with frosting and haircuts every 6-8 weeks. The frostings were quarterly. I tried perms but they were either too curly or frizzy so I stopped. My hair had always been baby fine but plentiful with a slight curl. AI's destroyed the plentiful and with Covid, my last hair appointment had been canceled with no notice from the salon. I went for the appointment only to discover they had closed (just at the very beginning of the shutdown) and I was pissed at their lack of communication especially since I had been going to this hairdresser for over a decade and they had my contact info. I used to keep it chin to shoulder length in a bob but now it is natural with a silver gray and brown mix and long. I mostly wear it in either a high or low ponytail or a "granny" bun . It no longer holds a curl so I don't want to cut it short to have a thin, short mess that will be straight in some areas and with an uncontrollable curl in others. I have cans of mousse I will pass on to others because I no longer use it.

    Chris, I hope the reviewers provide favorable feedback on your 15 year project. What a sense of accomplishment to have finished it and being able to let others see the product of your mind and research.

    Illinoislady, my DD and DSIL are still living with us as they try to get their home repaired and while it has caused some adjustments to my daily routine, it has been strangely pleasant to have them around. They do chip in to help as needed and it is nice to have their company. We went to see the movie 'A Haunting in Venice' with them and it was quite good. It is also nice to know that they want to spend time with us.

    Hello to wrenn, harley, claire, chisandy, and any others I may have missed. I hope your weekend is pleasant.