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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    We forge gradually our greatest instrument for understanding the world--introspection. We discover that humanity may resemble us very considerably--that the best way of knowing the inwardness of our neighbours is to know ourselves.    -Walter Lippman

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    You’ve gotten some good advice here Mavericksmom. Maybe your DH needs to be screened for depression. But you keeping active and having outside interests and outlets is important for you. My DH and I walk together every day, but he goes to the gym 2-3 times a week and I have REIKI and other things I do to keep me busy. Plus we have our different retired work friends that we see occasionally.

    Nice painted fish Cindy. They turned out really well. It’s been an all sports weekend here as well. I’m ready for some rerun of something else.

    Chris - my DH is 4 years older than me. But we married when I was 24, which seemed appropriate back then. Oh well.

    Had a nice first birthday celebration for DGD with family. The baby liked the wrapping paper more than her gifts. Always fun to be together with my kids and their spouses. And of course DGD.

    We had some rain during our drive to and from DD and SIL home. It’s cooled our temperatures off so now it’s starting to feel like fall. Starting to see leaves turn color. Have a nice evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Late today. Interesting day so far though. I got breakfast early and did some light work, then ran to Goodwill. It was cold in there (at least for us oldies, hubby and me) so we didn't stay super long. Came back home and had a small nap.

    Got up and took the almost non-functioning tankless water heater off the wall and back to Menards. It has a 12 yr. warranty on it and it wasn't anywhere near that age. By the time I parked the car and went in someone had taken the old one, got a new one off the shelf and was just bringing it up to front desk where Dh was waiting. No fuss, no muss, no hassle of any kind. Just here's a brand new one for you and the clerk wheeled it out to my car. No money changed hands and in fact, after we loaded it we went back in for me to look for a couple of things I thought to check while I was there.

    While walking around we spied generators although we weren't looking for them. Lo and behold, they had Generac. Either whole house or portable and the portable ones had wheels - so that was nice to know. I personally would rather have a whole house unit — but I'm not feeling at this point that it is really a big deal for us. We have lost power one time only for long enough to lose food. Once in 26 yrs. means I'm not too excited about it. If we had a history of repeated outages, I'd feel different. I think BIL (I do know its un-wieldy and can be un-comfortable) just disliked not having more control over his environment. So got determined about something that he may likely never need again.

    I'm taken with the blue, and yellow fish with the pale green head. I think they are cute decorations and could liven up an area (sides of sheds) that are generally very un-interesting.

    Dh here is 6 yrs. older than I am. It wasn't bad till his last back operation. He had been having to walk a bit bent over and this last operation was to help, but it didn't. So, Dh is shorter and just as bend and sometimes shuffles a bit. Mentally he is not so bad, and he certainly is ready to go any time. Still too much walking is sometimes hard for him and having to stand in one place and he can miserable relatively quick. He could be better mentally, as he often struggles for words and tends to remember things NOTHING like the original incident. This comes up mainly when he feels he just has to share something. If I give him the corrected version, he then usually recalls that yes, that is the way it was. Not a big deal except if I'm not there he will tell things wrong and have no idea.

    I had been dating a man 20 yrs. older before him, so 6 yrs. at that time was not a big deal at all. I had no idea that old injuries from a severe car accident when he was young would come back to make the after-retirement time go as poorly. I try to remember though that he didn't I'm sure think he would have to deal with a wife who had rheumatic fever at 8 yrs. old causing open heart surgery in late life, which then caused retirement at 75 when I wasn't at all ready. Nor did he sign up for my BC and later bladder cancer three times. Nor my serious broken arm. We are not even but have each dealt with each other's disabilities and health issues and it will remain this way. He doesn't complain and I try not to although I have to admit it isa exasperating at times.

    Anyway, hope you all had a grerat Sunday.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Cindy - the fish are really cute. It’s nice to have a creative outlet. I need to find a craft I enjoy. I used to do needlepoint, cross stitch, quilting and crocheting many years ago, but can’t find anything that interests me now.

    MM - I think transitioning into retirement takes time. You and I are both in the early stages of retirement and it is a major life change. While I have no desire to return to work, there are certainly days I feel like I have accomplished nothing. To be fair, there were many days in the work world where I felt I was spinning my wheels as well. Given that you were in education, you may have had a greater sense of accomplishment on a daily basis than I did. DH is two years old than I and will be retiring at the end of the year. I’m sure this will be a big adjustment for us but I think it will be nice that we can get out during the week to hike, go out for lunch etc.

    We are forecasted to have high temps in the low 70’s to high 60’s over the next week and I’m thrilled. I love fall and the cooler weather- it’s my favorite time of year. Rain is in our forecast for Monday and I hope the meteorologists are correct. I’ll gladly forego walking or biking outside and go to the gym if we can have some liquid sunshine. It’s so dry here my grass crunches when I walk on it.

    I plan to pick up some mums for our yard this week and am targeting apple picking for the following week. Other than that I have my volunteer work on Tuesday and Friday. I need to do some decluttering however I lack motivation and keep promising myself that I will do it when the colder weather arrives.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Thanks to all for the advice and comments on marriage. They gave me things to think about and made me feel so much better!

    More roof leak drama last evening. First, I was putting my contractors information into my phone when I inadvertently called him. Ooooops. I apologized profusely for bothering him on a Sunday.

    Later in the evening, my husband went into the garage for something and saw water coming in through the ceiling and down a wall, right on top of electrical outlets for our heater! It was dripping quite a lot. I wanted to call the contractor, but DH, (once a farmer, always a farmer), was trying to concoct a plastic funnel to divert the water! OMG, I was so afraid he would electrocute himself. Thankfully he can't stand on ladders due to balance issues and I wasn't doing that for him, so he gave up and said "call the contractor!" Our contractor came, was very apologetic, and put a caulk around the chimney, which was the issue. The flashing around it needs repair, it looked good but wasn't. No more leaks. Contractor will come back and fix it properly either today or tomorrow depending on rain. Thankfully he could do a quick fix because it rained a lot last night. No more leaking!

    I guess the crazy night caused me to have a crazy dream…..that I went back to work even though I was retired, and after being there, realized I was in my nightgown! Whatever made me dream that I don't know but going to school in my PJ's used to be a recurring dream for me in my younger days! LOL

    Cindy, super cute fish! It might be a simple project for you, but I don't think I could pull it off. I love your fish!

    Oh, and a whole weekend of football/baseball at my house. I like sports but have a hard time sitting through one game let alone constant games. I did other things while he watched sports. At least DH wasn't watching something that annoys me!

    Got to get ready to take DH for his US on his carotid arteries. Later, lunch with DS!

    Have a great day everyone! (((((Cyber Group Hug)))))

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    "Chris - my DH is 4 years older than me. But we married when I was 24, which seemed appropriate back then. Oh well." Of course, if the prospective husband is looking for a woman who will be beautiful throughout his life, he won't find a wife. But, based on statistics (as a cardplayer you will understand this), women generally live longer and in better health. Full disclosure of health conditions required. The man older was a cultural convention back then when the woman was property, and not allowed to work unless as an assistant in the man's trade, like farming or innkeeping.

    MM, I hesitated to bring up the subject. If you knew the story of my marriage, you would understand that a woman can do worse in choosing a spouse.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Chris, please don't ever feel you can't bring things up. I always tell people no one is guaranteed X number of years of wedded bliss.

    Home from taking DH to his appointment. Looks as if it might actually be a pretty nice day today, at least I see some blue sky! Looking forward to lunch with my sister!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    We can develop gratitude for all conditions, good or bad. Each has its necessary place in our development as healthy, happy people. We need the sorrows along with the joys if we are to gain new insights. Our failures keep us humble; they remind us of our need for the care and guidance of others. And for every hope dashed, we can remember, one will be realized. -unattributed

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    MM- I so wish I had a sister! Being old-89- is so hard in that I've lost all my lifelong friends, some of whom were so much like sisters.

    I have looked forward to September, not liking hot weather, but dreading September also because of medical appointments. Friday was the Derm, who froze off half my face with nitrous oxide. I go back in 8 weeks and then will most likely need blue light or chemo cream. John Updike wrote a terrifying short story about blue light, but that was many years ago.Today, scananxiety, with annual mammo and ultrasound which Medicare no longer pays for. Cost $536.00. Because it's a diagnostic mammo, technician, very blond, very cold, said she would show it to the radiologist. But she didn't come back for 42, my heart racing, minutes. It was fine as was ultrasound. Results were in portal in one hour. Tomorrow is one year since hip replacement. Go to orthopedist next week and to evaluate need for other hip being done- which I just can't go through again and am not yet in pain from.But it is bone on bone.After these appointments a break until the MO in November. When I was little and my aunts would give me a quarter, they would say, " Spend it in good health. " I thought they were nuts. Who thought about health then?

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Oh Keywestfan, if I lived near you, I would meet you for lunch or coffee every week! You may be 89, but you are 89 years young! I am impressed that you had your hip replacement a year ago and seem to be doing well. Your attitude is always positive! I remember when you were writing about your hip replacement now, but I was so preoccupied from having breast cancer at the time, that I forgot about that. I totally agree on the view of health when one is young. I think most of us assumed good health, but never realized how blessed we were. So many children aren't so lucky.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Judy, you are (and look) younger at 89 than most of us here in your 70s. In your pocket for the remaining appts. I tried to reschedule my Prolia shot—the earliest I could get that didn't conflict with all my other appts. is 9/26—but they want me to do labs ASAP. Not looking forward to the CMP (especially the GFR and glucose).

    So Bob is better today, though the storms passing through overnight made both our sinuses ache. He went to work today and didn't re-test. So far so good for both of us. If the CDC signs off tomorrow on today's FDA approval of the new COVID booster, I will pounce on Walgreen's website to get the first available appt. (and hope I don't have to keep refreshing my browser in an ever-widening circle of branches like I did in 2021). On the fence about waiting 2 wks after for the flu shot so as not to use my R arm vs. taking a chance on the short needle stick in the R arm (had an IV in the R when I had arm/wrist/hand surgery in 2018). Still getting tingling in my L arm and tightness in the deltoid >4 wks post-RSV shot—so will likely not go to the Walgreen's down the block lest I get the newbie tech again who stuck my upper arm too low.

    Going on a WTTW Lakefront Cruise (rain-or-shine, and it's definitely raining) tonight, with dinner & 2 drinks included. Its docent will be Chicago historian & TV host Geoffrey Baer. Got an e-mail warning that we may have to stay on the river if the lake is too rough. Will report back on the food & beverages on the appropriate threads. 

    Rather than try to explain to a cab or Uber how to get to the handicap-access dock on Lower Lower Wacker (not a typo) and then afterwards try to walk 1/2 mi. to the accessible ramp from the Riverwalk, will cowgirl up and take the two flights of stairs from street level (and parking garage if I drive instead of cab it) down to the dock. I was able to pad the band-aids on my toes and don both a diabetic sock and closed shoe. Gonna wear my hooded rain jacket, take my cane…and use a ton of careful patience. Don't need any more injuries.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Mary - My DH and I got married right out of University. I graduated on Wednesday and our wedding was on Sunday. At the time we married we were both healthy, though I was aware of my husband's risk for heart disease. He made it to 64 without any major incident when he had his quintuple bypass. There were no know risk factors in my family. Never did I imagine I would struggle with infertility, have 2 cancers, kidney disease, hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism. I'm very lucky to have a wonderful man for my husband. We make a great pair. And we are only 6.5 months apart in age.

    Trying to decide when to get all the vaccinations - RSV, Covid and Flu and what order. We are thinking of waiting till October for Flu.

    Keywest - agree with Sandy and MM - you look fantastic - I had to do a double take when you said 89! I have one brother 19 months older than me. I'm so glad that my girls have a sister even though they are 12 years apart in age. All my kids get along, but there is a difference between brother/sister, brother/brother and sister/sister relationships.

    Sandy - happy to hear that Bob is on the mend.

    I have labs early tomorrow morning for my nephrology appointment next Wednesday. CMP, CBC, and don't remember what else he does. I need to remember not to pee before I leave the house in case he ordered an UA. He always does on at my appointments.

    Greetings to all that I have left out. I didn't take notes. Have a good evening/night.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Yes, you are metabolically complex. Maybe your nephrologist might ask you if you are willing to be the subject for a case study for a medical journal.

    Glad to see you continuing to post.

    The most important factor in my family is heart disease. Depression is also common, but I don't think that is significantly genetic.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Enjoy the cruise tonight Sandy. I hope the weather cooperates. Glad Bob is feeling better.

    Hope the leaks have been take care of mavericksmom and that you had a nice lunch with your sister today.

    Keywestfan - I think it’s ridiculous that Medicare doesn’t cover ultrasounds with your mammogram. IMHO, ultrasounds should be included with all mammograms for high risk women, BC survivors, and those with dense breasts. Off my soap box now. Agree with others. You look great. I recently had my yearly (plus a few months) check for my hip replacement. She said unless I have issues, I see her in 5 years.

    I see my rheumatologist tomorrow. She’s about an hour away which isn’t too bad. The only doctor I kept when we moved. No rheumatologists in our area. I prefer telemed appointments but last time she said she wants to do some blood work.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    I love the fish. I have fish everywhere!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Love the fish, petite!

    Bob & I got married 3 weeks after university graduation—and moved to Seattle the very next day so he could start grad school (health sciences PhD programs start July 1, just like medical school and residency).

    Cruise went off without a hitch. Was very careful descending the stairs to the dock (going up was MUCH easier). Decided to sit outdoors on the bow, since the view was pretty good and Baer was loud & clear via the speakers. Didn't want to sit inside because it was crowded with no view. I'm a bit apprehensive, because the line to pick up the box dinner and drink was indoors and slow-moving. Didn't want to go up top (where the view was a bit better) because that would have involved too many stairs (tricky to negotiate with a drink, dinner box and cane in my hand). We were able to go out on to the lake after all, though only up to the breakwater wall. Rain held off for the most part—a bit of drizzle for a few minutes midway through—but the heavens opened up after I retrieved my car from the garage and turned on to Michigan Ave. Had to use the wipers on high speed all the way up Lake Shore Drive—first time I've done so in years.

    Foot held up okay too, though the toe is a bit sore again late tonight. The one thing that gave me pause was as we were docking, Baer announced he would be the first off the boat in order for people to take selfie photo-ops (I took no pictures, period—I've found I notice & enjoy more when I'm seeing things "live" rather than on a screen or through a viewfinder). When it comes to scenery, I'm not one for selfies, either. People will just have to believe me when I tell them where I was and what I saw. If they need proof, that's their problem! Then he said to please social-distance and not shake hands, because he got COVID after the last cruise he hosted and let guests schmooze with him. Believe me, as soon as I disembarked I hightailed it to the dock stairs and my car! (On the drive home I began to imagine my throat was getting sore—and then I remembered I had barely any water all day).

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy the cruise sounds like it was a good time. I would have hightailed it off of it too. No need to spread germs.

    As I was keying this I was going to say how I couldn’t get an appointment for the covid booster. When I’ve tried to get on a list it wouldn’t work. I went to the CVS web so I’d be accurate with what it said and low & behold I was able to book it. I’m set for 4 pm tomorrow! Partner set his up for noon.

    Petite the fish look great! In the FL house I have 3 glass fish sitting on the guest bathroom windowsill. And a wall of ceramic fish hanging up in there too. I painted “water” with a sandy bottom and star fish. It was for my 6 yr old grand niece. I think it should come down (or get papered over), she said never. LOL It’s been up for 7 seasons now.

    Dr Dr Dr , as I was getting up off the chiropractor adjustment table today my phone rang. It was my PCP office calling to tell me my dr couldn’t see me on 9/22 for my physical, they’d get me in on 11/30. I said, no - I’m not here, leave for Florida in early November. Well she said maybe I could see another Dr in the practice. So I blurted out thoracic surgeon for lung nodules, endocrinologist for thyroid nodules, and she can see my results in the patient portal. They put me on hold to speak with the doctor. Came back with an 10/2 appointment at 7:30 AM. I’d bet you this is the 3rd doctor who has changed my appointments which were made a year ago. It’s getting crazier than usual.

    I’ve got to go to bed. The CVS web had me answer a lot of questions, when I didn’t anticipate even getting in, and it took up time. Good night ladies!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, make sure what you are getting is the NEW booster for Covid. It was my understanding that the FDA approved it but there was no date for when it will be available, only speculation that it would be at the end of this week. Our CVS always lags behind Walgreens and other pharmacies because they need the OK from corporate before they can give any vaccine, or so I was told. That is why I haven't been able to get a Covid booster from CVS.

    Sandy, so glad you had a nice cruise! You deserve something nice as you have had such a rough year!

    Petite, I love the fish!

    As for marriage, it is all about love for most, and there is no age or time on that!

    Our roof still leaks! Ugh! Not the worst but frustrating. It will be fixed and thankfully my contractor is more upset over it than I am. He actually cares about the work his men do! He will fix it, just going to be a process of fix and wait and see how it does with the next rainfall.

    Off to my DH's appointment with the neurologist. I am expecting it to be largely a waste of time but will go with him and listen to what the doctor says about the MRI results from May!!!!

    I am not a fan of doctors, having had so many bad experiences. I do like many of my current doctors, my new PCP, my PS and his PA, my MO, my cardiologist, and my orthopedic "shoulder" doctor, (knee doctor, not so much) but so many doctors over the years either lied to me or jerked me around. It takes time for me to trust a doctor. Mostly I don't feel personal connections with my doctors like I did many years ago. I know I am just one more item on the conveyor belt of medicine! I do better when I stay focused on facts and not mannerisms.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Humility is the world's antidote to self-righteousness.  Self-righteousness is the disease that assumes that if I say so, it must be so and if I want it, I ought to have it.  A lot of wars, domestic and otherwise, could be prevented with the slightest touch of humility.

    Joan Chittister

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Where to start. Glad you did have a good evening, Sandy. Sounded enjoyable and fairly easy navigation with only having to be enclosed or too close while picking up your dinner box. Like you I would have skedaddled right away when everything was over. The rain on the way home sounded pretty dramatic.

    The fish are really pretty petite. I'd be happy having them around. The theme I've had at my house was carried out mainly in my kitchen and was apples. I'm not as into it now but the same basic colors are still there. Tiny pale blue squares on the walls with blue on the counters and my metal signs on the pantry wall by my back kitchen door. Apple pie by slice and another is Apples for sale and my Coffee sign to go with the apples.

    I haven't felt too much disappointment with my Dr.'s as much as just feeling frustration for seeming to have to keep seeing them and often different specialty ones. I think it must be difficult to be a Dr. in this day and age. So many rules, so much hassle over insurance, and paperwork through the roof. Along with the fact that technology has I think created a lot more disease. So many chemicals in things and pesticides and even climate change. I can see where you feel that you've gotten short shrift from some of your medical people and have trouble warming up to them now. On our side it seems much more difficult to find the right help and stay well. No one is winning this one well. Hopefully, all will be able to find someone they can work fruitfully with to do the best they can.

    Hmmm, that roof. Much like ours — our screen room roof. They have been able to put some of that Flex-Seal on it, but it only lasts so long and has to be re-applied. Dh and SIL think they know how to fix it, but they don't do it so perhaps it is not fixable because of having the wrong angle or something to begin with. I sure hope yours does have an actual fix MM. Sounds like it.

    I also hope you get a bit of a surprise at your Dh's Neurology appt.

    Hope you all have a truly nice day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Illinoislady, this is the “Apple”I have over my kitchen sink.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    MM❤️ The Apples have it.🍎

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Covid booster - I was texting gf’s this morning letting them know I’ve got my appointment set. One responded that Good Morning America mentioned it’s not available until next week.

    So I called CVS. The Pharmacy let me know they have no covid vaccines at all right now, he couldn’t believe I was able to make an appointment. Then he looked it up and said he found our names for next Tuesday, 9/19. On Monday 9/18 they’re supposed to receive their shipment. Fingers crossed it’s timely and I can in fact get it as scheduled.

    I met two gf for lunch this afternoon. We met at an “drive in” counter service place that was delicious and offered many options. The topper was a kiddie cone of watermelon sherbet with vanilla swirl. As a kid watermelon sherbet was my absolute favorite, good memories associated with it.

    At 4:15 I was sitting at my grandnieces soccer game. Some of these girls play on 3 teams and are very good at it. Others, including my grandniece, are good. But this is the first time I’ve been to a game where they did an OT because of a tie; and the score board with timing clock was turned off before the OT was over. All in all, it felt beautiful just sitting in the sun, low humidity today.

    I’ve been running all day it seems. I never attempted to cut out the fence picket fish. If I try early in the day tomorrow I might get it done. We’re expecting more rain.

    Kitchen decorations - over the years I’ve had the county goose look w blue; a wallpaper look of country kitchen - a pink & blue; I even had some chicken/rooster decal rectangles - I just had to have, and never put up; I do have a very large Italian rooster platter displayed on top the fridge, a hand made pie plate - fluted edges with flower design on top of microwave, 2 pictures of rabbits by Warren Kimble, a corner wire rack (dust collector) w various stuff on it (more dust collectors ). So no real theme to it.

    I’m rambling… enjoy the rest of the day, and have a good night.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    I'm sure the age thing makes a difference. So does general health. We're 3 years apart, married the summer I graduated from college and have been married 58 years. Ken hasn't really been well for at least 10 years and has really withdrawn from much social life. We have one couple we see regularly (maybe too regularly) but not much else. His only other social activity is walking the dog and saying hello to their owners. Oh, and I think he has a grocery store checker he likes. At 65 he was playing golf and tennis regularly and we had many couple friends we did a variety of things with. Even with only 3 years difference, I can't just be home like he is. Fortunately, he doesn't expect me too.

    Having a good visit in Maine although it's rained off and on every day. Had dinner with sister and BIL last night and my sis and I hooked up today. I realize I'll never get Debbie to move to AZ.

    She has wonderful wildlife here and has become an avid birdwatcher. This afternoon we saw a deer and her fawn and the variety of birds at her feeder is amazing. I keep thinking of you Puffin. She has some computer program which helps her with bird songs (you probably know which one I mean.)

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    My dh has that bird song app on his phone and enjoys it so much. I need to get it on my phone.

    Count me in as a fish person, too. I'm a Pisces and the fish sign suits me. Like Petite, I have a number of fish-in-art pieces in my house. I like your folk art fish, Cindy, and would buy one if I were close to you.

    Speaking of house, we're back home, having pulled (or backed) into the driveway at 2:30 pm yesterday. This moment dh is hauling stuff into the house. I need to get dressed and go to the supermarket for all the basic foods. It will be a big number at the check out.

    It's hot and humid as expected but with all the weather disasters around the world and the huge loss of human lives, I dare not complain. Our a/c is working and it's comfortable inside the house.

    Keywestfan, dh is 84 and he plans to investigate getting knee replacement this winter. He is bone on bone in both knees. He is still quite a good golfer and wants to continue playing.

    I had better turn off my laptop and take care of duties. Happy Wednesday to all.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, so glad you will get the appropriate Covid vaccine! I'm glad it all worked out!

    Taco, it sounds like you are really enjoying Maine! I am like your sister, no way could I move to AZ. I am a northern climate gal!

    I don't think any marriage is perfect. Age is just one factor. I too am lucky that my DH can still be home alone and do fine, and I can still go out, although I wouldn't stay somewhere over night without him. He has always been good about me going places without him. I went by myself to visit my musician friends in Charlottesville, VA many times many years ago, and he was fine with that. I think he needed some "me" time too!

    I was pleasantly surprised with my DH's neurology appointment. His doctor is great. He said the cause of his walking issues is neuropathy in his feet, likely due to his diabetes. He ordered a few more blood tests to be sure he didn't miss anything. He asked about the PT and was annoyed he never heard from the PT place. I was afraid to tell him why that happened.

    I wanted my DH to have his MRI before doing PT for fear that he could make something worse. We had to wait a long time for the "first available appointment for the MRI." Then afterwards, when my DH didn't hear back from his neurologist, I suggested he call his office. My DH refused to do that! So I said, ok, you have an appointment in a few weeks with your PCP. Show him the MRI report which we received on MyChart, and ask him if PT is safe to do. So he did. The reason his neurologist never got a report from the PT was because my DH got another script from his PCP and used that! Ugh!

    Our roofer fixed the roof for a third time. Had rain last night, but I don't know how much. I heard the thunder around 3 AM and wasn't getting out of bed to look. I didn't see any signs of an issue this morning so hopefully it is really fixed this time! I had to call him this morning because he left a tool here, and the poor guy panicked! I felt bad as I knew a call from me would upset him, but he was relieved when I told him the call was about a tool, not the roof!

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Hi everyone,

    Been a busy time since I wrote last but I hope all of you are doing well. Fall is in the air in No. AZ. Trees are beginning to turn here and my daughter in Denver said that the fourteeners in the Rockies got snow a few days ago.

    I am still waiting to hear from Mayo urology in the hopes they will take my case. My Mayo gastro referred me and I've already reached out for an appt. I had a colonoscopy last week as part of IBS dx, first time ever could not be completed due to torturous colon (never heard that before). They did yet another scan of my colon instead and it was clear, which was good, but radiologist who read the scan noted again hydronephrosis (ureter probl) and swollen kidney. They also reported fluid around my heart which the first CT last month didn't note. I feel like I'm being yanked back and forth and every time a scan is done something else pops up that I have to see other specialist. Can you say "fear of overtx"?

    I have no symptoms of heart probs—at all. Fitness classes 4x a week and I'm hiking 6 miles at altitude this Friday (six miles RT up our mountain) which I'm used to. BP/02 sats/pulse rate stellar-my resting pulse when I'm not anxious is 55, e.g.

    What triggered massive PTSD was the urgency in which Mayo continued to call me about my results beginning the day I had the procedure: they called once VM (could not take the call; have to prepare to hear and understand what is said and that requires me being calm); then they called twice within 2 hours the next day (I was teaching), and then texted me 😡 an hour after that. I thought I needed emergency surgery, they had found a mass, or I was in imminent danger of death. They know now not to call-to email instead, and that I have medical PTSD and have to spoken to with reassurance, calmness and hope.

    I'm still recovering from the crying and shaking their urgent calls to me brought on. Turns out the doc calling was simply doing too good a job since she was filling in for my gastro.

    My gastro said not to worry —that CTs are focused on one particular area but they also note other places (probably for litigation) but that those incidental findings are often squishy, e.g. and turn out to be nothing. Still. I will always run to the cancer cliff, thinking I'm being pushed off.

    Right now my life feels like someone ran into my world and lit a prairie fire—put one out and 3 others appear.

    Claire in AZ

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Clare, nice to see you and I can relate to your PTSD. Hope you get some good news about CT results.

    Hi to petite1 and to taco and anyone else I missed. Carole, welcome back to your home.

    Cindyny: Love the fish! They are so cute and using black paint may obviate the need to use a saw. They should look cute on a shed. I admire your skills with crafts and tools.

    Illinoislady, your quotes lately have been lovely and have some really nice meanings/messages.

    MM: Glad you are able to make peace with DH's age difference in terms that you do your own thing. I would make the offer and if he declines that would mean I would feel free to pursue it as well. DH and I are closer in age so that is not an issue but we do have different interests and of he wants some me time to pursue them, great. Gives me "me time" as well. I stopped inviting him to retirement dinners for my former co-workers and I refused to attend those for his co-workers. We were both bored or felt abandoned at these events so it was a waste. The man can sleep anywhere and that includes at a dinner, so embarrassing when you have to nudge him. Not great on remembering names of people he has met on numerous occasions either.

    PT is going well and she is increasing the reps for exercises I have already learned and doing a change up by introducing new ones. I have a regular routine for ones to perform at home.

    Ortho surgeon injected both knees with cortisone yesterday so knees feel better and I hope it lasts. Last time I had it done, it only lasted 2 days before pain returned. Her PA felt I would not get any benefit from PT so ordered it reluctantly and yet the surgeon felt this was a good move. So difference in position by team members. Can't have any more injections before surgery so hope this gets me through January.

    Weather has been iffy with heat, humidity and random showers. The one bed my DSIL and I weeded earlier has sprung a new crop of weeds and it looks like I will have to do it again. Once done, I will mulch this section which I had not done then. So if weekend is cooperative I want to mulch the beds on the hill first since they were weeded just recently.

    Went to Michaels in search of small plastic boxes in which to store jewelry. Found something I could use and the individual price was higher that buying one that ahs a case. So I bought the case one and then found a similar one on Amazon for half the price. So I bought 2 on Amazon and returned the one to Michaels today. I have jewelry hanging from the hooks in my jewelry armoire and it is messy because I have multiple pieces per hook. So thought is to take better jewelry and place it in boxes, label them and use hooks for more costume like jewelry. Yes, I have an issue with shoes and jewelry and have plenty of both acquired over years. Just sent 7 pairs of Italian leather sandals, new in box, to SIL because the heel is too high for me now with knee issues. She sent me a check for them which I was not expecting but I will use on these jewelry containers. So its a win-win, she got sandals much less costly than if purchased at cost and I got some unexpected funding.

    Yes, they caught the prison escapee this morning and Chester county can breathe a sigh of relief. I do hope they at least ticket the owner of the rifle he was able to steal from a garage where it was not securely stored in a gun cabinet; it was leaning in a corner of the garage. Imagine if a neighbor kid had gotten their hands on it. This section of the county is anti-government and was complaining about all the police presence, yet wanted him caught. A real dichotomy of thinking processes.

    Doing laundry and will redecorate front porch for fall. It's early yet but I have the flowers and leaves I bought at Michaels and want them out of the kitchen.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Love the fish petite. Reminds me of some dishes I purchased for my SIL years ago.

    I’ve scheduled my Covid / Flu shots for early October, just to be on the safe side to get the latest version. CVS had lots of available appointments. DH is going to get his when he see his cardiologist in October.

    Glad you’re enjoying your visit in Maine taco.

    Always nice to be home isn’t it Carole. And then get ready for your next trip.

    Is your DH taking anything for his neuropathy Mavericksmom? Sorry he’s dealing with it. I hope he’s able to get some relief for the pain.

    Sorry about your medical PTSD Claire.

    Hope the cortisone injections give you relief Betrayal. I had one in my hip before my daughters wedding (to push out replacement) and it lasted 9 months.

    Busy catching up on cleaning today. This is our first first time having indoor cats (all other have gone outside) and I feel like there’s more than 2 cats living in this house. In addition to the cleaning floors, I cleaned nose prints off several windows and have several more windows to clean.

    I saw my rheumatologist yesterday. She took blood and wants me to have an MRI of my hand. Since she’s reduced my current medication, my hands have been bothering me.

    Weather has started to get cooler here - we wake up to cooler mornings and gone are hot days. Leaves are starting to turn. We’ve had rain the last couple of nights, but still in our drought.

    Have a nice evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Contemplating how we came to be here is like trying to find the ends of space. We find no answers, only wonder and awe and gratitude for being invited. Counting our blessings leads to a desire to give something back. Thus begins the path of service, the fruit of our journey, the gateway to joy.    -Dan Millman