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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    You may not see it for awhile Sandy, but sure hoping things start going uphill for you now. You make me feel like I have nothing at all going on. I'd wonder how you got it, but you do live in a pretty populated area and although my family has — I haven't even gone out for a few days. I do hope you can work up enough appetite to do as you thought and send out for some Thanksgiving food.

    I'll be thinking of you and sure hoping that you do get a boost to getting over this current hump. Hugs.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy you’re on a roll. I’m hoping you get rest and start to feel better soon.

    I met gfs in the park at 2:30 and we took a walk. It was still windy & cold! We’re expecting snow later, but more north of here - hoping it’s only rain for us.

    I also ran into Trader Joe’s for a bouquet for a gf husband who had his knee replaced yesterday. He has heart issues so they kept him overnight. Trader Joe’s was packed! I grabbed the flowers, milk, eggs, and beat feet out of there.

    I did get the new blind hung before my walk. But of course the brackets are different so I had to get my drill out to take down the old, and put up the new. Knock on wood my drill is done until at least May.

    Tomorrow I see an eye plastic surgeon. The small cyst he’ll be looking at I’ll need reassurances that he’s done them before and my vision won’t be compromised. I can live with the cyst, I just don’t like seeing it. But I’m not so vain that I’d do/get it removed at all costs.

    Stay warm, feel well, and gave a great night.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I am optimistic and confident in all that I do. I affirm only the best for myself and others. I am the creator of my life and my world. I meet daily challenges gracefully and with complete confidence. I fill my mind with positive, nurturing, and healing thoughts.   -Alice Potter

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Cindy, I am a little in awe of how easily you seem able to pick up hand tools and tackle a job that in 'general' fellows usually do. You seem as handy with those things as most of the craft type things so many here do so well. Crafts should be a breeze for you.

    It is another dreary day. Really miss the sun. Busy morning since I got up late. We went to Mt. Vernon this time to get my stiches out of my nose. It is taking a bit more to heal GOOD. I'm down to no stiches but she advices a sm. round bandage for another week — with clear Vaseline. That is no problem for me. I just found it hard to wash my nose with all those outer stitches. Also, likely due to glasses that like to slip on my nose a bit, that area has remained a lot sorer than my cheek. I did expect that, and it is not so much now that it interferes with anything.

    My SIL and daughter took SIL's brother to the airport in St. Louis, Mo so he could go to Fla. for Thanksgiving. Likely a nice thing for the brother. He is I think very bored here in Centralia. Not sure why, but I think unlike many in the family he tends to look at things a bit more on the negative side. As in, things are not bad, they just aren't good. We all have our moments, but I think his have a lot more lasting quality and come up a lot more than anyone else's. Hopefully one of these days he will finally realize who is in charge of all that.

    As it turns out we will be going to my SIL's, son and daughter-in-law's house for Thanksgiving. Matt has graciously offered to make sure during the cooking that salt is not put in anything. I was going to cook a couple of things and take them along but now don't have too.

    I should say that my SIL encouraged his son and the son's wife and child, as well as SIL's brother. to move here. The son and daughter-in-law do sound like they are okay with Centralia. It is not for everyone since it is mainly more of a retirement area. I find that people who have a skill and can get a good paying job are happier.

    Anyway, I hope you are all going to have a super day tomorrow.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, I was the last of 6 kids with the closest being 7 years older. My dad had me assist with whatever he did. Plus an ex husband that wasn’t around a lot, so I never waited for him to do something, just did it myself. At the pool in FL the guys tease my partner when they see me reading a book poolside - they ask him if it’s a plumbing/home repairs book. My last tool purchase was a mini chainsaw. I said it was for my partner (look what I got you!) but I’ve used it to take down the doweled privacy fence panels 2 summers in a row; and to cut up all the branches upon our return in May. Home tools by necessity, crafts for an artistic outlet. Your holiday plans sound lovely, especially not have to cook.

    I went to the ophthalmologist plastic surgeon this morning. He examined me and said he believes it’s a benign cyst and he could easily remove it and explained the procedure. Then asked if I wanted it done now or to wait until after Thanksgiving. Definitely now! So I was moved into another room, numbed, snip snip snip, cauterized, bacitracin ointment, and out the door I went. He said he sends it out just to confirm no signs of cancer. I need to put ointment on it 3-4 times a day. He said it will scab and be gone in 2-3 weeks. I never thought I’d get it done this soon. I’ll be gentle washing my face, no rough washing over the area. But check that off my list, it’s done!

    I made a pecan pie, and chocolate cream/pudding pie. Purchased an apple & pumpkin pie at Sam’s club. I’ve got Italian cookies filled with jelly, ice cream, and whipped cream to take to my nieces. I grabbed 2 Strombolis to make as an app. I’ll cook them up right before we head to her house. I used to make all the pies but didn’t have it in me this year.

    Everyone have a happy Thanksgiving!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."

    -- Christian D. Larson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It has been awhile since I refreshed my memory about our Thanksgiving and how it came about. Thinking perhaps some of you might like a refresher as well.

    November 23, 2023

    Thanksgiving is the quintessential American holiday…but not for the reasons we generally remember.

    The Pilgrims and the Wampanoags did indeed share a harvest celebration together at Plymouth in fall 1621, but that moment got forgotten almost immediately, overwritten by the long history of the settlers’ attacks on their Indigenous neighbors.

    In 1841 a book that reprinted the early diaries and letters from the Plymouth colony recovered the story of that three-day celebration in which ninety Indigenous Americans and the English settlers shared fowl and deer. This story of peace and goodwill among men who by the 1840s were more often enemies than not inspired Sarah Josepha Hale, who edited the popular women’s magazine Godey’s Lady’s Book, to think that a national celebration could ease similar tensions building between the slave-holding South and the free North. She lobbied for legislation to establish a day of national thanksgiving.

    And then, on April 12, 1861, southern soldiers fired on Fort Sumter, a federal fort in Charleston Harbor, and the meaning of a holiday for giving thanks changed.

    Southern leaders wanted to destroy the United States of America and create their own country, based not in the traditional American idea that “all men are created equal,” but rather in its opposite: that some men were better than others and had the right to enslave their neighbors. In the 1850s, convinced that society worked best if a few wealthy men ran it, southern leaders had bent the laws of the United States to their benefit, using it to protect enslavement above all.

    In 1860, northerners elected Abraham Lincoln to the presidency to stop rich southern enslavers from taking over the government and using it to cement their own wealth and power. As soon as he was elected, southern leaders pulled their states out of the Union to set up their own country. After the firing on Fort Sumter, Lincoln and the fledgling Republican Party set out to end the slaveholders’ rebellion.

    The early years of the war did not go well for the U.S. By the end of 1862, the armies still held, but people on the home front were losing faith. Leaders recognized the need both to acknowledge the suffering and to keep Americans loyal to the cause. In November and December, seventeen state governors declared state thanksgiving holidays.

    New York governor Edwin Morgan’s widely reprinted proclamation about the holiday reflected that the previous year “is numbered among the dark periods of history, and its sorrowful records are graven on many hearthstones.” But this was nonetheless a time for giving thanks, he wrote, because “the precious blood shed in the cause of our country will hallow and strengthen our love and our reverence for it and its institutions…. Our Government and institutions placed in jeopardy have brought us to a more just appreciation of their value.”

    The next year, Lincoln got ahead of the state proclamations. On July 15 he declared a national day of Thanksgiving, and the relief in his proclamation was almost palpable. After two years of disasters, the Union army was finally winning. Bloody, yes; battered, yes; but winning. At Gettysburg in early July, Union troops had sent Confederates reeling back southward. Then, on July 4, Vicksburg had finally fallen to U. S. Grant’s army. The military tide was turning.

    President Lincoln set Thursday, August 6, 1863, for the national day of Thanksgiving. On that day, ministers across the country listed the signal victories of the U.S. Army and Navy in the past year and reassured their congregations that it was only a matter of time until the United States government put down the southern rebellion. Their predictions acknowledged the dead and reinforced the idea that their sacrifice had not been in vain.

    In October 1863, President Lincoln declared a second national day of Thanksgiving. In the past year, he declared, the nation had been blessed.

    In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, he wrote, Americans had maintained their laws and their institutions and had kept foreign countries from meddling with their nation. They had paid for the war as they went, refusing to permit the destruction to cripple the economy. Instead, as they funded the war, they had also advanced farming, industry, mining, and shipping. Immigrants had poured into the country to replace men lost on the battlefield, and the economy was booming. And Lincoln had recently promised that the government would end slavery once and for all. The country, he predicted, “with a large increase of freedom,” would survive, stronger and more prosperous than ever. The president invited Americans “in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea, and those who are sojourning in foreign lands” to observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving.

    In 1863, November’s last Thursday fell on the 26th. On November 19, Lincoln delivered an address at the dedication of a national cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He reached back to the Declaration of Independence for the principles on which he called for Americans to rebuild the severed nation: 

    ”Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

    Lincoln urged the crowd to take up the torch those who fought at Gettysburg had laid down. He called for them to “highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

    The following year, Lincoln proclaimed another day of Thanksgiving, this time congratulating Americans that God had favored them not only with immigration but also with the emancipation of formerly enslaved people. “Moreover,” Lincoln wrote, “He has been pleased to animate and inspire our minds and hearts with fortitude, courage, and resolution sufficient for the great trial of civil war into which we have been brought by our adherence as a nation to the cause of freedom and humanity, and to afford to us reasonable hopes of an ultimate and happy deliverance from all our dangers and afflictions.”

    In 1861, Americans went to war to keep a cabal from taking control of the government and turning it into an oligarchy. The fight against that rebellion seemed at first to be too much for the nation to survive. But Americans rallied and threw their hearts into the cause on the battlefields even as they continued to work on the home front for a government that defended democracy and equality before the law.

    And in 1865, at least, they won.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Had a rough couple of days with Heidi—she didn't tolerate the suggested increased dose of methimazole well and wouldn't eat or drink at all from Tues till late last night. Natch, the vet's office is closed for the weekend, and the only way to communicate with the (one remaining) vet is via voicemail to the office's landline or the office's e-mail—hoping it gets forwarded to her. She was at her worst yesterday after I gave her the methimazole at noon, and I decided to go ahead and give her Mirataz (appetite stimulant/anti-nauseant). She began drinking again but still spurned even her favorite food. I called the emergency vet last night, and she said to give the Mirataz time to kick in but hold off the methimazole (which does reduce appetite, increase lethargy and can cause vomiting). By bedtime she was lapping away at her fountain, and this morning there were only crumbs in her dish. She is again begging for food every 5 hrs. or so, and eating most of it w/in a couple of hours. Called the emergency vet again, who said to keep her off the methimazole but give her another hit of Mirataz to keep her appetite up—we will bring her there tomorrow, as we're sure her regular vet won't be at the office.

    My fever seems to have broken but not taking any chances while still on Tamiflu. You're still presumed contagious after you finish it (tomorrow is day 5 of 5) until you've been fever-free for 24 hours w/o an antipyretic (Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, other NSAIDs). So one more night on Tylenol—right now my temp is 98.5 orally, which will be at least a degree higher on the Thermoscan (ear). My last Tylenol was at 11am.

    Bob did bring home a couple of turkey dinners from Fireside (sans dessert, but that's okay—my glucose doesn't need any). Their portions are so huge that I nearly filled my plate with just 1/3 of my dinner! (Heidi had an ounce of shredded plain white meat as a bonus).

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited November 2023

    Sandy, I’m glad you’re fed better, and that Heidi seems to at least be eating & drinking.

    We had a great thanksgiving dinner at my nieces. Turkey was nice & moist, all sides were delicious too. I made/bought way too many desserts. I left a lot, took home the remains of pecan pie and pumpkin. I think we’ll eat them up.

    It’s Black Friday and I don’t think I really need anything. I bought a hair product I use, buy one get one free. Other than that, I sent birthday gifts to grandson in Texas - they keep an Amazon birthday wish list which makes it easier on me.

    I took down all Thanksgiving decorations, and put them away last night. Then I put my giant snowman and tiny tree in my bay window. I put battery lights on them both, but should probably have bought another timer for regular lights. If we leave next week the batteries will probably die off in a day or 2.

    This morning I had to cross the street to get the newspaper. Winds must have blown it out of the driveway. After grabbing it, in my robe & Nike flip flops, as I ran back across the street it fell out of the little bag it’s delivered in. Shaking my head at myself, I grabbed it fast and ran inside before any more cars drove by me.

    I may pack a suitcase today with bathing suits, some workout clothes, things I want to take to FL and don't need to wear here. I know the chest CT has altered everything about leaving for FL, but maybe packing something will get me back on track.

    On a good note, my eye cyst removal site looks very good. Swelling down, it’s healing well, and I don’t see a bruise. I have bashed it at least 2x - after taking a successful shower without injuring it further, as I was patting myself on the back for getting through unscathed, I then roughly dried my face as I normally would. THAT made me yelp, and think that’s what I get for thinking I did so well.

    We’ve got on & off sun, 39 out with a high of 40 expected. Nothing much planned, I’ve got to get some items out of my back porch and into the garage but no hurry.

    Hoping everyone can enjoy their Friday.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi. It is cold and wet today. Thanksgiving was nice. I went to my niece's and later to some friends. I am still full. Monday would have been my wedding anniversary. My niece and I are getting together. Hoping the weather will be pleasant.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    To live a life of gratitude is to open our eyes to the countless ways in which we are supported by the world around us. Such a life provides less space for our suffering because our attention is more balanced. We are more often occupied with noticing what we are given, thanking those who have helped us, and repaying the world in some concrete way for what we are receiving.Gregg Krech

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sandy, good news about Heidi. You are better too, but giving yourself a little extra time sounds like a good idea. Petite, glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I as wishing you well on Monday and hoping it is less stressful being spend with someone you enjoy.

    I had a really long day. Had to drive to Marion early. Have the Roto-Rooter out for our septic system. Every couple of yrs. we deal with the tree roots. Then we had to take our pooch (Minnie) to the Vet. She stopped everything for the most part. No eating or drinking etc. All in the space of mainly the overnight and day hours of today. We have an appetite stimulant and pain pills for her. She still it not eating despite some nice soft food. So, gave her the appetite stimulant and will see if that helps. Then, of course, we had to go to the store to get her food. In between, we had only a light snack and by supper time for us I was exhausted so we just had cereal and toast. I'm sure I should sleep well tonight.

    I will be back on an increased dosage of Carvedilol. Hoping it works out for me and doesn't drop my blood pressure.

    Hope you all have had a good Friday — I don't even think black Friday shopping and will have a good week-end as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Thou that has given so much to me,
    Give one thing more--a grateful heart;
    Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
    As if thy blessings had spare days;
    But such a heart, whose pulse may be
    Thy praise.

    George Herbert

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Got a call from the nurse where Dad is living. He tested positive for Covid yesterday and will be quarantined for 10 days. His voice is hoarse but otherwise feels OK.

    I spent 5 hours with him on Thanksgiving and ate dinner with him and his friend Wayne. Wayne has also tested positive.

    I tested negative, will wear a mask when I'm out of my apartment and retest in a few days.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Puffin, I so hope you will stay well. I feel bad that your Dad has to undergo Covid. Has he had it before? I may be thinking of someone else. I hope both he and his friend Wayne will come through okay.

    We don't seem to be having outbreaks much here. For a long time out local health dept. was sending us updates but obviously stopped that some time ago. I wish they would restart it even on limited basis.

    I haven't worn a mask out for some time now, but the thought crosses my mind now and then that I don't have much of an idea how we are doing here. We do have a few nursing homes as well as some small congregate living homes and one big, assisted living complex. I do see on occasion people still wearing masks, but they are few and far between.

    We had quiet day here and after supper was cleared away and kitchen tidied, we got in the car and went to Christmas Fantasyland where all the lights are out for Christmas now. There are actually two sections of our park that are decorated, so it takes a while to go through. We all enjoyed it. It is especially pretty if it has snowed or is still snowing when you go through. We really, really like going then.

    Hope you all had a good Saturday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    Hugs and healing thoughts for your Minnie, Jackie. Cindy, you must be excited to leave the Hudson Valley's cold weather for snowbird season in FL. Our weather is clear but 10 degrees colder than normal—and they're calling for an inch or so of snow tomorrow, followed by a temporary colder snap before getting back to the normal low 40s by week's end. Meanwhile, my voice is starting to return. Will go to rehearsal Tues. night—masked, of course, recording it if I can't sing. Probably take cabs—not up to a long train ride with walks to & from the stations, nor wrestling with rush hour traffic. One thing I will NOT do is visit Garrett's across the street from the CBA—their caramel corn has been my undoing. I don't need more sweets in the house, especially since the holiday gifts from patients & referring docs will be returning soon.

    Our vet did have an opening yesterday, so Bob & I (both masked) brought Heidi in to see her yesterday. (Heidi seemed perplexed that I wore a mask but neither the vet nor tech did). She's down to 7 lbs. even (only about a pound more than when she was a yearling), but with the appetite stimulant eating decently—grazing, of course, but eventually leaving only crumbs. Vet agrees with us that since she's going to keep losing weight anyway we might as well d.c. the methimazole (thyroid suppressant), which she's no longer tolerating well and making her inappetant and lethargic. Instead, we should give her the Mirataz (appetite stimulant, which unlike the methimazole does not seem to irritate her ear pinna inner surface) whenever her appetite starts to flag. Vet gave us some Hill's a/d (five bucks a can!), which is very high calorie and ultra-palatable, for when she starts rejecting anything else; and y/d thyroid kibble to at least tamp down the thyroid surge. Works best when it's the only food, along with its canned equivalent—but the canned y/d is on back order and out of stock. So we're feeding her whatever she'll eat.

    Meanwhile, she is regaining some of her old energy—wants to eat every 2-3 hours, and solicits cuddles & snuggles. And for the first time in 2 weeks, she came upstairs and woke me up for breakfast (I overslept, which felt glorious). I'm hoping she's in a good enough mood to snuggle with my HK in their favorite lounge chair when my HK returns Monday (weather willing, of course—we're getting about an inch of snow tomorrow). So she's basically in the "palliative care" stage of treatment, not quite hospice yet.

    Finished up the Tamiflu last night. Bob (and an internist in Amsterdam with whom I correspond on Quora) agreed that it's overhyped anyway, and that the NP should've asked me first if I was willing to go out of pocket for Xofluza—$170, but it's a one-and-done pill which would likely have knocked out the flu with the first (only) dose and shortened the course of the disease to only 2-3 days instead of the usual 5-7. Today is day 6, and my temp is high-ish but normal, albeit on Tylenol (which I always take for arthritis anyway). Yesterday my appetite returned, too well—3 small meals plus a couple of snacks, and late-night carb cravings. But this time I noticed that giving into the cravings didn't really satisfy me, so I will definitely have to drink water or play solitaire if I can't watch TV without eating. I know it's psychological: I sat through 3/5 hrs. of Killers of the Flower Moon without eating a crumb. (Bob hates popcorn, so we had nothing but our drinks during the flick). It's possible that may be where I caught the flu—we didn't mask because the theater was so capacious and there was plenty of distance between seats, or so I thought. My experience with flu-induced anorexia (and the temporary runs) convinces me I would not be a good candidate for Ozempic or similar, so I need to make peace with my physique.

    Have lot of errands to run today—it's Small Business Saturday, so no need to wrestle with mall traffic jams nor go online. Gotta replenish my CBD capsules and Heidi's fave Royal Canin "Aging" canned food. Also need to pick up my Rx refill and some sundries, as well as a fresh(er) loaf of low-carb bread, jugs of spring water, etc. Bob is working today, but says he will stop by "Just Turkey" (a chain which still has branches in African-American neighborhoods, where there are Black Muslims who don't eat pork) for smoked drumsticks. Last night I thought I would stop by the donut or pie shops today, but those things are the last stuff I need on hand. I may be 5 lbs heavier than at my last official weigh-in, but I like the way my clothes are fitting right now and don't want to have to buy more or raid the attic for my plus-sizes.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.Albert Schweitzer

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I follow three discussion forums on and all three had a big accumulation of posts. Whew! I just finished reading.

    Jackie, I thought about you when we drove through Marion, going up and coming back. I even spotted the Va Medical Center. How nice that your Thanksgiving host and hostess left out the salt in preparing Thanksgiving dinner.

    I really liked that quote about living in the moment. I find I am doing that more these days since I definitely don't want to rush time.

    We had very good driving conditions for our trip. No rain or snow or excessively windy conditions. The gathering in Indiana at a niece's home was enjoyable. We were glad to catch up on life experiences with our great nephew and two great nieces. The meal was ample with the traditional foods. Our brother in law, father of our hostess, was there with his new woman companion. He has grieved for three years for his wife and has been very unhappy so we're all glad for him.

    It's good to be home again.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy glad your flu symptoms have left you, except your fever. I made a note of the flu medication you mentioned, knock on wood I won’t need but good to know.

    Carole, nice you enjoyed your holiday with family. And was also good you had a safe trip to and from your visit.

    Jackie, your Christmas Fantasyland sounds great. For years we had the local Police Benevolent Association put in a big light display in our large local park. This year they were kicked out due to neighbors complaints of too much traffic. They’re hoping to find another place for next year. So glad you got out to see yours.

    I didn’t get out yesterday. I had been hearing a rattle in pipes while in my bathroom. Even had my partner in to hear it. Well I should have investigated it. Yesterday hearing it again I moved all shoes & coats from in front of the basement door to get in the basement. I could hear the rattle, but it was at the boiler on opposite side of the house. The noise must run the pipes. Long story - my cousin looked, it’s the circulator pump. He called a friend and Tuesday it’s being replaced. I know better than to ignore noises in this old house, I should have gone in the basement the first time I heard it.

    Later I sat with the tv on and dove into doing Christmas cards. In FL I have boxes of new cards awaiting my arrival but opportunity knocked. The funny part is I used a mix of cards I’ve had for years. One was a complete square that I couldn’t find the envelopes for them, no idea what happened to them. But with 10-12 nice cards I found envelops that did fit; bigger on the sides but such is life. Also I had a few religious cards I sent to the younger kids who I know aren’t all that religious. They’ll think I’m pushing religion, but what I’m doing is including them in holiday wishes. We put return labels and stamps on to get them out.

    Today my niece and her daughter will be coming down to dinner. I have small ham I’m putting in the oven around 3. Early dinner, no soccer today but back to school for them tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is my repeat chest CT. Our leaving timely for Florida depends on no nodule growth. Then the thoracic surgeon has to agree to a phone visit but that’s the least of my worries.

    I forgot, I did get out to smash our pumpkin in the back yard for the squirrels. One fat heavy looking squirrel was busy from when I put it out until it got dark. He/she buried pumpkin seeds all over the back yard.

    Football is on, laundry is going, bed has clean sheets on it, the day is playing out. Wishing you all a happy Sunday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It has been quiet here lately a bit, so I didn't rush to get an entry. I don't have much going on in my little corner of life here in my tiny town.

    Carole, the Marion V.A. has gone through a fair amt. of renovation since we started going. there back in 2007. One of the changes I'm most happy with is they changed the parking lot. It can hold a lot more cars and you park straight in now (much more room for cars) instead of on an angle. Lot less likely that someone accidentally ruins a space by the angle parking.

    They also have a battery-operated little shuttle that takes trips out to cars picking up people and returning them to the parking lot when they are done. Of course, now and then, as in this past Friday when we were there, they apparently didn't have a volunteer to drive the shuttle.

    Cindy, I'm sure I must have noted it when you first mentioned it, but I had no idea we are both having the same issue of chest nodule. It seems they are really rather common and usually aren't much of a problem unless they are found to be growing. That is why I'm returning to Marion on the 8th. to Respiratory to have a pulmonary function test. A surgeon will be deciding I presume if they dare operate on me with my ejection fraction being a bit less then optimum. They don't seem as though they have any reason to believe it is an issue (cancer-wise) but it is considered a high probability to possibly become so should it continue to grow. They would like to take it out. It is not in a good spot for going in through the throat. Sigh!! It is what it is though, and if all else fails I could have it radiated if surgery isn't safe enough.

    Rained sometime last night and is gray and real cool out today. We will go to the store later.

    Hedging here. I've saved up money to buy a new washer and dryer but dreading having to do it. I don't recall how old they are, but I think my Kenmore set is about 15 yrs. old and have never been touched. My thought is that they may not have enough shelf life to spend much on repairs, so I've been waiting to see, but thinking I don't want to find out in the middle of laundry day that one of the machines has failed.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, my thoracic surgeon mentioned removing a wedge from the apex of my left lung; he’d go in between my ribs on my back, 3 spots. Fingers crossed for both of us on no growth! I’ll post my results after the CT tomorrow.

    Washers & dryers, beware of all the new fangled washers. They spray water vs major fill, eco friendly and I hate them. Some weigh the clothes and adjust water to the weight, usually lower than I like.

    Puffin, I forgot to mention you in my last post. Hoping your dad gets through covid without too much discomfort. And that you continue to test negative.

    I just saw that tomorrow we can order 4 more free covid tests. is the site.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Looks like the holiday weekend was a mixed bag. Worry about test results, sick family and cats and fun family reunions. My family is all on the east coast and Ken's nephew and family in Denver so we always spend the time with friends. This was my first year in forever not to host the meal and I couldn't believe how relieved I was although I thought both my dressing and my corn pudding was better. We took pies and Maureen, the mother of "my Ella" hosted. We did miss the left-overs.

    Played golf with a favorite friend and went to Dillon's last night. The restaurant is attached to an acquarium so it was fun watching. Mirrors were everywhere so everyone could enjoy the fish and large turtles. Dillon's is known for barbecue but it turned out only 1 of the 7 of us had ribs. It was a fun and different way to spend a Saturday night.

    Today was sports day. Our poor Cardinals are really suffering. I did get the last of the "winter" clothes out and put away the last of the summer ones. Will do a few Christmas things after our new cleaning team comes next week.

    Saw BS on Monday. The lump she was watching is definitely smaller and she thinks was just a hematoma from a bruise but I felt another one. Am scheduled for a mammogram and CT scan on the 6th with a return to her on the 8th. I can't believe that they won't have to biopsy it but she can't schedule that until she gets the scan results. I had hoped to get that done before we went away for the holidays but don't think that will be possible although her care coordinator did pull strings to get me the mammogram appointment before the middle of Jan. so maybe she can do her magic again.

    Cindy, hope you get to Florida soon and Sandy and Jackie, you are feeling better. Puffin, hope you stay well and your Dad and friend aren't too sick. Transmission of any contagious disease is certainly a problem in many congregate settings around here.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    "Too often, we carry around those things from our past that hurt us the most. Don't let past pain rob you of your present happiness. You had to live through it in the past, and that cannot be changed, but if the only place it lives today is in your mind, then forgive, let go, and be free."

    -- Doe Zantamata

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It is sunny (and I'm so thankful for the sun) but 32 degrees just now. So, seems like overnight our winterish weather has made it here. Yesterday there was wind to make it feel even worse. Hopefully, we won't have it today.

    I do have some sad news. Our little Minnie didn't make it. She passed on Saturday morning. I just haven't been able to bring myself to say it up to now. I know she is peaceful now at last and that makes it a little more tolerable. I think we are all missing the amt. of life and animation she brought to our home. Little Millie is old and very quiet. One wouldn't know she is here, but Minnie always made her presence known. She is really going to be missed.

    Was able to see my friend Jo yesterday. She is fine. Has been very busy packing. It is strange to go to the huge house where I spent so much time and see so many things changed. Empty shelves, curio cabinets, and empty drawers. Jo will be moved into the other house for Christmas. Jo and Dr. B.'s house was built by one of Dr. B.'s sons and was to revert back to him when Dr. B passed on. We were all surprised that a bit more time wasn't given to Jo, but it wasn't to be. That said, while it is extreme to have to move within 6 mos. of a passing, it is a huge house and full of nothing but memories so I'm hoping that in the end, even though forced which is not the way to do it, Jo will be able to come to grips with she and their daughter Maria being on their own, in a special rental that is small smaller. It is about the size of my house (a bit larger, but not much) and she and Maria will be able to do well.

    They (Dr. B) had a very good friend that buys properties as rentals and I'm thinking he found this property mainly just for them. It is getting carpet and flooring, new appliances and paint — the works really. Likely most things a bit nicer than one might put in 'regular' rentals for just anyone. Dan and Dr. B. were truly close friends and Dan made a promise that he would look out for Jo. I'm glad because she did have this move thrust on her. Trying to be kind — I do know the big house here in Centralia will take a long time likely to sell.

    Still, it would have been better to have someone living in it. Homes that are empty and cavernous can almost be a struggle to sell. Well, it doesn't matter as the son is extremely well off. He already has homes in a few places. One just recently built in Puerto Rico. He doesn't need the money from the sale of the Centralia house.

    I've prattled on enough. I worry about Jo though and hate to see her put through all this while she is still in my estimation new to the grief of losing Dr. B.

    I hope you all are having sunshine today.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Sorry to hear about Minnie crossing the Rainbow Bridge. They always seem to take a piece of our hearts with them and while that is nice for memories, it does hurt. You gave her a good life and I am sure Millie will miss her. ((Hugs))

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Illinoislady - I’m so sorry to hear about Minnie going over the rainbow bridge. Our furbabies are such an important part of our life that their loss leaves a hole in our hearts. You are a wonderful friend to Jo. It’s a shame she needs to move so soon after a major loss in her life.

    Sandy - I hope Heidi is doing OK. I’m sure you are giving her plenty of snuggles.

    Puffin - I hope your dad is feeling better and that you avoided getting sick.

    Taco and Cindy - thinking of you and hoping for good results from the scans.

    We had a lovely Thanksgiving with our son who was kind enough to put up and decorate our Christmas tree while DH and I were out delivering meals to homebound seniors. The weather has turned very cold (it’s 22 F right now) so there is no doubt winter is here. My knees do not like the cold so I need to make sure I move around to keep them from stiffening up. Suppose to warm up to the 40’s by week’s end.

    Last night we went to Lightscape at the Chicago Botanic Gardens. Mother Nature had provided about 1” of snow the previous night which added to the holiday feel. We go to the Gardens and Morton Arboretum on alternate years. It didn’t seem as crowded as it was two years ago which made it more enjoyable.

    Seems there could be a delay in repairing my car from the deer collision as some of the parts are on a national backorder. Annoying but definitely a first world problem. At least the car is drivable so I am back to doing a volunteer drive tomorrow.

    Have a great week!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    I survived what would have been our wedding anniversary without a major meltdown.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, so sorry you lost Minnie on to cross rainbow bridge. You’ve taken good care of her and others for that matter. I hear you on Jo’s forced move. It’s sad that the son couldn’t leave well enough alone.

    Taco, I’m glad you’re getting out to golf and to dinner too. Your car parts being delayed isn’t stopping you.

    Harley, it was nice of your son to set up the Christmas tree. And nice of you and DH to deliver meals.

    Petite, your wedding anniversary is special, no one could blame you if you did have a major meltdown. ((HUGS))

    My CT scan results were listed as stable. So no change! I was very happy. I called to see if I could do a phone visit vs in person on 12/1. Thoracic surgeon front desk said they’d ask him and call me back. I’ve had no call back and I think it’s because he doesn’t have my report on results yet.

    I called the eye plastic surgeons office to see when I can stop putting antibiotic ointment on the spot where the cyst was. She said 4 days and that was Saturday, so I’m done with that. Should heal up fully in 2-3 weeks.

    I set up a new patient exam and teeth cleaning for May 2024. This is a new dentist, closer to home. They do not accept my insurance but I’m willing to pay for good service. I’ll get reimbursed thru the insurance company for what they’d cover.

    This afternoon I also had my follow-up for the pinched nerve in my neck. She asked if I’ve considered surgery; NO I haven’t. I told her I’d see an acupuncturist before that. Long story, if in March I’m still bothered by it I’m to call her and she’ll get me in for another shot, once I’m back in May.

    I also had the plumber call, he had a cancellation and wanted to do the circulator pump today. YES! So it’s completed too. Check that off our list.

    A busy but good day. Hoping you all had a good day too.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I've been staying in my apartment, wearing my mask when I go out to get my mail. Not having any symptoms so haven't retested, thought I'd wait a couple more days and then test. My supply of tests is getting low, I did order more today. Dad's voice is hoarse and is nose is a little runny, since he doesn't feel sick he's having a hard time remembering why he can't leave his apartment. Yes, this is his second bout with it. The numbers in his building have been increasing, He's up to date with all his shots, probably why he's having a mild case.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Jackie, so sorry that your Minnie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Heidi is rejecting more and more of her favorite foods and even the Hill's "Urgent Care" a/d —looks like we'll have to give her the Mirataz oftener than every other day. Vet says the 14-day limit needn't apply if that's the only way we can get her to eat. She wants cuddling, nuzzling and "making biscuits" more than she wants to eat, but at least she drinks and grazes on the y/d kibble. She isn't grooming herself, but she wants me to brush her (she purrs & nuzzles when I do it). My HK isn't coming back from AL till Wednesday (I'd thought it was today)—I keep urging Heidi to hang in there till then. She is Heidi's "other mama" and I can't bear the thought of her never seeing Heidi again.

    Puffin, so sorry you're going through COVID, and your dad is too. I'm so sick and tired of authorities letting their guard down in the name of "freedom." Around here, influenza A is more prevalent than COVID. I'm sure I caught it at the movies. Just a reminder that all three "tripledemic" viruses (and strep A bacteria) are airborne/droplet/aerosol-spread. This flu's hit me harder than either of my COVID cases did.

    I have Bar Show choral rehearsal tomorrow night. No way am I getting on the train yet, mask or no mask, so if I go I'll have to drive and do Spot Hero parking (half the cost of taxis or rush-hour rideshare surge pricing). It's brutally cold out and tomorrow will be worse. I'm seriously considering singing with a mask on just in case I may still have flu germs (although I'm not running a fever, it's been only a week and I keep bringing up post-nasal drip crud from my tonsils). Either that, or I'll ask if I can be excused and someone can record the rehearsal, since the finale has been shortened and I'm not sure whether assigned parts may change.