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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I had a near-10-lb loss my first week on keto back in 2019 (and before that, 5 lbs. after my first week wearing Invisaligns—which must be worn 20-22 hrs/day, removed to eat or drink anything other than cool water, followed by brushing & flossing; snacking was just too much of a hassle to be worth it). I tend to lose quite a bit of water weight the first week of any diet. I don't expect much more of a loss till I move up to 5mg/week. I will have to take Zepbound forever—just as I have to take blood pressure, antidepressant and asthma meds forever. At 73, "forever" doesn't sound as daunting as it does for the Gen-Xers (much less millennials) who post on the subReddit. If I go off it, the cravings will come roaring back and the discipline to resist them will disappear. This drug's mechanism is due to brain chemistry—the brain/gut connection—and crave-bingeing is likely due to the brain producing (or directing the gut to produce) an inadequate amount of the satiety hormone and inadequately resist the influence of ghrelin (the hunger hormone). The more yo-yo loss-gain cycles and the longer you've been overweight, the greater lengths the brain & body will go to replace the lost weight to protect itself from what it erroneously believes is starvation. And the more it will resist satiety hormones, to the point where the satiety signals just don't get through.

    Sadly the fatter you are and the longer you've been fat, the harder it is to reach & maintain a healthy weight. I wanna scream when I hear the "just eat less & move more/calories-in-vs-out" young men boast about how easily they lost weight with diet & exercise.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Again, lots to catch up on.

    Jackie, glad rads are soon over.

    Betrayal, I too think you are draining an abnormal amount and wonder why the cause isn't being addressed? A vac is good, but how long is this expected to go on? My thoughts are with you!

    Cindy, sorry to hear about the rash, but glad your teeth woes are over!

    I tested positive for Covid again today! Only feel like a bad cold so no big deal, and today I feel better than yesterday. I am just frustrated! I have been positive since Jan 18th! Ugh! Had to reschedule appointments, but it's ok.

    Weight loss is a touchy subject with me. I have had a weight problem all my life and I was able to lose weight via WW and healthy eating. I am a big believer in eating healthy and exercise. That is my plan of attack. I am annoyed that obesity is now considered a disease! It is NOT a disease, but a condition, one that is for many like myself, genetic in origin.

    I refuse all diet medications and definitely no bariatric surgery! I simply refuse to discuss weight or be weighed at the doctor's office! Unless I need surgery, it is none of their business what the scale says! I hate to tell you Sandy, but your 11 weight loss was mostly fluids. That is normal for any weight loss during the first week. I do wish you success. I don't think there is a one size fits all for successful weight loss, but I think there are healthier ways, albeit slower loss rates, to obtain a good weight.

    BTW, the whole formula for BMI is inaccurate and was NEVER meant to be used the way the medical community uses it. BMI is meaningless! There is so much false math in medical science!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Taco, water can be very expensive, and sometimes hard to find the cause. Hoping the landscaping & tub guys take care of the leaks. The title problems sound daunting. I think 40 years later I could still find metal pieces that marked my line. Hoping yours can be cleared up asap. We watched football too. I made some pigs in a blanket as munchies. Then realized I couldn’t bite into them. So I cut mine into thirds. If there is a will, there is a way!

    Sandy, the drug you’re taking is doing what it’s supposed to do. I wish you all the best with it. I hate that men in general lose weight easier than us!

    MM, covid can hang on a while. A neighbor lady had it for a short duration but ended up with 104 temps, and a mouth full of canker sores/fever blisters. She was a mess. Her husband caught it and had mild cold symptoms. Both took Paxlovid. Here’s hoping yours stays mild and you get a negative test.

    Jackie, I think today is your last rads, Woo Hoo! You’re a trooper for the 45 minutes of HE double L!

    Betrayal, fingers crossed your wound care is helping you turn the corner towards getting better.

    Carole, hoping your water issues are resolved.

    Petite, hoping you have been staying warm. Temps are way off down here in SWFL. It’s 58 right now, before 10 AM. I’ll get out for a walk and bet I’ll be alone in the neighborhood.

    I was awake at 7:40 but thought it was too early (asleep 2:30’ish). But I must have only drifted into a light sleep because my Fitbit was buzzing away announcing a phone call. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my cell phone. My dentist office can get me in today at 2:30 to adjust the retainer so it will appear I have front bottom teeth. It’s going to be a long six weeks, I can tell you that.

    We have sunshine, and I’m hoping you all do too. Enjoy the day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    '46, I hope the groundhog doesn't get drowned!!

    I made a pistachio cake for my birthday, but didn't get around to icing it until today. Also cleaned my bookshelves (panels with connectors) and set the unit on end and dusted and rearranged my books. Got a new vacuum and thoroughly vacuumed on Saturday. Saturday night my nose was clearer than it had been in weeks, and Sunday morning I was lector and my voice was amazingly smooth and strong. Which triggered the desire to deal with the real dust-catcher.

    I am still waiting for my custom shoe inserts. Need to be at home when they are delivered, because signature is required. My lower leg is bothering me.

    Cindy, please get tested for penicillin allergy when this is over with. Most times hives is not an indicator, but you don't want to "wake up" at the pearly gates on the second exposure. I nearly did— many years ago.

    Betrayal, I am so glad they FINALLY got you a wound vac.

    I woke up too early this morning, so off for a nap.

    Tippy and I went to the City Office this morning to get a new tag. We got home and I took off his collar to put the new one on. He hit the "brush" button!!!!! Did I praise him immediately and begin to give him a thorough brushing? You darn tootin'!!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, I am so sorry, I didn't see your post at the top of this page until after I posted this morning. I guess I read two posts from you as well as many from others, and when I typed my post, thought it would go at the bottom of that page, not jump to another page. Oooops. So you are definitely aware of fluid loss. Actually, I guess we are lucky it works that way after a first week of a diet because the first week is the hardest and it is a nice reward, even if it isn't all burned fat, it makes us feel better. I wish you success!!!!

    Taco and Cindy, we watched football too, and both our teams lost. My DH was born in MI so of course we were cheering for the Lions. We are not fans of the Chiefs and live closer to Baltimore so we cheered for the Ravens. That said, since none of the teams I have cheered for lately win, I guess I will root for the Chiefs in the Super Bowl….reverse psychology???

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    The shoe inserts arrived!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    You are goodness and mercy and compassion and understanding.  You are
    peace and joy and light.  You are forgiveness and patience, strength and
    courage, a helper in time of need, a comforter in time of sorrow, a healer
    in time of injury, a teacher in times of confusion.  You are the deepest
    wisdom and the highest truth; the greatest peace and the grandest love.
    You are these things.  And in moments of your life you have
    known yourself as these things.
    Choose now to know yourself as these things always.

    Neale Donald Walsch

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Yay for shoe inserts. Good to see you Chris. Seems like most everything is going okay for the moment although I do hate you are still testing positive MM. Hope it won't be much longer.

    Today (definitely is a God) was my last day of Rads. Had to come in and adjust one of my arms and I worried that I had lost my "image" but got it right back and was surprised once again when it was time to pry me off that awful hard table. I don't have to return until May for a check-up. It will be good to go back to lazier mornings which only mean that I don't have to squeeze the morning routine into less time to be able to go for rads.

    I seem to have developed acid reflux, so I started back on Omeprazole. Takes a couple of days to kick in. I'm going to try sleeping in my bed tonight anyway. I can always switch and come back out to my recliner which I slept in the last two nights. I like my bedroom which is cooler than the living room. I also use an all-weather comfortable and a sheet only which makes it very relaxing for me.

    Should be seeing you all tomorrow a lot earlier and not 9p.m. at night. I'm bushed.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 355

    Jackie - congratulations on completing radiation!

    Chris - good to see you here and good that the shoe inserts arrived. I hope the inserts relieve some of your joint pain.

    Cindy - hope the retainer was adjusted today so you can eat something other than soft food.

    Sandy - congrats on the weight loss. Wishing you much success. Weight is a sensitive topic with me and was made worse by some disrespectful comments from the RO when I had radiation 3 years ago. I’ve lost around 40 pounds since that time but I have to be very vigilant in my eating and exercise habits. I didn’t use weight loss meds (although I’m not opposed to them), however, several gallbladder attacks and subsequent surgery kicked started the weight loss - I don’t recommend this method 😀

    MM - good to hear from you but sorry to hear that you still have Covid. Please take care of yourself.

    The in office endometrial biopsy did not happen today. Not at all disappointed as I had 2 biopsies in the mid 1980’s for infertility and thought it was a medieval torture procedure. Although the RN told me today that the GO doesnt use a tenaculum for the biopsy and IIRC that was the most painful part for me.

    The GYN Oncologist (GO) prefers to do a hysteroscopy with D&C to give a more complete picture of what is going on with the ‘prominent heterogeneous endometrium’. So my options were: 1. Do hysteroscopy now so we know what is going on prior to the BSO scheduled for mid March. There may be nothing going on, but we should investigate given my BC history and genetic mutation (this option is GO’s preference); 2. Do the hysteroscopy during the March BSO with the understanding that if I need a hysterectomy, I will need to schedule a 2nd surgery; 3. Do an endometrial biopsy in office today. If it’s benign, we’ll monitor the endometrium with TVUS every 6-12 months for a long time. This is not really an option for me because I’m a lousy patient and I am not even getting regular mammograms. 4. Do nothing regarding the thickened endometrium and just proceed with the BSO in March. GO really does not recommend this. I choose #1 option and will have the hysteroscopy with D&C this Thursday at the hospital under anaesthesia. I can expect the results prior to leaving on vacation the end of next week. Results will determine extent of March surgery. I’m very comfortable with this path and I expect the results will be benign but at least we will know that going into the March surgery.

    Wishing everyone a good week.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Jackie, WHOOHOO ON YOUR COMPLETION OF RADIATION!!!!! Is there a bell for that? Just chemo? That is unfair as rads are just as stressful if not more so, than chemo! Ringing the bells for end of radiation!!!!!!

    Chris, great news about the inserts!

    Harley, I am with you on weight loss. Diet and exercise is my choice for sure! I already take way more medications than I care to take, not adding more!

    Sandy, glad things are looking better for you! 2023 was a rough year for you, you deserve better this year!

    Betrayal, thinking of you and hoping you are seeing improvement! At least this happened during the winter and not during the spring/summer when you would miss not being able to garden! Hang in there!

    Cindy, hope you are feeling better and your dental issues are being resolved.

    Carole, crossing fingers that your water issues are fixed!

    Taco, hope things are going well with you!

    Still missing cardplayer. If you are lurking, know that you are missed!

    Being positive for Covid is annoying but in the scheme of things, really not bad at all compared to what all of you are going through! I am glad it happened now and not in the spring when I like to get out and about. Also, while I had to reschedule doctor appointments and my hair appointment, it wasn't a big deal as no critical issues to discuss, just non-eventful follow up appointments. I am thankful for that! I can't sit still, so I will go through some boxes of stuff today. Good day to sort through excess papers and put the shredder to work!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    Illinoislady, so glad radiation is over. Now you can go back to a semi-normal life again with that worry off your immediate radar.

    Rough night with being awakened at 2:45 am by alarm on vac machine. Had to troubleshoot every 30 minutes until 6 am when I called the office for help. At 7, 2 VN's came to apply a wet to dry dressing because they cannot reapply wound vac. Got a call from the office about an hour later that I would have this in place for next 24 hours until my nurse returns on Wednesday. Later, get a call from my nurse that she is not happy with this decision and will try to fit me in her schedule around 11 AM.

    The machine was noisier than usual for most of last night but attributed it to new dressing. However, alarms were for either leakage (none noted) or blockage (again nada) so I would follow instructions to get it working again. Got no sleep with these frequent interruptions. PT came at 9 to assess my ability to ambulate and balance and I did well. She helped me water plants in 2 rooms.

    So disappointing that this last dressing did not work for whatever reason and will discuss with my nurse. It worked until late evening but machine became increasingly noisy when it cycled. Usually noise is audible but easy to ignore.

    MM, sorry that Covid is stuck on you and hope you convert soon.

    Cindy, hope visit with dentist ends well and you get the bridge you need for now.

    Taco, sorry to read about water and land issues. We have metal markers at corner of property and last summer ran a line across the back as a guesstimate of property line. Guy behind us had to have his land surveyed to secure bank loan and surveyor was able to locate our markers and it turns out our "guesstimate" was spot on. We made sure to put visible permanent marker in the back section marking where this marker is.

    Chris, glad you got your shoe insert and that Tippy can identify his needs. He is one smart dog.

    Overcast day with temps in 30's. Not as windy as past 2 days. Had DH throw last of the pumpkins in backyard and have been enjoying watching the deer and squirrels eat them. It was like a smorgasbord the one day. Remnants left but they still attract the deer and squirrels. Wish I had a few more to throw out there since they do enjoy them.

    My day can only get better and I hope the same for all of you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    And when we come to think of it, goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows. It is deep, quiet, and very simple. It passes not with oratory, it is commonly foreign to riches, nor does it often sit in the places of the mighty: but may be felt in the touch of a friendly hand or the look of a kindly eye . David Grayson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    MM, I am bad at repeating things so I just second what you said.

    I too am and try to be understanding about weight. It went from never an issue for me to one that has been one for years. Waxing and waning. Not sure just what started it, but I'm thinking the kidney removal I have a rather poochy stomach. I lost a lot of wt. during the open heart — down to 146 or so. That was not too bad, but over time have gone back to the 170's area. That is tolerable although it would be nice to be about 10#'s less. I don't get too excited over people's weight. Most of my relatives are or were overwt. when they were alive. It was more important that they were heathy and happy. There is a wt. at which you feel good and it seems that in many cases people end up at that weight, whether they see it as too much or not enough. I'm as mentioned okay with where I am but I do dislike the stomach protrusion. It is what it is.

    Nothing special planned. As is my usual, it will be catch-up as I finish the process of bill paying for the month. Later than I like to do it, but it will get done. I'm a little on the tired side from the rads, but haven't ever really recovered the hyper energy I enjoyed before the heart surgery. I guess that is in the past though since I'm approaching 79 now making it is sort of understandable.

    We are still enjoying working on that puzzle. We have it on a table that I push into my bedroom when we are not working on it. Having a bunch of rowdy cats is not conductive to having it out and someone must always be on guard as long as it is. I just know some of my cats would find divine pleasure is dismantling what is done and making sure every last one of the 750 pieces of it are on the floor somewhere.

    We are having a partly cloudy day (according to weather) so we could get a bit more sun which we had for a brief time, but it is looking a bit dismal now. Yesterday's sun was fantastic and a good omen day for finishing my rads.

    I hope you all have a really wonderful day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    We're having a lovely day with bright sunshine. The temperature outside is 67 degrees, says my laptop. I went to Fresh Market today, a store that I like but is not in my usual grocery shopping territory. I also went to a Total Wine store that is in the same large strip mall. It was my first visit and the place is overwhelming. I did find the wine we've been drinking at a lower price.

    Betrayal, I'm glad your nurse is coming to check on you. She sounds very conscientious.

    Cindy, hope things are going well with the dental work.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Teeth, the retainer now has 4 fake teeth made from bonding material. As we were putting it in, the dentist was pressing down on it and knocked the Maryland bridge off. We then realized the retainer was made before it was in my mouth. It’s a clear plastic Invisalign type retainer. I can’t eat with it in my mouth, you’d chew through the plastic. It’s just for appearance sake as I heal.

    I also received the paper work today on costs for the permanent bridge. There are 2 options, at 2 different prices. Because it will span 4 empty front teeth spots, he’s recommending crowning 2 teeth on each side of them. Less stress on just 1 on each side. This brings the cost over $10k. He’ll discuss his reasoning when I go for my appointment on 3/7. I’ve replied to the email to see if I could get a cash discount vs points on my credit card for free rooms.

    Chris, I hope your inserts help with your pain.

    Jackie, I have reflux and take omeprazole. But sometimes I just know it’s not enough, and I’ll take a Pepcid chewable before bed. Nothing worse than that acid waking you up.

    Harley, I’m glad you will be knocked out for the next procedures. Less stress! And far enough away to give you a break

    Carole, at Total Wine, I end up wandering. Last time I bought some beautiful shot glasses (maybe jigger in size) made in Mexico. The place can be overwhelming, but is laid out nice.

    We had fantastic weather today. My partner even came out and walked with me. I told him I wouldn’t be talking to him, hahah, because I walk listening to my book. He puts up with me! It was a good walk. Days are much cooler, so I can walk at anytime which is a blessing to me - not racing out of the house before heat & humidity make in unbearable.

    I hope you all had a good day too.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Sandy, so glad this plan for getting and staying at a healthy weight is working for you. It is always a hard work for me to keep at a healthy weight. I am in need of losing right now.

    MM I ( and DH) also have had Covid (again). Glad you are on the mend. My fever was 102.8 at the worst, just like last time. It was not in either of our chests so we didn't pursue Paxlovid. Found a nifty CDC calculator that tells you when you are free to leave isolation etc. Based on what you input ( date of symptoms, etc.)

    Betrayal and Cindy, big hugs and wishes for each day to get better.

    Illinois, SO glad radiation is over for you. There's much to be said for the " majuc of ordinary days" ( as the old Hallmark movie was called).

    Hello to everyone else 🙏❤️

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. I haven't been on in a while. I had stomach issues with low grade fever and was a mess last week. It seems to be back to normal, now. It is 40 degrees and going to the 60's. I am going to the dentist to get the front tooth the hygienist broke fixed. I am scared. This is the first time I have had work on my teeth other than cleanings in a long time. My dentist retired and this guy took over his practice. I hope this guy knows what he is doing and understands I am on Arimidex and Prolia.

    Welcome to Shiela.

    Yay, Jackie.

    Cindy, hope your dental issues get resolved.

    Betrayal, cyber hugs continue.

    Carole, septic and drainfield issues are expensive. I had to have a new drain field after one of the renters poured a lot of grease down the drain.

    MM, sorry to hear about the COVID diagnosis

    Chris, glad you got the inserts.

    And hi to everyone else. I can't remember everything

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Petite, so good to read a post from you! Sorry about your stomach flu, glad you are feeling better! Wishing you the best when you go to the dentist. I think we all can understand your concerns.

    Jackie, laughed at your description of your cats around your puzzle! I can imagine from their point of view it must look like fun watching your hands move over the puzzle and selecting pieces! They probably think it is for them! Very happy rads are in your rearview mirror!

    Betrayal, I too am thankful you have an amazing nurse who is on top of things! Thank God for good nurses!!!

    Cindy, also thinking of you as you continue your dental journey. 10K is a lot of money!

    Carole, sounds like you had a great day yesterday! Total Wine sounds like a fun store to explore!

    Reader, where did you find the CDC calculator? I will have to google that. I just messaged my PCP this morning as I tested positive again today! I am super frustrated and long to just go out and do things again! Instead I am filled with concern about spreading this to others. My DH continues to test negative and has a cardiology appointment tomorrow. His doctor office is at the hospital office building and I will have to walk him to the office as he is not good at walking distances. I shouldn't even be going into that building but I have no choice. I will mask (KN95) and walk in and out as soon as I get him into the office. I will wait in the car and ask him to text me when he is ready to leave and I will meet him to get him from the office to the car. I wanted him to reschedule but he didn't want to. Ugh!!!! My DD and her family are all testing negative. They are the ones who exposed me to it. They have been negative for over a week!

    Reader, I am glad you and your husband didn't get sick from Covid.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Speaking of Total Wine, I went in once and my only thought was how dead I would be if an earthquake hit. Not even the "Big one". That would be a lot of glass falling on my head. I have the same problem at Home Depot although their storage looks better strapped down. I'm in and out of there in no time.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Let me not be tied down to property or praise and I shall be free. Free from the nagging ache of envy. Free from the hurts of resentment. Free to love all and forgive all. Free to do and say what is right, regardless of the unpopularity. Free to wander everywhere as inspiration guides me.  -Francis of Assisi

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I'm a little late today. I think it will get up to about 50 or maybe a degree or two more here. The sun it out nice and bright giving me much delight and inspiration for the day.

    Laughing with you MM about the cats. My cats are a mess. They love when Dh or I, or both of us for some reason sleep in the living room in the recliners. It definitely becomes play time. Banging and booming, and all sorts of noises going on. If not that you can hear them chasing each other. At some point though I presume WE all end up sleeping.

    Good to see you Petite. I was starting to wonder. Hope it is not long and you are completely back to normal. Flu is not a fun thing. If you have sun and warmth that should help. I'm a great believer in sun and water as healing avenues.

    I can relate to heavy dread and nervousness over dentists. As a teenager I had a tooth pulled without any Novocain. I drag my feet all the way if I have to see a dentist.

    That Total Wine store does sound overwhelming and a bit dangerous too. Dh and I lived in earthquake country for (me) 25 years in southern California. When the big Northridge quake hit, what did I do. Ran over and made sure the tv. did not slip off the little shelf it was on in our bedroom. Later though — what was I thinking. We paid homeowners for years and it wasn't even an expensive tv. I'll put it down to not wanting to clean up the glass out of the carpet.

    Saying hi to everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    After skipping four years, I had an appointment with my BC surgeon today. She was in the room observing when the NP examined my underarms and chest with ultrasound. They observed some deterioration in the implants, especially the right one. So I will be scheduling a procedure to replace both implants. It will be outpatient and I will go home afterwards. They made it sound like "no big deal." I hope they're right. I have been wondering whether the implants were still in good condition. In July they will be 15 years old.

    The plastic surgeon who placed the implants is in the same office. He and the BC surgeon are husband and wife. His nurse said that he will not place the new implants under the pectoral muscle as was the original placement. He does not favor that placement now.

    I had the identification cards for the implants in my purse. An employee checked the list of recalled implants and mine were not on the list. I knew I had not received a letter from the manufacturing company.

    DH had an MRI of his jaw today. He has been having jaw pain on one side of his face. He read the results of the test on his Chart but didn't make much sense of it. The doctor who ordered the MRI will have to interpret the information.

    It's about 70 degrees here. I opened the kitchen door to let some fresh air in. Of course, some pollen will probably come in with the air. We're already getting pollen alerts. As Rosanna Dana said, It's always something!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    MM my DH and I were sick with Covid. Here is a link to the calculator we used regarding isolating. then go to "if you were exposed". The calculator is there. Hope it helps.

    Hello to all and hoping for good outcomes for those testing or waiting to feel better.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. I survived the dentist and my front teeth look better than original. Some pain around the gum and tooth edge, but no problems. It is 35 degrees this morning. I have Zumba at 9:30, Grief support at 11:30, Louie to at Vet at 3:00 and Yoga at 4:30. LOL We are doing lunch at grief. I made coleslaw.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Petite, so glad you survived your dentist!!! Wow, you have a wonderful schedule today!

    I took my DH to his cardiologist appointment, but after walking him in, I went back and waited in the car. I do not want to expose anyone else to Covid, assuming I am still contagious. DH's doctor detected a slight heart murmur but said it was likely age related and nothing to worry about. He goes back in six months. DH will be 83 in a couple of weeks.

    Reader, thanks for the CDC information!!!! I will try it in a few minutes. My PCP office has not been helpful, but my cardiologist office has been, and he is the one who prescribed all my meds except for Letrozole. I feel better getting advice from my cardiologist's office.

    Carole, hopefully your exchange surgery won't be a big deal, but remember, they sat that because they aren't the ones who suffer pain from surgery! A friend of mine called me on her phone as she was leaving the hospital after her surgery and she did great! I think all exchange surgeries are outpatient surgeries, my mastectomy last year was outpatient surgery. Now in the era of Covid, I don't think many surgeries are overnight hospital stays. I prefer outpatient for sure!

    Betrayal, continued well wishes for you!

    Wishing everyone here a great day! I think the sun is trying to shine here, but there are still a lot of clouds in the sky. I am just thankful that the temperature is supposed to go up to 47!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I spent an hour this morning searching for information on replacing implants but found very little relating to mastectomy patients. The information was mostly about replacing implants for women who'd had surgery for enlarging their breasts, which means they have breast tissue. I put out a query on the discussion forums. I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon on Feb 20 and will definitely question him on the "do nothing" option since I wasn't aware of any rupture. One reassuring factor was that I chose small implants and small is supposed to be better than large. The body forms a case around the implant with scar tissue so I'm wondering if the gel can escape that casement.

    I read several times that the life of an implant is 10 to 15 years. Nobody mentioned that to me in 2009. Of course, I didn't ask, either. Dealing with bc is traumatizing and the main concern is continuing to live.

    I asked dh if anybody was wearing masks when he went for his MRI on his jaw yesterday. He said nobody was wearing them, patients or doctors, nurses and employees.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Carole - I was originally told 10 years was the average life span. I posted more details on another thread.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Desire nothing for yourself which you do not desire for others.   -Baruch Spinoza

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We have nice temps and more sun today. Makes me a happy camper. My gerd seems to be mainly under control, but still can 'feel' a little now and then at the back of my throat. When I see my PCP again, I will ask what else I might use. Glad MM that you are getting some info on determining how to tell what state your covid is in right now.

    Sort of amazed to hear that it is hard to find relevant information on breast implant replacement. I only had a lumpectomy, so not something I would have known about. Apparently, most of the consideration is given over to those 'needing' the procedure at the outset. I do hope you are able to find information you can feel comfortable with Carole.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I have requested an MRI to provide more details on the condition of my implants. At my age, soon to be 81 in March, I don't welcome any kind of surgery unless it's definitely necessary. I spoke to my bc surgeon's NP and she was very understanding and agreed with me that more imaging would be good. She described the procedure where you lie on your stomach and the breasts hang into cups. I had the same procedure at the beginning of my breast cancer journey and declined a prescription she offered for possible anxiety. I will be driving myself and want to be alert.

    It's in the 60's today and has been a nice day. Tomorrow will be the same. Then on Saturday and Sunday rain returns.

    I went to chair yoga this afternoon and found the class very peaceful and relaxing as it usually is. Some of the stretches and poses are challenging but you do what your body allows.

    Hope Betrayal is healing and doing better. And Chris's inserts are helping her. And that everyone is having a good Thursday.