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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Nature is another important aspect of nourishing the soul.  After a hike in the mountains where we live, for instance, I feel a remarkable sense of gratitude and awe.  My mind quiets down and allows me to see more clearly the beauty of creation.  And through that gratitude, the beauty of the universe is reflected back to the creator.

    Joan Borysenko

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good morning. It is once again foggy out, but the fog isn't hanging on the ground. I awoke this morning to a couple (I think) of owls hooting. It is one of the things I so enjoy about where we live. So much of our wooded areas here have been cut out so that homes could be built. Right where we are though drainage ravines on either side of us would make it a hugely difficult spot to use for housing — so we can enjoy a lot of the wildlife up above in the trees as well as on the ground that have been here a long time. The ravines are here to run water into our lake, so it is doubtful they would ever be disturbed.

    Nothing big planned for today. I have not felt un-due fatigue for the radiation. Sure glad as I seemed to have more than I needed of fatigue beforehand. I can only loll in bed for a short time, then have to get up. I may grab a lap robe and get in my recliner to wait till it is fully light (once in a while dozing again) but once I'm up I pretty much stay up.

    I do have a daytime nap now. It may be a developed habit but I sure don't think it hurts anything.

    Carole, I'm glad you are going to have more detailed images before you opt for any sort of surgery. Though it sounds like it is not a super involved procedure, it is I think more of a burden for an older person. I hope you are able to get all the adequate information you need for your own peace of mind as to what is or is not needed at this point.

    I am wishing well all you have medical issues to recover from or those who are about to have any. I wish all of us sunshine and health and good times with all we come in contact with whether friends or family or people we just interact for some reason.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    The wound vac dressing placed on Tuesday was a winner. No alarms, no leaks and the drainage was contained to the canister. The canister was almost full (holds 10 ounces) so I still have an above average amount of drainage. Dressing was just changed and won't be changed again until Monday so hoping this one lasts.

    Feeling better and am tackling small tasks around the house. Watered plants in living room, family room, laundry room and kitchen on Tuesday. Yesterday I was able to change out the snowflake runner on the kitchen island for one that is more seasonal. I also changed out the Christmas runner and placemats in the dining room. I was able to dust the table and place a new runner. I put the old ones away. DH changed out the flag on the front porch for a Valentine's Day one but I just noticed that the Christmas wreath is on the front door. I will have him exchange this for a more seasonal one. Plan on dusting the family room today. I work in spurts because I tire easily with this low hemoglobin but it feels good to be able to do simple tasks that have some impact on my surroundings. DD had bought me flowers 2 weeks ago and they are still looking good. I have to remove a few that are not looking good but the rest look great.

    Carole, good luck with the implant follow-up and possible exchange.

    MM, wish you a soon to be recovery from Covid.

    Illinoislady, glad you do not have any residual fatigue from the radiation.

    It was supposed to be sunny today but it continues to be gray and overcast. Not good for anyone's psyche especially when you are homebound. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Sandy - thanks for the info on your weight control medication. I haven't followed it at all although the TV seems to be very full of ads.

    I seem to be increasingly aware that no matter how much we plan for our aging, life doesn't work out that way. Causing a lot of anxiety right now as I have several friends, in addition to so many of you here, who are struggling to figure out next steps. Spent yesterday helping a friend get a small wheelchair because she can no longer manage with her walker but her home is so full of stuff that I didn't see a path for it when I was there. She is so independent and refuses to consider any help. She's estranged from her sister and her only child lives in Germany.

    Thinking maybe it's time for us to at least look at independent living in the area. Maybe that would lessen my personal anxiety.

    Whirlpool tub is whirling but it's still leaking. Will have to call for service again next week.

    The lawyer who works for the title insurance company is still "deciding" if our insurance policy is in effect. We know there are some markers out there - but they don't conform to the title. That's the problem. I think it's a simple fix if someone would just "man up" and accept that the person who did our title search when we bought the property wasn't very thorough and we need a new survey and title.

    Sunday is "my Ella's" 13th birthday. She wants us all to go to the Cheese Cake Factory. Her friends are having a party tomorrow.

    Hoping that your weekend is as good as it can be.


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I'm back from my 10 day cruise to the Caribbean. Our airplane was de-iced twice before we left Fargo, when I got to Minneapolis an hour later learned that Fargo was having a blizzard, I got out just in time.

    Several of the people in the birding group on the cruise were repeats, fun to reconnect. It's a good group of people, no chronic complainers and for the most part people show up on time for departures. This year's cruise went to St Maarten, Dominica, Tobago, Barbados and Antigua. Tobago had a wonderful hummingbird feeding station set up. We each got a small nector feeder that we held and the hummingbirds came right to our hands. We'd gone to new islands on this trip so I ended up with 15 new birds to add to my life list.

    We were able to attend more of the entertainment this year as we had less birding programs to attend.

    I had a major flare up with my psoriasis, worst I've had yet, and I ended up seeing the ship doctor. He put me on prednisone, benadryl, amoxicillin and naproxen. My arm was red, hot, swollen, it both burned and itched. The benadryl did nothing for the itching, but then psoriasis really isn't an issue with histamine. I got home on a Thursday night, went into my derm's office at 8AM the next day, showed my arm to the receptionist and said "I need to see Jenna today" and they had me in at 8:40. She gave me a steroid shot in my butt and we decided it's time for me to try Skyrizi injections. I've been accepted by Abbvie for financial support to pay for the shots (one a month for 2 consecutive months, then 4 more 3 months apart in the first year). Skyrizi alters the immune system so I'll be at risk for more infections (respiratory, sinus, UTI's) but I'm willing to see how it goes. This afternoon I had blood drawn to test for TB (they don't do the skin prick tests any more), which is required before I start.

    My arm is much better after the IM steroid but repeated steroids aren't the answer for the long haul.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,548

    Welcome back, @puffin2014! That hummingbird feeding station looks just lovely. We're so sorry about the psoriasis flare up, hopefully the steroids are still bringing some relief and you can start the new meds soon!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited February 3

    Puffin, your arm looks sore. I only know the drugs you mention from tv commercials. The hummingbird shot is way cool!

    Thursday we spent the afternoon out on a boat with friends. I think the high was 71, but the sun made it feel warmer. So relaxing. I brought a sweatshirt but toughed it out, the breeze before the sun set was chilly.

    Last night we had a call about my partners SIL, she was moved into hospice, on morphine and may not make it through the night. It must have been weighing on me because I only slept 4 hours, couldn’t get back to sleep once I woke up and I was awake about 5:30. I just got up and checked texts - nothing, until 8:20 saying she had passed. We’ll be traveling back to upstate NY this coming week for her service.

    It’s been sunny all week, so I got 5 days of walks in since Sunday. Today at 71 it felt so hot I couldn’t believe it wasn’t 75+. Tomorrow another nice day before the rain comes in. It seems it’s inevitable we’d get rain. I feel bad for those working all week long, and getting a Sunday full of rain.

    Teeth - I still have stitches that are hanging by a thread. A piece of the knot came out this morning, I can’t wait for it all to come out. Not painful, more annoying. I wore the retainer the entire time we were on the boat- couldn’t wait to take it out as soon as we got in the car.

    That’s about it. Betrayal, thankful you got the help you needed. MM, covid still hanging on is crazy. Carole, I'm hoping you find information on the implants - good wishes. Petite, glad your tooth was fixed! Jackie, I’m glad your rads didn’t exhaust you.

    Taco, my partners parents moved to assisted living and loved it- meals prepared, a cleaning lady, and many activities to choose from. It can’t hurt looking; I think they picked a top floor with an apartment looking out on Onondaga Lake - with a screened balcony, and would only move in when one became available.

    Have a good weekend!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Had my five year visit with my breast surgeon. From now on, my PCP will do the yearly checkups. We discussed the little "nipple" below the tat, and I told her I think it came from the tat needle, then the implant slipped down about an inch. I also have a pink spot along the incision line, I thought it was a stitch still reabsorbing, like the angry red ones on my knee. she agreed with both. Authorized me for two new bras.

    My driver came from Ghana, was raised in a multilingual environment, and we had a very entertaining conversation. At first I thought he was Haitian, just a touch of French in his accent, but French is one of his native languages.

    Got home and waited a little bit and my sister and brother delivered my tadpole recumbent trike. Other items will follow. I need to practice on it over in the park or parking lot before it gets power. Two brakes, one the right wheel the other the left, so I can use them to steer, as well as the handlebars. I will need a lot of practice. I am getting it early because the weather is so "warm".

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Betrayal, glad your new solution is working, and you are getting up and about. Need to recondition those muscles.

    Puffin, that looks awful. Hope you get it under control soon. Sounds like you had a great trip, despite the outbreak.

    Petite and Cindy, happy that your dental problems are resolving.

    MM, for those who are vulnerable, COVID can be a sticky monster. I have a friend who doesn't believe in doctors. She was sick all of December, says it was probably COVID. I have not been sick for years. Don't know why, except I am somewhat of a hermit, and probably built up a lot of resistance from having worked in the schools.

    Carole, I will be watching what decision you make. By the time my implant deteriorates, I might just go half-flat.

    It is going to take a while to get used to the inserts. After all, I have been walking wrong since 1951.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Wow, once again so much to respond to, I will apologize now if I forget someone!

    Puffin, great picture of the humming bird! I love it! Sorry about the psoriasis! My DH has it, but his cousin died after being treated with one of those drugs so he won't take them. His doesn't really flare up anymore. I hope you have great success in healing!

    Betrayal, so happy to hear things are looking up for you! Yes, it does feel good to feel more normal again! I am just starting to feel the same, albeit from a much, much, less serious problem, but I can relate. Today's sunshine should make you feel even better!

    Cindy, so sorry to read about your SIL. My sister in Florida didn't come back for my SIL's funeral. My DB made a comment about her not being there. I hope he doesn't hold it against her. I hope your dental issues continue to improve.

    Carole, I know when I had my implant put in last year, I was told how long they last, but of course I forget now. I know there are "smooth" implants and "rough" ones and the type that were making the news because of ruptures and causing cancer were the rough ones.

    I had a smooth implant, which was in a wrap made of swine tissue. Then I had fat graphing around that. I absolutely hate what I look like in the mirror! One breast looking sort of like mine, (DIEP reconstruction) and one small, ridiculous looking (implant). Yep, if my implant needs to be changed I want both fake breasts removed for good!

    Carole, I give you credit for having the MRI. I can't do another one of those ever again! I have had 18 surgeries and delt with more than my share of tests. I am a good patient, I always do what they ask and don't complain, but I needed to be backed out of the MRI because I had a panic attack! Thankfully the tech told me I had to go right back in the machine or give up because of the timing with the dye injection, so I closed my eyes and finished the test. That said, I can't ever go through that again! Not sure if it is the lying on the stomach that caused my reaction or what, but just the thought of it makes me want to run! I drove myself to and from that appointment, so no meds for me either.

    I have a good friend who had a breast MRI every year, alternating with mammogram, for many years, She drove herself to and from all her appointments and never took medications. Many women get through them just fine and I am sure you will too! I do think you are smart to do the MRI instead of just having surgery. Sounds like you have a good plan and a good support system of medical experts! You can't do better than that!

    Chris, nice to read your posts again! Glad you will soon have a bike to ride again!

    Jackie, always good to read your posts! Hope today is a sunny one for you too!

    Yesterday I finally tested neg. for Covid. Crossing fingers when I retake the test tomorrow that it will also be negative!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    The sun finally appeared today and I am so glad to see it. It lifts my spirits. I was awakened at 5:30 am by the portable phone beeping because it needed to be recharged. I went to the kitchen and swapped it out with a charged one. I did manage to fall back to sleep but my sleep pattern is all over the place I think due to constant interruptions I had while hospitalized. It they weren't waking me for vital sign checks, then it was the surgical resident at 5:30, or an unhappy patient who yelled all night, and then the medical student at 6:30 or the PCT thinking they were going to draw my blood (not happening). Fortunately the IV team drew bloods around 8 am. At home, I do get an occasional good night where I sleep through except for one bathroom visit.

    DH had a ham radio gig this morning so while he was gone I managed to get washed up, threw my dirty clothes and towel in the washer, cleaned the kitchen sink and put the critters dirty food bowls in the sink to soak. I caught up on emails that had videos attached, so I watched them and then deleted them. I have a sense of accomplishment even though it pales in comparison to what I used to be able to do. I know I will get back to normal eventually but it feels so remote.

    I am having a GI issue with what I think are stomach spasms after I eat. I have pain on my left side right below my rib cage. Think maybe I need to go back to more Prevacid than just at breakfast. Will reach out to GI doctor but no way can I manage an office visit now. I had to cancel so many follow-up visits with hand surgeon, hand therapy and audiologist that were scheduled in the weeks after my surgery but can't reschedule them just yet. I would be reluctant to visit while I have the wound vac to avoid chance of infection.

    Cindy, I hope your dental issues resolve soon. That loose stitch has to be annoying.

    Petite1, glad your dental issue seems to be resolved.

    MM, glad your Covid test is finally negative. I would not repeat it.

    Chris, having feet issues that date back to 1951 will take some time for adjustment to the new inserts. Just the thought that they will provide relief should be your focus.

    Carole, I have had 3 breast MRI's and can honestly say, no matter what they do to make it comfortable, it doesn't work for me. My sternum has a congenital deformity and the form seemed to really put a lot of pressure on it. However, it was temporary and I really needed to get the results from the MRI's. I was able to also have it done in the open MRI machine which negates the claustrophobia of the tube ones.

    I will finish dusting in the family room today because this is my temporary "home" so I need my surroundings to be clean and organized. I have organized the many dressings I have in 2 bins and the wound vac supplies are organized within 2 small shipping boxes. The nurses are able to find what they need quicker and it looks less cluttered in here. We have had these wooden TV tables since forever and I use one to hold items I need and we have one that I use for meals and the nurses can use for hold their supplies while they change dressings. They are so happy to have it available to them.

    DD bought me some new robes so today I am wearing the blue one. The other one is lavender.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    If we pretend to be more enlightened than we really are, we will miss an opportunity to heal ourselves.  Admitting our limitations can make us feel vulnerable, yet it is very freeing.  We just have to be ourselves as we are now, accepting the mixture of enlightened awareness and human limitation that is in each of us.  Through this self-acceptance, we find a deep peace and self-love.   -Shakti Gawain

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    So great to read ll the entries although I almost don't know where to start. Puffin so glad you are back. Save for the psoriasis upset it sound like you had a wonderful trip and great experiences. I too loved seeing your feeder with attached beautiful hummingbird. How great. I would have loved it as I'm sure you did. I do hope you will get some help with your arm. If you don't mind my saying it looks a little ferocious.

    Cindy, as always you just seem to find good ways of getting along with conditions. You are brave to have not used your sweatshirt. I was sorry to hear about your SIL but sounds like it truly was not a surprise. It is still sad when we lose loved ones.

    Chris, hope you will come to feel great appreciation in time for your shoe inserts. Yes, it will likely take some time, but I wore orthotics for a few yrs. and ended up not needing them anymore. As to the recumbent trike, good for you. I had a regular bike although I don't ride it anymore. Maybe one of these days I'll sell it or something. They are so gentle on the back and mine had a seat almost like a tractor seat. Much easier than those thin and skimpy little seats that were on regular ladies bikes. Hope that project goes well for you.

    Also I'm thrilled for you (hoping the next test is good too) MM for the negative covid test. You have been so good about your behaviors around others during this period. There are a whole group of people who don't realize how fortunate they are for your actions taken on their behalf to keep them safe from possible illness.

    I did okay with my MRI but mainly kept my eyes closed. It was an open MRI but I still feel a great un-easiness which is why I closed my eyes. I'd do it again, but I wouldn't like it any more than this time.

    Betrayal, yay for reaching that point where normalcy is becoming more and more evident. I agree — getting better can be a slow (almost laborious) project, but it sure does feel good when you feel like you are getting to be in charge rather than your malady. I'm wishing for you a continual path upward and forward into an ability to get back to your robust self. Hugs.

    It is very pretty here. 55 Degrees as well so pretty nice. Good strong sun. I've been doing mainly catch-up things today so not getting to be outside, but I'm sure I'd enjoy if I were.

    Hope the rest of the day is fantastic for everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Very positive vibes in all the posts I read today. Glad we're all doing well.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    One more positive vibe, I tested negative for Covid the second time in 48 hours this morning!!! I honestly felt like I would never get a negative test after over two weeks of positives! And to add to the happiness, sunshine again today!!!! Yep, the small things we take for granted in life can be the most rewarding!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Today could compete for most beautiful day in southern Louisiana. It's in the 60's, sunny, no wind to stir up the pollen. I took a 30 minute walk, shorter than my usual walk but better than not walking at all. My back was bothering me a little and I didn't have my best night's sleep last night. But no complaints.

    Hope everyone is having the best possible Sunday in view of individual circumstances.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Generally speaking, if we view human nature as dominated by
    destructive tendencies, our ethics will most likely be grounded in
    something outside ourselves.  We will understand ethics as a means
    for keeping those destructive tendencies in check in the name of
    some greater good.  If, however, we view human nature as
    predominantly oriented toward kindness and the desire for a peaceful
    life, then we can consider ethics an entirely natural and rational means
    for pursuing our innate potential.  On this understanding, ethics consists
    less of rules to be obeyed than of principles for inner self-regulation to
    promote those aspects of our nature which we recognize as conducive
    to our own well-being and that of others.  This second approach
    is in tune with my own.

    The Dalai Lama

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I read posts, took no notes, wrote a few paragraphs and lost them! UGH

    Saturday we went out funeral clothes shopping. We don’t have that type of clothes here. Last funeral, partners mom passing 4 years ago, we flew home before driving to Syracuse. Note to self to bring proper attire down. The lines were long on a Saturday, so while he waited in line I continued to shop. Two new shirts for me were added to the purchase.

    This morning we had a lot of rain, and a tornado watch until 2 pm. But after that it cleared up and we gathered with friends at the gumbo festival. Great music but as it started to get dark, our phones confirmed another rain storm coming. We were home by 6.

    More rain predicted for Monday, and cooler all day. I think I’ll probably be walking in the afternoon instead of morning. But I need to update my laptop, reinstall Norton and get ready for tax time, so weather won’t really matter.

    Enjoy your Monday!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    A reminder, Cindy, that I have the documents necessary for doing my taxes. It's such a simple process now when once it was more complicated and I paid a professional. Instead of Turbo Tax basic, I'm considering using a free tax service for federal this year. The state of Louisiana, which has personal income tax, has really good software on the website that I use every year without charge.

    A gloomy day outside this morning.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Throughout our lives, the moment we bring our awareness fully into
    the Now, we enter the domain of the true self, and our immediate
    conscious reality is once again that of sensation and perception.  As
    I sit in the park, the sunlight brightens the leaves and casts shadows
    on the ground. I have a feeling of contentment.  And as long as “I”
    don’t create stories about what I am seeing or about the fact that I
    am feeling content, which leads me away from my immediate experience,
    what I experience remains simply perception and sensation.  The same is
    true for any feeling, any emotion. In the Now, it is just what it is.  In the
    Now, I “go back” to my original awareness “by the way that [I] have
    come.”  When we directly perceive and experience whatever is present
    in our larger fields of awareness, it is possible to have a relationship with
    it without becoming lost in it or defined by it.

    Richard Moss
    The Mandala of Being

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It is 40 degrees and sunny here. We are hoping for the 50's that were predicted. We had a fairly mild winter — some pretty cold temps for a while, but little snow. Now it seems we are having mild weather which has generally been the case for some time. I do note though we have had snowfalls in the first week of April, so I guess we are in the time period of anything goes now and then.

    Sorry you lost your post Cindy. You have a lot on your plate right now to have a somewhat un-expected death in the family you have to prepare for. Then, the rains.

    Your day yesterday sounds like what we sometimes get in Feb. A balmy sunny day with a warm breeze that just makes you want to stay outdoors for a long time. I love it when it happens. Then again as mentioned above — it's an iffy time period for us. We can get almost anything from great to grueling and hard to take, even more so for the fact you are looking forward to really feeling and getting Spring.

    Not a lot planned for the day. Just hope for progress.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I was up by 8:30 and could see my back garden was flooded. But I was able to go out & grab the newspaper between showers.

    My walk was as predicted, at 2 pm. And it was spritzing rain on me as I started out, but full sun by time I got back home.

    I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. I don’t think it’s been cut since October! My stylist in NY was going to Europe so we couldn’t hook up again before I left. Then whirlwind of holidays and visitors down here, FL. When I called to get in he was booked up, he was apologetic, but I told him I was glad he was busy and had no problem waiting for my appointment.

    Cool days for the next 4-5, but they say 80 by Super Bowl Sunday. Which reminds me I have to place an order!

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    So glad for the negative Covid test, MM and that you are managing Betrayal but it still sounds hard. Wow Wren, that arm looks painful, but glad you could enjoy your trip and add so many to your list. Where to next?

    I've had a good weekend. Golf with my best buds on Sat. and dinner at the Cheese Cake Factory to celebrate Ella becoming a teen-ager last night.

    The best was today. A woman who I met when we were both on the food bank board was in town briefly from graduate school in London and we met for coffee. She is one of the most interesting women I know and I was delighted that she could find time for me during her short visit. Another one of the pluses of volunteer work for me is meeting people I probably wouldn't otherwise, including those who are younger than me.

    California's rain is headed our way so who knows what the rest of the week will bring.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Taco, nice to have a meet-up with an interesting woman! I always feel I meet people in the most unusual settings! I still remember people I met on my first day of chemo back in 2003. I wonder how some of them are doing now.

    Illinois, sounds like your weather is improving somewhat. A sunny day, no matter the temperature, is always a good day. I remember getting a snow storm on April first many years ago. The kids had off from school and by noon most of the snow was gone!

    How life has changed! 24 years ago we still used a "phone chain" to let staff know of school closures. We didn't carry cell phones or if we did, they weren't mini computers. FaceBook wasn't a thing or at least if it was, it was still just used by college kids via computers.

    Thinking back when I was a teenager, we still had land lines and thought we were on the "cutting edge" if we had super long phone cords! Typewriters were in, along with erasers that looked like pencils with a brush at the one end. I wasn't allowed to wear pants to school until Sophomore Year of HS and then it had to be a "pant suit!" Jeans were allowed the spring of my senior year. They used to provide bus transportation to football games!

    Best of all in the 1960's/70's, TV News consisted of half hour local and half hour national/world news in the morning and evening, with only 1/2 hour local at 11:00. Now we have news on multiple stations 24/7 and it's available on your cell phone anytime too! Ugh!

    Even a decade later, life was slower paced, but I remember being so stressed after going back to work after I had my DD. I lived in PA and worked in NJ. I would have to call the operator at work for an outside line to call my babysitter in PA. The babysitter would have to do the reverse to reach me. Thankfully even though I worked in a lab, I had a desk with my own phone! That said, management frowned on personal calls during the workday! I only got 8 weeks maternity leave because I had a c-section. Normal was 6 weeks and even that was a huge deal because many places didn't give maternity leave at all! I only worked until I was pregnant with DS, then stayed home with the kids and was very thankful I could do that. Most of my children's elementary school mom's were "at home moms." We could walk into our schools freely and stop at the office to sign in. Kids could safely walk to school. School shootings were unheard of! Shootings in general only happened in hunting accidents and bank robberies. Kids could still have ice cream snacks at holiday parties and cupcakes could be brought in for birthdays. Christmas decorations were allowed, as were Hannukah decorations. Songs for both holidays were sung at the winter concerts and no one ever talked about being offended.

    I am so very thankful that I grew up in the time period I did. I feel sad that my GKs will never know that world!

    I'm headed out to the hairdresser soon and boy am I thankful for that, as I had to postpone it due to having Covid. It is another beautiful, sunny day and that makes it even more special!

    Oh, and Carole, your 30 min walk inspired me to start walking again!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor--such is my idea of happiness. Léo Tolstoy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Ah, memory lane. My early life was much the same. We had the closest thing to a one room school, but first three grades in one building and the rest in the second bldg. 4th, 5th, and 6th. was in a room separated by a very large and heavy swinging door and 7th. and 8th. in that room. It was called The Big Room mainly to delineate that the ahem' 'upper grades' were there. We had playing equipment meaning baseball and bats and the usual swings, small slide and merry-go-round in the play yard. We walked to school on the back road every day and our moms brought lunch in a paper bag if it rained. Otherwise, we had plenty of time to walk home for lunch.

    This was a little town that in its heyday as I grew up had about 200 people. We immediately knew if strangers ventured into town although on Sundays since there were three saloons in town there were plenty of non-residents. We soon learned to recognize the non-locals who only bothered with us to frequent these watering hole on the weekends.

    We sometimes got to 'drive' a little early since we lived in the country if there was actually a car available. We had a so-to-speak coroner grocery store that actually wasn't on a corner but was close. We gathered there later on after 8th. grade to wait for the school bus to come from the next town over and pick us up for high school. It was idealism and a simplicity. In other words, we basically all started out as country bumpkins so to speak. It was so wonderful to have but certainly would be odd to find anything like it today. I had this great good fortune and I'm sure that much of any molding that turned out decent sprang from my early times.

    This is only a bit of my fond memories since living in that era — growing up in the mid 40's, 50's and 60's, was much like MM's. A real treasure that those growing up now will likely never have and some may not even hear about. I would not trade my precious childhood for all the riches in this world.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Just the rest of it now. Another beautiful sunny day. It is just 10a.m. and already 40 degrees. Sure, it will get better. Nothing special today. I don't have much on my calendar now — in fact so far there was only one thing, and it was for Dh. Other things will come up over time but oh how nice now to see a calendar free of filled in dates (mainly medical in nature) for now. Good ole' empty February calendar. I love it.

    I hope you will all be well and if your using medical equipment it is doing its job well. That all dental work is healing and not leaving any trace of discomforts. That Covid is over and hopefully won't make an appearance for you or your families. I hope you have sun and un-cloudy skies.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 355

    I had a hysteroscopy with D&C and polypectomy last Thursday and as I expected all was benign. We can move forward with the risk reducing BSO in mid March.

    I hope Betrayal, Cindy and Puffin are making progress with their health issues. Thinking of all of you dealing with medical concerns.

    MM - thanks for the memories. I’m grateful to have grown up without the pressures of digital media which allowed me to appreciate the simpler things in life. So much has changed since I raised my son who is 32 yo. There were lots of young families in our neighborhood while my son was growing up so the kids spent many hours playing games outside (or inside during the winter), riding bikes and street roller hockey. It was common for my front yard to be littered with bicycles. I don’t see that very often anymore and am thrilled when I see and hear kids playing outside.

    Have a good week!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Harley, that’s great news!

    When I’ve tried to get to this forum, I’ve been getting a notice that it’s not found. I’ve used a notification down lower, in dates, to get in here. Tosses me way back in time, but then I can page to current.

    I left my house yesterday within a half hour of my hair appointment. It’s a normal 20 minute drive. The street I was coming out on had an accident, looked like a sheriff suv hit a suv, so rubbernecking slowed us down. Then as I’m almost to the turn, the entire road is blocked off - you had to choose to take a left or a right. I went left, to a somewhat familiar street. They/police snaked us down back roads, through a big mall. So many police, helicopter overhead, and then I saw a big black bomb squad truck rumble in. I called the stylist to let him know I’d be late, I was stuck in the mass of detoured cars.

    Turns out a man ran into Bank of America, said he had a bomb, leaped the counter and grabbed a teller. He yelled for everyone to leave and they all ran out. Hostage negotiations, etc… when he put the teller in a headlock and put a box cutter or knife to her neck, a sharp shooter killed him.

    Crazy world in which we live. The man, I think 36 years old, and had an extensive arrest record. But it sounded to me like he had mental health issues. One arrest was for chasing cars with a knife.

    Hair cut is good, he cut off a lot of hot iron abused hair. But I’m not certain I love it yet. I’ll know tonight when I shampoo and try to style it myself. I usually like my hair a week or two out from original cut. Go figure. It never again looks like it did when he finished it

    I’m heading out for my walk. It’s 61 with full sun, love this cooler low or no humidity weather. Enjoy hump day!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    This is what I’ve been seeing.