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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Ah Harley - the Super Bowl in Spanish… Oh my

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Love the mental picture of looking out the window and seeing a pod of dolphins! Glad you're having such a good trip.

    I have a lunch date with my younger sister today, also her daughter and her daughter's daughter. We're celebrating my niece's birthday yesterday. She has had mental problems and a lot of unhappiness in her life but we will try to make this a happy occasion.

    Jackie occasionally has computer problems but they usually don't last this long. I'm getting really worried about her and Sandy.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. We did have bad hail storm and I had to replace 3 screen panels. I was in the bad place during Valentine's Day and a few days before. I was back to the new normal yesterday and so far so good today. My new front teeth caps look good, but have trouble with tough bread, like ciabatta and some pizza crusts.

    It looks like Jackie and Sandy haven't been on in a while. Hope all is well.

    Betrayal, glad there is less drainage. I hope the swelling goes down.

    MM, you sound good.

    Carole, in my old age I can't tolerate crowds. I would be hiding from Mardi Gras.

    Cindy, sorry to hear about more dental problems.

    I know I have missed some comments and will try to get on more frequently. I did have problems logging in a couple of times. Google says my password is compromised, so I guess I have to change it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Hi all,

    Just to let you know, despite being very tired and sometimes gasping for breath as my lungs heal from the radiation, I am okay. Little did I know on the evening of Feb. 7th. that my computer would not be turning on the next day. It turns out my power supply conked out. So, I took it into the shop and Tony ordered the power supply which came sooner than expected. Unfortunately, once the tower would turn back on it was found the Motherboard took off the same time the power did. Tony hopes that the new motherboard will be in sometime after Monday and he can get me going shortly thereafter.

    Normally, I would let you know if I expected to be gone — even more so with such a long quiet period. Dh uses a laptop which is quite difficult for me, and I did think I'd be back much sooner. In the middle of that Dh's new computer came and he just it set up today. I talked him into a desktop all in one, but since it is a Windows 11 there are a couple of differences that are making me pray I don't grab my hair and pull.

    Your care and concern is deeply appreciated — you don't know. I'll be so happy to get back with you on a daily basis. Hugs to all and good health to you. I've miss you all so much.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 355

    Jackie - thanks for checking in. We are so happy to hear from you!

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    As far as computers are concerned, I really feel as if the world is passing me by. Scan this, scan that. This morning a friend told me that she thought that my Facebook account had been hacked. Probably correct in that the password I entered to change the password supposedly wasn't right. Will have to ask Ella what to do next.

    Fun Superbowl party with friends - we play Super Bowl bingo which is great, especially for those who aren't really into football. We all rooted for SF except our host who was mad SF beat his Lions so was for KS. Lovely Valentine's dinner at our club. Our turn to host the Saturday dinners this week. Cleaners were just here but the dog is shedding like crazy so that will take a little work.

    Rain has been badly needed but not appreciated by my arthritis but it's looking nice for next week. Be careful in the snow and ice, ladies.

    Jackie, glad you are okay. You have been missed as is Sandy. Betrayal, my heart really goes out to you. Your record with the medical community is appalling. As a retired physician's wife, I am beyond embarrased.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, phew! We were all worried about you, we hoped it was a computer issue and not a health issue.

    Harley, jealous! Or is it envious? Enjoy your trip.

    Carole, hoping your lunch was enjoyable for all of you.

    Petite - sorry you had hail damage, but thankful it is fixable. I think it’s expected as a widow to have a hard time at V day.

    Our villa is being painted. So we’ve had a lot of prep going on. I got out for my walk before a lot started. But about 1pm the power washing started, and boy was it loud, so we took off for Six Mile Slough for a walk. After getting home and pulling off sneakers & socks, I had a blister in my second toe. Didn’t hurt when I was walking, and I’m not sure if my sock was stuck in there or what.

    It was crowded and some kids were loud, which scares off a lot. But still enjoyable. Sorry my phone camera isn’t great.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Thanks for the beautiful nature pictures Cindy. I saw an Ibis around our lake today.

    Jackie, so glad you checked in and are " good ". At work we used to say you were OBE ( overcome by events). 😊

    Petite, glad things are moving back to new normal. Same here in a sense. Before our move south I swam a great deal. Well I did laps in the indoor pool at my fitness club Wednesday for the FIRST time since moving 🙃 It's a start.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Jackie: Thank goodness!!! We can all understand computer issues and glad that was the problem. Although sorry you had to deal with it.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Welcome back Jackie!!!

    Shout out to Sandy, hope she is well. She is definitely missed!

    reader, I love your "OBE." It is going to be part of my "vocabulary" from now on! Kind of jealous about your swimming laps. I haven't even put on a bathing suite in well over 25 years. I learned to swim before I learned to walk and loved the water. I hope you get to swim more, do some laps for me!😉

    Cindy, nice photo's, nature is wonderful!

    Carole, hope your DH's mouth is feeling better where his tooth was removed. No fun at all!

    taco, my DH was sad that 49ers beat Detroit too. He actually didn't care who one. I was for the 49ers. So sad that the KC celebration was marred by guns. I hate to sound pessimistic, but I feel the window of opportunity to stop mass shooting is long gone, similar to global warming. One can only hope it will get better. This world is crazy, and about to get crazier in USA. I won't get into politics other than to say I am pretty sure that canvassers for one of the parties will pass up on my house from now on because I engaged them with facts and they had no answers for them.

    Another snow storm, but even better than the last. No snow on my street, sidewalks or driveway. Some on my car that I will clean off later this morning when it stops. It stuck on the tree limbs and makes everything look so beautiful. Good news, things will warm up substantially before I need to drive anywhere. Maybe I should knock on wood before saying that?

    Betrayal, hope you are feeling better with each day. I don't know where all the robins I saw earlier in the week went to, but since the two snowstorms I haven't seen any. Spring will be here before we know it!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I suspected Jackie was having computer problems. Glad that was the reason she hasn't been posting.

    Now I'm hoping Sandy will post. I'm wondering if her absence has something to do with the new weight loss medication.

    The lunch didn't happen. DH asked me to accompany him to an appointment with the dental surgeon in case dh would need me to drive home. An x-ray of his jaw showed nothing. He got a shot of novacaine that was supposed to last through the weekend. It did nothing to blunt the pain. He did discover that heat is soothing and held a compress against his jaw while he ate a small amount of food for dinner.

    I think he will need to go to a doctor whose expertise is nerves. A neurologist?

    A gloomy day here today.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    cindyny: Do not recognize the second bird but loved the photos. I am an amateur birder compared to Puffin but would encourage her to go to Africa to see their lovely birds. Love her photos as well.

    Taco: you do not have to be embarrassed that your husband is a physician (retired). He practiced at a different time in medicine like me.

    The state of medicine today is far different from when I entered the practice of nursing and IMHO it has evolved into "wealth care". I do not know how a layperson would have handled what I have had to do. I even discussed this with my visiting nurse yesterday and she felt if I had been a layperson she would have walked into someone covered with several days worth of drainage and ill-equipped to handle it. I can tell you there were days when even I felt overwhelmed with what other's expected me to do and what I had to do. It has not been easy to deal with this and I do feel there is a toll it has taken on me. I am gradually making it back to my old norm and can only hope I can regain what I have lost. I am thankful that I had to skill set to deal with my wound. I am angry that this has consumed so much time to heal and still the end is not in sight. Yesterday was week 7. I have had some moments I opt not to relive.

    Illinoislady, so glad to see you. You were sorely missed.

    Yesterday DS had made a Costco run for us and showed up with Chick-fil-A for lunch. It was a pleasant visit and he showed us a photo of DGD in her 100 day costume. Seems they celebrate their 100th day of school by dressing up as an elderly person. Her costume was really cute. A neighbor had taken a video of her and some of her classmates in their costumes attaching the theme song from Golden Girls "Thank you for being a friend". It was so cute to see this because they were dancing and hugging each other so it was appropriate.

    Later DD and DSIL showed up to visit and to retrieve some of the leftovers from our Super Bowl meal. They left with some muffins I had gotten from Costco as well.

    The snow is lovely from the bay window in the kitchen eat in area. Misty has decided to sit next to me and clean herself. She loves the visiting nurse's and the physical therapist. I think she feels they are here to meet her. She's like a Walmart greeter when they are here. I try to contain her to no avail.

    I hope everyone has a lovely, safe weekend. Ours will be cold with gray skies. It appears that it has started to snow yet again. It is very light so hard to see unlike what happened overnight.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    The views from your windows seem so lovely, Betrayal. I enjoy your word pictures.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    On a different group, someone mentioned Sandy had been planning a trip in February. I’d have to go back and reread posts. But hoping it’s that and nothing more.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    That vaguely rings a bell that Sandy was going on a trip. I don't remember where.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Very quiet here in the oldies meeting place. It was cold outside at my house this morning but has warmed up to 55 degrees with bright sunshine. I went for a 46 minute walk a little while ago. It felt good to get out. I have walked this same route many times and used to walk it in fewer minutes. I don't push myself lately since I started to be aware of back deterioration.

    There has been no improvement in dh's issue with jaw pain whenever he moves the jaw. He has been using a heat pac, holding it to his face when he drinks or chews. Needless to say, eating is slow and not enjoyable. Tomorrow he will continue the effort of getting a diagnosis and, hopefully, some hope of treatment.

    Hope everyone's Sunday is going along nicely.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I'm back and (reasonably OK). We've had to put off any trips till later this spring when my body has finally adjusted to Zepbound and a sustainable, comfortable dosage. (Bob has to give 3 months' notice to Union Health for any vacations >4 days, and doesn't get paid for them). Also, my one Feb. gig in Madison was cancelled when my singing partner, who books the venue, forgot he had already booked another act for that date—so no more public performances for me till summer festival season. I am so "rusty" I creak! (And my L hand nails have gotten so long—albeit pretty—that they cause multiple typos, making typing a PITA with edits & corrections).

    Mary, glad you got your orthotics and hope you adapt to them quickly. Cindy, I suspect that the unexplained sudden molar pain may be due to bite-alignment changes, maybe a touch of TMJ.

    MM, glad you're over COVID. FDA/CDC's new guidelines are now calling for shorter isolation, albeit masked in public and around the immuno-vulnerable.

    Betrayal, slowly but surely on that wound healing—may you be able to come off the vac soon!

    Puffin, ouch on the psoriasis—I've only seen eczema before but I wouldn't wish yours on anyone. I saw what the "list price" is for Skyrizi, and that most of the "biologics" advertised on TV (especially for autoimmune diseases) are insanely costlier than what I'm paying OOP for Zepbound. Medicare will not cover any weight loss meds except those prescribedfor diabetes that have weight loss as a minor side effect—and even then, only the very cheapest ones. And because there is no Medicare (nor commercial Part D) coverage, can't use a mfr. discount coupon because insurance is how the mfrs. get reimbursed for granting that discount.

    My endocrinologist said that there comes a point at which one's metabolism becomes so screwed up that obesity crosses the line from "condition" to disease—genetics may be less of a factor than just plain evolution (the body seeking to restore lost body fat to be able to remain fertile, survive famine, and outrun predators higher up on the food chain). Evolution is light years (or the time-equivalent) behind history, medicine and just plain reality—and each re-gain is faster and harder to undo. I've been skating on the "prediabetes" line for a few years now, and a BMI>30 (mine was up to >34 when starting the med last month) plus other conditions caused by or causing T2D (HBP, lyperlipidemia, etc,) pushed me into the realm of eligibility. I've lost too many friends now to T2D and its effects to be willing to let that happen to me, nor inflict that on ones I care about (and vice versa).

    I have less to lose than others, but I fear I'm losing too fast (18 lbs in 4 weeks—over halfway to prescribed goal) to be healthy. Went up from the "loading/starter" dose of 2.5mg to 5 mg two days ago, and the side effects of fatigue, weakness, shakiness, and situational depression (about losing my appetite for both foods I love and foods my body needs) hit me like a ton of bricks—though, knock wood, no real GI manifestations. Consequently, I've been down the rabbit hole of Reddit—where other users (some docs & pharmacists) are more helpful and respond more quickly than my own endocrinologist.

    Add to that a bunch of minor medical annoyances requiring specialist visits, imaging and PT.

    As to the home front, Bob is bummed out that we can't go together to restaurants (I don't feel like going out and it's tough to navigate menus and get the side-eye for asking for so much of my food to be packed to go—and the leftovers make for a couple more meals at home). Our last meal out was Valentine's night—I enjoyed the 1/3 of my meal I could finish—and I couldn't finish a glass of champagne.

    Just learned Gordy & Leslie will have to move ASAP. Their lease is up in Aug., but the landlord is eager to to major rehab (gut, garage & roof) without tenants on the premises, so he'll let them terminate sans penalty or forfeiting security deposit. They live on the 1st floor of a 2-flat so the leak isn't affecting them, but they're still shaken about having to leave a great apt. in a great safe neighborhood and probably pay at least 30% higher rent.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We may travel around Apr. 8 to Indy, Cleveland or S. IL to see the total eclipse. Pretty sure my recording engineer & his wife have fully booked every inch of their B&B, studio guesthouse and even camping space on their lawns, but it's worth a shot. Theoretically we could drive down at dawn, get through the 'totality" and head home the same day, but traffic both ways will be nightmarish. Jackie, how far from the totality belt is Centralia—and do you have any lodging suggestions? Chicago will have only 95%, like last time, which was rather anticlimactic.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Carole, you’re getting out and moving, that’s what counts. I hope your poor husband finds a relief from pain.

    Sandy, we were ready for a search party. I think we take for granted that we’re all here, until we’re not. Glad you’re ok and figuring out this new weight loss drug. I think you’re correct on my molar pain, retainer just adds an iota to throw off my bite.

    Our house/villa is being painted. Our neighbor/handyman/friend goes around and fills and cracks he finds. The next day is a power wash after applying a bleach mixture. Yesterday was priming the entire villa, both sides; after they taped off everything. Then last night the rains & wind started, and are still going now 18 hours later. Not able to paint today at all. They’ll need to tape some areas again from winds blowing it off. With the rain, the shutters closed and taped over with that painters plastic - my house is DARK.

    Tomorrow we have both cars going in for oil change & tire rotations. I’ll bring a book. Rain should stop before midnight but temps remain cooler. Good walking weather.

    Yesterday I downloaded tax software and today postponed doing my taxes for as long as I could. Finally inputting information I discovered I don’t have my pension statement. What I thought was it, was just a notification on a change to the monthly amount. Partner got his already, from the same pension system. I think tomorrow I’ll have to call, nope holiday - Tuesday call and ask if it was returned.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Cindy's second bird photo is a Yellow crowned Night Heron.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, so glad to see your post! Happy to hear you are doing well on your weight loss medication. As I said before, while that I won't take any weight loss medications, I know from experience that weight loss success is not achieved with a "one size fits all" approach, pun intended! We are all different, our reasons for weight gain are all different, so it only makes sense that people find success with different methods. The main thing is that you are finding success!

    I am finding success too albeit not losing the weight fast like you are. I am listening to my body. My eating was so geared around the clock. I ate when the clock told me it was time for a meal, not when my body did. I no longer eat breakfast. Most dieticians are horrified by that adding all the blah, blah, blah that we need breakfast to literally "break the fast." Well, not eating after waking up has made me feel so much better. I often battled nausea in the morning, now I don't. I am retired now, so when I actually feel hungry, which is rarely before 10-11 AM, I will eat something. I am up by 5:30-6:30 AM. I eat a light "brunch", afternoon snack, and dinner. I rarely eat after dinner, no reason, just the way I roll.

    I eat mostly whole foods, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, but I still make traditional meals. I made baked ziti the other night, we will have it again for dinner later in the week and I will freeze "2 person portions" for a time when I don't feel like cooking. I limit wheat because my body doesn't react well when I eat a lot of wheat products, but I still eat an occasional piece of bread and pasta. Mostly I am listening to my body, eating what my body wants, watching portion size, but not feeling deprived of anything. I found out when I went to WW's years ago, that if I have a craving and don't satisfy it, I will eat way more of other things before finally caving and eating the food I craved! If I have a craving, I will eat a small portion of whatever I crave.

    Another issue for me is lymphedema. My left arm is twice the size of the right, thanks to an idiot BS in 2003 that removed the whole fat pad with 23 nodes! (all negative) I have dealt with lymphedema for 21 years, it became my new normal. After many years of painful therapies, I stopped wrapping my arm and wearing garments, that never really fit well. I had hope last year when I met my newest PS who was also a lymphedema specialist, but it became clear when I saw him in Sept that there was nothing he could do for me that I am willing to get on board with, namely many surgeries. I am finished with elective surgeries.

    Exercise is important to me and that is what I am focused on now. I admire all of you who walk for miles! Walking is not something I enjoy unless I am in a park or along the ocean or walking a dog. I would love to get a dog but can't fork out money on vet bills right now. I like dancing and weight training. Hey, whatever floats our boat, right? I will be busy in the yard once spring arrives.

    Today is sunny and the temps will climb this week! I will definitely get outside for a bit. I wish all those who are healing well, and everyone a wonderful day!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Sandy, you're back!! I would be uneasy with taking the weight loss drug you're taking but you are knowledgeable about health and medical stuff, plus married to a physician. What happens when you have attained goal weight? You take a smaller dose of the med?

    MM, you have figured out your own weight loss program and it seems to be working for you. I do eat a small breakfast. I am borderline diabetic and hunger can hit me all of a sudden. I start to feel like I could pass out any second. I carry the glucose pills in my purse and taking one of them if I'm out and about eases the hunger.

    We had frost out on the lawn today. My laptop says 34 degrees outside. The sun is shining.

    Happy Monday to all.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    MM, Fostering is a great way to have a dog with no vet bills. We fostered dogs for years with only one fail - a husky that was stronger than me. The most fun was an old English shepherd.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good afternoon ladies. Decided to check in just to let you know I'm still awaiting along with Tony, my repairman, the new motherboard for my computer. I do get on here and read your entries hoping I won't be too much at a loss when I finally get my computer back .

    The sentiments over health issues for several here, and for some of the better half's I have much the same thoughts as you. Sandy it is so good to see you again although | didn't miss you quite as much as the others since I was missing myself. I do think, as you mentioned, age alone almost can be a source of issues for us. I'm thinking in the context of Carole's dh with the sore mouth/jaw even though the offending tooth was removed. Older people seem to lose their balance more often, and sometimes mis-place things more. I've done all of the above more or less. I did find my papers on my ICD needed lately before rads, and fortunately found it, but it was something of a fluke since at that moment I was actually looking for something else. THEN and only then did I recall that I put the envelope with special ID card in the front of my file cabinet because of course, who wouldn't look their first instead of around where the machine had been placed in my bedroom. I looked through every drawer in that room which was a lot.

    Glad to find out about Cindy's bird in her nature walk pictures. One of the nicest things about being here is the wide variety of people who have different areas of knowledge which entertains and instructs all of us. Thank you Puffin. I keep a bird book here but it is mainly Illinois birds I might see here in my own state.

    Wren, you knew about fostering dogs as well. It is something I likely wouldn't do, but then it is only because I hope soon to have things settle out a bit more before I'm on the look-out once again for another dog companion for our household. We so miss those we have shared our life with and I look forward to getting another dog. We do have different requirements now since Dh and I both are hard pressed to lift heavy dogs now. Also, we likely need one who has some age going on since we don't have the energy for puppies. So one of these days.

    I'm at a good point right now since I don't have a lot of medical appts. this month or hopefully next, but I get notices from several of the animal shelters close to me on my computer and it is going to be awhile before I can get back in the mode.

    All my high hopes for everything good for all of you. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I'll soon have my best friend (good ole' trusty IBM computer) back with me so I can share with you all a lot more.

    Hugs to all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We are on the fence about when to adopt a kitty. "Friends of Petraits" sends us e-mails with photos of adoptable pets, and lately their cats have come in pairs: one a kitten, the other its mom or a buddy bonded in foster care. The pair (a kitten & his year-old buddy Leo) I really wanted were perfect—but the kitten looks exactly like Happy and his name is Mikey—which was what our HK named Happy because he was at first persnickety but then pounced on Heidi's leftovers (remember the old Life cereal commerciai: "let's give it to Mikey, he hates everything…Mikey LIKES it!")? But the resemblance really freaked out our HK. The next pair—a torbie 2-yr old named Trixie and her kitten daughter Gracie—are adorable, though the momcat Trixie is missing 3 teeth from its life on the street providing for her baby. They were discovered keeping warm in the insulation of a building being rehabbed. I showed their picture to our HK, who broke down and confessed she's still deeply grieving the loss of Heidi—whom she'd nicknamed Big Mama and was her little girl for the >18 years we had her (adopted at 10 months). But I am feeling not just Heidi & Happy's losses, but longing for a cat to love again. (No stamina to train & walk a dog). And the fact that Trixie is a 2-year-old and has missing teeth makes me suspect she'd be less likely to be adopted…which makes me want her all the more.

    My Zepbound side effects have abated considerably, though my endo agreed to put me back on the starter dose next week should I keep losing too fast and feeling too punk. (She phoned it in for Mounjaro—same drug, different label & indication—because it's about $100 cheaper with a SingleCare coupon than is Zepbound, and instead of obesity she "coded" it for T2DM based on my glucose readings consistently being a bit high (>100-118, thanks to the statin I must take). The question arises of what to do once I've reached goal weight. One strategy is to keep losing—the current goal would put me at "overweight" but I'd like to get down into the "normal" BMI range. At that point, we could spread out the doses to perhaps end up at once a month, hoping the new habits "stick" and I plateau after only a slight regain. The "tale of the tape" will be my numbers (glucose & a1c) when next I see my NP in April (my PCP says he doesn't need bloodwork for our upcoming Medicare Wellness Visit in a couple of weeks). What we do know for sure is that of patients in the study who quit after reaching goal, 94% regained most or all the weight lost by a year later (similar results for most diet programs as well). It's not that they slacked off and intentionally resumed bad habits—it's that they no longer had the medication blunting their cravings and dampening the "food noise" that caused them to overeat in the first place. "Lifelong" is relative—especially since I've never seen obese octogenarians not riding scooters (present company excepted, as none of you >80s are truly obese).

    I will be starting PT 3/1 for the paresthesias in my L arm, which the neuro thinks are unconnected to the painfully inept RSV shot but instead caused by cervical radiculopathy due to arthritic changes in my C-spine. I will also be getting a lidocaine shot for the S-I joint irritation in my R lower back—both of which things she believes are related to my considerable scoliosis (she was able to show me both the MRI & X-ray of my spine, and it's quite visible). She even believes that may even have caused my "shoe malfunction" falls when my L foot stuck to a hard fall but my body kept going. She observed my gait and saw that the scoliosis was causing an occasional "shuffle" in my L foot, which explains why high-traction soles have been such troublemakers for me. So I also have to retrain my gait to be heel-toe on both feet. Amazing how so many parts of our body can be inter-related.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    ChiSandy, the relationships within the musculoskeletal and neuro systems determine so much about our mobility, balance, and ability to perform daily activities as well as walking. Glad you had someone to tie them all together for you. Brings back the old saw, the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone….

    Telemedicine visit with PCP concerning lower extremity edema was just what I needed. She put me on a 3 or 5 day trial of Lasix and Potassium twice a day with the caveat if it worked over 3 days, then extend it to day 5. So I started on Friday and the weekend results were not stellar but showed slow decreases in leg edema with use of heavy duty (20-30 mm) compression stockings. My normal ones are 8-15 mm so a giant leap in strength and increased difficulty in application. Unfortunately, they do not make wide calf compression stockings for short legs and the knee highs are actually closer to being thigh highs so I have had to jury rig them to prevent "garter effect" on legs. I have actually found that slippers are loose after fitting snuggly and I may get regular shoes on this week. Calf measurement has decreased as well. So I don't know what her next plan is but I hope it will prevent further edema problems.

    Had bloods drawn yesterday and they were stellar. My hemoglobin is still in the anemic range but is 2 grams higher than it had been after discharge.

    Carole, it brings me joy when you find my descriptions of what I am viewing enjoyable. Since you are a writer, that is the best compliment a person could ever receive. I am a visual person so my surroundings usually bring me joy (not hospital rooms though, LOL) and I appreciate when others enjoy them.

    Illinoislady, so glad your absence was nothing more than computer problems which are more fixable than we are it seems.

    MM, I am with you about weight loss. My PCP did offer me the opportunity to try one of the new diabetic drugs for weight loss but the cost (prohibitive) and the uncertainty of what the future effects of these drugs was a turn off for me. It would also require a lifelong commitment which I was not willing to make. I do have T2 diabetes and control it with carb counting but weight loss is difficult. I have lost a few pounds since surgery and hope to keep it off since I have had changes in appetite. Lucky are those who do not have weight challenges but I was skinny as a stick until I had my first child when I had what I call a metabolism shift causing the battle of the scale since. Going through menopause twice didn't help either. AI's were brutal, too.

    I have an open area to the left of my dressing which is raw and painful. I will leave it open to air in hopes this will cause it to crust over. Not sure if it was under the dressing and thus revealed when they changed the dressing yesterday? One nurse had seen wound before and says that it has decreased in size and depth since then. Good news and I will see surgeon on Friday.

    Today, is crisply cold but the sun is bright and welcome. There is still a dusting of snow on the evergreens in our backyard and there is a good layer of snow still on the ground. It won't be melting today. The poor deer have had a hard time of it with this snowfall because there is little for them to eat. Some of the bushes that are reactive to the cold by curling the leaves look really stunted as well. The leaves look like small cigars they are so tightly rolled.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    So glad that Jackie and Sandy are back. I was catastrophizing about them. Betrayal, I am happy that your wound is healing now. I cannot imagine being in that situation.

    I finally set aside the ankle brace. Walking now with only cane and orthotics. Standing upright naturally after years leaning to the right. Knee troubles me a bit, but I am working on moving it more as I walk, and that helps. Low back pain, upper back pain. I am considering going to a chiropractor.

    My nose and voice have been troubling me for several months. I didn't have a vacuum, and was trying to get by with a little sweeper. Finally broke down and found a never-used Shark on Marketplace. That helped— powerful little thing!! Got tested for allergies, everything negative but sage. I threw out a bundle of sage I had had in a cabinet for years. I have been resting my voice for the past day or so. Wiped down the fan-blades, and vacuumed the filters on my air filtration device. It must be a generalized response to everything. Have an appointment with the allergist later today.

    My left thumb is very painful on occasion, and the joint just above the wrist is swollen. I was triaged for an appointment within three days— I think they fear that it is an infection.

    I got a notice that my lease would not be renewed. People don't like Tippy. Some people want the garden that I have worked for five years, and they are the same people who don't like Tippy. I say OK. I am tired of the BS. They have another building two blocks away that is nearly empty. I can get a new garden started. First of all, I have to dissect the letter. But I can't do that until I know what the allergist recommends.

    Troubles that a year ago would have been crisis-level. Ah, well.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi, Ladies. It was in the 30's this morning, but I bundled up and did my walk.

    Sandy and Jackie, it is good to hear from you both. We missed you.

    Betrayal, I have the same problem with compression hose. I am 5', so they go over my knees. Folding them over doesn't work well.

    Cindy, I am having some problems with discomfort with my teeth. I think they are realigning. Loved the pictures.

    Chris, I am sorry to hear about your lease. That seems unfair.

    MM, MY SIL with lymphedema has started working with a personal trainer with good results.

    Carole, harley, reader, it was good to hear from all of you, but I don't remember what I was going to comment on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Lost my post. I'm still on Dh's computer and struggling a bit. I so enjoy reading what you all have to say, but hating that any answers I give are short or only say that I agree with all the thoughts and feelings expressed by others. Very un-original of me. I'll try again here and hope.

    Happy that you all sound fine for the most part and making some positive improvements. I do worry about you Chris. I do think your living situation very un-fair. Then again, I do at the same time think both you and Tippy as well may end up happier for the change. Less stress for all. It would be nice to be around others who aren't harboring un-kind thoughts and feelings. Hope your medical issues resolve all to the good too.

    Betrayal, good to hear your progress as well. Even if it is not as fast as you'd like, at least there is positive movement in the right directions at last. Perhaps, it will speed up bit once the healing takes hold and the edema gets lessened.

    It should get up to 60 degrees today. We have had a couple of warmer days recently, so most of our 2&1/2 inches of snow is gone. We now have to worry about mud since the snow melted and there seems to be plenty of that. My family thinks since Ca. is getting pounded with rain (more mudslides since they had so much fire this past summer) and that the rain will work its way here. Well, if our temps stay out that could happen. This is the "iffy" time of year for us and we never know if we will have summery aspects or wintry showing up. Obviously right now it has been a mixture of both.

    This is brief, much more on my mind, but I'd hate to lose another post. I am wishing you all well and hoping that good fortune reaches everyone in good measure.

    P.S. Good plan Sandy. I hope you do decide on Trixie and Gracie. I'm sure your other furries are very missed, especially Heidi but HK, like most people I think would soon melt into loving the newcomers who do intend sound like they need an understanding family who would accept them warmly.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sounds like things are going better for all here! Reading the posts made me so happy.

    Chris, I know not all is going better for you, but I love your attitude about moving! When you said a year ago your troubles would have been crisis level and now, not at all, I couldn't help but think wonderful that is. When we can have an issue and think rationally about it and have confidence that things WILL work out, that is a special gift! As for your neighbors, what's not to love about Tippy??? I love dogs!

    Sandy, I can't wait to hear what "pair" of kittens/cats you end up with! Whoever you adopt is very lucky as you are an awesome pet parent! My little GD is still trying to get me to adopt a cat or kitten. Never having owned a cat and knowing I am allergic to some I don't see that happening.

    I had my cariology follow up today and it was great. Don't need to go back until the fall! I lost about 4 pounds, maybe more because it was an afternoon appointment and I always weigh more in the afternoon. I have really turned my eating around, largely due to my health improving. It is so hard to stick to healthy eating when one is feeling a lot of pain or just unwell. I am determined to get down to a much healthier weight, albeit likely still considered over-weight, but at least not obese! I don't think even with drugs I could reach a normal weight due to the lymphedema. My cardiologist said he supports my healthy eating plan moving forward! Thursday, I have my oncologist appointment and I am hoping it is as uneventful as my cardiology appointment was.

    Wren, I don't think I could foster a dog because once I got attached, it would be mine! I would be a foster-failure! LOL

    Betrayal, I am so very glad to hear you are doing better! Yes, Carole's comment about your imagery was a special compliment! I too am a visual learner.

    Jackie, so nice to hear you are doing well. Hope your computer is set up soon! So thankful that was the reason for your absence!

    Petite, so nice to read that your SIL is working with a personal trainer and getting great results. I would love to know more. What lead her to find a personal trainer? Is the person trained for lymphedema? Honestly, I never was a great patient that way. When I got to a certain point, finding nothing got better with all the wrapping/garments/ therapy, I just gave up. I lift weights and exercise my arms, but wow, having a personal trainer, even if only for a few sessions sounds amazing!