Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319

    I agree with all the comments about Medicare Advantage plans. They're great for healthy seniors. Insurance companies are in business to earn profits for their shareholders. With that said, many of the seniors I encounter at the senior exercise classes at the gym are happy with their Advantage plans.

    Puffin, glad your first radiation session is over. Hope it's doing its work on the tumor.

    Cindy, your life can be chaotic. Entertaining to read about.

    My youngest brother lives in OK south of Tulsa. He has a safe room in the garage where his wife goes when there is the threat of tornadoes. He laughs about waking up and finding that Deanna is missing from the bed.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    DH and I have a Medicare Advantage plan from my Dh's retirement from a big pharma co. and it's great! No complaints, we know our costs up front and it covered all costs of my last two breast cancer diagnoses, multiple surgeries. ER visits, and all our medical needs. Not sure if being a company plan makes it better, but I am not planning to change.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    Divinity is not something supernatural that ever and again invades the
    natural order in a crashing miracle.  Divinity is not in some remote heaven,
    seated on a throne.  Divinity is love. . . . Wherever goodness, beauty,
    truth, love, are--there is the divine.

    Harry Emerson Fosdick

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    Finally this morning awakening to some sun outside. We had plenty of rain yesterday and I'm really tired of it now. Very wet and moisturized outside. Good thing it is cooler. Not sure how much humidity might be out there but Dh and I won't feel it that much if it doesn't warm up too much.

    For those who have the Medicare Advantage — if it works for you I wouldn't change either. My BIL uses it. Men from his Church steered him to it and so far I haven't heard any complaints from him. If something is not to his liking, he usually changes it pretty fast so likely he has found a good combination for him.

    I cheated yesterday and didn't get much done so will have to work a bit harder today. Have to make our Walmart run. I have to get my generic Benadryl. I have a couple of hives (so itchy) and before they get out of hand need to see if that will do the trick. We will end up with more than that, but not too much more. I have to go to the bank and make a deposit as well. Always so much to do it seems but mainly as my list of chores never gets enough checked off.

    Good for you Taco. Glad you are taking it easy and having naps. I'm a huge believer in the healing properties of a good sleep. I still have usually one nap a day — even if it seems that it is only for five or ten minutes. I do feel highly refreshed after allowing myself the pleasure. It will pay off in the long run.

    I hope you will all have a great day and that all the pets at your house have a good day as well.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Puffin, I’m glad your rads went well. Hoping you’re doing well today too. (HUGS)

    Harley, chemo is rough, nap away. Your body needs the rest. (HUGS)

    Carole, I like the idea of a safe room! Stepson went to college in Austin, TX. At the first visit he & his dad had to park under an overpass due to hail storm with possible tornado. Scary stuff.

    We leave in 9 days. Things with outside requirements, such as mail and cable, are done with. I’ll start pulling things to pack by the weekend. I just hope it all fits in the car. It always does, just don’t open our trunk on the road. Right now it feels like “hurry up & wait.” We have a list so we don’t forget the small stuff - the calendar off the wall and our address book are examples of things left in previous years, that we need.

    Niece text me this morning, her oxygen is up to 95, heat rate 59. She’s back on track.

    I’m going out to lunch with the ladies. Even though I’m trying to cook up everything in our freezer & fridge, it’s my last lunch with the neighbor ladies.

    Going up to 87 today, all hit days predicted. The day we leave it says 90. HAHAHA Well, we can pack the car at night when it’s 78. Enjoy your day ladies!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,729

    Puffin, glad to hear that radiation went well and hope it continues that way. Fingers crossed that it zaps the hell out of your tumor.

    Harley, I never had chemo but do know others that have had it described it as rough. Listen to your body because you are still recovering from your surgery and with the chemo, you need the rest. Being patient is not one of my strongpoints when it comes to recovery, but this last bout taught me that I need to learn to listen to my body and respect its needs.

    I have been trying to get all sorts of physician appointments done before knee surgery due to probable post-op mobility challenges. Yesterday was vascular surgeon about chronic venous insufficiency which causes my leg swelling. He wants a new ultrasound since last was in '21. He was so down to earth and turns out he lives near me and most likely drives past my house when he goes to the one hospital. So I have the ultrasound scheduled with a telemed appointment the following week since I was unable to schedule both on the same day. He wants this done before my knee surgery. He gave me a prescription for new compression stockings at a higher degree of compression. Ouch, they are super expensive compared to what I currently pay (6x's more) so I may go to one of the places that he recommended and let them bill my gap insurance since Medicare won't pay for them.

    Today was GI doc and scheduled colonoscopy for October 2 weeks after I return from vacation. I am on a 2 year schedule due to pre-cancerous polyp and multi polyp hx. Did discuss how revolting last prep was using Propel water. It was sickening sweet so hard for me to drink since I seldom drink sodas or other sweet drinks.

    Doing PT x 3 this week for knees and on Friday see surgeon for possible discharge. I am having some pain/tenderness issues in abdomen so want her input.

    Next week is leg ultrasound and the end of the week is my 49th wedding anniversary. My DD and DSIL had given us a gift certificate to Harry's in Wilmington pre-covid so we are now going to use it. We had all seen a play in Wilmington and gone to dinner with them at Harry's afterwards and the food is fantastic.

    Middle and end of May, I have telemed with vascular surgeon, annual follow-up at Pulmonology with new doctor since NP left the practice, lots of PT weekly, PAT on 5/23 and pre-op visit with cardiology.

    Trying to get all gardening plans done before surgery so I have lots of holes to dig for new plants DD got me including a pink dogwood, a new azalea and lots of perennials. I want to mulch the juniper area, finish deadheading daffodils and hyacinths and I will try to get the patio planters done but they may be something I can manage in small spurts post-op. I have a gardening table so I can stand to fill pots or sit at one of the chairs if I need to rest. I know they want me to move so this may be an incentive.

    Trying to build up my stamina pre-op and figure all this activity should help with that.

    Lovely, hot, sunny day again but only in 80's today not 90 like yesterday. Just saw the chipmunk trying to access suet feeder but he's too small to reach it. The squirrel makes forays but I shoo him when I catch him. I had to put a new cake in yesterday because the last one only lasted about 3 days.

    Hello to cindyny, carole, taco, mm and anyone else I have missed. I hope everyone has a great day.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    My right hand and arm are worse today after radiation, basically useless. Legs are so weak I'm having trouble pushing off the toilet so our maintenance man is working on bars that actually attach to the toilet seat.

    Doing my prep work for tomorrow's Pet scan - drinking my 64 oz of plain water and eating low carb supper.

    A neighbor brought over her pill cutter and cut up my decadron pills for weaning the dose over the next 3 weeks. That should help my sleeping and swollen feet.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Puffin - I grabbed one of those toilet bar sets at a BINS store. I’ve also grabbed the bars that can go under the mattress and act like a bed rail to help get up out of bed. I’m one of the youngest of the ladies in the neighborhood - I bought all this “just in case” one of us needed it. I have a shower chair and grab bars- suction cup kind and 2 that could be installed in the wall. I wish you were close by to take advantage of my stash. I hope the maintenance man can help you out. OR get you a raised toilet installed.

    In your pocket for tomorrow’s PET scan.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    All of nature offers lessons on living, free of charge.  One morning
    I noticed a dead tree supporting many living things--fungus, vines,
    lichen--which taught me that even after death we can continue to
    support those who live on. Living trees on our property teach other
    lessons.  One tree has grown around a barbed wire fence. Another
    has grown around a nail, and a third through a chain link fence.
    These trees teach me how to accept irritation, absorb the pain and
    grow around problems.  Nature teaches me how to find my place,
    grow toward the sunlight and bypass obstacles.  To survive, we must
    be able to change in response to whatever is required by the
    challenge of the moment.  Our bodies know this, but our
    minds often rebel when change is necessary.

    Bernie S. Siegel

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    Good sunny morning. I think it will get to the 80's today. I'll have to get my windows open early enough to take advantage if we have a nice enough breeze. Otherwise, if no breeze, the house is cooler if the doors and windows remain closed.

    Cindy, you have me wishing you and Puffin lived closer as well. Good for you taking advantage of many of the 'appliances' some of us end up needing with age or medical issues showing up. The raised toilet seats are fantastic. That is why I asked for the tallest toilet Lowe's had. I got use to the raised seat on my very low sitting toilet. When (now some time ago) I came home from the open-heart surgery I needed help to get on the bathroom stool. It was difficult and cumbersome. Dh went to the local Bandy's Pharmacy store for medical equipment and got the riser seat. Easy to put on and such a difference. I left it on till I got this new toilet. I'm taller and never realized when younger that toilets could put such a 'crimp' in your style if not a suitable height for your own personal height — let alone being advised to be careful using a bathroom while your ribs healed after being cut open from a surgery.

    Today, when I get the morning chores, breakfast etc. we will be returning to Lowe's to get another toilet just like what I got the other day. I don't (not too often anyway) use the big bathroom save for a shower, but the toilet in there is the same size as my old broken one. Having seen mine, Dh now insists that he needs to change his out. It works fine, but one of the reasons I didn't use it more was due to how low — and Dh although he is shorter than I am notices height issues as well. I do admit he was always a bit like that. If I buy a new bedspread, he usually does as well. If I get new curtains for my room, he soon needs them. Most of the time I've not said anything but found it amusing. This time I think he has valid reason, even though nothing is wrong with his toilet.

    I have lots of other listed chores to mark off, but they will get done. I will indulge Dh because it will be a help to me if I need to use the facility when I'm in the big bathroom using the shower. Also, likely a help when I clean because I'm the chief cleaner for the big bathroom while three other people use it exclusively, hmmmm.

    It is nice that we are getting somewhat warmer weather. I think mainly of having it nice enough to have windows and doors open to "air" out the house after the winter. Long ago before a/c was a thing for just about everyone that is the only method we had for clearing winter out of the house. For many years my family didn't even have a fan. My dad was pretty much against all 'extra's' since we were generally on a fairly limited budget, most of my childhood. Being young, I never much noticed the weather anyway and it was actually more consistently good then. Only a few really sultry hot days in late August.

    I hope you are all going to have a beautiful and productive day. Hoping everyone with health issues can progress well and those getting ready to change residences can do comfortably. Hugs to all.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    85 going up to 90, oh I don’t like it this hot. Might go to the gym for the treadmill or might not.

    I’m just jumping in to complain about “spelling bee” in NYTimes. I woke up late, staying up too late at night. As I do my ritual of puzzles “spelling bee” is first. I was up to 22 words and can’t come up with another! It usually throws me out at 13-16 words. Folks were texting me and when I went back to keep trying at words, it switched me to subscribe and won’t let me back. Such is life. It’s the little things that drive me crazy.

    On a funny note, I took out the vacuum bags with my nieces comforter and bedding - just moving things out of the guest closet that I want to go north with me. There is air in both bags! LOL I will wait until Tuesday to hook them back up to a vacuum.

    Jackie, it sounds like a good idea to get the higher toilet for the main bathroom too. Do it while folks are ready and you’re not waiting on getting it installed. Your weather sounds lovely. I think if I were in NY I’d have windows open too.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319

    The problem with opening windows and doors in the spring is letting in the pollen along with the air. We do open the door onto the carport because there is also a screen door. And as long as it cools off during the night, we open a window which has a screen in the bedroom. But at this point with the temperature staying in the 70's at night we lower the thermostat to 68 and run the ceiling fan in the bedroom.

    Cindy, I can appreciate your urgency to make your exit from steamy FL. I just hope the weather behaves when we make our trip north. No tornadoes, PLEASE.

    DH and I have been busy packing up boxes with his bowls and other items he made during the winter. We're using the spare bedroom. I spread a sheet over the bed and we've used it and other other surfaces to spread things out. I will get on the ball and post some pictures.

    On the toilet subject, dh installed a higher toilet in his bathroom, which is a half bath. My toilet is the one in our master bath. We have our separate sinks in a long counter and we both use the stand alone shower. The bathtub with jets doesn't get used. DH would have trouble getting in and out of it since it isn't adapted for handicap use. I don't have the patience now to fill up a big tub although I used it in the past to take leisurely whirlpool baths.

    Cindy, I do Spelling Bee and Wordle and Connections and a couple more of the NYT puzzles but I'm a subscriber. I read through the headlines every day and read some articles. There was an interesting article today about Super Seniors, people who age in years but not in mental capacity and sometimes not as much in physical capacity as most people their age. I suspect that genetics is involved as in a lot of things with humans.

    Back to weather, I am hoping for some cool weather in MN, at least in June. I find that summers are getting hotter there like a lot of places but still more tolerable than the south.

    Happy Wednesday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, it was 90 here in Philly burbs on Monday or Tues, been in 80's since then and yes, WAY too hot for this time of year! I am not good in the heat. I often joke I would winter here and summer in Maine! I too wish you lived near Puffin!

    We had a comfort height toilet put in our house, now both bathrooms have them. I am 5'3" and I love them, especially with knee issues.

    My right knee is acting up again. Probably due to the gardening and outdoor walking now that the weather is better. Honestly, the only reason I want to lose weight is because it makes my knee feel better. I would have to be at a point where I couldn't walk before I would have knee surgery. That is because I have such terrible veins and I can no longer take someone sticking me in my toes and feet before realizing they must go in my neck! I won't do any surgery unless it can be done with local anesthesia, or it is a life or death issue.

    I have also been feeling dizzy before I get out of bed in the morning. I called to make an appointment with my ENT doctor, first one available is June 7th. I took it, but so much for trying to be proactive! Actually, even if I can't stand up due to dizziness, I will just wait it out until things settle down, I am doing the exercises they taught me when I had the ear crystal issue in the fall.

    Kelce is fitting in nicely. She still barks at dh sometimes, but we are seeing progress. She is going to be an awesome walking buddy as long as we don't run into too many dogs/people on our walks.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,729

    Yesterday I saw a large bird digging for bugs in my backyard. Of course when I tried to get a photo, it took off but I did watch it for over 5 minutes as it removed whatever from the yard. It was digging away with its bill. Turns out it was a Northern Flicker which is from the Woodpecker family. So pretty and most likely a male due to its markings.

    Found a lady who is giving away Ostrich ferns and I have an area where I transplanted some ferns last year that I would like to not have to mulch in the future. She said to bring a bucket (s) and a shovel plus wear safe footwear. So I have garden boots I will wear and have buckets and shovel to travel. Ferns are not difficult to lift from the ground since their roots sort of run just on top but they can be quite long. I can have as many as I want and she wants them gone. They are easy to plant as well. Hope to go tomorrow afternoon since I have no scheduled appointments. It is supposed to be warm but I can deal with that.

    Had a visit with the new PT where I go since my normal PT had no appointments today. He normally works in an ortho surgical center and he gave me some great exercises to try and some good advice for post-op.

    My orthopedist office notified me they are no longer doing an overnight stay after the procedure and not ordering any home care nurse or PT. They provide home exercise instructions for me to execute. This is not what we had discussed when I originally signed on with them and to find out at this late date is upsetting. I sent them an email telling them that I want a referral to home care for a nurse and a physical therapist until week 3 when they recommend that you start PT at a clinic. Medicare will cover this so I will advocate for myself to get the care I want. I do not have a first floor bedroom so I would have to climb 13 steps to get to the primary bedroom and am concerned about that. No sleeping in a recliner or on a couch and that's all I have that could pass for sleeping arrangements on the first floor.

    I do not understand why there is this push to get you out of the hospital and expect you to be able to remember PT exercises (if you even see a PT post-op) when you have just had anesthesia and most likely heavy duty pain meds. They tell you after a simple colonoscopy that you can't make any life changing decisions for the next 24 hours and the anesthesia there is a breeze compared to general anesthesia. So the PT today said to tell them you have a safety concern regarding a fear of falling if forced to go home the same day. He said that they should then provide a safe environment. Where he works the patients are kept for 24 hours post-op.

    PT is going well and I continue to do hand exercises. Think I will add some weights so I can build upper body strength. My arm muscles are not what they used to be.

    Sunny and heading to the 80's today. Need to remember to put on sunscreen so I don't develop any more Actinic keratoses which my dermatologist calls the "barnacles of life". The one she burned off still has a scab on it from 2 weeks ago. Hopefully this round burned it off for good. It became rough and scaly after the last round.

    Puffin, I hope the side effects from the radiation are diminishing so you can regain some return of function. You seem to have a great support team. ((HUGS)).

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, wow, nothing like waiting until the last minute to tell you your procedure is outpatient! Doesn't surprise me. I was outpatient for my mastectomy with expander surgery. Actually, I was glad to go home. Hospitals are germ infested and it is much better to heal at home. Also, they have a shortage of nurses so they need them to care for those who can't go home to recover.

    Everything changed with the pandemic, and they found sending people home (outpatient surgery) actually resulted in better outcomes. I slept on our power recliner (our sofa has a recliner on both ends) in the living room for weeks after my surgeries even though my bedroom is downstairs. I slept so much better on the recliner. It is quieter at home and no one wakes you all through the night to take BP, etc. My sister just had hip replacement and it was an outpatient surgery. (Penn Medicine) I know they get you up and moving right after the surgery. Didn't some on this forum have knee replacements?

    When I had my second shoulder replacement surgery in 2016, I wish it had been as an outpatient. All they seemed to care about was promoting their "hotel like rooms!" I would have done much better had I been able to go home after the surgery.

    I think some equate hospital stay the same as some view chemo for breast cancer. They think if you didn't stay overnight in the hospital, your surgery wasn't anything major. Wrong! Same with how some view breast cancer, if you didn't have chemo, your cancer wasn't that bad. Also, Wrong!

    I hope you can get whatever you need to make the surgery a success!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    GF husband was the most recent person I know who had a TKR. He is a large man, tall & big, heavy too. He was kept overnight due to heart problems - pace maker defibrillator. Otherwise he would have had no overnight.

    We cut back our banana trees, chopped off giant leaves from the bird of paradise so it doesn’t touch the garage, and then borrowed a pole tool with a saw and cutting device to chop off palm fronds that hit the garage roof. Then went to the neighbors and cut down her palm fronds touching her roof - it was her tool we borrowed. It was 90 out. We then peeled off our wet clothes, tossed on dry clothes - after getting in the house of course. Bad visual!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    The Sufi poet Rumi wrote, "Your criticism polishes my mirror." If you understand who you are and respect yourself, you will not see criticisms a problem but as an opportunity to become a better person. When you feel inadequate or imperfect, the criticism is threatening and makes you feel that you have to defend yourself. When you are secure--not perfect, but secure--you can listen to the criticism and consider its value. You can say, "I'm sorry." And "thank you for polishing my mirror," and when it is appropriate you can learn from the criticism and improve your behavior. I say when it is appropriate because there are some people who love to find fault in others. That is their problem. Bernie Siegel

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Hi, Just popping in. I had the first cataract removed on Tuesday. Some eye lid swelling, but only slight discomfort. I have been sleeping a lot. The next one will be on the 14th. I don't feel like doing much. I think it is more from the Versed, than the surgery.

    MM, I love that little dog.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    Cindy, I liked that — that you peeled off your wet clothes somewhere and then clarified in the house. How great of you to help your neighbor with the chore of de-fronding trees that rub on roofs. You'll be so glad you did on your return, but sounds like the heat made it pretty daunting to accomplish. I'm amazed at all the things you do, do. I often wish I could do many of the things I use to, but I do realize that I have to accept life changes that won't necessarily come when I might wish.

    Dismayed as well for you Betrayal. I hope it all works out, but hard to believe such a change from the original information you were given. Makes you wonder just when and who dropped the ball on such a drastic change. Hard to plan things if you can't get the correct information so as to prepare yourself for a good outcome.

    MM, I've often heard hospitals are the worst place for us if we have a concern about germs. I am aware that years ago people stayed in hospitals way longer than necessary, but I doubt germs then were being given the due they should have had. It is good things are changing. Your point well taken that if those who can, go home, it leaves the nurses only having to care for those who are truly ill and in need of more care and watching.

    I have as well heard that knee replacements are more difficult than hips. It seems to me that knees have to support more all the time (including the hips) and that if one starts almost immediately with rehab and is faithful to their exercises, they should have truly good outcomes.

    BIL had it done, and he says he now has some limits in movement, but it is on the outside edges so to speak. Overall he walks pain-free and can do anything he really wants. That to me sounds like good success.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,729

    Got a reply for my request for home care post-op and I will have to remind them to order it so it will be the first thing I say to them after "hello". Post-op I will be lucky if I remember my name, LOL.

    petite1, good luck with your cataract surgery. I had both of mine done but years apart and am so glad to have far vision back. I can live with having to use reading glasses because I don't have to wear them all the time, only as needed.

    cindyny, you were so nice to trim your neighbors palm as well as yours.

    We have this local "Nextdoor" that offers all sorts of services, free and for sale items, etc. I saw one post that offered free ostrich ferns and she was concerned that she had had very little interest. It was the first I saw it so I called yesterday and she lives about 20 minutes away. Deal was I had to dig them up, bring my own buckets and make sure I left the dirt plus replant any pachysandra that was removed. In another post they were charging for the ferns and again it was a you dig situation.

    So I reached out to her, made an appointment for today and just spent over an hour digging out all the ostrich ferns I wanted. I have several beds I am trying to fill in with ferns so I don't have to mulch anymore and these spread easily. I filled 4 Home Depot type buckets with 15 plus plants each and now will try to get them in the ground this afternoon. They have shallow roots so you dig more of a trench than a hole to accommodate their long root. It is hot but there was a nice breeze and it was shady so tolerable.

    So today is sunny, in the mid 80's and muggy as per usual for this area. The backyard is shady now so it won't be bad working there. Need to grab a late lunch and am too lazy to make a salad so it will be a PBJ.

    Trying to get gardening done before surgery so I am on the countdown and have to work around rain days that are coming. Still want to mulch the juniper area once DH finishes fencing in the junipers.

    Finally saw Pileated Woodpecker (think Woody) on the dead branch of a tree back in the woods. I can hear him drilling and his cry frequently but getting a glimpse is hard. They like to use branches like this for their nests and for meals since carpenter ants frequent dead wood. Wrens have established a nest on the front porch in one of the bird bottles so we won't be able to sit there without a chit-chit-chit lecture for awhile. Not sure if it is just one female or two since we had 2 nests last year. I have 3 bird bottles so they can take their pick for habitation.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, glad you got your doctor on board for at home care. Just curious, how will they address your stairs situation? Do they bring in a hospital bed to put it in your living room or another room downstairs or is there a way they carry you upstairs? It would seem that the stairs will be an issue for a lot longer than the day of the surgery. I assume you have a powder room on the main level. I really feel sorry for you. It sure isn't fair to have all this right after your lengthy recovery from your other surgery.

    I too heard that hip surgery is easier than knee surgery. I imagine that is true. I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee years ago. I had a lot of pain for an entire year. Then I got sick (worked in a germ factory aka school) and my doctor prescribed antibiotics and after a day or two on them, not only did my illness get better, but the pain in my knee went away completely. Why? Who knows, but I was thankful!

    Petite, glad you had your first cataract surgery. All my siblings and my dh had that done with success. The advance in medicine amazes me when I think of what can be done today! Sending good vibes for the 14th!

    Cindy, pardon my ignorance, but banana trees, as in, you get actual fruit from them, or are they ornamental. I agree you and your partner are very kind neighbors! So nice that you trimmed your neighbors trees too! I have to say, one of the big reasons I don't want to move is due to our great neighbors. We have several EMT's, one actually worked with the foster of our little Kelce. We also have a fire chief and a police officer.

    Puffin and Harley, thinking of you both!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2024

    Yikes! I remember when I had a D&C in 1983 after an incomplete early miscarriage, the OB admitted me ASAP at my office visit (across from the hospital), didn't even let me go home for my nightie & essentials (Bob had to bring them to me) and kept me overnight—where I was allowed to visit the cafeteria to eat whatever I wanted for free. The D&C was done early the next afternoon and they kept me that night too to monitor the bleeding from the ergotamine I was given as a "cleanup." In 1994, when I had a lap-choly (for gallstones), I was kept two full nights, until I could handle solid food and had sufficiently farted after GA.

    And after both my TKRs (2012 & 13), I got two full nights in-hospital till the general & local-time-release anesthesia wore off and I could sufficiently walk weightbearing starting an hour (!) after getting back to my room. First time they were going to release me to home—until they told me I'd need 2x/day PT and daily OT. (They never told me that in "joint replacement school" so I never booked a rehab facility). I have 8 steps from the street to my first floor (and 12 to the bedroom), so no way was I about to stair-climb or pay $$$ for a twice-daily medi-car service to haul my 200+ lb butt and wheelchair up into my house. I had roughly 3 hours before discharge—and the only place I found that had a bed and took my insurance was horrible, an all-purpose nursing home where I was placed on a co-ed floor with Alzheimer's and MRSA patients, attended by apathetic & uneducated CNAs, and had to get all my (disgusting) meals in bed because I was using a walker and couldn't carry a cafeteria tray. They kept me 10 days before releasing me to 2 weeks of 3x/week home PT and then a rehab gym (ATI) with van transport. As soon as I booked the surgery for the other knee (10 months out), I did my research and found two excellent orthopedic-only inpatient rehab facilities—one of which had my bed waiting, and an assigned table in the waiter-service dining room (with menus and guest privileges). Didn't mind being in there for 2 weeks, had 3 weeks of in-home PT, and was able to drive myself to Athletico afterwards. I also had the foresight to do 2 weeks of "preh-hab" at Athletico to strengthen my quads and do balance work.

    In spring 2015, Bob had a 23-hour "observation" admission for his hemicolectomy (necessitated by a botched colonoscopy), which was converted to 3 nights in-hospital—where inexperienced house staff (and an elderly cardio consultant) fluid-overloaded him into near-heart failure, before a med-mal atty. pal of mine threatened to transfer him "a.m.a." unless he was allowed to write his own orders for Lasix. Same story for hernia repair, but he spent only 2 nights in and was fine. (That hospital has been taken over by Ascension and is now on its last legs).

    I knew my lx would be outpatient, but that was fine by me. Went in at 7am, pre-op imaging by 10, surgery at 12:30, and by 2:30 back in my roomette scarfing down a mini-bagel-and schmear (breaking both my NPO and Yom Kippur fasts) before being released: I was even allowed to walk, with a cane, to our car. My (now-departed, alas) BFF was admitted a year later for what was to be outpatient bmx, but kept overnight for pain & drain management.

    All the above were pre-pandemic. When I had my summer 2020 radiation plaque brachytherapy for my ocular melanoma, Bob had to drop me off at pre-op, cool his heels in his office at nearby Union Health clinic until they called to say I was ready for pickup—they walked me to the door where he had to wait in the pickup/dropoff driveway. Pre-pandemic, the protocol was to keep the patient in a lead-lined isolation room for 5 days till the plaque was removed; but I had to recover at home with a lead shield over my eye, in the guest room away from everyone (including my cats) with my meals left outside the door and allowed out only to use the toilet. 4 days later, I got "sprung," with the plaque removed and the same dropoff/pickup protocol as for insertion.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    MM, banana tree is real. Bananas fresh off the tree earlier this year; peeled and frozen - before putting them in a zip lock bag. They are super sweet! We have had 2 large bunches about 8 weeks apart. Normally we see nothing, they ripen when we’re back in NY. We feel fortunate we got to eat them this time.

    Today was the dentist appointment for my bridge replacement. The color is correct but the bite is still off. My dentist seems to think they’re following my natural jawline. But I had braces 50 years ago with teeth pulled (small mouth) so the bottom front teeth tilt/lean into my mouth. He took another mold, and more pictures. The bottom line is I will be flying back down here in weeks, once the next bridge is complete. Not real happy with that but nothing I can do about it.

    On my way home from the dentist I had a call from Thorasic surgeons office, they were changing my appointment. These are the folks that made my CT appointment for 5/1, while I’d still me in Florida. They obviously made a follow-up with the surgeon, and never let me know. Like the surgeon, not real happy with his staff.

    I called the agency in charge of my retirement health insurance. They confirmed for me my switch from HMO to PPO effective date will be 6/1. So no worries about all my May doctor appointments.

    The tree trimming is one of those chores that needs to be done before we leave for NY. Today’s chore was washing out the garbage and recycle bins, a two person job. They weren’t too bad. I blamed a neighbor across the street, I see him do it before they leave each year and added it to our list of chores. It was 90 out again, so they dried out quickly.

    Tomorrow’s chore is washing the two cars, while in our bathing suits. Even with a 2 car garage, 1 car is left outside. Shouldn’t be too bad, but certainly not fun.

    Betrayal, you are the energizer bunny!

    Petite, glad that your cataract surgery went well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,729

    Just saw the Eastern Towhee in the backyard at the feeder. Incredibly shy birds, so just get brief glimpses of it but thrilled to see it nonetheless. It returns annually and this means the hummingbird should arrive by Mother's day. Have to dig out the nectar feeder and clean it.

    We have not discussed sleeping arrangements and there are 4 garage steps into the house, 5 steps at the front door which is remote to the driveway and forget the back door. If I get up on the raised slab, the step into the house is barely manageable when I am able bodied but knee sore. There are 13 steps to the second floor and the primary bedroom has a low toilet whereas the toilet in the hall bath is higher. The powder room is on the first floor but again a lower toilet but since I am short this is not so much an issue.

    There is no way I would consider putting a hospital bed and a commode into my living room. It would mean dismantling the room and after living for over 3 years with a house in chaos after the tree strike, I am unwilling to do this. So we will figure something out.

    Sandy, it seems like the days of rehab facilities are gone and when they suggested that after my last surgery it was going to be at a nursing home, so I declined. I would much rather be at home and I can keep my legs straight in the recliner as I did during my last recovery because I cannot push the back down far enough to get a full recline.

    In the meantime I will keep pushing to get the overnight stay to ensure I can execute the PT before discharge. All I have to do is say I am concerned about safety related to falling and with Medicare I can say I am being discharged too soon.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Betrayal - good for you on advocating for yourself. Keep on them. Safety is so important as is proper rehab afterwards. I spent one night in the hospital last month after surgery and that was the first time I stayed overnight in a hospital in 39 years. My lumpectomies, gallbladder and knee arthroscopies were all outpatient surgery which was fine. The lumpectomy and gallbladder were during Covid so it was curbside drop off and pick up only.

    Petite -good luck with your cataract surgery. Hope recovery is smooth.

    Puffin - you are in my thoughts!

    Cindy - your energy level amazes me. Those bananas look delicious. Safe travels

    DH got a cortisone shot in his shoulder on Tuesday. The ortho PA says the rotator cuff is not torn but I don’t know that it can be determined from an X-ray only. This has bothered him since last summer so I hope he gets some relief.

    We had a French drain put in our backyard yesterday to drain water from a low spot to the sidewalk 100 feet away. This has been an ongoing issue for years and we’ve hesitated due to the cost but the lawn is ruined in that area and it’s a breeding ground for mosquitos. Fingers crossed it’s effective.

    Today a friend shaved my hair. She did a nice job and I really appreciated it. It was not as emotional as I expected but I am feeling a little down tonight. One day at a time.

    Wishing everyone a lovely Friday!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Harley, when I had chemo my MO told me what day my hair would start falling out. The thought of waking to clumps of hair on my pillow made was confirmation that having my head shaved was the way to go. My hairdresser was so kind, came to my house where I sat in my kitchen while she shaved my head, and then we had some wine and cheese. It wasn't emotional for me either, which was a surprise! I guess having it shaved made me feel empowered at a time I really needed that. A week before my hair was shaved off, my sisters took me to a salon that fits women for wigs. They bought me a lovely wig as a gift. Honestly, having a wig was wonderful, my hair always looked amazing. Glad your head shaving went well too!

    Feeling down, especially in the evening or night is perfectly normal. You are strong, you can do this! Next year at this time you will be a new woman, a better woman, with all of this where it belongs, in the past! You are such an inspiration.

    Cindy, wow, I LOVE the photo's of the bananas! Thinking banana splits or banana bread. I honestly didn't know bananas could grow in Florida. To be honest, it never crossed my mind. Thanks for sharing the photos!

    My dh wants to get some French drains installed in our yard too. I hope they work well for you!

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I've always been a big list maker, and now that I can't write with my right hand I've been dictating my lists, etc into a notes section of my phone, then copying and pasting the note into an email that I send to myself so I can print it off my laptop.

    I dictated a note for the nurse to give to the dr to read before he came in to see me titled "this is how I am worse since I was discharged from the hospital last week". They had wanted to wait a month to repeat the MRI and I knew I was getting worse every day. The plan changed quickly after he read my print out, and I had my tumor mapping MRI the next day and radiation 6 days later, and my PET scan in another 2 days, which showed no other tumors

    I had a retired nurse friend come stay with me overnight after radiation, was scared to be alone.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    The radiation did set me back, things I could do with my right hand, arm and leg before radiation I can't do now.

    I can carefully move thru my apt using my walker, anything outside the apt requires someone pushing me in a wheelchair. I got a free wheelchair to use for 3 months from an agency in town

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652

    You ladies are amazing with the things you can and are doing. Cindy, you are a real powerhouse and considering what a short time Betrayal has been over her long recovery she too sounds to be able to keep right up.

    Glad you are getting the kinks worked out of your rehab Betrayal and hope this time the operation is smooth, and free of the baggage you had this last time out. After so long, I would imagine once you have plenty of PT under your belt you hopefully will feel like a new person == knee wise.

    I figured bananas would grow in Florida since we didn't live to far from a banana plantation when we lived in California. The two states have to a degree somewhat similar temps depending a bit on the area of the state you may be in.. Somehow I imagine fresh bananas right off your own tree to be better == just due to not having to be shipped, stored and help in a sales bin.

    Petite, I must have missed your post cataract surgery. Hoping it goes great and you are soon enjoying some of your best 'sights' ever. Most people I talk to say they had forgotten how 'good' everything really looks, and spoke of colors even being more vivid. I have been waiting on my one eye since the other eye is lazy. I don't see well so one of these days I'm going to have to give in and get it done.

    Hope you all had a good day and are relaxing well this evening.

    Puffin, you are such a trooper and I so hope things will calm down and you will be able to make some improvements with your hand soon. I'm still amazed that it took place what seemed so quickly.

    It is raining now. Nice day though in the 80's. Dr. K said things look fine but she is ordering another PET for me. Grr. but it will be good to get that done and go on from there. I had hoped I wouldn't need a lot of extra testing. Well, it is what it is and likely will be good to know since it looks good on CT, but more definite with the Pet.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349
    edited May 2024

    Harley, Puffin- my heart goes out to you both. I’m rooting for you both too!

    Jackie, get the PET scan and get that off your plate.

    MM, we bought the banana tree as a fluke. Took a year or two to produce. And we’ve got an avocado tree back behind the house. It bore fruit after 10+ years. Again, not while we were here.

    Sandy, I’ll be 65 at the end of June and I’ve never stayed overnight at a hospital. KNOCK ON WOOD! D&C, laparoscopic check on ovaries, multiple bunion surgeries, LX, De Quervains wrist surgery, proximal hamstring avulsion; multiple oral surgeries. I’ve spent 15+ hours but always got sent home.