Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of the birds, the ebb and flow of the tides, the folded bud ready for the spring. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter. -Rachel Carson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Good morning. It rained last night and some this morning also — so mostly grayish will likely be the color for today. Sure not my favorite. In fact, the color gray (despite its resurgence for decorators) has never been my favorite. I did have a kissin' cousin who years ago painted with gray every time she got a chance. She has always loved it as a color. It just tends to affect my moods too much.

    Betrayal, good for you on the therapy and loving your description of the lilies. Gives me the urge to go out an 'notice' everything that is budding out right now.

    We have city-wide clean-up here twice a year as well. Right after winter and again right before fall and the Balloon Fest. If you miss the first one you still have an opportunity to get rid of a huge variety of things like old appliances, worn out couches, un-used siding and anything that could clutter up your storage spaces or garage or of course, house. It just has to be placed neatly and somewhat separated. If you place things that they will not take on top of things they will — they leave the whole pile — so it behooves to pay attention to the rules.

    Puffin, I'm so glad you are letting us know when you can, how you are. I am hoping that you will get improvement after you are able to get some trtms. done. This all seems to have happened so fast, so hope alleviated improvements can as well.

    Harley, and anyone having issues of healing or needing therapies I am in your pocket with fingers crossed.

    Will see the Doc today and see what there is to hear about CT results. I also see Dr. Kunigal on May 2. and will perhaps learn more. She is/was my RO for the lung nodule.

    I hope you will all have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    It rained again this afternoon. Thankfully, that was after we got back from my Dr.'s appt. I was going to wait till tomorrow but didn't see any need to leave anyone hanging. There has been a good reduction in size of my lung nodule and so I will have another CT in three months to see if we can stay the same or lessen what is there.

    Perhaps on the 2nd. I will get a bit more information from Dr. Kunigal who is the radiation Oncologist. The Dr. I saw today is over on the chemo side. As I didn't need chemo I'm still wondering why I'm 'seeing' both doctors. Well, I did feel some concern in being directed to the chemo side. Wondered if maybe I needed some after all. Would not bother me so much, but the before radiation assessment was that it wasn't needed. I began to have thoughts as to if the radiation was successful if I had to go to the chemo side afterwards. Hmmm, sort of seems like more people are getting paid to tell me the same things. Sigh!!!!

    Anyhow, all is well and we will check again in three months. In between I will see my primary care again with blood work for her a week before. I don't mind since it will be in the spirit of keeping up with some of my developments up to and including some of my ICD checks coming up. Also an echo to see if there may have been some improvement on my ejection fraction. Also the Blue Tooth blood pressure readings that go into Marion daily including week-ends. As soon as they feel they know what is going on then that may be able to be DC'ed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    At my wit's end. BangBang has been puking everywhere, then hiding, Made urgent care vet appointments—2 in a row, but had to keep moving them back because we can't lure her out. She did emerge (from nowhere) but she yowled, wriggled and scratched when I tried to put her into the carrier. The foster mom came over, to no avail. I hope she didn't just crawl off to die. Either she ate cellophane or she has IBD. I should never have adopted an adult cat older than 2 or 3 years. These gals are on the cusp of seniorhood, with all the medical problems that entails—despite their initial shelter-vet intake reports from January saying they're healthy. If she ever emerges and I can get her into the carrier I'll have to take her to the 24/7 emergency vet.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    Jackie - happy to hear that the lung nodule is getting smaller. Fingers crossed for continued progress. I so admire your attitude of taking things as they come and never complaining. These are attributes I continue to work towards achieving. Like you we are also getting rain that should end over night. Saturday looks warm and windy with the rain to return on Sunday. I know we need the rain so I don’t want to complain but the sun definitely lifts my mood.

    Sandy - I’m so sorry to hear about Bang Bang. I hope you are able to lure her out for a trip to the vet which would make both of you feel better.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Sandy, I do hope you can get Bang-Bang to a Vet sooner rather than later. I didn't totally realize I guess that the two cats are almost Srs. Well they are still in some exploration at your house so hopefully nothing was ingested that will cause a permanent issue.

    Otherwise (and I'm praying for a return to stunning good health) they sound like typical cats. Loving to find a perfect hiding place and all. I do hope you can soon discover where this may be — for cat health for the most part.

    When I put my cats (the ones who resist like mighty Atlas) in a carrier, I sit the crate on its end propped up somewhere and drop them in in feet first and headfirst if I have to do it that way. So far it has worked okay. Still, they really do sense when YOU'RE up to something they won't like. I guess we sometimes telegraph our apprehension about things. I am wishing you both well.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    Radiology was able to reschedule my radiation from Tuesday to Monday. And my caregiver was also able to switch to Monday. Tuesday I will have no therapies in preparation for a pet scan on Wednesday. So things are moving right along.

    My HomeHealth supervisor was here this morning and has me using my albuterol inhaler regularly throughout the day which has helped my shortness of breath.

    The occupational therapist came over the noon hour and brought putty for me to work and roll with my right hand. Then she buried 10 beads in the putty and I had to dig and retrieve them all out. So I will have that to work on this weekend.

    Then this afternoon the physical therapist came and took me to our gym and had me work on the nu step machine to work arms and legs.

    So now I am relaxed in the recliner watching TV until bedtime because I am exhausted

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Jackie, that's exactly how I tried to put her into the carrier, but with disastrous results.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Jackie, I'm happy for your good news.

    Sandy, hope the situation with Bang Bang improves.

    Puffin, I admire you for your positive attitude. I hope the treatment greatly improves your health.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Kelce is keeping me busy! Still adjusting to having her around. She barks at my dh but then wants to be where he is. I think she just needs more time to realize he is a friend, not foe! She is cute as punch, good thing because it makes all the changes in my daily routine worth it. I took her to my vet and she is in good health. Need to go back in May for a booster for Leptospirosis. I am still debating the pet insurance thing,

    Sandy, I am so sorry to hear about Bang Bang! I too didn't realize the age issue. How is the other cat? If you find BB is too much to deal with, don't feel bad about giving her or both cats back to the organization.

    Puffin, I am so sorry to hear you had to go to the ER, but glad it wasn't anything serious. Also happy that your radiation was moved up! You are a trooper, and I too am thinking of you!

    illinois, glad to hear your nodule shrank! Sounds like you have a great team of doctors. I agree about wondering about the chemo, but you have a positive attitude and great doctors so whatever their plan is for you will work out for the best!

    Taco and Harley, thanks for your dh thoughts. It helps knowing others understand and I am not alone. I couldn't help but think of Petite too, after losing her dh so suddenly, how she had to deal with grief and having everything, home, insurances, life needs, etc. to deal with. That kind of put things into perspective for me. I am remembering to be thankful for what I have and who I have in my life!

    Harley, you too are in my thoughts. I am always inspired at how many steps you take in a day! Yesterday my phone said I went just 4,000. I don't think I ever get over 5,000, then again, I use my phone and don't always have it in my pocket when I am home. You are a true inspiration!

    Yesterday I did grocery shopping, four loads of wash and some gardening. I finished weeding the front garden, then spread Preem (sp?) on it and put 8 cubic feet of mulch on it. I was exhausted by evening and instead of the dinner I planned, we ate left over pizza. We get awesome veggie white pizzas from a place 2 mins from home.

    My DS and family however, did NOT have a great day yesterday. They live in Elkorn NE and a tornado went through. It missed their neighborhood, but hit one 30 blocks away and leveled homes. One of my DS's former coworkers lost his home, but he and his family were safe. DS and DDIL have lived in NE about 15 years and never had any tornados come close to them until now. I am so thankful they were not harmed, and their house survived unscathed.

    Today I need to dust/vac downstairs and do other things around the house.

    I hope those who are healing are doing well, and that everyone has a great weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Each of us makes the choice about how we feel, though it often seems
    to be controlled by other people or events.  We can alter our perception.
    We can restore our balance.  We can choose peace of mind.  We can
    choose the texture of a day.
       Each day seems to have a life of its own, but we are that life.  We can
    choose to change the texture at any point.  Take a deep breath, stop for
    a cup of tea, smile at someone, think of something that brings you joy,
    plan a dream. . . . This minute, experience the part of the journey you are
    in now.
       Make this minute what you want for a lifetime.  Alter the texture of
    your day in any way you choose, but recognize that the texture
    and the minute are yours.

    Jennifer James
    Success Is the Quality of Your Journey

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980

    Sandy. I’ve seen officers at the shelter throw a towel over the cat’s head while scruffing to subdue it. I second the tipped carrier. Good luck. Don’t hesitate to return them if necessary

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Puffin, that ER visit had to scare you. With so much going on it’s reasonable you delayed the inhaler. I’m glad taking it multiple times a day has helped with shortness of breath. It’s good news radiology got you in for Monday. Everything is happening quickly, or at least it seems to be - dx to treatment. In your pocket for Monday!

    Betrayal, you’re on top of all your PT. Your legs will be ready. I thought of you when I bought a bouquet for a neighbor who broke her shoulder- it has unopened lilies in it.

    Taco, I don’t think we have a hazardous waste pickup down here. I could drive to a facility far enough away it’s a deterrent.

    Harley, your dh may be worrying about losing you. Men process worry differently. Keep encouraging him to get together with friends.

    Jackie, great news on your CT results! That had to be reassuring to hear.

    Sandy, I’m hoping you were able to corral BangBang into her carrier, without injury to you. Keep us posted.

    MM, we saw pictures on the news of the tornadoes. So much destruction. Thankful your family was spared.

    I don’t remember if I’ve already told you all I had to switch my private health insurance. I’m Medicare eligible 6/1, bday at the end of June. My current private is an HMO, only covers emergency while in FL. But as you all know getting older requires regular doctor visits. So I need to switch to a PPO, which will allow me a PCP down here and any specialists too.

    Turns out my HMO already put me in their Medicare advantage plan. I needed to fax (yes fax in 2024!) a letter to the agency (in a NYS retiree) that oversees health benefits. She told me to request a change dated 5/1 because Medicare starts in 6/1. So I did the letter and was able to fax it from our club house. But then I had to call doctor offices to see if any issues with the change for upcoming appointments. As soon as I’m back in NY on a Monday, appointments are booked Tuesday-Friday.

    First call was MO office. I listened to there full blown ad and pressed numbers, listened to music, more talk, more music. Then it dumped me out, hung up, disconnected me. I tried again, staying on the line like I had a rotary phone. Dumped me again after listening to it all over again.

    Second call, orthopedic, was similar in verbiage, they’ve been in business since 1963, higher call level than normal, leave a message - so I did leave a message.

    Third call, imaging services, they actually answer with a real person, please hold. We spoke, I told her of the switch in insurance and she let me know the new PPO requires prior approval for my chest CT. She gave me details on contacting the Thorasic surgeon as soon as I have the insurance ID numbers, for them to submit to the PPO for prior approval. Fingers crossed I can keep my appointment, but not too concerned because they get you in fast.

    The orthopedic office called back, I explained insurance change. This is for a shot in my neck (second time) and takes weeks if not months to get in for. No problem, no prior approval, just let them know when I get my ID numbers. PHEW!

    At that point I quit. The MO, ENT and endocrinologist should be fine because no procedure are scheduled just follow-ups. A tad stressful but I had had enough.

    I then grabbed my purse to run to Aldi’s and as I bent to pick out sandals at the front door, my purse hit the floor. It’s a Dooney & Bourke, and the dog clasp on the strap of the cross body fell apart. I just grabbed it and left. I had to carry it clutched in my armpit. HA, I was on a roll!

    I think I’ll wait until Monday to call Dooney to see if it can be replaced. They have you register your purchases, which I do. Last night I tried to contact them via email and they wanted a picture attached but I couldn’t get the picture under 500kb so I couldn’t get it to work.

    Last night 3:20 AM my partner heard a noise at our back lanai, and saw a flashlight. He opened our shutters and saw a policeman - who ended up running past our place. Partner went out front and saw 3 cop cars with lights flashing. They had a young kid up against the car and another car pulling down the street. I slept through it all. I’m calling him our Night Owl Security. None of our neighbors heard a thing.

    Thursday we tried to get our address change in at the post office. First one didn’t have any forms; sent us to another place. We got the form just as they were closing. We filled it out and the next day went to the first post office. Turns out they don’t accept the forms there, you have to go to a main, stand alone, post office.

    We had planned on PO, then grocery shopping. Had to do the reverse. At grocery store as we were checking out an older couple fell outside the door. I ran outside to help them, partner stayed with the cart and my broken purse tossed in the cart. Was able to get them untangled and up, but both were bleeding a lot; got bandages from the front desk and got them settled on a bench; 911 was called. We left them in good hands and headed to the post office. Got there to a line near out the door. Ice cream in the trunk already soft from helping the injured, we just rolled our eyes and left.

    I’m just lazy daying it today. We’re leaving in 11 days and I probably have plenty to do but it can wait.

    Did I mention my Fitbit died? LOL It’s under warranty; they sent an email with options. But it’s registered to the American Cancer Society email and not mine. I think if I want it replaced I’ll have to buy one. Didn’t I say I was on a roll?!!?

    Enjoy your day ladies!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    cindyny, if you have to replace your fitbit, please tell them that you intend to purchase another. Mine died recently, it wasn't under warranty anymore so I told the guy I was looking at other brands and voile I received an email from Fitbit offering 35% off a new one if I ordered online. Works for me since no one else was offering discounts.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Oh my Cindy, I'd be taking a lazy day as well. You will catch up but just wow. I hope things are easily settled and you can get back into your New York groove. At least you won't have a tree mess waiting for you thank goodness.

    Puffin, sure glad you will get your Monday appt. Also glad the inhaler is helping. Hoping all settles well and you too will find things easier and become much more stable.

    We have to go to Lowe's or Menard's tomorrow and buy me another toilet. All the fellows (actually only two) could not figure what is up with mine, but it just isn't operating like it should. So, I will bite the bullet. This evening we lost power in part of the house so have to go find our good friend over by our old house. He is an electrician by trade and see what is up with that. I have to take my car in soon and see what the noise is on it so no rest for the wicked.

    Cindy, it was wonderful for you to help the older couple and make sure that they had the proper needed attentions. Just think of it as good karma.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Life is not a competition with others.  In its truest sense it is rivalry with ourselves.  We should each day seek to break the record of our yesterday.  We should seek each day to live stronger, better, truer lives; each day to master some weakness of yesterday; each day to repair past follies; each day to surpass ourselves.  This is, simply, progress.    -C. Smith Sumner

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    We will soon be going to Lowes to check out and likely buy another toilet for my half bath. Be glad to have that done so I can get back to work on my room while cooking supper on the stove. A nice stew.

    Traced our partial power outage last night. Seems in my room a little bedside lamp shorted out. We are all fortunate that the breaker caught it. So, that outlet has to be repaired as well as a new breaker etc. Old houses and all that. It is really off-putting though to see the blackened around the plug-in plate. Nowadays there are receptables that the wiring sets in so that sparks and or fire are contained, but just yikes. Someone was watching out for us for sure.

    Don't know if we will get the toilet in today or maybe tomorrow after work. Guess it depends on how tired SIL gets after all he is having to accomplish today. He and his son are working on a friend's car out in our garage as well — so it is a truly busy day.

    I hope you are all well and enjoying your Sunday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Jackie, glad the lamp shorting out didn't cause a fire. I know your family will enjoy a hearty stew meal. I just did step one in the prep for an eggplant lasagna for dinner, preparing the eggplant component. It's one of my favorite dishes that I make. I always look at the eggplants in the produce department and buy several when they're glossy and firm.

    Later I will layer up the dish with the eggplant slices, marinara sauce with Italian sausage and, of course, the cheeses. I am happy with a vegetarian version but dh likes the addition of the sausage.

    It's very breezy today, warm and humid. I went for a walk doing the shortened circuit but I'll have to start walking farther because I've cut 5 minutes off the time. From 30 down to 25 minutes. I've resumed walking faster. The swelling in my chest has subsided and with a tight sports bra, there's no worrisome bouncing of the implants.

    DH has been doing some of my yard work, using a cordless trimmer instead of hand pruning. Today he removed low hanging tree branches including some from the crepe myrtles lining the driveway.

    We have Nascar, the PGA golf in New Orleans and tennis in Madrid on tv, most of it being recorded, so we have lots to watch this afternoon. Hope everyone is enjoying the day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited April 2024

    Illinoislady, so glad the light did not spark a fire. My DD had a rabbit that liked to chew electrical cords so we had to replace quite a few on our table lamps over the years. Serves a reminder to inspect electrical cords on lamps since they can be damaged by vacuums, furniture, etc.

    Today was the Dalmatian rescue picnic and I have to say Regan was comfortable around many other Dalmatians. She actually sniffed one male but refused to let him sniff her butt which was funny. He tried and she sat down. We were close to other dogs and she did show interest in meeting a few but we are gun shy on her behalf. We were there for over 4 hours and there were a few scuffles but none that involved her. So a good day for her and the picnic was lovely. At the very last 30 minutes this couple was talking with my DD and DH when I returned. They no longer have a dog but are former supporters and adopters from the rescue.

    In talking I discovered that the husband grew up with my BFF's husband and knew my BFF through the local social club. They were not aware of when her DH died so missed his memorial service. Small world. Her husband was very active in their community, this social club, local sports coaching, etc. and died after suffering through Parkinson's and Lewy Body Dementia. His last 5 years were horrible and he required 24/7 care from his wife. She really gave him the best care possible. Her brother's wife developed early Alzheimer's and he took care of her at home for the last 12 years of her life including having someone come in to cut and style her hair. He learned how to give her manicures and pedicures and took her on day trips. Both are saints in my book.

    So I hope everyone else had a wonderful Sunday. It was almost 80 today, sunny and with a pleasant breeze.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    We've had a quiet weekend. Friends left for MI so our weekly dinners are off until Sept. My usual partner was gone on Friday so I invited a friend and we had a good chat and lunch before playing. Weather was perfect for golf yesterday,

    Cindy, look carefully before you move to Medicare. Medicare Advantage sounds and works well when you are healthy but not as well as we age and have more health problems. We have Medicare A, a good supplement and a drug plan and haven't paid a co-pay (except for drugs but not chemo) since either of us hit the magic number. Co-pays for a friend's chemo was a killer for them. We don't have to go through a primary to get to the specialists we need although I have relied on mine for recommendations. Also, we can get whatever treatment we need wherever we are in the states which might be particularly important for you since you are snowbirds.

    Sending special hugs to all who are struggling.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Real wealth does not depend on worldly status or a bank balance.
    It is available in the sweeping cloud formations above you, the soft
    grass under your bare feet, the light in your children’s eyes, and
    your funny cat. If we could realize the depth and extent of the gifts
    we have already been given, we would attain heights of ecstasy
    that collecting stuff will never achieve.

    Alan Cohen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Going to be a wet day all day here. Some water is fine (sure knocks down the pollen for a bit) but the gray is not so welcome. Temps. will be a bit better if coolishly muggy. Warmer in mid 70's at least when the rain and gray are gone, tomorrow or next day.

    So, we did get the new toilet in, and it works VERY well. SIL said something about a crack somewhere which is why my older one wasn't operating right and using way too much water.

    Have to stop some of the work on my bedroom and contents and empty out one side of the pantry so that SIL can change the breaker box. It's always something huh. Well, it was about time to re-arrange which I have to do periodically anyway so I will likely take care of that as well. The area where I took my old freezer out to put in the new steel shelf for my pots and pans is right in front of the breaker box. Not a great spot, but the only one left in there — and for a very long time there has been something there.

    So a few more long days in my future as I gather things that need to leave here and go to someone who will make good use of them. Good exercise for me while accomplishing things that should have been done already.

    Taco, good advice about the Medicare. I don't use it, but I've read the part that you mentioned. That the 'advantage' portions are good if you are in the category pretty much of only having to go see a Dr. once or twice a year. There does seem with Medicare as with so many other things some fine print that never gets 'noticed' for how good it comes off if there are no true "issues" going on to consider and factor in.

    Hope you will all have a really nice day today. Carole, did you get any of this weather we are having right now.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    We are getting light rain this morning. Any bad weather the past week skipped us, thank goodness. I hate the reports about tornadoes and the pictures on the news of devastated neighborhoods, houses blown everywhere.

    I had to skip my walk this morning for fear of getting wet. I cleaned up the kitchen and considered changing the bedsheets, then put it off for another day, maybe tomorrow.

    Your SIL seems to be a great handyman, Jackie. It seems to be working out for him and your daughter to share the same house.

    Happy Monday to all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    My two toilets are still working well, but ironically the "comfort height" one is rougher on my back than is the low-slung one. Because of the constipating side effect of tirzepatide, I think I'm gonna buy a couple of Squatty-Potties. My Gi doc, before he retired, recommended them. Meanwhile, seriously considering getting bidet attachments for the seats—but would have to get some rewiring in the bathrooms to have enough GFCI outlets into which to plug them. Quite frankly, gradual decluttering is a bigger home priority, to prepare for necessary repairs to ceilings, shoring up (or replacing) the staircase to the 2d floor, and repainting. We have so many obsolete peripherals, obsolete books for obsolete software for equipment we no longer have. Not to mention all the old fat clothes to give away.

    The girls are settling in. Last week was rough, as they were still confused by all the space and freedom they suddenly had after four years of uncertainty. They are not used to having lots of human love, not to mention their own separate food & water bowls—they've had to share all their lives. (They'd rather compete for the wet food in a single dish because that's what they're used to). BangBang has stopped being reclusive (quite the opposite) and didn't puke all weekend. Was able to get Roxy out of her closet hideaway and she did eat & drink. So no need for a vet visit yet, till they've come to trust us a little more. They're up-to-date on all their shots.

    My HK was dealt a crushing blow out of left field. Everything was proceeding well with her home sale (supposed to close in less than 3 weeks)—but the inspection showed that the pipes beneath the basement leading to the city's sewer line were cracked, crumbling and clogged with roots. She was originally given an estimate of $6K by the inspector, but our plumber (whom, ironically, her realtor recommended) knocked it down to $5K—but he came out this morning and found it would require $12K! Now, some of that can be deducted from the purchase price but she needs $7K as a down payment, which she of course doesn't have in her bank account. She's beside herself this morning and I'm not sure she can regain her composure.

    Tuned in this a.m. to watch the morning shows & news, but all 5 local stations are live-casting the funeral of yet another officer killed this year (two young cops shot, two firefighters died in the line of duty). The funeral is at a large church on the S.Side, presided over by the Cardinal, and bilingual. Because of my difficulty in understanding heavy regional British & Celtic accents on PBS shows, I have closed-captioning turned on; and the local news pool's caption transcribers are totally flummoxed by the Spanish parts—with comic results were the subject matter not so solemn. Even the Latin part—the Celtic "Allelujah" appeared onscreen as "I like a lawyer."

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Oh, and do NOT get a Medicare Advantage plan! It's purely managed care (the definition of which is "we don't care, but you'll manage"). The low or zero premiums, zero or token drug co-pays, and the free gym/vision/dental/transport-to-doctors/food discounts sound great…as long as you are a perfectly healthy senior who will eventually die in your sleep. We have Medicare Part A (everybody does), B (covers 80%), and a BCBS Part B supplement (plan F, zero-deductible—since replaced for new enrollees by low-deductible Plan G) that picks up the 20% co-pay for anything Part B covers rendered by providers who accept Medicare. It's a fee-for-service plan, not PPO: no networks, no need to have a gatekeeper PCP issue specialist referrals—though sometimes a referral moves you up in the queue. "Prior auth" is required only if Part B itself requires it. We had our choice of companies, some cheaper. But Bob, after 40+ years in practice, notes that BCBS never rejected full coverage for durable equipment (crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, braces, adaptive stuff like bath transfer benches) and PT/OT.

    Advantage is great until your provider/hospital/pharmacy quits the network—or the plan drops them in favor of a cheaper one. In many counties (especially rural or semi-rural), there is no available in-network hospital; and some closed rather than accept the grossly inadequate reimbursements. No wonder so many seniors who can afford it (and because of preexisting conditions, can't get a Part B supplement after quitting Advantage) are using retirement savings to sign up with concierge practices.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    I’m a NYS Civil Servant retiree. Our NYS employee health insurance has spoiled us, it’s always been great, and we retained it in retirement. In Medicare, I only take part A & B as we retain that NYS coverage as secondary coverage - my choices are limited, not like the general public.

    The Empire Plan includes United Health, which my partner hasn’t had any issues with and he’s been on Medicare 3+ years now. It all ends up secondary with Medicare as primary. We pay more now, but what they take out for Medicare part A, I get reimbursed quarterly through my pension.

    Fitbit, I did live “chats” with 3 different service reps over days. Today the tech finally said they are sending me a replacement at no cost. It’s being sent to my FL address so you know I’ll probably miss it and it will get forwarded to NY. Hope not, but Murphy’s law and all!

    Dooney purse, they had me submit a repair request. Each time I took a picture it was too big. Had to email the picture to myself and then it asked size; I picked smallest, and was able to use that for the request.

    Post office I threw in the towel and paid to do it online.

    We went to Matlacha yesterday with a group to eat and hear a band. The wait for a table was near 2 hours, but one couple had brought their dog so not a lot of options to leave. Plus they’re into drinking so we waited. We were rained on 3x. Partner and I ended up ordering fish & chips to eat, I was starving and couldn’t wait longer for a table. The band was great. The fried food, not so much. I think frozen fish was deep fried, the grease bothered me with 20 minutes of ingesting it. The band took a break. We found our group including kids - who had to eat too, couldn’t wait for a table. The long story short, the table was finally available but not wanting to sit while others ate we chose to head out. We were there about 3 hours. Had a good time, but wouldn’t order their fish again. It was a 2 Pepcid night.

    On a sad note, we drove further into Matlacha - which took a big hit from hurricane Ian. Only saw one other restaurant open. Our favorite, Olde Fish Market hasn’t reopened, and was sad to see - front covered area is gone. Worse we’re all the houses destroyed, some still in the water. All little shops are gone as well, even bigger ones closed up. Artist Leoma Love left her studio as well. It was like an artist colony and now it’s gone.

    I didn’t stop the car so pictures are less than good. But you can see the devastation. This last picture if you zoom in, there is still a vehicle in the mess.

    My niece went to urgent care yesterday and before the day was up ended up in the ER. Asthma, mucus blocked bronchial tubes, low oxygen. Too long to go into, but nothing done to her for hours; only 2 drs on. Once dr saw her - nebulizer; chest X-ray, thought he saw pneumonia; lung CT; IV of strong antibiotics - repeated 2x. Multiple nebulizer treatments. Oxygen finally high enough she was released this morning with scripts for stronger steroids and antibiotic. She has to watch her oxygen level, if it goes to 90 they want her back. My long story is I stayed up texting with her to take her mind off of everything. I didn’t get to sleep until after 3 and short until after 10! My day is screwed up, but thankful she’s home with oxygen level at 94.

    It appears that lately I’m writing a short story verging on a full novel every time I get on here. Apologies!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    No apologies needed. Relieved your niece is better. Glad you were to text her and help her over a way too long and nerve wracking wait for help. I'm sure it was a huge relief to her. You were her blessing for the day.

    Your pictures are devastating. Always sad to see something once thriving and active, in shambles are empty due strictly to Mother Nature.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    I held still for radiation and had no interuptions, was done in 30". My nurse friend is here with me, no headache or nausea. Will have mri in 2 months to check tumor destruction

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Fingers crossed, puffin, that you have no ill effects from the radiation. I have a touch of scanxiety, because my twice-yearly abdominal MRI is coming up Wednesday. But I can now fit into those size 6 Hanes all-cotton panties. Hard to think that in December I had contemplated buying size 8.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    Puffin - glad you had radiation today and that you have a friend staying with you.

    MM - mulching is a full body workout! I leave the yard work to DH cause I’m too lazy to put in the hard work.

    Cindy -wow! I’m tired reading about all you’ve been doing. Hope you have time to relax before you start the trek back to NY

    Sandy - glad the cats are settling in.

    I’m reading along but am very tired after chemo last Thursday. I’ve become a champion at napping. Apologies if I’ve overlooked anyone.