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  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Do post a picture of your porch, Betrayal. I love pumpkins and have enjoyed looking at them. Our supermarket Rouse's, Louisiana owned, had a whole assortment of different kinds for sale. I also enjoy looking at mums but haven't bought any of them either. Guess I'm not helping out the economy. LOL.

    This afternoon I went to chair yoga class. There was a sub, Autumn, who teaches Silver Sneakers classes. She did her own routine of stretches, different from the regular instructor's routine, but it was good.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, I giggled about you turning off your hearing aids! I’m also a person who needs no conversation for me to go back to sleep. If someone (partner to be specific) starts talking to me, I’m forced to engage and then I’m awake.

    Taco, new furniture shopping is always fun with a gf. You’re going to love it all.

    Betrayal, I’ve given up getting a colonoscopy. I use Cologuard. I swear I was due now, PCP says February. I looked back at calendar and it is October.

    My patio furniture will be fine. The cushions are the thinner ones and should dry out. Weekend is predicted to be full sun 67; that will be when everything gets put away.

    The funeral service was sad but good to see so many people show up. It was raining buckets and very cold. Lots of conversation and some laughs too. She had been an alcoholic and addicted to prescription meds, which she obviously wasn’t when we hung out as teens. From her life trials, I believe she was “born again.” Needless to say the service was normal, as they go, until the last speaker who told us all his life story - attempted suicide, miraculous healing, spoke to a woman with a baby telling her the baby will die, we just don’t know when. OK THEN. We could have done without him.

    Today I was up early to take my niece for her mammogram. It was at a breast center at a local hospital. It just so happened that a gf’s mom was hospitalized with congestive heart failure at the same hospital. I was able to visit with her, and dropped off the last of my purple/blue/pink hydrangeas. The rest of my hydrangea are a maroon color, very fall like. It was 40 at the time, but no rain. When we left I treated my niece to a take out lunch, making her happy.

    I received my order of a new Ring stick up camera. We want one on the garage facing the back of the house and covering the driveway. It’s charging now so I can play with the placement of it tomorrow or next day.

    I ran to out town assessors office today to file papers to get extra $ credits towards our school taxes. I think it’s an additional $700 credit for those of us over 65 yrs old, and I’ll take it!

    I’m meeting gf’s for lunch tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it. I think our meeting for outdoor lunches are done, too cold, but inside we’ll still talk up a blue streak.

    Enjoy the rest of the night!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Here are some photos since I was able to work on the porch today.

    This is my window to the world located in my eat-in area of the kitchen. The orchids were on clearance and they are temporarily here until I can make room in the kitchen garden window. The jade plants were all cuttings and I need to start throwing the cuttings away. They are taking over my house!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 940

    Very pretty betrayal!

    Lol'd on the hearing aid comment. Truth!

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Betrayal - you are amazing! So much going on and you decorate your porch.

    My well planned schedule for the house fell apart on Monday when I went to order the furniture - I hadn't wanted to fool with it when Anne was with me - and was told there was now a 30 day wait for the chairs. The plan had been for the junk pick-up, including living room furniture to be replaced, on Saturday before we left for the local hotel as the painters are coming Monday. They would deliver part of it for an extra charge but I would also have to pay for a second junk pick-up too. So new paint next week but a wait until mid-November for the total look.

    Ella is off this week so she spent a couple hours today helping me with some of the heavier and higher up stuff. The gunk on the top of the kitchen cabinets was something! She said she'd be back to help me put things back up. She and her Mom are off to a national ice skating championship this weekend in Dallas. They will get to see some Olympic level skaters.

    Still "summer" here but I am enjoying all the fall pictures you ladies are posting. The leaves turning and my daughter are about all I miss about Maine.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Good morning. Oh how pretty are the pumpkin arrangements as well as stairs leading to your front door betrayal. Loved the October Ish wreath too. Sure looks welcoming.

    Cindy, how amazing about the funeral — yes, that last speaker. Well, it is not too hard to guess WE are all going to die and none of us know when. I do hope later on when the guy thought about it, he might have had a change of heart over his 'speech'. Doesn't sound like he paid much tribute to his? friend. Well, perhaps he was just grief stricken and couldn't confront reality well — or maybe I'm being generous after all.

    Taco, just grrr. It will all come together in November, but it seems so long to wait.

    Hope everyone has a really good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Woke early because knees were hurting which I blame on flu shot I got last night. Went to get bloods drawn for PCP visit in 2 weeks so that is off my "to-do" list. DH had termite inspector scheduled for this morning and he left right after I got home.

    Pete from Servpro is here to remove more of hallway drywall so he can clean back of kitchen cabinets for mold remediation. He had to measure height of kitchen cabinets to ensure he doesn't damage the back splash. The supervisor reached into small hole they had cut to evaluate need for cleaning the back of the cabinets and when he withdrew his hand it looked like he had soot on his hand. This is the mold.

    So they will have to replace drywall at back of cabinets as well as the hallway wall drywall. interesting because they will have to remove heater strip to do the work, not easy job. So crawl space in basement will be done, and pantry projection in garage needs treatment for mold remediation to be completed. Due to worker shortage this will take 2 or more days. Need to call insurance agent to get approval for additional repairs not covered under original plan. Also need to get plumber here to fix water line to ice maker. So I may call him today to see availability for early next week.

    Taco, porch decorating gave me a break from the disaster that is my kitchen at present. The refrigerator had to be pushed out from its niche so it is sitting about a foot from the island which makes putting items in or taking them out a real challenge. It's a side by side so the freezer is easily accessible but I have few items in there. The 3 Rubbermaid shelving units that are normally in the bottom of the pantry are sitting in my family room and I should take this opportunity to rearrange them while they are easily accessible. I guess that will be my plan for today.

    Misty is trying to act as sidewalk superintendent and Pete told me he is not normally a cat person but thinks she is sweet. I have to keep her away. Regan acts like Cujo when any workman enters the house so she is in an upstairs bedroom. She scares them and they don't realize her behavior is because she is afraid.

    It is sunny, very cool at 9 degrees with a slight breeze. It is not supposed to warm up much and tomorrow is supposed to be downright frigid. I'll take the sun but not the cold.

    Every day they come to fix something means I am getting closer to having them finish and be gone. So I welcome their intrusion.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Taco, yesterday I watched a show where they advised using old newspapers, cheap wrapping paper or shelf paper on the top of cabinets to collect dust, etc and just peeling it off, dusting and then putting new cover down. Saves having to scrub.

    Illinoislady, loved the turn hearing aids off when you want to go to sleep. Did DH notice?

    Workers finished for the day around 2 and left large blowers in back hallway and crawl space. They will be back on Friday to complete cleaning. Back of cabinets are clean and Pete showed me the mold he found after removing the wall. He took photos of the cabinets pre- and after cleaning. I need to do some laundry tomorrow so I will need to work around the enclosures that block hallway and access to laundry room.

    Think we will go out to eat tonight and I will cook tomorrow because no one will be here other than DB who is coming back to finish gazebo roof. He had to repair cupola that sat on the top so I think that is why he took today off.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Just a note from me. I will be going to Marion VA. tomorrow for a couple of reg. appts. so won't be on here until late in the afternoon.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Jackie - good luck with your appointments tomorrow. I know the drive makes for a long day.

    Betrayal -Love the porch decorations, especially the mums which are the quintessential fall flower in my opinion. I admire your attitude regarding the restoration and mold remediation. When something in my house is out of order I find myself feeling out of sorts. Hopefully this will be done quickly.

    Taco - sorry to hear that the furniture won’t be ready for another month or so. When I finally decide to pull the trigger on updating my house I want it done now. Hopefully the next few weeks will pass quickly and the end result will be worth the wait.

    Got my Covid/flu shot today. As well as the results of my labs and CT scan. I have an appointment with the MO tomorrow. My blood counts are still very low but that is not surprising. I’m sure they will increase over time. I’m interested to hear what she has to say.

    The CT results were a bit concerning as the radiologist noted a new enlarged para aortic lymph node that is considered metastatic unless proven otherwise. The GYN Onc called this afternoon to say he is not overly concerned as he believes it is a lymphocele as a result of the surgery in April in which he removed 27 lymph nodes and many tissue samples all of which were benign. He has reached out to the radiologist for some clarification and will review the images with the Tumor Conference. At any rate, I’m heading for a PET/CT scan in the near future to confirm what is going on and if a biopsy is needed. I appreciated the call rather than waiting until my appointment with him next Tuesday. I’ll call scheduling tomorrow to set up the PET. It’s possible that won’t happen until mid November.

    At this point I’m still planning on leaving next Thursday for the cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Santiago, Chile. My blood counts are so low I doubt I could have any chemo in the next few weeks and I feel I need a rest both physically and mentally.

    Have a good week!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    harley: enjoy your cruise. Will you spend any time in Chile?

    Illinoislady, hope today's trip to VA meant good news.

    Today was spent doing laundry and doing some indoor decorating for Halloween/fall. Also doing some dusting, running dust mop to catch Misty's hair, and just straightening up. DB was here to work on roof again. He has one more section to do and has to decide what he will mount cupola on since that section of the roof was rotted. He will come up with a solution and seems to like challenges like this. What he has done is absolutely beautiful. I love the gazebo and should spend more time sitting in it since it is near the stream and the surrounding flower beds.

    DD is going to DC on Saturday with DSIL's family so we will dog sit for her. She has officially taken over DS's dog who doesn't mind visiting her former home but doesn't want to stay with the 2 Frenchies anymore. She is a good trainer for Banjo and lets her know when her behavior is not appropriate.

    Restoration will be back tomorrow morning but not sure what they will be doing. Tried to connect with insurance claims agent and plumber but had to leave messages. Hopefully they call back tomorrow.

    Today was very cool with temps in low 50's but sunny so I'll take it. We need some rain because it has been over a month since our last rain storm.

    Hopefully everyone had a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    When we recognize that nothing has to go right for us to be happy, that people do not have to behave for us to love them, our walk home can be surprisingly simple. We have enormous power not to manipulate the world, but to be happy and to know peace.

    Hugh Prather

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Well, here I am, later even than I thought. All is fine though. It was quite a day. Traffic, very long train, so I was late. Hasn't happened in a long time. Up side was the appt. behind me was a no-show so it worked out fine because I could use a little of that time. I got to my heart clinic early and they were not busy to even though it was noon they took me in anyway.

    Thirdly, by waiting about ten minutes after heart clinic (and w/o any prior notice) I was able to get my flu and covid shots. I was so happy. They like appts. for those but knowing I drive 75 miles there and then home again they did me a great favor. My arm is sore now and will be likely tomorrow too, but it's a minor in-convenience. Never got above 65 today and freeze warnings again tonight. Brrr.

    Harley, I'm so hoping your CT/Tumor conference gives you news that makes you happy. Glad you are still taking your cruise. Sounds like you could use some great relaxation for a bit.

    Hope you get satisfactory Ins. answers Betrayal.

    Hope you all have a good eveing.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Betrayal, you seem very much in control of your emotions and the situation you are dealing with. We all need your BIL around our homes. LOL.

    DH and I drove his new truck to my sister's house in St. Mary Parish with a wood burning stove tied down in the bed. My parents used the stove and it has been in dh's workshop for a number of years. But it seems to be in good condition. The firebox is iron. My other sister and her dh drove their pickup towing a big trailer of firewood. After the wood was unloaded and stacked and the stove unloaded, the six of us went to a nearby seafood restaurant and enjoyed a leisurely lunch.

    DH's new truck is a very comfortable ride. He is still learning all the features.

    His knee replacement surgery is Monday. I am nervous but hopeful for a good outcome.

    Glad your trip to Marion was successful, Jackie.

    Harley, I hope your vacation is everything you need at this point.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I’m cold to the bone without sun. Today we had sun! But frost overnight. I put old beach towels over my mums and impatients, then had partner put the big geranium deck pots on the back porch. Pulled everything off this morning. Then with the nightly news, put it all back on again. Frost predicted again overnight but going up to 65 during the day tomorrow.

    We got outside and put the new Ring stick up camera on the garage. Tested it out and all is good. Except there is a security screw to keep it from being stolen; I put it in and later went out to remove it. If the camera battery needs to be charged, you’d have to remove the screw. No one is getting up there on a ladder or step stool to unscrew that tiny tiny screw in the winter when we’re gone. Heck, I’ll be lucky to get my niece out there in February to unscrew the unit from the base to charge it!

    We put the patio set away, and it the first time I realized the seat cushions have a zipper to remove the form, and wash the actual cover. I’ve washed them 2x and now they’re soaking in hot water, shout it out, and laundry detergent. Fingers crossed - it looked like algae stained it.

    The deck is emptied off, indoor/outdoor rug was hug up, as well as bistro table with folding chairs all in the garage. I think we’re done, but I thought that last week too! I did put reflectors in the ground now, before the lawn is frozen, to mark the garden and corner edge - for the snowplow.

    Betrayal, we got our flu shot last night. My arm was achy pretty soon afterwards, ended with a lump there but all ok today. Love your front fall decorations!

    Taco, it will be worth the wait, plus no concern if paint getting on anything.

    Jackie, you’re being generous! When we got to our cars, my gf wanted to go back to talk with someone. So I was sitting alone as he approached my car. I let him know I wasn’t going to the cemetery. He then told me to leave. I said, NO I’m waiting for someone inside. Hope your trip for Dr appointments went well.

    Harley, thank you for the reminder - cruise from Ft Laud to Santiaga, Chile. You need the R&R, so I’d still plan on going too.

    Nothing big happening tomorrow. I need a car wash, a gas tank fill up, and I’ve got $15 from Eddie Bauer to spend. I’ll grab summer clothes on clearance now, so I should be able to find something for FL. Everyone enjoy the night!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi, Ladies. It was 49 degrees this morning in Florida. I thought I was freezing when I took my morning walk. I had my PCP visit and was miserable. The Medical Assistant or what ever they are these days would not listen and rude. The PA was even worse. She asked me a question that made no sense. I told I was not sure what she was asking and she started yelling at me. I said I can hear you, but I don't understand what you are asking. She said "3 prescriptions for 90 days?" I said no I have 2 prescriptions. She yells again. I said what you are trying to ask is if I need 3 - 90 day refills for each prescription? She yells Yes. When my doctor came in he was mad at the cancer center and sure I had cancer again. He did finally listen. I was nearly hoarse from trying to get people to listen to me. Thank God I don't have to go back there until next year.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    The surface of life is also in a state of constant flux, with good days and bad, victory and defeat.  To maintain, as the ocean does, a deep inner calm, while the storms of misfortune, reverses, fears and worries lash at the surface of life, is to discover the secret of serenity.   Years ago, when Thomas Edison's factory burned down, he wasted no time bemoaning his fate.  Immediately after the disaster the reporters found a calm, quiet man already at work on plans for a new building.   When Emerson's home was destroyed by fire and his precious books were being reduced to ashes, Louisa May Alcott came to console him.  The great philosopher said, "Yes, yes, Louisa, they are all gone, but let us enjoy the blaze now.  Isn't it beautiful!"   Some people are ocean personalities.  In their inner depths they are not defeated by what happens to them.  The towering waves of circumstances cannot reach us when we go deep within to seek the peace that passes all understanding.  While the surface of life is in turmoil we can find an inner calmness to see us through.

    Wilferd A. Peterson

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    petite1, this behavior seems to being invading healthcare and yet they have signs posted about respect is expected from you. I hope you get to evaluate and provide feedback on this visit so you can express your dismay about your treatment.

    The letter for my colonoscopy gave a 10 am report time and my arrival was posted on their board. At 11 I asked the receptionist what was going on and she told me they were waiting for a patient to be picked up. At 11:10, I asked if I should call my husband and was told they were aware I was here. Shortly thereafter the RN came to get me, when I expressed my displeasure about the long wait she explained a patient required more time due to a complication (story 2 so which was the truth?). I asked why I was not made aware of the reason for the wait, no answer. I explained I had not had any solid food since Saturday night, was super hungry and that got a shrug. Needless to say, post-procedure I was pushing to get out of there. Glad it was my final need to use this out-patient procedure area. I'm hoping I get a survey.

    Today is sunny, supposed to hit 70 and relatively calm breeze wise. Nice start to the weekend.

    Workers were here to complete cleaning and painting in crawl space. Seems they use a mold retardant and Kilz on the wood. They let some planks in there so it will be easier for anyone to crawl around rather than having to crawl on concrete. John the project manager just stopped by to look at what has been done, told me he heard from SF agent and all is good to go. Haven't heard from plumber so will give him another call. They may start drywall installation next week. So maybe all done by November 1?

    Chopped up vegetables to make ratatouille and it smells so good. So have to decide which meat to serve with it but since we both had chicken the other night, it may be steak which we have not had since before our trip.

    Plans for today are still to be determined but I do have some weeding but I may postpone that until the next rain which makes removal easier. So some indoor work possible.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    We have had overnight frost warnings every day this week. The day time temps have ranged from the low 50’s to high 60’s. I like the cooler daytime temps but am not thrilled with the nighttime low temps.

    Petite - 49 degrees in Florida? Ouch.

    Jackie - happy to hear the doctor visits went well and you could get updated vaccines. It feels good to cross that off the to do list.

    We won’t be spending any additional time in Chile on this trip. Since our flight leaves at midnight we will be visiting two wineries and having lunch at one of them on the way to the airport. We were in Chile in February on a cruise from Buenos Aires to Santiago and went hiking along the Magellan Strait in Punta Arenas, visited Vicente Rosales Perez National Park to see waterfalls and hike part way up the Orsono Volcano and did city tours of Valparaiso and Santiago, along with visiting two wineries. If I were to return to Chile, I’d love to take a few days to visit Torres del Paine National Park. But since this was a last minute trip and we have another cruise booked for February, I promised DH I would be very cost conscious on this trip.

    I saw the MO yesterday and I still have anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. I presume my blood counts will continue to rise and eventually reach normal levels. She encouraged me to go on our trip in spite of the CT scan results. The GYN Onc called today and advised he had spoken to the radiologist who was unaware that some of the para aortic lymph nodes had been removed during surgery. They both agreed I should have the PET/CT scan which is scheduled for mid November to rule out any disease spread but it can wait until I return from vacation.

    I am very pleased with the communication from my current doctors as I’ve have way too many experiences similar to those described by Petite and Betrayal.

    Have a good weekend!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I wanted to get out for a long walk this morning. It’s still only 44, I need it a tad warmer than that. I can get cold induced asthma with exertion. I’m hoping by 11 it’s warm enough for me. I feel like a whiner - it’s too cold; when half the summer it was too hot.

    I might get over to visit with my gf mom, they’ve placed her in rehab. First day there she fell and was off to the ER for stitches. She was hospitalized with congestive heart failure; catheterization of the heart showed no blockages; meds and rehab - booted her out of the hospital.

    At 5 I said I’d go see my gf grandson play football. As the sun sets I’ll be freezing again, so I plan to dress warm and bring a thick throw to wrap myself up in.

    That’s it for me. I hope you all enjoy the day!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    SF agent stopped by yesterday to give us another check towards the repairs and he said once the work is done there will be a final check. So it looks like our out of pocket expense may be less than expected. They are coming on Wednesday to install drywall and the plumber is coming Monday to see if he can determine where the leak occurred. We know it involved the ice maker but was there also a leak in the supply line too? It is the question since they had to shut the water off. So progress is occurring unlike our last tedious house restoration. The only delay here so far, was our absence while we were on vacation. The agent was very pleasant and stayed about 45 minutes talking to us about varied subjects not related to our house. We feel like we are in good hands.

    Today started very chilly but will warm to the 70's by late afternoon. It is sunny with no breeze. Nice day for sure.

    We are dog sitting for DD and DSIL who got the opportunity to go to Washington, DC for the day. She is going with her in-laws, BIL, 2 nieces but they plan to split off from them and have their own visit. What a great day they will have. It's a bus trip so they do not have to worry about the drive. Regan likes Banjo but Maggie and her are at odds. Maggie is a dachshund/beagle mix and has her own attitude problems with Regan. Both are alpha females so they stand on opposites of the dog gate barking at each other. Many years ago I took Maggie for obedience classes so she does listen to me.

    I plan on doing some light housekeeping since we are handicapped by misplaced items from the pantry and hallway temporarily being placed in other rooms. The family room has the 3 shelving units from the pantry. They have been reorganized and once we get the go ahead, they will go back in the bottom of the pantry.

    Dinner last night was Delmonico steaks, acorn squash and the ratatouille. It was good. Today will most likely be the leftover stuffed peppers or takeout.

    cindyny, your day sounds like fun and I hope you can get your walk in.

    harley, your trip sounds like fun anyhow. We had this Chilean wine on our cruise that was the private stock of the head wine steward and I would gladly go back to Chile to buy a case of it. It was a late harvest wine so more like nectar since it was sweet. I do have the name but haven't been able to find a source in the US. My state has this law which prohibits import/shopping of wine but it is arbitrary in application. I should have looked in the UK because I was able to find it online there. Have a good time.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.

    John Ruskin

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal, a leak in the ice maker water line is common. In FL, on a morning we were leaving for NY, our kitchen floor was covered with water. It was the plastic line, a pin hole. Neighbor/friend/handyman came over, we pulled it back out and put painters tape above & below the leak - turned water back off. He repaired it after we were gone. In NY, we replaced that plastic tube with copper. Easier here because of a basement. In FL I think it’s in the wall, behind all the cabinets and around to the sink. I hope yours is an easy fix.

    I got my walk in. Knee only bothered me when I stopped to take a picture and must have twisted it. I survived.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Sorry to hear about your knee Cindy, but you sure got some pretty pictures. Dh and I don't walk much now, but this time of year I always take the route to town through the park. It is full of trees there so we can see many daily and watch their progress.

    Icemakers are wonderful things until they leak. I sort of miss mine, but we had a leak and after repairing it twice two different times we finally just let it go. I have to be honest — the only time I used ice from it was when I wanted to stop boiled eggs from longer cooking or needed to apply ice to anything sore or swollen. I've never been a huge fan of ice cold anything. I guess it's the German in me. I don't mind an ice cube or two, but for the most part, a soda (the very few I bother to drink) in the fridge for half a day is cold enough for me.

    Harley, I'm still glad you are getting your cruise. Sounds like you did spend some quality time in Chili before so at least you know what it is like.

    Soreness wearing out of my arm. I've been able to sleep on that side just fine so really I'm doing fine. I finally put in a call to my clinic. I'm still trying to wear off the last of the se's from the antibiotic that I took for the two baby ticks I found on me. I'm not sure but what I may have picked up some other bug somewhere along the way that is hanging up. Hopefully, I'll hear something Monday.

    About 72 today which is warmer than it has been for a few days. Nice, but all my work is inside. Hope you all have a great rest of Saturday.