Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010 are blessed with the memories of your dearest Auntie.....And everyone should be ashamed of themselves for callously conveniently forgetting to care.   My dearest Grandma only had me....after awhile.....No-one else in the family wanted to be bothered.  So when you make up your mind to that, & realize that no-one else matters anyway, it makes it easier to care for them, & keep them all to ourselves.  Dimentia is just horrid.  I'm so sorry for your memories of your Aunt getting lost...this disease just hurts everyone...I mean everyone that cares.   You were her guardian angel...& you should be proud... you should be honored!  And just forget...about things you forget.....I think we all do it...& no use driving ourselves crazy when we do something like that.  It happens.   I am just hopeful no-one notices, when I do it!   Those eggs were kind of hard to cover up though, ha!  Wink

    SV, you red-neck little cow-girl rebel!  No you DIDN'T!!!!!!!!  Did you?  I'm going to tell.  Did you show a few tears in the process?   You just thought he was cute....right?  That was funny, Ha!   Just give it up & wear your darn seat-belt!   Course it was to your advantage that you didn't have it on when Moby toppled into the pond & submerged your sorry butt!  

    Morning Jackie, Julia & Alyson, sorry to hear about all the terrible things going on... I can always say it'll be a better day tomorrow, but then again........Love you girls! xoxooxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.
                -- George Sand

    I seldom have time to post much on Thurs. and Fri's  when I work at the office, but I do read.  How convenient to see this just before I opened the blog.  I'll be back here later to chat.  I love all of you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Unknown
    edited June 2010

       Good morning, Ladies,  I have no real reason for not posting lately, just haven't felt that I really had much to say, but I always love reading the posts and catching up on everything you all have been doing. I have now had 6 Navelbine treatments and so far so white count was down so the reduced the dosage, but now it is back within normal range.  Being extremely tired seems to be my only SE and a little constipation.....both of which I can live with.  I always hope that I don't get to that point where I discuss my bowels all the time.  I remember my grandmother talking about when she was having the runs or when she didn't have a BM that my father does the same thing.  It's like an obsession with him and he always has to share his info with's like Well, I think I will go sit on the toilet for awhile and see if I do any good or I haven't had any luck so far today so I am going to go sit on the toilet for awhile.   Jeeze, I am surprised he doesn't have hemmorhoids and why obsess about it?! And why does he always have to share this with me.  Unfortunately, it seems like whenever I call in the morning, I am getting him off the john and I get to hear the continuing saga.  Sometimes it is the other way....eggs seem to give him diarrhea, but he's got imodium for that. Is this just a part of aging....going to the bathroom becomes the highlight of our day? 

          I am not going to go back and refer to each individual post and make a comment,but I want you to know that I think of each and  every one of you and you are all in my prayers.  Many of you make me laugh outloud with your escapades outside the world of BC and it always feels good to laugh.  And I also sympathize when you post your disappointments and crappy things that are going on in your lives.  I feel privileged to be a part of this group.

         I do make comment on Jackie's post with the quote on aging since it is close and I can see it. .  I agree that is a mistake to regard aging as going downhill(although parts of my body definitely have)  I like myself much better than I did when I was  young....not my body, but the way I think about things.  I was telling a friend a few weeks ago and I know this is going to sound silly, but the only thing I really miss is being able to wear the clothes I am attracted to.  I used to be such a clothes horse and still have many things in my closets with tags that I bought simply because they were on sale or with the thought that I might wear them one day if the right ocassion came along.  However, I no longer even enjoy shopping..for one thing, it bothers my back, for another very few things look good on me and also I no longer really care what I look like  all that much.  I sometimes go to the grocery which is closeby in my pajama bottoms since they don't look that different from pants and I think nothing of going out without makeup which a few years ago I would never do.  Eye makeup was a must.  Anyway, sorry to ramble, but what I was saying is that I look at things differently that I did when I was in my late teens, early 20's, even 30's and 40's.  I no longer sweat the small stuff and am just happy if I wake up and it doesn't hurt when I stretch out in bed.  Back to what I told my's terrible how I lose my train of thought......I don't mind the wrinkles and jowls so much because I have gotten used to seeing myself and seeing these changes come over the years, I actually like my gray hair, I definitely like the way I think because I feel I am much wiser, and I have even gotten to the point where I accept my rolls and the horrible veins that track up and down my legs, BUT when I do look at clothes it makes me sad that I cannot wear the ones I really like.   The clothes I like are all ones that resemble what I used to wear because if you have noticed all the styles come back.  Even if my body was still the same and I could wear this stuff it would look ridiculous because I would look like an old lady who was trying to dress way younger than she should.....and believe me I have seen women doing this and it isn't a pretty sight.  I saw this woman who must have been 70 in a sun dress and she was really tan and her skin looked like leather and she actually looked scary.  Me, I am more into covering my defects.....never wear anything shorter than capris, only wear sleeveless if at home, don't like displaying my port, so V necks are out.......guess I actually am still vain or I wouldn't care about showing it all.  But all in all, I am satisfied with being 60, except when I see the clothes that remind of of back when they looked good on me.  Has anyone read a book called I Hate My Neck by Nora Ephron? is a scream. 

         Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  We are going to my Dad's  and have a wedding there on Sat. evening.  The dogs will go with us, but I now have to see if I can find someone to stop in and feed the cat and check on him.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Good Morning to all-like at the crack of noon today! Alyson, I am so sorry about your sister. my prayers are with you and family. And MB, i so wish you felt better!! Miss Kitty, I am like you, i simply so not do the 'pink ribbon thing.' it's like ok, got the BC let's move on!! Or stumble on. And yes CB, i did do that to the poor police man-I even grabbed my sore boob to illustrate my agony. I have no shame!! Love you all and prayers to all. It is a gorgeous day and I am going to try to get out on the beach later on. XXOOO, SV

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2010

    SV  My friend Rosemary can top you.  She went through a stop sign only to be stopped by the Sheriiff (we live in unincorporated area and only have the county sheriff dept here).  He asked her "didn't you see the stop sign?" and my dear Rose answered "Yes, but I didn't see you!".  He actually laughed and let her off with a warning!


  • Unknown
    edited June 2010

    SV, Sorry is you misunderstood anything I wrote....I feel fine, just fine.  Navelbine really is turning out to be a gentle chemo just as they told me it would be.  I am thrilled that you are up and driving and doing things again. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Oh MB, I am so very glad that you updated or corrected me. i am so glad that this chemo is "gentle.' Are you having any SE's or able to just get along with life? XXOOO, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Hi all, been cleaning house all day ..I remember when

    I could do it all in one day...hmmm more

    Just wanted to say I read ' I Hate my Neck" also and it is a fun read..

    Cleaning house with a retired husband around is a bummer...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    You know girls, since I am so much older than most of you...I feel like you are my fun little friends & I always get a kick our of what you say!  Immodium AD????????  That is my newest & most recent best friend!    Is it the Tamoxifen I ask?  Man o' man...... Is there no end to these SE's that crop up?   

    But Marybe....I could NOT go out of my house withoug make-up!  Well maybe in my yard, before any of the neighbors see me...but at wait, I'll be 73 next month!  Damn, that sounds old!  But I still don't feel it!   I have so many things to do...& somewhere always to go!   And I just love lunching with my friends & acting crazy, & then pretending I'm  supposed to be "elderly".... Sheesh....that sounds like someone trying to be "kind" to us!     I don't like the way I look now either, compared to about 10 years ago, but I do the best with what I have!   

    Kat....that was sooooo funny!  You have to understand, that SV is our little resident Rebel.....& she says what she feels....Ha!   I love her for the for-lorn little waif that she is.    I feel I must take care of her for some reason!    So when she calls me a red-neck gear-head....that is just the truth!   

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Here is it 8:26 and I am done with most of my work-day -- just a few odds and ends around here.  Marybe, I was so thrilled to see your post.  You don't come as often as I would like and so it was a real joy to see your post turn up.  Now then --- where to start.

    Age-- I think each  year is perfect.  Well, I know a lot of times it probably seems far from it, but we are learning and growing through everything that happens to us, and to an extent with what is happening to those closest to us.  I truly do think as well.....that for the most part we get better at  it.  Our outlook improves i n so many cases and our stamina for many of the negative things.  I really believe if you look at it from the core -- the center of it all, it makes a great deal of sense.  Each of the things that happen to us -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.....all mean something and all is something we will use through eternity.  You prepare yourself for everything -- why would you not prepare for your eternity as well -- unless your not sure you are having one.  But then that is ok too -- if you do your best -- things will take care of themselves pretty much no matter what you believe or don't believe. 

    I still think though that it might have been nice if I had enjoyed that slim body I once had a bit more along with my very naive' nature.  I can't say I truly miss it all that much but I do let myself drift off into some rather long instances of nostalgia and do a little what ifing just to see is I can get a senario going.  I usually don't --  at least, not anything that feels much like a real possibility.  Of course, that is because my life has been the way it was meant to go. 

    Sometimes I worry that I am doing a good job -- when I get disgusted with something, or lose my temper ( thank goodness these are usually temporary )  or tell someone what I truly think before I censor myself at all.  I definitely still need to work on patience and love.   

    A few other thoughts here.....make -up.  Maybe a little bit of eyebrow pencil since I still don't have many and  some lipstick --  a little blush to the cheeks.  Enough for me.  I was never big with this ever --  I've seldom worn provocative clothing though I would not consider it fuddy duddy either.  It was not really accepted well here in the small town I grew up in and by the time I moved away I guess I was implanted with a certain amt. of general modesty.  I don't feel I've missed anything there.  I've been married twice and this year will have been married 44 years since I was only single a week total.  So I was not a complete flop even though I had no make-up artistry nor ability to enhance mother nature's gifts ( a bit late in coming anyway ) with artful clothing styles. 

    I'm not thrilled I had cancer and it is certainly something I never dreamed would happen to me, but it is something that got my attention enough to want to look around at my life, my habits, my ideas and feelings and see if I might make better changes in many, many of these things.  Along the way I intend to appreciate what I have -- no matter how long I have it.  If it is really good I am going to try and share it, and when I see a beautiful sunset or a rainbow, or a baby fawn, or a fantastic body of water....I am going to give thanks to my Creator for continuing to help me grow my soul and enrich my spirit and pray that patience and love will take over my life completely.  Lastly, I will give thanks that I was allowed to find this place so that I can continually have the opportunity to share with some of the greatest women on this planet.  You don't know it, but every one of you MAKE MY DAY, and help me so much by getting to look through your eyes and hear your thoughts and see another faucet of what I am living.  To paraphrase -- these are a few of my favorite things. 

    I am wearing down quickly so I am going to go for tonight.  I have enjoyed being with you all tonight.  See you all in the morning. 

    Many hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  sometimes I don't make sense because I let my heart and soul choose the words and ideas and just put them down as they come. 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2010

    Jackie  I couldn't have said it better.  The only thing I would add is that as we get older we become more accepting of ourselves.  I am a horrible dancer and have always hated wedding receptions, New Years Eve dances etc.  Than I got in contact with a HS friend and in telling me her history she emailed "there are alot of things I do well.  Marriage is not one of them"  I did a spin off on Barbara's comment and rephrased it to myself.  "There are a lot of things I do well.  Dancing is not one of them."  It went from being self criticism to self assessment.  It is TRUE that there are a lot of things I do well and that dancing is not one of them.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    What a hoot Kat, Rosemary took it to "the man" and amazingly he appreciated the humor.  I aspire to being ballsy.  No kidding, it's a confidence and bravery that has eluded me.  Drip missed her Sheky, glad you're back.

    I've mentioned before my whole, loving, wonderful family has passed on and I miss them and think about my mother, father and sister all the time.  We were all big fans of laughter...I remember the bellylaughs and the tears flowing.  I met my sister for lunch once at her hotel.  She worked in the office, knew everyone and everyone loved her.  The waiter took our order and then my sister said "frank you"...yes his name was Frank.  We laughed and laughed, you couldn't contain us.  She always found the humor in embarrassment.

    My new precious family is right here and I'm so grateful.  Just so glad to be one of the "elderly" here CB.  Other than my looks and my birth certificate, I'm actually 22.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Ah Julia, you are definitely going to understand ( I now realize this was spirituality showing through very early on ) that as a young person, well before teen years even, I felt really, really old.  These sensations though a little off-putting sometimes, were not at all scary nor upsetting in any way -- they just simply were.  As my age goes up in higher numbers the same parts of me that felt old when I was young are now feeling younger than my age says I am. 

    The world at large attempts to assign certain values to things -- how you should be thinking or feeling at certain times for instance -- I think this is one of the biggest reasons why I "noticed" a difference early on.  Like you Julia ---  I'm not 64 at all, more I'd say like 44 if I had to pick out a figure.

    I was also a little startled by the fact that like you --- or is it you, like me are missing your whole family consisting of mother, father and sister.  There is another thing that was off-putting to me for a while.  I used to say ---- if God is looking for me I won't be hard to find --- I'm the last one left.  This I would not have believed was going to turn out that way even if someone could have warned me.

    See you all later.  Time for morning coffee.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010
    "Things turn out best for the people who make the best
    out of the way things turn out."

    -- Titus Livius
  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Yes I totally understand Jackie, observer/believer like you was just my m.o. at a very young age.  Mother told me as a toddler, I walked with my fingers crossed and approached every single person on the bus/in the park, etc. (I still do, kinda).  God is glowing in you my dear with all your wise, thoughtful and generous words and deeds of kindness.  I'm so very sorry that you have also suffered the pain and sorrow of losing your entire family.  Wishing you long life.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Found something I wanted to share.  This is a newer quote site so please excuse if there are funny marks.

    "In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted."
    - Bertrand Russell

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010
  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2010

    I will turn 50 in August but I went through menopause when I was either 37 or 38 - took forever to have a Dr. believe me and run the tests. I also have M.S. which brings it's own pains and fatigue. So I guess in some ways I have felt old for a long time. Both my parents are gone and I only have two sisters left who are not very nice - at least to me. I'm divorced with three kids two 13 year olds and 1 12 year old. So now with BC it can be a challenge.

    I just found your thread and I think you all are very wise and I love your wonderful stories. I was the main one who took care of my Mom when she was going through her cancer treatments (lung) which eventually moved to her brain. Even though my one sister was living in the house with her and I had the three kids and lived a half an hour away my Mom would call me. It was hard but I adored her and I'm grateful to the time we had. 

    The fat -filling for breasts caught my eye. The first dreadful PS I went to showed me that as an option even though they way it was presented obviously wasn't really an option. It was this huge contraption like a greatly oversized breast pump that you strap on and wear overnight or 8+ hours a day. It suck on your skin and muscle apparently streatching everything and then gradually they add the fat and I mean gradually as he said it will die if you add too much at a time so it take a year or more to do. He said he had one woman who actually did this. Can't quite imagine.

    I love the  story with the policeman- I know several people who have gotten tickets on the Outerbanks so good for you!!

    I also can relate the the whole clothes thing. When I was going through my divorce 3 years ago I lost weight to I could wear some lovely things of my Mother and got such compliments I went shopping and bought some fun clothes even though it has only been 3 years I don't think I could wear them anymore. Yes I have gained some weight but I could without too much effort get back into them but I guess I now feel too old to wear them. Somehow I think BC has made me feel old. Losing my supplemental estrogen was a huge hit for me. It brought back the horrible pains and fatigue and have lost the ability to sleep much. So I think I'm irritable and tired most of the time. 

    As far as being forgetful and boiling the water out of the pan. Well, everyone forgets even people in their 20's. I also think you are going through the grief of losing your Aunt cause when it actually happens it still hurts and now she is really gone. I'm very sorry for your loss.

    So, if it makes you feel better, I was getting my sons ready for camp and put some awful tennis shoes in the laundry room sink to soak before washing them. Turned on the water and never thought about it again!! It wasn't till my son went downstairs for something and all I kept hearing was UH MOM, UH OH! Now this son has Down Syndrome and all he knew was something very bad happened and most likely he hoped he hadn't done it. So about an hour's worth of water destroyed the sink cabinet, the hardwood floor sections upstairs, the kitchen and den ceiling and the den and back door floors and one rug. I still cannot believe I did this - this much damage all by myself! So, I know stress and being overwhelmed with everything makes anyone do forgetful and terrible things so you arn't alone. Now I'm trying to pack up and move all the "stuff" from my kitchen, den, daughter's room and upstairs playroom. 

    I'm not sure what your age criteria is but for good or bad seems like I relate to you all! 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2010

    Ladies, I can't tell you how much I enjoy meeting you through your posts, and what inspiration you provide.  There are many advantages to being "older" - the perspectives change, the drama moderates, and what's important becomes much more obvious.

     This week I started rads, 3 sessions.  No luck with aloe, it makes my skin feel like I've sandpapered it.  So I'm trying other lotions. Any suggestions for what works best?  I have Eucerin, Aveeno, and have ordered a tube of Miaderm.

     Does anyone have info about whether or not to take Vit D during rads?  My bone density came back "good", but med onc wants me to start calcium & D even before the Arimidex.  I have no problem with taking the calcium & D, but wondered if D and rads are compatible.

     Isabella, I've never raised sheep, but did raise goats for a number of years -- and remember kidding season with such pleasure - the babies are too much fun.  I'm guessing lambs are the same joy.

    Of joy:  last night I was honored by the Boone Society (Daniel was my 5-great uncle, his next-younger sister Mary was my  5-great grandmother, and I write about her -- no one until me ever did, and I think she was an amazing woman.) - the Society president Denny is a very engaging man, and when he visited the original homestead of Daniel's parents in PA last year, the owners gave him a log from the Boones' first home, the original 1718 cabin.  Instead of keeping it to himself, Denny had it sliced into several sections, and I will be receiving a slice of a floor log that Daniel and Mary's parents, my 6th great-grandparents, walked on.  I know that in Europe and England that's not much, but here in the States, to have a piece of family history that's 292 years old is a big deal.  I love the women of the frontier, and Mary Boone Bryan is my study focus. These women were so strong, so capable, and they endured so much. How can I live up to their example?  My first bout with DCIS was what got me started -- I'd wanted to write about Mary since I was a girl and had put it off until later when I was older and had more time.  BC put things into perspective and since then I've really immersed myself in this "hobby."

     This week all of you who've posted have given me something to think about, laugh about, or send good wishes and prayers to.  Thanks to all. Enjoy the day. 

    Be well,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Stanzie --- come in, kick off your shoes, find a comfy chair and join all of us.  I'm glad you found us.  I am really sorry for your recent damages/disaster going on in your home.  That must be tough.  I am not sure how well I would cope but then many of us don't know for sure what we are made of till we get put to the test.  I'm hoping things will fall into place for you -- knowing all the while they only do that through a great deal of struggle and effort on our part. 

    How great that you were able to help/have quality time with your Mom.  Apparently she knew who she could really count on. 

    Lost Creek, how fascinating to be a part of the D. Boone's.  After living so many years in a "modern" world my hat is tipped to all our pioneers --- who sometimes lived out of covered wagons until they got a home built.  Many of those I think may have had dirt floors.  I think they were really tough and able living in that era. 

    Friends, I must run as I have my feral cats to do, Maggie's house to clean and her animals.....and a lady called just now in a panic.  She is moving here and the lady who said she could bring her cats there is suddenly turning somewhat testy and I am going to let Susan put the five that are at that ladys' house here in my computer room because the lady is making things difficult and Susan badly needs someone to help her out for a short time. 

    I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2010

    i am new on this forum and i love it.yes i am older and just diagnosed with breast cancer.i had insit then sentenal node removed,lost node 1mm her positive.they got it all out but im on arumidex and its killing me.i went off it yesterday.going to the gyn tomorrow.there is so much info her my mind is going crazy.sooo many young people it makes me scared for my children and grandchildren.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Stanzie, so glad you're here.  You sure are faced with health challenges that I hope will be totally out of the picture soon and that you will be in the best of health.  So wonderful of you to take such good care of your mother, she obviously adored you too.  About weight, I think a little extra is a good thing when we're faced with it and need to call on the reserve for energy.  So sorry about the disaster in the laundry room.  Yes stress can take us to the twilight zone alright!  Its effects are immeasurable, cellular.  I heard some believe is the cause of all disease.  Aren't you glad you mentioned it?  So let's just say if no one is hurt and it can be fixed, who cares if I forgot.  Then listen to Luis Miguel and drink a cup of chamomile tea.  All my best wishes.

    Welcome grannydukes.  We all know that fear and devastation with the diagnosis.  I hope you find support, answers, comfort...whatever you need here.  I hope you have a good oncologist taking good care of you.  My best wishes for your good health.

    Best of luck with the rads Kathryn.  Hope the treatment goes well and is 100% effective for your good health.  Sorry I don't know about the Vit D connection, I have gone to the website with questions, hope that helps.  It must have been fun with the goats, they sure are cute.  Best wishes to you.

    (edited typo)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Yes, Stanzie, you definitely can relate to us all...I mean we are all just best friends here, & we talk about EVERYthing!   Reading about all you gals capers, just makes me feel better...We ALL do these things, not just when we are "seasoned!'...And if WE don't, our Husbands often give us cause for either much concern or snickers!  So it's one of the other!  Wink  But here, we are all in the same boat, together. 

    I must be "wisest' of all...if it means that if you are older, you are wise, Ha!   So I must look up to myself, even if nobody else does....(sigh)

    LostCreek....have you tried making or mixing your own "cream?"  I have done this for about 20 years...just mixing melted cocoa butter, coconut butter, aloe vera cream, vitamin E oil,   glycerin, shea butter, & anything else that sounds good!  You can use them all separately, but I just mix them up, & then refrigerate some, because being cold, it feels so much better!  I read the labels on some of the most expensive "creams" & just bought the same can make make a truck-load for much less! 

    Jackie...who is "Maggie"  I hear you mention her, but is she a relative?  Or Neighbor?  And like I told you, you have the biggest most caring heart!  How are all of your Feral Friends?   While I was in Orlando, my Daughter took me out back of her office, to try & "find this little cat" that she saw & held, & has taken her food.   We didn't see her, but THEN, another gal in the office, found her, took her to a no-kill shelter, & we thought that was maybe good....but THEN AGAIN, they went back to where the "Mother" was & heard little kittens!  SO NOW, the young guys in the Starbuck's, took the kittens to the same shelter....they wouldn't let them stay....SO the kids took them home, & are feeding them by bottle every 2 hours!   I just get chills!  Thank God someone checked out there again!  The Mother cat lived down a vine covered hill, in back of this row of shops, near a little creek under the bridge.... And so many people were taking care of her!  I'm afraid to ask if the "Mom" found her own home...because my Daughter already has 3 cats & one elderly impatient dog... Everyone, & every thing, needs a guardian angel, or two!  Like you, Jackie! 

    GrannyDukes!  Hi, & WELCOME!!  We ALL have gone through this gal.....& it has terrified all of us!  Arimidex?  I have heard some things about that....and from friends, but you know, we are all different!  Work with your Oncologist...make sure you tell them what is going on....We don't HAVE to take something if it hurts or makes us miserable!  There are different drugs, that you might tolerate better!  But give anything a chance!  You & I are in the same boat!  I just quit taking Tamoxifen this morning, because the Oncologist & my Radiologist thought Femara would work for me better... and I have taken it for almost 6 months....I'm almost 73...So today I finally took my first Femara pill!  I am waiting to fall over in a dead faint!  Or have my toe-nails fall off, or any other various ailments!   I have heard & read about the worst....but maybe it won't be me!  So I'll give it a least for 3-4 months...that's how many pills I have now!  I can always go back on the Tamoxifen, she said!  

    What goats?  Did I miss something here?  I must go back on these threads & check it out!  

    Love you gals! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Just lost a whole post and I need to get my acto together for today so welcome GrannyDukes. So sorry our club doors are still open but you are very welcome here.  I think the ladies have given yo great advice.  I would just add ----  there are long lists of se's ( side effects ) that generally and hopfeully never happen, but it is very off-putting to read them.  Once you do this every little new ache or twinge looms so high as the dreaded "problem" you read about.  I know this is a true bother for many --- for some reason I was spared getting upset over reading se's for the most part.  Just know that usually what you worry most about stays away. 

    Hmmm, Maggie is a long time friend that I met at the Humane Society.  She is probably a little over 20 years older that I and has gotten into many health issues.  Celluitis, & C.O.P.D. are on-going.  She can no longer actually clean her house and needs some help with her animals too.  So I go to her house very day and "help" out.  I am glad to do this for her and only help when I am that age I will have a caring person who wants to come and help me. 

    Anyway....yesterday was rather franctic.  To shorten the story if possible ---  I had been working with a lady moving here to the area who has cats.  The lady who was going to let her stay at her house with the cats met some man ( this lady is 64 and the man she met 54 with no car etc. etc. ) is now just flaking out big time.  So even though I have little room.....late yesterday evening....Susan and I gave my computer room a quick clean up.....and I have five new feline friends here.  Once Susan gets established......they will go with her or to a boarding kennel -- no one is sure at the moment -- and all will be well.  So, I'm happy but a little exhausted to have big late last minute situations to handle.  It will all work out in the end. 

    Have to run now, but I will be checking back in later.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    So many questions to answer, but now I forget exactly who asked?

    I was told I could take a multi vitamin while on rads BUT not to add any other vitamins while on rad.

    I was also told to NOT start on my Ameridex until I finished the rads.

    I cannot imagine after only two or three rads treatments that you have soreness etc? I was told to use aloe vera GEL ( pure without fragrance) and to apply this gel twice a day or more from the start and NOT to wait until I have the sunburn effects of the later rads. I am doing this without a problem. I have had two weeks of rads so far. 5 more weeks to go.

    Are you saying that you have effects after two treatments? Hard to imagine.

    I hope you all got answers with all the questions and comments about BC..

    I am 75 years old and had 10 lymph nodes removed. 2 were positive.    Recommended 35 rads and then on Arimedix. I read all of this board and feel somewhat reluctant to start the pills. I also have diabetes and am on insulin 4 shots a day. 2 different insulin's. One before every meal and one  before bed time. I also have a lot of joint pain (probably nerve damage from the diabetes of 20 years, and I also am suffering from Vertigo when I first lie down and then if and when I get up. (Vertigo such as the room is spinning fast) This is very uncomfortable and is bad when I have to lie on to the rads table for treatment and then when I am helped up.

    I would not wish Vertigo on my worst enemy!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010
    WELCOME STANZIE, LOST CREEK AND GRANNIE DUKE!! yep, we are quite a gang here and i like to think of most of us a "ken Kesie's School of merry Pranksters!!" AND OMG, A REAL 'DANIEL BOONE' DECENDANT-THAT IS LIKE THE HOLY GRAIL FOR US REDNECK SOUTHERN WOMEN-except for CB and she is just a redneck northern woman. Welcome to all and so sorry that you get to join this club-but this is the best group of women I have met-there is fun; tears; fears and lots of support here. man stanzie, have you got a lot on your plate or what! My prayers and blessings are with you and CB is right, i am the resident "village prankster" and the one who 'had the copsgoing on the seatbelt and the "omg, my breast hurts too much to wear a seatbelt (avoid a ticket in reality)" and got the parade escort thru Duck, but you will find that this is par for the course for me. my last big adventure was driving my SUV into a lake-YUP WE ARE LIVING THE DREAM!! Love to all, SV 
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    joycek,wonderful to see you here again.  I have been wondering where you were.  I think you are really correct about the Arimidex.  None of the AI's are bullet proof --- but it is the best there is going to help us all stay in control of possible recurrence.   There is little if anything (proved  that is ) out there.  As for myself ( though some did not need it ) I don't feel that I went through 6 months of chemo up chucking my insides and 7 long weeks of radiation only to possibly have recurrence because I did not take the opportunity offered me to try and get the monster under lock and key with a 5 yr. pill.  Do know sweet ladies -- I'm not criticizing any of your choices.....we all have to be comfortable about what we feel is right for us and I am happy for anything else anyone has chosen --- the program I decided on felt exactly what I needed to do and I determined that I would make it work for me no matter what. 

    Sometimes you have to just adopt an attitude of faith.  Joyce.... I too ( though this is not a problem generally for me ) feel that you can over-do the information highway.  You need to be informed to make choices but I hope you will think about this --  you are uniquely you.  No one else is quite like you and no one else will react the way you do to things and vice-versa.  Someone much greater than we are arranged medical technologies that would benefit man-kind.  With proper caution and faith I am willing to use what I think will help me be a winner in this particular game. 

    I'm off to work now.  I'll be checking in with all of you later on. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Okay Anne!  I give up!  I wanted to be the oldest posting here, but you seem to have me beat, ha!  I just thought the older we are, the more people "listen"....Because we are supposed to have more "experience".... I just hope your vertigo gets better!  Nothing worse than that, I think!   Do they know what causes it?

    And SV....Am I "Northern"....I think I am more like the "red-neck, motorhead, Western Mama!  Ha!    And I love you dearly! 

    joysek...make sure you let us know about the Arimidex!  I started the Femara this morning, & I have read where the two drugs are similar in side-effects!  I'm still here, so that's a good sign! Wink

    Just take it easy Jackie....I think you spread yourself a little thin....And make sure you still have time for yourself, dear one! you gals! xoxoxoxo

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2010


    I would be VERY careful applying ANY cream/ your breast/underarm while you are having rads without checking with your onc or rad tech. I was instructed to use Glaxal Base cream twice a day, starting the first day of rads AND CONTINUING for a month after rads were finished. I had very minimal skin discolouration, which only occurred after the rads were finished. I was also told to 'air' my breast for a minimum of an hour each day, again until one month post rads. 

    Hello to you all. I am new to this site but recognize Chevy from the Tamoxifen site. Although I am 66 and only an intermediate metabolizer, I am taking Tamoxifen, albeit in a slightly increased dose (30mg/day).

    Cheers all and will look forward to chatting with you,


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    I used Aqueous Cream all thru' rads....maybe what you girls call Aquafor cream...its a pretty bland cream, but kept my skin supple thru' rads and healing from double mast. I just bought a pot again this last week, my 'bad' underarm is very dry and itchy, so we shall see !

    Welcome to the new girls, no doubt you never ever wanted to be here, but we're all in this together, and there's usually an answer from one of us that'll help if you have a problem.

    I am in recovery...deep deep recovery. I went to my favorite G/sons 18th birthday on Saturday night, and it was a real wacko party. I am well past the antics that were going on, but it was sure great to watch the fun. We had it outdoors, my DD has a small farm, so we used a field. UNFORTUNATLY the farm is on the edge of a village, and there are neighbours. DD has been there about a year, and has been at war with them all of that time.  ( The farm, and land stood empty for a long time, so no-one took kindly to a noisy family, 3 teenage sons, assorted g'friends, lots of animals, lots of cars and lots of motorbikes !)

    We had the police called on us twice, the second time they arrived in 2 riot vans OMG I thought we were all going to be carted off !!

    There were around a hundred of us, from a 2 month old baby to me and DH, and all reasonably well behaved. DD had set up some loud music in a barn, had fairy lights strung up in the trees, and loads of bales for us all to sit on. She had a burger van come to feed everyone, had a table full of big gateaux and cupcakes etc. There was plenty of drink, but no-one went mad, apart from 2 18 yr olds who got sloshed pretty quickly, were sick, then we all watched them to see they came to no harm. Most had brought tents, and were staying all night.

    We had the first visit from the police before 8.30pm, neighbours said there were people peeing all in the open, and being abusive. DD had set up 2 toilets outside,no-one was peeing in the open, and we never even saw a neighbour, so how we had been accused of being abusive no-one could work out ! The next visitation was spectacular. A small police car drew up, 2 officers came over and asked DD to turn down the music, and was she having a rave!! 2 mins later 2 big police riot vans drew up, 5 more police came over. DH went over to them and had a go asking what we were doing wrong. The police went thru all the cars and tents, probably looking for drugs, but there were none ! I actually heard DD say to the police 'my mother is over there, do you think we'd get up to anything with her sat there ' made me sound like a real wet blanket !

    I did smell cannabis drifting around the young ones corner, but didn't see anything ! BUT the little devils must have pushed some into the air intake on the front of my car.... I did a quick trip to the village this afternoon, and every time I started up my car in drifted the smell of cannabis. Its a good job the police didn't have the drugs dogs with them !!!!

    We had fireworks at midnight, then set a fire and all sat round it 'til 6am. Eldest g/son pulled out a BBQ at 3am, went to the 24hr garage for supplies, and we all had burgers and hotdogs. I am absolutely wacked today. We got in at 7am, I just quickly cleaned out all my dogs, DH fed all his animals, we locked the doors and gates, and were in bed for 8am, and stayed there 'til 3pm. 

    DD has been on the 'phone today, she's doing it all again at the end of July, her b/day, so will we be there ? You bet ! Anything to stir up her neighbours !

    I must get back to bed, I am aching all over from siting up in a field all night...we were there about 9 hours. I am having bad cramps in my legs tonight, don't know where to put them.
