Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2010

    Isabella - I think all those neighbors are just plain jealous they weren't invited to such a grand party! 

    You have more energy and stamina than I can even imagine right now or that party must have just been one hum dinger to be able to stay up ALL night and eat what twice! I think it was pretty brilliant to show the police that her sweet mother was at the party so how could there be any wild happenings so if you were to be a wet blanket - I imagine you are a pretty cute one besides being awfully helpful.

    My Mom passed away in 2004 at 80 and even in her 60's I'm sure she would have no clue what cannabis smelled like. Actually when she was going through chemo my sister and I were going to bake some in brownies if we got too worried about her eating. She would have gotten a kick out of that.

    Anne, I had two friends who had/have Vertigo and I know how dreadful that is. I'm so sorry and I hope you can get some relief soon. One friend still has it but it has gotten better. The other one got it riding a roller coaster and it lasted for over a year. Needless to say she will never go near them again. I don't suppose you secretly ride roller coasters in you sleep or anything?

    SV - Ok so I really need to know about driving the SUV into the lake, pleeese tell. 

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Welcome to our little forum Caroline.  Hope you pull up a chair, pour a cuppa and visit often.  You have found the wise elders, we have all the answers...ha!  About that, I have a question for you...what is an intermediate metabolizer?  Sounds like a requirement for the Starship Enterprise.

  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    Welcome to all the new gals and good morning to those of you who've been here long before me.

    Today is my us and biopsy to see if what the PET/CT found is a recurrence, a new bc, or a false positive.  I'm not too hopeful about the false-positive based on the report.  I have prepared myself for the necessity of a bi-lateral mastectomy and another go round with chemo.  I'll post as soon as I have any news.

    I've been on Arimidex since I finished rads last September.  My only se is joint pain but that comes and goes.  B-6 does help that.  I take this first thing in the morning except on Fossamax day then I take it around noon.  I have found that time of day can help or hinder when taking meds.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Caroline & Shannon, to one of the happiest non-happy places in the world.  We are all set at just making the best of things and not letting them best us.  I am wishing good news for you today Shannon.

    I am still doing some long days, but everything is usually better when it is not Thurs. and Fri. when i have to include my routine after working all day.  Early shift for Dh so we can have dinner together tonight -- now what to fix ????  Heat index may have us up to 108 degrees today -- which would be ok with me if it were that without the humidity.  Oh well, you can't have it all -- but I was hoping for a bit more anyhow. 

    I think I'll be going to Clean and Green....the local recycle facility and leaving off a car full of empty cans, water bottles etc.  I'm trying all I know to save myself and think....if I'm successful I will need a good world to live in so I'll try to help cure it as well.

    See you all later. 

    Big healing hugs to all.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010


    I am wishing you strength for a difficult day.  The not knowing and waiting is the worst. It sounds like you have your head in the right place. Do let us know what happens... we are all here to help. I did not realize ER- women took Arimidex too. Willl you stay on it now I wonder? So many ways to go with this disease! Good luck today. Stay strong.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Hey Stanzie, actually many pages bacK and probably still on record, are the post of driving Moby Dick into the lake, including pictures of the event. Thank god for my wussy BF because i would have frozen or drowned or both if he had not pulled my ass out of the car.

    shannon-prayers and blessings are with you! let us know ASAP!

    It is 96 here with 99% humidity-yestereday i was floating and bobbing in the ocean like a turtle, today i am stuck to the AC.

    isabella, what is this about cannibas???? too funny!

    short note, love to all SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    SV I only  recognise the smell of cannabis because I asked my g/son to get me some last year !!

    I have been trying everything I could get my hands on for Arimidex pain, and the pain of my 4 slipped discs....all my GP will give me is codiene/paracetamol tablets. I need industrial strength morphine, but no go !!!

    I don't smoke, so I about choked myself trying to take the cannabis!  I was told to inhale..OMG, I nearly had to call the fire brigade , how on earth anyone can draw smoke into their body is totally beyond me. I was seeing a physio. for my slipped discs, at that time, and she told me to bake a cannabis cake ! Anyway I failed miserably with cannabis, but I'd recognise that smell anywhere.

    I am off away for most of next week, I have been promising myself a road trip for a while, so off down country all alone, wouldn't be a trip if I had to take DH. Been checking out hotels, just 1 night stays, and looks like there is plenty available, so shalln't actually book anything, apart from 1st night. I'm more worried about leaving my dogs alone, altho' DH always has things under control on the surface, its just whats going on behind the scenes that worries me.... the little things he forgets to do,like keeping his eyes on the heat where my birds are so they don't fry if the sun gets strong, and making sure they have oodles of water, both for drinking, and for bathing in this hot weather.

    Just feel the need to have some time alone, after the upset of the past few weeks with my Aunt. I feel guilty going off out and having a good time at a party so soon after she died, but life goes on, and my G/son would have been very disappointed if I'd sat at home on his big night... AND I'd have missed out on all the fun !!

    I am still in recovery after my night on the tiles. I just shut up shop this afternoon, had a long soaking bath, and went to bed for 3 hours ! I can't stop yawning. ...I can't see myself doing much at all this week. It is very warm here at the moment, so I am not going to find any jobs outside, the coolest place in the house is the cellar.....I have a big cellar under most of the footprint of the house, its all cold stone floors, 3 rooms, one used to be to store coal in and the other two just for storing general junk. Its damp, and dark so I never go down there, and its badly in need of a clear out, but thats a job for my G/son. when he comes to do his Saturday job.

    I am on a mercy mission in the morning. It involves getting up early ( NOT a good start to my day ) I have to water all my plants before the sun gets hot. I haven't kept my eyes on my plants last week at all, and they are starting to wilt badly. It'll take me about 2 hours to do it properly. I watered all my hanging baskets and troughs of plants I have in the farmyard, and by my back door tonight, they look really lush at the moment, considering I have run out of plant fertiliser. I just cannot remember to pick it up when I go to the shops. I use tomato fertiliser, very cheap, and works well for me....that is it would if I could remember I need some. 


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,091
    edited June 2010

    Hi to everyone.  I just caught up on reading posts.  Isabella, I'm sorry about your aunt, but, as others have commented, you can feel good about having been a devoted niece.  Healing vibes to all those enduring treatment.

    I had my 6 mo. checkup last week with my bc dr. (actually I saw her NP) and got an order for blood work to check TMs.  This will be the first time for this kind of blood work.  The NP also checked my armpits and chest wall with ultrasound and said everything looked good.  Thurs the 24th is my dx anniversary.  I'm very grateful to be feeling good a year after hearing those awful words spoken ever so kindly, "Your biopsy report was positive."

    There's a sense of deja vu because our 5th wheel rv is parked outside the house just as it was last June when we had to cancel our summer travel.  We're planning to depart this Sat. and head north in search of cooler temperatures.  If all goes well, we'll return home in Oct.  Many of the rv parks have wireless internet so I'll be able to check in and see how everyone is doing.

    I haven't been able to lose the extra pounds I gained during the last year so I'm wearing some of my "chubby" clothes. 

    DH and I are taking our golf clubs along  in hopes of playing some golf here and there.  The midwest has many nice municipal courses that aren't expensive and offer plenty of challenge.

    Wishing everyone a restful night's sleep.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    I've been wondering where you were, Carole! Hope all goes well and you get to escape the heat. I'll be envying you.


  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    Thank you all for your well wishes. However, I have nothing to report.  BS is very confident that this is not a recurrence but discussed PET/CT with radiologist who wants me to have a contrast MRI.  Then while I was talking to my DIL she mentioned that I'd better check about my port because most ports have metal and that means no MRI.  So tomorrow I'll call the nurse and find out about the port.  I probably won't know anything for a week or more. Cry

    SV - I just heard about an accident on the outer banks where 2 people were killed because they weren't wearing the seat belts.  It was a 16 yr old girl who rolled the family SUV.  Her mother and a sister were killed but she and another sister survived (they were wearing their seat belts).  I know seat belts can be annoying by why tempt fate.

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Today I asked the Doctor about the pain I am having in my breast, rib cage and under arm. He said this was NOT from the radiation. (I am only in to my second week.)  He then said to take Advil for the pain.

    The vertigo is still with me and is now over three months. I sure hope it goes away soon. Rads is no fun when every time I lower myself on the table the room spins. Then again when I get up.

    But I guess this too shall pass.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Dearest Anne, can you get another opinion? I have not done rads but this does not sound right to me. Please get checked. And isabella, omg i am in hysterics over your 'pot' adventures. if you can't smoke it then eat it-brownies are the best!!! of course i have only 'heard about this' idea-teehee.

    Shannon, hope all is well and yes, I am now being more mindful of my seatbelt and actually wearing it. i have a huge SUV but i could not take a crash without being buckled in. the winters here make us lazy bec there is no traffic at all. but summer is a nightmare on the beach roads! Thanks and I promise to behave.

    Good night dearest girls and i hope everyone has sweet dreams! XXOO, SV

    CH-awesome checkup and recovery rate-happy anniversary!!

    lordy so hot today that David and i did not even take the boat out for its first ride this year. He loves to snorkel around and spearfish when the water is clear! i was really upset bec i really wanted to get out in the boat. But it was so hot and so many AC's running that the power went out for awhile with no AC on the island-errgh.

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2010

    WOW this is a busy site!!!

    Thanks for your warm welcome. I have found these sites to be nothing but supportive - great virtual friends.....

    Best wishes, Shannon - as someone else said, waiting is the pits!

    And Julia no, an intermediate metabolizer is not a requirement for the Starship Enterprise hahaha. My BC was ER+ and it was recommended I take Tamoxifen. This drug does not just go into the body and do its work; it needs to be converted in the liver to endoxifen, the active agent. In my convincing myself that taking a drug for 5 years was a good idea, I came across research that suggested 7 - 10% of women do not/hardly convert this drug (poor metabolizers); 35% only partially do (intermediate metabolizers); a few over convert it and the rest are 'normal."  Very recently, several lab tests have been available to the public to determine which category you fall into. I elected to go the CSI cheek-swab route and as a result, found out I am an IM. Tamoxifen is still the gold standard drug for ER+ BC, although many women our age are on some kind of AI. I wasn't that keen to go that route because I am prone to osteopenia, and AIs are v hard on the bones...So, I am 8 months into T and likely next year or so, I will take advantage of another very-new-to-the-public test to actually measure how much endoxifen I produce. As I think I might have mentioned, I am on an increased dosage of the drug to compensate and also watch foods I eat/drink that might inhibit it from working - WAY too long an answer to your simple question.

    Take care all - those of you that are too hot can send some our way - Western Canada. It is not at all hot here yet - warm yes but we could do with some real heat!



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    hello Caroline...I see you are from Calgary...we were there last summer to visit a cousin of my husband. We really did enjoy it and went from there to Banff and Lake Louise..beautiful..we drove from

    Moosejaw in June and hit a blizzard...what a surprise for a gal from Southern California..

    Anyhow welcome to our group...

    This is what we saw in the mountains..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Okay, Grass & Tamoxifen...Ha!  Who says us older gals don't have a sense of humor?  Wink  There are so many pot shops here in Denver now!  Everywhere!  How can that many people have a "Doctor's prescription?"  I just think it is amazing!  But I DID wonder, why more women who are in so much pain aren't smoking or using it!   I only smelled it once....and at the time I thought that it was "catnip".....My oldest Daughter & 2 of her friends needed a ride someplace...So I picked them up, & man, the car just reeked!  I said in my loudest voice..."it smells like catnip in here!!!!!  I think a couple of them snickered & held their breath!  Ha!  

    AND Isabella....Your Grandsons' party sounded like a blast!  Wow, your Daughter really did it big for everyone!  Wish we all could have been there!  And the cops....TWICE?  That is great! 

    Caroline....I also am going to stick with the Tamoxifen....I have been taking it since January, & I don't have that many I was afraid to try the Femara the Oncologist gave me.....I just listened & read about so many women, (at least 200) reviews that are having a hard time with the bone loss, & pain.  And I tried one pill, but my nerves got the best of me...& at my age, I just don't want anything else to hurt!   So I'm done fretting about it! 

    We have such beautiful mornings here in Denver!  It's just 57 right now, & it feels so good on my skin!  Gets hot in the afternoons, but all my yard work is done by then!  

    That picture is beautiful Lisa...And Anne....yes, find out why you have that pain!  There must be some little reason that you need to check out! 

    And nice to "see" you again Carole!

    SV...oh just go play at the beach!  Is it that hot in the mornings there also?  I would go with you, but you probably wouldn't get up at 5 a/m....Ha! you gals! xoxoxoxo

  • Oma261
    Oma261 Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2010

    Granniedukes..I too am new to this thread. (Thank you North Star for starting this.)  I was diagnosed Dec 09 with right breast CA.  Was told it was caught early.  Just needed a SIMPLE lumpectomy and mammocyte, but first another MRI which showed CA in the left breast.  That changed the whole picture and really rocked my boat.  I changed doctors and got a 2nd opinion that ended up with a bilat lumpectomy and two sentinal nodes removed, followed by 30 rads and 5 boosts which I just finished.  So now I'm on Arimidex and waiting for SE to set in.  I have been reading the posts about belly fat (which I have) and hot flashes (not yet).  I'm 72, went through menopause at 39 and never had hot flashes so I'm hoping I can be lucky this time.  I was warned that Arimidex weakens the bones, so Fosimas was thrown into the mix. I have been reading the posts.  Laugh and cried.  I love Julia's comment "aside from looks and birth certificate, I'm 22".  Can't wait to use that one.  Grannie, hope all goes well.  Shannon you are in my prayers along with all these wonderful ladies. I find there is great comfort in sharing. God Bless.

  • webstertoo
    webstertoo Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2010

    Dear Caroline,

    What foods do you not eat because you're on Tamoxifen. I switched from Arimidex because I couldn't take the joint pain but wasn't told to stay away from any particular foods. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Hi to Oma & Webster -- sorry to have to be here but it's a great place to sit and relax and chat away about whatever interests you including cancer. 

    Carole,how great to see you.  I think this year the camper will pull away from your house with you in it and you will have a wonderful time on the links somewhere in much appreciated cooler weather.  I'm hoping for cooler myself and some may come yet.  Our heat index today will be 111 degrees.  This is really the sort of weather we might ( but not always ) get in late July, mid August.  This is the time of year I expect to do lots outside and around the house.  Sure not liking this --- gives much credit to global warming though.  Our temps. have been strange for a couple years now and seem to be continuing that trend. 

    Great to read all the posts.  I have nothing much at the moment to contribute.  Just trying to keep up with the 5 extra kitties.  They may go to the boarding kennel after today and though I would miss them ( ok, I really am crazy about animals ) it would give me  a little more freedom back again.  Anyway, I'll be checking back in later.  Found a quote you all might like.  I really did.

    Hugs, Jackie

    Forgiveness does not equal forgetting.  It is about healing the memory of the harm, not erasing it.

    ~Ken Hart

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2010

    Anne I had vertigo too when I was diagnosed and when undergoing radiation.  Several doctors said it wasn't related, but now that you say you have it I am beginning to wonder.  I don't have it any more.


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Well now you all present a question for me about Tamoxifen.  My Dr. first gave me a prescription for it...Then when I went to the radiologist he said "I wonder why she gave you Tamoxifen when Arimidex has proven  to be a far better pill with better results?"  So I called and asked the other oncologist about Arimidex. I only got to ask her  nurse. She said that the doctor uses and prescribes both drugs, then sent me a prescription for Arimidex.  I then was told by the radiation oncologist NOT to start until I am through with rads. I am only in the second week of seven weeks.

    I did research about the drugs and this is what I found...

    Tamoxifen is the oldest used drug..This drug can be used by young or older and has a side effect  of Blood clots and Stroke, as the more serious ones. It can cause muscle aches etc.

    Arimidex and Femara are similar to each other, BUT not the same as Tamoxifen. Arimidex is older than Femara, and can cause heart problems, as well as osteoporosis as well as muscle pain. BUT can only be used by women PAST menopause.

    My own family history has a lot of heart problems and heart attack deaths. I have some osteoporosis in my neck at my spine and have arthritis as well as diabetes.  I have had a hysterectomy and am way past menopause.

    So now the question is which one is the safest and best for me?

    Sometimes I wonder if NOTHING would be the best solution.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010


    Arimidex does have its bad SEs but they are more quality of life, while Tamoxifen can be more dangerous but better tolerated. "I" think  Arimidex is more commonly RX'D for older ER+ women like us and is more effective. Since you are grade 3 with 2 positive nodes, why not try the more effective drug, Arimidex? You can always change if you don't tolerate it well. It is a lot more expensive, though a generic is on the horizon but not real soon.

    Do you know the % ER+ you are? I would not consider no drug if I were you. JMHO. 

    Also, does your HER2+ status affect your treatment plan? Isn't there something HER2+ women get extra? Did you - are you getting herceptin?

    Keep reading.... someone will help with info.


  • Oma261
    Oma261 Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2010

    Hi Ladies...I also had the vertigo about 2 weeks after starting rads.  Mentioned it to the doc with no response.  Has anyone ever had their doctor talk to them about nutrition?  I haven't, but before I got the BC my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  His doc gave him  list of do's an dont's with his diet and told him to keep up with exercise.  We followed the diet religously and he came through radiation with minimal problems.  (By the way he also had the vertigo)  He was no sooner done with the docs when I got the BC so I stayed with his diet. Mostly no red meat, spices, alcohol. I cried when he was diagnosed, he cried for me. After 53 years we still do everything together, but we could have done without the CA.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    Welcome, Caroline.  I Love your pictures, Lisa.  Isabella -- you are amazing and that party sounds like a lot of fun!  Chevyboy -- How is the Tamoxifen treating you?

    Today the sun is shining here in Oregon -- one of very few sunny days we've had in the past 6 or 8 weeks.  It's a beautiful morning and I hope to do a little work in my garden before it gets too warm outside. 

    No big complaints about BC today -- everything is holding steady.  My implant side is too firm, but not painful.  Femara makes me itchy, gives me terrible hot flashes/sweats and I'm gaining weight, so my new plan is to continue with allergy pills and drink a big glass of water before every meal and then eat just one small helping -- no snacks and no sweets.  Afraid the embarrassing sweating will continue -- maybe I should carry a rag in my pocket like mechanics do -LOL.  I'm seeing a Rheumatologist next month for joint pains that have been with me since before BC -- don't expect much to change.

    I'm not sure if I've mentioned that we have 3 cats -- one is nearly 17 and and the other two are not quite a year old.  They are wonderful pets and I love them dearly, but I have been wanting a dog for years and today I might just go look at a couple of mini poodles.  DH isn't thrilled about getting another animal, especially a dog, but he'll be fine if I decide to get one. 

    Have a wonderful day,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2010

    Oh my gosh gals!  I'll probably never get caught up!  You've been very chatty lately!

    Carole, that camper is heading out this time and you and hubby will both be wearing smiles!
    Are you heading my way at all?

    Lisa...lovely pictures of the mountains, but then, ALL your pictures are lovely.

    I bought a used pontoon boat this past week and we have been enjoying the scenery of the lake.  It has been so good to get back on the water and I'm looking forward to being there again this weekend.  I will try to stay more "caught up" on this thread as I really enjoy the banter and advice that's passed out here!

    Lebrecht, Pam has given you good advice and something to ponder!

    Welcome to all you "newbies."  I will try to get caught up with my reading on here and contribute a bit more!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Hi all...started out the day with my glasses breaking, now that is a big problem

    because I can't see to fix them..anyhow I went to Costco where I bought them and they

    fixed them right bifocals...

    Saw this on the way

    Rita, good to see you...I am envious of your pontoon much fun is that...enjoy the lake for me..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Hi Girls....Bonnie.....I have made up my mind, that I am staying with the Tamoxifen!  I have NOT had the hot-flashes, or joint pain, or actually anything with this....& I have been on it since January.  I was GOING to start Femara, but reading & listening to at least 200 women & some of their posts, I just cried, & didn't want to take something that might mean I could lose more bone mass, whereas Tamoxifen is supposed to be "good" for your bones.  At my age, I DON'T want anymore aches & pains, & I want to hang onto my bones as they are.    I congratulate all of you that can take Arimidex or Femara!  I am just chicken!   And scared.  The cancer itself just wasn't as bad as trying to go through all the treatments!   But if I can take Tamoxifen for the 5 years, that should make me be over 100...ha! 

    Rita!!!!  Where have you been?  A Pontoon boat?  How fun!  Don't let SV anywhere near it, as she has a tendency of  submerging such things....and automobiles!  Ha!  Actually she is going out with her friend today, in a boat!!!!!  Hope they do better with the boat on the lake than they did the car!  Wink  Some things just aren't made to "float!"

    Bonnie....good luck with bring home a little dog...Ha!  You are lucky your DH will come around on that one!   I love cats too...and puppies...& turtles...& birds....and................

    Anne......I am just telling my Oncologist that I want to stay on Tamoxifen....even though the Femara is geared more for older women!  I had asked my first Oncologist about the "stroke" factor...& he said, "If you took "the pill" for that long, & then the Estrogen, you don't have to worry about a stroke now!"    But it is a crap shoot!  You can take what you are comfortable with....If something is too hard on you, try something else!   But just take something!  Even maybe a glass of wine, would be appropriate....

    Jackie....I loved your quote....And Lisa....another beautiful picture!  THANK you! xoxoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    WOW, welcome to all newcomers and ditto what BC wrote!! man i cannot keep track of all the way I want too. But i wanted to share that I had the most wonderful and blessed day. David and I actually got the sailboat out for its first run of the season. OMG, the experience was transcending for me. The winds were not high, just enough for us to 'fill the sails' and lie on the deck and talk and nap and look at some gorgeous wildlife. I have not been out sailing since last summer when I was diagnosed. This trip out just gave me a whole new purpose and was mindblowing-without the 'chemicals' of the olden days-teehee! I just could not have asked for a better experience. man, taking the tiller and sailing the ocean just rocked my world and gave me a sense of control and freedom that I have not had in a year!!! We have decided we are going to train for the Wednesday night regattas that we have here on the Outer Banks-yeah, we will see how that goes. Poor David was trying to pull the sheets in and I lost control of the tiller and we suddenly came about-what a surprise-and for a moment it was like a two person Chinese fire drill!! And ladies, i think i have found the Canon 30d outfit that I want and can actually afford!! I am just so excited to get out on the sea and get photos of all of the awesome creatures we saw today!!! i just cannot wait for more. I am whipped and need immediate ZZZZZ's-prayers to all and blessings to all. (((BIG HUGS)))) SV

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2010

    SV I knew we were kindred spirits!  DH and I have had several sailboats, but our big adventure was buying a Pearson 303, cutting out all expenses not related to the boat & our dream (like eating mac & chz for several years, no new anything that didn't say "boat"), then sailing out the Golden Gate and turning left, not coming back for a year!  We practiced things like anchoring, man overboard, etc., like crazy for a couple of years before the trip.  It's true, if you can sail the San Francisco Bay, you can sail anywhere.  We still look at it as our best yet adventure and regret that we didn't have enough $ for a longer journey.  We got as far south as Zihuatanejo, and really enjoyed the cruising life! 

    But then, we enjoyed the time (30+ yrs ago) when we first were together when we lived so far back in the mtns we had to ski in and out in the winter.  That'll teach a person to get their act together! Backpacking in supplies is no fun, you had to get it all in before roads were impassible.  It was good preparation for the self-sufficiency needed for cruising!  Hope you have a GREAT time at the regattas.  DH's family are all sailors.  Me, I'm from KS -- my ggpa the immigrant from Germany who was almost swept overboard, walked until he couldn't see water & planted himself there, so it was some explaining to family when we said we were taking off in a teacup in the middle of all of God's Will.... Hah.

    Now we're down to lake sailing with a little Laser.  Mountain lake sailing is challenging but fun.  We are VERY glad we had our big adventure when we did, because we might not have done it if we'd waited until retirement!  

     As for the blah of BC, today I finished my 6th rad treatment, and now I am asking if anyone has had any trouble with lymphedema from rads.  My surgeon took only 3 or 4 nodes which were clear, but now I'm getting rads in my underarm and it's starting to feel "funny", so I started researching that new fear.  Not getting much feedback or explanations from rad onc. I can do the exercises I've found on a couple of websites, but sure wonder why I'm getting such a big treatment area, and am trying to figure out how to ask the doc without p.o.'ing him (it's a gift I have, I can p*** people off without even trying.  When I actually try, it's katie bar the door)  Anyway, has anyone who had just a lumpectomy with few nodes removed had a large area radiated?  Did you have difficulty with swelling?  What did you do?

     Also, as far as the creams & lotions and potions, thanks for all the feedback.  The center where I'm treated likes something called AloeLife Gel - but it made me feel like I've sandpapered my skin.  They secondarily recommend Eucerin including Aquaphor, and Aveeno products.  Finally today they recommended Miaderm.  I'm hoping that between all these products I can manage.

     Ladies, my best to you all; thanks so much for sharing yourselves!


  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2010

    Lost Creek, what a fun post to read about your sailing life and your time in the mountains. Self-sufficiency was a value of the 60's, and we all dreamed about it but never quite put it into operation -- really neat to hear how you managed to pull it off. Thanks!

    I had bilateral mastectomies, rads on the left where the cancer was (the other side was prophylactic). I have lymphedema on both sides. Fewer nodes mean lower risk, but there is still a risk, and rads certainly raises the risk. So, yes, lymphedema is a possibility. Why not get a referral from any one of your doctors for an evaluation from a well-trained lymphedema therapist? Very helpful in many ways, whether it turns out you already have lymphedema or not. Here's information about how to find a well-qualified lymphedema therapist near you:

    Hope you never have to join us "swell" sisters!

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2010

    Thanks for the picture and welcome, SoCallLisa. Yes, that is what part of my province looks like - pretty spectacular. Right now, however, I am enjoying life on the West Coast of Canada in a small community north of Vancouver. Equally spectacular in its own way!

