Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • akitalover
    akitalover Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2010

    Hello Everyone, I am 56 so I guess that qualifies me for this link tee hee.. I am a pet lover and as far as a new dog I would suggest maybe a year old dog past the "puppy stage, especially with our illness. You have so much to deal with and dogs are much different than cats. Puppys are a lot of work and you can adopt a very very nice pet that does not have bad habits and does not have problems with cats. I just got home this afternoon from my first chemo treatment with no SE yet, except I am tired and cannot sleep because of those darn steroids!!!

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Welcome akitalover, I hope all goes well for you with the treatment and beyond and that you are in the best of good health in no time.  Wow Isabella, 14 dogs and the cats outside, your house must be fun city.  "Ponk" is a new one on me but I must say, is quite an aromatic image.  I can just imagine Jackie, when you set down the rules to your pets that you would have their undivided attention and that they would happily always try to please you.  And "there are days I get through just because of you".

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2010

    Hi all, back in computer land.

    Chevy - I have been taking femara for almost 3years, yes I have some aches and pains. If you read the list of SEs and then a list of symptoms of menopause they are very similar. So yes for the younger ones it must be hard thrown into menopause. Something has gone funny with my computer so will restart it.


  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    In our family we started with A dog -- an Afghan Hound, a year later added a second.  We didn't get our first cat until we moved in 87 and the kids just "had" to have a cat.  Pretty soon we had 4 dogs and 4 cats -- 2 Afghan Hounds, a Greyhound, and an Irish Setter.  The Greyhound never even looked 2x at the cats.  When we moved a second time in 95 we had lost the Irish Setter to epilpesy so 3 dogs and 4 cats.  Over the next 15 years we've had a number of different dogs and 2 new cats (death of an animal is hard).  Right now we have 2 Great Pyrenees and a Shepard/Rottweiler mix, and 2 cats.  One of the cats is part MaineCoon and is all white so the 2 pyrs think it's just a small version of them.  They all get along fine mainly because the cats aren't afraid of the dogs and are respectful of their size and the dogs have all grown up with cats around.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    Alyson, really nice to see you back. Hope you are not going to have computer woes. 

    Akita Lover, the door here is always open.  Welcome to you.  Glad to see another animal lover.  I have way too many at my house.  I sometimes "board" here and recently had a request but will not be able.  Baby Boss my Pomeranian ( a rescue as his owner passed on ) has fleas.  I've tried everything and have come to the conclusion that it is the amt. of hair he has.  Just like so many of us chemo takers, I see his hair as his crowing glory and have been reluctant to do anything but have finally decided ( since it is a humid summer it helps the decision ) to get him a rather severe summer cut.   I put expensive flea meds on him and two weeks or less later he is at himself again --- so cannot "board" anyone until I find a way to control this.   

    Shannon, so true isn't it ???  A real animal lover usually never has only one.  Isabella,knows that too. Sometimes I wish.  Pets are hard to lose.  Like people....they all have special parts of their personality.  Dh and I think our animals go where we do -- and so we joined in prayer before the burial and give thanks that we had the pleasure and total joy of having this wonderful creature be a part of our life and ask the angels assigned to care for animals watch over them until we arrive to reclaim them.  You can call us nuts, but since we do believe we are never separated ( for too long anyway ) from those we have dearly loved including our pets, it does not matter.  It became something we feel right in doing.  I'm still not too old to cry at the drop of a pin for weeks afterward either. 

    Some days my animals are what gets me through.  They look at life simply and take each moment as it comes -- when they love, they love deeply, when they display joy it is abiding and supreme, when they play their whole heart is in it.  Sigh !!!! 

    Must go feed my flock.  I'll be checking back in later.  I'll see ya'll then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    My RADs facility recommended Aquaphor and Udder cream from Wal-mart. Aquaphor was too hard to wash off, for me, and they wanted the skin cleaned off for treatment. The green aloe is actually artificially colored, better to use the clear.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Morning Girls!  I love all pets so much!  Can't imagine our life without our one little Sheltie! are such a kick!  I can just see you telling your "kids" what the rules were!  Ha!  I am just SURE they heard every word!  When I try & talk to mine about her "yipping" or barking, like it is with other dogs, she just looks at me, like "Are you talking to me?"  And "you expect me to understand you?"   Most times I have to go "move" her from the fence, which she patrols like the German Army!   Or the Border Guards!  But she loves all moving creatures....people, dogs, cats, birds, even this little dead bird that showed up under our Colorado Blue Spruce!  She was kind of pushing it with her paw, to "wake it up" or something.   We can learn so much from our pets, whether we have many or just one!.....Fish are not so much of a companion.....and it's actually hard to take them for a walk!  Wink funny lady....So when you put a bit of "slap" on your face, you are putting on your make-up?  I just love the simple terms you use!  It just fits your personality....I don't know anyone from the UK....but if I did, I know I would love them!   You have so much life to give everyone!   And so much Happiness, because your heart is filled with ribbons, & lavender & sweet dreams!  And you enjoy life, & everything in it!   So now I have to first wash this face, & put a bit of slap on!  Ha, ha! 

    And Alyson....thanks for the post...I'm going to finish up the Tamoxifen, for about 2 more weeks, then start on the Femara!  Now I'm kind of looking forward to it!  I figure, BOTH drugs can only help me! 

    Akitalover....Good luck with your chemo girl!  You women are all so brave...and determined!  I admire all of you! 

    Hi Miss Kitty!  I know....some women, even my SIL, decided to quit, or not go any further with any kind of tests, (mammogram) or treatment!   She is into Holistic medicine & cleansings & even high colonics, (whatever that is)  .....Some women just don't need further treatment, or is not recommended I guess....  I do SOME things instead of pills, but not when it comes to trying to trick cancer.  We use ear candles, & swear by them....And I still take my vitamins, when I remember...I remember my Grandmother used to use Terpentine for everything!  And a piece of bacon wrapped around our fingers for splinters!   And Peroxide was poured on everything that looked like it might bleed!   She even poured clorox on my Dad's hair when he was little, to get it clean!  But she also scrubbed my Brother & I with those wooden brushes when she gave us a bath!  Yikes!   Many years later, she & I just laughed about this!  Not too funny at the time, but it sounds funny now!....

    Okay, what was I saying?  Nothing of much importance!  Wink   I love you gals! xoxoxooxxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Just me again....I just watched & listened to beautiful!  So sit back, close your eyes....I mean, no, don't close your eyes, just watch.....

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Welcome akitalover:

    I see that your lymph nodes were all clear, so that is a very good sign. I hope all goes well for you and I am sure it will go by quickly for you. I am now in my second week of rads and doing okay.

    I assume you will then take Arimidex or some other pill such as Tamoxifen.

    Good Luck,


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Okay now a cancer question?

    When we are telling someone about our cancer do we say "I have breast cancer? " OR  Is it assumed that because we had surgery we are cured? So we say "I HAD breast cancer?" OR "I am a cancer survivor." 

    IFrom all that I have read and that is a lot of papers on Cancer, what I do think is clear is that there is NO CURE, but with newer drugs and methods we can prolong our lives. Of course there are many quacks out there that promise a cure for many $$$$$ but I am not one that falls for that.

    As for natural or homeopath medicines, I also have some doubts. However when I think about the past and medicine and doctors that used to bleed people and use snake pits, and use leeches, one has to wonder about all the chemo, and pills with huge side effects as well as radiation etc. What will all of this look like 50 years from now .

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    I say... I have had cancer.... covers all possibilities.  I don't like "survivor."


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Jeanette....I can't listen because my pc has something wrong with the sound...I have got used to it now, its been 18 months since my DS 'fixed' my pc for me, and the sound suddenly vanished... VERY peaceful, I might add. DS insisted I NEVER had any sound ....what a cop out !

    I can get sound on my laptop, but can't be bothered to climb to the top of the house and grab it ! Yes..slap is another term for make-up !

    Off outside to sit in the sunshine, and store up some vitaminD. It won't be long before I am back inside, and in the cool. I don't like being hot.

    I too hate the term survivor, and I hate all the pinky stuff and all the walks. There has been sooo much money raised that there should be a cure. I resent handing over cash to the pink brigade. I just think of all the animals who have been used in research, and for what ?? that makes me keep my purse firmly shut.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Akitalover, I see you are closeby...we have a San Diego BCO lunch bunch and we meet about once a month..please come and join us..very informal and fun, but alot of information is shared too..

    this month is the 27th at California Pizza Kitchen off Carmel Mountain road..check it out under get togethers/san diego forum...

    flower of the day

  • shannon56
    shannon56 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2010

    lebrecht  I look at cancer the same way I look at alcholism.  You're never cured but in a state of perpetual recovery.

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Hi Shannon:

    I like that one. "The state of Perpetual recovery."

    Thanks all...


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Oh man, I really needed to check in with all of my sisters. WOW, so much going on. Isabella, i am so sorry and there are no words. i just so hope that you aunt is reborn as the beautiful woman she was. what a difficult task you have gone thru. Miss Kitty, so good to finally hear from you! I thought you fell off the planet! And Connie and all of you-how is everyone!! SoCal, the flowers are gorgeous!! Miss Kitty, i remember when I first planted my first batch of tomatoes-i saw these tiny little plants (seedlings) that came in a six pack. I thought they were so cute that i planted 28 of them. Needless to say, i was overrun with tomatoes. the tomato patch overtook my entire yard!!!

    Well, i have gone thru 8 weeks of taking new thyroid meds only to find out that the dose is wrong and is now really supressing my thyroid functions. SO, i was put on another dose today and have to wait another 8 weeks to test again!! and i am rereading, did i miss something about someone?  I really need to print out all of the posts and go over them with a fine toothed comb so i can get caught up. I have been glued to the couch-so very tired-with no thyroid working. But today had a wonderful day on the beach! I have a great tan and my doggies are whipped puppies. We swam in the ocean all day and i felt like a giant turtle just floating on the waves-what a treat!!! Love you all, SV

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2010

    I say I had BC because I do not believe I will have to revisit this in my life- I say I am as healthy as a new borne baby and smile widely as I go about my daily life. Also the pinky stuff and walks- well they in my opinion are for others because WE do not need to be reminded about BC! If I had walked with everyone who asked (considerate of them, their hearts are good!) I would still be walking :), I do not intend to devote the rest of my life to this, however I DO plan on remaining friends with this blog in the hopes of being some help or comfort to someone.

    And Jackie I have cried at the loss of a dear 4 legged friend for weeks on end- We believe I will be re-united  with all of my pets when I move on.

    Night Ladies- hugs to all Miss Kitty

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2010

    I actually don't talk at all about BC unless it comes up in conversation.  Then I say I had it but am doing fine now.  I don't want to be one of those people who only talk about their diagnoses and symptoms.  This forum is the only place I discuss it.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Does anyone want to talk about her breasts?  You may want to fastforward over this one...  I have never talked about this with anyone but somehow I feel safe/comfortable enough to discuss it here.  I've always been self-conscious and not particularly fond of this part of my anatomy.  I think at the moment they presented themselves, they went south, I have the grooves on top of my shoulders from hoisting.  As a teen, the first boy I let go to first base said "you got one bigger than the other!"  This injured my self-image and affected the way I dressed my entire life...covering up at all times.  The many cysts I had aspirated and benign whatchamacallits in my youth did not help.  I'm quite sure I would feel differently if I had the privilege of nursing babies, but that was not to be, to my great disappointment.  In '92 the lumpectomy and radiation on the rt side, the smaller one, increased the disparity in size but not as great of course as with the mx to the rt side in February.  Next week I have an appt with my surgeon to schedule the second mx.  The surgery is not necessarily for cosmetic reasons, although I would definitely consider that.  My last mam did not detect the 3 cm mucinous ca on the rt, so with lumps and the unknown in Miss Left, my surgeon agrees with my decision.  So perhaps for the first time in over 50 years I might soon with a little padding not want to hide the chestal area.  Thanks for listening.  It feels great to get this "off my chest" and if it would help anyone else by talking about this most personal body part, I recommend it.

    (typo edited)

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited June 2010

    Dear Julia, what a pity you had those problems when you were so young.

    I saw a piece on TV tonight where they are now using fat stem cells in breasts instead of saline implants etc,.   They are taken from your own body and implanted in the breast and gradually increase the breast size.  The lady interviewed said that women who have had mastectomys will be able to use this technology in the near future.  

    Some of us were born too early, huh?


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Julia... I just love the 'chestal area' .....he he he.

    You'll feel so much better when you are evenly flat .


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Wow Julia!  That must have been so hard growing up!  I kind of know, because I was born with 2 nips on my left side!  Talk about a downer!  I thought what happened to me?   No one ever mentioned it...Thank God....but it was just "always there"....And when I first met my Husband, & we "became familiar" was only in the dark!  I look back on it now, & think it is funny!  Because he never said anything either, when he saw me!   I just thought I was a "dud" or something.   I'm sorry you had so many problems with your breasts, but you know, if something ever came up like that for me, I wouldn't feel bad about sending them to their demise, & go on with my life....  Our young girls have to learn to feel beautiful, no matter what they are born with... My Brother used to tease me & say my "only defect was my face!"....Ha!  (And here I thought it was my toe-nails!  (They got froze once, when I was little...)  Yeah, I shouldn't have happened.   

     And I remember once, that one of my Bosses with Pepsi said, "You are the shortest, fatest, ugliest Demo that we have!" And I came back in a tiny voice, "I'm not short".....(I'm 5'1..) And they all laughed!   He became one of my best friends, because we teased each other un-mercifully!   Can't take yourself too seriously...or just when you think you are looking great, you can count on someone taking you down a peg!   And we women somehow, learn our own self-confidence in spite of our faults, Ha!   So Julia.....glad you feel better about yourself now...You DO, don't you? xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Julia,  isn't it easy when we are younger to be nearly destroyed by an "off-hand" remark.  I was way too tall and thin -- and it took years for me to get a fellow interested.  Being tall and thin meant I did not have much up top to bother with and the guys seem to know it.  Obviously I was lacking in other areas since it was so difficult to find a "date".  Most of my friends had plenty of boy-friends while I remained on the out-skirts doing my best of act as if it were of no consequence to me. 

    I'm over all that now, but this did make for some really un-happy times for me.  And I really do feel that many remarks are not actually made with the intention or any idea that they will do so much damage.  I just sort of cringe wondering how many I may have made to someone else back then that I don't recall. 

    Glad that you do feel so comfortable here Julia.  I would be lost at times if I did not get to come here and just chat with people who are willing for me to be just me -- warts and all.  I would have had no problem I think in having both breasts removed if I had needed to say good-bye to one.  In fact, that would be a huge preference for me.  I think I'm too symmetrical to be happy and lop-sided at the same time. 

    I'm on the office computer and can't stay here, but will be checking back later when I'm home later on tonight. 

    Hope you are all having a good day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    The sad fact of life is that young people, all young people, are beautiful just because they are young and they don't know it. We all wanted what we didn't have and don't appreciate what we had... at that time in life. 

    There are some good things about getting old!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2010

    I'll bet I'm not the only one who wishes she had appreciated her 20 something body much more at the time.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Lassie, you are not.  Didn't Pam really nail this one.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    When I was 21 I got married, and I had the tiniest waist, 22", now its squished out to 34". I can't ever see it squishing back now !! Tho' I have lost 1lb this week. I have been making an effort, but there's no telling how long it will last. Just changing high fat for low fat, and no chocolate or fizzy drinks.

    It was my Aunts funeral this morning, all went well, as things do, very few relatives made time to spare for her, tho' she always made time for them and their children, always remembered birthdays and Christmas for every child. There should have been about 35 relatives if all had come, there were 6. says it all, doesn't it? No-one cares about anyone else nowadays, its all me me me. At least she didn't make provision for any of them in her will, so she knew who cared for her and who couldn't be bothered. There will be a big family hooha soon, when it filters out that she left everything to me...I shall be public enemy number1 !!

    We called at McDonalds on the way home this afternoon, and I forgot 'til I had ordered that I was supposed to be making an effort with my diet. Saw a nice shoe shop very near McDonalds and just managed to pop inside and get a pair of gladiator sandals, in a bronzy colour. I have an 18th birthday party on Saturday night, and these will just do me. I need to take up a pair of linen pants, tomorrow, then will be all ready to go. Life is full of contrasts, one minute a solem funeral, next a noisy birthday party. I am having an early night tonight. I still have not got myself really upset about my Aunt, but its knocked me even tho' it was expected. They call Alzheimers 'the long goodbye', and this has been about 6 years start to finish, so I expect I have just become accepting of the fact that it would happen relatively soon after she got very confused, and broke her hip about the same time. Seems like no time at all since I was getting calls in the night from the police to say could I drive over to the police station and collect my Aunt , she was found wandering, sometimes not too far from home, once she 'd got 12 miles, and no-one knows how. I would go pick her up, and she'd be bruised from falling somewhere, or looking like a tramp. Once she had a plastic carrier bag of grass, and wouldn't give it up to anyone 'til I arrived ! I knew I had to find her somewhere safe when the neighbours started getting mad at me, she was running up and down her street banging on doors and crying, after having found some horror film or the like on TV and upsetting herself.

    Theres little hope for me. My G/mother, my mother, and my Aunt all went dotty, so my forgetfulness sometimes worries me ! This evening there was a funny smell in the kitchen I thought it was a bone the dogs had brought in and were chewing away at. Then DH asked me what the smell was, so I took the bone from the dogs, threw it in the bin and thought that was that. The smell persisted. ..but it took me another half hour to find it. It was a pan of water I had put on the cooker with eggs to boil up for hard boiled eggs to take to the party. They been on the cooker for 3 hours, at a very low heat, had boiled dry, but NO damage to pan at must have been bullet proof, only a cheapy I use specifically to boil eggs in...but all the damage was 15 eggs all turned dark brown. I had completely forgotten I ever put the pan on the cooker, let alone leave it to boil dry. The first signs my g/mother was going dotty was kettles and pans burnt out, and just before my Aunt got too dotty to leave alone I had the cooker taken out, so she wouldn't fire her house.

    Having a lazy day tomorrow, have run myself ragged this week..every day there has been something going on thats required me to get up earlier than my normal 9am. I am not much good to man nor beast if I start too early.....I can work on all evening, and usually do without effect.... but on a morning I need to be up at 9, nice lazy shower, 2 pints of black coffee and an hour waking up before I am any good.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    OK, OK i did use the 'BC card' on a cop this week. The cop stopped me in Duck for not wearing my seat belt. I had my Mammorgram films with me and explained to this shocked man that i have 'BC" and that wearing a seat belt really hurts my boobs and i could not find anyone to drive me to my surgeon 'today.' the poor guy nearly peed himself and had no idea what to do-so he says 'i want you to be really safe so I will follow you home." So we had a parade thru Duck with me in the lead car. OH SHAME ON ME!!! TEEHEE-and oh, he gave me a warning ticket telling me that 'this was to keep his boss happy' and i could use it as a paper weight if i wanted. TRULY, I DO FEEL TERRIBLE-NAH! i simply hate wearing seatbelts and get away with it whenever I can. My bad! And Isabella-a waist of 34 inches-am I reading that right??!! Crikey, my thigh is 34 inches!!! Love to all, SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2010

     Computer froze on me then decided to write in capitals and caps lock was not on so shut down.

    SV you are wicked.

    Isabella sorry to hear of your aunts passing but it must be a blessing, you might be able to relax a bit now.

    My aunt, the one in PA showed me a photo of myself at 25, wow I didn't realise I had such great legs and was so skinny  - if only!!!

    Today went for lunch with a friend. Her 4 year old grandaughter has neuroblastomo stage 4. Luckily a very new treatment was approved on Monday so Kezia is one of the first in the world to have it,  has about 50/50 chance of success.

    DS now has to have more heart tests as MRI did not show reasons for his heart problems which we found out about while we were away and he is going to a specialist in London shortly which is good. I was really reluctant to leave Guernsey as he is my baby and I want things sorted out.

    My sister who lives with us has her operation for bowel cancer next week, was supposed to be yesterday but it was postponed as they couldn't do the CT scan on Monday. They will decide on further treatment after the op. I am actually very worried about her, she is not at all well.

    I must get to bed as I have a cold and feel terrible myself - sorry be be such a grump tonight but have to tell someone how I feel.

    It was great to have my grandaughter on Tuesday, gosh she has grown up in the six weeks we were away and boy can she talk now, its really funny. Then they went and took her away for 3 weeks on Wednesday - they have gone to a wedding in Toronto, SiL come from there.

    Do hope everyone is behaving themselves (especially SV )

    Big hugs 


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    My goodness Alyson, so sorry for all the health problems coming from every direction.  Please God change that 100% success for Kezia and the best possible results for DS and your sister.  Hope all's well very soon in your world.

    G'day Sheila, thank you, my best to you.  And we all hope and pray that stem cells will soon hold the key to a cure.

    Isabella, thanks for laughing, my favorite thing in life other than causing it.  You know I always did admire the adolescent boy's a photographic sense of course.  It's surreal to me that I'll resemble that soon...I just have to work on every single other area.  Piece of cake!

    Jackie, thanks as always.  I could go on for pages in response...I'm so sorry to hear that you were also subjected to unkindness.  Suffice it to say...never a wart and always perfect Libra symmetry.

    Very true Pam, probably the best part about adding up the years is expanding the mind.

    Isabella, it's not true that nobody care, your aunt cared, we care, glad to hear that your aunt eliminated the ones who didn't.  Don't even give a momentary lapse of memory a second thought.  There's nothing sadder than the long goodbye, you ain't goin' nowhere!

    SV, good on you, just love a parade!

    Thank you CB, I'm still laughing from you, that must have been a stellar moment with your boss.  I think your brother's teasing helped hone your skill at the retort.

    I'm an emotional wreck from all of you this morning, I laughed, I cried.  I can't get over how thoughtful and wonderful you are.  Sending hugs and best wishes................