Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Driving by --- yelling hello.  Not a great day yesterday....have to get ready for work.  Hope you all have a wonderful day today.  Weather is fantastic.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Good morning,

    Seems like I miss-spoke a couple of pages back about my computer.  It was acting strange the last few days so I talked to my local carrier -- they had no problem on their end, so said I needed to call Microsoft which I did.  Turns out according to them ( to the tune of $139.00 ) I had spyware in my computer ---- I think I will have to talk to Charter and see about that as the man said he had massive problems getting into my machine due to the extremely good protection agent that Charter uses. 
    Well, I had something there for sure because it is now being as fast as it was the day I brought it home for the first time.  I was also getting a lot of error messages.  Glad to have my new/old, but as good as new computer back.  Anyway.....I can use the Microsoft package ( I can have them run checks and clean ups' ) for a year so that takes a little bit of the sting out of that horrid price. 

    Took the new little kitty to the vet for shots and a check-up -- flea treatment -- though I could not find any just then on him, and will take him back later for more.  He is such a sweet little guy and so happy.  I'm still frustrated that he was dumped at such a dangerous place.  I know what the thoughts were though.  Lots of little kids turn up at Wal-Marts with their parents.  Then they beg for little cute kitties found in the parking lot.  Grrrrr.  We named him Whitecloud even though he is a lt. charcoal gray tiger stripe because under his chin is all white --- like a little cloud. 

    Between that and the three and a half hours of remote work on my computer ( the Microsoft tech. several times took control of it ) and the work at Maggie's and the computer room cats and a couple of other items....I ate dinner at 9:45 last night, which I will not be doing again as it is not right.  Long day.....too long -- but things are going to go great from now on. 

    Well, I do hope everyone is having better weather.  We sure are.  It's not hot, and for now the humidity is gone.  Couldn't be better.  I wish it for everyone.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Caroline, have you run into this group?


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010
  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    SoCallLisa - that's MY group - and they are fantastic - I am amazed you found it!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010


    does a Dr. Leslie Coulter, work there??

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    SCLIsa - I don't think she does now - but I have heard her name


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010
  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010

    This is an update on the questionable right breast mammo I had a week ago. My cancer was on the left breast so the right mammo finding was quite a surprise! They compared it to old films and I am having spot compression films next Tuesday.  I am glad they found something early and am varying from not getting upset to moments of depression.  All in all am figuring no news is good news.

    Thanks for your wishes and prayers.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    Hi Kat,

    With your early DX stats you absolutely CANNOT have something bad happening again! That flies in the face of logical BC thinking. Praying they are just acting in an abundance of caution.


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    you are still in my prayers, Kat


  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to stop by to say hello...

    Lisa -- thank you for the beautiful flower pictures that always make my mood a little lighter.

    Kat -- I certainly will be thinking good thoughts for you.  I'm with you -- no news is good news!

    Jackie -- The new kitty sounds so cute.  It is truly terrible that animals are so often abandoned, but at least your little kitty found a good home!

    Here's a quick update.... I've been on Femara since early June, after a month's "vacation" from Arimidex, and the Femara seems to have the same basic SEs as the Arimidex.  I will stick with it unless the onc takes me off this one too -- I see him again in late August.  

    I have another UTI after being free of them for 6 months.  It is so annoying and uncomfortable, but started Cipro this morning and things should be under control fairly soon.

    Take care and have a happy 4th of July...


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Hi all...went to pick up my meds today and

    treated myself to spend a couple of hours at the really is fun to go by oneself...

    saw lots of birds...loved this one...

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2010


    Re -- your beautiful rose pics a few posts back on this thread:  I kept sniffing my computer screen, but, ... nothing.  :(


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010


    I tried to look up your little guy... obviously a hummingbird. Could it be a Green Violet-ear? If it is, it is rare in California! Good shot :-)


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    pam, it was at the hummingbird place at the zoo...there were not very

    many but from all over..

    here is another one

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    Maybe a Broad billed hummingbird but so hard to know. Wow, they are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2010

    HI Gals, It's been a long time. I had the PICC line in my right upper arm, to give my own IV antibiotics everyday. Had it in for almost 5 weeks, completed 2 weeks worth of meds before I got the all clear, got the line out and started feeling a LOT better. WOW, it's blows me away what a little ole UTI infection can do to me. So, I've scheduled a bladder tack for two weeks away to help prevent a recurrance. Really it's a urethral sling that my GYN is doing. doesn't sound like fun, but fun isn't the point. health is.

    the kids still have drama that affects me. #1DD living with my 80 year old mother who is getting demented... is that when you have dementia? or is it when you become bizaare? she's doing both. As Isabella was losing her beloved Aund, I was losing my beloved Uncle in Tucson, AZ. He was the only brother of my Dad. He passed away early Monday morning..  very stressful. kid #2 Dson was robbed at gunpoint  in his home in the middle of the night... which turned into gunfire and THANK GOD nobody was killed or wounded. I can't even believe that has happened it's still a fuzzy nightmare of information shared on the phone and what I've read in the paper, it was early tuesday morning... like in the middle of the night. WHAT IS THIS WORLD, HELL, WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO??? and he's a thousand miles away from me. Kid #3 moved home with her baby daughter 3 months ago, filig for divorce, lousy excuse for a husband deserted her with the baby back in January. What a wreck the house is. but thats the good news. They are safe and doing fine over here so life goes on.

    Been missing ya'll. yeah, ya'll, that's youALL in Southern. Seriously, it's good to catch up. Thanks for being here. and welcome to new ladies. Hope you don't have as much monstrous stuff going on in your lives. I wonder sometimes how much more I can take. And then I go have a cold Miller Lite.  See Ya.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2010

    OH.. SoCal Lisa, I've had a love affair with your zoo since my working days... I kept the Polar Bear Plunge webcam up on my desktop and still have it in my favorites... I love watching the Panda Bears, the elephants and just love those polar bears in southern california, and if you watch it, you can see the people walking across a bridge in the background and a little tram goes by too, loaded with people. Great zoo, terrific website...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Oh Connie!  I feel so bad for you!  What ELSE can go wrong?  By the way, you talk about a "sling?"  Are you going to have a Sacrospinus Ligament Suspension for your bladder?   I had that done quite a few years ago, because my bladder was on the verge of just falling out & I would fall over it!   And the REST of your story is so painful to read about, that it is almost un-believable!  I'll write you more later! 

    Love the Hummingbirds Lisa!  I save all of your pictures!  Kind of tired....the bed is calling.......


  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2010

    Hi gals. I've just been hanging around since I returned from my trip to Ga. I ended up going to the urgent care in La. on my way back, as my stepgrandaughter was sick and did not tell me. I was sleeping with her. she sure did hide it well. Until about the 3rd night I saw her go to bed with a box of kleenex and told my son I was in trouble. I had a bad sinus inf. and bronchitis. coughed for 3 weeks.

    Connie: after reading your post I thought about my life and things with my kids. Most people would not belive half of it.Every body at work tells me I need to write a book about it.  Any way just thought you'd like to know there are more of us out there with I guess you could say an nonboring life.

    I had my last chemo on May 26th and had my port out on June 30th. It looks like the little wire or tube is still in my neck. has anyone else had this?

    I am on Arimidex now. Sure is expensive. my copay is $80. My insurance will quit at the end of July and won't pick back up until I have been to work for 2 months.Long story, but the ins people told me my cancer coverage would be paid but neglected to tell me that it quits when I return to work. I can't afford Cobra at $586 a month. So I have been checking all the options.

    My dear D is in Lubbock with her boyfriend. His dad got hit with a car while walking and has a bad head injury. He is improving slowly.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2010

    That little humming bird made me smile, something I need to do.We don't have hummingbirds here. Today though I saw a tui chasing off some small birds, he must be establishing his territory.

    Haven't had time (or energy) to post. Seem to spend all my time at the hospital with my sister, I had to take her back in as the incision site became infected and she was really sick. Doc said it is very common with bowel operations. She is still waiting for the pathology results.

    I am just so tired and have been having a lot of pain in my back and one of my ribs - I know I should do something but keep putting it off and I do have an oncs appointment on the 13th so will tell him about it but it is exhausting me with all the pain. 

    My little friend has had her hair cut - she thought it was fun as she has never had short hair. Her next lot of chemo is later next week - I do hope its working as the tumour in her chest area is so huge.

    I shouldn't complain really but the weather, as it is winter gets at you a bit. I want to get out in the front garden during the week and get some new roses and lavenders planted so I hope the rain stays away for a few days.

    We ahve been looking at new kitchens, think I nearly gave DH a heart attack when he saw some of the prices. Fell in love with one but unfortunately it is too big for my kitchen and it was extremmely pricey so thats another job for next week.

    Hope those in the US have a great July 4


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010


    As of July 1 there are now generic versions of Arimidex approved by the FDA. See the Arimidex thread in Hormonal Treatments for details. Price should be MUCH less! This came as a surprise to everyone... but SO happy!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Good morning ladies,

    Connie and all who have nothing but drama to wade through, I so feel for you.  As far as writing it all in a book --- people would think it was really fiction.  There are people who seem to have it all go rather smoothly and then those like Connie, Barb, and others who get a double or triple dose.  I hope you all have some special place where you can go to find some peace -- be it a real place or just daydreams -- and even if it is only 5 minutes or so -- please, please let yourself go there. too.  Guess you can't scale down the kitchen you really like to fit the space you have. 

    I'm keeping my head above but now and then it is still getting a little dicey.  It will all come out ok.  The persistence of putting one foot in front of the other eventually gets you there.  I'm off and running for the day.  I'll be checking in later.  See you all then.  Sending big healing

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lori59
    lori59 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2010


    I too am from the young 59 group. My family no longer wants to discuss my BC either. As a matter of fact they don't want to discuss anything with me. My sister was here with me while I went through two surgeries, but was easily discouraged with my attitude and left back to WA state where she lives. I think they just don't know enough about the Cancer and have no desire to read up on it to understand what takes place in a womans mind and heart. Post traumatic Stress is what they should realize is happening to us and try to understand. I am alone fighting the fight and I am learning to accept that. I am sorry that your husband can be so cruel when you need him the most. They just don't get it, do they. YellI am single and only have one son and three grandchildren, but they have done nothing to help me through this journey. Thank God he had seen me through this with great results.

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010


    Your beautiful pictures now start off my day far better than that first cup of coffee. I am now eager to get to the computer and see what I have each day.

    That bird is interesting as it has a long beak. I wonder what that means? I have so little knowledge about them.

    The San Diego Zoo is certainly one of the better ones. But personally I hate seeing animals caged or restricted, simply  for our pleasure. Freedom is what they should have.

    Have a Happy 4th everyone. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Wow Alyson, that is some bird...wouldn't want to get in its way!! I love the photo

    Maybe the soap operas are not as much off the mark as we think they are...maybe

    they just peek into our real lives...

    So sorry to hear of all the horrible things going on for and send my big hugs

    all around...

    i have been thinking how different are the lives of our middle aged children from our is a tough world out there now, no more late 1940's and 1950's lives for them

    or our grandkids...but I am sure our great grandparents felt the same way about our crowd.

     for today we have mommie giraffe giving her baby a love...

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010
    Lisa, I just wanted to let you know how much pleasure your pictures have given me.  I collect bird music boxes and bird pictures.  My whole house is decorated with birds.  Now I get them on my computer too!  What a treat!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010


    I loved this one too

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

    Hello Ladies, and Happy Independence Day to us all!

     It's a beautiful morning, 61 degrees and calm, clear skies.  Morning birds provide a symphony of music to greet the sun.  I can't begin to identify the birds we have, nor their particular songs. I just enjoy them.  SoCalLisa, Chevyboy, Jackie, thank you so much for sharing your photos, they really brighten my days.   Eventually, I'll learn how to photobucket or somesuch, and find a way to share some of mine.  DH got some great shots at Yosemite a few weeks ago, and he knows about -buckets.  

    Isabella, I thought about you yesterday as we joined a friend to celebrate his 70th (on paper) b'day.  It was quite a party, with maybe a hundred people, music, kegs, pot-luck, and a lot of good energy.   One difference, this party was held at the "beer garden", traditionally a place of noise and a certain amount of mayhem and strong, generational, friendships.  Many, many years beyond anyone calling (or getting a response from) law enforcement for noise complaints.

    SV, my DH really likes your handle & spunk.  He said to tell you about one of the traditions of the above beer garden/community.   When someone passes, their photo is placed on a tall tree overlooking the fire pit.  (now you have to understand that this garden is decorated with old, and sometimes 'disrespectful' signage and many natural curiosities, it's in the middle of a teeeny town in the middle of a national forest.  It's about as pretty as it gets in regular life.)  Anyway, besides our jokes of lark scooter races down the road, the main goal is to stay off the tree.  The initials of the town are SV.


    And I agree with Jackie, my best thoughts to each and every one who is going through such a rough patch right now.   It puts my feels-like-it's-going-to-explode nipple into perspective.  But, I've finished 13 of 36 rads and have a 3-day holiday/reprieve.  So, life is good.

    Best wishes to everyone, have a safe and happy 4th.
