Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2010

    SV When DH and I were first together and lived "off-road", he talked & talked about sailing. (remember, I have a landlubber background)  We borrowed a friend's kayak & he took me for a spin on our Lost Lake on December 1st, wearing our down coats & winter boots, there was ice on the shoreline.  We were discussing how raunchy & "polluted" the lake looked, and the lake gods took offense.  For no reason, we tipped over.  Now, this was a 1-man kayak with two of us in it and we did not have life jackets. (young & dumb).  We were in the middle of the widest part of the lake and could NOT get back in.  We had to swim for it, then had a 4 mile hike back to the cabin.  We both understand cold.  The water was <50 degrees and coast guard says 50 degrees 50 minutes 50% chance of survival.  We were in the water over 50 minutes, then a really long hike with wind & dark approaching. 

    For many years I thought it was a sign from God I wasn't supposed to go sailing with this dude.  I finally realized God meant I wouldn't drown with him....  

    Of our great adventure, I'll dig out some pix for you.  It was AMAZING - whales, dolphins, manta rays, sea turtles, etcetc -- just unreal and still fresh in our minds as yesterday.


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    Hi Kat:

    It seems you are under good care. Hopefully all of this is a false alarm. In any case my best wishes are with you and I know with all of us here feeling positive, it will all be fine.

    Try to relax and think positive.


  • Unknown
    edited June 2010

       Good morning Ladies,  I have sort of been MIA for awhile....have only been posting here and there, mostly the games, Lyrics, TV tune, actors & actresses,etc.....have always enjoyed trivia.  I have not caught up on all your posts and have probably missed out on a lot.  I will be thinking of you on Wed. Kat.  I myself seem to be doing fine with the Navelbine other than the fact, I go to bed a lot earlier than I used to and actually sleep.  My friend who is doing the ACT got through the first part and now had two more taxol treatments and will then be getting ready for her double mast.  I also have made a new friend and she is really new to all this....had 11 + nodes with her lumpectomy and when I went to her appt with her the onco said there was progression to T2 and two clavical nodes so then she went for a MRI and they are also suspicious of a place in her skull an have not set up any treamtments yet.  This is a rough way to go, considering she is jumping right in at Stage lV.  I at least am able to tell her  Stage lV does not mean the end since I have been there for over 12 yrs now. 

         I have enjoyed all your sea adventure tales,although I myself am not much for water.  My father used to have a house boat and all I ever did was lay on the top deck and soak up sun.  It is amazing I don't have skin cancer and still love the way a tan looks, but pretty much stay out of the sun these days. 

         Yesterday I went to a quilt show with a co-worker.  I did not really want to go, but she seems to need friends,  however I told my boss I am going to stop going places with her since people are always asking her "is this your mother"?  I like my hair, but comments like that make me feel like I should get out the Lady Clairol....but you aren't supposed to dye your hair with chemo, are you?  Anyway, they had some really nice things at this show....jackets made out of sweatshirts that did not look like sweat shirts at all, a really nice dog collar I would have liked for Harley, absolutely beautiful blouses with emboidery, BUT you couldn't purchase any of this readymade, could only buy the kits and a kit would do me no good since I can't sew.  I got a lot out of the cooking part of HomeEc, but must have been asleep when they taught us how to sew.  I left the show wishing Boy, I wish I could sew. I always feel the same way when I see sweaters and scarfs...I do know how to knit, but it takes time I don't seem to have.....however when you look at price tags on this stuff, it makes me want to knit.  They did have some nice jewelry there for sale that vendors had made so I bought two Christmas gifts.....all I have to do is remember I bought them.  I have this gift closet when I stuff things I find on sale or when I see something I think looks like someone and will buy in advance, but I forget I have the things.  I did this long before chemo so can't blame it on chemo's just my lack of organizational skills.

          My husband and I are going to take a trip to CA....together!  I hope I can stand it and hope he  doesn't get the DTs  while we are there.  He claims you can't be an alcoholic if you just drink beer, but I beg to differ on that one.   Also I have not asked him, but I certainly hope he has enough sense to not try to take pot with him on the plane.  Everynight he has his 6 pack and gets stoned.  This really should not bother me since he stays in his basement room with his earphones on most of the time, but still has CNN on in the background on his big tv ( I have to yell downstairs or go down there and ask him to turn the tv down when I go to bed because it is right under the BR) and corresponds with people on The Ukulele Underground .  I hate to think of how many ukuleles he has bought in the past year....not cheap ones either....he now has almost as many as he does guitars.  How many can you play?  He's obsessive about everything....doesn't buy things because he needs them, but because he likes to buy....the other day he bought a new suit and two shirts and two the boys dept since he is down to 105 lbs or maybe it is 100 (no this is not a type, he is skin and bones)  He was showing me how nice they were and I said I hope to God you didn't pay the price on those tags for those shirts and he said I did and I then asked him where he was going to where them and he said well they would have been nice to have for that wedding we went to last week.  Yes, but that was last week!!   I myself love to dress up, but always go to those sort of things with my girlfriends, because he does not enjoy functions where you dress up.  I said well maybe you can take your suit to CA and he said I ain't taking a suit out there, I am packing light....just my ukulele as my carry on and a small bag.  Groan....I wish the uke would stay home.  But I guess it is better that he has that as an outlet instead of humming all the time or bursting into song at inappropriate at a restaurant where I would like to crawl under the table.  He tells me it is because he's got rhythm in his soul which always brings to my mind Steve Martin in The Jerk.  I know I should not be so hard on the poor man because he is good to me and never mean and it is his money to spend as he pleases.  That is why I still work so I make money of my own and am not totally indebted to the man, although I do owe him my life because of his insurance.  I was hoping the celexa would make me more tolerant and he wouldn't get on my nerves so much, but all I think it is doing is making me even more sleepy so I am weaning myself off of it.  Talking to Tim about things he does that annoy me is pointless, he will either walk away and go back downstairs to his cave or he will say it must be beat up Tim day and I will admit I do get on a rant every so often....but there is so much material for me to work with.  We have two dogs....Brattie who is his rat terrier and Harley who is our Silky, but has really made himself mine....adores me and follows me everywhere, waits for me when I go to the bathroom and shower, just loves to be with me.  Brattie is constantly getting clogged anal glands which can be expressed, but the problem is since he isn't taken to the vet when this problem starts, they have ruptured a few times and the skin back there gets  thinner every time it happens and it takes longer to heal so the vet has suggested surgery. The problem with the surgery is that if he has both of them removed which he needs I guess, there is a chance he could become incontinent.  He is only 3 years old and that would mean many years of doggie diapers.  Now there is a chance this would not happen, but if it does I am sure I would be the one changing the poor dog's diaper or else he would be running around with a full one or without one at all leaving piles all over the house (which he already does a lot of since Tim never potty trained him.  He is a good dog, but Tim loves him so much (I tell him this is not right, if you love your dog you train him and they actually like discipline) he just allows him to do anything he wants....feeds him his leftover chicken biscuit from McDonalds, gives him all kinds of people food he should not have, doesn't yell at him if he poops or pees on the carpet, just tries to get it cleaned up before I see it, and worst of all does not give the dog his medicine.  Like now, he's on an antibiotic for his ruptured supposed to take it twice a day.....I give them to him in the AM because I get up and go to work, but he's in charge of PM since he always eats dinner before I do unless we are going out or I get home early enough to cook.  I asked him this morning....Did Brattie have his pill last night and he said No, I forgot, but that's Ok if he misses one.  Well, I tell him they have you take medicine on a schedule for a reason, but he doesn't get it.  He does not believe in preventative medicine for himself so I guess doesn't think it is any big deal for the dogs either.  He has heartworm pills for Brattie, but he never gives them to him.....Yes, I could do it since I give Harley his, BUT I think Tim should show a little more responsibility and take care of his dog.  In case you are wondering why this MY dog, HIS dog thing....we have only been married for 2 1/2 years.   My lst marriage and I am set in my ways and used to things a certain way so it is a huge adjustment......knowing someone when you were growing up and coming from the same hometown does NOT mean that you know them....this I have found out the hard way.  Anyway, giving the dog a spoon of pumpkin would help the vet says and Brattie will eat the pumpkin with no problems, but Tim won't even do that.....or maybe it's just that all his brain cells are shot and he really can't remember.  Again I can do it, but how can he be so irresponsible as to not take proper care of this dog he  just loves so much?!  Did you know pumpkin was seasonal.....I have him out looking for it now.  The two grocery stores close to us don't have it so he's looking at another place after he has his breakfast out.  You really don't see pumpkin pies for sale or even think about making them that much unless it is Thanksgiving or Christmas so I guess this is why.

        Back to CA.....we are flying to Sacramento and will be visiting his sister who lives not far from Lake  Tahoe for a few days.  I am anxious to meet her and think she will be horrified when she sees how thin he is.  He really isn't close to his siblings....has a brother who lives in our hometown and we are there often visiting my father, but he never sees his brother.  Then we are going to go to San Francisco for a few days and I have a friend who is going to be there for work that same week so on Friday we are going to pick her up and go to some wineries.  Sad thing is I am looking forward to doing things with her more than the fact I am going on a vacation with my husband. I plan on wearing a mask on the airplane because I do not want to catch a cold or anything else.

        Well, ladies this has been my venting session for the day.  Hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.  It is going to be a HOT one here....think it may hit 100, but we are supposed to get a front later today that will cool things off. I am now going to share my cereal milk with the cat and see what sort of project I can get into here today so as to avoid cleaning. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    Marybe, sounds like you really do have your hands full with your feller.  I know my impatience ( it already does ) would cause me to "erupt" from time to time.  It is very difficult to be around someone who tends to deny common sense.  My hat is off to you as you seem to do pretty well with all the frustration. 

    It is just as hot here in southern Illinois right now, but the rain predicted for late tonight is ( hope-hope-hope ) going to cool us down.  Walked out early this morning to go feed the dogs and it was like walking into a wall --- the humidity even that early was so harsh.  I'm not liking it at all and will be glad to get the weather break even if we must have storms to make it happen. 

    Well, I think I will get my day started and hope you all be careful if you are having heat and stay well hydrated. I'll be checking in later.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2010

    Kat...........Hugs to you!  Here's hoping that everything is B-9.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you! 

    Jackie....loved the newest kitten picture! 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Not a lot going on here today, it has been hot now for nearly a week, and I hate it....or at least my garden hates it. I am finding it hard work watering on a night because DH managed to forget to fix up me a water point down in my garden....he has forgotten for 6 years ! I have a long hosepipe, but its hard to drag it around without it smashing plants up. I have my borders so full of plants, and I like plants which spill out onto the lawns, so whenever I move the hosepipe it swipes plants down at an alarming I have been bucketing water around. DH said did I want a hand tonight, and after carrying half a dozen buckets decided he would better get on and get me some water installed !!! ....we shall see.

    I have just been sat out watching the darkness come down, and listening to my sheep calling to themselves...pure magic. It is a lovely night, all dark blue, with an almost full moon just up. I would have stayed out there longer were it not for all the creepie crawlie flying moths and insects that are about. We have a colony of bats as well, they are all up flying around and screeching among themselves....I don't mind these guys, it's just the flying insects that get me.

    Does anyone know how to retrieve email.?? I don't know whats gone on, but my email has just vanished. I've been into 'my files', clicked onto new email, see I have 92 there to read, but they are just not showing up ! I can bring up all my emails that were there yesterday, but just no way are my new emails available.. On my pc I have the symbol of an envelope, and the word 'read'. and it would normally have said the numbers 92, indicating there are 92 new emails there to be clicked open and read, but its just blank where the numbers should be. I am right in the middle of arranging transport for some furniture I have bought, can't get the email from the transport firm I was going to use, nor the address of the person I have bought could be in somewhat of a fix with this one.!!!!! My DS usually sorts out my pc woes, but he has moved a long way off, so cannot get him now. I would like to learn myself how to troubleshoot, but can never find anyone who will give lessons. I'd also love to know how to put pics online, but can't do this either !  

    I'm attempting to hit town tomorrow, I say attempting because my walking is bad. Unless I can get a cart from the first shop I hit, then march all round town with this cart I can't get more than about 50 yds now. I walk perfectly when leaning on a cart, can go all afternoon, and the summer sales are in full swing here, so I was planning a good day out. My back op. has been put back 'til goodness knows when. I have to have investigations into why my heart was playing up 4 weeks ago...STILL waiting on an appointment on this. I think it is on July 16, but they won't give me an anaesthetic until it is sorted out, plus I DON'T WANT an anaesthetic 'til I know its am walking around like a U bend, the only way I can be pain free....but SUCH an embarassment when I meet up with someone I know in the supermarket, and they see this bent old woman coming towards them !!!!  


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Good morning,

    Isabella,I loved your description of sitting out for nightfall and hearing all the animals lowing to each other.  Don't we get to be a part of another special world for a while.  Here we would have to have chemicals on to ward off mosquitoes who are such a nuisance and sometimes give you diseases etc.  I think the bats eat a lot of those "other" flying insects so are a good thing to have around if a little creepy to be sure. 

    Computers -- aren't they always a challenge.  I use an updated version of Outlook Express for my email and have no problems though at one time I had to find it on the web and re-install it.  The newer pc's usually have some version of picture storage already on ---  just not sure what they are called.  My pc was new enough ( Vista ) to just have the word Pictures and you could click there to find sample pi cutes and a place to take pictures off your camera and put on. 

    Jeeantte recommended Picasa for pictures which I installed --- and it installed itself into the Pictures area already I can now use them interchangeably.  Perhaps you could do this.  I am really challenged on the computer --- but get brave enough from time to time --- or might that be frustrated enough to go ahead and take a leap of faith and attempt the here-to-fore impossible. 

    We have some computer geeks here that for a fee  -- last time I used him was $40.00 an hour,  and he came out to my house.....sat down at my computer and put it all in order with time left over --- apparently my hatchet job was not as good as I feared.  I hope you get it all sorted out. 

    Well, must get along for now......and maybe sneak back in to check on you all later.  Hoping you all have a gorgeous day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010

    The problem is remembering all that one needs to know about these darn computers. I now have Windows 7 as I complained about Vista having far too many problems. Well guess what? I am sure all were ME. I am starting to believe that at my age of 75 I have a memory bogged down with so much that all of the new things are beyond me. Between the new phones, camera's and computers, GOOD GREIF!  Who can become adept in things I cannot even pronounce?

    Have fun ladies!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Hi Jackie!  You & I both!  I love to read what Isabella has to say!  Isabella, when you talk about the sheep calling to themselves, it just makes your night sound so peaceful!  And I know you love that!   And your bats & bugs?  Yes, bats will chomp up those bugs, but probably not fast enough!   Geez, I used to be so afraid of them!  That was until we went to Disney World for the first time, & saw them behind glass!  They were HUGE!  And they just eat fruit!  Ha!   About your computer....Sometimes, for absolutely no reason they just "take over" & do what they want!   This is probably a stupid question, but have you looked into your "deleted" folders? Or "Spam?" Or SOMEtimes, if you just re-boot, or shut off your computer for at least 15 seconds, then start up again, it seems to straighten up!   I just put mine to "sleep" at night, but it will actually go there on it's own, after about 10 minutes.   And make sure you install your "updates" that you get from Microsoft....I have a DELL, with Vista, & I just love it!  But I screwed up my last computer, by downloading & installing every program that sounded fun!   I know better now!   It finally got to where I could NOT get on-line..... no matter what I did!   I have Qwest, & installed their modem with a higher speed..... And it all started with a $100 dollar computer & printer I bought from the flea market about 13 years ago....2 computers later, I have learned a lot, mostly by trial & error!

    Have you tried signing online with a different server?  I mean I like AOL, but when it is having fits, I go through Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer, THEN I can go to AOL......So that means I have 3 different ways I can get online!   As for pictures....just download "Picassa".....and all of your pictures that you have stored on your computer will automatically go into there!   Your new photo program, & it works great!  You can edit, & crop, etc!  And even upload them to your online album, & then share them with us!    And I hope you don't have too much pain waiting for your back surgery......just hang in there kid! 

    Marybe....I re-read your post, about your DH....and you know, it doesn't get any easier, the longer you are married, ha!   But you just get more settled!  You just have to pick your "issues" that bother you!   They mean well.....I think....but they go about things in their own way!  Now if they were women, this wouldn't happen!  Wink  Like if there are "strings" hanging on a little throw rug, they will "burn" them off, turning the spots brown....Or they will spray paint ANYthing, whether it needs it or not....Even in the house!.....And they screw down a sliding rug runner!   I could go on & on.   And I'm sure you all could add to this!

    SV.....Could you just behave?  You are going to give me a nervous break-down worrying about you!  And Dave?  He had REALLY better behave!    Hope your weather is a little more bearable, like it is here!  It's still hot, but no humididy!  And about 55 degrees most mornings!   So that's when I work out in my gardens.   Okay, here's a photo from my garden! 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2010

    Anne, I really get one you are saying.  A year or so ago my son gave me one of those picture frames that you download pictures onto from a computer and they keep changing the display.  Never could figure it out.  I donated for a raffle at a club I belong to and bought myself a picture frame that I physically put an 8 X 10 picture in and am done with.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    I am with you, Kat!!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Hi all.

    Jeanette,Thanx for the pc info, but its all just over my head !! I AM on AOL, but got in a frazzle with Vista when it first came out, had it taken off my pc, and AOL9 back on, least that way I could follow myself !   I DID go into my deleted files, see I'm not all useless! I could read all my emails up to Saturday, but the 92 Sunday/ Monday emails I could NOT open. I was being told they were there, but just couldn't access them. Would you believe this morning I switched on my pc. and there were my unavailable emails, all available today. aaarrrggghhh. I am just so scared to try things. When I first started out some 8/9 years ago I was much more confident, but that confidence quickly went. I'd try something, and everything would go blank ! My DS got sick of me ringing up and getting him to come over and put me right ! So I had to resort to local geeks, who were charging me an arm and a now I just stick to what I know !

    I was dreading booting up today and having to shell out more cash to get someone to come and fix things. I have about 8 or 9 pc books, but they're all either VERY basic, or over my head, or out of date, so now I'm just on a wing and a prayer. I haven't got a mobile phone, I hate them I DO NOT want to be available 24/7. I only answer my landline when the fit takes me, everyone says 'we can never get you'  and I answer innocently 'oh, I was probably working outside'...gets me out of many unwanted natters with people. I have no idea how to work the carphone in my car, or even if it still works, if I am going on a long journey I borrow DHs mobile, I can just about make a call home, but there are no numbers stored in it so I only CAN ring home.

    I'm off away tomorrow 'til Friday, just need a break, but will be taking my laptop, tho' whether I will be able to set it up in a hotel I have no idea !! I'm like you Anne , NOTHING seems to go in these days, and stay there anymore.

    Jackie, the bats I have are quite small, about 3"-4" across their wings, they roost in an old oak tree that has seen better days, a good part of its trunk is rotten and the bats go in and out of there. I THINK they are pipistrells (sp??) but am not up in bats so am not really sure. They will come in quite close, like a foot above my head if I sit quietly....DD calls me a witch if she catches me sat outside and the bats are about !! Tonight it is absolutely tipping down with heavy rain, my plants will be so pleased to get a drink, so no sitting out in the dusk and no bats tonight.

    I set out for the sales today, and ended up in the hairdressers for just under 3 hours, hells bells she was so slow today. I just called in on the offchance, and she had the whole afternoon to spare. I didn't like to tell her I didn't want to be in all afternoon, I wanted to get to the shops, but she did this and that, and some sort of wrap, that I didn't really want, and can't see its made any difference....only to my bill ! I DID change back to blonde again, after having been brunette since Christmas...DH still hasn't noticed, and I've been sat with him all evening ! I usually do my own colours, so I suppose he is used to different shades, but black to white ( well, almost ) ??? thought he would have noticed !!! If I have a car crash while I am away he will be telling the police I have dark hair, and they'll be wondering who the blonde is in my car !!

    I shall be missing all my animals while I am away, have booked the first night at a 'dog friendly' hotel in the hope I can get my 'dog fix' from some dog who might be staying there !! I am lost without a dog on my knee or at my feet when I'm on the pc. Talking about 'fixes' I'm still getting a cannabis 'fix' from my car. It is still smelling quite strongly when I am driving, tho' g/son and his friends all deny anything !!! I am pretty sure one of them dropped a cannabis ciggie in my air intake, can't have been from anywhere else ! No-one will believe me if a drugs dog comes along and points his paw at my car !!

    Shower and bed calling me now, all my packing up is done, so can just slip off quietly in the morning....have put in an extra holdall, maybe I shall see some sales while I am out of town, can never walk past a good sale !!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Well, I get some of the electronic stuff but not others...cell phones are my nemesis..

    here is a colorful picture..

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Love this one Lisa, the contrasting focuses and colors, so delightfully cheery, thank you.

    Nemesis?  Does the ringtone startle the flower?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Good morning sweet friends,

    Ah, Julia, I have been wondering where you were.  Isabella -- have not heard the word natter for a long, long time.  It is used more in your part of the globe.  I think it was Howard Cosell ( should anyone remember him ) who used to use the phrase **nattering nabob of negativism**.  Hope I didn't just send my spell checker into orbit. 

    Lisa -- goes without saying so I won't.  I too am a hopeless twit about most electronic things.  What I do on here is all right.  As long as I ( like many of the others ) don't attempt new things and sick with what I've almost mastered.  Even then, strange twists pop up now and then.  I am nearly hopeless with a cell phone, but I can usually get it answered.  Managed a time or two to make a call as well.  I am not really comfortable with it. 

    We have brown bats here.  They are small and as long as we each stay in our respective territory...I'm fine with it.  Just as I am the snakes.  They eat other things I'd rather were not around --- so if we can each stay where we belong ( mainly out of sight of each other ) then I'm not too bad with it.  There are things I feel we are meant to have minimal contact with and snakes are in that group for me. 

    Should be moving on here.  Hope you are all going to have a really great day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    Spiro Agnew (remember him) said nattering nabobs of negatism... but a speech writer made up the phrase, maybe Pat Buchanon? It is used a lot around my house because DH is a NNoN!! :-)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    I got my hair cut today and saw these on the way, had to stop and click

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited June 2010

    Thank you Pam......should have looked it up.  I can get so lazy sometimes.  Hard day today and I am done in.  Lots more to do.  I have lost the little gizmo that recharges my cell phone so that is still on the must do list. 

    Hope you all had a fantastic day.  Lisa....I think I am looking at perfection on a stem.  Thank you as always.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    Howard Cossel probably repeated it... it is too good a phrase to let lay. :-)

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited June 2010

    What an absolutely beautiful picture.  I've actually been lurking for a bit and can't  tell you how many of your pictures I've savved for my desktop.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2010

    Thanks Jackie, always concerned about everybody.  Btw I'm sorry I neglected to thank you for sleepy little kitty...cutest I've ever seen and two kittens in a tub and pup - simply adorable.  Each one I have sent on stationery in letters to my aunts.  They enjoy them as much as I do.

    2nd mx (L) scheduled for next week.  I hope this will be the end of this breastal grief. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    Morning girls!  I was thinking.....Why do I...(we) need an Oncologist to prescribe our pills, instead of the Radiologist?   I have appointments with both of them every 6 months....The "Radiologist/Oncology" orders the Mammograms, but all the Oncologist does is talk to you about your pills!   And it's the same exam.  Wouldn't it be better to just ask your Radiology/Oncology department gals to do this?  It seems to me like at least MY Oncologist is not needed.  Can't even your Primary Care, or Radiologist prescribe Tamoxifen or Als?   Let me know what you gals think.  Thanks...

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    HI Chevyboy,

    I'm like you... wanting to reduce my # of doctors and Dr. visits. In my case, I told my radiologist I  would not see him anymore. My PCP can order my mammograms.  Or my oncologist could. I will continue to see my oncologist every 6 months for another year... she'll Rx my Arimidex and do my blood work. After a second year I will agree to see her once a year and transition back to my PCP for normal stuff. I haven't seen my onc surgeon since my only post op check and that is ok with him. 

    Enough with doctors, procedures and doctor bills!!!

    Of course all this depends on nothing going wrong.... knock on wood. :-)


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    thanks susgul..I just love taking pix of flowers..I just keep my camera in the trunk of the car ready to go...glad you all like to see them...come on down and join in susgul..

    Pam and chevey onc wanted to see me while I was on arimidex every so gyn wants to see me once a year for a pelvic..she gets my pcp orders all my meds. I didn't have rads..

  • Oma261
    Oma261 Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2010

    Lisa...Beautiful pics of the roses.  I love to dabble in paint and wish I could paint those roses.  I just might try.  Chevyboy..I agree...Why all the docs?  I guess I was just so upset with everything that I just figured that's what I had to do.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2010

    Wow, Lisa!  You've outdone yourself with this last picture.  You've captured the texture perfectly!

    Doctor visits...........ah yes.  I see my surgeon on Friday for the mammo and check-up and haven't been able to sleep well all week.  I'm not sure I'll ever get to the point where I take these visits in much as I'd like to do that!  Then in August I see the onc for a check and the bloodwork.  Then I have about a 5 month reprieve.  My radiation doctor released me about 6 months after the radiation was over and I haven't seen him since.

    We had our annual golf Rally for the Cure today and earned over $5,300 for Susan G. Komen.  Who knows, maybe this will help get us a cure!  I worked on the committee and it was a long day so I'm heading for bed.  Maybe this working to earn money for the cure is a fantasy but I plan on continuing.  I can't help but think that somebody will stumble on it soon.

    Hugs to all of you.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Good for you Rita...we all thank you

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited July 2010

    i think it was lost creek, but whoever it was about underarm (sorry, too much chemo i think chemo brain is still in effect) lymphedema is much different than lymphoma.. and, the best way i can explain lymphedema is that it "feels funny" not exactly numb, not exactly painful, but definetlly weird, not right... make the drive if you need to, get the referral; that way you will know for sure if it is le..and, its much easier to get ahold of if you catch it of my good freinds got radiaTED TOO FAR RIGHT, AND IS HAVING A TIME WITH HER SHOULDER NOW, SO ITS NEVER 100% RIGHT, ALL THE TIME.sorry for the caps.. pm Binney, shes r le expert here, shell be able to help more than i, as im new to le. i just know i got it early, and hit it hard, and knock wood, its manageable..  good luck    light and love      3jaysmom

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    Funny thing about docs. I saw the surgeon for the last time a week after my lumpectomy. I saw the rad onco for the last time after my rads were finished and one month after I started on tamoxifen. My family doc was supposed to follow me - but as I don't have a lot of confidence in her, I requested to be followed by the physicians and staff at the Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation in Calgary. They are a pretty bright bunch and are there for all kinds of support. I see them every 6 months (and my family doc for usual annual checks et al). As a result, I have to do a lot of remembering myself - who does what and when....

    Have a great day tomorrow, you Canadians (Canada Day) and an early Happy July 4th to all my American buddies