Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

     Great News Kat!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    good to hear that Kat...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Saw this nice pillow

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    yeah, Kat - whew! ' will keep you in my prayers but you've moved to the bottom of the list ;-)

    so very happy for you


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010
    Congratulations Kat!  It's always such a relief!  And SoCalLisa....You just have an eye for beautiful colors & "visions!"....Thanks! 
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Yay Kat -----   still thinking of you Julia.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    It is a cold drizzly morning in San Diego, not supposed to get above 65 degrees

    wish I could see the sun through all the cloud bank...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    sorry i somehow lost this thread.i am more lost now then before.i have no dr.thinks he is GOD doing everything himself.went 4 a 2nd.opinion.this is what she said.i had 1 node removed. sentinal...the nodes in my breast could still be infected.he should have takn out back to surgery but before that i have to have a mri of both breasts and a pet scan.then oncol.if everything else is clear then just remove the infected nodes. if other nodes are infected then we talk about chemo,rad and meds.I WANT TO WAKE UP FROM THIS BAD DREAM.THANK GOD 4 THE SISTERS.I PRAY 4 EACH AND EVERYONE OF US.GENTLE HUGS.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Hi grannydukes, I hope your nightmare turns into the best possible dream for you and that you will soon be in the best of health.  Good luck and God bless.

    Kat, great news, congratulations!

    Thank you so much for your kindness Jackie and Miss Kitty, I can't express how much your support means to me, I don't feel so alone.

    Well I had to go in for lab work today.  Afterwards I stopped at the supermarket for frozen yogurt.  When I got home, son of a gun, I discovered I'm missing my falsie.  I hope I didn't drop it in that freezer...someone is in for a  freak out!

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Julia I just LOVE that! Some guy will probably find it! We can only hope. LOL Well it is fitting that others have to ponder a little of "our" world.I went to the hardwear store with DH and sat around (no foobs) while he shopped- had to return something the next day on my way home from work (Foobson) and the boyz behind the counter appeared confused for some reason. Oh well, one day they will figure it out.

    BTW I am just 57 and getting younger in my brain daily- I have my aches and pains and good days and less good days.But everyday I count my BLESSINGS and figure if you are old enough to find this thread, you must be old enough to be here. It isn't like we have web cams (Thank GOD-wouldn't that be terrible?) I mean when I was 1st dx'ed I was on this thread 24/7 and no one needs to see those sights! I call that time of my life "being in the fire" because I just felt frantic trying to figure a way out of this mess! I look back and the DX time, surgery and recovery time and the getting back to "normal"life time  passed quickly.

    Hope all is well with each of you, gentle hugs to you each, Miss Kitty

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Hey Grannydukes.......Just take it easy kiddo.....we are all here for you, just remember that.  But first of all, don't worry about things you don't know about yet.....After you have the tests, & maybe a biopsy, they will know what is going on!  Maybe it is not cancer....maybe it is an infection, or maybe nothing!   We can drive ourselves crazy worrying about what we don't know.  I'm so sorry about your Dad & Mom....but honey.....just do the best you can!   And don't forget we are here for you....Okay? know, if some guy or even a woman found your foob, they might turn it in!  If you can keep a straight face, you should call up & see?   I know it sounds silly, but you just might get it back!   Probably more extreme things have happened!   If I found it, & figured out what it was, I would turn it in, thinking of a woman, who needed this, because of what she has gone through. 

    I know...Miss's like this site was my life-line!  I felt I wasn't alone....It hurt my Husband so much, thinking the worst....and my Daughters, were almost at a loss as to what to say!   So no matter how old we are, we need to be "here".....I care about you all so much.....Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Granny dukes, I'm so glad you found us again.  If you have a newer computer once you are on this site look up at the toolbar on should say favorites with a little star or something next to it.  Click on that and it will let you put this site in a favorites folder.  Then when you want to come back to this site......just open your Internet --- then click on favorites and here will come the site.  You can clink into it from there.  It makes it easy.

    Saying hi to all.  I'm bushed as usual.....drat.  I'd like to respond so much more.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Hey Granydukes I worried about EVERYTHING- tried not to show it until someone said the CA word! I lost my mom to stomach CA 15 yeares after  she had BC- unrelated- I thought the entire world would die of CA and just for making me feel that way ____I REFUSE TO DIE OF CA- I will have something else and am confident of that!

    One thing is forsure- our ties bind us - keep on keeping on! Hugs-and good night. Miss Kitty

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    another earthquake in S. Cal...5.4 near Anza

    rocking and rolling

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Jeannette, I'm afraid I'm too much of a big chicken to ask "did anyone turn in my boob?".  It would be as funny as it is here if it fell on sympathetic ears but let's say the good old boys or the likes of Jay Leno caught wind of such a call, we would be the brunt of any unkind joke.  Maybe I'm wrong, does anyone else think I should make that call?  After tomorrow I hope to get a whole new chestal apparatus.

    btw, Are you aware that our posts are being stolen at a fraudulent, porn site with trojan horses?  Moderators are on it as of website stealing our posts.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    WHAT???????????? I mean I know that whatever we say can be googled, but I just don't want it to stop us from having this "safe" site to talk together!

    Okay, I just DID it....I just typed in google "can we have a forum for older women with breast cancer" and our posts come up!  I know it's always been that way, so I guess we just have to watch what we say....I don't have any other suggestions....Undecided  And for SOMEone to use this like for "porn"?  Damn!  Us "old broads" could teach THEM a thing or two!    Man, I hate that term....Sorry, but it's just like someone is peeking through the key-hole at us! 

    So girls, do NOT use those porn sites any more!  If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, do NOT spend your money on those sites! 

    Lisa....are you alright?  I remember one time when I was visiting my Dad in Richmond, & one hit...I think in 1998...& I was in bed....MAN it sounded like a train coming through the house!  I ran & jumped onto the bed with Dad, & he said "It's just an earthquake"...& I was shaking more than the house!  So LOUD!!!!  A lot of damage from that least in that area!  And I remember looking at one of the bridges that had fallen down....So much force with those things! And so tragic!  Hope you are alright!  That one was the big one in San Francisco that one year!  No, it wasn't 1906....Wink

    Have a good day gals!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Lisa, I got really used to earthquakes when I lived in southern California.  We only had one that was actually upsetting.  That was the big Northridge earthquake.  Imagine my surprise when ( I think it was at least 3 yrs. ago ) when we had an earthquake here in southern Illinois.  I was not upset at all --- still did have time to wonder though that the would not have "built" much like Ca. does with the viewpoint that it had to withstand a certain amt. of force on the structure. 

    Julia --- that is amazing.  Glad the moderators are helping us out.  I never say anything much as I do know that we don't have a truly secure site --- but I also feel for the most part  --  who would want to spend much time here unless you have had cancer or know lots of people who have it.  Unlike other blogs this one is specific for the thing that brings us all here. are still in my thoughts today and I am still beseeching the universe  to watch out for your welfare and help you come through your procedures  with no negative effects. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010
    Hey Ladies, I have been off of the board for awhile so not going to try to catch up. I had an amazing day of surf fishing with an old buddy who is recovering from prostate cancer-then his wife gets BC!!! She went for a mastectomy and reconstruction. i am just overwhelmed by the friends getting this awful disease AND KAT-WTF!!!! ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU HAVE ANOTHER BC? Oh girl, if so, that just makes me sick. what is the diagnosis? and what next? love you lots and my prayers are with you. between you and me I tried the diet and went into a deep depression. So, I am just trying to eat healthy. SoCal, you have outdone yourself!! You really need to publish a coffee table book-seriously!! Isabella, what is new on the farm? There are so many of you that I want to get caught up on-but I am finding that if I have any time that I feel good-I am returning to my outdoor life. I was on the beach early this morning and the wild horses came down AND I HAD NO CAMERA!! It made me sick do I have decided that I deserve a treat and am looking for an affordable 20d on craigslist!! And Miss Kitty, are U anywhere to be found??? Retirement life must agree with you!! I hope your new place is overrun with fresh veggies and herbs! I am so tired of the revolving doctor doors-ditto what everyone has written!! I had a "nuclear stress test" yesterday with another doctor (I must have a dozen) to see if any damage done to my heart from the near-death chemo experience. Lordy, it has been since Jan, and my hair is JUST BEGINNING TO GROW BACK IN! But i look like "Alfalpha" from the - lord what was the name of the gang?? OH SPANKY AND THE GANG! My hair is full of 'cowlicks" and nothing holds it in place. It is growing in really thick but it still does not touch my ears!!!! i had a stunning event happen today-today I truly felt well and really packed in too much fun-but I called the Trappest Monestary where I did my thesis work at and all of the monks that I know got on a conference call with me (spontaneous) and prayed over me and blessed me. How cool is that. i cried just from the love of these wonderful men-to take time to pray for me! I miss you all and again I am not on the board much-i don't want to miss one minute of feeling good after feeling so crappy for months on end-so hate to lose touch with you all. My prayers and blessings to all, (((((BIG HUGS)))))) SV MAJOR POST-OK, WHILE I WAS WRITING MY POST, MORE DRAMA HAS HAPPENED??!! PORN-PORN-HOW THE HECK AND WHAT IS UP WITH THAT NEWS???!! CB, YOU HAVE TO FILL ME IN SO THAT I CAN BE ALL OVER THIS ONE. Did our site get mixed with a porn site? I do not even believe this one-I am trying not to be outraged until I get details-someone PM me if needed.  
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    Oh man - I guess while I was writing the previous post-NEW DRAMA HAS HAPPENED!! PORN??? OK CB, you have to fill me in on this one! Grannydukes, what happened that you are so upset? you can PM me. I cannot get over the idea that I think i have of this site being tied in with a PORN site-WTF-somebody fill me in so I can be all over this one!! GOOD GRIEF! Love to all SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    Oh man - I guess while I was writing the previous post-NEW DRAMA HAS HAPPENED!! PORN??? OK CB, you have to fill me in on this one! Grannydukes, what happened that you are so upset? you can PM me. I cannot get over the idea that I think i have of this site being tied in with a PORN site-WTF-somebody fill me in so I can be all over this one!! GOOD GRIEF! Love to all SV

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    grannyduke - take a deep breath....I hope you have a REAL (as opposed to virtual) friend you can call. That is what friends are for. and that is why we are here - but it does help to have a real shoulder to cry on as well!!

    And I totally agree with Chevy - wait until all the testing/biopsies are done before you get into the real worrying mode. There are so many 'what-ifs' in all this - drives you crazy.

     There is certainly no harm asking for a referral to an oncologist, however. At this stage of the 'game' if I were you, I would want to be 'handled' by an oncologist.  Best wishes!!


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    boy we put up with everything- BC, whacky docs, crazy insurance problems, men that don;t or can't understand- and now voyers! and porn?????? Yes one breasted and no breasted women with scars- so HOW SICK ARE THESE PEOPLE? WELL HERE IS THE ANSWER-SICKER THAN US!!!l LOL I LOVE THE WAY THE UNIVERSE WORKS, WHAT A JOKE

     Julia- her big day and I have been putting out loving vibes all day- I am praying for her smooth sailing and comfory. Hugs and kisses and skilled, smart CLEAN medical people to care for her!

    Grannydukes- It was so hard for me to wait-yet we can only deal with the entire picture, which means waiting- we will wait with you and hold your virtural hand.

    keep coming back- this place works! LOVE Ya'll

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Welcome back SV...same thing happened to us, DH had prostate cancer and surgery, then me with

    BC...the good news is that we are both almost ten year survivors..

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    My first chance to logon, couldn't wait to tell you Jackie and Miss Kitty, I'm still kickin'!!!  It all went as planned yesterday without complication and I feel like a new person in more ways than one.  I saw you there you know...two of the most gorgeous angels I have ever seen wearing your nametags.  You guided their hands and held mine.  How could I ever thank you enough for your support?  It meant everything to know that someone (and two people for me!) wished me well as I was having surgery.  So now I can send happy letters to the rest of the posse, my two aunts and friends, didn't let them know in advance as I knew they would worry.  Elvis said it best "I will spend my whole life through, Jackie and Miss Kitty, loving you".  Great big (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) Julia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Julia, such good news.  Glad it all went well and that you will be back to normal soon.   Operations are not a great way to spend the day -- but sometimes you have to have then whether or no.  Hope you continue right on with your recovery till yesterday is just another memory. 

    I thank you for your kinds words Julia.  We are each others keepers and I could not live with myself if I didn't try to make someones' life a little better whenever I could -- you can only get back what you are willing to give up -- so nothing is ever truly lost -- it only increases -- after you give it away. 

    Hi to all the rest of you wonderful women.  MissKitty, Chevy, Kat, Pam, Carole, Rita, Isabella, Gram E,Lisa, Carolyn, GrannyDukes, and anyone else I have not mentioned as my brain is lazy. 

    Hope you are all going to have a marvelous day.  We had storms thru the night -- not sure about today.   See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Hi to you too, Jackie!  Yes, we ARE each others guardian angels!  I always know that someone will be here to help me through something....or just talk to & have fun! 

    SV!  Where have you been?  Having a lot of fun, I hope!  I'm so glad you are feeling better!  Now I can call you "Alfalfa"  Ha!  Doesn't matter to me WHAT your hair is doing!  I love you no matter what! 

    And yes Miss Kitty!  Can you beLIEVE it?  I'd like to know more about it....But I'm afraid to check around!  Wink  I just know you can find our posts just by going to google....& you don't even have to sign in to read them! 

    Going to the flea market today!  I mean the "Mile High Farmers Market"....Just sounds better, doesn't it!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    I only have a short time right now but did want to say ---- though I wish posts could not be "found" here --- I think the real truth is that there are all kinds of information out there somewhere ---  and those that want it bad enough will find it.  I can't envision anything I say here as being of much consequence --- I am more concerned about things like checking acct. numbers, Dr.'s and nurse's notes, credit card numbers, birth certificate info and those sorts of things. 

    We think we have privacy and I'm sure we do have some --- but I do think it is not nearly as encompassing as most of us would like.  My answer pretty much has been ( I have been investigated by the Washington F.B.I.  --  not for anything I did, ) that my life for the most part is an open book.  I don't tell it all --- I'd be arrested for boring too many people to death ) but I do try to remove the challenge by just "telling" it all first.  I don't have to remember much,  and since I don't keep many secrets about myself....I can be fairly comfortable most of the time and not have to choose and pick my words.

    Well, I think this too will be a boring subject from me --   just read some of the posts up above and was thinking....Chevy & Julia ---  do you remember several years ago when the 10 O'clock news or was that 11 O'clock news came on and they would say -- "Do you know where your children are "?   Well, I got amused thinking if they still did that we might hear something like: It's 10 O'clock -- Do you know where Julia's foob is " ?  Ok, I think I shall get back to work now before I get boo'ed on the platform.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie