Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010

    Hi Kathryn:

    Yes I was so excited to get a three day reprieve. I am into my 4th week of rads and am seeing the discoloration redness and soreness as well. The three days off should help. I hope.

    Have a Happy 4th.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    First and foremost I'd like to say a rousing heartfelt thanks to all our service people, men and women and all support people as well.  You are all heros' and God bless you for being where you are so I can be where I am today --- hastily tossing together a 4th. cookout at the last minute.  May God walk beside each of you everyday and every hour and minute.  I may not know you but rest assured I am so proud of you.

    I'm sure it goes without saying that Lost Creek and lebrecht ( Kathryn and Anne ) please keep applying your lotions on a frequent basis thru your holiday off txs.

    Kathryn, Chevy walked me through installing Picassa on my computer and I was able with her instructions to take right off and post pictures which you can take from anywhere off the web or use those you already have saved in your picture folder.  I see myself as a rather hopeless ninny ( is ninny a word ) and only hoped that I could figure it out.  Somehow the way Chevy ( Jeanette ) explained it -- it just sort of felt right into place with the most minimal effort from me.  In fact, I could barely believe it was so easy. 

    Onward for the day...I'm still i n jammies and despite the date.....all days 365 of them are somewhat of a work day for me.  Feral animals as well as lots here at home need some attention.  Five dogs will be out in our yard romping and stomping once we get the cookout doing. 

    Hope you all have a day with your name on --- a really splendid, wonderful day. 

    Hugs, Jackie 


    Not to be contrary --- but I love going to the zoo and for the most part do not mind that the animals must stay there.  The zoo's I think for the most part try to recreate some of the natural habitat.  Also, they are kept safe, given vet care, consistent food, and many people cannot travel to see some of these beautiful animals up close and personal and can do so when there are zoo'z available.  I feel most of the animals have the ability to adapt to their conditions and do, but I do understand your point. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010
  • bemine
    bemine Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010

    hey there.i am new to this website and found this forum very interesting.i am not sure even if i am accepted here as i guess most of you are living in the US, i am from Philippines by the way.i am tryng to get more information about breast mother-in law is diagnosed for stage 3 breast cancer and had a masectomy last to other details i dont know yet as we are waiting for the pathology report.the doc advised us to let her undergo concern is that she is already 64 yrs old and i am not sure is reallly suitable for her.can somebody help me if you have any information like my mom-in-law's case.honestly, i am really scared about this chemo thing.please help me with your thoughts please. thank you very much.

  • bemine
    bemine Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010

    hey there.i am new to this website and found this forum very interesting.i am not sure even if i am accepted here as i guess most of you are living in the US, i am from Philippines by the way.i am tryng to get more information about breast mother-in law is diagnosed for stage 3 breast cancer and had a masectomy last to other details i dont know yet as we are waiting for the pathology report.the doc advised us to let her undergo concern is that she is already 64 yrs old and i am not sure is reallly suitable for her.can somebody help me if you have any information like my mom-in-law's case.honestly, i am really scared about this chemo thing.please help me with your thoughts please. thank you very much.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010 glad you are showing concern for your Mother-in-law

    I just wanted to say, to just take things one step at a time. Until

    you know the details of the pathology report, you really are not

    ready to figure things out. they may also so other tests to see

    what treatments are appropriate for her. ONCO DX comes to

    mind...This isn't a race so take things as they come..your mother-in-law

    is lucky to have you supporting her...

    Sending Hugs across the Pacific, SoCal

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,091
    edited July 2010

    Hi, everyone.  We're in MN about 10 mi. north of Rochester, home of Mayo Clinic.  Several people have urged us to take a tour of the clinic.  Apparently it's a popular draw for visitors to the area.  We had a safe trip traveling north from south Louisiana.  We stopped in St. Louis a couple of days and went to a Cardinals game.  Then we made our way north through Iowa at a leisurely pace through miles and miles of green fields planted with corn and soy beans.  The farm houses and barn buildings are really pretty.

    This is a very nice rv park.  The weather has been pleasant and we've enjoyed being able to sit outside without dripping in perspiration.  We get amused when the locals complain about the heat and humidity.  We say, "you don't know what humidity is like."

    It was nice catching up on reading all your posts.  I'll be checking in when we have good internet connections.  Healing thoughts going to all those in treatment.

    Take care. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Hey Bemine!  Don't you worry kiddo.....I know it's easy for me to say, but we have ALL been there, & also scared to death about what is happening!   Just listen to your "team" & go from there!  There is also a "tissue" test to see what type of cancer it was....and then your treatment is adjusted with those findings!   And it doesn't matter where you are from!  We are all friends here!  And honestly I love these gals, without even "knowing" them!   Most of us have "gone through" the cancer & treatments or are just starting the treatments!   I'm older than your Mom-in-law!  And I didn't "need" chemo....but some, depending on their Oncologist, will "need" it to kill any stray cancer cells!  Stage 3....hmmmmm.....You might want to do all that is offered for her!  And I know some of the treatments, are almost harder than the actual surgery.  But we are all out to get rid of this stuff....guns a blazin!!!! 

    Hi Jackie!  Thanks girl.....I'm glad you got Picassa to work for you..... Guess what I did today.....I left one of my little socks in Orlando....well I thought it was lost in the "lost socks basket" at my Daughter's house, along with my Grandsons, & a girlfriend, & anyone elses socks!  So I sent DD an email, telling her how much my sock missed it's mate, & would she PLEASE find it, because it was my last pair of socksWink and it was very lonesome & I had no socks to wear....well just one!....She called today.....found the SOCK!!!!!!!  Unbelievable!  She can't even find HER socks there at her house!  So I was sooooo happy that "sock" has been found!  I then sent her this..... Love you guys! xoxoxoxo

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    It's the end of a busy day... son and his family were here, We did the beach thing, played Monopoly, and ATE and ATE and ATE. Watched ET which the kids had not seen before. They just left and we are too tired and full to go watch fireworks... maybe on TV.

    Wishing everyone a happy 4th.  And a healthy one too!


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010

    Bemine,  you are very welcome here.  If you look carefully at the posts, people are not just from the USA.  It is a "club" that all are welcome in.  I feel bad though that your mother-in-law qualifies.  Wait to see what the doctors say and get a second opinion.  I will tell you though that 64 is not too old for treatment.  When I was working I had a patient who was 103 who had chemo and radiation.  You read the # right 103 years old.  She was an exceptional women who went on to live until 106.  She was wheelchair bound but her mind was sharp and we discussed politics and current events on every visit!  I worked in a GP's office and only did the referral for cancer treatment but saw her for other things.  64 is not old!  I am 68 and live in a retirement community (one of the Sun Cities) where people in their 80s and 90s are active and participate in all our clubs.


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    Hey my undergoing-rad friends,

    As well as not forgetting the lotions every day (or more than once a day) don't forget to air the site for at east an hour/day. And for the months after rads are finished.... Makes a huge difference to your skin.



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

    7 hours ago bcamnb wrote:

    Hey my undergoing-rad friends,

    As well as not forgetting the lotions every day (or more than once a day) don't forget to air the site for at east an hour/day. And for the months after rads are finished.... Makes a huge difference to your skin.



    C: Thanks! DH & I had a lovely dinner last night - grilled steak, baked potato & all.  We were enjoying the moment (and how well we ate for how little $), and I grinned at him and said, "and topless too, how many men get that one for July 4th?..." ....Wink  Not necessarily a pretty picture, but certainly real.

     Where else but here could I share such a moment?  Take your endorphins where you find 'em, and seek out the silly.

     ((to all))


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    What can I add --- wonderful posts today.  Carole, did you see me waving to you when you were at the Cardinals game.  I live east of the stadium about an hour and 15 minutes away -- across the river In Illinois.  Glad you had a good time. 

    We had an impromptu cook-out on our deck here in the woods.  Lots of fun ---- I think sometimes the last minute plans do better.  Your not frantic with worry and you EXPECT something to fall apart a little -- when it just moves right along it's great. 

    No fireworks but we heard a lot of them going off.  That was good enough.  In bed a little after midnight and looking forward to a fantastic day -- a little on the warm side again -  but we'll get by

    Hope you all had a good time yesterday and will be having a great day today as well.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    I just took this next door ...

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    Where is the sooty mold or the aphids?

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010
    pj12345:  Bah Humbug (see the pun?)  Kat
  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited July 2010

    Those photos are the best PR for Southern California possible! Breathtaking.

    And here we are in southern Ontario with a humidex of 40c (100F). Thank goodness for my little window air conditioner.

  • Dabulls23
    Dabulls23 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2010

    i AM 55 AND WILL BE 56 IN Nov...Am I allowed here or members over 60 only...I was just diagnosed after biopsy on 7-2nd BC IDC HER2-....

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    welcome vvp -

    my sis is 56 and I would "allow" her here if she wanted to be - and unfortunately she qualifies, having had BC 13 years ago

    Cheers from the north,


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    Got the pun, dutchess! :-)

    No asking for IDs here!


  • paris10
    paris10 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010

    After having looked extensively for some info, I found this discussion board and hope someone can help me.  My Mom 93, with alzheimer seems to be developped bc.  I know that theoretically nothing can be done...I just need to hear more about it?  Paris 10

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010

    Paris, Is it just your opinion nothing can be done?  What did the doctor's say?  Is it a question of quality of life for your mom or is she medically beyond treatment.  You need to get more information.  Do you have a health power of attorney for your mom or are the doctors able to make decisions without your imput?  How advanced is her alzheimer's disease.  All these questions play a part in making any decision.  No lay person can counsel you unless you have clear alternatives spelled out by your mom's physicians.  But if you just want to vent your frustration and helplessnes at the situation we are here for you.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Well oh well look who is coming around??? ITs' MISS KITTY with deepest apologies for my absence- I have been busy with a new job and have been relieved to be told the the orientation is OVER! THANK MY BOSS, now it is just two days a week and man on Friday was I tired. BUT I am over that too.

    OK what have we done? We gave the dogs, all four of the baths today- MOMO Cackles otherwise known as Hoss is 18 weeks and weights 64 lbs. ( My baby). They were all so good-even the big boy. The two Bernese have been "fixed" and this may be a good idea as the girl humps he boy- hahaha.

    The garden is growing (tomatoes and potatoes grow like 3 inches a day) and we have planted apricot and apple trees. The deck has gotten a face lift and we are working on the front porch- we have placed  red bark mulch around under the day Lillie's (which are orange and crimson), In addition we have added a 2nd driveway and reconfigured the leech lines. DH trimmed all the trees off of the roof and I have FINALLY gone thorough my clothes. We have 4 cords of wood stacked. So all of this has happened while I have been working 5 days- and DH gets the credit!

    Welcome to all the newcomers-sorry you are in our parade but we are an OK lot- most are so wse,funny and helpful, not to mention talented-just look at the picture,they take our breath away!

    Thanks Jackie for the reminder that Freedom isn't Free, Let;s all Thank a VET ! Love you all -so sorry I didn't just pop on and say hi- but it is behind me now.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Been off board lately.  Not bored, hardly, I would say fearful might describe on Thurs.  Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome our new friends and wish them all good health.

    Lori59, I'm so glad you're here.  I definitely hear what you're saying...the stress is that much more magnified when feeling alone.  We're here to say please don't feel that way and come here often, we're priviliged to listen and hope we can help.

    bemine, so kind of you to be pro-active with your mother-in-law's care.  All the best.

    vvp, we like youngsta (rs) around here, always and often.  All my best wishes.

    Paris, I'm so sorry it is such a sad situation for you and your mother.  It's wonderful of you to be such a good daughter...remember to be good to yourself along with your mother, don't forget to do that.  I hope all the decisions about mom's treatment are the right ones and wishing the best of good health to you and family.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Morning girls!  No, vvp....You are just the right age to be here, ha!  If that were the case of you being too young or old, I might have to find another "home" to post on!  I'm one of the "older" ones at almost 73....on paper wait....maybe they weren't keeping birth certificates at that time...Wink  So you are "young" to us....& we welcome you!    Just sorry you have to find us this way!  Just let us know how you are, & what worries you have!  We've all collectively BEEN there! And don't be afraid! 

    And Paris....are you sure "nothing" can be done with your Mom?  I know they have oral meds for BC....Maybe not surgery....but meds to help, or slow down any cancer!   Depending on what type, & how aggressive this is, there ARE things they can do!   Just talk to her Docs, & see what is going on!  And you can ALWAYS get more opinions!  Once you find out what have options as to any type of treatment!   And does your Mom "know" she has breast cancer?  Sometimes it's best if she doesn't...or will forget about it....My Grandma, had Alzheimer's & would not have understood that.  As far as more tests.....I finally begged them to NOT schedule her for any more tests...she was just 82....Her precious life didn't need a bunch of strangers poking her & asking her "relevant" questions as to what she was "thinking." 

    Miss Kitty!  Your home & garden sound perfect!  And your "little" puppies! Wink Oh, to our "new-comers"....I thought you said we were "tainted"......but it was "talented!"   (was ready to correct you there)......Maybe "tainted" is a better word anyway....Ha! 

    Gotta go get busy I guess!  Good morning to you gals!  xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • paris10
    paris10 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010

    I was not sure how to just post a reply so I have been replying directly to each and everyone of you who've been SO kind to answer my "venting".

    I do however want to post how AMAZING this group is!  Never having been part of a forum or a support group (I always think I can take care of it by myself..Ha!) the support this group has given is incredible..All my thanks!

    My Mom doesn't know at all what is happenning to her...she is 93, has other medical issues and that is the reason I do not want to subject her to any tests or such, so I am in the dark and probably this is causing me anxiety.  Being a first-born and always "in control" - I find it hard not to be able to do something,,,,When I read and hear about so many harder stories, I am humbled by the courage!  Be well! Paris

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2010

    Good morning,

    First and foremost --  Julia I will be holding you in my deep thoughts and prayers on Thursday as you go into your surgery.  I want to be the first to wish you  a gentle, easy time of it.  As easy as these kinds of things can be anyway. 

    No one is ever really the wrong age if you feel in need of help and / or understanding in this journey.  It is more like a really bad road trip, but if there is anyway to pull out something positive this is definitively the right place.  Much info and hand holding here.  Without further ado welcome vvp and Paris. 

    Paris, I think the girls gave you really great advice.  Dr's generally say the older a person may be when the cancer comes the more likely they will succumb to something else long before they will from the cancer.. Still, as mentioned until all the info is assessed together it would be hard to decide what should be done. My vote would be for whatever leaves your Mom's dignity intact while conserving as much of her health as is possible. 

    Miss Kitty -- I feel almost like a piker listening to all that has gone on at your house.  When someone indicates I might be doing an awful lot I agree.  After all, that makes me too busy to get old and it builds muscles too I think.

    I have another long day ahead but can't say I mind.  After all it is what is keeping me young --- oops, or is that speeding me towards my next birthday.  No matter. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Dear Julia- I had a BMX Oct 19th- it was easier than I ever suspected or hoped for and the only pain I had was really just discomfort with the drainage tubes. Are you staying the night at the hospital? I stayed one night and needed it only for the anesthesia, also one of my girl friends stayed the night with me and that too helped. Make sure everyone washes their hands and actually they can tell all they need to know about your progress by checking your drainage tubes and the OUTSIDE of your bandage. I am an infection control nurse and wouldn't let anyone touch me until they had washed in my room. Take a deep breath- your mantra needs to be that you will be fine and remember we are women to be reckoned with and we are in YOUR corner. I am leading a very normal happy life and never even wear foobs unless I am working in the hospital- I feel as though during that time of my life the focus should be on my patients and families and not on me-so they don't even know about my BC. 5 days of the week I wear nothing (OK I wear clothes) and am very comfortable. There is life-quite a complete life arter BC and you will be OK.Take the time your surgeon recommends to rest afterward, accept help from your friends that know and you will recover.. To quote my BIL- "women are as tough as nails" , which means we do what we have to, cry when we need to and just plane "Get it done". I will be with you Thursday in thought and prayer.

    Ladies is anyone vacationing this year? I will be here planting more-just when I say I am finished, 2 hydrangeas this morning-one baby pink and one dusty rose- should be beautiful. The pictures have been so lovely- real, to be touched and smelled. Thanks for all that have posted. Have a great night- MissKitty

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010

    SealedSealedLaughing  YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After my compression views today the tech (I specifically asked for one I know is excellent and very gently) had the radiologist come in with results.  The questionable area completely compressed out on the spot views.  It was just skin folds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SealedSealedSmile

    I am happily purring-----Kat