Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Friends, it's so good to be with you today!

    still-kickin, I highly recommend the wonderful bosom buddies at this oasis...please join us!

    joycek, I hope and pray also that it's nothing.  Good luck on Thursday...that biopsy will be negative if we have anything to say about it.  Oh and joycek, your world will be a better place soon when this detour is in your rear view mirror.

    granny, granny, granny!  We can celebrate the good news re your arm.  And soon PG we will celebrate the best possible results of the pet and mri.  That exercise class sounds great.  It really is something how physical exertion can improve one's mindset.  granny, keep moving, keep feeling well, be well.  btw,  I am feeling your amazing hugs.  Thank you.

    Jeannette, rock on girl!  Save me a boogaloo!  Love the picture, love the words.

    Alyson, so sorry to hear about that painful blood draw, I know that's a dreadful thing.  I hope they put their ace phlebotomist on it next time.  Your garden sounds so lovely.

    Jackie, I hope you are not doing too much sweet lady.  I hope you can take another day for yourself.

    Have a wonderful weekend friends! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs and more hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Lisa, inquiring minds want to know...please tell us how you took "Rose in the Dark".  If at night, don't the petals close up somewhat? your studio?...what time of day?  omg, it is so utterly gorgeous, I'm lovin' m'desktop too much!!!  Thank you, your creativity is off the charts!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    Good morning to all of my sisters! Breathe in and breathe out. Prayers and blessings to all going thru the cr#p that comes with BC. And I am so worried about alll that have new blips of things appearing on scans. God, julia, (if I understand correctly) how did they miss BC in your other breast? GEEESUS, i think the treatments worse than the diagnosis of cancer. And truly, are they that effective at all-I am in the 'not convinced class.' Well, I am 9 MONTHS OUT from surgery AND STILL IN REMISSION. Hard to believe I had my lumpectomy in october-I lost the rest of my life during that time to a terrbile chemo reaction BUT the good news is that i am starting to feel human again. I got the results of my first "nuclear stress test" on my heart yesterday. Crikey, apparently my heart is strong as an ox and as fat and bald as I am, it is functioning in the range of someone who is really atheletic (the me in my old life pre cancer). So good news bec i was so worried that the chemo had destroyed my ticker as it has my veins. And my cardiologist is of course telling me of a woman he is treating whose heart was destroyed by chemo and she now has an eletrical implant and has to wear a backpack full of gear to keep her heart functioning at all. i could not quite understand it but almost like she has a full electrical heart implant. Amazing that the onc's don't tell ya' about the potential and permanent damaging effects of chemo. Anyway, i did not sleep all night bec next step is to tell my surgeon that (despite my heart being cleared for surgery) I DO NOT WANT A DOUBLE MASTECTOMY. This is the only thing being offered me as a preventive measure bec I have to be on Prempro and I am allergic to chemo and radiation-oh goody. I am so afraid of all of this after the chemo, I am truly ignoring as much as I can and simply do not trust docs and their ideas of cancer treatments. i am such a bee-achhh this morning and I need to get to an AA meeting. Sorry to dump AGAIN and am just so broken hearted over the pains my gals are going thru in this journey. I wish I had a magic wand and could fix all of us. Lots of love to all (((BIG HUGS)))) SV 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    good morning everyone...getting ready to go for the petscan and the mri...the swelling in my arm has nothing to do with the the dr.said...its a round circle..different issue..ill deal with it after today..thanks for all the positive energy..all the hugs and kisses.i will be thinking of the sisters as they are poking around trying to find the vein(that i dont have) to do the petscan.if i am still alive after its all over i will be back...keep the faith.i love you all.xoxoxoTHANK YOU AND THANK GOD FOR YOU.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Morning girls!  I see you talking about wider bras....I ordered several of these from Amazon before my surgery, & I really LOVE them!  I ordered larger than what I usually wear, but they fasten in the front & across the shoulders!  And yes, they keep the girls in place, like I mean in front instead of under & over, & well you get the idea.  And the price is great!  So if you order, order about 2 sizes larger.....And when I wash them, I throw them in one of those little mesh laundry bags after I fasten them, & wash them as usual in the washer...but I don't put them in the dryer... I even sleep in them.  Hope you can copy & paste this link..... xoxo

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2010

    Grannydukes and Joycek:  I am thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.  May your results be Laughing good ones.  Hugs to you both.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Hi all

    First to Julia...not much of a deal making the background dark...I use picasa, the free download from Google...

    Here is the beginning photo

    you crop it and then under tuning you push the shadow bar all the way dark

    it works for some pictures better than others.....just try it out...

    Picasa is simple...

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010

    I learn so much from all of you.  RANT & RAVE....It is the one thing we can all understand and share. If it helps it is worth doing.

    Question?  One of the posts stated that they were allergic to radiation?  What happens when you are allergic and how do you know?   I am into my 5th week and having some problems and now am wondering. VERY BAD yesterday. This is after and when I get home with difficulty breathing, weakness, unable to walk, tired and dizzy.    So what is a allergy to radiation?


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Hey SV when do the doctors say you have to decide on surgery?  understand about chemo and rads for you but geeze whats' a girl to do?
    Chevyboy I wear a compression bra for LE of my trunk- very comfortable and chases the LE away buut costly. I tried sports bras, less costly ones but the LE returns -so I have accepted these are Forever Gifts.

    StillKickin' sorry I missed your posting- How are you doing?

    I will send hugs, cup-o-tea and chocolates with anyone who needs to get off their feet= come on over and we will kabitz Hugs to you all.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    i want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes.i went for the mri and petscan today.the first poke and in went the needle.thanks girls.i knew it came from your prayers.while i was in the mri i thought and saw each and everyone of you.DEAR GOD WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE WITHOUT YOU.....THANKS TO ALL THE SISTERS...I should get the results probably tues.i am trying not to stress about it...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    It is really hot here in San Diego...over 100 at our place...I jumped in our pool and took a, I have forgotten how refreshing it is...and being able to move with so little aches or pain...ahhhhh

    I have to get back in the habit of doing this every the summer...when our kids were youngsters a ffriend and I volunteered to teach swimming in the Red Cross Backyard Swim program..then after the kids went home, we would do laps. Kept me in shape...we did it for years and taught so many kids how to swim. That program bit the dust when there were no more volunteers.

    I am sending hugs to all of us still in active treatments...

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010


    What a great gift to all those children you taught to swim! I didn't learn how til I was grown so not very good at it. But love the water! Such good exercise.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    It was a great program Pam, those kids learned for free...I went to see a high school water

    polo game and all the guys had been in one or more of our classes...but water safety was

    the main thing....glad you enjoy the water, now...

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Lisa, thanks!  I tried it, crop no prob but when I push shadow to dark under tuning, it darkens the entire picture.  I have Picasa 3.  Thanks again, this is so good to know!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    good morning sisters

    i have a question...does anyone know anything about deoderant? i know this doesnt belong here but i dont know where else to go. are you supposed to wear natural deoderant after bc? i bought it and i am using it and it dont work...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    It is going to be stunningly hot and humid again today.  I am really perturbed.  We have been having this since June.  I am not used to turning on the a/c till very late July or mid August.  Sure not liking this. 

    Still having long working days as well.  My friend has a major problem ( fleas ) going on and that has required a whole lot more of my time.  I think part of this whole problem is coming form the strange weather with the stiffling heat and humidity that just keeps hanging around.  Anyway....whatever it takes I will just keep going until we get relief on all fronts. 

    Melissa -- sure would love to take you up on the kabitz.  Well, I'll have to use my imagination for right now I think.   Glad otherwise we all seem to be getting by ok.  The problems do diminish or lighten way up for the most part.  I think sometimes these things fall under the category of do what you can with what you have --- and all that may be is an attitude very often.  Though sometimes difficult --- having one as positive as you are able may help pull you up.  Hopefully, sooner we will feel a release and be able to see "the gift". 

    Here's hoping you all have a most marvelous day.  You are all deeply in my thoughts and definitely in my prayers for strength and blessings.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    thanks gonna try using natural care TOMS of maine aluminum free..the first dr.i went to said use anything you want.he never mentioned aluminum free.what is the difference?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    there is soooo many pieces of this puzzle missing.AND>>with all the info out there you would think something would be cut and dried.but no we are still in the dark ages..i dont want to live in a bubble but you are right...we belong there if we want to live...ugh. this stinks.i guess i cannot pass the rage mode...

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    There's an older gentleman I often see during my stroll at dawn.  He rides his bike (slowly) on the side streets with his dog on a leash.  It seems so dangerous to me for both of them, especially since the dog strikes an aggressive pose whenever he sees me and I don't think it would take much for him to bolt.  If I see them coming, I try to become scarce.  Yesterday for the first time ever in this neighborhood I saw a beautiful deer in a driveway.  I was at a corner and the deer two houses away.  We locked eyes and stood still for a while, she didn't appear to be threatened at all.  Then reaching the corner from the other direction...yup, man on bike w/dog!  I motioned and tried to quietly alert him of what he was about to encounter face to face.  My noise diverted the dog and the sweet man got a kick out of seeing the deer as I did before she ran happy endings!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010
    Man Julia!  Great story!  I was afraid there for a minute, that you would say,  that the dog would SEE the deer, & take off after her, with the guy on bike in tow!   That could have been awful!  It's a good thing you were there first!  Good job! 
  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Thanks Jeannette, you're a sweetie and I luv ya!  You'll be happy to hear there's a distinct dark hue to the dome, things are lookin' up!  I hope it's curly.  It's pained me over the years to attain a slight bend for a 1/2 hr.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Good morning everyone.

    Julia, I loved the story about the deer.  We have so many here though except for knowing where it is most likely, you can glimpse them often  --- have had as many as 15 crossing through our yard at once.  They are a beautiful graceful animal and it breaks my heart that they are hunted --- still, thinned out so they are not a threat on the road-way etc.  There is no good answer much here. 

    Joyce & granny -- I think we have to pick out things to avoid -- but also remember the moderation rule.  I guess I think about the joke --- this is in regard to health foods etc:  Something along the order of " they are eating all that health food and will end up in the nursing home dying of nothing".  This is an equal opportunity disease.  I often read about people who did everything right and got cancer -- and in reverse, about many I know who do everything wrong and they don't get it.  My plan then became to try and walk somewhere down the middle --- to avoid somethings that were "known" and to use care and caution with most of the rest.  We can't as such conquer life -- so we have to live it and deal with the lemons that may come out way in the best way we can. 

    Hoping you all have a stunning day today.  Stay cool --- bad heat here again....but we will get by.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010

    Lovely story about the dog, man and deer. All I get here are coyotes....some rabbits, birds and very old people. Life in Laguna Woods Village.

    The only dear are my family. Husband, daughters and grandchildren.

    I count my blessings.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010


    i love your story.i have a pic.of my granddaughter feeding a deer..years ago they used to just cross over the lawn and run away if anyone came near those poor things are starving..she fed one a loaf of bread..poor animals.

    as far as doing the right thing for your body..well lets see not overweight,i smoke a few cig. a day,i eat semi good,i excercise daily for years,danced for 30 b/c in the family,was on prempro for a decade...gosh i could go on and on..i still feel when your time is up its up.yes a positive attitude sure helps but the final word is up to GOD.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Good story about the man,deer and dog- we see them frequently and they are usually loping through the woodsa.

    I am sitting here with my lemonade- anyone care to join me? Jackie we can pickup where we left off and all othwers are welcome to join.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010

    Isn't it amazing how deer have adapted to the spreading out of people? Wish they would share their secret with other endangered critters. Even where I live - beach town on barrier island - the deer swim across the salt water marsh ( braving alligators ) and take up residence here. Still they seem quite out of place here. We are mostly residential neighborhoods with occasional small wooded lots that are dense thickets and that's where the deer hide out. Strange - why here?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Hi Gals!  I had watched this video before, about a dog & his ball, playing with a deer!  Where do you guys live?  I see an Owl sometimes around here, & foxes, but no deer in the city yet, Ha!   I live close to what used to be Elitch's Amusement Park....And after it was sold, & rebuilt into a real nice neighborhood, a whole slug of Foxes, babies & all, lived under, or probably in the Elitch Theatre!  Because it was abandoned...... We used to watch the little cubs out sunning themselves.  We used to see dishes of dog food set out for them......from the neighbors!   But progress said "no" & they relocated the foxes to somewhere else, "they" said.  Now the theatre has been remodeled, & it is STILL empty, Ha!  Bet the foxes find a way in........Wink

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Yes deer sure are such beautiful animals.  I can't ever bear to hear of any type of animal abuse or any type of abuse for that matter, I get a visceral reaction and feel the pain.  Can't listen to the news re the Gulf, it's just too heartbreaking.  I do the LA LA LA thing out loud so as to block it out.  I'll never understand how hunters like Palin can live with themselves.  Jeannette, I wish I could see the video you mentioned.  Can't see any videos with dial-up Netzero.  In fact I have to choose between image quality and page load speed ...a slower page load in order to get a decent single image.  Sometimes I can finish a game of chess (my software) while waiting for a page to load.  I'm living in the dark ages!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    At our San Diego Padre Baseball game today

    they honored the US Marine Corps 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    I just had a major traumatic experience!  I had noticed this little wasps nest hanging in the corner on our front porch...I thought, well that's kind of cute, I'll just hang some things in front of it, so DH won't see them, because he'll probably get the shot-gun!   Well that "little" nest grew to the size of a cantalope!  I just hated to spray them all to smithereens, SO.....I hatched a scheme, where-as... at the right time, (sunrise) I would go out there with this stool, climb up there, & with this metal spatula, scrape it off into this big plastic pot I was holding underneath it!  I quickly covered it with a plastic cover.... Man, THEY had it up there good!  But I scraped it all, but a little piece, ran next to our property, & went down in the ditch, & deposited the nest, with wasps all upside down, & high-tailed it outa there!    Then I came back to porch, noticed a few un-happy stragglers & sprayed them....Oh yes, I did.    I have been sweating over this for a month!    I even dreamed about it, & as to how I would carry this off!    I DID IT!!!!!!!!  I AM WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!  Don't think I will even tell DH it was there....He, being the man of the house would feel ....well, left out!  Sometimes ya just gotta do, what a gals gotta do! 

    Okay, now I think I'll go shower & try & settle down....Ha!  xoxoxoxo