Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010

    Sarah Palin?  UGH!  Hunting and hating seems to be her drive to what she calls victory.

    A baseball game honoring our brave Marines? That is what I call NICE. I worry and think of these brave young men and women daily and hope all will be home safe soon.

    Will there ever be a time without war? I hope we learn to live in peace someday.  Respect for  others and their differences may be the start of a solution.  As for terrorists, there really is little hope for the sick and ignorant people and unfortunately there are many throughout the world. They are good at attracting followers. Think about the Oklahoma bombers.

    Okay Lisa now back to more pictures please and the beauty that surrounds us. 




  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Jeaneatte, that was all too funny.  You did do the "Helen Reddy" and I am proud of you.  I am not sure I would have tackled that myself -- no matter how brave I THINK I am.  If I hear buzzing of any kind --- I'm already getting psyched up for the soon to be panic and I'm sure to be attached by millions thing that happens --- no matter how hard I try to control it. 

    I live in southern Illinois and in a little swatch of area known as Little Egypt for it seems to have milder temps  -- summer and winter.  Great for growing crops etc.  Couldn't prove it by me this year and the last couple with the strange heat when we are not used to it --- as well as cool when we are not used to it.  I'm doing ok ---- but I'd love to have the temps back that we had when we first moved back here in '97.  Had lots of gentle summer rains and just long enough to wet us down good and make everything have that special smell that a summer rain produces.  I miss that. 

    Julia, I don't cover my ears --- but with pictures some times I can't look.  I also usually walk away when the piece/ad comes on t.v. for animal abuse that Sarah McLaughin made.  She talks through herself singing her song "In The Arms Of An Angel" while she shows pictures of animals in cages needing homes -- and I can't bear to see the sadness in their eyes as they wait there not knowing what will happen to them.  If they will find a home or be put down.  I no longer can watch it at all.  Our shelter here is a no kill shelter but many across the country are not.  One wonders just what is right -- knowing an animal will suffer with no home and left to whatever fate befalls in the wild -- is it kinder to send it back home to God.  I cannot make that decision so I help as many as I can and will do so as long as I can.

    Un-like us, animals --- though we have trouble seeing and understanding it -- have an order to their existence.  They are then without guile.  They do not do the often hideous things we humans do --- they do not lie, cheat, etc.  They are in a certain kind of harmony with life and their surroundings -- which we often disturb with how we tear down and build etc.  They do not have to come back in life time after time to learn as we do.  They started out in harmony and have managed to stay there -- unlike us.  We could take many lessons from them -- if we really want to learn. 

    I only know that if you love enough, you will understand, and when you do, everything that flows from you will be in harmony and those around you will feel it and do their best to emulate you because the heart and soul know when something is right and they gravitate always to "the light". 

    Peaceful friends.....have a beautiful day and share is one of only things you can give away daily and find your never empty --- more always returns. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010 for sharing.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010
    Me too Jackie!  I hate that "commercial!"  I have liked the song, but not anymore, because all I see are the little animals when I hear it!  For all the money she gets for that piece, she should donate it to all of our homeless animals!   I think that's also why I didn't want to hurt those stupid wasps!  I know they do some good... & I could have left them alone, but I figured out how to do it, & not hurt them, but  they all die off anyway in the fall!  There aren't too many living things that I don't like.....except flys are one of them, & mosquitos!    I don't even mind snakes....we used to play with them in grade school in science class...Wink  Even a tarantula would crawl on our arm!  So I never had any fear.....Okay......I just had to chime in!  xoxoxoxo
  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2010

    Just read the post about the deer and dog. It brought a story to mind that happend several years ago. We were outside watching the kids play and heard hooves on the pavement. Bear in mind we live smack in the middle of out community. Well we looked up and a deer was running down the middle of the street. and sherrifs several yards behind it. They had tried to get it out of the city limits to safety and it ran the wrong way. instead of running out of town back to the desert it ran towards town. of course the poor thing was so scared. But it did pick a main road that was not to busy and went straignt out of town on the other side. Never thought I'd see that.I have a place in a little mountain community not more that 50 miles from here and it is nothing to look out and see several deer. My dog will just sit at the fence and watch them. He starts barking after they leave. Sure would like to know what runs. through his mind.

    I really think my husband has come back and entered his body. As I undress at night he just sits and stares. Neer bats an eye until all night clothes in place. Just like a  man. Ha!

    Glad to read about the picassa. We have had so much rain here htat I have some Amarillis that bloomed out. They have never bloomed before. I had some bloom in April that was around my pond in the back yard. But this is in mid July. I had forgotten that If planted them and had put rose bushes there. and the amarillis came up among the rose bushes. I will try to post a pic if I'm smart enough.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010
    The pathology report finally came back today.  I just returned from the surgeon's ofc and I had to let you know the good was a .6 cm dcis, need to look at the lymph nodes.  I just need to stop by the o.r. tomorrow as she wants to put in a new drain.  I'm doing the happy dance and singing the happy song!  I hope you all get the best possible results and are blessed with the best of good health always and forever.  ((((((((((((((((((huge hugs)))))))))))))))))))) 
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    Julia GREAT news, what is the plan?

    Jackie- OK the commerical makes a point but really who can stand to watch it to the end which is were the message is! We could probably kabitz all day over our lemonade.

    DH has gone to his moms' for a week and I have the place to my self- I treasure time alone yet miss him- we woman- can't live with them (men) and can't live without them!

    The new dog is squrrely and has some very bad habits- dump the trash, lead the puppies into the woods, - needs work!

    I am headed to bed &  plan on having sweet dreams and wake up in the LIGHT! Love ya! Miss Kitty

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2010

    Hi Ladies, friends, fellow PODs,

    Hello to a bunch of new recruits, I've been away, but wanted to tell you that we sort of unanimously chose to call our special selves PODs, as in members of the Club. I'm going to look up our 'special words'...

    PODS DEFINED.....Feb. 14, 2010

    POD-means like a POD of whales-forever joined thru generations, time, eternity and great wisdom, shaped by the same fierce forces, streamlined by the eons, speaking the same language, working for the same purpose, stronger than the all of the oceans, birthing, maternal, teaching one another the songs of the seas, protecting, playing, eternal in celebrating each other and living in perfect concert for the life, death, and pure joy of the POD.

    I'll be back. Love ya'll,



  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Thank you, I'm still celebrating!  Granny, I'm ready to cut a rug for you, babe, when we get the good news today.  And joycek it will be such a relief when you get the good word after Thurs.  Isn't time such a strange goes by like a summer breeze when we're happy and when we're worried each hour an eternity.  Miss Kitty, about the plan, she said none is necessary re the new dcis.  I am on Arimidex for the earlier situation.  It's so good to hear you still have Daisy.   Connie, love the POD, please count me in!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Good morning everyone and I'd like to offer my congrats to Julie and let you know I am so very happy for you.  You are so right about time hanging so heavy and slow as you wait for those things that have the power to change your life drastically --- then skipping along so quickly when things are well.  We seem to miss a lot that we could enjoy -- at least a little more if things were not going so quickly. 

    MissKitty --- maybe you need to bring Daisy into your white light circle meditation and see if that helps her learn a little easier not to do the naughty and threfore really fun things she has been doing.  As far as trash cans outside --- we have metal ones and chained the lids on -- to keep the raccoons away -- just an idea to beat her at her own game if it gets to that.

    I'm onward for my day.  I owe a couple of long overdue notes.  I am wishing all of you wonderful health and a beautiful day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure
    you are.  Let me learn from you, love you, bless
    you before you depart.  Let me not pass you by
    in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
    Let me hold you while I may, for it may not
    always be so.  One day I shall dig my nails into
    the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch
    myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want,
    more than all the world, your return."
    (--Mary Jean Iron)
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

    Julia, I did a happy dance for you too! 

    While I've been dealing with rads (24 down, 9 to go; we're into single digits here), one of the things that's helped me during tx is to pray for someone else.  You've been on that list, and today I was really glad to be able to say a "thank you God" for your relief-full news. 

    Jackie, your words always find a home in my heart. 


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    thanks julia

    well yesterday i got the results of the body petscan. it is nowhere else but in the infected i was supposed to get the results of the both breasts mri and i called and it did not come in yet.i had them done together.i was sooo excited yesterday.i wanted to post the 2 at the same time but now im getting nervous.i am soooo tired of playing this waiting game.someone told me this morning FEAR IS THE ILLNESS NOT THE DIAGNOSIS. i was so positive yesterday and this i want to go back to soooo tired.

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    Just got caught up from the last few days - having a son, DIL and grandson here is WONDERFUL but time consuming ;-)

    YEAH Julia - I'll move you slightly down my prayer list after the THANK YOU GOD prayer!!! and granny - hang in there - you are still on my list - keep us all posted.

    Take good care all you fine women


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    Oh, yes - Jeanette - wasps.....too funny!  and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful you were not stung. Good on you!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    just called the results today....gonna go play some poker tonight.if not ill go crazy.i can do that tomorrow..thanks girls..prayin for all of you.GOD BLESS

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited July 2010

    Hi all you girls....have missed you all, been off on a road trip, and just didn't want to come home.

    Came back last Wed. for an appointment with a cardiologist, and it was scarey news for me. I had been having bouts of irregular heart beats, took myself off to ER some weeks ago, when it got bad, was put on list to see cardio, and last Thursday was the day.

    Cardio gave me good check up, told me to get dressed, and come into his office. He said 'has anyone mentioned you have a heart murmur', of course no-one has ever mentioned it before. He tells me the valve that is at the top of the aorta is' damaged', the heart beat is irregular, and isn't pumping blood as it should. This in turn leaves the blood at the top of the heart to pool, which in turn could cause it to clot, break off a clot, and put me 'in danger of a stroke' I was put straight onto Warfarin, and beta blockers, booked for another ultrasound, and told it was probable that I would need a valve replacement op. ( this doc. didn't mince his words !!)  

    I know that the 3 biggest causes of deaths are cancer (got that) heart disese (got that now !!) and stroke..(.looks like I could be heading down that road now )

    This latest news has pulled me up sharp, and of course Dr Google doesn't help, but must admit I have been consulting him all over last w/end. My family are driving me potty, DD has about moved in, she is overwhelming me, she has gone back to her own house this evening, so I feel a little less stifled ! No1 g/son comes every day, and I can't get on with anything for them sitting around my kitchen talking about me ! No 2 g/son pops in and out, wanting to 'help' me...and all I want is some peace, and to be left alone. I have felt bad mannered sitting at my own computer, and not talking to them, as I try and make some sense out of it all. Other g/children are in and out, or on the 'phone. I am trying to make light of it so they'll all leave me alone !

    Apart from this I have had an excellent 9 days away, didn't want to come back home at all. I don't really know where I have been. I just got in my car each day and drove where I fancied, stopped when something took my eye, had lots of good food, lots of nice hotels, and, best of all, no DH doing crazy things. A stress free time, then come back to this news.

    (Anyone with valve replacement surgery on here please chip in with what to expect )

    I just haven't had time to read back, but welcome to all the newbies.

    We are having a most spectacular thunder storm, almost overhead, so will go before I get blown off !!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2010

    Yes it is the waiting that gets you. Hope you hear soon Grannydukes.Juli, so pleased with the news.

    My  bone scan is next week and they are going to do the liver as well which really freeks me out.  Then I have to wait to see the oncologist!!!

     It is a bleak cool day here with some rain but my first daffodil is out which makes me smile.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2010

    Oh, Isabella.  I'm sorry to hear your news.  I'm new here, but have so enjoyed your posts.  My DH has heart problems, but not of the valve.  Hang in there and turn yourself over to your cardio.  Prayers and warm thoughts will be with you.   

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    Isabella, I am also soo sorry about the news with the heart problems..I don't know anything

    about valve issues, but I am sending you a warm hug...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2010

    Isabella we must have posted at the same time. My DH had a valve replacement last December and is now great. The op was a bit difficult but it has made such a difference. Don't expect that you will have a stroke, you are on warfarin to prevent that. PM me if you want too and I can tell you about it. DH wouldn't read the information he was given so I did and at least I knew what to expect.

    Big hugs


  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2010

    Greetings, Ladies!  I am a relative newbie here and would love to join your POD.  Seems appropriate because my DH joked about the Green Peace Society 30 years ago when I was last pregnant Laughing

     In 12 hours I'll be checking in for my lumpectomy with SNB, followed by (hopefully) Mammosite rads in the next couple of weeks.  I am hoping for clear nodes...nothing showed up in US but there was one suspicious node in the pre-surg MRI from yesterday.  I am awaiting the Oncotype DX report before making a decision about chemo.

     I am 60 years old, a type 2 diabetic and have osteoarthritis.  BC was my 30th anniversary present (found the lump while on our trip to Hawaii at the end of May) but I am hoping some good news will come my way in the next couple of weeks.

    I would love to have a discussion thread for us diabetics who are fighting BC as I question if there is any research out there on how our organs and nervous systems fare as a result of treatment.  I've come across just one that looked at Medicare records for 12,000 patients ages over 65. 

    Hoping everyone has a great tomorrow!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Welcome, welcome LuvRVing,

    I do not have the accesory medical issues you do but hopefully the loving and vdery caring ladies here who do will be along and help you soon.  Glad you found us Michelle and hope you will come often. 

    Isabella and Alyson, prayers are going out for you both....all the way to the ends of the universe for your health and well-being and peace of mind. 

    I am starting to be tired enough not to make sense so I'm going to go but I'll be thinking of all of you and wishing you well. 

    Healing hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    Isabella, i am SO SORRY to hear the news on the heart-man, is it like a valve is not working (I am just thinking of all of those pig valves out there and many are transplanted in half of my friends)can this be fixed? is it life threatening. God i hope not!



    Miss Kitty, hit Daisy with the pepper spray-i hate out of control dogs and never take ones I have not raised so god bless you for taking on this little wretched critter. i keep thinking of "man what was that old farm show where the rich people moved to the farm - OH GREEN ACRES!!

    CB. leave the wasps alone-i know they are plotting major payback!!

    i had a rotten day-lots of crying after reading all of the research i can get my hands on on recovery rates for BC survivors. Truly, I am so glad I have lived life to the fullest, missed nothing and want to die with grace and dignity-on my own terms and not in a vat of chemicals. Friend in a new BC support group had double mastec on a stage II and she has had four relapes with cancer returning in the muscles over about a 10 year period. She has no chest left but bone. She has stopped all care and she is a very wise woman to talk too. She has beenon the 'pink ribbon' circuit and felt she was just fooling herself. Truth to oneself is so important in all of this. I think we will be fast friends.

    And I know who will support me and who will ignore me on this thread and that is a good thing to know. No expectations-kill her with kindness, i think was the last comment about me from one of the BC christian poster children.

    LuvRv-special prayers for you my dear. Keep us posted!! 

    Sweet dreams to those i love and welcome to newbies, I am usually cranky anyway but I have pneumonia and sinus infection apparently-got that news Monday after a week of sleeping 24/7 and not knowing why and thinking it my thyroid again or adrenals or some shit. Opps i said a george carlin word-tee hee. I am so glad for the friendships truly fostered thru PM's and emails on this thread. (((((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Isabella, it's awful that you have this worry about your heart.  I hope you have the best medical team and that the problem is resolved very soon for your good health.

    Alyson, good luck on the scans next week, all my very best wishes.

    LuvRVing, I hope good news comes your way as well, you sure have more than your share of problems.  I hope it turns out to be less than minor and that the treatment easy and swift.

    SV, I hope the pneumonia and sinus infection are on their way out now and that you will soon be in the best of health.  Thank you for all your good wishes.

    Thanks again everyone, it's so kind of you to think of me.  A very strange thing... ET popped out on my back last Friday, it seemed to double in size every hour.  She excised it and sent it for biopsy yesterday after she replaced the drain. 

    I'm wishing the very best for my friends today and always. (((((healing, healthy, hugs)))))

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited July 2010

    Good morning ladies - I have been lurking for a few months and would like to join this lively thread. Julia - CONGRATS!! B9 is a beautiful thing. Isabella - I have a heart murmur that has held up to all the insane stuff the docs have done to my body so far but you have reminded me to get it checked. A dear friend had a valve replacement and while no cake walk, it was doable and recovery was fairly easy.

    My saga began 4/30 with lumpectomy 5/10 followed by re-excision 5/20 followed by 16 rads tx (Canadian protocol) and I am 10 days out from that. YAY! Looking into the face of Ariimidex and not liking what I see. I meet with the onc next week when he will tell me to take it or I'm fired as a patient. Hmmmm.

    Seize the day!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Morning Girls!  It seems like it has only been one day, & I tune in here, & you are all falling apart at the seams!  Jackie.....I love the poem about  a "Normal Day"....that is so true!    I like to think that "today" is always better than yesterday.....that maybe when I look back, I can see & appreciate what I went through.....And it's always good to look for "tomorrow" also!  (If your "today" has been rough.)

    Grannydukes.... Still thinkin' about you kid.....just hang in there....and that is right...we HATE to wait & think the worst!  This must be some sort of mechanism in our brain, that makes us worry, so when we DO hear what we don't want, it isn't as bad.   I know we always get through it.....but "waiting patiently" ranks right up there with whooping cough! 

      Caroline....I was talking to my Daughter, & about the wasp nest I adopted, & we figured all the women of the nest were over there thinking "oh dear, this place is such a mess...we must get busy & clean it up"...& all the guy wasps were saying "What the hell just happened?"    But I'm DONE with least it gave me something else to think about!   

    And Isabella!  I was about to send out the troops!  You were really MIA!  But so happy you can find a peaceful place to go to get away....even if it is in the next room!    I'm just sorry about your valve.... Maybe you should try a garage instead of a Doctor....  I just want to make you smile.   My Husband had a pace-maker put in 8 years ago...the bottom part of his heart just quit..."heart block"....but the pace-maker fixed him up good!  Just had it replaced, in fact!  But I think these gals either have had, or know a lot more than I do about your valve replacement....And DR. Google, is a good place to hang around, but sometimes we just want more assurance!  I'm with you kid.....((((((isabella))))) Good luck & best wishes with you

    Alyson!    Good Luck LuvRVing!!!!!!!!!  By the time you read this, it will be all over!  I too, had a lumpectomy, followed immediately with the MammoSite implant, & radiation, & all went well!   The tubes from the Device were a nuisance under my arm, but I held them all in place & it helped.  Make sure you don't get an infection.  Your body will try & fight that "foreign" thing in there....I had an infection the whole time, but took 2 prescriptions to help get over it!   So just keep a watch out for that.  And yes, the Onco test is very important!   There are a few gals on this thread with diabetes, so they can help you with those questions!   

    Now miss SV!!!!!!!  You can't fog out the dog with pepper spray!  Do I have to come & lock you in your room?   This pup in question has had a traumatic life...& even tho I sometimes lose my patience with Lacee & her barking, I wouldn't do silly girl!  But Honey....I know you will have "down" hasn't been that long, since they permanently scarred you with that shot-gun blast of chemo!    And it's alright to talk to & support others that have had a terrible time too, but you can't think that the same thing will happen to you.  Man, you are really on a tear, right?  I'm so sorry about your pneumonia, & your what...sinus?  Anything else you can get?    TOMORROW, or even today will be better, right?  Just go outdoors with your pups & relax.....Quit thinking about what COULD happen.... get better little girl......  

    BarbaraA....what took you so long?  Ha!   So now you've gone through it, & are looking back on it!  Yeeeaaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!  And the Arimidex IS something to think about!  I've really read up on THAT one, along with Femara....I am on Tamoxifen, without almost no side effects...I just had the cyp2d6 I'm waiting to hear!  Oncologist wants me to start Femara instead...because of my age...but I'm hanging on tooth & nail to the Tamoxifen, unless it isn't helping me.  Just TRY the Arimidex, if that's what he wants...But if he won't keep you as a patient, if you don't or can't take it, then it's sayonara to him!   This is our choice, & our body, & we'll do all we can to keep the "bugger" away, but we sometimes know better than our Doc's do!    And he's a guy!  What does HE know?  Just kidding!  Okay...till next time!  Make your "today" a treasure! xoxoxoxo        

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Barbara --- welcome. Glad you decided to join us.  Many of us are on the Arimidex.  I take it as well.  As for me, I wanted to do everything I could to handle my diagnosis to the point of terminating it and never having to handle it again.  That meant for me taking a pill to handle the estrogen that was feeding my original cancers --- 2 different types 1 slow growing and 1 aggressive in the same breast --- and though I could do without the side effects ( sure notice them more on these wet days we are having )  I look on them as life-saving nuisances.  I am willing to do the trade-off for a few years and feel it is small price to pay for the gift of my life.  Every single thing we medically take --- prescribed or OTC has side effects so we are always trading off for some health improvement.  It is just that the cancer drugs do more for us if we can tolerate them for at least 5 years.  I wish you well Barbara and hope you will come back often. 

    I hope you all have a good day.  I am about to get mine started.  More rain this afternoon is possible --- MissKitty --- are you getting a lot of this gunky weather.  Weather report sounds like it.  We will just buck up and get through it.

    Big healing hugs, Jackie 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    WELCOME BARBARA-WE ARE TRULY THE "KEN KESEY SCHOOL OF MERRY PRANKSTERS" AND WE LOVE AND SUPPORT ALL IN OUR "POD' (GROUP OF BONDED FEMALE WHALES) as we came to call ourselves. We can let it all hand out here and because we are old and wise, we can take just about anything. i always need CB to put me in time out when i get 'wonky' and there are so many women here to keep you up.

    For all having tests, prayers and BIG BLESSINGS!!! And yes, Alyson and CB, i have decided today to stop researching stuff on BC-I am trying to be this tough clinical gal who wants info on this crappy disease and i just end up depressed and crying over the flood of stats and other crap.

    I am in a "war" with a female cardinal. She knows that the birdfeeders outside my bedroom window is hers and she knows it is empty!!! For days now, she has been dive bombing my windows and pecking on the glass-literally following me around the house in every window she can find me in and standingon the sill and pecking-just to let me know that I have let HER BIRD FEEDER GET EMPTY-so this morn I filled it and she is a happy camper. Birds!!!! man, they are smart.

    Sorry i was such a beee-achh yesterday. I just feel so trapped by this freaking disease. here i live on the beach and i cannot go out in the sun or heat after the 'near death chemo' experience. i do not do well trapped in the house!! And meds are helping the 'bug B gone' in me lungs and sinus's so feeling a bit better today. Pigged out on cheescake and tool house ice cream sandwiches yesterday after a long cry and felt so much better.

    i know CB and Miss kitty , i am trying to be (well no I am not) sympathetic about Daisy. my Mandy (who was 18 when she passed was a pisser!! She was an angel until i turned my back and then she'd get into anything she could just to drive me nuts i am sure!!

    Love you all, SV