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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited March 2009

    Illinoislady...if we work hard, and build our estate seems unfair that our health should cost us everything we worked for...but again, if my cancer was invasive, I might had made a different decision. I am happy to hear other U.S. states take care of b.c. women. Refreshing!

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Barry, I feel for your insurance problems... I hope you hang around.  We all make our own choices about treatment.   Over the years I have done what I feel is best, sometimes friends and family don't agree or understand.     Some feel I have been too aggressive with chemo and Ai's .    Anyone else doesn't have much effect on my decisions.   I've learned that I try to honor everyone's choices,( something  I was not so good at over my lifetime  )...and that the insurance system is criminal.

    Readers Digest has an interesting article this month about why you shouldn't get tested and treated for cancer.  While you are waiting on line at the supermarket...check it out. My theory on lines in the supermarket is to read those magazines...if the lines are too long you don't have to buy them.  I'm not sure what I think about it.

    Cheyanne,  sorry you had to join the group.   I have taken AI's for 3 years. Prior to diagnosis I didn't have hot flashes.   I had chemo induced menopause.   Not too many hot flashes until a year later when I started Ais.  They are not comfortable and sometimes you just can't take one more esp. at night...but I keep thinking the AI s are pacmen eating up cancer cells that are trying to grow.  I've been trying to eat lots of calcium rich food, take vitamin D and Magnesium.  I don't take calcium because it stops me up, if you know what I mean.

    My most recent bone scan came back stable.  But I do have more arthritis.  So I'm doing my own thing here.

    I drove myself to radiation after 9 months of chemo ( chemo was very hard for me, couldn't drive myself after the first AC) BUT...I went back to work full time at the start of rads.  I scheduled it for after work so I could go home and rest and take off clothes and wear just a cotton tee.  I'm very fair but had no skin problems just stuck to what rad suggested.  I was tired but so happy I was done with chemo. Everyone was great and I would take a 10 minute power nap towards the end. I had a lot of physical work assigned to me at that time.  ( a real son of a gun boss...thought I'd quit...but 3 years later  and I'm still there)

    I hate saying this but ‘one day at a time'  Good luck with the lumpectomy.

    Medicaid is funded by Federal govt but I think the state manages it so it may vary from state to state.  Medicare will cover metastatic cancer but we don't want that diagnosis.  They talk about the donut hole in Medicare drug coverage....there's a chasm for anyone who is between 55 and 65.   

    And then will Medicare etc give  you coverage for what you need  ( scans, mri's etc).  I'll be working as long as I am upright.    I do write too much.   Good night   Maire 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258
    edited March 2009

    Good afternoon every one and Happy St. Pat's Day to ya.  Jo, I don't know anything about Chemosabi yet.  Oops, yes I do because I just went over to No Surrender and checked.  She has a cracked rib and that what the pain and chest discomfort.  As well she found out from that Dr. ( I think he was/'is her primary care physician, that her Oncologist plans to use a mild form of chemo and then radiation to put her into remission.  Bless her heart....the important word for her to hear was remission.  Though she had already taken her fighting stance over this I think now after knowing her Oncologist's goal she will be much more apt to not waver in that stance. 

    I go today ( in five minutes ) to pick up supplies for the office, feed feral cats, go to the bank with a deposit and than out to Iuka -- about 25 miles from here and pick up my two male cats that were spayed this morning.  It's going to be a long busy afternoon.  See you all later.

    Happy Paddy's Day.


  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2009

    If any of you want to read Nicki's blog and show her support there you can find it here.Nicki can't post here anymore


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2009

    As with JO, not to open a pandora's box but I would kinda like to know why, too.  Has she been barred or just prefers to post on her blog?

  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2009

    Nicki was banned  - I don't know why - but she was banned.  She reads here - but can no longer post here.


  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2009

    *smiling and waving to JO* I actually havent been around for the last few days....we had a busy week end with my husbands birthday which is tomorrow (he turns 60!) and babysitting......and I was in a tiny funk though I didnt say much about it to anyone cause it was such a beautiful week end I didnt want to spoil anything for anyone....but that is how * we* are isnt it......always worried about everyone else....anyways, my SNB incision is open AGAIN and draining, and as you know that freaks me out, BS says it still my rejection of vicryl sutures and that is can go on for a nother month or two , I just dont like it and I dont like putting on dressings again and checking drainage....its like.....could we all just have a little time with nothing going on.

    We have absolutely gorgeous weather here....and its a sin to be a working woman ~L~ even the economy smiled a little bit today.

    Is your house quiet with your daughter gone JO ?

    All that insurance talk gives me the creeps cause as you all know I am the breadwinner/benefit carrier in our house and there is no hope for DH to take over that role so I too must work and work and work and then work a little bit more doggone it......they cant make health care insurance changes fast enough to suit me !

    What did your Arimidex to you JO ? Mine reared its ugly head a little bit but has gone back into sleeping and as Maire said its doing its pacman thing again.....I love that

    Love to all of you


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258
    edited March 2009 know if you feel ratty/depressed/out of sorts/ and just crummy all over more than anyplace can come here and say so.  Since women are almost always natural care-givers a lot of us do have reservations about putting 'something' on some one else.....we think we need to hold it in and deal with it --- just buck up and get on with life.  I did that for so long....and had it out with Dh a couple times too because he would say things about how strong I was....and this did not always allow me the chance to let down and be I could get through that time and regain my strength.  I'm taking the long way to can vent and let go of it here.  You don't have to 'save' us, as all of us do have tremendous strength but not 100 % of the time. 

    I would hate having to feel like I might start to ooze out at any time though.  I would not be handing that near as well as you seem to be.  Nice that you have a reason why and therefore a future date as to when you can actually expect it to be gone. 

    Been a long day here, but a good one.  My last two cats have been 'fixed' now and I will be less concerned about many of the behavioral issues that can come up.  They are resting and allowing anesthesia to slowly take it's leave.  By tomorrow they should be doing much, much better. 

    Anyway, I have my life all worked out.  I have figured that if things keep going as they have I will be able to retire about two weeks before my demise.  But at least I will get to retire.  I keep hoping for a big lottery win but you have to play before it can happen. 

    Ok, I'm really rambling here now so I think I'm off to the bath, jammies, and recliner.  It has been a long day. 


  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2009

    Hello Ladies!

       Had my chemo today, ONE MORE TO GO!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!  And got some great news, I seen my regular Oncologist today, instead of a mid level assistant, he examined me, couldn't find the lumps for like the 4th time and told me I was in remission...well I don't know for sure but that's what he said...I don't know for sure how he can know if there are cancer cells lurking in there or not, but it made me feel good. He said he was going to order a catscan for me...guess will find out the truth! I go next Tuesday for the last Taxol, then April 6th to my breast surgeon to discuss my lumpectomy..but this has been a great day...just hearing that made me feel awesome!

      Love, hugs and prayers


  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2009

    YEA DEB !!!!!!! There is NOTHING like good news to make the world a brighter place.....just keep on your path and get it all finished , summer is just around the corner !'ve done great, and now its almost over, congratulations !



  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2009

    Great news Deb.  Chemo zapped my tumor and then I had lumpectomy and clear nodes. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258
    edited March 2009

    way to go Deb !!!!!  Never in my life did a word sound so wonderful and that word was forever....the day after my last chemo.  So glad for you --- your forever will be so great when you get the last chemo.  I was so thrilled with myself that I did it too.....because often for many it is a long, difficult battle.  I questioned myself and my choice a couple of times seriously.....but in the end knew that it actually wasn't a choice as such.  It was something that had to be done in order  for me not to ever look back ( and I hope I never do  anyway ) and say if only I had done what I could then....maybe I wouldn't be here now. 

    Jo---you are dealing with so much at the moment.  I have been considering taking my allergy meds since Spring has sprung.  I see the evidence out my back windows.  There are some early bushes and overnight they seemed to have become quite it's time to think of it.  Do you routinely take meds for some of that?  Of course, I try not to have to take more than I have too but now and then we need a LITTLE push to get things going in the right direction. 

    I'm sure I'll be checking in later.  Only time I don't is when I have to work on Thurs. and Fri. Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Spring-like weather. 


  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2009

    Thanks Ladies, although I'm still not sure how he can be so sure I am in remission just by feeling, but guess the tests will show or not and I sure hope my lymph nodes are clear too....that would be a miracle!  Believe me after 4 every other week treatments of A/C and 11 Weekly Taxols, there have been times when I thought man this isn't worth it, I will never make it through...especially when fingernails started falling off, and I was so sick on the A/C...Thank God my hubby kept pushing me, Lord knows where i would be now. Still can't believe next Tuesday is the last one, hard to believe. Of course I think half the world was praying so I believe that had to help! And like everyone else i pray to God it doesn't come back again, I'm not so sure I could go through it again.

    uh Jo, I just went and raked my flowerbeds (bad move the day after chemo I know) but anyway my Sweet Williams are coming up!!!!!!!!!!  So there  is Green in Ohio!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luv, hugs and prayers


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2009


    I am doing pretty good. Thanks for being concerned.

    They tell me that my engine in my car needs to be rebuilt. If it's not one hurdle to get over, it's two, seems like there is no end to it.

    I have been walking, and still trying to talk George into going to the Dr.

    Also, I seem to have a little nauseau, guess it's from the Arimidex.

    I will call Betty this afternoon and see how Junior is doing. He was suppose to go to the Dr. today, and they were suppose to check his blood, and check to see if the cancer is in his prostrate.

    I really miss you ladies, but somedays I am so tired, I sit down and off to sleep I go.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2009


    What great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God for all the prayers, Prayer does work!

    I know that each and every lady on this site is excited for you.

    God Bless

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2009


    I just talked with Betty, she said they just found two cyst in Junior's kidneys. It looks like things are really bad for him. She said they had to wait for the insurance to o.k. the prostrate exam.

    He will be admitted to the hospital on the 23rd to operate on his arm, she said the Dr. said he would probably be in the hospital for a couple of days.

    Please pray for the two of them, they really need all the prayers they can get.

    Thanks and God Bless You!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2009

    JO:  I have never been this old either.  I don't know what is old age and what is not.  I have always had joint problems.  We Capricorns have problematic knees and that's been true since I was a kid.  Of course, doctors blame everything on old age.  My uncle complained to his doctor for 2 years that he was always tired.  He was told for 2 years he was just getting older.  They finally did a colonoscopy only to learn he had Stage II Colon cancer!

    His wife and I had to drag him to chemo.  To this day he talks about "chemo smell."  His wife's cousin had breast cancer and required chemo.  She, too, talks about "chemo smell."  My uncle said sometimes its someone passing by with a certain perfume that brings back the chemo to him.  Other times it is things he can't identify but it brings back memories of chemo.  For those of you who had chemo I assume you know what he's talking about.

    Here's an old one.  I think in my day they made dolls out of rubber because I love the smell of a tire store.  It makes me happy.  Since smells, above all else, can trigger good and bad memories that is the only link I can come up with.  Anyone else experience something similar?

    I know, I'm rambling.  Have a good evening.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Great news Deb are amazing to get through all ACs and tax.  

    I love the this day I cannot be near coffee. It's a trigger from chemo.  I can't even go into Starbucks with's the smell.  

    Good memories are ocean smell...always makes me happy.  Went there a lot during chemo to make me feel better. 

    I remember the rubber doll smell too.   And don't you all remember your mother's perfume?

    Kath ..I also remember feeling pretty tired and some odd symptoms for a year prior to diagnosis??   Good evening to you all. 

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    OK...I hit some type of milestone today - I fell asleep in the driveway!!  (Actually, I was in my car , in the driveway.)  I had just gotten home from school, was listening to the end of something on NPR and fell asleep.  That's a first! 

    Talk about sleep deprivation!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258
    edited March 2009 must have been so startled to wake up --- not in your bed.  Too funny, but not the actual sleep deprivation. 

    As to smells...I never had too much trouble with them but I did ruin my appetite for water which I loved above anything else.  I did not drink coffee for awhile, and finally had to start making and drinking Kool-Aid.  All the other suggestions people had did not seem to work for me...flavors of Chrystal Light etc.  I could easily eat Jello and drink Kool-Aid so that was the major part of my hydration and they never went 'bad' for me.  I apparently did eat Peanut Butter ( a very long-standing part of my diet ) at a bad time and could not eat it again for the longest time. 

    My most favorite it smells outside after a good summer rain. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful evening.


  • mikita5
    mikita5 Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2009

    Hello ladies: Been in NC babysitting for my daughter. Hubby had to go to Milwaukee, she works weekends and didn't have a babysitter. Gheez, I hate to do that.. (yeah, right). The baby is a work of art. She;s 20 months old and quite a charmer. My dh hasn't ever been one to play with the 8 grandkids, but I left to get something to eat, came back and baby had DH on our dogs leash, leading him thru the house.. That was a first!! He doesn't play!!!

    It's so hard to catch up on here. Things go so fast and, like others, I forget who says what!

    Spent today getting clothes ready to take to the consignment shop. I have 122 pcs. of clothing. Lots are new with tags. I buy at season end of clearances for the next yr., but then I gain weight and when that new season gets here, I can't wear them. Decided to get rid of everything that's not been bought recently. I think I feel that dh and daughter will have to get rid of all this stuff if I don't make it thru surgery on the 30th. Whatever the reason, It's good to have more room.

    Hugs to all going thru the chemo. I'm blessed that I can skip that step this time. The bilat mx will help keep me from doing rads too, so I'm doubly blessed.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Good evening ladies!  The chemo smells amaze me.  I can no longer stand the smell of Chinese food and I used to love it.  I really can't understand it because I never got sick from Chinese food when I was doing chemo and think I only had it once during that whole six month period.  We went into an International Buffet which has lots food besides Chinese and I had to turn around and walk out.  I thought it might improve with time but so far that smell is still there.

    Hugs to all of you!


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2009

    G'day all.  I find that I absolutely cannot stand some of the new perfumes with musk and vanilla tones that everyone and her cat wears these days.  I don't know whether it's a result of sinusitis or just getting older, but some days if I have been around alot of perfume wearing women, I feel like the top of my head is going to blow it's lid. 

    I used to love the smell of my mothers face powder when I was a kid. I think perfumes were much simpler back then, less of the power punch, more of the gentle stroke.


  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2009

    I had forgotten the smell of chemo! and that awful taste when the nurse pushed in the Adriamycin, blech!! It's amazing what you can go through and the memory fades.

    Hi Rita Jean!  :)

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2009


    I went over and talked with my neighbor, George, today. He said he couldn't sleep last night for the pain in his back, he also said he was passing some blood. I told him to quit being stubborn and call the Dr. I told him I would go with him if he would go.


    We will all be praying for you. Just believe that everything is going to be alright. And know that you have a lot of friends on this sight who will be praying for you. God Bless!


    Isn't this weather great!!! It's about 74 in the daytime here, and about 47 degrees at night.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Hey glad to see you here!  How's it going for you?

    Jan, so sorry that you are having to deal with the seepage issue.  I had a friend who had this problem at the masectomy scar site.  She finally got it under control but it was so frustrating and "messy."  Hopefully you can get yours stopped soon. have me thinking now.  Do you think that the restaurant smells are a result of the Arimidex?  I always assumed it was an after-effect of the chemo but I couldn't figure out why my adversion to Chinese food smells would develop from the chemo since I never was sick from that during chemo treatment. Hmmmm.......interesting side-thought!

    Well, I'm going out to weed a few flower beds this afternoon.  It's cool but sunny in central Illinois and I have spring fever.

    Hope everyone is doing well.


  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2009

    Hello to everyone ! Is it Friday yet ? *nodding* almost......

    We are SO busy at work.....they did their little cut backs, on hours for 2 people in every dept and now we are SO short of help. Just at my surgical center, we had 5 breast cancer cases THIS week, which just reminds when i think I dont really know ANYONE with bc, how many of us there are.....I am so loving being able to be reasuring and helpful to these ladies....some my age, some younger, some older, no limits on who gets to have it.

    So......I went to a Nutrition for women with Breast Cancer class last night.....3 hours of it, for heavens sake, kept me up past my bedtime and I missed AMERICAN IDOL !!!! What did I learn.....hmmmm, I think, that although the instructor was a highly educated survivor herself with all kinds of culinary degrees it was a bit extreme. She said if we took home one thing of the many she presented she would be happy, the simple thing is high fiber, low fat, and if it isnt something that is *grown* dont eat much of it and if it refined or processed dont eat any of it. She didnt make a big deal about soy at all.....pushed the rainbow theory....organics, said if we eat them in season when they are in abundance we wont have to pay a fortune....isnt a fan of meat at all (fortunately neither am I.......) HUGE on beans, lentils,brown rice big secrets.....what she teaches is ideal but not completely likely for everyone. Made a couple of recipes that were kind of out there but very nutritious.....

    When I was doing my radiation, and was freshly post op and hadnt eaten in days, what I craved more than ANYTHING was a simple McDonalds cheeseburger, trust me when I tell you I NEVER eat them.....DH took me for one after radiation, it was the first food I got in and kept down, we ummmmm had several in the ensuing days, was this good for me ? uh uh....not one bit.....did I enjoy it immensely.....*yep* havent had any since, but they sure were comforting at the time......

    Hoping for a great week end for everyone.....they come too slow and go too fast

    love to all


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2009


    That little granddaughter sounds terrific!  When you go for surgery, take pictures of those 8 gkds. with you--they'll be a reminder of why you are fighting this beast so hard.  Maybe DH can have pics at hand when you come to. 

    And JO is spot on, we will be praying for you.  I believe one of the "benefits" of our all being on different treatment schedules is that those of us who happen to be on the upswing can help lift up those of us who are on a downturn.  Now I've done it--can't get Bill Withers and his "Lean on Me" out of my mind!  So, "Lean on me when you're not strong, I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on; for it won't be long, that I might need somebody to lean on."  O.K. that was from memory and we all know how that is.  

    O.K. Chemo Chooks, take heart. We are survivors!!!

    Nite all...Helen

  • reba1717
    reba1717 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2009

    Hello! It has been a couple of weeks since I posted. Mom's Onc. called in sick 2 weeks ago, so we didnt have all the results of the pathology from the mast... so I think we just took advantage of that and went into denial for 2 weeks. We had her appt on Tuesday and the following is what I sent out to family and friends. I would love to know what you all think of this, since mom is 71 (although pretty young). I am very worried about the CT showing mets...

    so, the news was not as good as we had hoped. she has stage IIIA lobular breast cancer with 8 out of 12 lymphnodes testing positive for cancer and at least 2 of which the cancer had spread outside of the nodes.
    Because of the type of cancer the dr. wants to be pretty agressive. So they want to start 8 cycles of chemo (2 weeks each cycle) asap. She goes to have a CT scan thursday, so that they can make sure it hasn't settled anywhere else in the body yet (theya re concerned about that because of the cancer going outside of the nodes and the number of nodes involved).
    She will have a "MUGA" heart test on Friday to make sure all is well with her heart to have the agressive chemo. She cant start chemo until the drain is out from the mastectomy (it has been in for 4 weeks so far because it is still producing too much fluid for their liking). She will see her surgeon in the next 2 weeks, but if the drain can not come out yet, they will start her on Tamoxofen or something of the sort until she can start chemo.
    Once the 16 weeks for chemo are done, she will need to do radiation in the underarm area to be sure there is nothing left there. Once that is done they will treat her with hormone therapy drugs because she is positive for both estrogen and progesterone (which is good) and negative for her-2-neu (which is also a good thing)-- Sorry for all the medical terminology but I am sending this to some survivors who I know will ask me these questions anyway :)

    So, needless to say, we have a long road a head!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258
    edited March 2009

    Jo....your reaction to the musky perfumes....especially the headache screams allergy reaction to me.  Yikes !!!  Evening in  Paris.  I think you can still get that as well as some of the other older (parent's generation favorites ) in that Vermont Country Store catalog.  I was looking through one day and saw spoolies.  Anyone remember them.  They took the place of bobby pins for doing your hair at night.  I use to roll my hair on them every night.  Got to where I could do it in five minutes. 

    Jan....the nutrition   and I think many of us know a lot of these things but it is so often difficult to make it work out.  I'm not a huge meat eater, but I like some anyway.  Rice I love---especially brown.  One of my big problems is I have friends that can eat a couple pieces of fruit and claim to feel stuffed....why oh why can I feel that too.  Would sure make my life easier...that and if I had at least a little aversion to chocolate.

    Been a long day for me so I'm going to scoot.  I'm wishing you all well and keeping you in my prayers.
