Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Just got back. All Clear!!!! Three shots and looking fine!! Whew. Time for a big tall glass of fruit heck, with a tad of vodka thrown in. Woo Hooo!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    YAY FOR BARBARA. doin the happy dance.its time to make plans for the get together.....

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Way to go, Barbara!!!  Get-together sounds great!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    (((BARB-Happy Dance Happy Dance)))))) Yeeeehaaaa! SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Thanks all. What a relief. Haven't slept much for the past two weeks what with my father, my PTSD and this. Well, now all I have to contend with is PTSD. Aaaaah.

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Hi gals,     So much fun to read all your posts......We are leaving for Duluth tomorrow for a couple of days and I am leaving my netbook home so decided to drop a few words tonight.....We will only be gone for a couple of days as my youngest grandson is getting his tonsils out next week so I am needed to babysit his little sister.....Am not sure when Ryane's funeral will be but will be home for that...his parents will fly out East to meet the plane and accompany the body back.....Here we have a processional from Mpls. to their home town and people gather on the streets to salute the casket.....I so appreaciate all your kind words.....I have been retired for a few yrs. but our local hospital called and asked if I would be interested in volunteering in the surgical waiting room (keeping patients families updated on the surgery being performed) and so I did commit to start next month.....I think it will be good for me....have done lots of voluntering in the local schools so this is a whole new ball of wax for me...will catch the posts when I get home.....hope everyone is having a great to you all.......Claudia

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Hi gals,     So much fun to read all your posts......We are leaving for Duluth tomorrow for a couple of days and I am leaving my netbook home so decided to drop a few words tonight.....We will only be gone for a couple of days as my youngest grandson is getting his tonsils out next week so I am needed to babysit his little sister.....Am not sure when Ryane's funeral will be but will be home for that...his parents will fly out East to meet the plane and accompany the body back.....Here we have a processional from Mpls. to their home town and people gather on the streets to salute the casket.....I so appreaciate all your kind words.....I have been retired for a few yrs. but our local hospital called and asked if I would be interested in volunteering in the surgical waiting room (keeping patients families updated on the surgery being performed) and so I did commit to start next month.....I think it will be good for me....have done lots of voluntering in the local schools so this is a whole new ball of wax for me...will catch the posts when I get home.....hope everyone is having a great to you all.......Claudia

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Barbara....pleased for you with the scan. What a relief. Here in UK we only get scans when there's trouble. We can't go on in every year and put our minds at rest. I had it out with my bc nurse, and she tells me you gals over in USA are 'too jumpy' and the whole thing is 'insurance driven'...she had no answers tho' when I said over in USA the survival rate is much, much higher than in UK !

    Have been to a sheep sale today to buy myself a ram. I really hate to drive the 4WD truck, don't like being so high off the road, and it was made worse by pulling the cattle trailer. I really held up the traffic, but I wasn't going along at breakneck speed with a trailer on.G/son didn't make it with me, so I set out alone. I got 1 ram, and 4 girls. The ram was a very funny ugly sort of chappie. He was penned on his own, and wasn't any sort of breed I recognised. He looked lonely and fed up, and so I told him I'd buy him when he came into the sale ring, and I did. He was the cheapest one on sale, and if I'd had my head on the correct way I wouldn't have looked twice at him, but sometimes I just get a feeling that its meant to be that I get out of control and buy things I shouldn't !! He wasn't the breed I intended to buy, infact he is a crossbreed, but I could see a butcher buying up 'odd' things, so I felt I saved his life...he'd better not knock me over now. He had quite a stamping fit when I got him loaded up. Rams can get a bit 'clever' and will take a few steps back and run like hell at you and bash you with their hard heads. I was knocked over quite badly years ago, and ended up in hospital concussed, so now I am wary. ( If DH had landed home with this ram I would have had a real shout at him, but because I bought him its OK LaughingLaughing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

    Going to another sale Saturday, got the bug now, and want a few more girls. I'll never make any money at this game, they are only an indulgence of mine,  but I do love my sheep,and don't want to ever be without them. I love to stand outside when its dark, and listen to the sheep calling to one another in the field next to my garden...I feel all's right with the world when I can hear my sheep baaing, my cattle mooing and my flipping dogs barking their little heads off.

    I have had 4 days out on the trot now, and another one coming up Saturday, so I am off for a nice shower, and my bed. I was up at 7.30 this morning, and, boy, do I know it, I am beyond tired. I don't usually get out of bed on a morning until 9am. Just hoping G/son checked all my fences for me properly tonight when he called to see my purchases, or I will be in a real pickle if the sheep get out and I can't chase them!!

    Granny, hope you keep on getting better, it does take time, so don't push yourself. Just keep crawling up that damned wall.That used to drive me nutty, and I never knew if it did make me use my arm quicker or not.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    I know it takes time and i also know that crawling up the wall does work.YES it does. but it hurts and according to the drs thats part of the body is used to doing stretches 3x a my entire body is sore.I know it gets better BUT WHEN?????? its over 2 weeks now and i still feel like someone is stickin needles under my arm.Dr.says its normal...UGH..and no pain killers.that really stinks.

    thanks for caring.huggggggggggggs


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Oh Isabella, you saved that ram. He will be a good one for you after he realizes you are 'mom'. Sheep are so sweet. I love goats as well. I am glad you are getting around. Good one driving the big truck and trailer!

    Granny, you just have to accept that we are old far!s. Nothing works as it once did. Be patient and it will happen when it is supposed to.

    Thanks again all. I was freaked out but you held me up and it was all good. Thanks my sisters.

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2010

    Congratulations, Barbara.  So happy for you.

    So sorry that there are new members here.  However, under the circumstances, "here" is a good place to be.

    On the backroads of northern PA belatedly celebrating 32nd anniversary.  (No one more surprised than my husband and I.)  Horrible problem sleeping last night.  Couldn't turn off my head....

    Hang in there, Lost. Thanks for the note.

    God bless us all.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Hi Gals - Isabella, good on you for your 4WD adventure, and for saving the ram.  I hope he is duly appreciative!  You paint such a lovely image of nighttime at your place - thank you for sharing it.

    BarbA, Great News!! So glad for you, what a relief after such a rough week.  I did make my arrangements for my mammo towards the end of the month, then will see the surgeon a couple days later.  During the wait, we'll beachwalk, eat out, and generally enjoy the north coast. (at a dog-friendly motel). So you got me off my dithering and now all appointments are made. Thanks for the good example - it mattered.  

    GD, patience is the name of this game. Take it from the empress of impatience. I just got some yoga tapes and I want to know what happened to the elastic that used to be my body? YIKES!  Talk about having to take it slow...

    Have a great anniversary SoxFan; Yay for you two!  We're looking at 34 next month.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010
    Between the optimist and the pessimist, the difference is droll. The
    optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist the hole!
    - Wilson, Mclandburgh
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Good news Barbara....that is great...

    I drove to the commissary today and decided to stop by the

    beach on the way for a little "me" time..beautiful day, perfect as a matter of fact..

    sunny and warm but not hot...

    saw these little fellows there to keep me company

    and this too

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Oh Lisa, beautiful!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Yes Lisa!  I have one of "your" pink roses as my "desk-top" now! 

    And Isabella....I love reading your posts!  You paint such a vivid picture of what you are doing!  And it's fun reading about you....and how you "feel!"   Your little animals are  what keeps you "happy"..... and peaceful!  Thanks for letting us "share" with you! 

    Man, it's snowing up on the passes here!  I mean Loveland & Berthoud!  Get ready girls....It's "a-comin!"  Ski season is not far away....(like I know what a pair of ski's are!)  xoxoxoxoxo 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Lisa what lovely pictures...I always look forwards to them.

    Chevy...SNOW...tell me its not true !! I hope its 2/3 months away for us yet.

    Just sitting here in a bit of a state, have been attacked by MILs dog. I had a real row with DH this evening, and told him to take the damned thing away with him, but after all the shouting I did, he sloped of quietly without it, leaving me to cope with the mean little ********. I just rang his pub, and got him to come on back up here and take it away. He was NOT pleased that I had raked him out of the pub 'infront of all his friends' !! No matter I was dripping blood all over the place then??

    I went to put my own dogs into their night kennel at 10pm, as usual, and who was standing guard in MY dogs kennel, not letting them in but a raging dog from hell. I had just nothing to defend myself or my dogs with, the little **** jumped up at my arm, and swung on my sweater. I am always a bit wary of swift movements incase of falling with Osteopenia I'm always wary of my hip breaking if I twist sharply and fall....left alone I cope with no trouble as I know my limitations, but tonight I was cornered. The dog ran out of the kennel, my dogs ran every which way, wondering what the hell was happening, (these are all old dogs, a bit decrepit, and certainly no threat to one another, 2 of them are 14, for goodness sakes) I managed to shepherd my dogs in, slammed the door shut, at least they were safe, then was left with MILs dog. It just glared at me, snarled, and the next thing I knew it had sunk its teeth into my calf, and was ripping my trackie bottoms. I put my hand down instinctively to feel the damage to my leg and the ***** thing grabbed my hand.

    Dog bites are painful. I have discovered that with years of looking after dogs. But I didn't know where to put myself for the pain. I had to open a door, get into another room, with the dog hanging onto my hand,and get hold of a broom with my left hand to knock the **** thing off me. I broke the broom handle over the little ***** before it would let go.  Luckily I was near an outside door, and rolled it out of the door, into the rain outside, and slammed the door shut, All this happened a good hour ago, I'd then to put up with DH  coming here, playing merry hell with me for putting the dog out in the rain, and mad as hell because he had been called out of the pub. He has taken the thing off with him to his mothers house, where he should have taken it when he went home tonight. He would have quietly left it here without me seeing what was going on, because he wanted a night out, and the dog is filthy, so he'd have to clear up after it when he got in after a night out.

    I DO NOT think he will be leaving it here ever again, after the pasting he got from me tonight !

    I am left with a badly bitten hand and wrist, my leg isn't as bad, but its not good,and a ruined sweater and pair of trackie bottoms. Of course, all the commotion  has set my heart off jumping and thumping, and I feel rough. DH never asked after me, so he will be in for an earful in the morning. Anyone else and I would have

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Sorry, lost a whole post, haven't time to re-do tonight. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Aw Isabella, I love your posts. Can't wait until tomorrow.

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2010

    Lisa, thank you for your beautiful pictures.  I have one as my desk top and it takes my breath away every time I log on.  Wonderful.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited October 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick hello. I've been reading to keep up and miss joining in. I wanted to welcome new members and repeat the explaination of The Pods.  we agreed a while back that it was an excellent description of how we help each other survive...

    PODS DEFINED.....Feb. 14, 2010

    PODs - Means like a POD of whales-forever joined thru generations, time, eternity and great wisdom, shaped by the same fierce forces, streamlined by the eons, speaking the same language, working for the same purpose, stronger than the all of the oceans, birthing, maternal, teaching one another the songs of the seas, protecting, playing, eternal in celebrating each other and living in perfect concert for the life, death, and pure joy of the POD.

    I'm doing alright. Lots of stress with the kids. Only they aren't kids anymore at 26, 28 & 30. They're still my kids, you know? Does anyone else have mother issues like this? Maybe it's the time of the season. Like the recession and the lack of jobs. Maybe that's why I'm so tied up in their lives. I dunno. Sure could use a support group for mothering adults that aren't finished growing up.

    Way to go Isabella with the truck and trailer and critters. That's so awesome. I would so have them if I had the room and the money for their care and good habitat. I'm just thankful right now that I have enough for our own care and habitat.

    We do love our back yard. For the suburb in the city where we live, we have a big yard but by farm standards it's dinky. There's 100 ft from the back door to the fence and it's wide enough to keep us busy. We built a large deck shortly after we moved in and we all love it. There's room for lots of family gatherings. It's nice because the house is not that big. We always watch the weather closely when we have a gettogether planned because we usually use the outdoors. It's funny too because we try not to use chemicals to keep the bugs away, we use other critters like frogs and lizards and the frogs get so used to us that they will jump and land on, say, my head in an effort to get to the other side. Now, my sister doesn't care for small crawly or sticky critters and practically has a heart attack if one startles her. She calls the yard a wildlife refuge. But she loves to set off fireworks here on july 4th and new years eve.

    Feels good to write. Love you all.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    Connie-im with ya with not only the grown kids but now the adult grand kids.out of work,less hours,no coverage etc. we need a thread to vent that stuff.It kept me tossin and turnin all night last night.Does that ever stop?

    Yes Chevy i want everything yesterday...I told you I was born in the mom used to say to me you were born in a hurry and never stopped sista ya got SNOW.poor you.

    the tape finally fell of under my arm and im doin a lot better.i think i scrubbed it off this morning in the shower.

    sending warm huggggggggggs to all.God bless


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Connie, I was just going to POKE you to try to figure out where you have been and wha"d up?? Glad you checked in-finally!! And Isabella, you just have to post a picture of this ram that you bought. It sounds like a children's book could be written about this little guy and the stories he has to tell. Yeah, wait until you turn your back on him for two seconds. Lisa, gorgeous pix-just awesome. And K, I have to go with Barb-the real truth is that we are too freaking old. How did I ever survive the 70's?? And OK, I have to post my gorgeous day on the beach, including a visit from the wild horses!! We were up near Corolla today!!



     Doggone Days of Fall! Another day in Paradise!!

    Yup, a brag but wanted to add some eye candy for all. I am determined to buy a new camera this week to compete with Lisa's photos!! And I still cannot get the photo posting thing down to make a good display and it is driving me nuts. Love, Blessings and healing to all, especially those grieving such terrible loss (((((Claude))))! xxoo, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Connie, I was just going to POKE you to try to figure out where you have been and wha"d up?? Glad you checked in-finally!! And Isabella, you just have to post a picture of this ram that you bought. It sounds like a children's book could be written about this little guy and the stories he has to tell. Yeah, wait until you turn your back on him for two seconds. Lisa, gorgeous pix-just awesome. And K, I have to go with Barb-the real truth is that we are too freaking old. How did I ever survive the 70's?? And OK, I have to post my gorgeous day on the beach, including a visit from the wild horses!! We were up near Corolla today!!



     Doggone Days of Fall! Another day in Paradise!!

    Yup, a brag but wanted to add some eye candy for all. I am determined to buy a new camera this week to compete with Lisa's photos!! And I still cannot get the photo posting thing down to make a good display and it is driving me nuts. Love, Blessings and healing to all, especially those grieving such terrible loss (((((Claude))))! xxoo, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    OMG, I am trying to post pix of my day and.....errrgh! I lost two posts! OK I need a break to watch big cats that eat people....that new show..."Fatal Attractions" I need more drama in my life. And GD, I am with Barb, we are just getting too freaking old. (((((Claud)))) tears! Just so sorry!! BE back soon to try this again with pictures-I canot outdo Lisa! XXOO, SV 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    redsoxfan, so glad you are able to use one of my pix as  a screensaver, how cool is that?

    SV, I have been having trouble posting photos as well, I switched to Internet Explorer for that and when I opened the box after I put in the image url, I had to click on

    alignment as well. I put in top...good luck

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    here are all my little friends on the beach

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    OMG, those little guys are so darned cute Lisa!! And Barb, yeah the PTSD, like I don't have enough to worry about to keep me awake at night. Actually, I have had it most of my life...diagnosed when I got sober and it reignited with the whole cancer thing-I think that is why I hate pink month so much-I literally cringe at seeing that pink ribbon on TV. And Isabella, you have to post a photo of your new ram. He sounds like a cartoon character and he probably has stories to match. Don't turn your back for a minute though!! We had a beautiful October day on the beach-like 70 degrees and bluebird skies. Just awesome but I am determined to get a new camera to try to match Lisa's gorgeous stuff.

     Me and the boys out for a Dog Gone good day!! Wish you all were here!! I am terrified as I am set to go get my stomach scoped on Tuesday. I have to have MacAnesthesia to have it done bec I just freak otherwise. Really scared because I am having wicked pain in one area and I have been throwing up blood-like a bleeding ulcer or something. So my docs are freaking out given the cancer issue. I am really glad that three very close friends are taking me on Tuesday. I have already cancelled about five times but docs called me and say it has to be done ASAP-errgh!! Getting old just blows. Tomorrow we are going to try to see the movie "Secretariat." Lord, I had that horse posted all over my walls as a kid. I am going brain dead right now-way too tired. So hugs and sweet dreams to all, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Lisa --- as always beautiful pics -- fantastic dogs SV.  Hmm, kids.  Well, of course,mine are grown....son is 40 and daughter 38.  When hubby and I retired we called a family meet and the major topic was that while we might be able on a very limited basis to give some help they were going to be expected to do just as we had done --- figure out how to deal with life as if we were not there to lean on.  Not because we did not love them enough to help --- we ourselves had to learn how to love them enough to not help.  What if something had happened to us and we both were unable to be there for them --- this would not work for everyone but it has and did work for us.  Our kids have both privately told us that it was one of the best gifts we had ever given them but believe me --- none of us were thinking of it like that when we did it.  We endured some rough feelings all around -- but we made it.  Hope things go good for you Connie.  Your back yard sounds beautiful.  I'm all for wild and natural.  We have a big custom built deck on our house.  It is even with the kitchen door so ( way too intensely hot this summer ) we usually eat many of our meals on the deck when the weather permits.  Just the two of us here --- 2 acres of ground.  A bit much but it came with just as the deck did.  I really fell in love with this house almost exclusively for the woodsy ambiance along with deck off the kitchen and a huge screen room on the front.  Only three houses on the lane.....quite secluded and private --- yet we are only two miles from town.  One of the things I love so much.  See you all later.  Happy day to all and hope you are all staying well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Hi there. I lost my post last night, because I was in a bit of a state.....wasn't quite sure what I was doing, so pressed a wrong button.

    I was savaged by MILs dog....the ***** thing gave me a real pasting.

    DH was having  a night out, I knew that. But what I didn't know was that he'd sneaked the ***** dog back into the house while I wasn't looking. At 10pm I always put my own dogs to bed in a night kennel. I got up from the pc as usual, and shouted them up, got down to the kennel. Not looking I opened the door, and out flew the dog from hell, straight for me.I wasn't expecting  to find anything in the kennel, so was very startled when the dog flew out at 90mph. straight for my legs. My dogs flew every which way, panicking like me, some flew back into the kitchen, one or two went out into the garden. It could have been a burglar crouching waiting for me, but I soon saw it wasn't. The ***** dog grabbed me on my leg, sinking its teeth into my calf, then it had a go at my ankle, and ripped my trackie bottoms. There was blood and ripped fabric all over. I had not one thing to defend myself with, not even a dog lead around when I needed it ! I put my hand down to try and flap it away, silly thing to grabbed my wrist, sinking its teeth in there, and swinging on my sweater. This was my 'lympoedema' arm ....well, no lympoedema, but the arm to avoid getting injured incase of lympoedema ! I think I was about 5 mins trying to kick and pull the damned thing off me. I did manage to move close to the outside door, and got hold of a big broom which was propped up outside. I didn't half give the damned dog a slap with the broom, it took me another minute or so to get away from it, and kick it outside. The rest of my dogs were collected up and put to bed. Two of them are 14 and 15, and the older one was traumatised, just stood like a statue wondering what had hit us. Luckily none of my dogs were bitten at all, they just scattered, but I couldn't move so quick, worried about being pulled over and breaking a leg or my hip mainly.

    I was straight on the 'phone to DH and told him to get up here quick. He was as mad as hell, having been pulled out of the pub to sort out his mothers dog, never really bothered about the state of me stood there, blood dripping from my ankle, leg and arm, and ripped clothing. He just said ' why didn't you defend yourself '  What with ?? I wasn't expecting a crazy animal to jump out on me, so wasn't carrying a hammer at the time !! I wish I had been tho'. This is the first time I have ever been on the recieving end of a dog attack. In all my years of caring for other peoples dogs I haven't come across more than the odd growl. But it was the 5th time this dog had tried it with me. DH didn't believe me when I'd complained before, he said after the last complaint 'HOW do I know thats what happened' !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total disbelief from him, but both of his sisters had said they didn't want the care of it because it bites....he didn't believe them either.

    Well, now its completely banned from my home. He has been told never to bring it up here with him again, if he's coming up to work. He is complaining now that it will make a real mess for him to clear up, if its left alone while he's out. There are other kennels in this area, he can take it there, and see how long anyone else will put up with it. I have had it about 6-7 weeks now...and its been on sufferance the last two weeks because of its behavior. It could have been a small child, like my 2 yr old G/daughter that had been attacked, and she might have been killed such was the ferocity of the attack. She has no fear of my dogs, and always runs up to play with them, as soon as she walks in. 

    I am like a jelly today heart thumping, hands shaking and weepy...I just am in total disbelief that a dog has done this to me. My leg and ankle are well swollen, and my wrist has a bruise about 5"x 4" with 6 deepish puncture marks on the bruise. I am running without a tetanus jab, because I hate jabs, my DD came this morning and played war with me for not going to hospital last night and getting one. She went out to see DH this morning, and I could hear her shouting at him, she says he doesn't believe that his mothers dog was capable of doing this....calling me a liar in other words. Does he think I bent down and grabbed my own ankle and bit it ?? Chance would be a fine thing !!!! Must have been about 60 years since I could reach and suck my toes.

    I am just not functioning properly today. I think I am more upset at being disbelieved by DH than anything else. It has got around to 4pm here, and all I have done is have some breakfast, I can't be bothered to do anything else. I just need to stop shaking and organise myself again.

    My G/son said to me this morning 'you shouldn't have to have this happen to you AT YOU AGE' I managed to raise a grin and tell him off !!! But how do we all look to the youngsters ?? My own Grandad was only 64 when he died, but to me, when I was about 9/10  he was a very very old man.

    SV I wish I was on your beach right now, it looks so peaceful. Just an hour rolling around in the sand would do me !! Well I suppose I'd better go and sort out some tea for myself and feed my puppies....always something to do here. It is going to take me a long time now feeling safe when I walk into the kennels on a night now, and its all quiet and dark. I just keep thinking it could have been a burglar laying in wait for me so he could overpower me and get into the house.

    I don't want a big dog in the house, but I'm thinking that way now. I shall feel safer now I am up here on my own. I have 2 Rottweilers, boys, about 4. They sort of patrol the place on a night. I really wouldn't want to meet them on a dark night, but I don't want them inside the house. They have never given me cause for concern, I have brought them up from being 7 weeks, but with a dog like a Rottweiller you never really know, so I watch my back around them,  but I don't always let them out because I forget !! I shall just have to start and remember now....let them start and earn their keep.

    I'm off now to have a root in the freezer for my tea.
