Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Hey Barb, you up? oh man, it is a perfect night for sleeping and here i am-wide awake. I did give it a shot and got into my nice cozy bed, closed me eyes, but my head is buzzing about....arrgh! And yeah, LC, I may repost the Yeti pix with the 'skeletal hand' cropped out of it. That is what is really so freaky to me. It makes the picture too humanlike. I guess i am just having a lot of boo-hoo's in my head, like I am so old, fat and out of shape, Will I ever get to do anything like that again?? Guys 62 year old have climbed Everest-maybe God had me do it when I was young because he knew what was coming in my life! Well, I suppose there is always safari in Africa. I have always been so personally driven and competative wiith myself. Oh well, I am off to munch on a bagel. Isabella, are you recovering from the mauling by that lunatic dog? I wish you'd go get checked out!! Truly, I'd sue the family for any amount of $$$ or pounds in your case, if I knew they had any money. Lordy, I love animals, but that dog would be put down. OK, Off to try again. Oh good news to share-my hair has grown long enough to rub my neck AND i can make tiny pony tails all over my head-i think i have too much time on my hands-teehee. Sweet dreams, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Isabella I second (and third) everyones's advice to go get a tetanus shot. That arm or ankle could easily get infected and Lord knows you don't need that.

    SV I have been sleeping much better. The shrink has me doing self hypnosis relaxation exercises when I get in bed and that is really helping. When I wake up after 3 hours, I do them again and it works most of the time. DO NOT SKIP THE DR ON TUESDAY!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

     Good morning, foggy in S. Cal..

    we are supposed to pick someone up from the airport, right!

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Lisa,  Those are the hydrangea are mostly over....the ones that still have blooms are brown from lack of water.  I am losing my mind over this dog.....but I just couldn't see leaving her in Ports to wander the streets. The only place so far that has said they will take her is the SPCA...but I really don't know if that is any better option than the pound.  She's a sweet dog, but needy and I am not even here most of the time and Tim just sort of lets our two take care of themselves.  They seldom if ever get a walk. Last night ours got into a fight and I went stomping down the steps and shouted Just what the H is going on down here? and hubby was just sitting there in front of the tv with his headphones on.  She is going to the vet this afternoon so we will know if this is mange on her back or from flea bites....Tim wonders the reason we need to know and I said well for one thing, so we will know if our dogs are going to pick up something.  Grrrrr.  See, it is petty things like this that keep my mind so full of stuff that I really don't have time to think about things that should be bothering me, like my liver progression and why my stomach is all bloaty.  But I did communicate with KonaKat because I knew she would be able to tell me about my liver and she said it is all related and gave me a name for it.  I am never going to see the PA again who just blames everything on my age....says things like well, you are getting older, you know....our bodies do change shape as we age.....I am well aware of that, but this deal going on with my midsection is NOT normal.  However, KK gave me a name for it and now I feel much better because I hate thinking I am imagining changes in my body and want to know what is going on even if it is bad.  My onco listens to me, but doesn't always comment and he is checking into ablation for my liver.  I feel good so am not going to panic and in the meantime have to worry about petty stuff.  Anyone want a dog? 

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Lisa......beautiful hydraengas......I do think they are my favorite flower....I planted a new kind in my front court this yr with beautiful purple floweres.......sure hope it lasts over the winter.......SV....I am also  just obsessed with Everest......have read any book I can on it and can't even imagine how anyone can accomplish such a feat.....When my hubby and I were 55 our kids got us to hike on the high-line trail in Glacier (17 miles straight up and down).It was a very hot day and I didn't bring enough water along so got terribly sick from hydration.....I thought I was dying.....Jackie....much like you I feel like everything in our life is for a reason.....when I was diagnosed with bc instead of asking why me? I tried to find out what I was being taught by the whole experience....I did learn alot about myself that I never knew and it is a life changing experience which I am sure all of you would agree....Some things that I thought were so important in life I found our didn't matter at all and I really tuned into all the things in life that are really important.....enough ranting.....If I forgot to welcome any of you newbies on yo all   Claudia

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Am posting back to back as I forgot to tell SV to be sure and go in tomorrow.....will be thinking and praying for son just was scoped last week and had same symptoms.....he has an ulcer so that could be it....Will be anxious to read your post tomorrow...LOts of love....Claude

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2010

    Lisa--love the Hydraengaes.  The color is spectacular.  Ours are usually either blue or purple, but still really pretty. 

    Marybe -- what kind of a dog is it?  I've been wanting a dog for a long time, but we are in Oregon and my husband is totally happy with the cats we have and doesn't want to add a dog.  I've suggested every type of dog under the sun, but he loves his cats and that's enough for him.  Of course, I'm the one who is retired and at home all the time, so one day I'll find the right dog, bring it home, and he'll have to deal with it.  He loves animals so I'm not too worried.

    SV -- hope you are able to find out the reason for your reflux/vomiting -- I will be thinking good thoughts for you and hoping whatever is wrong is easily fixed so you can feel better soon. 

    I'm having my implant removed on the 26th.  This is my second go around with capsular contracture and I'm sick of the whole thing and planning to wear a prosthetic (just one side) after I heal up.  The other option was to have either a lat flap or a tram flap and those are big operations with long recovery periods -- no thanks.  My husband has really encouraged me to have the implant removed and being done with surgeries.  I'm lucky that he is supportive, but it has still been a difficult decision that I'm finally at peace with.

    Well, it is 10am and promising to be a semi-sunny day here in Oregon, so it's time for me to get out of my pajamas and get some things done.  No milk and bread in the house means a trip to the grocery store for sure. 

    Take care, everyone.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    SV good luck wiht the upper endoscopy..mine were not a problem..

    and I had them right after a colonoscopy...didn't have to prep twice...

    they got me from both ends!!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    SV: take care and sending some good healing thoughts out to you.

    BonnieK: hope that your imlant removal surgery goes well.

    Socallisa: you are too cute---got you at both ends.  But your flower photos are a really joy to me and I will be to alot of others on these boards.

    Everyone have a wonderful day.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    hi girls...a little behind on posting.still sore.on and off computer.finally went home to try this alone.its hard still using 1 hand.have to change closets for the cooler weather.should be fun with 1 arm...oh well.


    just know im prayin for you every day.God bless


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    LIsa-LOVE hydrangeas. Claud - I don't drink enough water anyway so I would have been right there with you, sick as a dog. I just don't like it and if I drink more than 24 oz a day, I swell up. Bobby - love your pix as well. It is a veritable wildlife sanctuary up your way!. Bonnie - big (((HUGS))) for you. Prayers all goes well for you! Hi Mandy and anyone else I missed because I have the CRS syndrome.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    CRS means Can't remember squat for those who are acronymically-challenged.

    edited for typing-challenged Barb

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Thanks everyone for the blessings and good thoughts for tomorrow AND, I have to go because three church ladies have lassooed me and my Doc called me and said "get in here". So i am set for 1:30pm-errgh. And Barb, thanks so much for the new English lesson-CRS. Yeah I went to the grocery store today to buy soft foods as I am also getting my throat stretched tomorrow and I couldn't remember a single thing but ice cream and gatorade!! Good Grief! Love you all, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2010

    SV I had my throat know im a wimp right???that is no big deal.JUST GO AND DO IT.know we are with you.hugggggggggs


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Okay, you're goin'.  You don't stand a chance against three church ladies.  Love, Kathy

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2010

    SV, sending you warm wishes for an easy proceedure tomorrow.  Love ya, Darla

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    SV... Just you get on in there tomorrow and have all done. Easy to say, as I am a wimp, and it doesn't take a lot to make me turn tail....but with three church ladies you don't get away easily.

    Have had a quiet 2 days,all of Sunday I never saw a soul, which is just as I like to live. I just spent my time lazing the day away, and getting up once or twice to groom a couple of dogs. I am trying to get thru' them all before winter . This used to mean a bath and teeth cleaned, but now I'm afraid the scissors are cutting the knots away, and nobody gets a bath unles they really need it.

    The dog from hell has gone back to its own home, with DH. He has been in today to try and talk me into letting it come up here while he is supposed to be working, and stay in my kitchen. I got really mad that he could even think of bringing it back here for me to look after thru' the day !! ( apparently it is filthy, and DH does not like clearing up dog poop !! (SV, we have got 2 guns up here, but I could no more shoot a dog than a child....evil as the odd one might be.)

    Went into York today, my favorite place to shop. After the week I have just had I felt I needed clothes !!!!!! I got 2 lovely cashmere sweaters, and something I've never had before, a pair of cashmere trousers. They were lovely and soft and damned expensive, so they better give me some good wear. I kept reading in magazines that everyone was raving about cashmere trousers so they'd better be right. Also got a pair of lime green leather clogs ! 

    DD has just rung me, she has bought another horse, ( making 5) just wouldn't like her feed bill when winter sets in. She and SIL seemed to have settled their differences, but I don't know. I think its an uneasy truce, I keep getting bits of info. from her. Every time we settle down for a coffee, one of the G/children turns up, so I have never been able to get her alone long enough and see just WHAT they have sorted out. I know SIL has put a stop to her going out to night clubs without him...which really is the wrong way to sort her out. As soon as anyone tells her not to do something she goes and does it tenfold. Always was a handful as a youngster, and not much different now. She has alienated herself from SILs side of the family, fallen out with a whole big Irish family. She got on very well with her MIL, and she's even managed to fall out with her as well. They are a family who, when you fall out with one, you end up falling out with the lot of them...whereas I have taken SILs side in all this, as I know what a damed hard worker, and thoroughly nice person he is, and from what I hear from them both I cannot set any blame on him. He had lost one and a half stones in weight with all the upset, and the thought he was going to lose DD, she on the other hand clearly wanted out, and a life alone. I do know SIL is driving DD mad by wanting to do 'everything together' he even goes to the supermarket now with her shopping, and she did tell me this was driving her to distraction. I managed to corner SIL last week when I took my car to the garage, and told him to back off a bit, or she'd be off. He dissolved into tears, I didn't know WHAT to do !!!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2010

    Oh pressed wrong button again !! Luckily I didn't lose my post this time !!!


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Granny,  So good to see you are you feeling.  Glad you have an escort tomorrow SV.  Bonnie.....I had an implant removed and have it in this little plastic jar about the size sherbet or ice cream would come in and it's in the hall linen looks like a jelly fish and I am not sure why I kept it....thinking maybe it would make a good conversation piece? . You asked me what kind of dog..she's a corgi mix...the vet looked at her and said My, she's a nice dog....lots of corgi in her.  She took a pic on her phone to send to some friends of hers who have a corgi and a lot of people are showing an interest in her, but for now she's still with us.  Was treated for fleas today, got the heartworm test and is going to have interceptor put on in a few days, but too soon now after the flea bath.    Cashmere pants sound very lush, my dear, deserve only the best....nothing like soft and warm combo.   How are you healing?  Where are you in relationship to Manchester? 

    I am well acquainted with CRS, uncle told me he suffered from it years ago and now I have it also....must run in the family.

      Good night, ladies.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Morning gals!  Could someone please answer a question for me?  My DD thinks I should insist on a "chest x-ray".....Because, she says, her "friends Mother died of breast cancer that had mets to her bones after a lumpectomy, & that if she had HAD a chest x-ray, they would have found it!" 

    I have asked my Radiologist this question 4 months ago, & she said, "A chest x-ray shows only the skeletal structure in your body, not any tumors".....I have had not only the mammograms, but also MRI's, the cat scans, besides all the "pictures" taken during the Mammo-Site radiation.

    Have any of you HEARD of a "chest x-ray" to detect cancer in the bones?  She is driving me NUTS with this worry of hers!   I would like to give her a reasonably qualified explanation of why I don't need a chest x-ray!   My DD has now become my Mother!  Wink  Maybe I should just tell her I HAD one?  xoxooxoxxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Jeanette, I think lung cancer could be dectected --- but doubtful that bone cancer would show.  More commom to use MRI's I think for something like bone cancer.  I would not rely on a chest X-ray for something like that......and I don't really think a Dr. would "encourage" you to have one for that reason. 

    It is the miss-fortune of all of us to carry the "rock" of canser ( intentionally miss-spelled ) around with us now forever -- but anything is possible -- not all that much is inevitable.  Bless her so for caring -- your daughter, but she should be your daughter and not your Doctor.  She can be in charge of her medical care -- while you are in charge of yours -- each with your respective Dr's. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Chevy,,.a nuclear bone scan looks for mets on bones..they routinely do that here after diagnosis ...other tests too for everything, a simple chest xray is not the answer...

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    Isabella-thank heavens that dog is gone.  I can't believe your dh would ask you to have the hell hound in your kitchen!  I can relate to your thoughts on DD.  I have one that is very similar.  It drives me nuts.  I get calls from SIL whom I feel is in the right, but DD won't listen to a soul.  I can't believe that these people act like such idgits.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    I love the wistful look of this gal

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Oh my Lisa.   That pic is just are a professional at taking photos....I was hoping to see a post from SV but nothing yet....having been wondering how she made out all day....Keep up the photography is very uplifting.....hugs to all

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Eyelashes to die for......and another beauty for the desk-top.  I can change my desk-top now like some change clothes.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Would probably be hard to see the icons though,

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Lisa, so beautiful.  Your photos are incredible!

    Yes, I was hoping to hear from SV too. I've been wondering about her also.

    Hope everybody's had a good day.  Day 6 of rads for me done, 24 to go, but who's counting?


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Has anyone ever had

    esophageal varices banded??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Hey ladies, very late post cause the anesthesia has not worn off. i feel like i was hit be a truck. They took a number of stomach parts for biopsy so no results yet, but my doc says he found nothing that caused him great concern. But he is concerned about the constant pain I have in one spot that feels like it is inside my stomach-so more freaking drugs to to calm the gastro track. He wants to do more testing (colonoscopy) but truly thinks this is severe IBS from pressure and stress of life post cancer, etc. Thanks all for the support, prayers and all. It just means so much to me. AND the drugs are wearing off and things are starting to hurt-errgh-time for bed. Love you all and will write more tomorrow, (((Big hugs)))  SV